Noahs Ark - Beginners Bible

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[Music] [Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by and from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just tolling up and take a look [Applause] it's the story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a long time ago there were many many people on the earth and everyone did whatever they wanted to without love for each other they cared more about themselves than they did about other people God was very sad because everyone had forgotten his way [Music] everyone that is except for Noah and his family Noah and his family worked very hard and they kept all of God's ways in their hearts all right that's enough for today you boys can finish that tomorrow but father we almost had it just a few more minutes God knows how hard you work Japheth my boy and so do I but God also wants us to keep up our strength so that we can do Israel you're right again father you must be the wisest man in the world me oh no I might be the happiest man in the world but the wisest I think not but enough talking we'd better hurry we're having your mother stew tonight Noah and his family had a hard life but they loved each other very much and they always had enough to eat Noah never forgot that it was God who made all of those things possible and thank you God for everything you've given to me in my family thank you for the strength to work hard and for fields that are good for growing and for the food on our table amen amen [Music] what's this it sounds like we have visitors well you must be hungry dear will you please bring me a bit of meat and a bone from the stew I think our friends need something to eat all of God's creatures are important there you go enjoy nothing like a good dinner isn't bad right you're a good man Noah one night after supper everyone kissed Noah goodnight and went to bed but Noah didn't go to bed at his usual time he had a strange feeling sleepy why don't you go to bed are you coming soon I don't feel tired I think I'll go out and look at the stars for a bit Noah went out of his house for some fresh air he had a feeling he couldn't explain he didn't know that God was leading him outside what is this no one God is that you yes Noah it is please listen to the important things I have to say to you Noah people do not love one another as they should so I have decided to wash the earth with a flood and start over this is terrible news don't be afraid Noah I'm telling you this because you are the only man who still has me in his heart I have chosen you and your family to help me start over listen carefully I want you to build a boat Noah and hark [Music] so much to do I've got to get my boys and have them help me wake up I need you to help me with a big project [Music] yes I'm serious a narc a big big arc it's okay go ahead and laugh you'll see this field should be big enough [Music] build-it from fresh sticky world make it 450 feet long 75 feet across and 45 feet high [Music] seeing the plains with Todd [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and inside buildin upper middle and lower deck make an opening all the way around the arm just below the upper deck [Music] and last put a door in the side big enough for the largest antonyms of the earth to walk through [Music] next bringing two of every animal on the earth with you each with a safe place on the earth [Music] Noah and his family worked very hard [Music] [Applause] we have to well my sons where is this old man who says a flood is coming lead me to the crazy fool my father is no fool only a fool would build a big silly boat in the middle of his field now let's take a good look at you really are a crazy old man anyone who would do this you would be wise to listen to what I say God has told me that a terrible flood is coming so much to do so little time father it's fair to warm them Shem warned us about what the flood that's never coming come on let's get out of here let's leave this crazy old man alone thank you for helping us I guess we made ourselves some friends Hey and it looks like we have our first passengers how if I can only figure out how we're going to find all the rest of the animals father look [Music] it's a miracle and it was a miracle God had done something wonderful he brought two of every animal to the ark and they were on their very best behavior even the lion lay down with the Lambs Tigers [Music] zebras whoa God will protect us all well that does it everybody's here what do we do now father we wait for the rain it doesn't look like we'll have to wait long father look suddenly the clouds began to gather and cold winds began to blow [Music] Noah but time has come to take your family in the animals onto the ark soon the rain would stop let's go [Music] Thanks [Music] [Music] everybody on all clear down here ready I'll close the door [Music] don't be afraid my dear [Music] God work for chapter [Music] the rain covered the whole learner even the highest mountain was disappeared under water [Music] except for the animals and people on the ark there was nothing else left during their long trip Noah and his family became very close with the animals they were all good friends [Music] monkeys climb it rabbits run [Music] I have a heart we'll have fantastic [Music] the to the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to to the time [Music] and the whole time Noah watch to see when the rain would stop but it just kept coming down it rained and rained like it would never stop it rained for a month then another week [Music] [Music] then after 40 days and 40 nights the rain stopped Noah was so excited he called a family meeting I've called you all here because I have a surprise for you the rain has stopped what that's wonderful [Music] this is too good to be true but when do we get off well I think it all goes well [Music] the ground should start to peak through in about another Oh [Music] six months or so [Music] everybody was disappointed to hear this news because although they all loved one another they were all pretty tired of being on that arc but they waited patiently many months past [Music] [Applause] [Music] well what did you see Oh what did you see same as always nothing but see we're never going to get off this boat how are we even going to know if the land is dry how are we even gonna know if we're anywhere near land this is hopeless now what kind of talk is that are you the same men who helped me build God's ark hasn't he looked out for us this long of course father is right but can we at least try to find out if there's any dry land this got Noah thinking finally he got an idea he went and got one of the Ravens and brought him to the slit in the ark then he let him go he thought if the Raven found land he might bring something back with him [Music] but when the Raven returned he didn't bring anything with him [Music] so NOAA decided he would try letting a dove go good luck [Music] but the Dove returned with nothing as well [Music] but no one knew god wouldn't abandon them he waited a while longer then one last time he set out the Dove again [Music] this time when the Dove returned it brought something back in its mouth they carried a branch from an olive tree father this is wonderful news we must be very close to dry land yes son if you believe in God he will save us all and you protected [Music] [Music] and sure enough very soon the Ark landed on top of a tall mountain when it was safe to come out God spoke to Noah again Noah you and your family and the animals can come out now the earth is dry go out into the world and have many children and tell them about me and so you will always know that I won't ever flood the world again I'm going to leave a gift in the sky after it rains something to remind you of my promise and so Noah and his family thanked God for all he had done for them and Noah's sons had many many good and strong children who loved God very much [Music] you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 3,837,159
Rating: 4.5317621 out of 5
Keywords: Noah's Ark (Art Subject), The Bible (Religious Text), Religion (TV Genre), noah bible, beginner's bible, the bible, bibel geschichten, bible story, The beginners bible, beginner bible, Bible Story (TV Subject), bible stories, bible children, bible kids story, education, animation, tv, serie, church, god
Id: Ni1Y_ZHG-es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 14 2014
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