Jesus, the son of God - The Beginners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just tolling up and take a look [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the town of Bethany there was a lot of celebrating [Music] [Applause] but not everyone had heard the wonderful miraculous news [Music] excuse me pardon me what's going on haven't you heard a good friend of ours has died really - why is everyone so happy because he has come back to life that's impossible that would would be a miracle I'd sooner believe that my donkey talks who is this man no ordinary man that's for sure his name is Jesus and he's the son of God we don't blame you for not believing us we'd think the same thing if we didn't know Jesus and hadn't seen the miracles ourselves oh excuse me I'm Peter and I'm Andrew come sit with us Andrew introduced Jesus to me I like him the very first time I met him Peter told the traveler that a few days after meeting Jesus they were all invited to a wedding even Jesus's mother Mary was there [Music] halfway through the party the groom saw that the wine was almost gone without wine there wouldn't be anything to drink and the party might end early they have no wine is there anything you can do to help but it's not time to let people know who I am okay do whatever he tells you to do go and fill six empty jars with water then pour the water for all the wedding guests I don't believe it this is the best wine I've ever tasted huh the groom didn't know where the wine came from [Applause] but Andrew and Peter noon [Music] it was Jesus first miracle that could have been some trick don't you think no it definitely wasn't a trick we saw it with our own eyes and that was just the beginning of his miracles like the time we were about to fish Peter explained how Jesus was teaching a large group of people about the kingdom of God hello again please no pushing may I join you of course let's go out into the water Jesus spoke to the crowd onshore for a little while longer then said Peter sail out into deeper water and let's fish but Jesus we fished all night and caught nothing maybe so but now put your nets into the water and see with you catch anything you say Jesus our nets are about to break we're going to need another boat [Music] this is fantastic we have so many fish we're going to sink Peter Andrew it's time to stop fishing now what come with me and I'll teach you how to be fishers of men so Andrew and Peter quit their jobs they stopped fishing so they could be with Jesus and learn from him after that they met James and John who also joined Jesus they became Jesus's closest friends and followed him wherever he went to teach people we were the first of his followers his disciples [Music] this is James and John so the boatload of fish was another miracle I don't know maybe Jesus had a knack for fishing I'm a pretty good fisherman myself you know oh that was just the beginning there were so many other miracles oh this is Phillip and Thomas there was the time Jesus was teaching inside a friend's house James told how the house was packed with people who had come to hear Jesus will never get close enough for him to help our sick friend hmm maybe there's more than one way to get inside [Music] so remember with faith you can do anything what are they doing away go away do you hear no wait don't you see how hard they work to get their sick friend inside the house what's going to happen all of the bad things you have done in your life no longer matter I forgive you of your sins what Jesus can't forgive this man everyone knows that only God can forgive someone who is bad who does he think he is when I say I forgive your sins there's no way of proving that I've really done anything true true but you will see my power if I heal this man's body too time to get up and walk home worried to God this really is his son [Applause] [Music] if Jesus can cure a sick man then it's true that he can forgive sins too [Music] look Jesus has healed me and then the man and his four friends shouted for joy and sang all the way home that sounds like a miracle but maybe the man wasn't really sick and he just tricked Jesus [Music] what's this someone who doesn't believe Jesus miracles he thinks they're just tricks a minute ago you said you were a pretty good fisherman once I caught a camel fish this big but have you ever been able to make a storm go away no one can do that [Music] there was the time when all of us were sailing across a lake I'm tired and need to rest a little while [Music] [Music] is going to sink us grab this rope and pull it tight [Music] please be still [Music] Peter why don't you have more faith there's no reason to be frightened when I am with you it's a miracle even the wind and water oh baby I I don't know what to say I hardly believe my ears if only I could see such miracles with my own eyes [Music] yes I have seen the miracles I've seen them with my eyes I've seen my friend named Jesus turn water into wine seeing is believing believe in what I see when you look within your heart you'll see what I mean I can almost see the miracles right before my eyes he feels the Nets of fishermen turns water into wine he feeds the hungry cures the lame give sight to the blind when my heart miracles come alive I believe in miracles I believe in Jesus because the power of God is with us are not so far apart when you believe in [Music] I can almost say that I can almost toss my doubts Faro yeah [Music] my brother you got there is a man in Israel he's doing wondrous things they say he is the son of God Jesus is his name [Music] because I believe in Jesus I [Music] are not would you be [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] the disciples then told about the day when Jesus was stopped by two blind men Jesus please please heal us do you really think I can make you see again oh yes we've heard all about you you are the true Son of God we know you can make us see again then what you believe can happen will happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] just keep on believing first we could only see darkness now we can see the light of the world oh what a miracle that must have been please don't stop there the disciples that explained the more people learned about Jesus the more they hungered for his teachings like the day in Galilee when he spoke to a crowd of 5,000 people it was a wonderful day almost like a big surprise picnic can't everyone go home now so they can get something to eat but Peter there is so much more I want to tell them Philip where can we buy enough food for all these people it would take eight months of work to pay for all the food for a crowd this size Jesus I found a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fish the boy gladly gave Jesus his food [Music] after blessing the food Jesus gave it to his disciples to hand out it was just a little bit of food but it filled every basket they had and kept filling them and after everyone had eaten they collected the leftovers and found that there was enough to still fill every basket Jesus had performed another miracle but the day wasn't over yet right after the wonderful picnic Jesus sent his disciples back across the lake [Music] [Music] look there what is it a ghost don't be afraid I'm coming to help you Jesus is it alright for me to come out to you come ahead Peter [Music] Oh I can't walk on water help me Jesus help me [Music] why did you doubt me Peter [Music] [Applause] [Music] truly you are the son of God [Music] why did you sink Peter because of that moment I lost my faith I didn't totally believe in Jesus or what he was doing but he showed me how greetings that is oh for such wonderful things to happen Jesus must truly be the Son of God but we haven't told you about one of the greatest miracles of all James told about the time when Jesus heard some very bad news about his friend Lazarus [Music] Lazarus has died sad we're sorry Jesus don't be my friends he's dead but I'm going to bring him back to life when I do it will help you to believe in me they found Lazarus's sister's wedding in front of the burial tomb Jesus I'm sure Lazarus wouldn't have died if you had been there Martha anyone who believes in Me will live again even if he has died do you believe that yes because I believe you are God's Son then take away this stone God may everyone now see that you have sent me to give life Lazarus come out [Music] [Music] Jesus must be the son of God then Peter told the traveler about Jesus's most important most wonderful miracle it happened three days after his own death it was on a Sunday when John and Peter went to where Jesus was buried but he was gone Jesus came back to life he then visited his disciples they first saw him down by the water what are we supposed to do now we should become fishermen again what else can we do sea is completely empty yes we fished all night and we haven't caught a thing hello have you caught any fish not even one try again throw your net over the right side of the boat [Music] Hey look it's Jesus quick let's go to shore you go ahead I can't wait [Music] good morning Peter call to the others let's have fish for breakfast in all Jesus has been here with us for 40 days now telling us about the kingdom of God oh how wonderful I only wish that I Peter there you are I give you my blessings and now it is time for me to return to heaven so I can be with my father now go out into the world and teach everyone you meet about me remember I'll always be with you through the Holy Spirit [Music] we must leave now my friend I and the others are going to Jerusalem to begin our life's work to tell others like yourself about Jesus remember everything that we've told you today and believe in the miracles of Jesus I believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] many many years ago in the Land of Israel who are you please don't be afraid Mary I am the angel Gabriel I've come to bring good news news for me God has chosen you from all the women of the world to be the mother of his son God has chosen me how can this be everything is possible with God you will have a son he will be the son of God and you will call the baby Jesus whatever God wants I will do do you know how the world began how God created it by the end from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree the most wonderful thing happened the baby was born God's little son will call the baby Jesus Mary and Joseph loved their new baby boy very much I must wrap him to keep him warm and comfortable the ox is feeding bugs Jesus can sleep in here and so the baby Jesus lay in a manger surrounded by the warmth of love and the protection of God a new king his common last star [Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by the end from mighty mountains to the raging sea to every every single tree it's just tolling up and take [Music] [Applause] it's a story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] many many years ago in the land of Israel the people were waiting for a very important event they heard the old story that one day God was going to send them a new king a king who would protect them bring them peace and give the people more freedom what is the new king going to come anyway our parents grandparents our great-grandparents promised he would they said he was coming yeah but when even in King Herod's palace people waited faster faster better can get here what was that no talking aloud you will eat only bread and water for the next thirty days no fifty days old stale bread and only four drops of water no make that three drops of water a day what are you looking at then one day in the town of Nazareth a young woman named Mary had a most amazing visitor an angel [Music] who are you please don't be afraid Mary I am the angel Gabriel I've come to bring good news news for me God has chosen you from all the women of the world to be the mother of his son God has chosen me how can this be everything is possible with God you will have a son he will be the son of God and you will call the baby Jesus whatever God wants I will do Mary loved a man named Joseph one night an angel came to Joseph in his dream Joseph God has great and wonderful plans for you and Mary Mary is going to have God's son he will be God's promised King give him the name of Jesus and take good care of Mary and the baby King when he comes [Music] God sent an angel to tell me about the child I love you Mary I love you too Joseph soon after Mary and Joseph were married it was right about at this time that Augustus Caesar the Emperor of the whole Roman Empire wanted to count the people who lived under his ruling only 546 27 there are 692 people from the town of Hebron and 839 from the town of Jericho add it to the list age 29 30 I'm getting tired send servants out to count all the people in my land [Music] everyone was ordered to go to their hometown so they could be counted Joseph had to take Mary to Bethlehem the town where he was from Bethlehem was very far away [Music] excuse me Shepard do you know how far Bethlehem is it's a long trip 70 miles from here don't worry Mary I won't I feel very safe with you Joseph for you see Mary was expecting the new baby to arrive soon thank you Shepard God be with you and with you too by day they traveled many models we're more than halfway there I'm sure we'll be there in no time here Mary it's nice and cold Thanks I'm so thirsty [Music] at night they slept in the open air [Music] the next afternoon they saw a sign Bethlehem was only three miles away we're almost there soon we'll be in a comfortable room at the year there were many travelers in Bethlehem that night where can I get a good meal where's the end where's a good place to stay good evening kind man can you tell us how to get to the end of course why not take the shortcut and just go around this corner then up the steep hill and you'll pass the granary and then you're right then left then to rights then your second left and then let's see right left right left that you're there thank you you're welcome [Music] excuse me do you know where the N is sure it's right at the end of this street it is that's wonderful thank you little girl you're welcome god be with you you too it was closer than we thought [Music] we are here yes quit pushing I'd like a room for my wife and myself so would everyone we have too many people here now my husband keeps saying yes yes yes tonight we'll have to sleep in the kitchen but we've been traveling for days what's going on here they want a room what else I'm sorry we really have no more space at home my wife is very tired we came from very far away yes so have a lot of people and my wife is expecting a baby I'll tell you what I can do we have a stable out and back it's full of animals but at least you'll have a roof over your heads it'll be warmer and safer than sleeping out and they open thank you you're very kind come I'll show you you have some important company I hope you'll be comfortable here it's the best I can do thank you we're very grateful let's try and make the best of it [Music] during that night a most wonderful thing happened the baby was born God's little son will call the baby jeez Mary and Joseph loved their new baby boy very much I must wrap him to keep him warm and comfortable the Ox is feeding buzz Jesus can sleep in here and so the baby Jesus lay in a manger surrounded by the warmth of love and the protection of God who was now ready to let all of heaven spread the news of the baby's birth that night just outside the town of Bethlehem shepherds were watching their sheep how can you let your sheep walk around all night he should be sleeping my sheep that one is yours you make him go to sleep I'm not going to walk way over there you take care of them no you no you look it's no big deal you just have to be nice to him that's all what do you mean just tell them to go to sleep hey sheep got a slate come over here little guy it's time to sleep come here this way greetings oh don't be afraid shepherds I bring good news of great joy tonight a most wondrous thing has happened here in Bethlehem the Son of God was born he is Christ the Lord the king that comes from God his name is Jesus and he is wrapped snugly in a manger a manger you can go see him right now it is the happiest time of the world Wow [Music] a king in a manger right here in Bethlehem I always thought he'd be in a palace let's go into town and see what the Angels talking about let's go into town and see what the Angels talking about I just said that then let's go [Music] this way hey where are you going get back with the other sheep didn't I tell you to go back alright but you'd better behave the angel was right look he's really there hello there what brings you here we came to see the baby sent from God we know about him because an angel came and told us then many angels came and sang about God's glory and peace on earth the angel said he'd be wrapped snugly in lying in a manger just like this it's true what the angel said is true the Son of God the King Mary's heart filled with Wonder as the Shepherd's told their story she knew that her newborn child was the son of God [Music] meanwhile in the far distant lands of the east wise men who study the Stars saw something new in the sky [Music] oh I take your part not at all it was entirely me really I wasn't looking where I was going I was noticing that star so was I what a coincidence I was too I study the Stars so do I so do I I am from the Far East ha ha I am from the Near East I am from the Mideast have you ever been to the farthest East down here you fellows wouldn't by any chance happen to know where that big fat star came from this was just what we were wondering we've never seen that star before it's a completely new star unless unless the stars is a sign from God of course that has to be it the star is a sign from God yes I see no I don't what are you talking about you see it is said that a new and bright star would be seen in the sky when the new king is born really but there it is the new and bright star it's also said that if we follow that star it'll lead us to the new king a new king his comment last the star is a sign that so are you going to follow it absolutely positively certainly [Music] follow that star as long as it takes no matter how far the child the chosen one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go [Music] just like the star [Music] [Music] [Music] go west wise men and bring us the news so the wise men traveled far from the east they kept following the star never taking their eyes off it not knowing where it would lead them [Music] look the star is over Israel we should go to the king's palace in Jerusalem the newborn King must be there [Music] please forgive me your majesty I am so sorry to wake you but the most unusual thing has happened tell me what it is already and it better be good or I'll have you locked up yes of course your majesty it's just that there are wise men visiting from the east yes yes and well they say they have come to see the king so they say they've come to see the newborn King what are they talking about do they think I was born yesterday perhaps they were thinking there was another king another king absurd ridiculous how can there be another king and if there is someone pretending to be a king I want to know where he is he'll be sorry I'll tell you that yes your majesty of course your majesty but what shall I tell the wise men from the east tell them to get lost no on second thought get my advisors and hurry advisers advisors get in here what do you know about this newborn King Oh has he been born has who been born the King I am The King we mean the other one what other one the one you speak of the one I speak of I don't know anything about any King except that everyone else seems to know about him why wasn't I told nobody tells me a thing but we didn't know he was born yet who the newborn King okay if you're so smart just where is this newborn king the old stories say he will be born in Bethlehem the stories say that do they that'll be all send these wise men in at once who told you to stop keep those fans going and the rest of you get back to work Your Majesty I present the wise men from the east King Herod we have come to meet the newborn King and where did you hear of this king we saw the star that God put in the sky a star from God a beautiful star a bright star a sign from God we knew that if we followed the star it would lead us to the new king we want to worship Him this new change is not here he's in Bethlehem I mean I'm not sure I mean maybe you should go find him yes see what I care go try and find him and if you do find him come and tell me where he is I would like to worship the new king [Music] enough of that [Music] when the wise men left the palace they looked into the sky and saw the star once again there it is unto Bethlehem [Music] the wise men followed the star right into Bethlehem up this way come on everyone come see the newborn king and they're right above the manger was the star the wise men knew they had been guided to the right place [Music] we've traveled from distant land to celebrate the newborn King may we come in please [Music] we knew the baby was born because of the stop we followed it all the way here we have brought gifts the wise men gave Jesus gold and sweet-smelling perfume and incense thank you thank you for letting us worship the king we thank God for his great wisdom he has sent us his son praise be to God hooray for the new king praise be to God hooray for the new king the wise men never did go back to King Herod to tell him the good news about baby Jesus everyone rejoiced and thanked God for sending them his son the new king of the world [Music] you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 77,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube-Editor, Christmas - The Born of Jesus, bible, beginner bible, bible stories for children, bible children, the bible, arc noah, beginners bible, the bible story, bible story, bible stories child, preschool bible bible for children, tv bible, Bible, Bibel, Beginners Bible, Children's Bible, series, Jesus, the Son of God, god
Id: VepHZPY6Fuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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