Trying to build the ultimate PEDALBOARD!

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hi I desperately need a new pedal board my old one just isn't cutting it anymore it's been unchanged for over two years and I'm just missing some pedals let's build a new one first so coincidentally I recently got contacted by the Framus and warwick company to try out some of their new line pedal boards called rock board and this is what i'm working with today so for the board i'm using a sync 5.2 which is a pretty big board and i've got a whole bunch of cables and power supply the reason why i'm building this pedal board is that it kind of really move it the reason why i'm building this pedal board is that i got a real good idea of what pedals i really love using playing with the Kemper for over two years made me realize that sometimes I really missed a hands on feeling that real pedals can give you so what pedals am i working with [Music] I'm facing some challenges I want this bill to be compatible with amps with or without an FX loop just to make it as first out as possible so let's put the pedals I want to use on the board and find out if it even fits [Music] so I've been using this chorus pedal for ages and I always convinced myself that it sounded pretty good it does lots of character for sure but actually I hate it and now it's time I'm gonna ditch it I'm not putting it on board and as for the tremolo I don't use it that often but I want to be able to use it so that's why I decided to buy a new pedal it does it all quick unboxing montage [Music] and his company from North Island called Rua I think Ruach sent me this M juice a pedal from wood cherrywood I believe which I'm pretty excited about so this is how I like it to be its first I'm gonna mount at the power supply and I'm using a rope or power pit [Music] okay new plan the power played by Robert doesn't support a 300 million pair which the Strymon mobius in the timeline need so in conjunction with the power bid I'm gonna rock the pedal power for a floor but one big bonus about the power of it is that it can pass the current through so I'm going to use this input then the power gets routed through the power of it and then with Nara cable to this one so I only need one power cable which is a good thing so let's do it [Music] one thing I love about Australian titles is that there are no foot bags so you can just boot on the velcro [Music] I just made the news [Music] so I also got a bunch of dese cables gold one they're really thin it's pretty convenient for places like this everything is pretty cramped up but this fits perfectly [Music] so what's pretty cool about this board is that you can run every cable every power cable or fetch cable underneath the board because there are so many holes it looks very clean [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so I think the pedalboard is close to finished this is what it is it looks pretty clean I'm pretty happy with it so a cool feature about this board is this there are multiple variations but I got this one what I do is as follows if I play with an FX loop I pulled this cable out I put a goes to my amp FX loop in FX loop out so let's find out if it sounds any good [Applause] so now we're looking at my pedalboard in full glory so first I discussed the drive sounds the first pedal in chain the clown KTR in this case just adding a hair of drive to the sound so this is the clean sound [Music] so just to beef it up a little bit [Music] lovely sound okay next up in the chain is the venom generate a very nice pretty transparent overdrive pedal [Music] I love that sound so this is my main overdrive sound so you can turn up the game [Music] it's a real first out pedal this one works really nice as well just as a full over dress though so one great thing to be doing with a board like this is stacking the overdrive pedals so if I turn on the clown and the FEM around so just to fame around like this pretty clean ish the clown alone really clean but together they boost you shut her up they make a real great overdrive sound so that with that sound okay next up the t-rex Mudhoney dialed in has a pretty heavy overdrive a great overdrive sound and last up in the chain the mercury box I'm not too sure about this pedal for my board at the moment because three other drives tend to be enough but I use it all the time for lead sounds mostly a little bit of delay [Music] okay so next up in the chain is the Amex our Super Comp a compression pedal [Music] so compression teleworks love you with like funky parents a little drive that's a little bit more of body through the sound and also that's sustained to your sound when you've got a lead sound without so DM juice to Ruach MgO say use that one as a solo boost right now it's a little bit of high-end to the sound and it brings a level up just tiny bits of course depending on the settings but this is how I use it as a solo boost lovely sound pseudo Mobius I really got it for the chorus sounds the tremolo the rotary but it has one awesome feature the destroyer sound and it sounds like this so it adds a bandpass filter in this case so no low end no highs just the middle it adds a vinyl crack to the sound which you can turn off or turn louder whatever and a very cool feature you can adjust the bid rate and the sample rate to really destroy the sound which is awesome let me just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] out of his world so let's try to add the whammy to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've got a classic deal a dotted 8 pattern to not add a little bit of space to the sound from the Strymon blue sky [Music] [Music] but there's more to the Mobius for example this lovely chorus sound yeah chorus and one I really love a rotary what's hi [Music] so rotary is a Leslie speaker effect with a turning tweeter and if you press a tab button it starts turning faster or slower real good so this is my new board I hope you guys liked it I think it's awesome I think every Federals plays pretty conveniently I can reach everything pretty easily so there's no problems in that super versatile from classic rock to Spacey sound I love the looper on a timeline maybe I will switch the timeline and reverb so I can record the reverb into a looper which is a little bit more fun but anyways we'll see what happens yeah you'll see this board more often I'm sure have a wonderful day thank you for watching Cheers
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 1,052,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pedalboard, build, paul davids, pedals, strymon, timeline, bluesky, mobius, vemuram, klon, klon centaur, klon ktr, volume pedal, whammy, gigrig, pedal show, that pedal show, overdrive, chain, rockboard, effects loop, fx loop, ultimate pedalboard, best pedal, guitar, effects, soundscape, delay, reverb, distortion, jan ray, comparison, building
Id: ctpP6zIX4Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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