Paul Gilbert's Guitar "Travel Rig" Tour

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Mojo Hand used to come out with such cool stuff. They haven't had an update since their 1979 fuzz that, frankly, sounds like it is broken. Their crosstown fuzz is sweet though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Crap4Soul 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

He is excellent.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Viking_Warhammer 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes going on don't just check in the cabinet ladies and gentlemen I am here with Paul Gilbert now he's doing something that a lot of players have his standard and capabilities have to do now they called fly gigs one offs when you have to go somewhere armed with the guitar and maybe some pedals and then rely on a higher company or our case Sweetwater to provide you with an amplifier to do your gig so they call them someone call it throw and go this is not throwing go this is a fly gig so Paul needs to come here comfortable that he can have his rig his tone ready to rock so he's gonna run it through his fly rig and if you see this thing behind me this is not a coffin this is actually his flight case that he puts a guitar and this pedal board and this is his rig so he asked us for two things well some four things actually food coffee water five things a marshal four by twelve Raglan 1960 a loaded with 75 watt Celestine's and a jtm 45 marshall head which is set surprisingly clean as you hear in a minute now the rest is Paul his guitar and his pedal so I'm gonna let the man run you through his fly rig and why it works so mr. Gilbert over to you my friend all right my pedal board is covered with velcro which is very important so I can switch things out at will and experiment and just tweak away which is fun today I think I've got a pretty good tweak going on I like this set of pedals I'm gonna let you hear it first with everything off so you can just hear the guitar and amp and that's pretty clean very clean and let's start adding stuff in the most important pedal that I've got on all the time because I'm a rock player so like they have some distortion is my TC electronic mojo mojo already you know it's a little more compressed but it still got a nice tone and you know if I want to I think my ultimate sound check riff is probably stone cold fever by humble pie [Music] that sounds good I'm all set now the next thing is is depending on the room I'm playing in sometimes you play in a wet room that's got a lot of natural reverb sometimes it's really drives it it's pretty dry which I like actually and I've got not one but two pedals that are gonna help me have it not be so dry I got this idea from looking at Erik Jones this pedal board cuz he had more than one delay so I've got an alter ego cheesy electronic a little bit of delay on there already it sort of takes the fear away a little bit my endings have a tail now but it's subtle enough where unless I point it out like I did now you might not even notice it the next thing is I have a panga spring reverb pedal I don't think there's a spring in there it just sounds like a spring reverb by Catalan bread that's now these two are the last things in the pedal board because it's nice to have these post Distortion they send us um both delays and reverbs to sent them to sound better when they're after the distortion so now I've just got a nice smooth tail alright so there's my basic tone now let's actually let's go through the other distortion pedals I've got because those are kind of important now with this amount of distortion to me I'm comfortable playing rhythm with this sound maybe if I wanted to do a solo where I can stop what do I mean by that I mean it's even if I'm really loud this is a small enough amount of distortion where I could actually stop and not turn down the volume I could leave it up and it's not gonna howl and hiss and feedback it's controllable which really is sort of ticks the fear away a little bit and I can do licks like [Music] and I can put those stops in there it's still my habit to turn the volume down from years of playing too loud Andrew distorted but that's my basic Tom now if I I still like to have too loud too distorted so that's why I have two more overdrive pedals or distortion pedals I even don't even know the difference the first was an AC booster by exotic effects now you may not even be able to tell the difference that much from listening but boy I can tell the difference the way it feels the way the instrument feels I'm a little less likely to put stops in because especially at a higher volume it's gonna be a little noisier that's alright you know with rock you don't always need to stop you can just keep going and the AC booster has the treble and bass control on it I tend to keep this for the more a little more metal if I wanted something that's that's tight and muted I would tend to use the AC booster and again this is all beef pedals that are before the mojo mojo so they're pushing the front end of the mojo mojo a little more teeth you can hear it a little bit I can feel it a lot the next one is the super o drive especially in the low strings do you hear how it's it's got that spongy [Music] I can't play that without making a face that just sounds so good [Music] the attack of this one it's not as tight it's a little bit more it's a little wider and in the same way that you know if you've got you know the AC booster is like putting skinny people in the backseat of a car you can fit more of them the super drive is like putting some big people in the back of your car and maybe not as many can fit you gonna play a little slower but you know either big especially you get down to that low end and just the attack on that that's very 1972 somehow which I really like so those are my distortion pedals now we've got three more I don't know if they're time-based effects what these are but one is the two gotta have the mxr phase 90 there's a variety of those and I like the one with the LED and the script logo it looks cool and sounds good and you know the it's just van Halen one in a box you know every go figure [Applause] all right my slide fell off so that that's so much of Van Halen one which was you know an astounding record and a huge influence on me has that sound on this on the guitar solos and it's just nice to have it and it gives the little is here at let's see if you put if you without it like a really subtle automatic wah-wah but it's got its own character and to me it's good that it's automatic cuz I'm a fairly clumsy wah-wah player so with this I don't have to worry I just put it on and it does it for me for tremolo picking because tremolo picking is all the same you know you're playing that the note with the same dynamic it sort of has this real subtle shift to it a phase shift of course that's what it is but it it really makes tremolo picking come alive and it's one of those boxes and when I step on it I feel like everything just got a little easier to play so I like that one another one is I'm a huge robin trower fan so I'm also always searching for the ultimate kind of roto vibe deja whatever and this one is a new pedal I just bought a couple days ago it's a Villanova or a via Nova if I use the pretty quick pronounciation on the shirt by mojo hand and I've got it set pretty subtle it's got a mix knob on it so I can really dial it back to just be real subtle [Music] but you know I've even though I moved to Portland and pot is legal I have never tried pot in my life I don't need to because I've got this [Music] play a little better so I will take another [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's the petal on again it goes a lot more crazy if you wanted to but I find that because a lot of times I you know I start sobering up and I want to go a little quicker I don't want the effect to cloud my speedier stuff so that's why I said it you know if I can still you know shred a little bit still comes through nice and clear or if the last one is an experiment it's a Jimi Hendrix wah-wah pedal by crybaby and it's the little teeny one it's the mini and I've got a giant foot so in theory this is a this is going to be dangerous but the more I play it the more it sounds really good I you know how can you go wrong with a Hendrix wah-wah and let's see if I can get it going with a in time if I do like the old Robin Trower and that's really pretty good it was really killed tonight I'm gonna try this for the first time standing up and we'll see if we'll see how it flies but it certainly flies well when I go on the airplane because it's small and it fits in the case and the mini like that so I've got high hopes well the question I should ask you the amp is set it to be very pedal friendly obviously this guitar is very pedal friendly - what are the pickups these are such nice pickups they are actually my own brand new signature pick up from DiMarzio the pg13 mini humbucker this one wound you know specifically for the the bridge position this one wanted for the neck we're actually working on a middle one now for next year but they just always sound good it's nice when you have a piece of gear that just works right away no tweaking you just put it on you're just going all's you know I don't have to I can play now you know and and that these pickups are like that I've had a lot of different pickups in the fireman over the years I've been soon you know hum cancelling single coils a variety of humbuckers and I just find myself picking up this guitar more than anything else the other thing that we have talked about is drills you're famous for drills but this will this will not pass the test it's nothing to do with the brand or the color it's - do you have custom drills now correct i well the as with guitar gear you know vintage is often of the sought-after thing and I began with a Makita drill back in the 80s and it was it was big and it did something that the drills at that time did which the new drills did not do and I had to have this this Makita custom made in order to wind down when you let go of the trigger it goes and it winds down now let me see that one you know the other brand not the same it's not the same unit doesn't have the wine down there we go and then you put your three or four picks I've in the 80s I use three picks new technology and now have four X on the end of the drill they spin around it's important to have it in forward so they can see when you look at it they're going clockwise and you have to battle the noise at the end of the drill engine a little bit but you can get notes out of it you know it's it's ridiculous but it always makes people smile and clap and there's nothing wrong with that but that's one of the thing I've got to ask you is what's going on this is my new invention you know that I mean nobody wants to hear me play the blues but that's because I haven't practice enough and that's because the slide even if you've got one where is it it's in the drawer somewhere and so I thought you know there actually it all came from the fact that I had this little stud finder magnet and my my little my son was playing with what's more fun to play with magnets so he had it me and he happened to have a slide and they stuck together really well and I thought waiter if you put powerful magnets under the pickguard just you know I had my guitar tech rout out a little place in there he took two zip ties and and taped them on with a piece of gaffer tape so it has a little seat and you know it won't come off and it's right there so you can do a really quick you just got to have the you know you gotta use the pick scratch is the way to you know it's a Philips a little vase but and I should mention that my 0.50 millimeter tour Tex pics are the ultimate for pick scratches because a lot of people that play you know it's kind of shred guitar they use really thick picks right you can't get a good pick scratch from a thick pick what makes you had the reason why so they get into the groove oh right yes they really dig in yeah they really they really dig in over the top yeah digs into the yeah in between the wrappers and I I got a check to make sure but I'm pretty sure the very first sound that you hear interruption a little is a big scratch you know the most life-changing piece of guitar and it opens with a pick scratch so it's got to be important last thing that you ask you string gauges all right I follow the other BB King philosophy of why make life difficult on yourself and so I've got depending on top of the state of my calluses right and I just got back from Hawaii so my calluses are in horrible shape right now I've got eight 8/2 38 because the test to me is the BB band you know if you're good first finger whole step that's a painful Bend and I don't want to fear that Bend now I want to I wanna be able to go forward without fear and so with eight I can get that and of course just endless room and if I had 9s on here would sound a little better if I had tens place and even better still then you'd feel it but but then I would fear the band that I'd be doing and what brand the strings by the way these are Ernie Ball cool and actually there are PS which is it has the extra reinforcement thing because I don't I don't often use a whammy right and so it's it's nice to have that that's thing they make some new super duper string that they give to the people so there you have it regardless of the left will lettuce before they're all good cool thank you so much thank you Nick
Channel: Sweetwater
Views: 441,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sweetwater, Sweetwater Sound, pedalboard, paul gilbert, interview, demo, electric guitar, how to set up pedalboard, paul gilbert rig, paul gilbert pedalboard, paul gilbert rig rundown, paul gilbert gear, paul gilbert pedal, paul gilbert fly rig, paul gilbert 2018, rig rundown, paul gilbert sweetwater, pedal board, fly rig, paul gilbert lesson, guitar, guitar rig, mojo mojo pedal, guitar pedals, mojomojo, paul gilbert interview, guitar gear, rig rundown paul gilbert
Id: rMevX0WBiWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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