Rabea Massaad New Pedalboard Build – That Pedal Show

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[Applause] hey guys welcome to that pedo show down here Mickey here hello hello friends well this is weird we're in today whatever of Korona locked down I think some of us are starting to go a little bit stir-crazy thankfully that's the only problems that we have so far so should be thankful for that this was the last video we film before we kind of shut up shop I think Ribeira arrived with us on a Monday they started saying on the Sunday that we should think about I'll travel a bit more but everything was still open then so we thought no we'll go ahead and it's amazing how quickly it's escalated since then so you know just for the record we did film this before people were advised not to travel and what asked not to travel outside their home so we were still inside that just in case anyone's worried about that but it was very much on our minds and we would certainly satisfy not happen the evening going well this is this is actually happening but make the videos we did it's a great video Ribeira plays amazingly well there's some great laughs in it so I hope it's something to take your mind off it for an hour or so and think forward to when we are back to something approaching relatively normal ok stay well be well I hope you're all managing to fill your time ok and in the meantime enjoy ribeirão board build right we're building a pedal board today and we have the brand new Schmidt right 750 s a 750 XDM massive thing 750 millimeters who would do such a thing about for me yeah I don't know um progressive guys I think the use of you know loads and loads of pedals where beer would use an SI 750 I'll get McCall yeah hey man do it not too bad mate how are you I'm all right thank you yeah yeah what could if you do you want to do a pedal board build yeah let's do it okay four beers here doing a boiled this is going to be fun what great man haven't seen you since Japan we thought we found this out earlier this seems crazy it's 18 months ago 18 months ago was it was in September wasn't it yeah great time but I've missed you see ya mr. Taylor likewise we're talking about you we honk you nearly every other week on the show well that's very kind I like to be honked so I had a hand in your old board what's gonna be different this time well you say you had a hand in it you literally I haven't changed it since you did it I didn't like the programming on it I haven't touched because I'm like this works for me and I've written so many songs around the way you program Wow I think the functionality of the way you've done it so like it has to stay the same in that sense rather than just chopping and changing a few different pedals okay to loop in rather than that it's pretty much the same as it was okay so still using the strike vector nice so all the reverb delay modulation and then g2 is obviously switching everything and then it's mainly fuzzies that's about it like just mainly fuzz after that so your apps you've got your Krakens and they said there's been a sort of re jig yeah yeah it's now MIDI switchable oh yes right I should step in here and say I think we've got the Krakens I'm 98% sure we've got the Krakens okay okay that's good that's exciting I haven't actually opened the boxes yet so ante so it's milli switchable yes the VX 100 is yet MIDI channel switching master switching effects upon an off boost all that stuff awesome which is kind of what I was hoping to achieve with the new board was there the whole thing because up until that point had just been a footswitch cable ringing tip yeah but now I need more yeah sure okay well let's I have it with his new board it's not like much bit rate border whoa Wow nice suit oh wow oh my god it's a white lace like I thought it'd be like just much smaller in loads of pattern but now isn't it like they say how many pedal nodes does it take this [Music] hey Beck five okay all right I'm excited hey yes oh wow the first thing I want to say is that it smells amazing do you wanna know where the XDM stands for extra deep man okay it's huge it is massive hey buzzy so I'm what God never look in there I think it's daylight all right so let's start gettin things laid out okay I want to point this out to YouTube though that my entire pedal board is in this bag so that I'm pretty proud of it's okay it's alright yeah yeah yeah [Music] as it currently works when you'd set up originally you know like every time I switch preset these will change to what I need them to do yeah so on and so forth so I didn't really necessarily think they needed to be accessible sure where is this maybe more so because I wanted to use it with an expression pedal to have some cool tape and speed up stuff and then I suppose yeah other than that it was any pedals just quick adjust stuff [Music] let's use this as a working layout for now mm-hmm and then we look at doing power and the audio and MIDI and this is gonna be awesome it certainly is it already looks amazing it's like a Google server farm but in the world of guitar tone [Music] [Music] okay we've got the layout done and I must say is looking spectacular so under the hood we've got is this germanium fuzz from Buffalo effects that's a secret weapon of yours is certainly not secret anymore No thank you very much now we've got the supersonic damage' mania and the mimic under here that you use in Tosca but nothing else is that right literally just for live stereo doubling effects okay what groovy we have two tuner on tap this is for the bank selection mm-hmm you're using the mission expressive pills got to show this one because this one has an LED base plates like wait is that it glows very cool so you're going to have this expression pedal mm-hmm hooked up to the Volante yeah and this expression pedal we're doing both of these yeah awesome okay so the light is done what I'm gonna do now is lad the power and get all that going and then we do audio so to the power [Music] okay it is what is it this six o'clock well so I'm going to wrap up now and but we have basically I am I'd say about 15 to 20 minutes away from finishing the power about 15 minutes 15 down that's about our cool okay beer yes via various okay start a day to starting the audio definitely have some challenges today not the least of rich glasses wine last night feeling a little bit precious [Music] because of such a big board the audio runs gonna use quite a lot of cable so I've got to sort of think carefully about this so one thing would be it has asked is that I reuse as many of his old patch cables as I can now normally with a board like this I would make every cable from scratch you know all this patch covers work fine so there's no point being wasteful with these no let's let's use as many of these as we can [Music] okay all the connections are done there's obviously a lot of tidying up to do but you know I want to get it plugged in and get some noise happening get the MIDI things working and yes try it with a reason you ever [Music] [Music] I kind of feel that that would that music could play me to sleep but I'd have nightmares ha ha ha what an epic epic sound yeah that's one of the most epic ones on the on the board right so shall we go through some some of your core sounds then ok yeah that was one of them yeah what I call that that's the Illuma patch for the one sock literally is just because of the rhythm of the delay sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that pretty much gives you the rhythm that the whole song tempo is based off right and that's why I have that one but it's also really fun just because just tons of everything tons of mood and ambience I guess I'll start from one then yep so it's gonna be loud [Music] so it's that's that's probably the that's my main heavy riffing tone okay I have a question immediately yes I think we're gonna address this in another video but we got asked in vcq this week how do you keep your bottom tight because that was what I was feeling now I was feeling base mm there was a no flab I think there's a combination of the type of pickup because obviously it's a higher output pickup and well this is tailor-made for that for you know heavy permute stuff I think maybe how thick of strings no come I'm not using any extra compression it's just amp tone and I'm not running like ridiculous amounts of gain I am running more than I would normally run on the VX 100 but generally I think yeah cuz I'm more turn up gaining more blow and you get you know when you stepped on one then what happened what did we switch in we literally just turned both amps to gain two right so that's literally yeah my lower game sound is gain one yeah so that all that stuff and then yeah yes it's it's quite tight to be honest maybe it's the thickness of the strings I don't know is really so that's switching the amps by M 1 D 1 yes yeah so you don't use a noise gate either no all I could fret rap for anything not because I'm like I don't need it it's literally just out noise gates make it feel weird to play right even like really really really good ones like the Zul is it this or gate Thornton make which is designed for heavy players to use and I struggle I've tried using that and I struggled with that I've never felt like a desperately need one cuz I quite like all the sound I like all the sound and all that stuff yeah so I haven't bothered really cuz and I guess a noise gate in the heavy world also has a sound of its own yeah like when people do the gent thing okay which is all that kind of like obviously this tons of flurbin like a bit string ring here but that's because I'm using a trims you know that's why that's happening and I'm not I'm not damn I say so you're getting that weird bouncy low-end thing but in terms of the main attack and those notes I was playing maybe it's just down to tightness or something like I personally feel like the tight you are the less you need a gate right yeah depending on what it is specifically you do but that's my view so am i guessing let me guess your gain your basic gain staging is set up on the bottom row yeah and then you've got stuff in stompbox mode to add the pedals as you want them yeah that's literally how it works nice so we heard one what happens so two is that was that a LUMO so the big the big the big blooms and then three years kind of meant to be a like a lesser version of it's not a rhythmic based one but it's more just like a bit less ambient [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one's massive yeah it is so dynamic to react with the way it reacts to the pressure and your right hand it's goes from this clean thing with a bit of zip on the top to this just this wall yeah man yeah that one's but I enjoy using that one mostly for when I'm doing chord progression stuff like that and I want a bit of that ambience there for is basically just a bit of reverb I say just a bit probably for me it's like all the river [Music] basically just a bit of reverb that bridge pickup was got some serious honk on it isn't it yeah and we tried to take as much as we could out right because of low gain stuff like so this is the silo humbucker yeah and I'd always use the wore pick which is much higher output and I was trying to get it to be so when you play pushed clean stuff it's classy in a way but when you dig in so the is will less compressed than before tell what I find really interesting is all the sounds we've heard so for some of the times we've heard so far very wet so you were saying in in your world that's a little bit of reverb but to me it sounds really wet but it doesn't wash away you can still hear the attack of the strings you can still hear the definition notes how do you achieve that um so one thing I've always tried to do is take hyoeun out of my reverb and delay right well because and I'd do it almost as a bad habit nowadays where I will literally go and just dial out the tone of the reverb delay so that the attack of the strings and not the and all the stuff comes from the guitar I'm really what you're just getting from those is that supporting that ambience as opposed to it because yeah it's that's fighting and you get all that top-end in it it gets messy so especially with game yeah you can get away with it a bit more I think well patch 7 is is a good example of that but we'll get there at some point but yeah that one's basically high game with loads of reverb delay right so then 5 pretty sure we turned off what it was meant to be so that's meant to be a bit of reverb with high gain and I meant to have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like that it's just massive yeah thank you all the comments going how on earth you get that to sit in a mix but I guess you're a three-piece with Tosca so I have no antiquity yeah exactly so I try and keep as much low end as well as I can in the sound because Dave's got quite a like low like loam obviously he's a bass player so there's bass but then it's kind of like lots of low low mid and then tons of presence because if his fingers tiny many plays so I try and just sit as this thick wall of sound so you can hear the nuances in his playing - so six is meant to be basically pad my ultimate ambient pad so like [Music] [Music] I'm having to stop myself because I'll just keep playing that's the kind of sound I will just play for hours that's achingly beautiful yeah it really is an aching particularly this is spinal tap last night we had a couple of drinks and we're far from you you were a good boy I was yeah yeah I knew we were doing this today but yeah that one's that kind of like numbed all kind of I don't know I think it's the kind of sound I I expect if you're into that sound that you would go inside your own head a bit and put your own melody with that and yes get lost in a bit so that's sort of sink spaceships yeah desolate futuristic landscapes or bond when he's kind of you know he's in his down patch and he's away and he's just that's what I was seeing but the fact that it's making you see stuff is kind of I feel like it's doing the right thing that's the point and then all right so patch seven is kind of a bit of everything because III generally I'll basically show you what I do with path serving so this is what it sounds like straight off the bat you so that's kind of what I'd use for like a lead-lined thing yeah yeah I'd say I love that it's it's absolutely colossal but it's not that loud yeah right no I don't know maybe meat was saying I'm probably 94 93 considering it's two amplifiers as well yeah yeah it's not mega loud but to be fair like they are running they're running it like just a bookworm taking over yeah where do you normally have them about 10 o'clock okay so loud right cuz that's where you get rid of like on the high gain stuff you hear the minute there's a little bit of a lot more of that top-end sizzle going on right once you turn it up that goes away smooth ins right out and becomes really roaring which is awesome but it would definitely it's gonna be loud what did I do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was the Buffalo effects germanium furs I was telling you about it sounds amazing all I can see is Daniel Craig like across the drive across the desert he's got sunglasses on he's just been beaten to crap and he's and the sun's going down it's still not allowed out the back it's apocalyptically going dark yeah that's what I'm hearing basically yeah that's what I'm trying to do that's what he's going for yeah nailed it it's pretty monstrous isn't it yeah I'll never get bored of that particular sound it's great it's either the Buffalo with the paw I'll take the POG off if you don't want that really intense of you know octave sound it just becomes just warm I love that before I don't even know if you can still get them but it just has a great sound like that so that for Dan and I is is super interesting you know you the amps are well gained mm-hmm and then you add fuzz on top of that in most people's world it's just much central but yeah it's just this massive yeah very moving kind of experience yeah I don't know what happens I think it's the overloaded front end the compression that it hits but you get so that because of that you get the pick attack yeah and then it allows the new note to ring out and all that stuff but as as your as the cause are sustaining hmm it moves from compression and different harmonics that coming through in different frequencies from different parts of the chord mm-hmm sounds incredible yeah man I'm well into that so following on with the same state thing I might do so the Thunder claw is my other secret sauce right and the second so you can see a pretty intense there's like loads of bass not very much treble loads of output and not gain because why it seems to do when I run it into the dual Kraken rig is it gives like it's just a thicker slightly fuzzy edged version of my high gain rhythm sound so try and demonstrate that it's kind of should be plugged into veena [Music] so it's kind of just a more rounded slightly fuzzy fuzzy version of what you already hear and I love that particularly again with [Music] [Music] it's like a different quality of the germanium firs yeah it is it's that it's what I like to call a fuss torsion right because I don't really know if it's a nova if it's a distortion pedal or a fuzz pedal because it sits somewhere in between for me yeah so there must be a protocol the first option isn't there and if there isn't there is in the next two weeks what else is cool to show you on this so then this one which everyone loves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you that this no that's the Koopa sonic Germania oh okay that pedal I stumbled across it ages ago there was this pedal brand a local guitar show in Pudsey and he was like I'd only just started YouTube and I sort of said I'll make a video if you got any pedals and he handed me that and said have fun with that and then I went home and it's become a if I lost that pedal or it broke I'll be so upset because it does a lot of cool stuff like in between sections you can add it and it gives you this 8-bit crush sound when you put it over like a chord and then I have the Mobius which I really only use it's currently set up for a couple of the Tosca tracks right so for example on preset three goes to what's called ripples and that does there's a section in Shakti it's just an Ottawa so yeah so I use it for that but then if I run it on this one's great [Music] but it sounds even better when you use it on high again [Music] I'm just trying to find weird sounds that can go in a little tiny sections of Tosca songs that's basically the point of congratulations yeah yes job done as loads of people watching this watching mine and Dan's face is going yeah so when you stepped on patch two for example that's sending a MIDI message to the möbius to say change to this sound yeah and then you to actually turn it on using stomp box mode yeah so the way G 2 is programmed here is preset 2 sends the MIDI change message but it's not on until you switch it on instead it's set up ready to go on yeah as soon as it wasn't for that part of the song just kicks it off that's clever prefer the control of the choice of having it there or not if we want it yeah yeah I didn't realize you could do that I didn't realize you could mix the MIDI and the well like I say like you set this up originally and I have not touched like once or 7 is my presets and on the top of star tab the amount of tunes that we've written because of the way that it's set up is so funny and like so I was sent to down there just can we just do protect this across all the banks so I know you know because it worked perfectly for that reason nice little things that just make life easier yeah I guess the way it sound changed to have to do it gets to that point where it becomes sort of muscle memory almost that you know that this is going to happen you don't have to think about it yeah exactly and and the main strength of this rig for me is for those weird sounds I just need to patch in for like a second yeah or a bar or two I can do really really easily would use the synth one for them so the synth one was odd it was currently being auditioned on the board and then I left it on because it's awesome yeah but I didn't have any expression pedal so like what's funny with this new build is that half of it is I know exactly what I'm doing it's how I've used it for years and now the other half of it is we've introduced Volante to expressions that control this this and this and then we've got this in here so it's like a new world as well for me right now but when it's hooked up it does a frequency sweep so if you plug the expression in yep well yeah operate its expression [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in that sir woken up in doctor who's EDM nightmare do you know is exciting do DDM nightmare it's a great name prevent yeah but having it in there now because I hadn't had that before yeah is the thing I'm excited about is because you can come with some wicked riffs like prodigy esque kind of like filter sweet riffs and stuff for song sections that's the exciting part for me and the expression control is controlling the filter right yeah this becomes useless yeah and then you've got cast mode and this they put a really super heavy so you can step on it to change it mid-song just cool not really heavy dude yeah well which apparently was key feature so I was happy about that uh all right then my favourite pedal so far my new favorite pedal is this what was this plugged into again it's all for wicked okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but yeah it does that as well as loads of other cool sounds that one's really good with loads of it like on a high get that was a low gain sound right as in I put and put that over that if I Oh over this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so like if you imagine that you're drummers wailing on the crash doing this huge big wall sound groove and bass players just playing really low rumbling notes and I'm doing a lead line over the top with octave oh it would just sound really epic yeah on its own it's like quite um controlling a bit messy but as soon as you add although the stuff I think it would just sound really cool it's colossal it's colossal if you haven't checked out reviews by Oscar please do and some by the solos the last album yeah yeah incredible yeah absolutely incredible thank you very much and maybe if there are any of TP s regular viewers who - to whom this feels very unfamiliar it'll give you some context and make a lot of sense when you when you listen to it and what's the elects art app thankful so that was literally four back it's changed is the bank okay so you're not using it to tap know everything it's to change banks I learned that that's all you needed was just a tap tempo these tiny little ones so in it just does exactly that because sometimes before I got it I have two banks that I use live and I'd change to bank one and forget to go back yeah and we start the next song on it be like this is completely wrong delay sound and it's like yeah mid song so that's very useful how many banks in G 2 is 8 so you hit this yeah and then if you hit switches 1 to 8 you go to that Bank that's right and that gives you a whole other Bank of presets exactly but I'm hoping that we just copy and paste the same sort of structure across all eight banks so that I can just I don't know just for years I had no idea that that existed do you know it's it's amazing yeah it's definitely the the hole the key feature of the board aside from all the cool sounds you can get it's like none of it would be useful if I didn't have this to control it all with oh cool so well you know man oh I every time I hear you playing the sounds you're you get from your ear and stuff it's man it's such an experience it does warm my heart and myself it's just it's just epic man it's so good I mean apart from you get some of the best high gain tones I've ever heard we're going to do another shell on that in a bit but but you you go so much further than that as far as exploring and experimenting and just I mean seriously some of the sounds we've heard today I just haven't heard anything like just unreal yeah probably just because they're just far too much noise for most people I guess a lot of its noisy as hell but I think you know it I just I think I was quite a bit of patience for sitting there and just having a really loud horribly noisy sentence or something jumped out the way oh that sounds really good do not I mean that's so interesting but also when you're doing it at home sometimes I'll take the ball at home and I'll hook it up through my monitors at home so I can just ride the master volume down I can hear that it's wailing but and then I can design the sound that way which is thanks to technology you know we can do that at home alright but before that I was doing it in the rehearsal room which would annoyed the drummer in the bass player quite significantly the one thing we haven't got unfortunately at this point is so that's the the newest most exciting was the Volante being controlled by the expression pedal yeah so that we which by the way has an LED I mean that's just that's possibly the best part of the entire rig for the extra twenty quid or whatever it was like you see those cars with have the LEDs and under light yeah boy race it's a boy racer expression pedal yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I mean we know it works but it's for me is that's a whole new learning curve sure trying to trying to incorporate that into the into the board like it you know for the songs and stuff so you've got the echo level on the on the yeah I'm hoping to change that there's some speed yeah something yeah basically I want to use it more as like an effect as opposed to it that's what really obvious thing to say I mean rather than being just delay reverb because I've already got that more about some extreme cool weird TP specific sound yeah the multi-touch thing in the way that that correct type there's no other sound like it is there no because you can start thinking that it's reverb often while it's actually delay buddy yeah cuz of all the short repeats and they keep feeding back into one another yeah that's what I love most about it is that is the tone of that tape kind of everything is just once I'd heard it I was like no I have to use that now yeah I'm so cold sorry cool man what a joy the new music coming from you then we're expecting yeah there's we recorded a new single with Tosca which is due to be out well I was going to say before tour but we're not touring now because everything oh yeah because of Cove in nineteen if you watch this we are recording this as the co big nineteen thing kicked off yeah so hopefully that will be a memory by some point fairly soon let's hope so for in the immediate my toes been canceled so either way they we've recorded a new single so we're hoping that's going to be out sort of mid to late April it's called leave no meat on the bones and this is the main part that that's why that's on the board now because I've put most of the sounds on that song have that pedal in it somewhere third white sorry the third man things that they said shack white collaboration in there somewhere third man records and Jack White teamed it with the game changer audio goes to do this which is a plasma drive but they added the octave side of it and the yeah extra gain I think it's it's an awesome pedal because we've got this one as well their other collaboration I was it yeah with the Union Shubin transistor which is the bumble bus Oh interesting yeah it's very cool nice that's cool that they collaborate with lots of different pedal brands I didn't know that I just thought it was a one-off so that's wicked he's getting around he spread the love but yeah outside of that I've got some new music coming out then another grinding gears thing which is the whole video demo tracks that I write this all so new EP a-- that's jus in about a month and i've done in collaboration with a guy called max seeker know where we I wrote a song he wrote lyrics and that's getting released very soon I'm really proud of that one - that's a cool song is he from Cornwall he's I don't think so isn't maybe he's a bit yeah it kind of looks like a surfer dude right Maxie if you're watching this you look like a surfer this is new yes yes yeah so this is prototype one of my pro model Chapman and it's more well it's the same shape as the old one but I changed quite a lot so now it's still an older body but it's mapable on top and that pub bell mapable okay the type of diseased wood roasted bird's-eye maple fretboard and neck and then we've got the shallow vintage tremolo with these really cool little rolling saddles that the action of that is really nice if you ever tried one of those shall locking tuners and then I've got the banner caught my bare knuckle silo humbucker and there's a little 59 because although they come as a set I in this particular guitar much preferred the mini humbucker sound and particularly the little 59 is I'm just very used to it but my other guitar used the full set but yeah from a standard scale yeah this is 1225 and a half it's currently got eleven sixty on in dropsy which is quite heavy but I would generally use this more for lead stuff I think right but yeah it sounds really nice very happy with it it's cool so look thank you yeah I decided to go all out this time I was like shall I yeah why not why not and we should also mention Miller a this is their new EDM board it's the SI 750 XDM x DM LS the M stands for extra deep man extra deep end yeah it's literally their 750 but they've just added more depth so that we could fit basically I think if they it pretty much bang on the size that we need because I can add a couple more pedals underneath and then it's pretty much chakra but a huge thank you to Schmidt right through their building this is a wonderful color yeah look for all the Wessel the websites and that one is the one that jumps out the most - killer yeah okay so great to see you again I'm gonna get to play us out if you don't mind but just two quick need to say thank you guys so much for watching please check out Tosca that awesome also matter thank you to our preferred retailers and UK and Europe is Anderson's music of Guildford and sorry where you can see him sometimes yes yes you're doing lots of the UM sound like sound like stuff this is really cool it's a lot of fun awesome also I met in Australia pedal empire of Brisbane Queensland yes hello - met and the gang indeed also massive thank you to everyone that's counted that pedal show store calm and checked out our our where's pedals hoodies t-shirts mugs strings it's all there pencils pencils and finally massive thank you to all our patrons on patreon thank you guys so much and now we're just going to listen to the sweet dulcet tones of this wonderful thing okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we go [Music] like you one of them [Music] an epitome of everything I was trying to rebel against someone who continued to reinforce the age of self [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 265,204
Rating: 4.9395118 out of 5
Keywords: Rabea Massaad, Bea Toska, Rabea pedals, Rabea pedalboard, Toska guitar sounds, Schmidt Array, Chapman guitars, Chapman ML3, ML3 pro, ML3, Bea ML3, Coopersonic, Thunder Claw, Strymon Mobius, Strymon TimeLine, Strymon Big Sky, Third Man Plasma pedal, Keeley Synth 1, Pedalboard build, Pedalboard, guitar effects, electric guitar, guitar amps
Id: 8EGiU-FxyR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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