Who is Paul Gilbert? PG-14

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you kids get out of my book oh hey everybody this is Paul Gilbert and welcome to the JH s Show [Music] all right how you doing I'm doing fantastic it's the morning and I've had coffee woohoo what is the first album you bought with your money I think it was either Crazy Horse's by the Osmond Brothers or the man who sold the world by David Bowie or are you experienced commanders why guitar why not harpsichord or banjo because you can stand up with guitar and when I when I started playing I wanted to bounce around I had the energy of a little kid so I thought you know I loved Elton John but I thought you know you he's sitting on a bench most of the time the same thing with drums you got to sit down I wanted to stand up and jump very serious question if you had to live without pizza or coffee which one wouldn't you live without Oh pizza I'm officially addicted to coffee now I didn't even try coffee until probably four or five years ago between you and me who would win a staring contest I think you would win let's try [Music] you're known as a fast guitar player can you explain that oh I think I can well I was 11 when I got van Halen one the first van Halen album and Frank Marino and mahogany rush live for Christmas and both those guys played fast and and really good and so I wanted to wanted to do what they did amazingly after working at it I could bet people would respond you know that was sort of the thing at the time so I kept going down that path and I ended up with a reputation as a fast guitar player yeah silly to me at some times which is why things like the drill came out where the pics on the end of a drill I'm just making fun of the whole genre pic it's really a lot cooler if you've got three picks mounted on the end of a drill but even that you know no one knew it was silly and they all thought well maybe somebody new was so but it is pretty solid who are your main musical influences people you really love oh man well it's it's all stuff I grew up with which was 60's pop 70s rock 70s pop which is on the radio when I was a kid and initially I didn't really hear guitar so much because in the Beatles records the loudest thing is the vocals and the tambourine you know somewhere once in a while you'd get through a riff you know that was cool but man the vocals I wanted to be a singer and then I got a cassette recorder and I recorded my voice and I went like well I don't know if that's gonna fly because you know I didn't really like my voice but I had these long fingers and and more I played guitar the more that seemed to come together so that led me to listen to Jimmy Page and I got into more guitar music and then at a certain point I started to be I don't know jealousies the right word I didn't want keyboard players to have the upper hand in terms of songwriting and I remember Martha my dear came on the radio Beatles tune and I thought if if that song never existed and it and it just dropped into my head one day what I'd be able to get it out without a piano and I thought no that would be like a wasted song because I can't play piano for one I thought well that's dumb so I want to develop enough facility with chords the kind of chords that piano players use where I'd be able to you know the word I don't have that limitation of being the guitar player that only knows guitar chords so I started going through all the 70s pop that I grew up with Elton John and carpenters and Todd Rundgren and of course Beatles and Beach Boys and trying to figure out those chords its stylistically it's no longer heavy-metal you're getting one to like [Music] you get so you secretly Michael McDonald [Music] [Applause] [Music] name two or three albums your fans need to listen to oh man Robin Trower toss-up between Bridge of Sighs and Robin Trower live I mean bigger size is the one that you'll like the most because it's the best record the live one when I listen to it I just go like I don't know why I'm playing cuz he's already done everything that I ever want to do on that record it's just like gets it done you know anything I am do is just the limitation of that so I'm gonna use those two as one okay oops wrong planet by utopia is when I was 17 I was in a band bunch of older guys the bass player gave me that record and you know I was at 7 I was 17 I was it you know listening to Ozzie with Randy Bros and Van Halen I was I hadn't made and there was a metal fan you know 80s metal fan because it was the 80s and he gave me oops wrong planet by utopia and the song trapped when Kasim salt in the bass player screams it's it's it's so intense and the chords are so cool third one they need to listen to streets that the lead singer of Kansas Steve Walsh okay you know for whatever reason he was out of Kansas I don't know the history early 80s he forms his new band called streets mikes lamer is the guitar player and it's one of the most stunning guitar records he's got kind of that Randy Rhoads like a little bit of a harmonizer on the guitar most of the records it's a single guitar like van Halen one yeah there's hardly any overdubs on it huge tone and it's just the songs we get Steve Walsh is killing and the whole record is good is great if you know nobody knows about it but fingers are getting cold [Music] this is a burning question all right is a hot dog a sandwich my first thought is yes because it's two pieces of British material with with a filling the issue is if it bread has to be a certain shape or is the issue that the bread is attached because the sandwich well it doesn't stay attached the hotdog always comes off my first attempt you're telling me that in your whole life your hotdog is always separated I think most of the time at some point it separates and it is a sandwich because the bread does separate yeah then you've got two pieces of a British material with a filling that answer tells us that any object with a single connected piece of bread is not a sandwich well it could be an open-faced sandwich but then they have the bread pieces have to be like facing the same direction and here's a trick you do it twice the third when you got to do something different you have to that's the song writing tricks I like that tune you can have it it's a co-write I hate you no you can take this Lennon McCartney [Music] what gets you in the mood to create music you've made a ton of music uh videos what what is like your trick you get those lucky moments of inspiration where you stumble upon some little phrase or something you know when you're into 20s those could be whole songs you know you wake up in the morning like McCartney did this little Diddy in me head best pop song ever written by chance right go wakes up with yesterday and I think in your 20s your brain is sold amazing that you might get four or five songs that just drop in there completed you just got to do a tweak here there yeah that doesn't happen so much now you know I get you know six or seven notes or a little riff and I just compiled all those until I have enough that I can start editing the trick is to be excited about it if you're going like you know you've got to write a song today you won't get anything you've got to have you find something that you like enough where you actually want to do it and just keep finding things that keep you interested that's the trick you know as soon as you feel yourself getting bored you're barking up the wrong tree and you got to find a new tree to bark up if you were gonna write a song about pie how do you get in that that's a that's a tough place it's a being here in my neighborhood there's a really good pie place down the street and I'll bread get on my bike every day after dinner and write down get a slice and you know with all the strife and and and things to argue about in the world whenever I go to the fireplace and just everybody's in a good mood does this inspired me to just think like you can never get in an argument about pie and that's that's how you start a song again you get a phrase you can [Music] drop your shins half the truth [Music] it's just [Music] and and that's the the the curse of my son riding into existence is that I'm pretty unsatisfied with my singing voice at that level so that's where the guitar saves me and I could do my melody [Music] and suddenly I can hit the notes and my vibrato makes sense and of course I lose the message of lyrics but live and you know I tell people what's going on with the song that song is amazing in a world full of people bickering over every single thing I think pie holds us together [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you remember when you realize I'm famous for playing guitar it was a gradual yeah thing the third race Rex show we it was in Los Angeles and we had discovered the the unfortunate situation of having to pay to play where if you wanted to do a club gig you the club would give you tickets and you'd have to sell them somehow and if you did you could break even pay for the rental truck and and you know whatever else yeah expenses for the show and if you know if you really sold a lot of them you could actually make some money but we were in like very happy to break-even phase of our career if we could and the third show we had gone all out and we had rented like it more PA more lights we've gotten rental van for the gear and I'm being in the rental van like you know two crew guys next to me and and going like if nobody shows up I'm like a built a trance we get to the troubadour I walk in and it was so packed that I could barely make it backstage was it was like the fire marshal would have had trouble with this gig there's so many people in the venue and my heart told me I may have a fighting chance of like actually being a guitar player as a job and you know there are lots of it's you know little sparks of inspiration before that but that was what I felt like this could work dinosaurs or aliens well just my instinct tells me dinosaurs why is that that that was almost my career you know I wanted to be a paleontologist and find dinosaur bones really so my mom gave me a shovel and a nap lot in the garden and she said go for it you know you can dig as deep as you want to find a dinosaur bone here's your shovel one year and your plot and I started to dig and after 15 minutes it was my arm started get tired I got blisters and I thought this is too hard I didn't find anything I didn't even find an arrowhead that the end of my career as a paleontologist if emajor was a color what would it be well purple if you could jump into the DeLorean and go back into the past and find yourself that 17 years old and say hey Paul this is what you need to know what would you say careful with perms I'll say it I'll say that second now this I have to get the road tested so I'm not sure but maybe put the chorus after the distortion because I'm getting a really good sound right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm kind of digging that I've always had it before the distortion how many years have you played chorus before distortion like like 40 plus so not in an effects loop in a series yeah well this he's in the seventies yeah so and I was always listening to Alex Lifeson and and I think that's what he did it's okay and I still got one before the distortion you that's got something to it too but if it's more smooth yeah I like the you know 80s I like Univ at first I've always had chorus after [Music] there we go what is your favorite instrument you own well right now it's this one it's got a really thick neck it's got mini humbuckers which I'm digging under there I've got magnets I'm starting to tear off the wood so much that I put a little piece of rubber there and it just it just has a beautiful you know if you play you know sustain it doesn't sustain as long as Nigel's imagination right if your amp is loud it might if you weren't a guitar player at this point in your life what would you be doing I would like to be a drummer that's that's more fun yeah I think there's no wrong notes ever you know if you go what I do do do do do do do do do do you just not like that it's wrong note if you were to have your own JHS signature pedal hmm what would it be like what would it do the thing that comes to mind is I used to go to flea markets when I was a kid and I got this amp for like five dollars it was a Montgomery Ward technical apparatus cast iron amp or I think was a PA actually with these big stove knobs on it and that the tubes some of them were clear but a couple of them were black and had wires big thick wires going to the top but my dad wired up a guitar jack into it and I plugged in and I had a guitar with a high output like a super distortion pickup hidden Ecore really loud and the amp did this yeah and it shut off because it just couldn't handle the the power of a high output pickup and then it like faded back in there was something about that that the amp like that was just suffering because it just couldn't do like I can't handle that that was that was attractive and of course I wouldn't want it to actually shut off but to go in that direction where you can feel uh you know what a tube does when the tube is going like this is a little too much for me it's it's really unique to what people I think dig about tubes but you know if you can get that out of out of the you know the magic that you do with party Pasteur's resistors diodes transistors all the stuff that goes into a pedal if you can channel some of that some of that magic of the Montgomery Ward airline technical apparatus black tube with wire on top that just goes like ah when you when you hit a chord hard but dial able so it sounds sounds good in a real you know rock and roll situation that'd be nice that's weird because that's exactly what I brought and I've put on your board you didn't notice this thing oh man just gotta have a shoe yeah look that's gotta have my name in Japanese katakana you're kidding me right [Music] can you make the knobs pink I just that's just what I thought you would like [Music] the PG 14 to me it's the ultimate dirt channel box for a clean in we have a Phet simulated tube and basically yeah that you can crank so that's why feels so good like the Marshall sound or you know a small amp sound so you have the amp with the ability to be clean --is-- or distorted you're running it distorted and you're hitting it with more mids and it just sounds amazing now the when you hit it with the mids does that also have one of those circuits that you would have for distortion there's just use different way or is it a whole different thing it's an op amp so super the mid section of this pedal is very clean it just simply pushes just really hard into that simulated tube FET thing yeah the more you push the mids the mids is distorting that mid frequency area in a really cool way and it's got enough so you could adjust yeah where the mid is yeah which which really changes the frequency way feels and the way they sort that's the thing I've found with this this pedal with with the PG 14 is it has more variety of how it sounds and how it feels then I think any distortion fellow ever played through its really a the settings are important yeah is because it really has a different character depending on set I normally use those style pedals for light overdrive I noticed as we work through this and hearing you play it it sounds like a Marshall on tin with a fuzz face in front of it and we're in a room at super low volume and that's an impossible sound to get usually until meant until now I'm excited about it because I think it works with any amp and any playing style where you need Distortion I'm excited about it because it makes me play better and it's road-tested I just got back from a tour of Europe played it every night and swapped it out with her stuff just to make sure and it it was the winner medals that make me go [Music] you [Music] how tall are you I am 6 foot 3 how tall are you 6 foot 6 oh man if you hit your head on the door sometimes I used to do you play basketball yeah you're gonna go play basketball let's go play basketball let's play basketball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good game thanks so much for watching this video I hope you've enjoyed it I want to close out with a few things first of all I just want to let you know it was an amazing experience to create a custom distortion pedal for Paul Gilbert this career spans decades and this has all the sounds he's ever wanted and a lot of things that he wanted going forward and that was a real honor and I want to also back up what he said when he said the knob positions really matter you got to hear how Paul uses it but I would use this in a totally different way because it covers so many sounds one of my favorite sounds out of this box is that sound of like a fuzz face into a crank marshall some really hard sound to get but this nails it so i'm really proud of that if you're a big paul gilbert fan which many of you are i also recommend the TC electronic mojo mojo this is one of his staple drive pedals for years and years he still uses it even in conjunction with this and it's fantastic he first told me about it a year ago and i've been a big fan ever since if you want to see more demos of this pedal in the description below there's tons of links there's gonna be articles by the time this airs and all of that's great reading to get more in depth about it go to the JHS show calm for shirts especially the shirts that we're wearing paul gilbert can't shred Andy's shirt that says demo guys suck Nick's shirt says drums suck and the one that I wear from time to time JHS pedals suck those are funny shirts they're awesome conversation starters you can go buy them at the website and then also there's a patreon you can go and support what we're doing here at the Jay chess show and other than that you need to go do something else because this is like a one hour video you need to go go do stuff bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 429,549
Rating: 4.9625506 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, Pedals, Guitar, Effects, paul gilbert, the jhs show, PG14, guitar pedals
Id: mmvoAQUQzTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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