BEHRINGER AFFORD-A-BOARD & Superfuzz giveaway thanks to SWEETWATER - $28 plastic box clone tone!

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everyone I'm Ryan you're watching 60 cycle home and it's a Ford award time I'm back with another box of cheep cheep goodies to go through this one's a little bit special because I wrote to Sweetwater I was like hey you guys carry all the behringer stuff what if you sent it all to me and I would you know do links back to Sweetwater if people wanted to buy him and they're like we'll only do it under one condition Ryan and I was like okay oh my goodness what could it be what a horrible task will I be charged with to complete this quest and they said we'll only send you all these behringer pedals if you agree to give one away to an audience member so I'm gonna give away a super fuzz actually they're giving it away I click the link it'll be the first thing down in the description it'll go to a thing where you put in your email your Facebook or whatever whatever contact you choose and you'll be in the running to win a Behringer SF 300 super fuzz which I will be including in this video alright let's open this thing up and see what they sent me I'm using my trusty Scout knife rated from my great Grandpa's fishing box his tackle box that my dad had in the garage and I saw this thing and knew it was cool when I was a teenager and grabbed it and never returned it sorry dad alright thank you note from Sweetwater alright we're already getting to the good stuff I got some candy tell my diabeetus out all right we've got some boxes in here Ultra chorus overdrive distortion OD 300 nose reducer ultra metal this is all the stuff that they had in stock they're like we're gonna send you everything we have you know stuff is stuck in shipping right now so they didn't have everything but a tube amp modeler that's awesome compressor limiter just walks out of here so if this goes well well maybe they'll be able to send me the rest of the behringer line but I've got six to start with here perfect number for the afford aboard start pulling them out get them set up check out the ultra metal that's got to be like a uh there's gonna be like a metal zone clone right it's got all the controls for it do that metal guy on the side of the box put that knife away before it's open the face would be a very unfortunate afford aboard unboxing tube amp modeler I'm curious about this one the TM 300 it's got a bunch of little switches on it classic Center off mod oh that's the Mike setting Mike mod and amp so this is like an amp and a box sort of thing interesting noise reducer look at the guy on the side he looks like he wants his noise reduced I don't know what that means this is interesting it has a send in a return I've never used a noise gate with a send in return I'm gonna have to pull out the manual on that overdrive distortion and finally the ultra chorus all right let's get them wired up and working and see how these sound I'm gonna throw my own personal super fuzz into the mix as well I guess I've got to figure out the order first fuzz first the tube amp modelers should be last does that make sense fuzz first because buffers compression limiter into overdrive distortion into ultra metal into Ultra chorus noise reducer to tame all that and the tube amp modeler I think that makes sense right I've run into a serious lack of patch cables so I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to scavenge some out of the shoegaze afford aboard sorry she Jays afford aboard I'll restore you later oh the ultra chorus goes stereo maybe I should put that last I'm running two amps so I could do a stereo mix off of it all right everything's plugged in power on everything so everything should work or in a 4-2 board tradition I'm gonna use an affordable guitar this is my squire contemporary Telecaster that I've made you know heavy modifications to you can see that this thing is actually gonna be a prize in a giveaway I'll put a link to that video down below any giveaway in two weeks here now to celebrate 50,000 subscribers on the channel alright do we have a signal oh I didn't turn the amps on not surprising it needs a tune [Music] so anyways let's get started we'll start with the super fuzz the legend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's got two different photo settings that's been fuzz number one here's fuzz number two [Music] this thing actually has a third flow setting it's got an in between if you're very delicate with a switch [Music] you can hear both fuzz's are engaged and you get what I think is probably the best tone out of this thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] back to number two all you do me guys probably like number two the best [Music] but that in between just scratches the itch for me of course there's a boost setting as well I never use that but it's there all right compression limiter I'm not a huge compression guy let's start with it all the way up why not right [Music] there we go you got pretty crispy with everything up actually roll back a bit and it sounds more like a classic compressor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's like a compression sound that I would use you just kind of like a very conservative slight compression to pull it back to tighten it up you know maybe boost into a drive or something like that to get extra sustained we'll come back to that and see how it interacts with like you overdrive in the ultra metal and the tube amp modeler right overdrive distortion [Music] oh it blends from overdrive to Distortion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems like it starts out at like a mid game sort of overdrive it jumps off a shelf to a lower game yeah it's a pretty sift shelf right there [Music] still that's like an upper range of a low game [Music] I'm liking the overdrive though it took me a second to get used to it [Music] now I I think I figured out where it lives let's switch order to the distortion side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a nice media Distortion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know what do you guys think of that [Applause] [Music] now let's try blending it with the overdrive 5050 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it honestly sounds pretty dang great I think I prefer it either hard on the overdrive side or hard on the distortion I'd have to spend some time with it to figure out how it used that blended sound because that's not typically like a sound I try to dial in [Music] there is something compelling about it though I know these are all based on boss pedals by the way so I know there's you know the boss version of us out there alright ultra metal buckle up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] I mean does the thing it makes that sound you know it makes that heavy ultra metal sound [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that's obviously gonna end up living on the high-gain Deford board I'm wondering how it will compare against that Danelectro metal pedal that I have this is definitely a metal pedal like it is extreme metal I mean it's got a mid on there that you could scoop to your heart's content and then a mid frequency knob so you can decide which mid you're gonna scoop you can get selected with it all right on to the noise reducer probably should play it off this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it removes the vast majority the noise but there's still a noise happening [Music] it has a sin in return which I'm assuming means I could put you know my drive in the loop of this and it would get even more precise I'm not gonna mess with that now but I'm gonna have to do a shootout with this against the I think was an azure noise reducer that I have I think it was use or I mean it does it what does the mute feature all about [Music] it's a mute is that simple if you need a utility pedal like this you might be curious about this thing I noticed you know plenty affordable all right tube amp modeler now I'm really curious about this [Music] [Music] all right there's a mic setting we're on off axis here's Center here's classic I [Music] think I like off center is this pedal a clone or something I don't I don't know what this is a copy of the amp we're on a hot right now let's put it on clean [Music] it's a lot of drive for a clean an all-right amp setting oh that's the mod amp setting we're on California there's tweed and Britt let's go all the way to tweed there we go [Music] [Music] I don't mean likes being hit with that overdrive [Music] [Music] [Music] let's check out the British amp setting now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so much drive for being the clean setting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I assumed British was gonna mean the Vox I don't think that's what it means [Music] putting that noise reducer to good use [Music] alright you know what let's try the British sitting with the gain down again there we go that's more normal [Music] I think with uh you know some time spent with these you can get some good sounds out of it certainly the sounds that's trying to get on to the California setting now I'm assuming this is gonna be like a Mesa [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I like that California setting I mean I am a California surfer dude [Music] how does it stack with the ultramen [Music] [Music] yeah I think that California setting it's my favorite out of that the the the tweed setting is interesting as like an effect [Music] but it just seems to like voiced you know where the California setting just sounds like a really great like amp in a box sort of sound all right on to the ultra chorus this is the one I'm hoping a stereo it's been passing a stereo signal [Music] it's hard for me to tell in a room because my aunts are right next to each other certainly sounds lush yeah I'm getting like a stereo thing off of it [Music] for having the depth all the way up it seems not that extreme [Music] you [Music] you let's try it with some dirt [Music] I might be kind of sold for just what it does to your stereo signal because that sounds really wild here in room [Music] sloppy noodles today [Music] falling in love with this chorus [Music] at first I thought it was subtle but now I just feel like it's just right you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wish I had a big long delay after this right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know guys these were all pretty great I think the noise reducer I'm a little baffled by a little bit it still let some noise pass through even with the threshold all the way up I'm sure there's some really good uses for this it did function pretty great when I was stacking stuff and I had it in between the tube amp modeler and other distortions so it did a great job there if I'm gonna pick favorites I mean super fuzz is I mean an immediate favorite that ultra course won my heart it just did ultra metal I mean it does the thing if you want to sound metal it does it I think that's going to end up on the high game board the tube amp modeler might end up on the hiking board because it's doing an amp sound pretty great on that California setting you've got to tweak it a bit figure out which cab and mod you want and you know mess with the EQ and whatnot compression limiter I don't care I'm gonna use that overdrive distortion I'm on the fence with I thought the overdrive all the way to the side sounded good I thought the distortion sounded you know classic in the middle a little too exotic for my taste I'm not quite sure what to do with that sound I guess maybe you heard something there that you like but yeah love it love it appreciate it want to explore it more this has been a long video should I should I do some quick comparisons against some other stuff I'm not gonna put them on you know any have for two boards right now I don't want to deal with it but maybe let's uh let's do a quick comparison between superfoods and the afford aboard classic at the coop Vevey [Music] ah I just love that kebab eh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's why I'm in down tuning I was like why does everything sound so funky [Music] [Music] [Music] and now let's do I mean I think they're both kind of great honestly the kuvasz a just does that porn on the edge of destroying itself super fuzzy kind of sound meaning you know a unit lock super fuzz this is doing the boss what is it the FZ 2 thing just a doom machine you know that's super fuzz now let's do a quick shootout between the ultra metal and the fab metal just cuz we're here I don't want to spend the time to do a full re build of an affordable but I gotta scratch that curiosity at you so ultra metal [Music] all right and then the fab metal oops excellent accidentally unplug the powder for a second [Music] that's tough house she kind of like both of them this is doing more of like your hm to kind of like 70s kind of metal sort of thing Sabbath II kind of and this is doing your you know super mid scooped super low in heavy like modern 80s to 90s metal thing so this is like Metallica this is like Sabbath [Music] [Music] oh man well this has been a ton of fun huge thanks to Sweetwater and wearing their shirt - for hooking me up with all these behringer pedals and for giving away one of these bad boys to one of you good boys or girls out there so make sure you click the link down below to say thank you to Sweetwater and to get in the running for the super fuzz you know you want it you want that secret in-between setting in between fuzz one and two you want that fuzz one and a half so anyways thanks for watching like I said stay grounded like subscribe just like leave me rude nasty comments of course on patreon buy a shirt I'm selling shirts down below you'll see the little bar on the on the YouTube thing where you can select a shirt go to teespring and search for us if you want to and uh hardy said it but it's we're saying again stay grounded hi everybody you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 50,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer, behringer fuzz, behringer overdrive, behringer chorus, stereo chorus, demo, review, 60 cycle hum, affordaboard, ultra metal, cl9, sf300, od300, um300, nr300, tm300, uc200, behringer distortion, behringer metal, heavy metal, metal zone, cheap pedals, affordable pedals, guitar pedals, affordable pedalboard, pedalboard, cheap pedalboard, ryan burke, ryan, sweetwater, giveaway, cuvave, cuvave fuzz, jhs, jhs behringer, tube amp modeler, behringer tube amp modeler, behringer tube amp
Id: uBsMakF5aDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 42sec (3162 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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