Afford-A-Board reverbs VERSUS the EHX Oceans 11 - Can you cheat the system with cheap reverbs?

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60 second home features a mix of products that were purchased or provided and content that is a mix of sponsored paid unpaid in patreon funded use your eyes ears and common sense to come to your own conclusions hey everyone i'm ryan you're watching 60 cycle hum and in this video i'm going to have some fun sorting through all of the reverbs that i featured in the affordable series of videos and a few that i feel are kind of crossing the line price wise like i've got the moore here the r7 i think this is close to 90 bucks the joyo atmosphere i forget what those are but they're typically pushing that direction and uh the flamma also i think this is like 70 80 bucks somewhere in that territory the rest are all cheaper than that i think i don't remember the prices there's so many here i'm going to do something a little bit different to help me kind of rate and organize these i'm going to compare each one their best settings or like their common settings against the electro harmonix ocean's 11 which is a pedal in a higher price point not much higher this is a 150 dollar pedal but i fully endorse this pedal i fully recommend it it's got a lot of great sounds in it and for 150 bucks i think we might discover that a lot of these are not worth dropping 40 or 50 bucks on when you could just get this and get much better sounds and a lot more options for 150 but we might be surprised some of these might cream the ocean's 11. i'll i'll eat my hat i don't wear a hat but i'll eat my invisible hat if any of these cream the ocean's 11. so let's get started what should i uh what should i start this experiment with i want i need to have like an area in front of me to organize them like an order of what i think is best and worst as we go all right i got my pile set up here in a ford board tradition i'm going to use an affordable guitar this time the squier cyclone it's time to tune it up [Music] i'm sure i'll be tuning again soon because i am planning on abusing the wiggle stick in this video all right i want to start out with the wonderland by k line i covered this recently in a giant pile of petals that they sent me this is a shim reverb so i'm going to dial in the shim setting on the ocean's eleven we'll start with the wonderland and then go from there [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's neat that it goes full wet and it's neat that the trail goes so [Music] [Applause] [Music] long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in my mind this is a good example of an affordable pedal doing a very specific sound well it's not trying to do a ton of different reverb sounds it's doing one reverb sound it's doing a shim reverb it's got really cool art on it it's got controls that work it has a really long trail on it you can go full wet if you want it's a solid standalone effect let's see how it stands up against the ocean's 11 shimmer setting [Music] does it go full wet [Music] to me the ocean's 11 sounds more organ like smoother higher fidelity maybe um the tone control is actually a tone [Music] control i don't think it's controlling the shimmer mix although i might be able to control the shimmer mix by getting into the secondary function here no that's like a modulation i'm not going to dive into the secondary functions too much because i honestly don't remember what most of them do without having the manual in front of me let's see if we can mimic that sound [Music] i'd say that it's just a different flavor i think this holds up just fine um if you like the sound that it makes versus this there's no reason to not get this i think it does a fine job it's just a different flavor of that sound all right next up is the donner reeve echo a somewhat inconveniently sized pedal depending on what your board is like if you want something to fill a horizontal space like that it's kind of convenient if you want something to fill a vertical space you got to have like a longer patch cable to reach around to your next pedal and then you gotta you know tap dance up here to do your controls so this is a double-sided pedal reverb on one side delay on the other [Music] kind of a nice murky analog sounding delay there with a bunch of repeats on [Music] [Applause] it [Music] you can hear that this is like a stacked delay sort of reverb sound like there's this crystalline thing happening that's honestly fairly beautiful [Music] [Applause] two controls here reverb mix and decay doesn't seem to go full wet [Music] but there's a nice like glassy like crystalline sound there like i mentioned let's see if we can find anything like that on the ocean's 11. [Music] i think the plate is our best option [Music] it has that bit of like crispy sparkle on it but isn't doing that crystalline thing [Music] but i think this is trying to be a plate reverb in that tonality [Music] yeah it's actually pretty close i say that the quality of the sound is high enough here that i couldn't tell you one is better than the other if you like that little bit of crystalline kind of like edginess from the reef echo go with that you get a built-in delay as well um i think that really comes down to personal preference i couldn't judge this and be like oh one's better than the other you either like this sound or you like that sound i think i'm gonna place i you can't see out of shot here but i'm gonna place the reeve echo um below the wonderland i think the wonderland is better at doing the thing that it does than the reef echo is that being a plate reverb next up i've got two petals here that are exactly the same i'm only going to play one the kuvave digital reverb and the i set digital reverb same exact settings same exact box even has the usb plug on this side i'm doing this partially to kind of filter through a lot of this collection and put stuff that i don't think i need to cover anymore in a box for affordable pedals that i'm going to do some sort of giveaway or some sort of charity auction in the future but i need to thin out the herd because i've just got a lot of extra stuff around here because of these affordable videos so anyways this is a multi-reverb just like the ocean's 11 but it's got different sounds let's see how it compares sound to sound to the ocean's eleven we'll start out on the hall we'll put everything kind of to noon first setting on the ocean's 11 is a hall as well way darker for sure [Applause] that actually reminds me of the plate setting on the ocean's 11. [Music] so it has a bit of that digital sparkle to it that i was hearing from the reeve echo not as crystalline right now onto the room setting there is no room setting on the ocean's 11 so we'll see how this sounds that might correspond better to the ocean's eleven hall [Music] it's still nowhere as dark let's try to dial in the tone a bit [Music] no not really the same at all all right dueling plate settings now [Music] [Applause] [Music] actually sounds fairly warm from the cuvave or the eye set depending on what you want to you know shop for i actually think that compares really nicely they go full wet there's a bit of a pre-delay to this one and it doesn't sound like it's going full wet [Music] now there's an echo setting [Music] i have a subtle echo happening [Music] it almost sounds like a reverse echo like it's kind of hard to tell us there most of the time there is an echo setting on the ocean's 11. [Music] but it's a lot closer to just a traditional delay so as far as being an echo i think the ocean's 11 wins that one [Music] yeah there's like barely anything going on there tile [Music] there's not many short reverbs on the ocean's 11. i bet i could trick the hall or the plate into sounding like a tile [Music] [Applause] you can hear that like delay bounce where it is you know it's a reverb signal made out of like dozens of delays stacked on top of each other it can be a kind of fun sound but you can hear that bear now at the end of the trail next up a flanger a flanger a flanger however you want to pronounce it now remember this being kind of interesting because it's literally a flanger a flanger on top of the reverb it's just the same reverb as like is on the plate or the hall or something and they throw an effect on top of it in fact you can pull out the reverb all the way and it's just now it's just a flanger or flanger or flange there's nothing like that on here there's a mod reverb but it doesn't do a flanging setting [Applause] [Music] there is a ducking setting though it's it's called dynamic on the ocean's 11. [Music] that's actually pretty smooth from the kuvaving oh i think the dynamic on the ocean's eleven goes the other direction where [Music] it's not slow gearing in you're playing it's holding off the reverb and then when you stop playing it lets the trail come through stronger let's try going all the wet let's try going all the way wet with it [Music] kind of similar [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] different sound similar sort of application now there's a chorus that's going to correspond with the mod i'm sure [Music] now [Music] i don't remember this koovabe being so good again it's another one where uh it's chorus on top of reverb so you can dial up the reverb and just have a chorus kind of a cheating way to do it the modulation isn't just on the reverb trail it's on your dry signal too where i think with this the modulation is just going to be on the reverb trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah a different kind of sound and then on [Music] forever trail on that then on the cuvava you have a low-fi setting you're not gonna find anything like that here [Music] i'm not sure that you would want to [Music] it's kind of a noisy bit crush sort of thing i'm gonna put this in between the wonderland and the rev echo i think the audio quality is there and the features are there i don't remember what the prices are on any of these but i'm actually fairly surprised by this i don't remember this being i didn't remember this being so good here's one i remember being very bad where's the power for it the moo gig reverb the moo gig riverberg i don't know if that's trying to say that it's like an iceberg or it's like a town full of reverb it has three different settings room spring and shimmer early on in the afforded board i was hoping to find a nice spring reverb and that's proved to be the most difficult sound to find in affordable reverb pedals [Music] it just sounds so anemic and you can really hear the separation from those stacked delay trails i mean do we even need to compare it well compared to the hall [Music] yeah totally different game all right now the spring setting oh boy there's barely anything there [Music] yeah the ocean's 11 is creaming this [Music] sounds like i'm getting close to tuner time it actually makes the whole guitar sound worse we'll try out the shimmer and then i'll tune and we'll move on to the next one i mean even compared to this it sounds like trash right now [Applause] [Music] yeah i wouldn't wish that on anyone again for a reminder here is the shimmer sound from the ocean's eleven yeah this is trash i don't recommend anyone buy this if you hear a sound in that just now and you're like well that's the secret sound i've been searching for you're probably the only person having that experience i don't often say that a pedal is bad or any piece of gear most pieces of gear are redeemable in some sort of way and it's purely like personal preference um i can't imagine this being good it's going all the way at the bottom next up two that i've long considered to sound so similar that i chose the one i just like the look of better to be on the affordable the azure reverb and the most guy spring reverb i mean if you're going to choose between having a purple petal on your board or a brown petal if you're like me you're going to go with a purple petal let's go to the same settings on each these this is these by the way are the closest i've found to something that makes me happy with like a surf sound for the affordable board it's a clicky slapback sort of sound [Music] but the tonality is there [Music] yeah they sound very very similar maybe a little bit darker from the azure there's a slight eq difference there [Applause] [Music] but still compared to the spring setting on the ocean's 11. [Music] [Applause] [Music] it does the thing it does the fender drippy surfy reverb thing these are the closest i've found for the afforded board but they they don't hold a candle to the ocean's 11 in that territory i'm gonna put these in between the kuvave and the wonderland because they do that specific thing that they do fairly well actually i'm gonna pull the azor i'm gonna put that in the discard box because i don't need to have redundancy there now this is interesting i recently covered the flamma reverb and someone pointed out in the comment section that the muer r7 and the corresponding delay versions have the same controls have the same seven slot preset bank and have the same description of their sounds i did a little bit of investigative like discovery last night and discovered that yes these are the same reverbs in each petal pretty wild stuff and the flamma is cheaper the more is more expensive i think by about like 10 bucks or something like that um and the floma has stereo through i don't think any of the reverb algorithms are stereo themselves maybe there is a little bit of like a stereo modulation going on that i didn't detect last time i played with it but that is something to think about if you're shopping for either of these you can get the same sounds from either one of these [Music] so first setting is room [Music] compared to the hall we can dial it closer [Music] not bad different flavors hall versus room i'm actually pretty impressed with the audio quality of both of these [Music] and it's neat they have a little bit of extra controls with the high cut and low cut here [Music] [Applause] just to demonstrate we'll go to the same setting on the flamma [Applause] [Music] something annoying about these is that when you turn them off and turn them back on again they seem to go back to their presets you see [Music] so you've got to save the preset that you want if you're going to turn them on and off all the time right now on to the hall setting yeah it's it's the same so [Music] i think between these two there's some really high quality uh reverb algorithms going on there they sound smooth they sound lush you're not getting like this weird bouncy delay click at the end of them um even though they're multi reverbs i don't feel like there's nearly anything approaching the variety that you get from the ocean's 11. they seem to be mostly kind of the same sort of sound with slightly different you know kind of like effect appointments applied to them but i think they sound good but i would go with the ocean's 11 at this price point for 50 bucks more you get a lot more versatility with the ocean's 11. if you need stereo through then this is a clear choice but i don't i'm not even going to attempt to like compare every single mode in here to every single mode in here i just don't think it's worth our time i'm going to keep the flamma i'm going to put the mirror in the discard box next up a fan favorite by fans i mean fans of k-line the snake bite a petal that resembles visually the earthquaker afternoon but is not i promise you this is not an earthquaker afternoon in circuit design but it is a very fun and diable sort of like ambient style reverb [Music] you've got resonance center frequency low pass filter pre-delay mix and decay here let's go max and see what we can get what kind of trouble we can get into [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there we go [Music] there's a bit of that digital kind of crispy crystalline thing going on there but if you want a big lush trail this might be the pedal for you there's certainly enough knobs to dial in sounds here um i wish it went full wet i actually wish it was an earthquake or devices uh clone because then it would have like this heavy modulation that you can mess around with and make really wild sounds it kind of falls apart at the end like the fidelity of it the resolution of that that signal starts to sound very digital at the trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's pretty [Music] all right what in the ocean's 11 could mimic that honestly probably just the plate [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah it gets you in the neighborhood i'm gonna put this in between the cuvave digital reverb and the reveco another one from donner here um i recently i recently introduced josh scott to the donner island delay looper from the same series i think this is a very fun and good delay pedal this is from the same series like i just mentioned and i do not think it is a very fun or good reverb pedal in comparison to the delay it's a multi-reverb i'm not sure i even need to compare most of it to the ocean's 11. one of the things about it is right now i don't know if you can hear it but it's passing a very high-pitched wine i did a bunch of experimenting the other night to try to figure out if anything in my rig was part of the recipe that causes that high-pitched wine i couldn't isolate it i really think it is just the petal [Music] a fun you know little bit of extra with this pedal is it is stereo through i don't remember if you have stereo effects and you can hold the foot switch for like trail options [Music] yeah that wine is there even when it's off [Music] [Applause] [Music] i forgot to tune a while back there's something about the pedals that don't sound good that make me really like hear my guitar like uh something's wrong [Music] there's a pre-delay switch for short or long i'll put it onto long that was the room setting i mean here's the hall [Music] totally different kind of sound a lot darker kind of lower fidelity to it that's being smoothed over by something just really weird feel to it in general studio reverb setting whatever that means [Music] hall plate [Music] that was not so bad but still you've got that persistent wine that i'm not a fan of spring setting now [Music] humorously weird plenty output it's pushing my recorder pretty hard [Music] [Laughter] so unlike any spring i've ever heard there's something so weird about the way this reverb feels that honestly like i don't connect with it so i feel like it interrupts the way i play it makes me second guess the way i'm playing this is the mod setting [Music] [Applause] versus the mod setting on the ocean's 11. [Applause] [Music] figure out how to lower the mod speed on that and the last setting on here is the d s verb it's like a it's like a big crush sound [Music] i give this thing a pretty hard fail just because of that whining sound the reverbs themselves they're open to interpretation but to me this is going right next to the reverb berg in the bad pile all right i've got two reverbs here with three settings on each room spring and well i think this is eno brand i can never remember what this logo means but i think it's eno i could be wrong but you get three different reverbs on here level dry wet and time mix and then on the sonicate digital reverb you get room haul and plate with just one master knob let's start with the sauna [Music] cake [Music] not a lot there the hall [Music] more with the hall is kind of a sterile clean and crisp sort of reverb [Music] could be a decent utility reverb for someone now the plate setting that one's decent i like that it's got a nice long trail on it [Music] kind of sparkly and bright somewhat reminds me of the rev echo or even the snake bite right now onto this eno i think it's an eno the room setting [Music] noticeably warmer [Music] here we'll compare to the ocean's 11 paul sound honestly not bad compared to the sonicake [Music] the sonic cake is just so bright and clear that you can almost hear you know the bit rate to it you know there's something about the eno and the ocean's 11 that is smoothing that out in some way [Music] let's try this spring setting i'm not too hopeful for this [Music] it's imparting an interesting like almost echo bounce to the to the signal [Music] [Applause] but not at all drippy or springy like even an ambreever and here that is making an attempt at that tonality [Music] it's just not getting there again versus the spring sound on the ocean's 11. [Music] it's just in a different universe really alright now the well setting [Music] there's nothing there that's making me think that's a special setting at all [Music] [Applause] it actually has like a weird like out of phase sound now that i really listen to it i'm gonna put this below the rev echo and this in front of it in between the rev echo and the snake bite because it gets a bit smoother sounding than the rev echo actually you know what no the rev echo beats them both but the eno beats the sonic cake the revo the rev echo beats them just because it's got that added in delay so it could be you know very fun you know ambient toolbox another donner here and i've only got three left a multi three knobs rotary switch with a bunch of settings here's the room kind of sterile but we have a tone control here that's nice versus the hall on the ocean's eleven [Music] even with the tone down it's a lot brighter shorter of course it doesn't appear to go all the way wet here's the hall setting [Music] church [Music] i'm not having the experience with this so far where i'm pleasantly surprised um by the quality it's it's lower quality than the kuvave um was [Music] but maybe that's the sound you're looking for i don't know [Music] bring up the tone sounds like a metal drum not a church here's the spring setting actually not as bad as some of the other [Music] it doesn't scratch plate reverb from the donner everything on this just sounds kind of low quality [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] studio [Music] this is a studio setting too i feel like this sounds better than this did [Music] and the next one is the mod setting got a thick chorus over the top of it but man that trail on that reverb just too much of that delay sort of bouncy thing happening everything sounds like a steel drum through this i'm going to put this in between the sonic cake and the ventiverb another k line i've got this in one more k line i forget the name of this one but a simple three knob thing [Music] actually sounds fairly decent that's kind of big and lush but it's got this low fidelity kind of static to the trail when it rings out [Music] what would i even compare that to let's just compare to the plate [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah it's very similar to the plate um i mean the ocean's 11 is not perfect there are you know kind of like bit rate fidelity you know hiccups here and there and things like that where it doesn't sound like a perfect high-end reverb or whatever it's 150 bucks um but i think those issues are just accentuated a little bit more in this trail but i'm sure the price is very different if you just want a lush plate reverb this might do it for you i think it actually sounds pretty decent this is going in between the snake bite and the rev echo now a more expensive one here the joyo [Applause] [Music] atmosphere a multi-pedal with plenty of options mixed decay tone modulation trails on and off i've got them off right now that is the plate setting versus the ocean's 11. [Music] we contain that high sizzle a little bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i'd say they're different flavors but i think both plate sounds hold up just fine on their own church setting is that much different from the plate [Music] i guess it's warmer and more spacious but i feel like to get that on the ocean's 11 i would just do like a tone change [Music] i don't know might be uh too unique to copy with the ocean's eleven now the spring [Music] no drip there but it's not hilariously weird like some of the other spring reverbs [Applause] also if you told me that was like asked me to guess like what kind of reverb that is i never would have guessed spring [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yeah it doesn't pass my test for spring at all again here is the ocean's 11. [Music] in my opinion the ocean's 11 is still like the best cheapest version of a spring reverb drip that you can get in a pedal 150 bucks something like that for these and you get a drippy reverb that honestly is worth the price of admission and you get all the other sounds on here that i haven't even covered no there's settings on here that none of these pedals do i'm making a strong case for the ocean's 11 here echo verb that's a lot better than the other one we heard earlier [Music] [Music] you can change the time with the mod knob [Music] kind of a metallic sounding signal though shimmer i'm curious to hear how this sounds compared to the ocean's eleven [Applause] [Music] does it go all the way it does [Music] let's compare it to the shimmer over here [Music] [Music] easy in my opinion a much more pretty sounding shimmer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] much less subtle too this is i i think that sounds kind of bad comet setting though [Music] it sounds like an 80s rack unit would sound it's got this very digital modulation sort of thing happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing like that in here though and if that is a sound you've been chasing then this might be the ticket [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right rewind this one this is one that'll get people excited a reverse reverb and there is actually a reverse on the ocean's 11 to compare it to [Music] let's go full wet with it [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds like a robot it sounds like a transformer [Music] all right now the reverse from the ocean's 11. [Music] very unique sound to me it's not a sound that i use [Music] but kind of spooky in a horror movie sort of way let's dial back that mix a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's interesting because the atmosphere's reverse feels more usable to me in the way it reacts to your playing but the trail on it sounds metallic and robotic it sounds like a transformer like transforming and making all those metallic sounds i don't know guys i don't know you tell me right now the forest setting this is what reverb sounds like in a forest [Music] so [Applause] [Music] actually sounds pretty decent to me um kind of reminds me of the shimmer setting [Music] [Applause] i haven't gotten into the poly setting on the ocean's 11. maybe that'll hit it [Music] [Applause] better [Music] so [Applause] [Music] i think that's my favorite setting on the joyo so far is the forest there's something uh really nice and pretty about it next up is the pulse [Music] ah a tremolo reverb [Music] [Applause] so well the ocean's 11 has one too i think it's neat that the atmosphere has a bunch of settings that none of these other pedals i've had so far there we go i figured it out [Music] i'm sorry the ocean's 11 just smokes the atmosphere so [Music] yeah i'm gonna put this you know what i'm gonna put it in between the snake bite and the kuvave there's a lot of times where this sounded pretty digital in a bad way and that kuvave surprisingly had better sounds like that last one are you sad is this video too long or not long enough should i keep going should i have ordered more reverbs at the beginning of this video and they would have been delivered by the time i got to this point this is one i covered recently the mariana modulated reverb by k-line um a bunch of different settings here a bunch of different ways to control each setting [Applause] [Music] that's the abyss setting [Music] on this setting it has two band eq low and high and then your decay that sounds full wet to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next up the hot springs an attempt at a spring sound but it's more modulated [Music] yeah not really springy at all [Music] this thing specializes in big modulated sounds the bends pitch modulated [Applause] [Music] in my opinion it's so wacky i i don't even know how i'd use it [Music] there we go that tremolo reverb [Music] [Music] it's much better than the atmosphere but [Music] just a better reverb signal from the ocean's 11. [Music] [Music] i mean that might be you know personal preference you might like the sound of this better the deep [Music] a flying tree verb or flange flange there are a thousand ways to pronounce that word and none of them are correct [Music] [Applause] [Music] kind of like the cuvave where you don't need to have the reverb in there it can just be a flange [Music] mermaids there's not really even reverb on this it's just a pitch modulation [Music] [Applause] why is there no reverb on that i want to know the kraken more pitch modulation [Music] let's compare that to the poly setting on the ocean's 11. [Music] it's pretty sounding i think that's one of the better sounding settings on the mariana [Music] [Applause] [Music] using that pitch filter to good effect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right where am i going to put the mariana i think i'm going to put it i'm going to put it right there there's like a dividing line at this kuvati where there was something decent and good about it in a surprising way and once again if you can't find the cuvave version there is the iceset version as well but yeah that seems to be the dividing line in between good multi reverbs and the worst ones can i get them all to fit in here and you might disagree with this order that i've come up with here so go ahead and let me know in the comments section what you think i thought the flamma or the muer r7 depending on which one you want to get i thought it had really high quality reverb sounds to it it doesn't come to the table with quite as many options as the ocean's 11 but i think the fidelity is good i think the signal sounds really nice and responsive in the way that i like from a reverb it's more expensive than the rest of these i honestly kind of feel like if you're going to start pushing towards 100 with one of these reverb pedals you might want to consider throwing an extra 50 and getting the ocean's 11 that's just how i feel about it the wonderland did a great job of being a single purpose shimmer reverb kind of dialing in that sound in a really nice and natural way i think it sounds pretty whether it sounds prettier or less pretty than the modulation the the shim modulation on the ocean's 11 is completely up to you the most guy spring reverb very similar in sound to the azure spring reverb um it's been a mainstay on the affordable for a reason for a long time because it gives me that surfy tone not necessarily the drip that i want but that clicky kind of slap back gets me there in a rockabilly sort of way like i said this has been the dividing line between the good and the bad multi-reverbs honestly surprised by the audio quality in this and there's the i set version up there the mariana there's a lot of promise there there's a lot to mess with but again i have a feeling this isn't cheap let me look up the price of that 80 bucks for this there's some sounds in there that you can't get from other stuff but all in all the general feel of it the kind of fidelity of it the sound of the reverbs i'd rather throw another 60 bucks and go for the ocean's 11. that's my personal feeling you might be on a budget you might have liked the sounds in this the atmosphere by joyo i feel like the sounds in this fall apart pretty quick um yeah i wasn't a fan of a lot of the sounds it feels weird it doesn't feel like it plays with the dynamics of my playing well i don't i almost feel yeah there we go the snake bite i think this is a lot of fun there's a lot to mess around with here to dial it in just right it can be big and lush sounding it is not the earthquaker afternoon it is not you can get big lush chance out of it but it doesn't have the modulation section at all um but this is a fan favorite a lot of people like these i can see why if if you want one i can't tell you not to buy one um the k-line uh mystery anchor sword reverb here i forget the name of it that's fine good quality sound to it doesn't bring a lot to the table maybe i should swap these the rebecco kind of cheats in that it's you know got a delay built in with tap tempo if you hold and you know that's a nice little extra function otherwise it's a fairly decent plate reverb this one surprised me better sounding than i expected it to sound the spring who cares the well who cares the room sound was fairly decent on this the sonic cake meh it's easy it's simple the donner verb square pass the ventiverb we're in a past territory i say pass on this as well and the reaverberg yeah don't ever don't ever buy it [Laughter] so what do you guys think uh thanks for watching please like subscribe just like leave me rude and nasty comments support us on patreon click all the links if you're gonna shop i'm gonna have links down below to as many of these as i can find hopefully most of them are still for sale on the internet somewhere uh affiliate links pay my bills they pay a lot of real bills for me so if you're shopping please consider using those it's part of how i make my living and it's honestly a really honest way for me to make my living making this content for you because if you go onto amazon or ebay or even reverb anywhere else following my link and then you don't buy one of these but you buy something else that you wanted i still get a cut of that just something to think about so anyways buy a shirt if you're naked like subscribe blah blah blah blah blah blah suppose on patreon and stay grounded bye everybody you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 40,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reverb, affordaboard, afford a board, caline reverb, snake bite, donner verb square, donner revecho, flamma reverb, mooer reverb, wonderland, reverb pedal, mosky spring reverb, cuvave reverb, sonicake reverb, joyo snake bite, mugig reverburg, donner vintaverb, joyo atmosphere, caline mariana reverb, caline mariana, ex reverb, azor reverb, iset reverb, oceans 11 reverb, reverb pedals rated, reverb pedal shootout, cheap reverb pedal shootout, spring reverb pedal shootout
Id: IxhHn6TyVyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 4sec (4864 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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