Every Amazon Basics Guitar Pedal - I wanted to hate them...

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what's up everybody this is steve sterlachy today we are going to look at the offerings from amazon.com for probably the cheapest set of guitar pedals that you'll ever come across these are the amazon basics brand you know they have the cheapest version of everything their brand name um knockoff import whatever you want to call them of guitar pedals they just released these a couple of weeks ago and i bought the full set to uh give a run through and see what these are all about i will say before we even get started that if you have the means to do so i would first always recommend supporting a local business a mom-and-pop guitar shop or a custom builder or a boutique builder that's building them themselves you know out of their home or out of their home home set up whatever you want to call it so if you have the means you know skip these before i even open them i didn't even open them i haven't plugged them in yet but just as a note for you guys if you have the means go for the real professional stuff and help support you know somebody's business instead of uh you know amazon money hungry i don't even know if i'm going to be keeping these i doubt they're going to wow me but we're going to try them out in case you're a beginner or you don't have much money to work with much of a budget for pedals and if they work for you then great and i hope you really enjoy them so i'm going to start this off with i'm going to go one by one i haven't opened them yet they come in these it looks like a little sandwich bag it says uh i'm gonna go in the order of what i would normally make a pedal board out of so i'm gonna do my compressor first so compressor guitar pedal fully analog circuit manufactured by the shenzhen ranger musical instrument company i'm not sure if i don't know anything about him if you guys do let me know in the comments and maybe help somebody out so let's uh [Applause] let's open this up i'll skip the unboxing for the rest of them because i assume we're going to be relatively similar all right nothing else in here some basic directions analog safety instructions very basic instructions it doesn't even seem like a guitar player wrote these the product is intended for modifying sound and volume of a guitar electric or bass a guitar electric or bass okay this product is intended for private use only it's not intended for commercial use and it's intended to be used in dry indoor areas only no liability will be accepted for damages resulting in improper use non-compliance with these instructions yeah that's about all that's important in here so they even tell you that this isn't exactly a professional pedal which i mean listen if you're a professional guitar player and you're looking to use a 20 guitar pedal on your board we might have other problems okay let's see what we got here these are all actually in pretty nice aluminum casings and the pots don't feel too bad are these glow in the dark they almost look glow in the dark check that out so here is the compressor um before i even plug this in here is my clean tone i'm going through my sir this is my custom sir and i'm going to my vintage princeton through my sir reactive load direct into my daw so i'm going to be monitoring myself with headphones so what you guys are hearing is a pristine clean recorded signal here is my clean tone so i have nothing on totally dry neck pickup and don't give me any crap about oh it's an expensive guitar an expensive amp because no good guitar or amp is going to save a crappy pedal so with that in mind let's go okay so let's just start with all new all knobs at noon let's just mess around that's what we got here do you hear it kicking in so i'm going to lower the attack time you can hear so you can hear [Music] so you can hear it kind of kind of like ramp it up as you go um let's put all the sustain up [Music] all right so the sustain works pretty good um you heard when i clicked it off that was what the bypass sound was which was non-existent and then the uh compressor actually kept it on [Music] let's uh let's go the attack all the way [Music] so the attack is how much of your initial um string that you want to hear so when it's all the way up you hear it you actually hear you know more dynamic sound because you hear me hitting it harder [Music] and then you can hear the compressor kick in and keep it up so for those of you that don't know what a compressor is or does it essentially makes your high volume sounds lower and your low volume sounds higher so they kind of meet in a middle point that you set up with these knobs here let's move on um next we're gonna do a boost pedal so here is the boost pedal this one has a drive treble and bass knob um i'm a big user of a boost pedal a clean boost early in my chain usually right after my compressor and i kind of use it as an always-on especially with single coil pickups so let's wire it in see what we got all right so this one i i had a feeling i was going to like this it's a pretty transparent boost it's not really coloring much listen to that [Music] you know it just gives it a nice little little clean umph to it and it allows you to do a little bit maybe with a telly type of style you might want to drop some bass uh add some bass and drop some trouble [Music] cool now let's see this amp's got some headroom on it stills [Music] [Applause] it's pretty natural [Music] i like it i could definitely see myself using that as an always-on type of pedal early in my chain so so far the compressor gets in uh and the boost i think is a win move on overdrive again i'm not even gonna bother reading these things i saw a couple of videos about this overdrive pedal and some people say that it's supposed to be a tube screamer clone but it didn't sound anything like one but um i guess we'll see okay overdrive okay all knobs at noon [Music] [Applause] okay let's uh see we got drivewise [Applause] [Music] okay the volume doesn't seem to do much from you hear that [Music] cool so we got tone all the way up [Applause] okay so that's definitely functioning tone knob okay not much happening between that throw looks like this seems to be the hot spot in this specific pedal let's hear it in a low drive setting maybe a slight little mid bump it doesn't sound like a tube screamer i don't think but i don't know what do you guys think put your uh feedback in the comments as we go all right so that is the basic drive setting and by the way if you guys want any more demos of these uh further detail about them put it in the comments and i'll maybe make a video about them individually let's uh move to the next one distortion guitar pedal this one had a funny description okay here is distortion all right i had to pull up my phone for this one um amazon basics distortion guitar pedal easily distort sound with this guitar effect pedal from amazonbasics this pedal creates a classic distortion tone and its stage distortion design effectively delivers a higher degree of distortion the effect pedal makes an especially great choice for hard rock bands and musicians looking for more pronounced and intense sound this was not written by a guitar player all right eye catching appearance it says two with that red all right let's hear what it sounds like again here's bypass [Music] [Music] easy [Music] certainly is intense oh man let's maybe tone that down a little bit let's see how gnarly we can get with the distortion here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's take a tuning break [Music] okay much better now we're in tune [Music] [Music] bye [Music] all right let me know what you think of that in the comments because i mean it's actually not terrible all right let's move on last effect pedal that i bought uh this is digital delay so this is our delay we have a mixed time and feedback for those who don't know the mix is how much of the delay signal is going to come through the time is the amount of time until the delay or the second repeat hits and the feedback is how many repeats are going to be in your delay again sorry i'm just kind of throwing this in there oh wow this is huh okay so the rest of these are click buttons that's a soft one all right so that's like a slapback [Music] nice okay that could get the job done [Music] let's hear how it affects the tone with a bunch of feedback all right so i guess it could do infinite [Music] so you can still do your interesting delay tricks with that feedback seems real sensitive i usually try to like to be like three repeats yeah okay now let's uh hit that with the distortion for a lead sound [Music] and hit the boost on too if you can't see that i just hit the boost on as well [Music] uh that's really not my favorite sound in the world but hey i think that it's actually pretty cool the whole line seems to be pretty cool and i 25 bucks i mean i think that this one the delay was 45 and the uh and the looper was a little bit more but i think these three were 25 bucks for 25 bucks it's a pretty good deal if you need any of these basic necessity pedals but again my first recommendation would still be to um support better like a supportive business instead of a corporation if you know what i mean [Music] let's hit them all [Music] um [Music] all right let's uh let's get the loop pedal and see what we're working with with that all right so the looper actually looks pretty cool um if you're looking for a basic practicing tool i think that this might actually be really useful you could do up to five minutes that's pretty cool you could do a whole song all right let's see if i am definitely not a looper so i have no idea what i'm doing in terms of being you know in terms of doing this type of thing i'm going to put it less so that we have the full effective signal okay so i hit the button once it turns red [Music] then you got it level [Music] yeah so that's it basic looper um yeah i think that'd be a cool practice tool you could freeze uh pedal tones and practice over that i think that'd be cool to do um if you guys want to see a separate video on that let me know in the comments it's getting a little bit long so i just wanted to show you how it works if it actually works and what it's about so thank you guys for watching this video i hope you stuck with me the whole way um i have links to all these in the description below if you're interested in them if you want to see any individual demos of these let me know in the comments what you'd like to see out of them and uh any questions leave them below i'll get right back to you thanks again for watching see you in the next video
Channel: Steve Sterlacci
Views: 330,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar lessons, guitars, amazon basics, guitar pedals, guitar pedal demo, beginner guitar pedals, first guitar pedal, amazon basics guitar pedal, I wanted to hate them, beginner guitarist, first guitar lesson, first pedal, first guitar pedals to buy, first pedals to buy, overdrive, distortion pedal, delay pedal, boost pedal, compressor pedal, digital delay pedal, amazon basics guitar pedals, what's the deal with amazonbasics pedals, jhs amazon basics, jhs amazon
Id: C501O3tZXdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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