Jordan Peterson: Alpha males & everyone below them

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you're gonna be in a lot of pyramids in your life dominance hierarchies and different states and families and all of that and they'll arrange themselves into a hierarchy and there'll be something at the top and the top is the thing that can do well across hierarchies so it's not stuck in any one pyramid and it's partly associated with vision and the ability to see a long long distance also to see what you don't want to see and to report that back to the king and so the king fundamentally as far as you guys are concerned from a psychological perspective that's your super-ego that's the Freudian perspective or it might be the moral system by which you comport yourself but your eyes are the thing that updates that right you need it to orient yourself in the world you need it to orient yourself among other people but your eye and your capacity to pay attention especially to what you don't want to pay attention to is the thing that continually updates that model exactly as Piaget laid out with children into the world with reflexes and maybe a more modern psychologists would also concentrate on the implicit motivations and those have to be organized inside the child into some kind of hierarchy of unity before the child can organize him or herself into the broader unity of the state and that's basically what's being represented here and so so Zazu the eyes of the King comes to check out the King and that's uh what's his name what's the King's name Mufasa yeah and he's a very regal looking person lion and he stands up straight and tall and that means that he's high in serotonin because serotonin governs posterior flexion and if so if you're dominant and near the top of hierarchies you tend to expand so that you look bigger than then you could if you shrunk down and so if you're low dominant person you wander around like this so that you look small and weak and you don't pose a threat to anybody but if you're at the top you expand yourself so that you can command the space and that's why he has that particular kind of regal posture and if you look at his facial expression you see that it's quite severe it like he's he's capable of kindness but he's also harsh and judgmental and that's what society is like that's what the super-ego is like and what that means is that he's integrated his aggression and I've seen this happen in my clinical clients when they come in and they're too agreeable they look like Simba looks later in the movie when he's an adolescent and he's sort of like a deer in the headlights everything is coming in and nothing is coming out but when the person integrates their shadow and gets the aggressive part of themselves integrated into their personality their face is hardened and if you look at people you can tell because the people who are too agreeable look childlike and innocent and the people who well a hyper aggressive person will look you know mean and cruel but uh let's see if that's good that's still working so but I've seen people's face changes change face change in the course of therapy men and women so and what happens is they start to look more mature and it's it's more like they're they're judging the world as well as interacting with it properly once they integrate that more disagreeable part of them it's very very necessary and that's part of the incorporation of the Union shadow or the incorporation of the unconscious from a Freudian perspective but old Musa Musa there he's already got that he's already got that covered so and he's capable of obviously he can smile and he's full capable of the full range of expressions but he's a tough looking character the lion is an apex predator and so which means it's at the top of the food chain roughly speaking and it's sort of golden like the Sun so that's also useful in hell you know it has that mane that makes it look majestic and of course it's very physically powerful and it's it's and and and it's intimidating and so it's something that you run away from as well right or you're awestruck by so the fact that you know it's like snail king just doesn't make any sense right but lion king that works and and you got to think about those things because it's not self-evident why a lion would work as a king but uh but a snail wouldn't all right so now Mufasa has taken taken Simba up to the top of the pyramid right so that's the the aluminium place let's say or the place of the eye where you can really see a long ways and he's explaining to him what his kingdom is going to be and you see the Sun of course appears that that to begin with and that's another hint about being at the top that's the illuminated part of the pyramid and so they're up there talking and what Mufasa tells Simba is that his kingdom is everyplace the light has touched and that's so brilliant so one of the things you'll notice if you move into an apartment you're like a cat cats don't like changing houses and they have to zoom around in every corner to see exactly what the hell's going on there before they calm down they need to know where they can hide and where the potential dangers are and what you'll find if you move into a new place that you will not be comfortable there until you've investigated potentially cleaned and repaired every single square inch of it the more attention you pay to it the more it will become yours and that's far more than mere like material ownership which is also relevant but in order to feel comfortable somewhere and to dominate that place to be in meshed in that place you have to attend to it you have to shine light on every corner and you have to do that with yourself and with your relationships as well and so anyways Mufasa tells Simba that his kingdom is everything that the light shines on and that's exactly right and then there's a metaphor there too which is that what you've Shaun light on which is what you've come to understand and master is surrounded by an Otherworld of all the things that you don't understand and some of those would be natural things and some of them would be tyrannical things and some of those would be things you don't want to know about yourself but they're outside of where you've managed to shine the light and so that's exactly what Mufasa tells Simba says we live in this pyramid we're at the top there's a domain of light around it that's explored territory outside of that there's explore unexplored territory and that's partly the unconscious because you fill it with fantasy and it's partly what you just don't know and then Mufasa tells Simba and it's sort of like God telling Adam and even in the Garden of Eden not to eat the apple Mufasa tells Simba there's that this outside place that's dark that's not part of your kingdom and you should not go there and that's really interesting because Simba doesn't even know about that place yet and so Mufasa is doing something very contradictory there it's like telling him that it exists and and heightening is curiosity but also saying that he should go there almost ensuring that that's exactly what Simba is going to do the state puts puts pressure on you to regulate your emotions positive negative and positive and it crushes you it crushes the life out of you a lot of it and so you end up you know your age and you're all mopey because the especially because you've been forced to sit down in school for like 17 years you're all mopey and it's no wonder you know you've had the spirit taken out of you by the process of discipline but without that you'd be completely useless so it's another one of those paradoxical you know gifts and and catastrophes that you encounter as you move through life so then Simba encounters the anima that's the anima the union anima and the anima is the feminine counterpart in the soul and she well yeah you could tell what she does to him right because she's got this supercilious and and what would you say judgmental and TZ look on her face and she's really trying to put him down and it's work it like bad he's not very happy about that at all and she's the thing this is what the anima does the soul she's the thing that teaches the exploratory hero that that it's not everything it could be right and that's part of this can be read multiple ways but it's part of the eternal tendency of women to makes men's self conscious by their sexual selectivity that's part of it because that makes men's self conscious like nothing else and it's also perhaps been one of the phenomena that's produced the evolutionary arms race in this in the sexes is it among human beings that's caused our rapid cortical expansion and our quick movement away from chimpanzees who aren't selective mater's by the way he's a he's the son of a king so he's very very privileged and he confuses his privilege with competence which of course all of you do because you're all sons of the king which is why you can sit here in the university and you confused your privilege with competence as well because it's not has nothing to do with any of you that the lights are on and that's place is so peaceful right but you take that for granted and it can make you false and arrogant he's he's in for real trouble man he thinks he knows everything and of course that he has a wrestling match with what's-her-name what's it was it Nala yeah he has a wrestling match with Nala and she just pins him every time right gotcha again pindy again and that's basically right one of the things that happens with men when they meet a woman who they really desire that Myers they project an idea on to her immediately that's an anima projection and then that Adam a projection judges them and they act all fear and stupid and it's partly because they are that's why and so then they go down in defeat constantly to this thing that they're projecting which at least has some concordance with the actual woman but not that much so okay they keep wrestling and then they're on the fringe of the kingdom this wrestling match between this pairs of opposites takes them to the edge of the kingdom and they end up in the elephant's graveyard right and and there's there's bones everywhere and so now they're out into the kingdom of death and what that means is that these two kids as they've grown up encounter death right they go outside the light and it's very very shocking for them they're very curious about it obviously they go to explore the skeletons and all of that even though they were told not to but their curiosity they can't stay away from death they're too curious about it and so they develop knowledge of death and that and then of course out there in the dead lands is where the hyenas are and that's exactly right because hyenas are scavengers right and they can break bones with their teeth they're really really quite the animal and you know you kind of have a shudder of repugnance when you see those things and I think it's partly I mean we shared an evolutionary landscape with the ancestors of hyenas for a very very long time and like vultures too you know you couldn't imagine something that would be more well designed to look like it was a horrible thing than a vulture right and there's this weird concordance and crows and ravens are like that to carrion eaters you know the Eagles are kind of an exception but they look just as creepy as they are which is really quite interesting and of course hyenas fall into that category and they laugh too which is you know really you you also have to laugh really with all these other things you have going for you and anyways the hyenas and hyenas are enemies of lions and they can take lions down they're tough things and you know they're not one high in obviously but a bunch of hyenas can give a lie in a pretty damn rough time and so and these little lines are really no match for the hyenas and so they get threatened very very rapidly and one of the hyenas of course is just completely out of its mind and one of the things that's really interesting and you see this with the Muppets too there was often a puppet that was like a crazy puppet and its eyes would move in different directions you know and one of the things that happens with people who are schizophrenic as they show involuntary eye movements and it's because you have a brain center that controls your eyes voluntarily and you have another one that controls them involuntarily so you can see that look ahead and try to move your eyes smoothly back and forth you can't do it you'll see that they jerk Hey but if you watch put a finger in front of your face and then do this they'll move perfectly smoothly and that's because you're using different eye control centers one voluntary and one more involuntary and the involuntary one is actually more sophisticated and so in schizophrenic the involuntary eye control centers tend to disrupt the voluntary eye control centers and that's likely part of the hallucinatory process you know because you have the ego in this schizophrenic that's being disrupted by processes underneath fantasies and that sort of thing and that looks like it's reflected in involuntary eye movements like like dream movements so anyways so much for the crazy hyena and they're in real trouble now the King's eye who's supposed to be keeping an eye on this and was supposed to be watching Simba is trying to intervene but I mean look at him he's a like a delicious little bird and so that's not working out very well
Channel: Essential Truth
Views: 947,625
Rating: 4.8057456 out of 5
Keywords: Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson, Essential Truth, Bite-sized philosophy, M Czerna, Evan carmichael, philosophyinsights, 50 stars, PowerfulJRE, ScienceNET, StevenCrowder, ocean of freedom, Gravitahn, Intense 5, Psyche Matters, Ramble, Manofallcreation, Archangel911, jocko podcast, mulligan brothers, gad saad, Stefan Molyneaux, the Rubin Report, sorting myself out, MGTOW, Alpha males, beta males, self-improvement, h3 podcast, mixed mental arts, voltaire
Id: RVVmhnmUj6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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