Jordan Peterson - What turns someone into a jackass?

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later that night the entire place is completely devastated and all we see is the wreckage of everything that was there before and again the cricket has got separated from Pinocchio and so he's trying to find him and Pinocchio ends up in this this bar that's shaped like an eight ball eight ball is kind of the random ball in in pool and anyways he's inside the eight ball and he's shooting pool with with lamp-wick and that's just another indication of wasting his time basically and you can see in the forefront there there's some cards for gambling and so he's engaged in these sort of you might say pointless hedonic pursuits and he's enticing Pinocchio along the same route and so he teaches him to smoke first that doesn't go very well so Pinocchio tena takes a huge drag on a cigar and it just about kills him and when lamp-wick asks him how he likes it he shakes his head and says you know that it's really was really quite good but he's so sick that he can hardly stand up and he's hallucinating double balls on the pool table and then the cricket shows up and stands on the eight ball and kind of gives one of those declamatory speeches again you know because he still hasn't quite figured out that standing up proud and spouting off the rules isn't exactly the right way for that conscience to behave and lamp-wick picks him up by the scruff of the neck roughly speaking and first of all asks who he is so obviously he's divorced from his own conscience and then makes fun of Pinocchio for paying attention to this little bug and hmm that's kind of a nice indication of what happens in adolescence you know because of course as children move away from their parents and into their groups especially when the groups are misbehaving often what happens is that the other members of the group will torture a person who isn't willing to try something dangerous or foolish by making fun of the fact that they're you know too attached to their conscience and there's a positive element to that because you shouldn't take some risks when you're a teenager and also later in life and so if you won't take any risks there's actually something wrong with you but there's a negative element in that well you know teenagers do all sorts of stupid things and perhaps it's amazing that we all live through it actually as far as I'm concerned and some people take extraordinarily risks extraordinary risks and they don't make it through at all or they end up in the permanently antisocial population and then they're you know basically career criminals 5% of the criminals commit 95% of the crimes it's another period of distribution so anyways lamp-wick isn't gonna listen to Pinocchio and or to the cricket he laughs at him with this kind of braying laugh which is some foreshadowing and the cricket gets all upset puts his coat on backwards and ends up dumped down a pool table hole and otherwise abused and so he stomps on out of there he tells Pinocchio that he can take care of himself and he stomps on out of there and so Pinocchio is left without the guidance of conscience and the cricket is trying to figure out how to get off Pleasure Island but he goes through the gates and he sees what's actually going on and what's going on is that the coachman has this like slave boat down in the bowels of the island and he's got all these these black suited minions with the glowing eyes working for him and they're rounding up what looked like donkeys and so they're beasts of burden right and so there's an idea here that if you produce simple if you pursue impulsive pleasure to the detriment of the development of your character you're going to end up a beast of burden you're going to end up a slave to a tyrant and that's exactly right and so anyways but the cricket doesn't you can see one of those black-suited Horrors here hauling donkeys out of this crate and one of them has a hat on and they look very sad and they're in different crates and one of them says sold to the salt mines and one says sold to the circus and so they're shipped off to be to be slaves roughly speaking and they look very sad and then one of them gets hauled out of a crate and he's still going to have he has a hat on and a sweater and he can still talk he's a boy it turns out that's been half transformed into a jackass a braying jackass prior to being enslaved and so that's that's another thing that's quite interesting about the story you know it also makes the case that if you replace your voice with stupid braying that the probability that you're going to become enslaved by a tyrant is extraordinarily high and I always can't help but think about idiot idiot logs in that manner you know Solzhenitsyn wrote about the radical left ideologues that got thrown in the Gulag Archipelago you know so they were part party stalwarts this happened to a lot of people true believers who are vacuumed up by this telling this machine and threw in and thrown into the goo leg anyways and he said that those people suffered in some ways more than ever everyone else because What did he say they were bit by the beloved hand that fed them and so the first while when they were in the camps souls Anacin really didn't know what to do with people like that because on the one hand well they were in the camps and wasn't that awful and they've been torn away from their families and you know stripped of all their identity and their status and so that's pretty rough but on the other hand they were writing letters protesting their innocence and assuming that everyone else in the camp was guilty but they were innocent and they were still strident believers in the communist process and so you know it was a conundrum here they are being terribly punished but by the same token they're also the perpetrators of their own demise so how do you deal with them and they used to play comrades he said they used to play comrades with people like that and invite them into an ideological discussion about the camp situation and the situation in the country as a whole and let them rattle out their ideological justifications for everything that had happened in in trying to make them parody themselves roughly speaking it was a rough game and Solzhenitsyn also concluded that there is no helping someone like that when they were still in Staunton side that braying ideology you could predict everything they were going to say it's like someone had a crank you could just crank it and out would come the proper ideological formulas but then he realized that as soon as they let's call it repented of that and started to realize their their own role in it or the error of the system then he would start communicating with them you know as if they were people who who you could communicate with yeah so that was very interesting as far as I'm concerned anyways this kid is still a little bit human he starts to cry for his mom and the coachmen basically throws him back into the crate and says that he's not ready yet and the reason for that is that he could still he still had the power of independent speech you remember right at the beginning of the movie when the mouth was painted on Pinocchio we saw that mask that was really glaring at the process and I said that character recurs continually throughout the movie and is a good example of that because the coachman is the enemy of anything that has its own voice so he's the anti Geppetto that's a good way of thinking about it he's the tyrannical aspect of the of the culture but as insofar as one of these mostly donkeys mostly jackasses can still talk then they're not completely fit for slavery and you remember this movie was also being made at about the same time that the Nazi transformation of Germany was taking place and so all these terrible underground things you know this this process whereby people were being reduced to to ideological slaves say and in this terrible process that was all playing out in Europe in a very big way and it's not like people weren't aware of that you know it was in the air so you
Channel: TheArchangel911
Views: 162,830
Rating: 4.9125133 out of 5
Keywords: self, jordan, peterson, psychology, personality, philosophy, biology, physiology, high, school, college, university, emotions, intellectuals, science, IQ, test, lecture, pinocchio
Id: Azy3iXnpbmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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