JonTron's StarCade: Episode 5 - The Phantom Menace Games

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He missed Episode I Battle for Naboo and Episode 1 Racer Revenge. To be fair though, those games probably dont really have any comedic value in them.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Drumada 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2015 🗫︎ replies
star wars episode 1 a film that famously lives in infamy and I do mean infamy from Gungans to midi-chlorians I think it's safe to say this movie spawned more social outrage and the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria and that was real bad all my favorite books got burned up in that like this coloring book for example mustaches of the former Soviet Union it only comes with the crayon brown that are not color outside the lines or else Papa will have to go back to a concrete hole in the ground when people were watching this film they had to have insane themselves I wish I can experience this for myself I wish I could be there little did they know their wish was already granted this is Star Wars Episode one The Phantom Menace for ps1 ok it's kind of rare to get a game like this it's not some spin-off it's actually just Star Wars Episode one The Phantom Menace and yeah it pretty much is just a scene-by-scene in the spirit of the movie but obviously there are some deviations first most glaring difference of course being the inclusion of wobbly pixel each imp face not that I have anything against that is to say you're all absolutely bone chillingly deformed what is that guts coming out of the floor that's interesting cuz it looks an awful lot like poison to me no you don't you son of a this game would have been fun had it not been for the vomit inducing top-down angle that is any slight tilt and way too close to your character it's hard to tell where or what anything is and if you don't find out what to do you'll still have the nausea to deal with Oh oh my god I what is going on that way yeah I don't want to have anything to do with that op1 let's take Path number two obi-wan you're gonna be alright bro I'm gonna be able to walk that one off so this is cannon then yeah probably getting back together for episodes 2 & 3 lissa clumsy but missus still have no Jar Jar you're so quirky and lovable Mesa you should doing grab anything for you buddy let's go so long Jar Jar we hardly knew you before you were viciously murdered by an actual firing squad in an official Star Wars game for real most of this game is just traversing the landscapes of the film with familiar characters it's a bit slum and clunky at times but I've played much worse I do find it interesting that they tried to do a scene by scene but I don't know that it works which events happen then the ones in the movie or the ones in this game split timeline much the graphics are generally appealing for ps1 though and the environments are varied so yeah whatever I'll give it a pass next up we have Jedi power battles where Sam Jackson looks like he just encountered a large spider when obi-wan looks like he's listening to his friend's parents fight during an awkward family dinner you can choose from all your favorite characters mace windu obi-wan qui-gon jinn and Pullo people pío pío Koon well you don't know who this guy is here you've been living under a rock or something like probably asks he's a for God forsaken creature of the night at first glance I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between this and the last game it looks and plays very similarly but I can say this one is definitely a lot less disorienting it's got a much better field of view I suppose this game could be described as more arcade like in nature there are some minor platforming elements mixed in but it's mostly just about dismembering your enemies in style what are you laughing at Yoda something funny something you want to share with the class you're laughing at me so what I'm funny now I'm a funny guy just because I'm dressed like a clown I suppose you think I should never got either there also exist some flash games about the prequels I couldn't find any worth mentioning on Episode one but there are a few based off Revenge of the Sith the first one being called Jedi verse Jedi blades of light I'm sorry I didn't mean any rep you boys I can see you're busy everyone panic in do you not remember your days of friendship what has brought you to such savage violence I can't look occasionally one of them will fall over like a child and then get back up come on guys play clean keep it above the belt don't make me come in there well there is actually a reason this all looks so strange these flash games here were based on a marketing campaign around toys for Episode three to animate this it looks like they pose the actual toys and stop-motion no like this thing they're standing on here even in the background you can actually buy that comes with the orange goo and everything while we're already looking at these weird flash games there's another one that ties in with the toys Revenge of the Sith scene bot I think it's actually supposed to be called George Lucas special edition simulator why make one movie when you can just keep adding to the same one forever just put just put that there one here more MORE it must be perfect never clean never clean I know what you're saying where's the guy gonna get a Gungan game huh well fear not the Gungan frontier is here for you which are you so with every bus hmm there's a hard choice given that both the prospective candidates seem to contract in a bad case of rigor mortis you shall be needing to know bombad many things to make a new I want to scale back your expectations a little bit Paul gonna be oh come on man have some patience already who do I look like you Buzz Aldrin this this makes a decent amount of planning I don't even know where to start me shall give you some secret wise creature holder of much knowledge duck fish that's alright I think you can hold on to that you know I'm not gonna think twice about it okay what is going on here there's the crash did not ask for him that's good though that's wolf that guy is bigger than described on the ledger there okay let's get to it guys Mabel to make a family all right what's the crusty oh god please tell me that's the only time that happens all right Ron toe he's pretty nice whatever write a good tree very very it's a healthy tree okay I do not I really I do not know what is going on here that is this is something else nope oh who is that oh come on Jar Jar leave me alone for a second all right I'm over here trying to plant your dad a new moon listen this game is great with all its putting trees down in the Kobey's but it doesn't really hold a candle to my personal favorite gungun Adventure slash spiritual experience jar jar's Jar Jar Jar ocean here we go get it he's gonna get it this time poor little guy can never get that jar open but what about the art of the podrace to the dismay of some it played a huge part in the first prequel movie I always loved pod racing in fact I think of all the scenes in the prequel trilogy Anakin's pod race against the boba is easily my favorite each pod racer is built uniquely for the character designated to it so there's a very visceral sense of tension and imminent danger that adds to the drama at any moment your favorite player could be torn to shreds and that's really what we all want deep down isn't it wow this is episode 1 racer for the n64 I don't know why they called it racer and not pod racer I guess they thought people would associate pods with peas and let's face it no one likes those things look at this peas is it's hard to squish the frozen ones I can't do it now I remember in this game you got to buy pieces from Watteau to improve your podracer you know whatto the blue guy that looked like if gonzo from the Muppets had sex with Jeff Goldblum from the fly oh god get it out of my head life finds a way I don't know maybe it's got something to do with the fact that it sounds like you're about to take yourself out back and go drink bleach the feeling of speed they were able to accomplish here was impressive given that it was n64 the controls were tight too it felt like an accurate recreation of a pod race which I'm assuming is what they were going for and not to mention there were tons of awesome locations to race in and a multitude of racers to choose from I think it's safe to say I love this one Oh looks like Anakin won't be making the Tampa so - after all they also made a gameboy color version of this that opens with a sweet remix of duel of the fates the game itself isn't much to write home about though ah yes so this is the sound of true debt well I guess that's it that's all of them tune in next time on super bombad racing I can't be good what is going on here what's a bombad I don't know who was in charge of this but they are clearly and unrecognized genius you had like all the Star Wars lexicon and you chose this you went with bombad is that some sort of artistic thing you guys got going on here don't want to be too cliche no it's all good really you guys just keep doing you know but I can't move past this part because what's a bombad is it this thing Jar Jar is riding on is that a bomb bad well no actually cuz that's what's known as a tri bubble Bongo see I've done my research I took to the internet to see what a bomb bat could be after all and it turns out bombad may refer to the Gungan word for a superb so this game's title literally translates to super superb racing what can I say that's pretty super superb in itself come on why are you looking at me like that very very bad
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 6,415,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jontron, starcade, the phantom menace, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Film), jedi power battles, the gungan frontier, funny, review, pod racer, Star Wars Episode I: Racer (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Games (TV Genre)
Id: 8uEwLQAxc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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