John Candy & Maureen O'Hara Appearance | Carson Tonight Show

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[Applause] we have a few people who are movie stars from different generations the younger of course is john candy and maureen o'hara has made 56 motion pictures including all-time classics like the quiet man and miracle on 34th street and she actually uh retired from the business 20 years ago but apparently john persuaded to come back for one more time and the picture is called only the lonely which comes out the 24th has received some marvelous reviews would you welcome john candy and maureen o'hara [Music] oh what a great kick to have you here thank you and i told the audience what i told you when i saw you in your dressing room secret in love with you for 50 years and i got a chance to tell you that was before you were born oh give me a break aren't that's why i love you for saying stuff like that you look absolutely marvelous i thank you for coming tonight well thank you for having me yeah i mentioned that you retired or quit 20 years ago can i ask you why a lot of people make the mistake sometimes of trying to hang on and say i'm going to keep going and it doesn't work out and you voluntarily well i quit for many reasons i married perhaps the most wonderful man in the world charlie blair one of the great pioneer pilots of the world the first man to fly over the north pole solo and i could go it would take your whole show to talk about charlie and john wayne was down visiting us in saint croix where we lived where i moved to and they were both six feet four inches tall and i was sitting down and they were standing up and they looked at me and said isn't it about time you stayed home seriously yeah and they thought they were going to get a great argument from me and i said okay fine so i quit did you ever have any regrets no i had the most wonderful life i flew all over the world with charlie we went round the world twice in the seaplane we he was a general in the air force too and so i got to live all the wonderful adventures that i had only acted out on the back of the fox and the universal lot so i was living those adventures yeah you see a lot of people would miss being in front of the public eye but obviously you didn't and went and had a different part of your life i was in the aviation industry i learned the aviation industry and that has to do with the public also because if you don't please the public and communicate with the public they want won't buy any more tickets on your airline yeah how did you manage to uh come back how did john have this influence on you or i can't see you two hanging out together i mean having having cookouts at each other's house or something how did it happen oh that that's pretty insulting i don't know i didn't mean it insulting i just i didn't know you were friends well um uh actually what happened was the young director of the film christopher columbus wrote the part of rose for me right and then couldn't find me because i had retired and finally contacted a newspaperman friend of mine in new york called joe murphy and uh joe gave them my brother's telephone number my brother charlie fitzsimons who's the executive director of the of the producers guild and they sent the script to charlie he read it he called me he said this time you can't turn it down you must do it and i said oh all right send it to me okay so they sent it to me and i read it and it was true it was wonderful and then i said well i'd like to meet the two young men christopher columbus and hunt lowry so i flew out to la and i met them and in about five minutes we loved each other i liked them i thought it would be wonderful to work for them and then i said no but wait a minute i think i also need to meet john candy so john was up in chicago no you were in we were in chicago we were yeah but you flew into chicago didn't you from from canada she says you're in chicago you were in chicago i just i just go along with it and i flew into chicago and this time it was like 50 seconds i just looked at him i looked into those gorgeous eyes and i said yes i'll be his mom boy that's nice the eyes did it huh that's right the eyes always do it right well i kind of thought we looked a little bit alike we have the same kind of teeth with the same mouth and the same eyes we all know that john candy is a marvelous comedy actor a marvelous catch actor [Applause] i know what you're going to say wait wait till you see this picture john candy comes into his own as a fine fine dramatic actor and just you wait in a in a little while he's too young right now but very soon john candy is going to be doing all the great roles that charles lawton has done he's going to be doing witness for the prosecution and all the marvelous roles he is a fantastic actor you listen to mother that's high praise indeed [Music] that is my praise coming from you because i think people who are skilled at comedy uh are basically good actors oh comedy is one of the most difficult things in the world to do yeah well it was easy working with maureen i'll tell you it was uh what a pro did she make you comfortable yeah actually in the first uh audition when we were reading the script see i'm still nervous around you see um no when we first met i mean everybody in the room when maureen walked in the whole room lit up everybody was smiling and beaming and we went up to her to a little office upstairs and we sat for about three hours talking about john ford and or mr ford i should call it and uh and the duke yeah and we started reading the script and when i first heard maureen breed we were all just so captivated i forgot i was next you know i had the next line she'll never she'll never get a review another crazy day was marvelous yeah i've read a review on what the tradition right variety it was marvelous absolutely marvelous can i ask you a silly question when jimmy stewart was here and we talked about another great holiday movie of course which is it's a wonderful life when they made that picture it wasn't very well accepted by the public at that time became a classic when you did miracle on 34th street was it at that time big as has become yes it was very very big box office right away because it had the same kind of warmth and charm that i think uh our picture has yeah it was always always popular as a matter of fact just last you'll see it every christmas when i'm nailed into the box and long gone you'll still be seeing i don't even talk you'll still be seeing it every christmas in the quiet moment every night holiday and it was marvelous last just before christmas i was in new york and i was coming home from mass in the middle of the day and about five young kids came up behind me and they pulled on my coat and they said you're the lady that knows santa claus aren't you and i turned around and i said yes i know santa claus very very well isn't that nice to have that going on year after year after year that's sweet freddie is giving me we want to show this we've uh we've talked about the picture we have a small portion here a couple of minutes does this need any little uh lead-in to explain this particular scene i don't know what you're going to see your uh girlfriend is in the room with you when mother comes that's exactly right well thank you this is from only the lonely watch the monitors [Applause] that's a good scene that's funny that's a marvelous thing has uh has john tried to sell you an interest in any in any football teams at all no thank you the argonauts yes now you're talking after the show on that one though yeah you were you invested in the canadian uh football team bruce mcnall and wayne gretzky yeah i had no idea i was going to be involved i i phoned uh bruce mcnall up to congratulate him i read in the paper that he bought it and he said forget the congratulations get your checkbook out and uh this is the first time you've ever been in yeah in sports yeah it's not going to end there you know no i know it's i just didn't realize how how involved it is didn't you guys expensive the rocket yes we signed the rocket there ismail for something like i hate to even quote the figure 26 million 20 26 26 million million bucks over a buck u.s four or five years u.s dollars over how many years about four that's a good deal we're in the wrong business do you play football for that i'll play anything we're hoping no a lot of people think he'll be great there because of his running ability because the canadian football field that people do not know is what 20 or 10 it's 65 yards wide 65 versus the 50 yards yeah and we've got a longer fields 110 yards long and we've got end zones that go on forever yeah so it should be good for him when he turns the corner he's got that extra 10 yards you could be involved and an extra man out there to block for him you're gonna be involved in picking players and all that stuff i'll be blocking for him with that kind of money i'm looking after we'll take a break we're coming right back [Applause] you
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 654,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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