Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing - Full Story

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what if there were two jokers and neither Joker knew who the real Joker was this is the story of Joker the man who stopped laughing and this is one of the full story Series right here at Comic storian we combine a bunch of videos together to give you one giant video so you can enjoy it like a movie Joker the man who stopped laughing explores an interesting concept what if the Joker went too far this is comic story and I take comic books turn them into Audio Drama so that you know what's going on in the world of comics and if if you enjoy these types of videos consider supporting us over at patreon or YouTube memberships but let's get right into it Gotham City 4 days ago the Mobsters sit around the table laughing and telling jokes the boss looks into his soup in a shocked defined a human ear what the hell he shouts as he throws the bull away he gets up shouting for his men the door swings open and one of his bodyguards comes stumbling out blood pouring out of his throat the Mobsters rush into the kitchen where they find Joker's goons killing their men while Joker Cooks you you you're back I do seem to be how was the soup two days ago the Joker stood before the members of Gotham's underworld low rank crime bosses he had captured were tied to the chairs he laughed turning to Twoface black mask and The Riddler he explained to them that Gotham had gone soft that the crazies needed to up their game again I know if we play hard and give it our all Gotham could go all the way again who's with me he asks as he pours a v of acid down one of the boss's throats his face split in a massive smile that's it Twoface asks the three costumed criminals flanked to behind their goons you've been gone a long time and frankly most most of us didn't much like you when you were around so now you come back you kill a few two bit hoods and you expect us all to be in line behind you Joker Winks at him kind of yeah but the three criminals refuse pointing out that joker doesn't have any more friends left in Gotham and they all raised their weapons look at us an oldfashioned standoff so tense if we're not careful this could go all sideways Joker says he pulls out a massive revolver and he fires it but water shoots out you've convinced me it's time to move on set my sights on bigger and better things the Joker says with a shrug walking out of the room but it's black mask who speaks up and points out that there's one tied up mobster that he didn't kill hey Joker what about this guy black mask asks Joker turns pulling out a real pistol oh yeah silly me he says firing into the hooded man's head we now go to the present a couple of goons are burying the bodies that joker killed but the last hooded man suddenly begins to cough they both drop the body jumping back shocked that he somehow survived should we uh call somebody one of the goons asks and say what the guy the boss killed isn't dead no we got to finish this the other one tells him they begin to argue back and forth who actually is going to kill the man the dead man stumbles to his feet and hits one of them The Rock killing him before he falls to the ground he then whirls around on the other goon no please the Goon gasps as he staggers away the hooded man standing over him Rock still clutched in his hand across the country The Joker stands in an office of one of the biggest crime bosses in Los Angeles the boss holds up his cigar thanking the Joker for taking the time to come see him and asks him for permission to set up shop in his City while the Joker eats a cup of noodles let me make this simple for you for you Los Angeles isn't goam we don't have a bad or any other rodent in our business because we're respectable here Joker puts down his soup and he smiles I uh think there's been a little bit of a misunderstanding he leaps across the desk as his clown goons quickly take down the crime boss's bodyguards I don't want your territory or your permission he says grabbing the Crime Boss and throwing him against the window cracking the glass with impact please I'll give you anything that you want the Joker merely Smiles slamming him into the glass letting him fall towards the pavement below I watch your office and with that the Joker looks out across the city it has a lovely view he takes a seat behind the new desk ordering his men to set up the cameras they begin to roll and Joker's image interrupts broadcasts around the country his Joker Goons begin AC cross Mayhem and violence everywhere and he appears before the viewers telling them that the country has lost its way I hereby declare that I'm going to clean up this country once and for all I want everyone to learn to laugh again and we can't do that if we're all scared and angry and afraid of each other I want every city to be a safe place where your children can play except Gotham I don't give a crap about them a new era is upon us a safer more secure funnier era the broadcast continues in the likes of Lex Luther Harley Quinn and Jason T I'll see it all having mixed reactions meanwhile the hooded man from before stumbles his way across the streets of Gotham finally making his way to a bar he barely notices The Joker on the television as he stumbles into the bathroom someone's in here man the junkie says in the corner but the hooded man isn't listening he staggers to the Mirror the junkie stands up he pulls a knife you freaks think you own this place but I was born here man you don't know Gotham this is my town he says and the hooded man whirls on him no it's mine he growls rushing forward grabbing the junkie by the face slamming him into the tile floor he picks up the junkie's Fallen knife turning back to the mirror beginning to cut the hood that is stuck to his face from the blood he finally rips it free revealing that it's the Joker beneath it everyone gasps in Surprise as the Joker staggers back into the bar what is a guy got to do to get a drink around here the Joker says with a smile Gotham City 10:06 p.m. the subway rolls along with the crowds avoiding the sleeping homeless man laying on a bench the two thugs step forward beginning to Rifle through his pockets they quickly discover that it's the joker as he Reveals His Face to them and they run in fear 842 p.m. Jason Todd steps into a bar the one that the Joker left the owner is grumbling as he cleans up the blood in his bathroom it's all of my statement to you guys you're a cop aren't you not exactly Jason tells him 10:26 p.m. The Joker has made his way to one of his old hideouts but the doors are chained shut he turns to a guy leaning against the wall nearby smoking a cigarette in the snow excuse me kind sir I was just wondering if you knew what happened to this building it didn't used to be locked like this the Joker says innocently still hiding in the large coat and Hood new owna the guy grumbles and the Goon looks up seeing the Joker's face before he can fully react though he calls his friend over and the friend tells him that joker left Gotham days ago that this has got to be just some whack job stalker I'm just going to go Joker says but they pull their guns on him you're not going anywhere whoever the hell you are the riddle is going to want to talk to you but the Joker moves fast stabbing one of them in the side twisting his gun off of his hand shooting the others the doctor would say all of this extra aggravation is not good for my blood pressure if he wasn't dead the last goon tries to run away in the snow and the Joker lifts the pistol I just wanted to be left alone tell your boss not to come looking for me and the Goon rushes off into the night as he turns back one of the goons is still alive if you're the real one who's the other guy Joker shugs shooting him in the head I don't know but I'm going to find out 10:32 p.m. the cops are questioning the two thugs that tried to rob the Joker in the subway red Hood's listening 11:19 p.m. the home of Mr Cardiff once a loyal henchman of Joker steps through the door shocked to find his window broken in the Joker sitting in the easy chair back over in the other Joker's location he's admiring the fish in a tank in the home that they've invaded with his men asking if there isn't something that they should be doing we are doing something we're laying hell The Joker tells them reminding them that he wants the country to believe that he is in Los Angeles well according to some people you aren't got them boss what are you talking about Joker demands and the Goon is scared as he explains that someone is in Gotham and he looks just like the Joker angrily The Joker drowns the henchman in the fish tank at 11:23 p.m. back in Gotham the Survivor from the Joker's last attack is trying to tell the ridd lagons about what happened but they don't believe him I told you it was the Joker it's like all messed up the goons says again but the Riddler's goons shake their heads I told you bro was in California on TV taking credit for killing half the crime bosses over there but they look up as red hood approaches he disposes of the r goons in seconds grabbing the Survivor slamming him into a window I want to know about the Joker start talking now what did he want I I I don't know do better Cardiff who was looking for some guy named ciff 1:36 a.m. The Joker is knocking on the door of Harley's houseboat she answers her eyes whining in shock good evening my dear but Harley whirls on him slamming him in the face with a bat 11:52 p.m. Red Hood stood in the house of Cardiff looking down at the body on the floor he then headed back out into the city continuing his hunt Joker on the house booat woke up tied to a chair and he smiles at Harley telling her that he's happy to see her she's looking at him questioning about the last time that they met you were mad at me I must admit my memories a bit a bit off since I got shot in the head Joker tells her she finally sigh beginning to untie him and he's shocked you're letting me go she smiles and brings him a cup of tea pointing out how awful he looks meanwhile red hood is continuing to beat his way through Every Thug and goon in the city until someone finally said something that he should have thought of in the first place ask his X back with Joker he's afraid that Harley's going to do something to him that she might have poisoned his drink but she laughs I won't do anything to you want don't know why cuz I don't even know you she explains that he is merely some poor sap that the Joker probably drugged up and messed with the real Joker would never come to see me and if he did he'd never walk out of here Joker stumbles away from her shocked by her words as he reaches the window he doesn't see a reflection but instead sees the menacing face of red hood the window shatters inward as red hood reaches out grabbing him by the neck Red Hood pulls back ripping the joker out of the house boat throw in him against the railing get out here clown Joker Smiles at him oh Jason I have missed you my sweet boy Jason hits him again and again and Harley sigh from her broken doorway if you boys are going to squabble would you mind not sinking My Yacht but the Joker points out that it's a fairy Jason whirls him around tossing him back inside destroying the table careful I paid good money for that Jason draws his gun preparing to fire but Harley stops him as he turns back to her I am not getting blamed for your killing spree watch what you say to me here Quinn Jason growls as the Joker tries to sneak up behind him raising a bust of Harley over his head preparing to strike Jason turns back aiming the pistol Oh I thought you two were going to keep talking he stumbles back outside leaning against the railing as Jason steps forward jamming the barrel of his pistol into the Clown's mouth Joker looks up and over Jason's shoulder giggling what are you laughing about Jason demands and Joker motions over his shoulder are you really going to use that big bad gun of yours with Daddy watching from up there he'll be mad Jason turns quickly to confront Batman that realizes he just got tricked no one's there that's my you Joker says falling off the railing plummeting into the icy waters below Jason turns firing into the water and Harley joins him staring down between the temperature of the water and the state that he's in I don't think he's coming back up Jason shakes his head and says that he needs to find him why does it matter you want to know Daddy's dead dead and Jason glares at him no I wanted to kill him later over at Gotham River two homeless men are fishing trying to catch themselves dinner and they both react with shock as the Joker washes up on the shore but he's still not dead and his eyes snap open as he rolls over puking water onto the shoreline you need one of us to take you to the hospital one of them asks and Joker nods at smiling huh that's not a bad idea I think I was poisoned you know say that's a nice coat he stares at the homeless people later at Gotham General Hospital the joker now wearing the homeless man's clothes has pushed his way through the emergency room and is managing to Corner one of the doctors in a Supply Closet you're the head doctor working right now right the doctor has already realized that something is wrong you're just the man to help me Joker removes his hood so the doctor can see his face I think I might have died Joker says with a smile and the doctor tries to back up to get away I was poisoned Joker tells him and the doctor asks him several questions about his symptoms but when the Joker admits that he doesn't have any the doctor informs him that he probably wasn't poisoned it's the Joker size I'd love to leave now after your very thorough carot doctor but I'm afraid I swore to myself that I'd only disarm the bomb that I planted in the building after you you cured me and you didn't do anything you'd better get me some of that anti-poison pills or whatever you give to people the doctor is terrified now giving Joker a bottle of pills that he quickly begins to swallow no no please disarm the bomb the doctor pleads but the Joker shakes his head I still got a wicked headache the doctor motions to the wound on the Joker's head pointing out that that might be what's causing the headache oh this it's just a gunshot ah he begins to strip down showing the doctor everywhere that he's been shot recently after the Joker agrees to let everyone in the hospital go if the doctor helps he begins to bandage up the doctor's wounds afterwards the doctor informs Joker that he needs to treat the head wound believe the bullets is still in there Joker agrees demanding the doctor remove it despite them not having the proper equipment or anesthesia The Joker just laughs handing the doctor some nearby tools moments later the emergency room is filled with screams on the supply closet as the head nurse comes running over hello Dr Amo is that you is everything okay in there the doctor responds telling her that everything is fine go back to your station and the Joker chimes in oh indefinately don't you tell anyone that there's a bomb in the hospital Joker shouts as blood is pouring out of his wounds across town red hood has been stopped by some cops but he quickly takes them down leaving them in the snow and he begins to walk away when their radio squaws all units we have a 1079 at Mercy General SWAT and bomb squad are in route the radio says at the hospital everyone is scared as the nurses and doctors try to evacuate but one of the doctors is hiding his face as he attempts to go outside but he stops as a gathering of police begin to surround oh good The Joker steps out and one of the police officers shouts at him hey Doc come over here but the Joker pulls out his surgical mask walking back inside No thank you he brushes past the nurses and everyone else in the building he quickly slips through the hospital until he slips out another door stopping short as he comes face to face of the ward of sick children hello sick children he says to The Little Wave outside red hood has created a distraction by starting a little carfire while the cops rush over to see what's going on he slips into the hospital upstairs The Joker cracking some inappropriate jokes making the kids laugh despite themselves but he hears the cops approaching and he slips behind the door putting a finger to his lips for the kids to be quiet nobody moves the cop shouts as he bursts through the door but he stops short when he sees the kids oh have any of you guys seen a real creepy guy come this way pale skin green hair gross mouth it looks like a nightmare clown the cop says but the kids shake their heads no one's been by here for hours can you change my sheets I made a mess one of the kids says from his hospital bed the cop shakes his head heading out the door and the Joker laughs as he steps Out of the Shadows who's a good boy yes you are the Sheep was very clever The Joker finally slips out of the room heading off but this time he finds one of the cops taking a leak in the bathroom moments later Joker's now wearing that cop's outfit and as he heads to the elevator to make his inevitable Escape he's shocked when he sees the Red Hood standing there stop Jason shouts as the Joker turns to run Jason raises his pistol to fire at the retreating man but the Joker Jer rounds a corner tripping over a bed he wraps himself up in a sheet as the other officers rush over P you okay he's coming this way Joker Wars them and Jason rounds the corner into the SWAT officer raising his pistol move away from him now he tries to convince the cop that is the Joker but the cop shakes his head aiming his rifle son you are out of your damn mind lower the weapon the SWAT officer orders but the Joker is up holding Powell's pistol to the man's head I hate to say it but the little bat baby was right you should have let him kill me now drop your gun Joker hiss and Jason shifts trying to get a clear line of sight of the Joker nowhere to go Joker whole building is crawling with cops let him go Joker Smiles reaching for Powell's radio this is Powell Joker has fled the building at the back I'm in Pursuit but need backup that should buy us some time now what's your problem with me Jason you killed me Jason shouts but the Joker shrugs you came back SAA Jason finally demands to know how the Joker did it you're going to have to be more specific Jason Takes another step forward You've Got the Whole World believing that you're off in LA but here you are doing this and Joker Smiles broader so you believe that I'm really me I knew I always liked you Jason size finally lowering his weapon and Joker nods kicking the cop forward pushing them both into a Supply Closet so if he's not working for you who is he Joker doesn't answer and he merely bids him farewell wait aren't you going to try to kill me but Joker just looks at him maybe I'm not because I have a plan for you or maybe I just don't like telling the same joke twice he says as he closes the door Upper West Side of Gotham several young kids are searching for their friend as the snow begins to fall out of the sky they walk in inside one of the neighborhood haunted houses to find their friend standing quietly in the entrance hall Ricardo you know the old clown housee is off limbits haunted one of the kids Whispers but Ricardo isn't listening he's staring at Jarvis Tech the Mad Hatter walking down the stairs when you send your friend to roam in and invade my home I am forced of course to teach you a lesson in dispossession Jarvis Smiles but before the madh hatter can act a window shatters in to reveal the Joker with a makeshift cape and baseball bat Hello evil doer it's me Batman he says with a smile Jarvis tries to run but the Joker cracks him across the face glancing back at the kids don't you kids run off yet don't think that I'm done with you I'll only be a moment Joker tells them Joker stands over Jarvis hitting him with his Bat demanding to know why the madh hatter is in one of his old safe houses Jarvis looks at the Joker ER with Terror explaining that the other one gave him a key The Joker the real Joker he gasps and a smile breaks across his face he's back in Gotham too and he's not happy with you Jarvis tells him elsewhere in town Jason Todd is still tracking down the Joker but now he learns that the other Joker the one who went to LA has returned as well on the South Side Joker has followed madh Hatter's instructions heading into the old Warehouse hello anyone in here he says with a giggle a little man on a big hat told me that you were here and he seemed very reliable he calls out but the cage suddenly slams down around him and Joker 2 turns smiling shining his flashlight into the shadows as a voice calls out to him so glad that you could join me I've been meaning to speak to you as well you've been causing quite a problem for me so I was hoping that we could talk face to face the real Joker Joker one steps out dressed in the purple suit the one that he wore when he left for La I must say you do look just like me how did you do it he says of the smile and the two jokers stand before each other looking each other up and down the wounded Joker 2 suggest that they fight it out but Joker 1 shakes his head he then suddenly turns aware of the smell of smoke oh that I let the building on fire before I came in here Joker 2 says with Glee he pulls out a water pistol from his pocket and Joker one heads for the door you're forgetting one simple thing you can't leave but the doors are locked from the outside and neither Joker is leaving the building we burn together Joker says with laughter nearby red hood has tracked both Jokers to this area as the snow begins to fall and a voice calls out to him watch your step kid Stephanie calls out with her best Batman voice and Jason whirls around pointing his pistol right at her but holsters it when he recognizes her she hands him coffee informing him that Batman wants him brought in but Stephanie is trying to warn him so that Jason can just leave town meanwhile Joker 1 La Joker rushes back to the cage pull pulling out a pistol and aiming it at Joker 2 I was supposed to find out who you really are and why you're doing this but I don't even care give me the keys or I'm going to shoot you now he snaps at him but Joker too Smiles I've actually come here to find out who you were and why you're pretending to be me but this this is much more fun he laughs as he aims the water pistol firing and a spray of acid shoots out striking Joker one in the face just because they're called water pistols doesn't mean you can't put other liquids in them Joker when scrambles away smashing through one of the boarded up Windows plummeting to the city below and Joker too stares at him for a moment before spraying acid on the Cage's lock huh I didn't expect that I guess I should be leaving too he says to himself and on the nearby rooftop Jason finishes the coffee that Stephanie gave him and throws it to the ground you don't understand I have to finish this The Joker I have to stop him for good he tells her and he asks her to give him the night and then he'll leave but they're both interrupted as they look up to see the warehouse in the distance burning at the warehouse the fire department has now arrived unaware of the joker as he walks outside he finds an open sewer grate and follows Joker one inside of it I know you're in here my fake little friend but a voice Grunts from the dark I didn't sign up for this the fake Joker groans and Joker Smiles shaking his head shining his flashlight at the wounded man what did you think was going to happen light falls upon Joker one the Joker from LA and Joker 2 the man who had the bullet removed from his head can see the acid burns oh wow that looks horrible he then aims the water pistol but he suddenly pauses wait what do you mean you didn't sign up for this but the conversation is interrupted by a gun gunshot as Joker one the one who was here originally the one who left for La his head explodes and above them red hood is leaning down with the smoking pistol in his hand the cop suddenly surround him and in the sewers Joker 2 turns to run but a Subway trade suddenly Rolls by knocking him away up above the police have Jason on the ground and they're handcuffing him I I I really I really did it he whispers to himself in disbelief but the cops can't find the Joker's body below just a pile of wet clay sometime later we see the Joker is still an LA he's actually moved to Malibu but a phone call comes in Clayface is on the other end your little impersonator sprayed me in the face with acid I want the rest of my money Joker Joker doesn't respond hanging up the phone and turning to his henchman it's like I always say if you want something done right don't hire an escaped mental patient made out of mud to do it pack the B Mr Waffles we're going back to Gotham to deal with my impostor myself back in Los Angeles The Joker Smiles as he aims the van through Griffith Park I think you're going the wrong way boss Mr Waffles calls out from the back seat but the Joker tells him that he needs to make a quick stop they point out that he might miss his flight but the Joker shakes his head it's my plane I think they'll wait for me this will be fast don't worry so much The Joker tells his henchmen ignoring the growling coming out of the back seat they finally pull into a park with the rest of the henchmen pulling up behind them confused as to why they've stopped but the Joker points out that they never got to enjoy any of the nature while they were here in California and he opens up the back of the van allowing three wild cats to LEAP free and attack his henchmen there are trees and Gotham but no nature take it in boys Joker shouts with Glee as the henchmen begin to wrestle the cats 20 minutes later the Joker and his surv Ving men find themselves at the observatory with Mr Waffles once again pointing out that they really need to get to the airport but the Joker pulls them in sh watch multiple explosions suddenly ripped through the city in the distance I love La Joker Bellows as the fires erupt behind him yoker Smiles pointing out that he took over the city's underworld and a matter of days in no one managed to stomp him no one even tried to stop him the city didn't respect me they barely tried to stop me so as a parting gift I give them chaos I blew up some police stations Mr Waffles points out that getting to the airport is probably going to be harder now don't worry we'll be in Burbank in 15 minutes but Mr Waffles stops him but boss your playing is an LAX Joker whirls on him with freedom in his eyes LAX what have you done to me over in Gotham City Jason is is told that he might not be staying for very long as an officer comes over to his cell it's your lucky day smart guy that clown you confess to killing turns out he ain't so dead yet but he will be when the LAPD find him back over in La Joker and his men are driving through the city which is now engulfed in violent riots this city starts to get fun right as I'm trying to leave Mr Waffles tries to get through the throngs of people and he stops opening the car door firing his weapon into the air but the riers rush forward forward pulling him out oh that's not so bright The Joker laughs as he watches he gets out ordering the people to stop since he needs to get to the airport get back to Gotham clown someone shouts as they throw a firebomb at him and the Joker Dodges as the bomb explodes in his car lighting the rest of his men on fire the riots continue and the Joker gets out to observe everything yes yes this is where all the excitement is he shouts with Glee and then he joins in firing his pistol smacking everyone who even gets close to him but Mr Waffles crawls back over to him no boss you got to go he shouts trying to get the Joker moving meanwhile beneath the streets of Gotham the creature known as Solomon Grundy leans over the body of the Joker that was struck by the train sick man must eat Grundy keep you alive he rumbles as he squeezes the blood of the dead rat into Joker 2's mouth meanwhile Joker 1 is still running through the streets of Hollywood it shocked that everyone here seems so calm when the rest of the city has erupted into violence he suddenly whirls around when Batman appears behind him you shouldn't have come here clown you're in my area everything else east of Vine is mine even those drunk bastards Freddy and Jason know that he says and Joker seems confused as Batman offers to work together and charge for group photos a family comes over and asks them to get a photo Joker is more confused as everyone starts posing around him this pretend Batman then pretends to punch him for the photo but the Joker Just Smiles raising his pistol how's this he says firing and he laughs as everyone begins to run around and scream as the people begin to scatter Joker leans down pulling some cash off of the fake Batman now to get a taxi he says with a smile and he turns just in time to get smacked in the face by a staff member Joker falls to the ground as a Manhunter stands over him her Electro staff shoved at his chest test you should have never come to La Joker that's what I keep saying strange lady he smiles back at her it was 45 minutes earlier when Kate was sitting in an AA meeting she was talking about how she had to give up her job because it would lead to drinking but she was interrupted as the explosions at the police stations began to rip through the city she quickly rushed outside changing into her Manhunter costume quickly working on hunting down the joker now he kicks up at her knocking her away I'm sorry if this is rude but I don't know who you're supposed to be he cackles as he gets to his feet I'm your worst nightmare clown she growls as he [ __ ] an eyebrow my worst nightmare is being bored he asks and the two of them begin to fight as the civilians gather around them taking pictures and filming thinking that this is some sort of Street performance The Joker manages to stun Kate long enough to get away allowing him to fire into several people but everyone is still filming and the Joker is confused as he turns his gun on them how many people do I have to kill in the middle of the street before you people are afraid of me he asks as he continues to fire at them at this moment the people of La have finally gotten the message and begin to panic manoucher jumps back in swinging her staff again knocking him away you're going to pay for this Joker it's over try anything funny and I'll put this through your damaged brain but he smiles my dear I don't try funny things I just do them and he laughs as a cop car suddenly appears slamming into Manhunter knocking her away the doors open revealing Mr Waffles who stole the car and has been looking for the Joker took it long enough move over I'm driving he says as he gets into the car but back in Gotham Jason is being moved to Black gate since someone believes that he is a Flight Risk several swap members push him against the wall handcuffing him but Jason isn't faced you seem pretty calm you know we're going to kill you in there right tough guy the cops growl and Jason shakes his head no but you're going to try back over in La man Man Hunter finally wakes up the citizens surround her suggesting that she stay down until an ambulance can get to them but she gets to her feet demanding to know where the Joker went someone points her in the direction that the Joker left in his cop car and Manhunter steals a motorcycle sorry I need this she shouts to the rider as she throws him to the ground and peels off into the night meanwhile The Joker and his men are now stuck in traffic after stopping to get some hamburgers the 710 is a parking lot at this time that's why I said we should take the 110 into the 105 but you didn't listen Mr Waffles tells him and Joker size taking another bite of his hamburger well I might have said one of the bombs on 110 for a gag but they look in the rearview mirror to see Manhunter gaining on them wait wait is that the woman you hit with the car Joker asks and he begins to push the cop car through the traffic trying to figure out why they haven't seen a single superhero for weeks and suddenly there's one that won't leave them alone well there's no superheroes in La except for Manhunter boss Mr Waffles tells him her name is Manhunter isn't that like sexist Joker asks as he pushes the car onto the curb and then he pushes through the traffic scraping against the sides of other cars he finally steers off the highway slamming into the Los Angeles waterways I'd like to see the person Hunter follow us after that he shouts with Glee but Manhunter revs her motorcycle leaping off the bridge slamming down into the Waterway and following close behind wow I really didn't think she do that what did you do to make her so mad at you waffles meanwhile back in Gotham City Grundy is still trying to nurse Joker to back to life he tries to struggle to his feet but Grundy pushes him back down rest make you strong like Grundy I don't think I'd like to be that strong none of my suits will fit anymore Joker Whispers And then he's shocked that Grundy is helping him pointing out that they didn't get along very much in the past but Grundy tells him that they are the same now we are dead he rumbles over in La Manhunter leaps off her bike leaping onto the hood of the Joker's car she slams her Electra staff onto the hood exploding at sending the car kening into the air Manhunter flips clear as the car crashes down and Joker grits his teeth as he crawls free of the wreckage this is crazy are you unwell who acts like this I'm trying to leave your stupid City why won't you let me leave he gasps the Manhunter is there kicking him in the the face grabbing him by the jacket dragging him to the pool of water wait are you going to drown me you can't drown me in the LA River it's only 4 in deep he shouts but Manhunter isn't listening as she shoves his head under back over in Gotham Grundy slumps down into the swirling sewer Waters beneath him and Joker looks on in shock before pulling his new Undead best friend out of the water Grundy rolls over coughing it up who did this to you Sly did you tell them where I was Joker asks but Grundy shakes his head patting Joker telling him that he would never tell the alligator man about his dead clown friend thank you dead giant friend maybe I should have a word with alligator man Joker Whispers as Grundy continues to Pat his head meanwhile back at the LA River Manhunter glares down as she continues to hold Joker 1's head under the water This is the End Joker all the pain and suffering stops here she snaps and Joker manages to get his head above water I'm sorry did you say something I think I got water in my ears he cackles as she pushes him back under but Manhunter looks up as a couple of teens approach distracting her Joker manages to get above the water stabbing her in the neck with a broken bottle that he found and he cackles as he pulls himself free back over in Gotham Killer Croc floats through his sewer home but he's shocked to find a school of dead fish floating along what the he gasps but Joker is behind him pulling a cloth over his head trying to strangle him I didn't think he'd drink the water I was hoping but even you have limits but I poisoned it just in case whan can't be too careful right Joker asks but Croc throws the wounded clown off of him you're a dead man I'm going to take my time with this one but when he looks around Joker is suddenly gone back in La Joker is trying desperately to flag down a taxi wanting to finally be free of the city but he looks up as a Manhunter rushes after him Joker we're not done yet she shouts and Joker looks at her with dismay aren't we I guess I could stab you a couple more times if you really want but I don't see the point she swings at him with her electric stamp and Joker Ducks underneath trying to run but Manhunter grabs him by the hair beginning to slam his head into the glass of a car that screeches to a stop can we talk about this Joker asks each word punctuated by the glass breaking beneath him Manhunter pulls him back preparing to hit him again but the Joker stops her wait wait let me ask you a question what's big and yellow and has four wings and looks really dumb but Manhunter isn't willing to play his game and she really should have because at that moment killer moth suddenly flies out of the air slamming into her throwing her to the ground back over in Gotham Killer Croc is stalking Joker to through the sewers following his insane giggling he leaves out of the water to attack the Joker but is shocked to find a maintenance worker tied to a pole please no I have a family the man says explaining that the Joker grabbed him and forced him to wear his clothes I was just trying to work in the gap gas lines but I won't ever come back again I swear the line worker says and Croc sniffs the air gas lines he whispers The Joker laughs from the shadows as he throws a match into the air lighting the sewers on fire Croc leaves back into the water but finds himself captured in a net made of barbed wire as he pulls himself back to the surface he finds the Joker waiting for him funny all the stuff people throw away their winds up down here isn't it whan and the Joker laughs out loud with a bored cracking Croc across the head but Croc just growls I ain't like the rest of the wackos and Gotham I've never been afraid of the real Joker and a weak imposter like you ain't it he rears back taking a bite out of the Joker's arm and the Joker shrieks staggering away I'm the real Joker the other one is a fake you'll see he gasped before passing out and falling into the water back in La The Joker watches as killer moth and Manhunter continue to fight I think I'm just going to go he says before are standing up and starting to stagger away this is your fight get her off me man killer Mo shouts and the Joker size grabbing a nearby fleeing woman pressing the gun to her head fine okay red lady Let The Moth Man go or I kill this lady Joker orders Manhunter finally relents demanding to know what the Joker wants he tells her that he wants to leave but Man Hunter twists leaping at him and Joker has no choice but to release the woman and fire his weapon manhunter's staff stabs into his shoulder pinning him to the concrete overpass this is honestly insane Behavior I don't even know you why won't you let me leave but Killer Moth is there again slamming into Manhunter knocking her off the overpass letting her fall to the LA River below both villains stare at her and watch as she slams into the ground okay that was intense who the hell is that Joker Joker just shrugs I thought she was with you but as the Joker looks up he sees that killer m is now pointing the gun at him pissed that he did what Joker asked in Gotham after pointing Red Hood to the impostor and was stabbed for his troubles there isn't enough money in the world to get you out of this I'll give you $2 million Joker says simply back over in Gotham red hood is being led out of prison his guards have prepared to transfer him to Blackgate Penitentiary but he's interrupted by a blonde woman that wanders in off the street the cops check her to make sure that she's okay and send her along her way but Jason looked looks at her in Surprise sure that he's seen her before as she leaves Barbara Gordon pulls off the wig radioing in all the details of the Convoy to the bat family prepared to bust Red Hood out and back in La killer M finishes pulling Mr Waffle's body out of the river stuffing him into the car that they stole Joker yawns next to him closing his eyes I need a nap after that you take the first shift and Mr Waffles can go second yeah I think he's dead Killer Moth points out and Joker shrugs well then you'll take second as well beneath the streets of Gotham Killer Croc pokes his head out of the water demanding that the fake Joker come out of hiding so that they can end this I'm right here whaling Joker cackles Croc looking up to see the Joker sitting on a beam sparking live electrical wires curling around him he leans down into Croc's face unafraid as the massive monster rears out of the water before you put me out of my misery will you Grant a poor clown his dying wish Joker asks Croc grunts with laughter asking the Joker what do you want first The Joker questions why Croc would hurt Grundy as it's obvious that the undead creature isn't all there mentally why do you care is he your friend now Croc grunts but he does explain that Grundy was getting closer to the Croc's Turf meanwhile 240 Mi away from Gotham Joker steps out of a gas station with his arms loaded with candy and soft drinks as he walks up to Killer Moth who's gassing up their car you get my coffee Joker shakes his head as the building explodes behind him come on man again moth shouts as they get back in the car speeding away he glances in the back seat where Joker's henchmen are still rotting can we please dump the dead guy he's starting to smell moth says but they both scream and shock as the henchman suddenly sits up where are we back over in the sewers that version of The Joker gets to his second request before you called me an impostor you implied that I'm not the real Joker I want you to take it back Joker tells Croc who pauses for a moment before breaking into laughter H you're funnier than the real guy but Croc shrugs explaining to the Joker that no one really cares which is the real Joker one will kill the other and then all will go back to normal the real one will be whichever one of you survives your little war and that ain't going to you Croc snarls as he launches forward but Joker throws the Live Wire into the water shocking Croc knocking him out this may come as a surprise but I'm tougher than I look Joker says walking out of the sewer meanwhile on the west side of Gotham the armored truck carrying Jason Todd is suddenly hit both police escort bikes are taken out by wires on the road with the police cruisers being hit by spike strips sending them crashing to the side finally a sniper round rips through one of the tires sending the armored car rolling out of control elsewhere in Chinatown Albert Wesker sits with Scarface in a theater watching an old film excuse me is the seat taken Joker asks as he sits down next to them Wesker grabs a hold of Scarface and the gangster pulls a gun on the clown you made a big mistake I coming out here fake clown now you're going to die Scarface shouts and Joker looks at the puppet with a smile I don't think so fake person because if you shoot me my friend will rip your friend's head off Joker says motioning to Grundy who is sitting quietly eating his popcorn Joker then puts his feet up explaining to Wesker and Scarface that joker needs an army and then they're going to help him meanwhile at the armored car crash the two Gotham SWAT members struggle to their feet readying their weapons when suddenly a voice calls out to them from the outside this is the Gotham fire department anyone alive in there we're coming in if you can hear me move away from the door The Voice shouts and the cops don't believe it readying their weapons but Jason is up eving one cop in the back knocking their weapon to the ground before grabbing the other and strangling them until they pass out suddenly the door Creeks open and Jason looks up to see Rose Wilson standing over him hi you lover boy I hope I'm not interrupting she says quickly breaking Jason's cuffs and getting to his feet I have a nice spot nearby where you can lay low she tells him but Jason shakes his head as he collects the cops weapons sounds nice but I got work to do later the Joker and Grundy head to the warehouse by the docks where they bang on the door into Weser and Scarface finally open up did you get word out that I'm looking for soldiers Joker says as he pushes past them of course we did Scarface snaps and Wesker looks embarrassed everyone who answered the call is right over here Joker steps through not impressed with the lineup what the crap is this he demands whirling on Scarface you asked me to put your name on the Street as he wanted to work with you this is it sighing Joker shrugs I believe it was the great Kermit the Frog who said you go to war with the Army you have I'm going to fight and win and with that in mind it is time but across town the Joker from La has finally gotten back to Gotham he gathered his own Army of much more established Gotham Rogues he cackles as he turns to those gathered at him we're going to find the man who claims to be me and we're going to kill him but over in Gotham Old Town black mask looks down at the beaten and bloody cop demanding to know why the henchmen have begun to disappear in the city the cop coughs up some more of his own blood explaining that they don't know where any of the henchmen are either suddenly the two goons that black mask does have begin to giggle and the cops begin to laugh black mask looks up in fear as the green gas begins to leak into the room and suddenly a voice calls out over the intercom system attention ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we have hit some rough air causing depressurization in the cabin but don't worry oxygen masks will be deployed for your safety black mask whirls around as an oxygen tank drops out of the ceiling he quickly grabs it beginning to breathe in the safe air but at that moment the doors bang open and the Joker walks in dressed as a flight attendant hello there mask on mask what a nice look for you The Joker begins to pour some drinks stepping over the bodies of the victims explaining to black mask that he is upset that none of the other crime Lords in Gotham are taking him seriously you're going to need employees to be a Crime Boss Joker I heard you can't find people to work for you Joker glares at him funny I heard the same about you but no I've gotten men I decide to lower my standards a bit at the waterfront Wesker is sitting on a bench with a phone trying to figure out where the fake Joker is hiding and where he came from from but he glances up as Scarface glances at the approaching Red Hood what the crap are you supposed to be he snaps pulling a gun from inside his tiny suit and firing it lad you to get Cape but red hood Dodges the round rushing forward knocking the small pistol out of the robbers hand Red Hood pulls his pistol firing around into Scarface Wesker screams as blood begins to pour out of the wound and he clutches at the puppet and his hand take it easy Wesker it's a gut shot as long as you get him to the wood shop quickly he should be fine Red Hood jokes and he stands over the criminal menacingly but first you're going to tell me where I can find the Joker but back with Black Mask The Joker begins to walk around the room pouring acid down the throats of the goons and the cop and then turns back to Black Mask demanding to know where the fake Joker is don't worry I know it's not you because you were there when he shot me in the head Joker explains and black mask is shocked remembering the three men with bags over their heads that the Joker sha if you know it wasn't me why don't you ask someone who does disguises Clayface hush isn't there some guy named lookalike or something now but Joker shakes his head pointing out that that isn't their style and that people better start giving him answers since he's the one in the city and the fake Joker is all the way across the country black mask laughs H you don't even know now that's funny he's here he came back to Gotham throughout the city the armies of the two jokers begin to clash as they meet each other in the streets and finally Joker makes a call the shaki one of his goons left behind at the warehouse call everyone back and tell them to go to the warehouse he orders and shaky agrees telling the Joker some good news one of my guys found out who the fake Joker is no I'mma tell you when you get here I want to see the look in your face shaki says before hanging up but 20 minutes later Red Hood Stephanie Brown and Rose Wilson entered the Joker's warehouse and find shocky bleeding on the floor a someone had all the fun without us Rose jokes but something shifts in the shadows as she draws her pistol and fire killer still here she shouts and Manhunter leaps down from the rafters knocking Rose's pistol away Red Hood leaps to attack her but Stephanie stops them all I know her stop she shouts Red Hood lowers his weapon demanding to know what Manhunter is doing I just got here was about to ask you the same thing when the other one opened fire on me she begins to explain to the others that she has been tracking The Joker and she thinks that he did this that's who we're after but he didn't do this these are his men I don't think we're tracking the same Joker at that moment they're interrupted by Steph this one's alive she shouts telling the others that they're going to call an ambulance a little while later the ambulance arrives at Gotham Central shaki has rushed to surgery where the doctors are shocked that he's even alive after the abuse his body has taken suddenly the sounds of gunshots reach the O as the doors suddenly kick open and Joker walks in waving a gun hello everybody don't worry I won't be long he aims the pistol at the doctor explaining that he needs to ask shaki one thing and he leans over the body of his henchmen you said you found something where did the impostor come from who is he he asks leaning in close to the wounded goon you shaki gasped before flatlining angry The Joker begins to fire his gun and Chase the doctors out of the hospital but he stops as he passes the room of the cancer patient how's it going been a while Joker asks as he steps into the kid's room the kid sigh putting down his Wonder Woman comic okay I guess the kid says in the Joker nods sitting down and telling the kid all about his troubles the guy I've been trying to kill well it looks like he might end up killing me maybe you can convince him that there's still some good in him and he should change that's what the heroes do in my Comics the kid says and the Joker shakes his head pointing out out that it's a stupid idea as he picks up the comic where did you learn that crap anyway these dumb things Joker asks as he flips through the comic but the comic begins to tell a story of one of Joker's henchmen that was affected by the Joker gas who began to laugh but wouldn't die Joker brought that henchman to the professor Pig who couldn't figure out why the henchman wouldn't die but was able to alter his appearance so that this man looked like the Joker himself things were going well with two jokers for some time but the new Joker got a little too big for his britches and finally Joker met the henchmen in the park ah there you are did you kill gagy who told you to kill one of my men Joker asks and the new Joker stood up a serious look on his face one of my men was acting out giving me orders I might have gotten a little carried away but it's what you wouldn't have done Joker nods his head to the others and sigh this isn't fun anymore we're done the rest of the goons grabbed the other Joker tying him up putting a a bag over his head the Joker pulls a pistol out aiming it such a shame I thought you'd be useful The Joker with the bag in his head begins to beg I am I am imagine how scared everyone will be when they realize there's two of us but the Joker just fires his gun the world is scared of me already two of me is just dumb the gang turns to leave and the body slumps over but no one heard it giggle The Joker suddenly looks up from the Wonder Woman comic he's reading by the kid's bedside this is incredible comic books are magical of course I know who he is I made [Laughter] him downtown Gotham the night janitor looks up as three men approach him can I help you he asks and the three clowns peer at him as the Joker leans forward maybe the Joker says quietly turning back to his henchmen you really think that he looks like me he asks before he begins to check the man's teeth and finally he pushes him away grab him I guess the thugs take the janitor out to the van and throw him in with the others we probably have enough right Joker asks as he slams the door shut the rain beginning to pour on their heads a few blocks away the Joker's now standing in the rain with one of his henchmen holding an umbrella over him this is unacceptable how are is it to find one deranged clown in this city The Joker shouts at his small army and then he turns to everyone ordering them to keep looking to torture whoever they need to until they find the impostor with everyone thoroughly afraid Joker heads back inside hey you're going to want to see this Killer Moth calls out pointing at the TV so the Joker comes over listening as the news reports of the Joker causing a Subway crash in Midtown First Responders are being held back for their own safety as the The Joker is still on site wandering around naked the reporter says and the Joker frowns at the TV he's making it very hard for people to take me seriously meanwhile an upper west signed Manhunter leaps down from the rooftops she looks up in the rain and sees ravager watching her from a fire escape you again ravager nods smiling me again she leaps down handing Manhunter some documents explaining that red hood would like her to check some addresses for him that he's trying to keep his hunt off the bat family radar but don't make a move without him ravager tells her so Manhunter size Turning Away fine let's go ravager shakes her head and says that she is just the messenger but Manhunter turns back to her you're really good if this goes where I think it's going I could use you Manhunter tells ravager so Rose finally relents asking one very important question what makes you think I want to get killed by a clown she asks as the two crime Fighters head off into the Rainy City meanwhile in Midtown the police are still trying to keep everyone back from the destruction that the crashed subway car has inflicted but the Joker pushes through the comps his army of clown henchmen at his back and they leap into the fight attacking the police force as Joker and Killer Moth calmly walk into The Fray You smell that Joker asks and Killer Moth nods yeah smells like burnt hair and gasoline but the Joker shakes his head yeah but not that it smells like Victory we're ending this tonight meanwhile at the Joker's Warehouse one clown Left Behind to guard the place looks up in Surprise as somebody comes up behind him boss how'd you get here so quickly everything okay the Joker Giggles as he starts up his chainsaw everything is going perfectly he says with a vicious sneer and blood flies through the air as the Joker brings the chainsaw down behind him his two henchmen begin to pour gasoline around the warehouse but back over at the Midtown accident Joker and killer look up as this Joker comes staggering out of the fire his hair on fire and his clothing burned off well that's just confusing Joker says as he looks at his double some of the henchmen walk up to the Joker double who also seems confused that's not him Joker notes and they turn back to him yeah well I know it's not you boss this is the fake Joker he's not really you the henchman says it the shrug but Joker shakes his head that's my point that's not the fake Joker Killer Moth moves forward at telling him that he can't get a hold of anyone left back at the warehouse and that someone just spotted the impostor at a hardware store in Chinatown this particular fake Joker staggers falling to the ground with the henchmen beginning to gather around him hey boss is this dead guy supposed to be making a weird buzzing sound the henchman asks and Joker shakes his head looking at at Killer Moth probably not I get it now this is funny Killer Moth time to make like a moth Joker says so killer moth's eyes widen as he grabs the Joker pulling them both into the air as the fake burning Joker suddenly explodes beneath them killing all of the henchmen gathered around sorry boys we got to get to Chinatown but Killer Moth isn't used to flying too fully grown men stop wiggling you're too heavy I can't fly with this much weight the Killer Moth says shouting as the Joker keeps swinging beneath him I'll have you know that I have very thin bones but they both slam into a building falling to the ground Landing in a dumpster nice work meanwhile over in Old City Manhunter kicks open a door to another warehouse and she moves through the darkness until she finds a bloody shoe huh she Whispers as she leans down but a voice calls out to her from the Shadows so she whirls around with her electric staff at the ready you're late your ads say that if you're not here in 30 minutes my dinner is free the other Joker Giggles as he steps into the light Manhunter preparing herself for the fight did you actually think you could get away from me Joker but Joker pauses staring at her for a moment I've actually never thought about you at all who are you he asks and Manhunter leaps at him reminding The Joker that he almost killed her back in LA but the Joker easily Dodges her attack oh you're from La that explains the delusions of self-importance telling her that he hasn't been there for a very long time and he pulls out a hatchet taking a slice at her head she'll easily Dodges telling him to stop lying but that's when one of Joker's henchmen grabs her from behind meanwhile back over with the other Joker in Killer Moth they've now arrived at a hardware store in Chinatown Joker walks up to the henchmen that have taken up positions outside ordering them to head inside go in there and bring them out I'll wait here for no particular reason Joker says and the Clown's head inside with the Killer Moth staying by Joker's side if you stay outside I I stay outside moth says with a nod suddenly the building explodes throwing them both to the ground flaming clown masks and oversized shoes falling to the ground around them as Joker struggles to look at the burning building ha that's a good one back at the warehouse Manhunter has gotten back to her feet realizing that this Joker has no idea who she is so it's true you're really not the Joker I was looking for I didn't believe Red Hood when he told me that there were two of you the Joker nods smiling oh oh yes Jason is such a smart little boy isn't he he raises his Hatchet apologizing for not being able to play with her anymore I'm in the middle of a very big personal Vendetta I'm sorry whatever your name is but I'm sure they'll build a statue to you or something he says as he prepares to kill her with his Hatchet but that's when a gunshot Echoes through the rafters and the Joker Falls a round piercing his shoulder he whirs around retreating into the shadows as he cuts power to the building no it's too soon ravager leaps down the to join Manhunter apologizing for being late but as the two prepare for their fight a door to the warehouse opens up revealing a horde of giggling Jokers the two women stare in horror as the horde of jokers stumble towards them laughing begging for help I got the ones on the left ravager says as she readies her blade but Manhunter shakes her head these men have been poisoned we need to get them help ravager drops into a combat stance but pauses when she hears a strange noise what's that buzzing outside Mr Waffles has trailed the two Heroes to the warehouse he holds up his phone telling the others to get to him quickly that's when the warehouse explodes behind him throwing him to the ground and as he struggles up he sees his cell phone was smashed by a big purple shoe you shouldn't spy on people The Joker says with a smile raising his hatchet as he looks down at the clown henchmen wait I know you he says as he [ __ ] his head to the side and Mr Waffles nods yeah we work together Joker nods remembering that Mr Waffles used to be friends with John ker before he was turned into a joker double the Joker grins viciously as he leans to Mr Waffles and now my loyal henchman Mr Waffles works with me against me what do you have to say for yourself The Joker growls but Mr Waffles shakes his head pointing a shaky finger no you're John ker the Joker rears back surprise on his face no that's not right that can't be right I'm the Joker I thought you knew I'm sorry John Mr waffle says as the rain continues to pour lightning crashing over their heads as we finally reveal which Joker is the fake Joker a little bit of time passes the Gotham War happens in between these two issues it's now night time in Gotham City and transformed by Batman to be afraid at all times Jason Todd is sitting on a park bench his head bowed as his body still fights the fear that Batman put inide of him stopping him from being Red Hood and a voice calls out from the distance hello Jason you look poorly The Joker double says as he walks out of the darkness fear overtaking Jason as he stands and he is surrounded by the Joker's gos no it's you he shouts out but the Joker double looks sad people keep saying that but no it's not true Jason tries to run but Grundy grabs him still get a shy see my poor little vigilante what did he do to you Joker then draws a pistol stepping forward promising to fix Jason as long as he helps him with a project he fires a puff of Joker toxit into the young man's face and Grundy drops him you won't be scared anymore The Joker double promises and then he smiles well you might be scared but you'll think it's funny Joker double admits as Jason looks up with a smile on his face what did you do to me he asks and Joker explains that he gave him a small amount of Joker toxin that should counter whatever Batman has done to him just enough to bring you to your psychotic Alter Ego The Joker then explains that he needs Jason's help to take out the joker I'm going to give you what you always wanted I'm going to let you kill the real Joker The Joker double says with a smile Jason looks confused and the fake Joker admits that he has learned that he isn't the real Joker after all I'm just a sad victim of his Madness and I want revenge just like you but you're still a delusional murderous Maniac Jason points out and the fake Joker nods which is why I think we're going to hit it off wonderfully Jason then looks at the fake Joker's group and sees the young cancer patient that the Joker met in the hospital he looks back to the Joker telling him that he won't do anything to endanger a kit so Joker double Smiles leaning over the young Albert perhaps we can find a way to kill two birds with one stone a short time later 18 miles north of Gotham Jason is screeching through the streets on his motorcycle dragging a clown goon behind him with the Roar of the engine the Batmobile suddenly Gets behind him Red Hood races into a warehouse ditching his motorcycle as Batman follows but as the bat DRS the corner he's shocked to find ravager pulling off red Hood's jacket she smiles nervously pulling young Albert close to her haa sorry about the whole Chase Jason said that you'd know what to do with this kid Batman Narrows his eyes as he looks at her where is he 35 Mi south of Gotham the fake Joker is laughing as he blows a train horn pushing the speed to full one of his goons leans over his shoulder asking if Red Hood knows about them blowing up Gotham Central with the train fake Joker shrugs blowing the horn again I may have left out some details for our vigilante but I'm sure it's going to be fine the goons keep asking questions whether the real Joker is going to be able to find them I left him clues that he can't miss the fake Joker says with a laugh and one of them finally looks out the window and points at the massive Joker blimp lowering towards them from the night sky boss I think he found us the Goon calls out and the fake Joker laughs as he leans out the window tipping his conductor's hat well played real me well played he shouts with Glee and on board the blimp the real Joker looks down with a smile he has my style you have to give them that the armies of the two jokers begin to clash over the train and the Joker slides down a rope onto the engine car the train passes over a cliff side so red hood revs the engine of his motorbike leaping off into the night landing on the train no longer gripped by fear using Joker toxin as his fuel he draws his guns and begins to fire not worrying about which Joker Goons he hits in the engine car Joker finally kicks through the door drawing his knife rushing at the fake honey I'm home H he laughs as he drives his blade into the fak's shoulder so glad you can make it it's been so long the fake says with a smile the two contined to trade blows their knives slashing through pale's skin but the Joker's smile finally Fades I never should have made you but suddenly there's a pistol pushing into the back of his head and the fake Smiles you shouldn't have made either of us red hood says as he [ __ ] the pistol The Joker stands slowly Jason looking at the fake what now the fake shrugs his shoulders well I didn't have it all planned out I thought we would kill him and eat him to take all of his powers the fake says with a smile and Jason shakes his head we got to stop the train and go somewhere isolated so we can take our time with him but the fake shakes his head explaining that he's actually disabled the brakes on the train and that they're going to crash into Gotham Central and blow up the train and then they're going to blanket the city in a cloud of Joker gas Jason whirls around on the fake aiming the pistol at him you're as insane as he is the fake nods smiling yeah that was kind of the point the real Joker suddenly whirs around knocking red Hood's pistol away kicking him out the door bye-bye he says with Glee as the fake moves quickly locking the door so that Jason can't get back in and that's when the two jokers turn on each other both smiling quick thinking with the door well done the Joker says but the fake shakes his head no it was all you with the lunge I was scared scared then they both stare at each other again before leaping at each other with their knives I'll kill you they both shout as they continue to cut and stabed outside Jason suddenly sees Killer Moth flying by so he leaps on the criminal ripping off the wings and putting them on his own back flying back up to the blimp overhead in the engine car the two jokers are continuing their battle until the real one demands to know how the fake planned on escaping I did have an emergency escape just in case the fake gasps as the Joker's hands WRA wrap around his throat on the blimp Jason crashes through the window guns trained on the pilot stop the train he snaps but the pilot asks how explaining that if he blows it up the gas will still blank at the city useless he snaps firing a bullet killing the pilot he then straps himself into the Pilot's seat finally getting on the bat Family Radio asking for help Batman's voice reaches him and Jason explains the situation so Batman explains that he's on his way but it's going to be a minute someone distracted him across town he tells Jason that if he blows up the tanks some of the gas will still reach the city same if he dumps it into the river so Jason's mind begins to race as he begins to aim at the blimp at the train what about both there's a long pause before Batman asks what do you mean back on the train the two jokers finally stopped fighting the real Joker suggesting that they both escaped the train and then just go their separate ways as long as the fake leaves goam he can be the Joker somewhere else and we're equals both of us get to be the Joker Joker nod hold holding out his hand sure until until one of us gets bored and kills the other both Jokers throw their knives and head for the door the fake looking up as the blimp comes barreling towards him that boy really really hates you Joker nod smiling I know isn't it wonderful he says before they both leap from the train crashing into the river below behind them the blimp slams into the train blowing everything up in a massive Fireball the fire rains from the sky into the river below but the Joker suddenly comes up for air his hair burnt to a crisp on his head he gasps for air the other one breaking the surface with a knife in his hand he grabs the first Joker and pulls them both under it's 10 minutes later that ravager arrives at the bridge looking down into the water for some sign of Jason no no no no no she gasps before leaping off the bridge into the water Jason you stupid idiot she finds him there amongst the seemingly endless corpses of Joker Goons and pulls him to the shore you dumb boy if you're dead I swear I'm going to bring you back to life and kill you myself she hisses as she rips off her mask and begins to perform CPR after a moment Jason begins to cough up water gasping for air and they both collapse on the beach am I dead despite your best efforts not yet down the river various goons of the Joker I've gathered and they're arguing with each other but it's Grundy who points at the water look Not Dead the large zombie Grunts and Joker suddenly stands up in the shallows his hair and his clothing burnt off stab wounds littering his body Mr Joker is that you Arnold Wesker calls out but Killer Moth waves him away back off in triloquist I think that's our guy right boss The Joker nods walking forward demanding his men get the car the Killer Moth asks where's the other Joker and which one are you the Joker laughs as he raises his hand out of the water revealing the severed head of the other Joker oh him we don't have to worry about him anymore he says before stepping out of the water and walking towards the car as for who I am I'm the Joker and there you have it who do you think is the real Joker did the real Joker kill the real Joker is this the fake Joker is it the true Joker who even knows let me know in the comments down below who you think Joker is and I'll let you know if you're right or wrong and don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 109,171
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Id: TROrXxsm0TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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