Avengers(2018) - Full Story

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what if the Avengers were basically the only superhero group in the entire Marvel Universe recently Jason Aaron got to tell an amazing Avengers storyline that went from issues 1 through 50 with Earth shattering events and all kinds of crazy stuff happening and he got to treated as if the Avengers were the only team in the Marvel Universe now obviously they weren't but they got to do such crazy things such as the Phoenix war or moonnight taking over the world that no one else referenced so it's pretty much its own self-contained Avent plotline I had a lot of fun with it although there are a lot of haters for it but why don't you watch our full story all issues 1-50 and let me know what you think about it at the end of our video 1 million years ago seven Heroes were tasked to save the Earth from Ultimate Destruction aimoto the first sorcerer Supreme star brand the cosmic Hulk the rider the panther Iron Fist Phoenix and they were all led by the all father Odin aboron Odin lives say mug shouting he is to all endings and to good deaths for us all and Phoenix asks is this really the time for drinking Odin wipes his mouth and he says I imagine your two eyes work better than my one in which case I is a very good time the rider yells we've killed one of these things before the spirit of Vengeance does not fear neither does his rider aimoto tells him the one that we thought was weakened infected with something even the source of a supreme still cannot explain these new ones are not they know what was done to their compatriot Odin goes back to fill his mug and Phoenix asks is the vaulted all father of Asgard not even going to fight Odin turns back shouting Odin Boston has never walked away from a fight at his entire imortal life I woman I shall fight till I have drenched the battlefield with every last drop of my Holy Blood I shall fight and then once it's all late to waste my spirit will find yours in the void and we will make love in the ashes of affinity for I believe ion years we will build creation again Phoenix leans in stating that that is a fine idea or perhaps they'll simply kill everything that dares stand in their way be it a man or God or Giants from the Stars they will kill it with fire as Phoenix flies into battle Odin takes Mulia and sigh stating Gods I love that woman come M Ragnarok Waits the rider hops out his Mammoth laughing shouting ha we right and thus the first and the last fight with the first Celestial host had begun now in the current day Thor Tony Stark and Steve Rogers toast with Steve stating to the good old days to The Avengers Tony asks really we couldn't even get through one drink before you mentioned the a word Thor slams his mug down stating I was already through with my drink a bartender another Steve says I don't know it feels like it's been a million years since I've said it or more than that felt it Tony begins to play with his tiny umbrella telling him I'm just happy to feel anything at all you know CU I was at a coma and all Steve says I get it you're you're at a coma for what a few weeks Tred being trapped in ice for the first 40 Super Bowls Thor SI is telling him I once broke into my father's private Cask house and I drank myself into a stuper that lasted nine Moon Turns I thought about doing it again but every time I reach very mullar that isn't there and it's not like I could even lift it if it were Tony sits back telling him we make quite a trio Hydra cap coma Tony and unworthy Thor Steve looks at Tony and tells him you know what we need we got to put it all back together Tony says look we aren't as special as we once were I could list 20 names of people that are better suited for this sort of thing at this point Thor slams his mug down again telling him as the stars are my witness it must be us it needs to be us now more than ever we three need one another and we cannot run from that Tony snaps his umbrella yelling what are we just going to sit around and wait for a startling new Calamity to suddenly just then Tony's AI program motherboard of radio in that they're sorry to be that AI but his satellites are detecting multiple energy fluctuations in a near Earth orbit massive fluctuations ludicrously massive actually all of Unknown Origin Steve grabs his shield and he says that settles it Avengers H but Tony Cuts him off telling him if you say those words you're picking up door's tab all right Which Way motherboard motherboard says roughly 200 Mi straight up meanwhile 200 Mi straight down doctor strange follows closely behind tchala the Black Panther stating that this is an impressive dig site but I was hoping that I was not summoned with archaeology in mind tatala tells him that it is not the ancient remains in these caves that he felt warranted his attention it's the fresh ones Doctor Strange shines his light on the ground to see a decomposing body and says ah yes I see it now tachella points his light onto a wall with crude carving stating that this is what these archaeologists discovered admitting an incredible amount of cosmic radiation and burned them alive and then somehow completely disappeared that's what I need you for Doctor Strange looks at the markings all symbolizing the emblems of the current age heroes stating by the horory host of HTH the magic is here it was akamoto the spells here are ancient and as for the thing that they are meant to guard is quite large something alive it's fear still stains the walls tala focuses his light in one of the holes in the walls stating that he agrees that whatever it was it was massive at least 600 M long by his estimates so the question then becomes where did it go I sent a probe down here 4 hours ago it was 200 Mi deep and it was still going and it became inoperable the deeper that we go the closer we are to finding those answers Doctor Strange tells him I've seen this movie before this is one of those things that blows up our faces if we go blundering in we need to call the Avengers on this tala tells him that there are no Avengers the symbols on the wall date back to the Stone Age both of theirs are among them whatever is happening they're already involved chachala then jumps into one of the hole stating see you done below Doctor Strange sigh as he phases through the ground stating oh that's just great if anyone needs me I'll be at the center of the earth also at this time up in space Alpha flight begins their investigation of the anomalies appearing in space that motherboard detected as Carol daners AKA Captain Marvel flies close to one she begins to notice something and tells the station to sound every Global alarm that they have and that's when a giant hand reaches out to grab her back on Earth motherboard tells Tony Steve and Thor that the anomalies in orbit are suddenly spiking they look very much like teleportation nexuses Tony tells him okay short am out use every Stark satellite and disrupt their drone that we've got up there and motherboard says that they've already tried that whatever is causing this is techn ol far beyond anything that they have ever encountered Steve tells her all right then we're going to have to head up there Tony Ys the Quinn jet is not capable of space travel and just then a blue light begins to shine in the sky and Tony says it doesn't matter whatever it is is coming down to us back at the Earth's core Doctor Strange appears through the ceiling stating that if it wasn't for his magic the pressure would be crushing him into a puddle of Goo how are you not actually never mind I nearly forgot you're the Black Panther tala looks around at the hundreds of green egg sacks stating that these things things are not of this world no life signs but they're reading is dormant back up on the surface in East LA Robbie Reyes looks closely at the hood of his hell charger stating that he hasn't slept in 3 days you know he might have never gotten into this whole thing if he had droven a pinto or something as Robbie gets ready to climb back inside of his car he feels a rumble and a hole in the ground begins to open large green grubs begin to crawl out and Robbie begins to shout holy if they're from hell to repossess the car go right ahead but if you think you're going to come here and lay a hand or claw or whatever on my family then you're going to have some hell of your own to pay back in New York along the Hudson Tony flies over a giant Celestial body asking so why is the body of the ancient Stars spawn to Super Giants who judge and Destroy entire worlds here Carol pulls herself out from under part of the celestial body stating hey there looks like it picked a good time to get the band back together Tony as everyone runs over Tony asks did you just kill that thing and Carol tells him no it was dead when it came out of the portal all I did was keep it from landing on Time Square there's no time to stand around the there's dozens more falling from the sky and we need to stop them all all across the world the bodies of Dead celestials begin to fall from space destroying everything that they touch but while some Heroes try to figure out what's going on others find themselves fighting against the swarm of newly hatched bugs as Tony begins to suit up he asks one mindboggling question if the celestials are all powerful then what the hell is strong enough to kill them as Thor shoots off into the sky he bounces off of something and Steve tells him I'm pretty sure that question just got answered enter the celestials know as the final host Tony asks Steve if there's anything else he'd like to add before they do this and Steve pulls his mask down telling him only one thing comes to mind Tony SI telling him fine just say it so we can get to work Steve grabs his shield and he stares into the sky shouting Avengers Assemble over at the side of the celestial body a perfectly calm Jennifer Walter stoms her job telling herself that she really really should walk away from this this is totally out of her pay grade and it won't be good for her uh delic at treatment right now except something is drawing her to it as she looks up she sees several bugs crawling out she says yep that settles it she's an idiot she runs away yelling for everyone to get away but a second later she begins to Hulk out shouting Hulk squish just then the hand of a Celestial raises and slams back down Jennifer looks over stating you not dead yes as and Hulk here hear a voice in head but Hulk could not understand what is cure cure for what but before she could finish the thought she subtly disappears out on the highway Robbie Reyes is racing towards the Fallen body stating for months my car wouldn't shut the hell up but now there's a giant Spaceman falling from the sky and crazy super roaches trying to eat my bones and W he slams the brakes as he stops just before seeing Jennifer Walters appearing stating okay sure why not back in New York Tony hits the final host with another Repulsor blast and motherboard tells him that his efforts appear to be remarkably unsuccessful so he begins to yell that's not true I'm pretty sure I made it blink the final host smacks Thor away and Carol catches him asking did anyone misplace a God as Thor flies back into the fight Carol goes on stating we've done a pretty good job but I've dealt with celestials before and lived to fill out the paperwork just then there's a loud th as a pod lands in front of her she reaches in pulling out several small devices stating hopefully these Omega Level warp grenades attuned to the coordinates of the sun they'll do the trick but back over with Robbie Reyes he's beginning to realize that making his car hit a hulked out Jennifer Walters is a very very bad idea because now he's dealing with She-Hulk back with Tony and Carol they get ready to set off the grenades on the final host when they see Steve and the Quinn jet distracting them one of the hosts reaches out and begins to dismantle the ship electrocuting Steve in the process everyone runs in to try and save him but out of nowhere the celestial that teleported Jennifer away gets up and punches one of the final hosts now if you think back to the whole Ghost Rider Robbie reyes's moment with d She-Hulk he would assume that he's probably getting beat senselessly by Jennifer Walters and uh you'd be right just as Robbie thinks that he has her contained the two begin to feel a rumble and the ground splits open just as it did in front of Robbie's house Robbie tells Jennifer that he knows that she probably doesn't want a friend right now but by the looks of these bugs we might want to reconsider our actual friendship for a bit however back in New York the celestial that attempted to save Steve finds himself with his neck at the end of a sight held by the final host Steve shouts to Carol to use the grenade send him off with those things and she tells him we were going to have to get him clear before but before she could finish her and the others are hit with a paralyzed in blast and a familiar voice calls out to them Loki floats down stating I see you have met my new friends the final host don't mind me though I'm just here to lend a helping hand as we Avenge the greatest wrong of all time and to correct the Grievous mistake made 1 million years ago there will be salvation through Global Extinction and it begins now but while Loki has now made his presence known back on the highway Robbie Ray is in Jennifer finish off the last of the bugs with Robbie seeing Jennifer isn't really backing down he tells her look we we just killed a bunch of giant roaches together that means we're friends now and friends don't go smashing each other right she begins to feel something calling out to her and she yells voice in head won't shut up stupid Beauty Dead Space giant stupid voice say ah she begins to lift both her arms above her head and then she slams them into the ground creating a giant hole shouting go to hell as Robbie watches he sigh stating that the scariest part about this whole thing that she seems to know more about what's going on than him that was either her telling him off or inviting him along why does he feel like he's going to get a lot along the way well here I go back in New York Tony SI is telling everyone you know things just keep getting better Thor yells to Loki asking what have you done and Loki tells him oh you can't blame me for all of this I'm merely a facilitator this is all the handiwork of the final host and this moment of cleansing has been unavoidable for a very long time says the dawn of the disease called man I'm kind of surprised the Beloved all father Odin never told you brother perhaps Loki isn't the only god of Lies by the way I'm going to be taking those warp grenades if you don't mind Thor struggles to move yelling I will slay you for this a thousand times over and Loki tells him yeah I'm sure you will you're the Avengers after all but believe me when the final hosts are finished here there will be nothing left of this world to avenge Loki begins to bring the warp grenades closer with Steve telling him that he has a better idea and he manages to reach for his shield throwing it out before Loki could get his hands on the grenade Steve tells Everwood that he'll see them in the stars and the shield detonates the warp grenades in a Flash Steve Loki and the final host all disappear with Thor asking where did they go Carol tells him that if the warp grenades worked like they should uh they just popped into the sun down at the center of the earth though if you remember we have doctor strange and tchala down there fighting back the unending swarm of bugs with Doctor Strange asking is it me or are these things getting stronger tala telling them it's not just you their power levels are rapidly expanding they've tapped into a new energy source and they're feeding on something this is a lost cause so use that magic to get us out of here I'll hold them all off as long as I can Doctor Strange tells him you know I'm not going to leave you behind so you better figure out out better but just then the cave being is the tremble and Doctor Strange shouts you know what I'm taking it back I'm definitely leaving you tala says wait what is that sound a few seconds later the roof of the cave split open with Ghost Rider and She-Hulk coming barreling in Robbie says hey we're the good guys maybe elsewhere Steve slowly begins to wake up and as he looks around he asks what's happening Loki tells him wake up you're going to want to see this is that not every day that you get to see a star from the inside Steve says wait we're inside of the Sun how and Loki says yes well you're quite welcome for being saved lucky for you it's quite difficult to murder a sorcerer of my caliber not that there are many other sorcerers of my caliber Steve throws his shield and he yells into a radio to hit the sun with everything they've got loky deflex the throat telling him come on we don't have time for that do you really want to render unconscious the only God who's currently giving you alive besides there's something I want to show you Steve struggles to break free from look's grasp telling him it doesn't matter what happens to me the Avengers won't stop fighting and Loki asks fighting you call what happened to midgard fighting I'm sorry to disappoint but there's going to be no battle between the Avengers and the final host down on Earth Carol is listening in on the radio and she says he's alive Alpha flight confirmed it Tony tells her of course he made it that old man will outli all of us Carol says yeah well all the others are alive too Tony steps up shouting this is all Alpha flight's fault this is exactly the sort of cosmic catastrophe that you're supposed to stop captain Marvel Carol yells back we will stop it meanwhile feel free to stay out of the way but as the two begin to go back and forth everyone can hear the sound of screeching tires then Robbie crashes into a building asking so there may be a very angry Hulk in the trunk Doctor Strange tells Robbie that he has some nice driving and sorry about throwing up so many times tala jumps out of the car stating look there's more going on than all of you realize we need all hands on deck we need the Avengers over in the North Pole the final host creating the bug stands there in Loki says you know it's almost beautiful in a disgusting sort of way Steve tells him whatever you're playing here there's still time to change the course help us stop this we know that there's a decent God hiding in there Loki size you see midgard is such a simple place isn't it of course it is you're a soldier who came of age defending the world from Nazis where I am I'm older older than your human Race's capacity for walking upright and with that sort of age comes a unique perspective I have something far beyond your petty concepts of Good and Evil but if you insist are resorting to Tri labels then believe it or not I'm the good guy here Steve tells him the Nazis thought they were the good guys too even when they slaughtered Millions Loki points it one to the host stating if his brand could even withstand communicating with the celestial then perhaps you could ask this fellow what he thinks the celestials came to this world a million years ago in a state of distress desperately in need of assistance instead it was assaulted by your father in the primordial minions of Earth Steve shouts the celestials didn't save anything they've been corrupted driven mad they murdered their own kind Loki says yes the treatments may seem unconventional but we do expect a full recovery if you don't believe me you can visit the patient the two descend into a hole left by the host Steve asks where are we going and Loki tells him to the root of the infection an inection as old as time back on the surface Tony gathers everyone around and he says that he's going to recap all of this to make sure that he's not crazy the Earth is infested with giant bugs covered with dead celestials and Somewhere Out There Loki in his Unstoppable new the final host are up to something likely something that'll murder us all did I miss anything here Jennifer Grunts and Tony says oh right we also have a raging hul care that's sure to help us get a handle on things tala picks up one of the dead bugs stating that he's been in contact with Captain Britain and the people's Defense Force in China there are Heroes all over the world already dealing with the destruction caused by the celestials they need to focus on preventing whatever is coming next and Carol says that's right that's why tala and herself are heading to Alpha flight station to find out what the hell these bugs are Tony shouts that's that's just great we're going to do this split up into smaller teams thing good that's a solid time-honored strategy just then there's a crack of thunder in his Tony looks back he notices Thor gone along with Jennifer Tony asks did Thor just steal our Hulk is that good or bad and Doctor Strange says well it's definitely bad for someone moments later an old Asgard Thor begins to walk forward telling Jennifer let me do the talking and don't start smashing unless I do where are you Odin Odin leans up from his throne and he says he's too old to be hiding what is it that you seek Thor tells him the truth for once you're going to give it to me whether you damn well like it or not back down in the North Pole Loki tells Steve to behold the root of the great infection the reason that this world must die behold the progenitor the father of the Avengers the father of them all as Thor stands before the weathered old Odin and old Asgard he says that he cannot believe that these exploits have never been spoken of Odin tells him that he's had a long life Stars would go go black before he could tell them all even the parts that are fit for telling in the company of a lady however there are secrets that even the all father will take with him to Valhalla Thor says not the ones that he seeks 1 million years ago he and his primordial allies defeated the dark Celestial they need to know how Odin says I they did they did fell a weakened and sickly Celestial but Loki's final host they are a different breed not even the Odin sword or the enchanted jborn can bring them down there are many things hidden away in Asgard but none of them will defeat the foes that they face it will only make their Ultimate Death far more spectacular Odin gets up leading both Thor and She-Hulk to a hidden chamber stating that this place was designed by him that no one would was designed by him so that no one would ever see it but what's behind the door could very well be the end of the world or perhaps even save it open it if you dare Prince of Asgard Thor hesitates asking what could be so powerful that it needs to to be locked away but before he could get his answer She-Hulk cracks her Knuckles ripping the door off a wave of cold air hits everyone and Thor asks what is Behind These Walls of ice and Odin tells him that that is their problem Thor grips his hammer telling She-Hulk all right then race you to the center lady Walters as the two charge their way in breaking down the ice Odin quietly says that he is only racing towards his Doom back on Earth Iron Man and Doctor Strange head to the mountains of Greece to find possible answers for the eternals and what they find is death and destruction Doctor Strange looks at the bodies of everyone stating that judging by the way they lay it would appear that they did this to each other or possibly themselves Iron Man flies through the ruins stating the eternals claimed that they were created by the celestial and they were left on Earth to watch over Humanity after the celestial tinkered with humans there's got to be something that we can but before long Iron Man finds the body of acarus Barely Breathing he rushes down and hears acarus stating that this happen because they learned the truth the eternals they were great fools they weren't there to protect them they were to cultivate them to the space Gods the humans were a useful pathogen they were the ultimate aara screams out and Iron Man yells to Doctor Strange to do something but Doctor Strange tells him I'm trying but I fear we may have been too late acarus continues stating that the final host don't let them unleash the horde only the unom mind can stop them Iron Man asks what is he talking about and aurus reaches up to touching Iron Man's face telling him that only you can be the Cure meanwhile elsewhere ghost rider was left to himself after he pulled off a piece of celestial Tech from one of the dozens of dead celestials that fell to the Earth he uses his hell charger to try and locate the final host and after learning that Loki and the dark celestials had escaped being warped into the sun it brings him to the North Pole he races over the icy waters stating great I see the final host now what the hell am I supposed to do suddenly the hill charger pulls itself underneath the ice and Ghost rder says that's pretty cool didn't know I had a submarine mode guess I'm supposed to sneak up on them huh subtly right they'll never see me coming is that like I'm on fire or anything back at Old Asgard Thor and shehulk continue breaking through the endless walls of ice when they finally reach the center of the room revealing what they have been looking for a large Blue Jewel known as the blood of yamir the first of the ice colassi the father of all the Giants Thor says there it is and with that they can but before he fit as she collapses stating it's too cold take it She-Hulk while you still She-Hulk scoffs telling him Beauty Thor is cold why not say so Hulk warm Hulk warm as there is and then she kisses him giving Thor her radiated heat a short while later outside the destroyed doors Thor walks out holding the blood of yir stating that you have my many thanks lady Hulk she grunts D her whatever want to smash things now and Odin says I that we will with this new weapon there will be much smashing indeed he turns away telling them make a good thunderous show boy just as you once did and when it's all finished when it's all come to its oh so predictable end when you lie in the blood dredged ruin at the feet of the final host face your judgment like a God say farewell to midgard once said for all just as you should have done but while everyone prepares for their grand attack back at the North Pole Loki explains to cap more of the story of the first Celestial he says that the celestial came by some Cosmic design it just merely fell it fell because it was dying as it turns out even an omnipotent space God can get sick every now and then and it came down with a rather nasty infection the infection would be called The Horde the celestial had encountered a swarm of cosmic locusts that were traveling in deep space in those days The Horde would normally Feast on infant worlds but there was even more power inside of a Celestial they discovered these particular Celestial are now hopelessly infested the first of its kind to ever become diseased patient zero it land Ed on the muck of Earth before it Formed where it vomited and bled and wept its radioactive tears before slumping over and dying that sickness seeped into the Earth flowing through the shifting seas in the primordial Rock and lava the infection stewed for a million years until the entire planet had become diseased forever altering the Earth's evolutionary trajectory but why is the earth so uniquely eccentric within the near infinite number of planets spread across the heavens it's not because of some Grand purpose but because of that bubbling black puddle of celestial regurgitation the Monstrous things that would come slithering out of it and the guesses as to what those monsters are Loki lifts his hand and he points at cap you you and your mutated gamma irradiated web slinging ilk and this is who you have to thank the progenitor The God Who died so that you might live down below the two of them Ghost Rider slowly drives up listening wa we're God's vomit yeah I could kind of see that cap struggles in his chain stating you just don't get it it doesn't matter how life started it only matters what we do with it and what I'm going to do with mine cap stands up headbutting Loki and Loki quickly contains him telling him I understand how you feel however my story isn't over the next Celestial came to Earth in 1 Million BC seeking out that progenitor who disappeared so many years before the celestial name was a guard the aspirant and soon found the lonely place of the dying corpse teeming with millions of rising horde bugs the sight must have drove the poor Celestial insane or perhaps it was the horrid infection that quickly found itself a fresh meal either way the celestial found no love on this world instead your father and the prehistoric henchmen bludge into the poor Celestial senseless and left it for dead deep within the Earth they hoped they'd Seen the Last of its kind clearly they did not but now with two missing celestials Earth got the attention of the entire host the all father of Asgard prepared to face his final judgment but in its wake none came the first host left all as it was they left a celestial still buried in the ground slowly succumbing to the infection it would have been that the first host feared falling victim to The Horde disease themselves and wanted to keep it contained on Earth and their plan worked but no longer now huh as you've seen all of the hosts are now dead all except the final one all except for mine the hord disease did not kill Zagreb like the progenitor they changed him into the first of their own rabbit brand of dark Celestial he was named zabb the sorer and together with the rest of his kind he infected and failed every Celestial in existence but as Loki goes on he suddenly feels the pull of a chain around his neck Ghost Rider tightens up the change telling him cool story but I got one too it's called Ghost Rider kicks your ass and here's how it goes a few moments later Iron Man and Doctor Strange fly by attempting to land an outof control plane when Iron Man gets a call he picks it up hearing Ghost Rider stating hello and Iron Man says how the hell did you get this number Ghost riter says Believe It or Not Howard's Stark yeah we all know that he's dead but my car talked to him anyway just wanted to say that I found Captain America and those Space Giants and if you couldn't tell this is Ghost Rider Iron Man asks where are you and as Ghost Rider is dodging one of the celestials cap says I'm not sure but I think we just passed Sweden Iron Man yells don't move we're coming for you and Ghost Rider tells him yeah that definitely won't be a problem the Scythe of the celestial comes down narrowly missing the car but the force sends it off course crashing into a nearby Village just then the trunk pops open and Loki now in Chains yells to the final host to get him out of this Odin damn truck burn everything Iron Man and Doctor Strange rushed to Russia where Ghost Rider signal cut off and they begin trying to help the people of the village as the final host begins to set everything Ablaze Iron Man grabs one of the children stating that this can't be right if we were the Avengers we'd already have a cunning last minute plan to save the world oh wait we do Doctor Strange asks him do we that Eternal really fried your brain good didn't it Iron Man yells that he can't hear him over the thinking of his awesome plan motherboard what's the ETA on that awesomeness the motherboard tells him 3 minutes as the two land one of the Locust skits towards them and Doctor Strange asks were the insects part of your awesome plant and Iron Man tells him no but I do love surprises a voice calls out to them stating that they'll love this a bolt of green lightning strikes with both Black Panther and Captain Martel appearing and black panther stating I just use the lab's back up at Alpha flight currently me and Carol are charged the same energy as the ho creatures and Carol says in other words just leave the bugs to us as Overwood stands before the final host Doctor Strange says great the bugs are taken care of and that just leaves the Unstoppable Space Giants just then there's a loud booming sound as Thor and She-Hulk land and Thor says we are in need of faces to be punched I and that we can do Doctor Strange asks where have they been and She-Hulk says smashing smashing and kissing Dr Strange stares and Thor says Ah and uh we found an ancient magical weapon that will help us stand on more equal ground with these dark celestials Thor breaks the blood of yir in half and hands a piece to She-Hulk and as the two begin to eat it She-Hulk simply says taste like hell Thor Chews at telling her I hell is definitely how it feels in my gut Thor and a Seahawk begin to shout in pain as power begins to float through them and while the others begin to evacuate the rest of the village cap gives Ghost Rider a little pep talk Ghost Rider says that he would love to help the world but he really can't fit one of those celestials in the trunk like Loki cap tells him that he is more than a car more than any Ghost Rider I've ever known Ghost Rider looks over at one of the dead celestials and says I guess that means I'm going to have to upgrade he runs over to the body and starts to climb in it and after a few moments he disappears and the head begins to burn Ghost Rider stands up in the celestial body asking is this hot enough for you cap Iron Man calls out nice work fast and the furious now what do you say ready to save the world and Ghost Rider tells him hell yeah I am as Thor and She-Hulk grow to the same size they all ready themselves for the final fight Iron man walks out of his God killer MK2 armor stating I'm pretty sure they all heard that for a th000 miles kid I like your style now come on giant sized Avengers let's show these celestials what it's like to pick on someone their own size the four charge in hitting the dark celestials and Iron Man says you know this day has been so crazy that the giant hulk has actually become a cause for celebration She-Hulk begins to yell no talking only smashing down on the ground black panther and Carol get to work on the bugs with cap stating that now he's got his shield attuned to the same bug energy it's time for him to get into the fight She-Hulk bites down on one of the celestials stating taste like bomb in mouth Hulk want more Thor Thor bashes another stating finally Iron Man you have the body to match your ego and I have a hammer the size of a battleship ha Iron Man tells him you are enjoying this way too much Thor motherboard says reactors five and seven are but Iron Man asks didn't you hear what She-Hulk said no talking only repulsing She-Hulk knocks down one of the celestials and Ghost Rider says wow they really brought the obliter Tron down Iron Man grabs the scyth of the Scythe wielding Celestial asking wait you know their names Ghost Rider says well the longer up side of this body I'm starting to understand the one on fire is valkar and this guy's callus the void they're the leaders of the final host if we don't stop them here and now the horde will keep making more callus headbutts Ghost Rider as valkar hits Thor with a blast of fire and he yells we may be the same size of them but we're still short on power Callis then swings his Scythe cutting off one of Iron Man's godkiller two arms and he says sure let's try this one with one arm it'll be a fun challenge as the massive arm falls to the ground Carol says thanks for the hand Iron Man but we got things that control down here Iron Man grabs callus by the arm shouting hell with it I'm going to fly this guy into space and blow up the whole damn suit if we managed to take one out maybe the others will but as Iron Man takes off large hands reach up grabbing him pulling him back down as the Dead celestials begin to get up and hold him down he asks does any remember the dead celestials yeah they're zombie celestials now not only are we outp powerered we are completely outnumbered NOW Thor struggles to keep callus back and says the magic it's starting to wear off and Iron Man says that if anyone has a hillberry pass Now's the Time but with no one coming up with any ideas Iron Man yells screw it ecti core maximum effort as the gk2 system starts to Surge Iron Man ejects outstanding as 4 billion worth of fireworks never let him say they died without flare once Iron Man gets back to the ground with the others he then asks all right what's the plan cap says well Loki said the life on Earth is the result of a Dying Celestial black panther then says that if that's true then they really are Earth's infection Iron Man tells him right so why keep the world alive with the thing that could kill us Carol flies downstand because they saw the potential in them they knew what we'd become something that could beat The Horde for them once and for all Doctor Strange calls out we're the living virus vaccine celestials needed a cure for The Horde and they saw the humanity had the potential to make one after a few million years of simmering in a pot of infection and rotting Celestial we did it the Cure is US Ironman calls out that's it aurus told us how to do it the udam mind okay I know this is going to sound really hippie-ish but if we're going to save the world we're going to need to be one mind literally Aus put the secrets of the unim Mind into my head just before dying it's an ancient method the eternals use to combine their energies Carol tells him that if that's supposed to be a sex joke she's personally going to put him back in a coma everyone quickly gathers around the one thing that is big enough to hold their Collective Powers Ghost Rider piloting the dead Celestial Doctor Strange begins to concate and says ew Thor and She-Hulk really did make out oh God I can't stop seeing it cap then calls out to Ghost Rider telling them we're all counting you for this kid Ghost Rider shouts my brother gab at home is scared scre that as the power of release from Ghost Rider knocks everyone away Thor takes the time to kiss She-Hulk once more Iron Man shouts oh God they're doing it again hey Carol don't you suppose you want to Carol begins gagging telling him he can go to hell and once the power Fades Ghost Rider sits in the middle of a pile of dead Locust asking did we do it Carol tells him that he did great ghost kid The Horde is dormant black panther folds his arm stting well not all of it the bugs inside of the final host are still firmly entrenched we'll have to be pulling those out by the roots our fight isn't over cap helds Ghost Rider and he asks are we really back to square one and cap Smiles not exactly we've got some friends who can help on your feet everyone you know the drill Avengers Assemble The Horde purged celestials that were once dead stand up to fight against the final host with the help of the Avengers and as they go into battle the prince of lies beholds his utter defeat and rather unexpectedly laughs Loki laughs so hard as he says welcome back Avengers as the Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes drives his hell charger through the North Pole he makes his way to the giant Celestial that has become the new headquarters for The Avengers when he passes by the security checkpoint the computer says that his identity has been confirmed Roberto Reyes is cleared for entrance Robbie tells himself that it's kind of weird trusting all these new people with a secret identity hell all of this feels weird Ghost Rider as an Avenger this isn't going to last long as Robbie pulls up cap tells him that he hopes that he's ready to work harder than he ever has in his life and Robbie tells him you beta um cap sir cap then tells him just call me Steve and I've assumed that all of your homework was finished Robbie looks around the facility asking am I the only Avenger still in high school and cap tells him yes I'm pretty sure Thor got kicked out before ever graduating but don't let that bother you you're still the only Avenger who could take control of a dead Celestial and transform it into a 2,000t tall Ghost Rider and save the world probably last so does that make me the strongest Avenger but as he finishes there's a loud whack as cap Shield lands hitting Robbie in the stomach and cap tells him no you're the newest everyone inside of this mountain has been saving the world longer than you've been potty trained now it's time to show me that the other day wasn't a fluke show me that you really are an Avenger Ghost Rider however to fully understand how we got to this point we're going to have to look back a few days prior shortly after the final battle with the final host the Heroes all turned to Loki and they demanded answers as to why he he would bring such evil to the Earth and his answer was simple to reunite The Avengers if it wasn't for him they would all still be floundering shattered and hopelessly at odds with one another still clueless as to their true potential and reason for being nothing brings Heroes together quite like a good villain right if you all thought the celestials were the only ones who see you as a great Cosmic infection then you would be sadly mistaken you're all being watched right now even if you don't know it you're all being watched from Beyond The Raw Vo void between dimensions and when they finally come they will lay ruin to all in the time that it takes a hummingbird to flutter its wings but before the Avengers could do anything with their new prisoner the celestials took him leaving behind a present the only one who could answer what that present was was Robbie Rees the celestials had raised the body of the progenitor turning it into a shining beacon on top of the world it helped Forge a Beacon of Hope the wonders of life and a warning about what'll happen if anyone tries to Stomp it out while Renovations are being made inside of the massive Alpha Celestial Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk lays on an examination table and dror strange tells her you're right there is something different about you Jennifer tells him great good to know I'm not crazy or at least no crazier than the usual crazy just don't tell me I'm dying doc doctor strange looks at the charts and says that he wishes it was that simple but she is the Hulk her body is Rife with enough gamma radiation to kill most people many times over however since the encounter with the celestials those gamma counts have skyrocketed her body is now storing more gamma energy than ever before and it appears that she will sometimes release that energy in the most explosive ways possible more so than Bruce ever did but it could also explain why she appears to uh have less access to her full mental faculties when she's the Hulk she is in sense becoming a living gamma bomb and they have no idea what could happen the next time she explodes Jennifer slams her hand down St that she has a pretty good idea bad guys are going to get smashed the world will get saved just like before these new powers are a blessing not a curse the celestials needed her at her strongest to stop the final host and so will The Avengers now more than ever so they believe that they're going to get the biggest and baddest damn Hulk the world has ever seen a short while later black panther asks if they're really sure about this cap tells him we took a vote it was unanimous and Iron Man says I know how rare that is even for the three of us right Thor tells him I on this we all agree there is only one choice for The Avengers chairperson congratulations King chachala black panther tells the three of them that he will strive to be worthy of their trust so then let his first official act as the chairperson be stating the sacred words Avengers Assemble but as the Avengers begin to hold their first meeting an alarm goes off indicating a level n international incident is currently underway in the Southern Sea Iron Man says great first meeting nice and short Camp always droned on for hours meanwhile over in the Southern Sea The atlantans Hang off the side of a rocks on wailing boat and the men laugh stating T Atlantean is probably a delicacy somewhere right but before long the boat is struck by a giant sea creature and a voice calls out to the men shouting scream all of you air guzzling bastards neyar jumps up ripping his way through the ship telling everyone that down in the depths is where he'll be taking them and no one will ever hear you scream again we once again must look back at how this event came to be though it begins off the coast of the Bahamas on a cruise shrip tiger shark started to climb aboard to collect the toll for the humans that have been sailing in his Seas when Stingray showed up to stop him the two fought arguing who was right and all the while Neymar himself was watching with his War sharks he stopped to the two of them telling them that their Petty fight is over the Day of Reckoning has come and you have both found a simple yet profound Choice Join Me or Leave the oceans forever Stingray tells him you both know this whole Atlantis attacks thing never works for my people so how about we talk about it I'm one of your oldest friends on the surface but neyar isn't answering with words he's answering with fists this man is is an Invader in my realm and Invaders will no longer be tolerated the emperor of the deep has spoken War sharks finish him the screams of stingray Echo throughout the ocean with neyar turning to tiger shark telling him I ask you the same question how do you reply tiger shark looks at the torn upart body of stingray telling him I'm not sure what's going on here but this is a pretty convincing argument Count Me In back in our current time cap leads the charge along the bottom of the sea towards Atlantis but he is soon met with Atlantean resistance The Heavy Hitters take on several foes at once but Robbie Reyes drives the hell charger through a pack asking how strong are these guys they're turned my car apart one of the alanan blows the warhorn and as the giant creature Rises Robbie tells them I'm pretty sure I found the king cap radio is in stating that is not the king he just summoned a Sea Beast from the depths get out of here but before cap could finish Robbie is swollen hold by the creature and then Thor rushes towards the creature shouting I shall Avenge the rider of ghosts Robbie then calls out can anyone hear me I'm not dead unless the highway to hell is paved with whale guts let's see how this super grouper likes spicy food Robbie revs up the engine creating a Hell Fire Within the Beast stomach and he Rockets out yelling look at me you can call me the human Alano elsewhere Iron Man radios a black panther asking how things are going on his end black panther tells him that the guards are down but it's possible an alarm was just tripped so Iron Man asks him how you're the Black Panther surely you can hack through their Tech black panther tells him perhaps if they had any Tech but instead I stepped out a starfish just then neyar shoots through the waters punching black panther asking how dare you show your face under the sea black panther lunges back telling him you don't need to make this harder than it needs to be we're not here for war neyar Neymar then responds no well you brought an army to Atlantis black panther tells him yes I did the most powerful Army in the face of the Earth Thor swings his hammer and Iron Man charges his Repulsor Cannon but neyar catches both as he squeezes down on both the hammer and Iron Man's Hand Iron Man says i' forgotten how fast he was underwater Danvers end this Captain Marvel charges through the water punching Neymar in the face creating a giant explosion but as the lights begin to fade Neymar stands up unfazed and he says every wretch Under the Sea would kill to lay their hands upon my bare flesh enjoy the privilege that you've just been granted lady Marvel Neymar than headbutts are away with She-Hulk jumping in shouting fish King no touch Hulk touch Hulk touch a lot as she lands she sets off a m massive explosion creating a crater in the ground Neymar jumps back punching her away asking you're bringing a walking gamma bomb here but just then there's a loud wonk as Robbie Reya speeds in hitting neyar asking did I just hit someone please say it was a bad guy Neymar stands up lifting the hell charger shouting the Samar will never fall Captain calls Neymar telling him to stand down or the next Avenger he faces will be him Neymar easily tosses the car aside telling cap you do not have long speak cap tells him we understand that you want Justice for what happened to your people on board the roxson ship but taking the shooters and vowing to execute them will not bring Justice Neymar waves cap off asking is this where you tell me to trust the laws of man because those have never let me down before have they if I refuse to hand them over what then black panther tells him one word don't cap goes on telling him the surface world is just as much a victim as the destruction wrought by the final host on the Seas neyar scoff swimming away telling him you may take the murderers but you would do well to remember these words of advice don't ever come here again Avengers The Avengers collected the prisoners that Neymar took and leave is requested and as Neymar returns to his people his people reject him 3 Days Later Neymar looks at all of the debris fallen from the surface world and he says that he has gathered them here today because war is declared a few days ago the world destroying Corporation known as roxon murdered our people and hung their bodies from their ship like bloody trophies I have S rightful Vengeance but the Avengers thought to take those men far away from Atlantis thinking that they were far from my reaches those men are dead now choked on the polluted seawater that's spewed from their own toilets however this is not the ending this holy war has just begun let the Earth breathers have their mounds of dirt and blackened Skies the surface has the Avengers now we have the Defenders of the deep along the long stretch of road is Route 66 and Johnny Blaze sits down to enjoy a cup of coffee and some breakfast before setting out on a trip he sits at the bar when a blonde man walks up asking Johnny if he can take a seat next to him Johnny looks at the man asking do we know each other and the blond-haired man tells him that he knows him that's why he's here the man then moves his hand revealing a gunshot wound and he digs his fingers in pulling out a small bullet he drops that bullet onto Johnny's plate Johnny tells him to take it easy the man starts to glow red hot and he says to take that hellstrom he'll know what to but before he could finish the man's body bursts into a blinding Blaze knocking everything back as the man turns to Ash Johnny takes the bullet placing it into his coat telling the bartender thanks for the coffee he goes out getting ready to put on his helmet when suddenly a police car pulls up and two sheriffs step out Johnny says whatever it is they've got the wrong guy but one of the sheriffs tells them no they've got the right guy he has something that doesn't belong to him they're going to need him to hand it over or pay the price the sheriff's voice slowly changes into a demonic tone so Johnny lets the spirit of Vengeance come out asking him you dare speak to me about payment as the Ghost Rider comes out he slams his hell chains on the ground and he whips them around the transformed Demon's necks Johnny pulls them in closer as the fire burns hotter telling them look if if you dare look into the face of Vengeance look and burn later that night at Damon hellstrom's office Johnny looks through a book with the pictures of the demon stating that this is the one he's positive anything they should be worried about hellstrom tells him no it's just some lesser demons but demons nonetheless ones that bullets shouldn't kill and they said to take it to him well that's not much to go on but there is a contact that might Point them in the right direction the next day the two head over to a shoddy building in the Bronx and Johnny asks if whoever is in there is really going to help them hellstrom knocks in the door stating that Curtis has been helpful to him in the past they just need the proper offerings the door swings open and the large grotesque man that is Curtis says it is a pleasure to see you again Hellam holds out a box of duts stating that he'll need something examined the usual price a dozen assorted Curtis Smiles as he eats a donut asking how can I say no to the great Damon hellstrom what do you have to the show hellstrom holds out the bullet and Curtis looks at it stating that he can feel a Vibe coming off of it that they are right to be worried however he does not have any of the details on it so many old things are surfacing again must be because the time draws an ear they would do well to check in with those clucking hens on Wall Street someone of his ilk isn't allowed but you may find some of the answers that you are looking for hellstrom and Johnny leave with Johnny asking who was that hellstrom tells him a deserter from history's oldest war sentenced to the existence as he was just seen but come they have another stop to make meanwhile elsewhere a short hunched man pours himself a glass stting that he is quite disappointed in the way events are unfolding whatever the case is my silver has been lost that is why I've put you in charge of overseeing it a pale-skinned woman says to please accept her apologies necromus but at least the Spy was dealt with his secret is safe Necro odama sprinkles a pinch of ingredients into his cauldron stating that their problems are twofold he will determine the best way to recover the lost silver but in the meantime she will look to see if there are any other spies you do want to redeem yourself don't you Rison Rison stares in silence and necromus says that he will take that as a yes now go back with hrom and Johnny they walk into a fancy restaurant and an old woman calls out to hellstrom stating that they don't see him around much hellstrom sits down telling her that he has had do elsewhere and he was hoping to see some of his old Circle this place is uh nearly empty The Man Behind hellum says that it's getting to be that time again every thousand years or so they get a little tense although it feels a bit different this time hellstrom sips his tea asking how and the man says that he's not sure why but there's a fear in the air a lot of them are cleaning out getting to High Ground finding a deep hole weathering the storm all that jazz the old woman powders her face stating that Edwin's right there's something wrong but if anyone knows what it is well they're not telling the story hellstrom turns back asking what about her not leaving Agnes so she tells him that she is far too old to be afraid in spite of what others think there's nowhere else to go as the two leave Johnny asks well what now hellstrom takes out his phone stating that they learned that this is much bigger than they thought there is a lot to do so they should bring in some help Johnny asks anyone in mind and hellstrom says that he has a candidate someone who covers a lot of the same territory the real question is though will he even pick up elsewhere two bank robbers jump into their ghetto van they begin to speed down the street when from up above a shadow jumps onto the van reaching and stabbing the driver the driver bursts into flames and the van crashes as the two remaining robbers call out they start to show their vampiric fangs and as they look up they shout you as the shadow cuts the head off The Vampire hell reaches the voicemail and he hears this individual's voicemail it's me you wouldn't have this number in the first place if it weren't important hellstrom leaves the message hey hellstrom here I'm not sure how to ask this but I was wondering if you could help us avert the complete and under destruction of all existence that's when blad's phone pings with a new notification a short while later at Eduardo's rare and collectible books hellstrom looks at a tone while Johnny and blade look around hellstrom says that this is good what does he owe Eduardo says actually it's on the house and hellstrom asks him why is that Ed takes his glasses off stating that it's compensation how can I put this just know it isn't personal you and the Half Breed are free to leave but Mr Blaze stays Hellam asks him why is that and Eduardo's face begins to strain stating you know why soon edw and the rest of the patrons begin to transform into demons and they begin to assault the team blade shouts book browser's my butt Johnny brings out the Ghost Rider shouting cleanse them with fire as blade begins to clear out the Lesser demons at water lunges on top of hellstrom and pins them to the ground and just then a fiery chain whips out grabbing Eduardo by the neck with Johnny pulling him off asking you wanted Johnny Blaze well you've got the Ghost Rider you demon cockroach later Eder opens up his eyes as he hangs upside down with hellstrom stating if you would like to get back in my good graces you might want to explain what's going on so Eduardo tells him I'm dreadfully sorry hope this unfortunate misunderstanding won't damage our long-term relationship however there's a bounty on Blaze the instructions were simple get blaze recover the silver that is all no one knows who ordered the Bounty but the messenger was rzan the one called the night Jackal she insisted the job be done by tomorrow night she was very clear on that point Johnny asks what is going on I keep hearing about something coming and hellstrom tells him that there is something called The Covenant the three head into the next room with hellstrom open opening up the tone stating that the Covenant is an ancient agreement they're all familiar with the story or at least the basics there was a Revolt in heaven a third of the Angels were expelled the Covenant was a bit of the resulting bureaucracy Johnny says I'm not following and helam tells him think of it as a sort of diplomatic Summit held every Thousand Years Between Heaven and Hell once every Thousand Years both sides form a demilitarized zone a portal where their emissaries meet to discuss terms air grievances trade prisoners or whatever is needed and neither side makes a move on the other to do so would mean nothing less than mutually assured destruction because the balance between heaven and hell is that precious it has been that way since the dawn of time and it will remain that way unless something comes along to tip the scales this Silver Bullet this isn't ordinary silver have you heard of Judas Johnny tells him the Bible guy who betrayed Jesus and hung himself hell jum goes on yeah but not before he was paid for his betrayal 30 pieces pieces of silver which means there is more of these little Beauties out there and someone is turning them into weapons later in Southern India a satanic group is holding a ritual as they prepare to sacrifice a woman to their lord Satan the priest shouts of their Lord will reward their faith with eternal wealth and endless women a voice then calls out yeah don't count on that Eternal wealth and women seems like a lot for one scrawny little c-ad the priest turns back shouting to grab the woman and the woman asks is that a pentagram sloppy work doubt my father would be impressed in fact I'll be happy to send you all to meet him as satana bathes the cult in fire she asks the priest if it's endless women he wants then let them kiss she kisses the priest and as she does his body begins to burn from the inside out helam looks around stating that their father wouldn't approve of her kissing strange men satana lets go of the burnt body asking if there's a reason why he's bothering her while she's working he holds out the silver bullet and satana stares at us stating no way meanwhile El where in a Barren desert two cars arrive in an old Warehouse as a man begins to step out necromus tells the man that it is such an honor to finally meet with but the large man stops some stating my time is valuable so dispense with the pleasantries and tell me why I am even out here talking to a third great sorcerer necromus quickly opens the doors to the warehouse stating of course allow me this short demonstration what I have will change everything soon everyone walks in and inside is a group of angels strung up up by chains necro says that he assumes most of these faces are familiar yes surely you know barach necromus then opens up a gun case telling the larg men that he knows what they've been at with barach for a while one side pushing the other and back again the war was designed to perpetrate itself not a war that could be won but this this will change that necro damus takes at a small machine gun bar asks what is he going to do shoot him go ahead the cosmos will spit me back out again again so necromus Smiles opening fire on the Angels instead of just taking the hits all of them turn to Ash as demon horns grow out of the large man's head he says seeing is believing on behalf of the infernal armies of Hell allow me to say you have my full attention necromus goes on to tell the story of Judas in his betrayal but that was What Judas felt Judas felt that he was the one who was betrayed ravaged by anger and Confused and guilt Judas took his own life as fate would have it mathus was the one who found him which later would lead to him replacing Judas as the 12th Apostle the gospel of Maus was thought to be lost however it was found when mathus went to collect the 30 pieces of silver that Judas was given mathus saw something judas's benevolence perhaps his very Soul had bonded with the silver the coins had become pure evil but also powerful in a way that meus couldn't fully understand so he did did what he thought best he HD that blood Money eventually the silver was found along with a warning from St mathus those who found it were True Believers of the stories and continued to keep the silver locked away and it's been that way ever since however that's the thing with humans they're weak they're corruptable more cheaply purchased large man says that he is a very cunning sorcerer the Angels here are merely foot soldiers and Archangel is different if I'm going to take the Covenant I need to take him and Michael so you better make it good because I'll only get one shot back in New York hellstrom meets with Edwin asking what is going on the last time that they spoke he said that he needed to lay low Edwin sigh telling him that no place is safe now he didn't know what to do this roof Garden is one of the really old places that not many know about hellstrom then asks what does that have to do with me and Edwin says you've got to hide me Agnes was found dead that grotesque friend of yours Curtis is missing anyone who has come in contact with you is died by some unknown Force blade then asks what about the lady the bookstore dude told us about risan Edwin shouts risan and hellum asks do you know her Edwin says I hear things stories about a half goddess released from a 2,000-year-old sentence forced to serve the sorcerer who rescued her if this has anything to do with her well we're doomed but maybe if we go to Port Brimstone Jonathan asks what's that and blade tells him that he's only heard of it from the Fang circles but it's your basic wretched Hive of scum and villainy den could be some useful information there Hellam then said says maybe but I'm uh unwanted there my dear sister on the other hand that's when a shadow looms overhead risan rides down on a winged demon slashing at hom causing him to drop the tiny Silver Bullet the demon start to crawl up the side of the building to attack with rosan swooping in once again snatching the bullet before anyone has a chance to get it Johnny releases the Ghost Rider telling him it's fine I'll handle it he jumps on the hell bike giving Chase asking do you really think you can escape Vengeance res looks back whistling and a second later a demon leaps into the air tackling Johnny throwing him off the hell bike a short while later after they recover from their battle hellstrom sigh stating that it seems they have hit a low point but with satana and blade they begin to make their way below Manhattan into one of the worst smelling places in the world Port Brimstone the two head into the bar and satana tells the bartender Perry that she's been looking for some information Perry tells her that he doesn't know anything about it but even if he did know something he still knows nothing things have been weird lately and everyone is filling up the place looking for a place to not be seen something big is going down and he's going to keep his nose out of it group of vampires overhear the conversation and they lean in towards blade stating it looks like your time is over since you're here now we will start with but before the vampire could finish blade stabs him in the heart throwing his Burning Body aside satana waves her hands setting the other two on fire and suddenly the bar goes quiet Perry tells everyone that the show is over personal dispute go back to what you were doing satana turns back stating now before we were rudely interrupted I believe you have some information Perry slams two glasses down telling her no however there might be someone you can talk to in the back now get going blade gets up opening the door and a woman on a sofa says that the man they're looking for is named necromus satana asks is that so and the woman takes a another drink stating that this is about the silver right because necromus has it blade takes a seat asking how do you know this necromus has the silver and the woman last daating it's easy because she's the one who gave it to him the woman goes on to state that she used to manage the security for the Judi silver it was just sitting there so she figured why not trade it for something right she got herself a spell book higher level stuff that she wasn't used to and that was the only way to get it blade folds his arms telling her right never mind the Havoc that necromus is planning right you aren't exactly winning us over here she yells that she didn't want to know what he was planning but now now this is getting out of hand when this is all over she wants to be known for at least trying to help satana then asks how do we know that you're not just feeding us some false information to throw us off the woman that says that there's another reason why she was trying to help that freak risan tried to kill her she does all of necromus is heavy lifting anyone who's ever heard of the silver is silenced so if they don't believe her sense of good citizenship then at least they can believe in her sense of self-preservation Blade tells her believing you and forgiving you are two different things you got to give us more than his gopher if you want to get on our good side the woman sits for a and thinks then snaps her finger stating that's it Ragnar blade says rag what the woman continues Ragnar is a black Smith dworf who took a turn for the dark side he's the only one who would have the skill and motivation to forge the Judah silvers not that she's met the guy personally blade sigh stating that he's going to take a guess and state that she doesn't know where he's located satana then says actually she might later at the volcano in Mexico satana tells the others that Ragnar needs the hottest possible Fires for his Forge and he likes volcanoes once inside Ragnar sits on his volcanic Throne stating that he should feel flattered that the famous Damon hellstrom needs the legendary forging skills of Ragnar what did he bring rare Metals magical in nature hellstone tells him indeed the task I have in mind needs a great amount of skill and if your reputation is true then we could be in business hellum goes on stating words gotten around about your latest project Ragnar says why is that so I heard that there's a trail of bodies 10 Mi long specifically not to spread the word hellstrom tells Ragnar that he's a bit curious how it turned out like if there was even the slightest mistake just to be reassured before he goes hammering away on the rare item Ragnar picks up his hammer asking if I understand this you want to know if the weapon forged with the Judas silver has any weaknesses Ragnar spins back cracking Hellman blade asking do you take me for a fool satana begins to call forth fire with Ragnar telling her I work with the fires of the Earth itself Your Flames are nothing Johnny brings up the Ghost Rider St ating then maybe you should try mine my fire burns the soul after being wrapped up in the Hellfire chains Ragnar states that the judah's weapon was his greatest achievement to see it undone so casually hellstrom then asks does the world really need to be turned upside down just to satisfy your sense of artistic achievement tell me something anything the next night at the diner on Route 66 everyone is sitting with hellstrom drinking coffee and blade says around the place where you got the silver is kind of Johnny tells him at least we also know when blade says yeah tonight doesn't leave a lot of time to put the rest of this puzzle together satanic gets up from her seats stting that she just realized something Damon isn't thinking he's procrastinating she walks over to the table that hrom is sitting at and tells him they both know who can answer their questions he was there when the Covenant was made hellstrom's face begins to twist in his sigh stating I was really hoping that we could do this without talking to him a short while later in the depths of Hell a lowly demon runs through the hall sh shouting Lord Muk we're under attack the main hall is under assault and Muk slouches in his throne telling the demon to be silent it's just his kids hellstrom and satana walk down the hall Muk then asks to what do I owe the pleasure of this family reunion Hub tells him you know so Marduk gets up stating ah the Covenant yes would you like to know satana then says you're just going to tell us like that color me suspicious Marduk laughs do you not have any faith in your father fact is I rather enjoy bragging but more importantly it doesn't matter what I tell you because you can't do anything to stop it but yes the Covenant a sort of diplomatic Summit every Thousand Years Between Heaven and Hell you could think of it like two divorcing parents agreeing to stay civilized in front of the children The Mortals being the children of course when I proposed the Covenant there was questions how everyone would know a Supreme Being wouldn't just change the rules in play fair so I accepted the challenge the was made and I stepped away satana states that she doesn't understand and hellstrom tells her it's philosophy 101 can God create of rock so big that even he cannot lift it maruk goes on stating that's right nobody controls the Covenant fail safes are triggered automatically if one side tries to interfere with the other hellum then asks so necromus found the loophole and Marduk says it's more of a design flaw the wards around the Covenant keep the Agents of Heaven and Hell from interfering with one another however there's nothing keeping The Mortals from from entering ham then asks what about the silvers and Marduk tells him most see judas's betrayal as the greatest in history but from judas's point he was the one betrayed he thought he was following a leader someone who would throw off the Yoke of Roman oppression but he just ended up a martyr betrayal and Vengeance are opposite sides of the same coin judas's Spirit festers within the silver eager for Revenge but when necr damus assassinates the Heavenly Emissary judas's Revenge will be complete the result is that the portal from from heaven will be slammed closed forever basically Heaven just cuts its losses and well there will be nothing more to stop the armies of Hell from sweeping across the Earth hopefully now you'll be a little more impressed with your old man and all Hellam and satana can do is stare at the giant army gathered at the hell Gates back up at the surface Johnny and blade step out to take a ride when suddenly a giant beaming light strikes down blade asks cover it time Johnny tells him Yep looks like hellram and satana will just have to catch up at the center of the light two portal is open one from Heaven one from Hell the Archangel Michael floats down stating that it's been a pleasure bth and the large man from before says that it's nice to see him again A Thousand Years just flies by huh shall we just wave the reading of the rules after so many Millennia we both know how this works by now Michael asks the Covenant was meant to make sure that both sides obey the rules grievances are a to here frankly I'm tempted to make an official Complaint bth Smiles telling him I've broken no rules your infernal Majesty is entitled to try and tilt things in his favor it is the very nature of our conflict Michael and Michael tells him with Mortals yes not with the Covenant the rules are absolute and there have been rumors that there have been attempts to undermine them just a short distance away Johnny says I'm the key to this Hellam tells him well Ghost Rider specifically the whole Vengeance thing is the key when necromus assassinates the Archangel the gate to heaven will close permanently my sister and I can't enter the Covenant but a moral like necromus could just then a speeding car drives by and Hell him says and it looks like he's already making his move satana then tells everyone that that may be so but this horde of demons coming this way is going to make things a lot more difficult so Johnny lets out the ghost rder and says necromus won't get far just keep the demons off hir does them right if the demons want fire then they can come feel the burn up ahead necromus looks in his rearview mirror to see Johnny Blaze the Ghost Rider closing in calling out to risan to do something just then rosan s's overhead attacking Johnny and blade knocking him off the bike rosan swops in again hitting Johnny to the ground but he gets back up asking do you think you could bring me low you do know that I'm one of the greatest calamities he grabs his chains whipping it wrapping it around Ran's leg and pulling back with hellstrom and satana the two hold the demons as best as they can and then a voice calls out to them to rest easy hellstrom hellstrom looks back asking who is but when he sees the group of Angels the leader tells him that they'll handle things from here as the Angels and Demons Clash hellstrom tells satana that they have to hurry and help the others back at the Covenant though necromus drives through the barrier with Michael looking up on the cliff asking who goes there necromus gets out bowing stating that he is IM mortal but there is nothing mere about him he is the one who will change the universe forever he just felt a formal introduction was in order back with Johnny he slams rosan to the ground as she kicks him back stating that he clearly knows not who he speaks to she is the night Jackal the half goddess look upon her and see destruction Johnny gets back up telling her ranked has no hold here even half goddesses can burn as Johnny releases a firestorm towards risan she leavs through ready to strike but before she can blade rites by jumping off the bike sending it right into risan knocking her away he lands telling Johnny hurry up and go hellstrom said that you're the only one who could do this remember back at the Covenant necromus walks over to his trunk stating I just have one request if you don't mind and Michael asks what is that necromus takes out the RPG stating smile you Heavenly jerk he pulls the trigger firing the rocket with Johnny speeding by faster than the rocket before it can hit Michael Johnny jumps off the bike taking the hit and is blown away he lays their smoldering all hope is lost but then his head leans up he gets up pulling the silver out of his body telling necro damus you meddle with powers you barely comprehend behold the Judas silver a weapon of of Vengeance and Vengeance has always been the Ghost Rider's domain as the silvers Tink from hitting the ground but says that this is rather interesting I suppose that would bring the Covenant to a close see you in a thousand years Michael the barrier begins to fade and Michael says I suppose that bth is right I now declare the Covenant concluded there is nothing left to do here Johnny shouts that is untrue there Remains the duty of which I have been charged Vengeance and dependance he grabs on to necromus which is on flying by grabbing him stating that saving is worthless skin makes them even she serves him no longer once the barrier is fully gone blade then asks so what just happened hellstrom explains that the spirit of zaros was the ultimate Arbiter of Vengeance however much Judas may have felt wrong zaros judged describing Against Humanity to be farg frer judged and pass sentenced and the Ghost Rider was the instrument to execute that sentence satana then asks what do you mean it was hom says that he wouldn't be surprised if the Silver's interaction with the Ghost Rider acted as a sort of cleansing there's no real handbook for this stuff so blade says wait how could the ghost rer even enter the Covenant he's a demon Spirit right hellstrom says that that is the common misconception in zaro's case the term demon is used rather generically technically the spirit is a deison of hell but the more interesting question is why would the most powerful beings in the cosm was designed a covenant that a bumbling mortal could enter MIP here stating actually that's easily explained it wasn't a mistake at all Humanity has always had free will or none of this would mean anything that even means what you call interference men must be allowed to bring the world to the brink of Ruin just as other men must be allowed to step up and stop it there is one thing that your father never understood about the War Between Heaven in Hell Mr hellstrom hellstrom asks oh yeah what's that and Michael says that heaven is never trying to win blade then says but losing sucks and Michael tells him I wouldn't say that we're eager to lose rather we want Humanity to win for itself our job is to make sure that you all have a fair chance mankind is the ones who are doing the heavy lifting each of you have a dark side but I'm glad that the humanity Hales took responsibility Heaven owes each of you a favor as Michael Fades into the dark hellstrom side stating there's only one question left what are we going to do with the silver the night of is a blaze in Romania with one of its oldest castles slowly burning to the ground the attack is sudden and brutally efficient while swarms of bats rain naal along the outside rats fitted with sunburst grenades Scurry through the Castle's corridors reducing its inhabitant into Ash the centuries outside the main area have been standing guard since the 15th century they have been fighting off armies of Turks Knights Templar and generations of Van Hing but they've never faced anything like the rotary Cannon currently firing 2,000 wooden Stakes a minute into their Undead Hearts the most fearsome Castle Ever Raised is engulfed in flames but before the night is over it will be reduced to a smoldering Rubble however that is not enough to calm the fury of the squad of heavily armed Invaders who now find themselves standing over an empty confin with one question on their minds where is he where is the coward King hiding where is Dracula the shadow Colonel and his Legion of unliving have just slaughtered the most devoted vampire Disciples of the lord of the dam the Legion of un living are vampires themselves making this a war between vampires there is someone else who knows a thing or two about that sort of conflict and his name is blade who at this very moment finds himself fighting off vampires alongside Captain Marvel on the roxon airf flight 959 after it was hijacked by vampires as the blood suckers swarm blade they all shout that there's no safe place for them anymore the castle has fallen and Dracula's nowhere to be found after kicking the group back blade takes out his silver bladed nunchucks telling them don't worry your pretty Vamp heads about what's coming because whatever the hell it is you ain't going to live that long but while blade hacken slashes his way through the vampires Iron Man and Black Panther are faced with a similar problem over at the great Mount hundreds of vampires tried to sneak into wakanda seeking ref ref but it's just not there Captain America and Thor are handling things in Transylvania while She-Hulk and Ghost Rider take care of monster Metropolis as Robbie sends another vampire to Hell through his trunk he thinks to himself this is kind of crazy almost makes me think that I actually belong on this team but just then a demon child tells him you don't you're not an Avenger you avengeance itself and you are the fires of Hell in a human form here in Monster Metropolis we know our own when we see them and you are a monster you're the biggest hell damned monster there ever was or ever will be Robbie tells the child no I am not a monster I can save the world just then She-Hulk grabs Robbie throwing him into his car telling him no time for talking to self time for other plan Robbie tries to tell her to wait that there's a child standing over but before he could finish She-Hulk slams the door shut and throws the hell charger telling him just way we practice hulkk plus Rider Plus hell car equal Fireball special however as Robbie's car is thrown through the hordes of vampires back in Transylvania cap and Thor suddenly notice all of the vampires are fleeing Thor lands telling them the Beast fled in Terror before the Wrath of the Mighty Thor and cap tells him I'm not so sure about that when suddenly a voice follows them telling him that is correct it would be because of me I am the shadow curdle and this Undead dog here is named sard the world is in chaos and you may think that this is my fault but we could settle all of our problems right here right now without each of us having to see each other ever again all the Avengers have to do is answer one simple question where do I find Dracula later at the Avengers Mountain Shadow Colonel sits in the interrogation room while Captain Marvel asks if they're going to go with a good cop bad cop routine cap tells her know he's got somewh a bit more suited for this particular job inside the room blade walk walk through the door and Shadow Colonel says Ah At Last I get to meet the world's greatest vampire Hunter did you come to say thank you or ask for my advice since my team and I just did in one night what you've accomplished in your entire life play tells him that he killed a bunch of vampires congratulations but you didn't get the big guy and now you've turned the entire world into a war zone Shadow Colonel then says just tell me the truth just between fangers do you really give a damn about the humans and blade tells him I'm the one asking questions here well Shadow colel laughs well you do that's so very sad but I've heard the stories how you were born to a dead woman and some fanger made a meal of your mother while you were still inside coming out half boy have vamp a dampier day Walker cheap watered down copy you don't hate vampires right no there's someone else that you hate more but you can't bring yourself to put them out of their stinking misery and then that person is yourself you're not a man you're not a vampire you sure aren't a damn Adventure so just what the hell are you blade grabed Shadow curdle slamming him into the wall telling him if you keep talking like that this day Walker will be the last thing you ever see but while that goes on Robbie kicks his car shouting say something we used to talk so much but now nothing how did the kid know about me is it true May a monster but when Robbie gets no answer he sigh and sits on the ground soon the lights go out and Robbie asks what's going on is there anyone out there a voice does answer but not one that Robbie has heard before in the name of maesto in the name of the Lord Muk the Morning Star Robbie's skin bursts into flames and he shouts asking what's happening this hurts a lot more than usual back in the interrogation room Shadow Colonel headbuts blade asking do you know who I am I am the new Lord of the vampires Shadow curdle effortless ly breaks his cuffs telling blade and you and your friends can go to hell and I know just how to send you there back over with Robbie he falls to the ground burning asking the car what's going on and the voice continues and the name of Eli Maro and whatever other Masters you may be serving above and below in the name of Vengeance I invoke you Robbie screams as the Ghost Rider takes control and Sarge then tells him now get in and start the damn car however that is not not the worst of it along the Russian Ukrainian border Vanguard and Darkstar noticed someone coming their way they Rush the individual but they stop in their tracks when they see exactly who it is Dracula stops in the middle of the road stating that he is a royal Refugee fleeing the Troubles of Romania seeking political asylum in Russia his name is Vlad TS Prince of wachi Count Dracula of Transylvania please I have lost my incestrial home and I wish you know peace in the humble Twilight of my life back at The Avengers Mountain Shadow Colonel punches blade telling him it's been fun but I really have to be going now Captain Marvel jets in telling him and you won't be going anywhere but then she's suddenly thrown into the wall Black Panther and cap get ready to move in but before cap can act Sarge jumps on him telling Shadow konel we have what we came for shadow konel then turns and fires an eye blast blowing out part of the wall and through the smoke Ghost Rider drives in Captain Marvel gets up asking Rob what is he doing and Shadow curle tells him being a good boy and showing everyone what he really is Captain Marvel pleads with him not to listen but Ghost Rider opens up his mouth releasing Hellfire that knocks her away a few moments later Thor and Iron Man arrive and they ask what is going on what are we fighting but before they could get an answer Shadow Colonel and Sarge get in the hell charger and ghost Shredder drives off into the night the next morning black panther looks over the damages as he scans the globe for any trace of Hellfire he also dispatched some of the Agents of wakanda two Angeles to look for Roberto's younger brother in case the rider should resurface there blade tells him that he won't Shadow curle will want to turn his new toy loose where he can do the most damage to the vampire leadership which means if they want to locate their missing Ghost Rider they need to find Dracula black panther then says well on that front at least we have some good news good but alarming news later at Federal penal colony number nine in SLA aleski Russia Dracula hangs in an device to keep him secure telling Iron Man there is a time when I would sink my fate into you those days are no more I've already told the Russians that I no longer that Dracula I've already lost everything except the last few fading wisps of my life I wish to enjoy those in peace and Solitude Iron Man burst out laughing telling him what are the Russians offering you and Dracula says that in exchange for my wisdom they have provided Sanctuary Ironman that asks what if the Avengers could offer you that help us end the vampire Civil War and the Avengers will protect you it'd be better than whatever Moscow is offering you Dracula that asks do you take me for a fool you just welcome to the world's deadliest vampire Hunter into your ranks Iron Man thinks for ran and says well you do bring up a good point we did invite blade to be an Avenger taking you wouldn't be a bad idea though Dracula then laughs telling him you wouldn't do that you're about to be preoccupied with loud clanging signs the Crimson Dynamo fights off a prison riot asking if anyone's got eyes on Dracula seconds later Iron Man rushes in telling him that Dracula is still nice and secure at his holding cell and Crimson looks back asking what son of a you are under arrest for breaking in Iron Man stops asking do you really want me behind bars right now how about we clean up this mess then we talk about break and loss but meanwhile over at mport a group of vampires are begging not to be killed they're peaceful vampires who only feed on the wicked have mercy and before them a group of rats stands there with one tilting its head and squeaking seconds later a massive explosion of Sunburst grenades and the rat bomber says the dining hold is clear lady Cromwell then reports that snow snake and carathon have been killing everything in sight while she's clearing a path towards the safe room with having this many vampires in here there must be something very important inside Shadow curle walks past telling the small boy thing on his shoulder that is time to Lock and Load this small trimming a man thing sure comes in handy for when you need a good supply of wooden staks soon the barrel of the Minigun a w winds up and it begins to punch holes through the safe room as the winding Fades Shadow Colonel tells Ghost Rider that they're weeding out the weakness of the vampire race and this is where he comes in we have to strike real fear into the suck heads and fangers of the world this will be a way of proving it prove to everyone that you're the monster that everyone thinks you are get to burning Ghost Rider as all of the small vampire children huddle in the far edges of the room the Ghost Rider looks for a moment and then opens his mouth Hellfire pours out and it hits everyone except the children Shadow Colonel tells him have I not made myself clear the children we need to wipe out the entire pack of vampire children Ghost Rider turns back no and Shadow curle walks forward telling him you've got some fight left in you zaros zakuro men victus as soon as those words leave the shadow Colonel's mouth the Ghost Rider screams in pain as he grabs his head and Shadow Colonel tells him think on that while while I finish up here as the explosion goes off a voice tells the shadow Colonel to put his hands in the air Shadow Colonel starts getting up telling Ghost Rider there's been a change in plans don't want to murder a bunch of vampire children fine Mesto filia of vindicta Ghost Rider howls as he gets back up and the shadow Cel tells him that's right you can murder The Avengers instead the last statement the shadow Colonel made to the Ghost Rider was that he could murder The Avengers instead and while this was going on Robbie Ray has found himself in his own kind of personal hell and that hell is a congested Highway of Los Angeles he honks his horn shouting to move but then he sigh as he leans his head on the wheel asking for someone anyone to get him out of there he'll even take the devil giving him a deal a voice tells him you better be careful saying stuff like that you wouldn't want to go making any deal she couldn't live up with and Robbie looks back asking what the hell are you doing here mean while back in the real world Thor is struggling to hold the Ghost Rider back stating his arms are nothing but bone how is he so strong Thor then cracks Ghost Rider back and as he lay there Captain marble asks what did you just do his arms as Ghost Rider bathed him in Hell Fire Thor says it would appear that I've made him angry the Ghost Rider gets back up but before he could strike down Thor cap runs in blocking the hit shouting fellow Avengers we're here to help Shadow Colonel then gets up telling them I must depart before the entire building gives way come rider but before they could leave blade starts to shoot Sarge telling Shadow Colonel I just shot your dog you still feel like running away shadow Colonel then says you should be the ones who running because my dog will shoot back as starge charges head first into blade Shadow curle and Lady Cromwell begin to make their escape while the Avengers try to fend off the other Legions of unliving while cap struggles with Ghost Rider Captain Marvel flies in telling him I'm sorry about this kid and she punches a hole through the Ghost Rider's torso telling Robbie if you're in there I'm going to drag you out one way or another Ghost Rider leans back forward telling her you will know the power of the pred you will know the sins of your people K halfbreed Captain marel calls back to Thor hey can I get some help and Thor slams his hammer down on the hell charger shouting I will not be bested by a car meanwhile at the disclosed facility somewhere in Russia Dracula is carded into a large room as red widow stands over a pile of bodies she looks back asking the count if Dracula wishes to make a proposal a horde of vampires then run towards Red Widow and as she slays them she says that these are his followers who came to Russia seeking Asylum and after she's done killing them what makes her think that she won't do the same to him Dracula tells her because the contents in my head are worth far more intact than spilled I have senators and Lords in my pockets Sultans and Bishops people of great wealth and power are always the quickest to sell their souls for a chance at eternal life perhaps you would like to know the ones in your own government who claim allegiance to me Red Widow pushes back at body offer blade telling him we already have spy Masters what else can you offer Dracula then says I will give you the Avengers and red widow asks what would you be seeking to be rewarded with that have the winter guard crushed the pesky Legion of unliving for what to place you back as the lord of the vampires again Dracula tells her I have no interest in that I carried an entire people on my back and all that it has left me with is tired I only want a place for myself where I can remain alone for however many days I have left Red Widow waves her arm telling him that is a fair proposal allow me to present moscow's counter offer these vampires were once your consorts right I imagine that there are many nights that you have spent enveloped in the naked Embrace of The Splendid specimens exploring every inch of their smooth Undead bodies or so you thought Red Widow slips the throat of one of the vampires telling him I will show you parts of their bodies that you have never seen tell me everything every dark secret everything of possible value now without hesitation and then I will kill them quickly and we will talk about the rest of your reward back in magore the ghost shter stares into Captain Marvel's eyes telling her once your face turns to Ash the others will join you in Penance and after a few moments of nothing happening he stops this is impossible no mortal can withstand the penet stare Captain Marvel charges up her fist quietly asking when did I ever say that I was Mortal she releases the energy right back into the Ghost Rider's stomach blasting him away he then starts to get back up asking you think you know punishment you do not the spirit will show you you the ghost ridder's body begins to expand ready to explode and Thor grabs the hell charger telling him this is your last chance and this and you can go to hell in your own damned car Captain Marvel and Captain America struggle to keep ghost rer in place but that's when blade fights down on Ghost Rider's neck Ghost Rider slowly starts to return back to normal with blade spitting out a bit of Hellfire telling him that ought to do it Captain Marvel then asks what did you just do and blade tells her I'm a vampire sort of I did what vampires do the rider had a sickness in his veins so I uh sucked it out anyone who makes a joke gets nunchuck to death a short a while later as the Smoke Clears cap kneels down asking Robbie are you okay and Robbie tells him it wasn't me I swear it wasn't me cap I would never hurt you guys I'm sorry I'm so sorry and after a short while Captain Marvel Captain America and Black Panther talk amongst themselves off in the distance with Robbie stating that they're going to send him home aren't they blade then asks do you think that they'll would be a good thing Robbie says I'm not sure what to think anymore am I an Avenger am I a hero or am I a monster what did those vampires do to me how did they make me into such an actual monster and blade laughs under his breath with Robbie asking what's so funny blade tells him the writer never picks Geniuses for host does it you got someone you care about right someone normal someone's still breathing and Robbie says yeah you have to get out now no matter what it takes get out so that person can stay breathing however a short while later outside Federal penal colony number nine lady Cromwell then asks why are you here just to blow up a prison full of humans and Shadow Colonel tells her the rats aren't filled with grenades this time well not the usual kind at least we've thinned the herd plenty we've weeded out enough vampires it's time we made some new ones and inside the prison rat bombers rats begin detonating the blood bomb packs all over the prisoners and within minutes new vampires are born as reports of a vampire outbreak reaches the Avengers they rush over leaving Robbie Reyes behind and Robbie watches them leave telling them I've been told to go home I'm not fit for Duty hell was I ever and I didn't even tell them what I saw when I was out of it I was trapped in a burned out Hell highway but maybe it was all in my head either way it scares me to death the worst part is how he smiled when it was ending inside Robbie's mind he remembers as he started to regain control shouting that this is it and a voice laughed telling him sure you're back in control for now believe me kid you'll be back and the king of Hell will be waiting and the next time that you see me we're going to be doing a little more than just talking we're going to be having ourselves a little ride as Robbie looked back he saw Johnny bla and he knew that Johnny was the greatest Ghost Rider that had ever lived but now there's something something chilling the bones maybe it's because he already knows that he already is more of a monster than Johnny ever was back over at the undisclosed Russian facility Dracula cries telling them that's all I know every dark secret in the last 500 years on the coffin of my children I swear Red Widow tells him that Moscow accepts his proposal and I'll take him away as Dracula is carded back Ursa Major says that was kind of sad you wear all these stories about how Dracula is this big bad monster but he's reduced to such a blubbering pathetic mess makes you think monsters can get old too huh Red Widow then asks where does one put an old monster when they need to never look upon it again where is the quietest most peaceful place in all of their motherland there are some major laughs telling them that there's only one place that comes to mind and the next morning Dracula is thrown into the Chernobyl exclusion Zone in Ukraine the guard's laughing telling him that this is exactly what he asked for nice and quiet but later at the federal penal colony the winter guard lay defeated at the feet of the Legion of unliving with red widow simply waiting Sarge says that carathon wants to know if they should turn the bear and Shadow curdle tells him that he has no use for Bears spiders however Red Widow then asks what do you want Dracula that can be arranged but I'll need something in return Shadow Colonel then asks is your life not enough and red widow tells him to just stick to killing vampires he's out of his league with her Shadow curle says right so you made a deal with the old King what kind of deal could you offer the new one but a voice then shouts asking if they would like to hear their proposal because it goes like this Avengers Assemble blade leads the charge and the two groups quickly begin battling sge leads up biting She-Hulk telling her I will tear the flesh off this one She-Hulk then askings if he's the dog that hurt the ghost rder cuz they brought someone to meet him and just then thori flies in biting Sarge yelling Thunder Master day you think better murder dog to thori thori make murder now blade cuts through Shadow Curt's minigun telling him there goes that your head will be next Shadow Curt that drops the minigun at the two wooden spikes spring out of his wrists and he fires a vision blast at blade telling him you really are pathetic you could have been a warrior in the New Kingdom but instead you'll just be another blood stain on my boots Shadow curdle then punches but blade catches the punch as the Stak stabs through his hand and he says that he's going to need bigger boots blade then drops down cutting off one of Shadow Kel's legs telling him on second thought I take back what I said about your boots Shadow kernel kicks back with the stump shouting I'll kill you for that you have no right to be drawing blood Shadow curle kicks him again with another blast but blade grabs boy thing whipping him up slicing off one of the Shadow Colonel's arms Shadow Colonel leaps forward grabbing blade telling him I need one arm to tear off the damper head of yours as Shadow curle throws him to the ground he tells blade that he isn't even worth the fangs and just then a voice says yeah about those fangs and Robbie charges through punching through Shadow CD's helmet blade gets it back up setting boy thing on his shoulder telling him that was a bad kid didn't think he'd be back but stand back while this gets finished black panther tells him not like this your way isn't how The Avengers operate and blade laughs well then it looks like I'm going to quit the Avengers black panther shouts for him to wait he's been working on a cure that could reverse but before he could finish blade Cuts Shadow Colonel's head clean off and shehulk yells too many hul have to kill rats all at once black panther then turns back shouting that she needs to calm down she's erupting with too much gamma energy she's going to but a few moments later a gamma bomb goes off with the Iron Man flying out holding cap telling him I thought the Russians ateed us before we just blew up a Hulk in their backyard cap calls out that they just lost visual on the vampires does anyone have any eyes on it blade Rao in telling them that the legion got away again well most of them Thor stands over sard shouting thori king of all dogs and while the Avengers go back to the mountain elsewhere Shadow Colonel sits with his head next to his decapitated body lady Cromwell says The Damp of blade is the one who did this but the colonel did have his part they felt that he still deserved a place in the New Kingdom a hand reaches down picking up the head and a voice says that is for me to judge after all he is my son Dracula holds up the shadow Colonel's head and Shadow Colonel asks is this it is this it father is this the promised land it's it's beautiful Dracula tells him yes zorus you did well boy Dracula then tosses the head behind him telling everyone you did exactly how I wanted you are free now free to rebuild stronger than ever before welcome home my bloody disciples welcome to the kingdom of the V vampires as the war of the Realms came to an end The Avengers take a much needed break in the undersea levels of Avengers Mountain while Iron Man and Thor sit in the hot spring Thor keeps picking up and putting down his hammer while Iron Man asks are you uh just going to keep doing that should I leave the two of you alone Thor Thor picks up the hammer once again shouting nay we have claimed a hard-fought victory in the greatest War the Realms have ever known let us enjoy the victory together brother Stark here in the Avent tub of hotness Iron Man size fine just please stop playing with your Hammer Thor swings milir around yelling the god of thunder makes no promise as the two of them go back and forth Captain America passes by and the two tell him to join in their fun cap says that he can't just yet the whole world is still a mess and he doesn't exactly have a swimsuit handy that's when both Iron Man and thorel neither do we after dressing down cap steps into the spring telling them fine maybe like 5 minutes but as he sits down he lets out a sigh of relief stating maybe 6 minutes oh boy Avengers ass sble meanwhile over in Washington DC director Phil Coulson gets a report from his Fury lmds that there appears to be an intruder here on sublevel 9 of the Pentagon no one is even aware of this level aside from Coulson tells the lmds to activate the furries protocol and lock the floor down if he's right as to who their Intruder is they should be here right about just then the air vent pops open and black panther jumps down telling them sorry for the unscheduled visit I'm afraid that we have much to discuss Coulson Coulson tells black panther that he knows that the Diplomatic Immunity won't begin to cover the international incidents that he has now sparking Furies arrest him black panther releases an EMP wave disabling the lmds and he tells him I'm here to prevent incidents specifically the impending confrontation between the Avengers and the Squadron Supreme of America Coulson points points his gun asking did you just threaten the duly sanctioned super Guardians of the United States the same Squadron who valiantly defended the nation's capital from frost Giants black panther swipes his arm cutting the gun's Barrel telling him the Squadron defended this country by shepher Frost Giants to the US border while they proceeded to Rampage through the streets of Canada and Coulson says that Canada is not my problem and black panther asks are you our problem are you asking if the king of Okana and chairman of the Avengers is considered an enemy by the United States government I'm not at Liberty to speak on such classified information toala black panther slams his hand down on the desk telling Coulson you are a murderer does the Squadron Supreme know what you are just then a prismatic portal begins to open and Coulson tells him that's a good question why don't you ask them yourself but meanwhile back at the Docks of the Avengers Mountain Robbie Reyes asks Captain Marvel if she sure that this is a good idea she asks what stealing Iron Man's speed boat well if he was going to build something that easy to hotwire he's basically asking for it to get stolen besides we have some fishing to do some of the melheim fire sharks were spotted around the mountain so sit back grab a fishing rod and enjoy some Fe and but before she can finish Robbie tells her no I'm terrified of my car of the monster inside of me of being the Ghost Rider I'm terrified every second of the damn day I'm terrified of being an Avenger Captain Marvel asks do you want to know a little secret about being an Avenger Robbie it's all terrifying all the time it's part of your job of all the scary things in the cosmos you could have never imagined before of how many different ways that our run of a planet can explode at any given moment and Robbie asks how does everyone live with this how does everyone not go crazy she says that she gets to fly whenever she wants however fast she wants and when she's up there it's all worth it what about you what does a kid Street racer from East LA do a few moments in a ghost G Rider transformation later Robbie shouts I'm the Ghost Rider on a boat call me Captain Vengeance the fire pirate back at the Pentagon nigh hog steps out of Dr spectrum's portal it doesn't matter what black panther wants he's going to jail and if he's smart he won't resist black panther asks why do you all trust this man what has he done to earn your trust and it's all right I don't expect an answer because there isn't one I'm not sure who you are how you got your powers but you are not the Squadron Supreme and Philip Coulson is not working in this country's best interests H perion reaches out telling him that's enough of your lies and black panther begins to teleport away telling them when you Tire of asking questions that cson won't answer remember the Avengers are not your enemies unless you force us to be a short while later back at Avengers Mountain Cap goes over the good old days when Robbie and Captain Marvel decide to join them rather than addressing Robbie gets in in his swim trucks and Captain Marvel in her bathing suit and then a third voice tells everyone to move over everyone looks over to see shehulk taking off all of her clothes and Captain Marvel quickly Shields Robbie's eyes as She-Hulk settles in she says hot tub not hot enough Robbie transforms and Captain Marvel tells him nice going and while everyone else is relaxing down below over in Las Vegas another player is planning his next move while mafesto is looking down at his chest for of superheroes he asks himself what should I do how about this mafesto makes all the [Laughter] moves the next day over in East LA Robbie takes his little brother Gabe to school while Gabe is shouting faster go faster Robby you haven't gone fast in Forever Robbie tells him look I'm sorry that I've been busy with this new job but uh I'm starting to think that this new job isn't for me I might be quitting Gabe as Gabe goes on the engines flare up and a voice tells Robbie the engine runs on blood time to gas up the car begins to speed up and a voice continues the streets are paved with scabs and their tires are made of butcher knives the hell Charger needs its feeding Feast a blood drench speed as the car goes even faster Gabe is shouting awesome and then a flaming chain straps him to his seat with Robbie yelling no the voice tells Robbie Riders don't get to quit don't get to go unhunted don't get to stay dead like your parents Riders have to watch the world burn through melting flesh screaming scars and Unholy Spirits they flaming eyes soon the charger swerves into the schoolyard and gab shouts again that was awesome Robbie gets out of the car starts to kick it telling himself I'm going to get Gabe killed and Gabe gets out asking what's wrong and Robbie tells him the car's just running weird I'm going to get it fixed Gabe don't worry as the sun goes down Robbie drives drives out into the middle of nowhere and takes a sledgehammer to the hell charger but of course the very next day the car is parked outside waiting for him without so much as a scratch later Robbie returns to Avengers Mountain telling everyone what happened and says that a voice was talking to him laughing no matter what this has to end black panther asks you do understand the risk involved in what you're asking here you are bonded with this vehicle on a molecular level in a way that we don't fully understand Robbie asks are you asking if I know if this could kill me yeah I know because it already did a short while later black panther runs tests on Robbie and the charger telling him I summoned an expert in the field but until he arrives we're going to look at a few things when you're ready transform into the Ghost Rider and we'll attempt to measure the energy connection between you in the vehicle so Robbie begins to transform and he tells him I also had a weird dream about Johnny Blaze that he was the king of but before he could finish Robbie bursts into flames and he screams out in pain black panther shouts that the car was dormant but his energy is spiking at staggering levels cap grabs a hold of Robbie telling black panther to teleport the car into the sun while black panther tells him that could kill Robbie the jams on the charger pull Robbie in and cap shouts and this could also kill him we have to get him away from this thing Captain Marvel and blade try to damage the car but blade says I'm going to need more than a Hellfire shotgun to stop this thing and then fire shoots by and the transformed Robbie tells them we've already got ourselves a damned bazooka it's me and I'm going to kill this hell charger no matter what it then a voice stops everyone asking oh did you start without me you damned fools you're lucky are not all vomiting blood and screaming at one another in l a bald man with a red goatee walks in and Captain Marvel asks who the hell is that guy and black panther says it's the expert that I summoned Avengers meet Damon hellstrom Son Of Satan cap asks and what exactly is he an expert in and Damon tells them in Devils and Damnation and all the wicked little beasts that squirm their way out of hell to Nest inside of your weak mortal flesh like ravenous maggots and exorcisms what's say we get one started right here and now while Damon gets things started Iron Man Thor and She-Hulk head to Turkey where okoya was russing their aid Iron Man looks at She-Hulk ripping apart a giant milheim grubworm and says that it can't be because of those right and aoya tells him no we can handle those the war of the Realms uncovered this cave I've sent three workers inside to check for explosives all veteran will Condon vibranium miners all used to work in the impenetrable Darkness deep underground and within moments they emerged screaming even now they cannot speak of what they saw without being reduced to fits of weeping and whing Iron Man shines a light in the cave asking is that what we were called to take a look inside cuz scans are showing nothing unusual Thor stops everyone wait there's a great evil here great in most ancients aoya kneels down opening a box telling them no I myself have already explored it I called Iron Man specifically because of what I discovered aoya pulls out an old fossilized Iron Man helmet and tells him it dates back to 1 Million BC it wasn't carved from Stone it's made of metal inside also appears to be the remains of a human skull Thor looks at the helmet this is unnatural it reeks of evil we should destroy it at once aoya tells him that he might be right there is undoubtedly an unnatural presence in this place so please Stark have you ever been inside of this cave before Iron Man tells her no but something tells him he's going to be Meanwhile Back At The Avengers Mountain Daman finishes his preparations telling them all that it's time to begin but before they do he must ask blade a favor he was the only one that can be trusted blade asks him really cuz I don't trust you at all Damon hands him a small gun telling him that it is a breathing gun one of the arc weapons of Hell absurdly more powerful than any pure shotgun if things get get out of hand if he cannot control the forces that he is about to unleash or if hell helps them he gets possessed himself the gun will begin to hiss and this will be his cue to use it shoot the rider then me then empty whatever's left into the car and pray to all the Devils that it's enough Damon gets into position and tells everyone to let them pray he then shouts to Robbie calling out the unclean Spirit In The Name Of Satan and maesto and the Soul slavers of the pits come forth Robbie sits inside the car G ring the wheel quietly telling him that he has to do this for Gabe no matter what happens just know that he loves and that's when the car ignites and Robbie screams out in pain and as he blinks he opens his eyes to find himself back on the hell freeway stuck in traffic he gets out stating a come on not this place again but a voice then asks what did you just think that you could throw away the spirit of Vengeance that ain't how it works kid but don't worry I'll take it off your hand the Ghost Rider way Johnny Blaze pulls up and tells him we're going to have ourselves a little Ghost Rider race back in the real world Thor and She-Hulk teleport in and cap runs in telling them that their facility is under quarantine no one goes any further without proper protection Thor asks what devilry has happened and cap L's devilry is Right we've got a code 666 exorcism gone wrong outside Damon hellstrom asks does their space corpse headquarters normally weep blood and cap tells him definitely not and Damon tells him Splendid that it seems I've successfully prodded your infernal Intruder the being doesn't wreak of any demon or nether spawn that I've ever encountered though and by the Hayden trimes I have encountered them all this being's power is staggeringly impressive and more than merely hellish in origin but while fighting against their own base of operations Johnny tells Robbie down in Hell the story of the go ghost riders that how since the beginning of time there has always been a rider just like there has always been sinners in need of writing down the Ghost Riders love to dish out the penants almost as much as they love a good race hell the first Rider challenge was in prehistoric times and back then the spirit of Vengeance rode on a flaming Mammoth racing has always been in their blood along with Hellfire Robbie sits the top of his car and Johnny asks did you not get the part where I said that this was a race Robbie tell tells him hell with that I'm not going anywhere I Don't Want to Be a Ghost Rider anymore I'm trying to get rid of this damn curse when you pulled me down here a John tells him yeah that exorcism hellstrom was trying it's not going to work the spirit of Vengeance won't let go of your soul that easily not without exacting a terrible price Robbie asks you want my power fine I forfeit Blaze and Johnny bursts out laughing you are the worst Ghost Rider look around you know what this place is is is Hell Kingdom of the Damned nobody likes their job hell I have to keep control of hell what would happen if I just lost control of it and let maesto take back the throne because that's exactly what will happen if I don't get your power I have to get stronger to keep a lid on this Kingdom Robbie stops him telling him you must have me mistaken for somebody who actually cares all I want to know from you is but that's when the chains grab Robbie and Johnny tells him look here smart ass no more babying the new guy listen up because the king of hell is talking we're going to race for your power or I'm going to take Gabe for a ride one that ends with his sweet little soul All In Flames now what do you say to that Robbie transform punching Johnny telling him you've got yourself a race and if you threaten Gabe again it'll be the last Damn Race that you ever ride Johnny gets up fixing his jaw laughing congratulations kid you just made your first deal with the devil now you're a Ghost Rider back at The Avengers Mountain Damon calls out to everyone that he has the Intruder cornered he can see death heaping mounds of bodies whoever he is he may very well be the finest mass murderer in existence but he's not of this time not exactly he was pulled into Hell by King Blaze and before that he served the holy Brimstone he's not a demon at all oh devil damned hell inside of the facility an explosion goes off and a flaming being walks through and Thor says smells like hell She-Hulk gets up stating that not hell Hulk show you hell but as the unknown being makes himself known Down Below in Hell Johnny is watching Robbie race through the Great Lake of Fire thinking that this kid is good damn good however the boy should have known that nobody wins a race against the devil not in the devil's own backyard now just then the demon fire cannons with human parts and Robbie shouts that's it guess there's no rules when it comes to a Ghost Rider race good cuz that means there's no reason for me to hold back he pulls himself out onto the roof of his car calling to Johnny telling him that he's going to drag him through the streets with his chains Johnny rides up a ramp telling Robbie that he really should be paying attention to where he's going this just became a motocross race and just know this Robbie it's not personal just business shy gab will understand Robbie crashes into a wall and gets out asking the hell am I supposed to do but that's when the spirits of the past Riders come out telling him that he either races or he dies them's the rules fill those tires with his last breath if he's G Grease the axle with his marrow open a vein until the gas tanks overflowing and there's blood gushing out of the blower that's the Ghost Rider way and that's the only way that he's going to beat Blaze back up above though Thor charges into the being that has taken over the base with milir we will be rid of this demon soon enough the being grabs Thor by the back of his neck and Thor coughs shouting okay fine Thor won't kill it the being then throws Thor into She-Hulk and says I just swung Thor like a hammer while he was holding his hammer that's pretty much the same as lifting Thor struggles shouting nay Damon says that this being was a Herald of galatis a butcher for Thanos he is a spirit of Vengeance of the power Cosmic a cosmic Ghost Rider if you will and he's completely insane the cosmic ghost Rider steps out of the Flames telling him okay maybe Thor's right there's nothing very worthy about me is there nam's Frank Castle the guy who here to murder The Avengers and I won't lie this is going to get messy with the great threat revealed Thor charges in with his hammer shouting have at the hells spawn but Frank blasts Thor with the power Cosmic telling him the most annoying thing about time travel is having to kill the same loser all over again it just gets old after a while as Thor flies to the wall Frank out asks where am I anyway why do I want to murder The Avengers last thing I remember I was in hell with that Blaze fella where did shehulk runs in grabbing Frank by the skull slamming him down onto the hander of muire lodging him in place Thor holds his hand out telling him gladly the hammer rips Frank's head off and Thor says perhaps now he will feel more apt to explain himself Frank opens his mouth breathing Hellfire on Thor telling him even as a skull Frank castles more a man than you my headless body ain't too shabby either huh after beating She-Hulk down Frank tells him you know what I've got a better idea something I hav't done in a while murder people with my own decapitated head he bashes She-Hulk with his own flaming skull and then he sets it back on his shoulder telling her now you need to explain why I'm here and why you're working for that bum Blaze Thor and she get back up with Thor shouting nay we did not bring you here though we are gladly going to send you back it is time my lady she places her hands on Thor's shoulder transferring her gamma energy into him so that Thor May release his special gamma lightning the green blast launches Frank Across The Avengers mountain and as he gets back up he tells them okay now you done it I was just going to Ma you but what that actually hurt now I'm going to burn you all into Oblivion say hello to the power Cosmic Avengers just then Captain marel flies ad him telling him hello but down in Hell Johnny rides his bike towards the Finish Line thinking to himself that he feels bad that it had to end this way but Robbie can't blame him it was that Uncle Eli who but suddenly the Roar of the hell charger can be heard as Robbie ramps into the air slamming down onto Johnny and his bike he burns out as he speeds away yelling kiss my hell charger goodbye Johnny crippled and broken Johnny quietly says that he was doing him a favor this is not a race that anyone wants to win guess it's time to bring out the big guns up ahead Robbie races towards the Finish Line as the ground in front of him begins to crack and split open a GI GI hand reaches out pulling up the rest of the celestial callus the void blocking Robbie's path if Robbie asks really it took all the Avengers to stop this guy the last time but a Gruff voice calls out to Robbie telling him that that ain't callus anymore Roberto imagine the power of a god at the hands of your friendly neighborhood serial killer Robbie begins to drive around realizing that the voice from callus is actually his uncle Eli up on the surface Captain marel is focusing her Photon blast at Frank while Frank is using his other hand to put some together Captain Marvel yells that she can do this all day screw the power Cosmic I had two bowls of cereal this morning and Frank tells her yeah yeah it's good to have goals and stuff hell I had goals back before I got these crazy space powers back then where it was Frank and a gun using Iron Man spare parts Frank fires a makeshift for pulser and Captain Marvel shouts this is why Tony needs to always pick up his clothes but before Frank has a chance to take off Black Panther and wakandan Tech powered up cap charge in punching and knocking Frank to the ground in the back hellstrom watch is stating that these wretched Ghost Riders get even more annoying with every new iteration but you blade seem rather uninterested blade tells him all of this power cosmic space god mumbo jumbo isn't his kind of fight would rather they get back to the Hellfire and possessed hot rods boy thing reaches out trying to contain Frank but Frank releases an inferno that burns off boy thing and then he asks if he's really sending a house plan after him now you guys sure you're Avengers blade gets up telling hrom that this just became his fight and a single gun shot can be heard as his shot hits Frank's bike throwing him off of it Frank gets up asking blade did you really just shoot my bike pal you must really want to die in the most ridiculously agonizing way ever what the hell kind of gun is blade fires the breathing gun once again into Frank Sherer telling him it's the kind of gun that puts holes in Walking skeletons Frank starts to laugh telling everyone you know what I'm starting to like you all maybe you should have become my Sidekicks instead of that scumbag blazes Thor asks what manner of ignoramus would believe the The Avengers are conspiring with the king of Hell Frank pauses for a moment oh oh okay this is making sense going to just throw out on my bat on this one things may have gotten a little turned around in my defense I was out in space when I got pulled into Hell by that Blaze jerk then there was something about a big race in yada yada yada I just wanted to murder the dude a bunch and get the hell out of there then I was thrown in the back of some stupid car Captain marel says that that would be Robbie's car but how could we all get into hell to help him as everyone turns to hellum he says don't look at to me you wanted an exorcist not a tour guide you guys are on your own Frank tells him nah I can get you into hell I'll join your team for now but this isn't just some fight this is a challenge of the Ghost Riders if you want to join in you're going to have to build yourselves one very important thing a sweet ass ride back below Eli tells Robbie that he turned his back on his family and that was a bad idea and Robbie shouts that he's a dead psychopath the one who wanted to turn him into a sadistic monster the one who gave him these Powers Robbie then Ste on the gas driving off the ledge through Eli telling him and I will never be like you I will never be a Ghost Rider again Eli begins to laugh telling him you're even dumber than Blaze you're one hell of a monster the biggest baddest monster on four wheels but that'll never happen will it Robbie stops stepping out asking you want to see a monster then come on I'll show you a monster Eli tells him yeah sure you are and it ain't just you who sees it but before Rob he can send in his attack he stops realizing who's watching Mom Dad his parents look at him asking what happened to him what does he be come and Robbie asks how why are you here are you really dead Robbie's father says yes yes we are in Eli yells and soon you'll join them Eli punches down on the hell charger as Johnny rides by telling him tough break kid but hey don't worry too much once the race is over you'll never have to be a Ghost Rider again and you can join your family in Hell Eli swings again but his fist crushes down on Robbie and Robbie begins to push back the giant fist telling him that everyone keeps telling him that he's the worst Ghost Rider like it's supposed to be an insult but what have Ghost Riders ever done except bring misery on themselves and everyone that they loved they've all died alone or Went Crazy Robbie's Hellfire chain lashes out wrapping around Eli's massive arm and then it cuts it off at the shoulder Robbie then pulls on the Chain telling him I'm an Avenger then I'll be damned if I lose this race the chain whips and Robbie uses the giant Celestial arm to begin beating Eli with it and Eli shouts that he's too late I don't even care anymore and then a voice says that they can help him with that Robbie looks up to see The Avengers riding into hell on a stark wakandan powered as guardian boat and Captain Marvel tells them that they have a race that needs winning now get in and point us towards the finish line up ahead Johnny rides through telling himself I'm doing the right thing nobody knows what it's like down here what it takes to run this place but as Johnny passes by he sees the demon standing around and he shouts for them to kneel before their King kneel before your God blade then jumps down slicing Johnny's bike and half telling him you are not a god Thor then charges in knocking Johnny down setting his hammer down on his chest Johnny begins to sink into the ground asking this is the best you can do send me to hell and just then as Thor looks down to the ground something hits him in the back of the head Johnny appears holding out his arm stating that he was born a Gearhead and a Carney buildt his bike from junkyard scrap when he was nine they think that he doesn't know a thing or two about swinging a hammer or a hammer made from a Hellfire bike as Thor and Johnny begin their battle up above all of it Captain Marvel tells Robbie that it looks like they just took the lead this is the first part in fast in the Furious where they hit the nitrous button hit it sheel channels her gamma energy into the engines and the ship suddenly rockets off Johnny looks up yelling yeah they're getting away where is it usus Eli he was given an entire dead Celestial to possess Frank holds Eli's head up telling him and he didn't like the penis here too much but hey we were impr properly introduced where are we name's Frank okay time for you to die horribly Frank tells him that he really is a the only thing that he's good at is getting his own family murdered anyway enjoy the demons got a race to win but afterwards I'll be happy to race you when this is all over up on the ship the demons begin to climb aboard and Captain Marvel says that she and She-Hulk will clear a path Take the Wheel Robbie Robbie looks around stating that he doesn't need to take the wheel this isn't just any race it's the ancient challenge of the Ghost Riders and there's only one thing that will win this being like a Ghost Rider he uses his power to take full control of the ship and Rocket it even faster at the Finish Line Johnny watches as Robbie passes shouting no the ship crashes into the hell throne and Johnny yells what the hell did you just do Robbie jumps down punching Johnny telling him that he just won the stupid Hell race by showing him that a Ghost Rider doesn't have to ride alone then maybe it's best when they don't even in the darkest depths of hell and you blaze you seem like you could sure use a family r read about now Robbie holds out his hand and as Johnny grabs it he tells him that was a cute speech but family won't save you when you sit on that Throne you aren't ready to rule hell Robbie tells him good because he never will he doesn't want the throne Johnny pauses telling him are you abating the throne you're leaving me down here without the power to rule maybe you do of Eli's cruelty just then Frank walks in shouting where is he time to die Blaze Johnny tells him maybe someday but believe me the worst thing you could ever do to me right now is just walk away arms begin to reach out from underground grabbing for Johnny but before Frank can stop them Johnny's taken underground after the race Robbie says his goodbyes to his parents and he allows the ghost riders of old to watch over them but still there's another story elsewhere in Turkey Iron Man is continuing his scans in the cave that was dug out the place where he found an ancient Iron Man helmet with every scan Iron Man gets the same thing nothing he looks back at the helmet again asking what is it hiding and that's when the suit tells him that there's an unknown energy surge detected the helmet lights up green and says reg maesto Iron Man documents his fine stating that it's been some months since this all happened he's not sure if it was magic spell or whatever but right now there's a super winter going on outside and he's pretty sure that that won't keep the saber two tigers from prowling around the Cave the prepared Gauntlet died this morning and the armor is useless there a blood moon tonight and that means that Hill becoming around because he's Tony Stark the smartest caveman in the world the smartest man stranded and 1 million BCE out in the far reaches of the Raven star Galaxy of watch roid Delta Magister Gladiator receives a report that 13 star sex ago a significant explosion incident occurred inside of the prison Gladiator asks if the containment Shields are still in place and the operator tells him yes their shields were built to Wi stand a phoenix level event so Gladiator states that the prisoners built a bomb they've built bombs before to blow each other into space gristle why would he care why is he here the operator continues to report that they have been sent a dread knot to investigate the explosion they lost Cals with them the moment that they reached Ground Zero soon after a lone Escape pod comes crashing into the gate with two crewmen aboard Gladiator walks over to the holding cells and as he looks at the two men he notices starburns blistering across their forearms Gladiator asks if the prisoners detonated one of the artificial sons in the prison and the operator tells him no all plasma reactors are still online it is unknown what could have generated such high levels of radiation what they are assuming is that the dread knot is lost and that these two Caven Gladiator scans the men stating that they are already dead their organs are decomposing as they speak they died bravely serving the Imperium but unfortunately their remains were lost to the Stars Gladiator focuses his eye beams burning the bodies stating that he wants to know the source of the explosion and the operator then says well when the escapee Pod returned we did discover a stowaway over in another holding cell a badly injured broodling rustles in his chains and the operator goes on stating that that prisoner is Zeta 987 349 of s's world he ate the faces off three of their guards when he was found the broodling shouts pretty Space Birds will fire big fire murder star will brand you unless brood brand you first the broodling spits on the glass gladiator's chest and the acid hisses away with gladiator stating that by the power invested in him as the Supreme Magister of the shiar Imperium he hereby adjusts this prisoner's sentence broodling of slew world you are sentenced to death Gladiator then spits back and the force of his saliva shoots through the head of the broodling Gladiator then says to drop the last known coordinates of the dreadn to his cortex if he is not back in 17 star sex there is someone who needs to be called now 6 days later in the ravenstar Galaxy The Avengers find themselves trapped suspended by magnetic snares Captain America activates the recorder Captain's Lo 5 days since we entered the prison we've been Shipwrecked for 3 Days leaking oxygen power almost depleted there's not enough juice left to escape the magnetic webs that the prisoners set up to capture ships the Scavengers are growing in number while our ranks keep dwindling no word from Carol since she left yet yesterday to search another ship and still no contact with the team members who were lost in space during the breach caused by Thor's initial episode talking to his hammer is the only thing that seems to keep him calm behind cap the broodling transformed Thor pets his hammer stating must hold Hammer holding a hammer means still worthy still worthy still worthy still Thor Thor not brood not one want to kill not feed not infect not bite or tear or slutter cap size there's still no sign of gladiator no Communications from Earth or the Shar still no direct contact with the star brand we've only ever seen the effects of its Rampage Jen says that the radiation readings are beyond anything that she's ever seen and with Jen that's obviously stating a lot outside of the ship She-Hulk fights off yet another wave of brood trying to rip their way into the ship when suddenly there's a message over the comps Captain Marvel yells that she's here with their new ride so everyone get ready to move she found a junk ship a few systems away emerging from a white hole pretty sure it once belonged to a group of space pirates calling themselves the star Jammers also being that close to the white hole did trigger her old binary form so heads on fire don't freak out cap response telling her good hopefully once we're out of here we can figure out how to change Thor back to at that moment there's a loud doom and cap looks back we uh have a problem Thor struggles to lift mu near shouting why Hammer not move not Thor holding Hammer if not Thor then cap slowly inches closer telling Thor that he is not a brood he is the God of Thunder the Alla of Asgard he is stronger than this Thor hisses yes Thor is strongest there is strongest brood in a galaxy meanwhile elsewhere in space Robbie radios in asking if anyone can hear him they're lost in space and being chased by wait no one can hear what do we do black widow says that they need to keep going get them away from those stars are blade is going to die Robbie asks why is this happening he thought blade wasn't a vampire who got hurt by sunlight and blade groans ah red suns are killing me go faster Robbie yells that he's going as fast as he can but somehow it's not fast enough to outrun someone on a surfboard but but days before this it was not only the Silver Surfer who caught wind of the coming of starbrand though they had their disagreements Harold's terx and Fire Lord also joined in the surface quest to stop the return from ever happening and back in our current time cap finds himself in a corner as brood Thor grows ever hungry for flesh after one last knock across the cabin Carol asks what's going on is he under attack cap sits up telling her that she might say that Thor's out of control and I'm afraid that this calls for Extreme Measures cap reaches for muire and as Thor sees him going forward he shouts you you try to steal Hammer no one lift Hammer but brood of Thunder cap tries to throw his shield to buy him some time but brood Thor knocks it away with his uru arm and begins to open his M as cap struggles to lift the hammer he tells himself to think worthy thoughts baseball apple pie punching Nazis and at that moment with a thundering crack cap manages to lift muire and hit brw Thor on the side of the head after some time and waking up from being knocked out brw Thor sits up Thor head hurt why Thor feel like someone hit with hammer Carol tells him it must be the brood infection he should uh just try and take it easy cap tells him that they're going to get him the help that he needs and Carol found them a new ship and a change of clothes so they're about to move out brood Thor looks at muire and asks who moves hammer and Carol tells him that he did because he's worthy remember he's the Mighty Thor Thor grabs a mule in there stating I Am The Mighty Thor outside She-Hulk finishes clearing out some of the debris and the force set out and as they do terax and Fir Lord are close behind meanwhile across the Galaxy Robbie continues to try and outrun the Silver Surfer and black widow says that they need to do something they can't outrun him forever Robbie asks isn't he supposed to be silver he's looking a little dull but boy thing Take the Wheel I'm from Los Angeles I deal with Surfers all the time as Robbie phases out of his hell charger he stops before Surfer and says hey you can call me the Ghost Rider mind telling me why you're trying to kill me and my friends pretty sure we haven't done anything surf tells him that he has come to Raven star for the same reason as them the star brand Robbie says yeah everyone's really awfully scared of this new star brand fella that nobody's even seen yet do you want to know what happened to the last star brand that crossed me he par per even if it was an accident Robbie throws his chains but they pass through the surfer who tells him I should inform you that I have recently become intangible but unfortunately for you that does not affect my ability to wield the power Cosmic the surfer blasts Robbie away focusing on catching up with the others when suddenly the surfer feels something pulling at his board Robbie climbs up and throws the surfer off telling him you're not the only one that can see Souls the soul of norin rad has plenty which means you can feel the bird of Hellfire but it's a short-lived Victory as Surfer calls back his board throwing Robbie back into the hell charger Robbie says just in case you are wondering the surfer dude is still back there Surfer fires a concentrated beam into the car sending a spiraling down towards a nearby Planet stating that he can see what they're trying to build even if they're blind to it but all of the primordial forces of their world will not save them from the cosmic Justice of the Silver Surfer a few moments later in a Planet Side crash Black Widow asks if everyone's okay and as Robbie sees some of the aliens walking towards the hell charger he tells them no we're not about to be the aliens begin to knock in the car telling everyone that they have to the count of farlik to come out Widow says that she knows trained Killers when she sees them they're going to need a heavy hitter for this one and Robbie sits up it's cool I got this just give me a minute to catch my breath also is it possible to get a concussion if you're just a skull Widow tells him sorry but she's not talking to him boy thing can you hand me my luggage from the back outside the alien bangs on the car yelling fingo farle okay you missed your chance to die easy we're coming in just then the door blasts open and Widow tells them that there's no need you want a war well I just happened to bring a war machine with me Widow slams the head of one of the aliens down into the ground while another picks up a boulder shouting we're the Most Wanted Outlaws in 23 systems we've got about 5,000 life sentences between the three of us Widow snatches the boulder thanks for informing me it helps me determine how many bones I'm going to break which in this case is all of them as Widow slams the boulder down another alien hits her from behind with a club telling her it took 17 Imperial Guardsmen to drag me back into prison I'm eating you for dinner metal hide and all Widow cuts through the club stating You' think with all the schooling the Guardsman went through they'd know the importance of a kneecap as she shoots out the alen's knes she tells them that she'll make them a deal tell her where they can find the star brand and she'll let him have them the other KNE the alien last telling her that he would give that information for free if he can just smell her burning guts stinking up the spaceways you get find the star brand by but at that moment the alien is melted and the surfer flies down Avengers you do not get to find the star brand Widow jumps up and Rockets around asking weren't you supposed to be one of the good guys why are you such a jerk now I was the herald of galatis there is nothing that you can call me that has not already been screamed at me and every language of existence Widow releases her payload but the bullets and missiles pass through and Surfer hits her with a cosmic beam telling her your Humanity betrays you you would risk burning worlds all to save one human life Widow asks hubben are you saying that the star brand is from Earth as the two fight back in the hell charger blade tries to ask Robbie if he's awake and after getting no answer he sigh looks like it's up to Old blade red sun poisoning and all he reaches for his sword as boy thing begins to wrap himself around blade and blade shouts asking what are you doing boy thing back outside Surfer stands over Widow telling her that he does not wish her permanent harm I have tremendous respect and appreciation for your primitively heartfelt of ways but the star Brand's Fate has been decided for the good of the cosmos this rebirth must not be allowed before he could attack a boy thing clad blade stabs surfer in the back asking who are you calling heartfelt Surfer recoils asking what in the name of God laus do you feel that sting it's called fear and whoever knows it even shiny and tangible silver space Surfers burn to the touch of my little friend here Widow asks if he's wearing a man thing and blade tells her don't ask boy thing's idea blade then forms another sword for Widow and as she takes it Surfer takes his board and swings it hitting both of them stating that they would need to talk them into destruction but never again will he Stand By and Watch worlds be destroyed as Widow begins to go back in she shouts asking where is the star brand tell me so we can finish it at that moment there's a blinding light with the star brand symbol from the next planet and Surfer tells them it's not hard to find just follow the pangs of its birthing moments earlier a few light years away the other half of the Avengers begin to fight off fir Lord and terax his assault capat throws his shield into trax's back telling She-Hulk to be careful not to let him wreck the ship terx fires a blast back back at cap telling him that he's just going to kill them the asteroid storm that he's controlling will handle the ship but while cap and She-Hulk try to hold terrax off brood Thor is hit with another asteroid and back on the ship cap tells them that they need to get back there he's the only one who could save them you're the strongest brood there is Thor brood Thor asks Thor is Cap tells him yes it is time to feed Muir Falls from Brut Thor's hand as he lets the hunger set in and then he flies back out screaming scaming fade but through the fighting they too see the light of the star brand as it shines across the Galaxy and on the surface of that planet Gladiator descends telling the starbrand that he orders them to stand down Stand Down in the name of but starbrand hits him with a blast of energy shouting no stay back Gladiator gets back up you better control your power before I control it for you I can't help it I didn't ask for this this power came out of nowhere like a comet we were injured transported Gladiator blows away fire telling him you are a prisoner in control of one of the most powerful weapons in the cosmos this cannot be allowed starbrand by the power vested in Me by the Imperium I am afraid I must sentence you to die May the gods have mercy on your soul and that of your unborn child the pregnant earthwoman tells him no stay back stay the hell away from me I will set the entire galaxy on fire just as glad GL Ator gets ready to end this woman's life something comes crashing down on top of him as Gladiator shakes it off what in the name of Shara and catha brood Thor climbs out of the crater lunging at him while they begin their battle terax tells the other Herold that he has found the star bomb attempting to disable it now but before he can swing his axe Carol hits him with a blast and radios to everyone I have eyes on starbrand this just got a whole lot more complicated than we imagined Surfer calls out to the other Heralds that the bearer of the brand is with child we must discuss this as cap and the others get ready for the final showdown he tells Surfer I wasn't expecting much in the way of decency from your friends but I can't believe I'm about to have to say this to you Surfer no one comes near the woman who is about to give birth her safety is my primary concern Silver Surfer turns to Captain America you're right we must Gladiator shouts over everyone telling them no no the host and the child are already dead they died the moment the star brand infected them and we will all be dead if we do not finish this cap tells shehulk to make sure that no one gets near them and as the woman begins her contractions she releases even more energy into deep space through the fire She-Hulk reaches out we can help help you control relax breathe as the woman tries to take she-hulk's finger She-Hulk begins to absorb the energy into herself giving cap the space to lean in he tells her I've delivered babies in the past my name is Steve what's yours she screams as she goes into labor but even still everyone is there fighting around her the woman shouts for everyone to get back and no matter what happens her baby will go home and after one final fiery explosion firel Lord asks if they see it now do you see the power that is at play here Carol tells him she sees something else and Steve stands up it's a girl he then asks She-Hulk how's the mother and Widow says that there is no pulse over the comms killstation Prime radio Gladiator stating that they have an apocalypse class dreadn warping to his position Nega bombs are ready Gladiator tells them to stand down send a medical frigate instead he walks up and cap tells him that that's close enough and Gladiator says that they better get that thing out of shar's space if it's what he thinks it is then Gods help you for all the good it will do you next the silver server walks up stating that the Heralds have spoken and they would each like to bestow upon the child a gift Tero says that he gives the gift of Life by not killing the brat Here and Now Fire Lord states that he has the gift of time time for her to grow and proove herself just know Fire Lord will be watching and Surfer says that he gives the gift of the greatest force in all the heavens hope and may she use it well later as they return to Earth Carol says that hope is good they seem to be on short supply of that right now they still have no idea where Tony disappeared to Black Panther says that he's afraid they have no idea but there is hope for Thor at least he's already healing from his brood infection cap asks what about hope for her have you found any next of kin black panther says that unfortunately there appears to be none but regardless they know that this child cannot be raised in Kansas does he understand what he brought to their Planet cap tells him yes I brought a baby an orphaned baby that needs our help black panther tells him this baby may very well be the most destructive force in the Galaxy so what happens when it cries outside the mystical city of kloon mood Knight sits in the snow praying as he prays the giant Gates begin to open and Iron Fist walks out you know I live in Manhattan right there are easier ways of getting my attention than coming out here or at least I'm going to assume you're trying to get my attention since you tripped every one of the hidden security alarms as you climbed up here if even half of what I heard about you was true then I'm I'm pretty sure that that happened because you wanted it to you're a moonight right moonight looks up you are the fist of K Shu and this can only go one way Iron Fist laughs okay sure Luke isn't big on texting either so here I am a couple of fists what's up need someone punching the bad guys moonnight begins to get up you misunderstand I'm not here for you I'm here for the Iron Fist as Iron Fist Dodges a punch he looks at moonnight hey hey hey that's enough what the hell is this about moonight tells him I seek the Iron Fist an iron fist grabs him by the throat you're going to get it all right unless you stop and talk to me like a and moonight responds by punching him in the face Iron Fist begins to beat moonight into the snow telling him look I know you have a history of mental illness if this is some kind of multiple personality episode we can get you help moonight gets up punching Iron Fist people will say that this happened because I'm crazy that's how they think I am the mannequin White super schizophrenic and as moonite begins to lead the fight he tells ironfist but no I'm not off my meds I'm not delusional I'm under the control of no one but myself and this this transformation begins here today this is the samee thing to dodge as moonight takes the ank from his neck he begins to absorb the power of the iron fist into it and all Iron Fist can do it scream until his energy is ripped out of him later in green rich Village home of sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange fights back a horde of mummies stating that even for them this is idiotic and a voice tells him that they're the Living Dead they're already doomed just as he is strange looks back wait I know that voice Spectre consorting with moon Wizards surely you've not lost your mind to that demented lunar Overlord again just then Doctor Strange is punched in the forehead and he asks did you just hit me with a piece of the Iron Fist oh Mark what have you done moonight holds up another another Unk something that I should have done a while ago tonight's the biggest super moon in a million years and if it's any constellation you never stood a chance strange and after that over in Hill Rock Heights Robbie Reyes wakes up feeling rather ill like his insides are burning up his brother Gabe asks if everything's okay and Robbie tells him yeah sure I just needed some air Robbie stumbles as he feels his body getting weaker and as he opens the door he discovers his car gone who would steal the hell charger Moon that's who the next stop is wakanda and as black panther steps out to greet the army of konu followers moonight tells him this doesn't have to be a war we can settle this just you and me black panther asks once I fall I assume your army will simply shul back into the moon lit Shadows whence it came moonight holds out his nunchucks no cuz I won't fail black panther stands there for a moment and then tells him you've convinced me I Surrender leave wakanda being in and I'll come peacefully moonight reaches for another Unk it won't be peaceful I'm sorry for wait why isn't black panther leans forward telling him my power is in my blood if you want it you're going have to take all of me so let us go fist of konu take me to your God later on the moon Thor tells cap that he is on his way with all the speed and fury of the storm but as he passes by he stops and he sees moonnight wait is that foul villain Gods you are bold this will be finished shortly most thunderously Thor winds up his hammer telling moonight to stand down or the moon will be drenched in his blood and as moonight stands there Thor releases mule near telling him I hoped that you'd say nothing how about the mad man the hammer comes rocketing towards moonight but he holds out his hand stopping it for someone who's wielded this for a 100 years you still don't know what it is all you know is that it's made of unbreakable uru but what is uru uru is all that's left of the first orb of the night in other words Thor your Hammer is made of moon rock moonight begins to spin Muir in a circle repeatedly smacking Thor in the head while he shouts I don't need a hammer to go pling you the hammer then slams into Thor's chest launching him upward until he suddenly crashes into the moon but this moon is one of many all used to crush together making a prison of rock to encase Thor and as the last Moon set itself moonight hears a voice telling him that it may not be enough moonight says that the panther cannot be broken the Phoenix remains untethered and the star brand is being hidden from them it will have to be enough konu tells him very well now the real work can begin well done konu approves now we can save the world moonight however this story began weeks ago in Egypt in a secret Temple beneath the ancient ruins of the th ban necropolis moonight fought his way through cont followers yelling that he can smell the moon Magic from an ocean away show yourself one of the priests tells him that there have been visions of a Legion of Super satans the Council of red is coming moonight knocks the man out telling him that he is his own man now where is konu hiding as moonight storms the inner Chambers he can hear konu screaming and in the corner of the room konu hides yelling Earth eating Earths moons of melting flesh the Stars won't stop screaming make it go away over the years moonight has seen many things in the eyes of the being of whom he is bound to rage hatred cruelty but never Stark raving Terror konu begs moonight to kill him kill him before he comes mafesto with the collected powers that he has moonight went to Las Vegas up to the highest floor of the hotel Inferno where Mesto sits in his magically sealed cell laughing while he eats he tells moonnight that he was planning on finishing the Stak he likes them fresh before the soul has congealed would he in his quivering chicken God care to join using Doctor Strange Magic moonight undo this spell that was placed on the Hellfire bars telling him your sentence has been modified the festo gets up I'd hope you were going to say that I was going back to hell no you're never going to see hell again maesto mafesto opens up his mouth breathing fire asking do you think me weak because I sat behind those B mood Knight tells him no I know that you're not weak I know the unimaginable Slaughter you're planning and I know how to stop it feso laughs really and how would you do that just then a large object shoots through maesto chest and the Bloody Muir floats back and moonight tells him like that we're going to burn your flesh to Ash with the Ghost Rider's Hellfire then pulverize that Ash with the Iron Fist and then lace whatever molecules remain with the fiercest Enchantment of sorcerer Supreme and that will be an end to mafesto konu creeps Out of the Shadows we both know that it won't this won't end you not this version of you at least there are already others at play here going back millions of years to and mood Knight yells I betrayed my friends I struck down good men and stole what was rightfully theirs what more could you have had me do konu calls on mu nir nothing I will do it two weeks later in new Thieves City formerly known as the island of Manhattan konu begins to solidify her place of power to fortify the Earth against the enemy that they knew was coming it was always night the sky filled with moons and sometimes muffled Thunder welcome to the age of konu welcome to the world that moonight has wrought inside one of the newly constructed pyramids black panther sits up on his knees and the moon Priestess tell him that that is not bowing he is praying blackm tells him yes I am praying praying that konu would have the dignity to face me instead of hiding behind his acolytes one of the priests yells to release the primordial power or they will beat him again their God requires the spirit of the panther how much more blood must be spilt before he gives in and black panther looks up telling them all of it and so the priests get ready to whip him as moonnight tells them to stop leave them at once the priests say yes and once they leave moonight says that they will kill him if he doesn't give it to them black panther begins to stand in his chains telling him I've known that you've had brushes with Insanity over the years but I've never known you to be an outright fool Mark Spectre moonight punches him asking does that feel like the fist of a fool and black panther tells him any imbecile can make a fist what happened to the once wise man who knew when to wield it moonight pulls up his mask shouting look at me look into my eyes what do you see black panther tells him that he sees Horrors he sees Cosmic Horrors Untold and moonight pulls his mask down telling him they are the work of mafesto or at least they wouldn't have been that's why he's dead black panther asks and what is conu plan to rule the throne bring about the devil's own fascist hell on Earth moonight fixes his hood this isn't hell this is salvation this is the only chance that we've got from Hell there's still so much more that needs to be done join us combine your powers with ours or should I call back the priests black panther asks why afraid to swing the whip yourself no you just want to use a magic ank moonight stares for a moment and begins to take off the ank but one of the priests run in telling him that they just received word from the necro patrols the fugitives have been cited moonnight scoffs perhaps you are missing friend Captain America wanted to make a nuisance of himself black panther tells him Spectre listen even if you're right about mafesto ruling the world this isn't the way to save the world you have to see that this is about konu lust for power call him here let us look him in the eyes together and see the truth moonnight turns back I am not blind to what I have done but all the roads lead to burned worlds and Slaughter of trillions my faith in konu is far from blind I haven't given him all the powers As moonnight Leaves the priests return asking how many will it take how many before he gives them and blackm stands up breaking his chains 50 bring me 50 priests and I'll have every one of you calling for God meanwhile over in the Sahara Desert there's a rumble in a small encampment as Iron Man and Carol Danvers get set up and Iron Man says to get ready to fly as the mummies begin to crawl out of the Grave Carol tells Iron Man that it's his turn to take her and go Iron Man yells no they're not tearing this family apart and Carol shouts that for the last time they're not family the starbrand child picks her nose and Iron Man Whispers it's okay don't listen to them mommy and daddy love each other very much back in the city blade radios that he has eyes on the moon train and She-Hulk asks how does he know that their targets are on board blade tells her because of his Vamp senses he can smell them and she tells him I got you so you got that Wolverine kind of nose huh cap tells them to focus up this is Gorilla Warfare timing is everything Jen are you in position She-Hulk stands on the tracks of the train telling him yeah just give me a sec think angry thoughts politics student loans the Nicks as she hulks out she punches the train to stop it and cap and blade break into the passenger car yelling that if anyone wishes to get off the train this is their stop all of the followers and mummies jump from their seats and blade says looks like they'd rather die for their God and cap tells them these things bleed so mortal wounds only she then rips open away in releasing her gamma radiation to the three begin to move from car to car and once they get to the last car the followers stop attacking cap tells them smart move but blade says that that's them in the back the sarcophagy as they open up the first two sarcophagus they find Iron Fist and Doctor Strange and then finally Robby Reyes cap says that they can get them over to see Dr Foster are there any signs of Thor just then Robbie sits up H Thor isn't here buried in the sky and they're not done I can feel it they're hunting AP helps them up telling him it's okay they're going to get them out of here you're weak and Delirious Robbie but while cap and the others get off the train over in the Sahara Desert to Iron Man blast through a mummy this is so wrong Carol takes out a group telling him that she knows from what she heard Moon Knight's always been a bit odd but she doesn't understand why he turned on everyone Iron Man asks wait what no moonight never trust a guy who wears that much white but that's not what I'm talking about we really should not have a baby strap to our chest like this let alone a baby super weapon what are we the X-Men Now isn't this the sort of thing that we went to war with them about Carol says that he was the one who kept calling it a family and iron manel's I was saying that to be annoying because I was stress the hell out I'm so damn good at being annoying that you saying it back to me in my own words is making me even more annoyed Carol Carol looks at the star brand child we have a job a very important one this child is one of the most powerful weapons in the cosmos one that we know barely anything about all we know is that it's bound this little girl and because of your trip to the past we also know that the star Brand's Legacy goes back a million years but what happened back there you came back from the Stone Age with a thousand yard stare like I've never seen before Iron Man asks do you know why I'm so good at Imagining the future because I'm scared to death of the past I shouldn't be anywhere near a baby especially one that can grow up to destroy the world if it isn't raised right so why does it suddenly feel like the most important job of my entire life is this what it's like to be apparent God no more it isn't right Carol it isn't right that she doesn't have a name I knew her mother died before giving her one but we just can't keep calling her the star brand baby what about brandy brandy star ah Carol help me out over here but when the Iron Man looks over he sees Carol is wrapped up in the Hellfire Trains being dragged into the back of the hell Charger moonight looks over Iron Man hand over the baby it's the only way that this ends Iron Man charges up his Repulsor Blaster you just stuffed my friend into a trunk that's a to Hell which would make you even less qualified to have this kid than us hell hell is all that's left if we don't finish what I started have you let maesto win Iron Man Powers down his blasters and calmly walks up what did you say just then Carol punches open the trunk ripping through the tentacles holding her back and then she flies through grabbing Tony retreating however moonight doesn't Chase right away what he saw in Iron Man's eyes he was about to hand the baby over he has seen it too of course he has he plays a bigger part in this than anyone he knows the truth that nobody beats the Devil by being a godamn angel back in kon's Temple konu kills another mafesto stating that if the plan is that he gets tired of killing him over and over then he hates to say it's working G I need more power I need the star brand the Phoenix the panther it's the only way to but at that moment Ki throws another Mesto into the mound of Mesto and black panther calls out he demands that konu look into his eyes he promises that today one of them will break and it will not be the Black Panther however earlier moonight didn't head straight to the Sahara Desert before meeting up with Iron Man and Carol he made us stop at the moon in search of the star brand he kept asking himself over and over what is he doing can he really save the planet from the Devil the devil that has already been murdered with a Magical Hammer he asks this question but his God doesn't seem to to be listening so he closes his eyes once more and asks the darkness the blood red answers come roaring back to him fct with fire a voice that tells him that he is praying to the wrong God moonight grabs his Moon blades asking who the hell is there and the voice tells him that he is praying to the wrong God the wrong light in the Sky moonnight asks who said I was praying the shrouded figure says they did they can see them like moths in the Moonlight and they can see the hot Winds of horror that drive them he's right to be afraid of the devil spinning bloody webs between the years between the worlds and the realities he's right about the key to stopping them the great weapons from the dawn of man just like the one that he has right there moonight asks who sent them are you one of black panthers the man says that they've always been here here and nowhere else the unbreakable Cosmic chains SE to that he is of no one and nothing not anymore as moonnight takes a closer look he tells him I know who you are the man asks do you or do you only see what konu wants you can't be here because I saw you die right here on the moon when Nick Fury sins finally blew him all to Hell the man says yes the howling Commando called Nicholas J Fury is long past but the silent Watcher known as the Unseen lives on if they can call being forced to watch the events of the world unfold without being able to intervene in any meaningful way a form of living well then this is his unending curse but that curse is their benefit this day for he too has seen the work of the Council of red their plans burrowing through space and time like starving maggots he can show them their prayer for salvation but he must warn them it won't be to the moons of Fire or the stars of blood to save Earth he must pray to the thing that eats those now back with black panther he tells konu to lay down his weapons do not make him Force an elder god to his knees konu tells him it is no God that you should be worried about the true enemy is behind you coming in waves from across the dimensions how do you propose that we stop mafesto oh mighty king of the Avengers black panther steps forward telling him not by subjugating the world or stealing the powers that were never meant for you to wield all you've done is weaken our defenses you're doing the devil's work for him konu yells that he is lying and he hurs mire but as the hammer gets closer it stops redirecting itself to avoid black panther as the hammer begins to float around black panther he tells it hello old friend konu is confused but black panther explains that this Hammer knows his tribe knows them well the blood of the panther King flows through his veins and he can assure them they have all been fighting mafesto for a very long time they may have power over uru but not the spirit of the storm that dwells inside much like those ANC that you wear the great powers of this planet Will Not Be Tamed by you but perhaps they would like to be released by the hand of an ally as the ANS are pulled from ki's neck moonight steps out of the hell charger telling him you're right the Hellfire hears your call which is why we won't use it to kill you we'll do it with what I have a fist black panther calls out to moonight not to do this don't defend konu but as konu scrambles for the Hellfire Unk he mutters to himself that thanks to the magic of sorcerer Supreme his fist sees himself battling mafesto with any luck he'll kill the panther but they still need wakandan blood but until the panther is dead he must get these powers out of his reach and use them to arm himself with the last great piece black panther punches moonight telling him that he is not mafesto but moonight says I know exactly who you are moonight jumps up a kneeing black panther telling him maybe you don't know who the hell you are maybe you don't know who the hell I am I could shut the faces off of devils and I pound them into asphalt until they're nothing but gooey puddles and you maesto you're just another devil for me to Black Panther punches moonnight again telling him so be it to save the world your devil I shall be black panther continues to strike moonight over and over punching and kicking head butting and knocking down until finally he asks is that enough enough for you to see that your God has blinded you moonight pulls up his mask to spit out blood I knew it was you I stopped thinking that you were Mesto a few dozen punches ago moonight swings again but his hits do nothing as black panther hits him one last time up in space Iron Man and Carol fly and Iron Man says the kids vitals are normal or at least as normal as they can get looks like their star brand handles space like a pro Carol tells him that there's an old alphaflight Safe House near the Martian ice caps they hole up there for the time being but after this they're going to have a serious conversation about whatever the hell happened to him when he traveled to the Stone Age and by serious she means she's going to beat it out of him if she has to Iron Man tells her that he's the smartest human either one of them has ever met so believe him when he says that this is all far from over at that moment Iron Man is bound in the Hellfire chains and konu pulls him telling him hand over the child and I will allow you one final prayer Iron Man yells for Carol to get away but as she tries she says that she can't the child is pulling her towards them back down on Earth black panther knocks moonight down telling him to stay down I don't have time to kill you I've got to figure out how to stop your demented God from murdering a child moonight reaches up for Black Panther's leg telling him no finish it have to finish the prayer black panther kicks his leg out of the hold telling him if you wish to die for your sins my fist shall not serve as your means of suicide and moonnight tells him not die it wants me to bleed if you won't do it I know someone who will will and then he punches himself at the moment everyone then sees the lighting up in the night sky and from those in space all the way to those down on Earth it's headed straight for moonight as the fire consumes moonight he flies up my name is Mark Spectre the Fist of the Phoenix and from here on out I don't pray to anyone except myself meanwhile up in space Carol tries to hold back the star brand child while Iron Man and kuk fight but often the distance a fiery red Blaze comes racing up and a voice shouts got you you want to face the devil moonight punches con you away stating well then I'm going to send you right to Hell Iron Man tells him come on you got to be kidding not this too but moonight tells him I'm not here to fight The Avengers not anymore he looks over at Carol telling her to take the star child away he means her no harm but he senses that she does not feel the same Iron Man begins to Prime all of his weapons all right drop the Phoenix Mark and back away or get ready to learn what a few million dollars worth of Armageddon tastes like moonight releases a powerful burst of energy knocking everyone away yelling I told you to go down on Earth konu comes crashing down through his Temple and his followers come running up yelling that the Avengers have come for them konu gets up moonight has betrayed us don't any of you see I'm trying to save the world this this is the work of maesto unleash everything the full power of the Knight Temple every last disciple of konu mummies and moon priests and werewolf guard we will scrape this world as Barren as the moon if we must and start again black panther gets to work fighting through conu forces when suddenly the hell charger comes bursting in narrowly missing him konu yells I am the one true God of Vengeance I am the one who lives in Hearts konu was born to wield the fury of the Ghost Rider and as the moons are my witness I will unleash the spirit of Vengeance upon the Earth as never before but as contu reaches for the door handle of the car the car bites him and he pulls back what is this Robbie fumbles out of an ambulance stating yeah about that power hurts like hell don't it but it turns out it hurts even more when it's ripped out of you so I'll be taking my hell damned ride back black panther tells him we will all be taking it back every primordial power that you have stolen our fist of kunlun hear the call of a soul Allied of Old Mystic Arts of the sorcerer Supreme hear the call of a soul Ally of old and as black beather holds out his hands and speaks those words the ank begins to pull away from konu and Robbie holds out his hand calling to the Ghost Rider while the anks are Stripped Away from konu taking away all of his extra Powers cap and the others come stumbling in and she hul flings mummies off yelling ah too many mummies black panther says that they God has fallen but kanu's forces will fight into the last moon beam to regain what he has lost cap asks what does that even mean how are we supposed to stop them and black pther holds out the Iron Fist and Sor Supreme ANS telling him with these guard and use them as Earth's Mightiest Heroes should but while the Avengers on Earth take down the weakened Army of konu up in space moonight finds himself at an impass as he looks down on the Earth all he can hear is the burning inside of his head and the great Cosmic Inferno exploding inside of him what if he were to let the Phoenix out what if he purged the Earth from above like a great Moon of fire what if he destroyed the deformed parasite that is the human civilization and From the Ashes that remain something new would grow he would be the hero the one who saved the World by setting it a blaze make the entire world into the burnt Place screams the voice of the flame flame from a great white room and Mark Spectre considers it God help him he considers genocide that is when the moonight truly realizes for the first time he has truly lost his mind he needed this power to help defeat his God but he is not the Phoenix this is not The Saga of dark moonight and while moonight fights back the overwhelming urge to bring ruin to the world milir flies in search of its master and when it finds him with a thunderous crack Thor stands in the shattered pieces of the Moon violently spinning his hammer yelling Knight of the moons you have disrespected the Hammer of the Alla Thor and now my Mallet of moon rock shall disrespect thy face moonight watches as Thor charges atam thinking I suppose I deserve this back on Earth the Sun begins to shine and as konu lays chained to the hell charger he asks what have you done a devil for each of you a devil for every world what hope do you have black panther tells him that he failed because they are the people of Earth who hold Gods accountable he is hereby under arrest in the name of the earth and its Avengers elsewhere moonight lays broken in a crater because he is just a man again A Man Without a God and with very many broken bones but still a man with visions of coming Horrors roaring through his head the threat of mafesto lingers the age of konu couldn't stop it but maybe the Phoenix can meanwhile back on the moon in the summer house a voice tells Jean Gray that she felt it too right like a dumpster fire inside their bones Jean says that it's not here for her this time it's come in search of someone new there will be a calling for the new Phoenix the boy says sure and then it chews them up and spits them out the same as it did with hope the same as it did with Jean Gray unless they get there first and Jean tells the figure that it's not for her to go if they should what reason do they believe that they could even stop the Phoenix Force the figure says reasons oh I got reasons darling I've got six of them right here made out of adamantium 1 million years ago there was a baby with fiery red hair let into the burnt place a place where those different were discarded left for the vultures to be feasted upon though it started as just another day in the burnt place it ended when a pack of wolves intervened fending off the vultures the Wolves came to Feast but what they found in that baby was not food but a life worth protecting the little girl she had no name she was just another in the pack but over the next 10 years she would learn to live the little girl often wondered why the Wolves saved her she was clearly different from them but the Wolves wrapped their secrets up deep and tight which was one of the many reasons the little girl loved them so just like many other days a baby was left for the vultures in the burnt place but this time it wasn't the Wolves who stopped the vultures it was the little girl she knew what it was like to be thrown away by a tribe that didn't want you all because she was different just like this baby but a voice rang out in her mind telling her not to hurt the baby a sickly floating man floated closer telling her that he would take the child but the little girl had never heard those words before so she ran she watched from afar as the man took the child with him and when she snuck into the cave the man told her that she was the one that the Wolves took in but fear not this cave is safe and he must apologize for talking to her through her mind but it is the only way that he can speak he is sorry for not helping her back then he was watching when she was brought to the burnt place as a baby he was too afraid to move but after she was taken in by the Wolves he vowed to never stand by again and watch one die he thought the Wolves had eaten her but here she is back from the dead so the girl with the hair like fire would you like to come home now the little girl knew she had to go and for the first time she found herself where she belonged a part of the tribe without fear it was a tribe of others like her different some more than others over time that little girl was given a name fire hair and the man was called the high Walker were it not for him she would have gone mad that day the day that fire hair found out just how different she really was she spoke for the first time ever and through her mind she told highwalker they're coming it wasn't just them who had overcome their fear but so did the other tribes fearful of what being different meant fire hair could feel their range but highwalker told her and the others to go deeper into the cave and not come out until he calls them highwalker would have torn their primitive brains to shreds he could have smashed their bodies to pulp or compelled them to do it to each other but that wasn't who the high Walker was he didn't want to hurt them he wanted them to see the truth of their own ignorant eyes and maybe they could have if it wasn't for fire hair fire hair began to use her Newfound powers to attack and highwalker told her not to hurt them they can't give into their fear and hatred she has to control her it was at that moment that high Walker was distracted and a spear impaled him after that it was a blood bath bodies on both sides scattered about the cave dead fire hair stumbled through the Carnage wondering to herself that if it was possible to kill yourself with your own mind and realized that the high Walker had been wrong about her nothing comes back from the dead not really not for long at least the buzzers would get their meal the one that they should have had all along and as fire hair lays back in that burnt place she surrenders her flesh to a feathered death and that is when she suddenly asks herself for the very first time how did the burnt place come to be was it that it had burned the ground so long ago burned it in such a way that nothing had ever grown here again and what would happen if it ever came back what was it that burned this spot so long ago burned it in such a way that nothing had ever grown here afterwards and what would happen if that thing ever came back the Phoenix has burned its Mark into her world years ago into many worlds like a lure her raw mutant power drew it to her along with her potential for the bloody ruin around her it saw her as a chance to do what she was born to do to burn planets to Ash she would have made it feel justified in doing so her loss her hunger for fenes the cruelty of the world that she was born into but the angry little girl stopped as she felt the warm licks of the Wolves who took her in and for many years up in Asgard Odin finds himself not strong enough to wield the mighty Muer when there's an explosion the little girl now grown up tells Odin that he may call her the Phoenix and she is putting together a team to save the world from itself from people like themselves you in now we go to the modern day our story of the origins of the Phoenix having been concluded as Captain America punches into a tree he thinks to himself that black panther would be quietly meditating Thor would be guzzling me and booming with laughter and Tony would be going on about his meticulous battle plans but him he gets his knuckles warmed up and thinks about the times that he had his tail kicked back in the days before the shield he was in a whole bunch of fights before he ever won a single one those are the fights that he remembers especially in moments like this right before the Bell Rings the moment he gets careless or cocky or forgets those are the day that Captain America dies for good as Dr Doom flies in with a fiery punch he hits into the shield telling cap give this round to doom and cap tells himself that it's important to always remember how it feels to be the weaker man to never take his power for granted a lesson that Doom never bothered to learn fueled the Phoenix Force Doom calls out the Phoenix telling her this bit of her fire has served me Doom does not do appetizers give me the full power and be done with this farce of a tournament you will find no worthy of Master upon this Earth give yourself holy to Doom Phoenix together we will burn this poultry Cosmos as never and then a fiery Shield strikes Doom in the head as Captain catches it telling him nobody's burning except for you from the ground a phoenix for for enhanced Captain America stands and he asks himself what will I become other than the Phoenix you see earlier The Avengers gathered to try and make sense of what the nesting of the Phoenix meant but as black panther uses the dead Celestial to try and make contact he is stopped by neyar Neymar yells that no one needs to wonder why the Phoenix is here it is here because he called upon her she answered from across the Black Sea of space and once they are reunited the depths of the ocean will be the only place on this ungrateful planet that isn't in Flames Defenders of the deep keep the Avengers at Bay while neyar goes to Mary his fiery Queen but while everyone was confused at what was then happening Wolverine stands in Neymar's way cutting into him telling him I'm afraid I'm going to have to crash that wedding back in our current time in the battle cap is using his new Phoenix powers to beat down UND Doom but he stops himself stating that this isn't right he's held the Cosmic Cube he's even used it he's worn The Infinity Gauntlet and saved the world with a wave of his hand but he is not a God he is a guy who sometimes tells them what to do and in a moment of hesitation Doom retaliates grabbing cap by the throat telling him all of this will be mine the Phoenix will be Dooms however earlier once more at the beginning of our story The Avengers find themselves fighting Neymar's Defenders of the deep struggling for the upper hand when the Phoenix makes her presence known the Battlefield stops as a fiery Blaze explodes from the Phoenix's nest and many of the fighters are taken away seemingly Vanishing this is why there are people now fighting the Phoenix was summoned and will pick her new Champion the people that were taken were chosen by the Phoenix to be in her tournament and despite Doom showing his awesome power to everyone cap still stands broken and bloody telling himself that he can do this Doom blasts himself again telling him that he is not the same palad bed weter who enjoys mutilating corpses this fight is finished cap pushes through even without his armor or his super soldier serum he stands fighting not to be kept down as Doom is knocked away he looks at cap I understand she will not let you die like the hero of some American cinematic fairy tale the captain will keep Rising again and again from his Savage assaults proving himself worthy of her power with his impressive ability to be brutally humiliated yet remain upright whatever it is that she is searching for in a host it is clearly not me Doom forfeits suddenly in a flash of light cap finds himself in a white room of nothing black panther runs over to help him and Jen says that Doom nearly killed him Wolverine tells them that should tell you who won the first round cap tells him I did damn and that raises a few questions and neyar says no it raises one question who's next like cap black panther mentally prepared himself for his battle he goes to meditate just as cap thought he would he knows that this next one will take a lot of cunning and that's when man thing burst out of the tree beside him towering over him man thing swings his massive arm but as the Phoenix fire Fizzles out at the touch of black panther he instead grabs him throwing Panther across the field black panther gets up telling him I know that you're a noble being and that the Phoenix is infecting your mind but I too am also an ally of your progeny may we both forgive what I am about to do black panther accepts the Phoenix power throwing himself in ripping apart man thing until he is placed back in the white room Luke Cage looks over asking where is man thing and black panther tells him he will Rego as everyone tries to figure out what took place Wolverine tells them that this is a place reserved for Phoenix wielders any of them got aims on joining him well we may as well skip to the part where I stab every one of you cap tells him to save the threats no one asked to be here but Wolverine growls he's sure as hell did more pushes his way through yelling that is enough who will it be who must I sacrifice Black Knight says that that one is rather un sherouse tells him he's desperate reeks of desperation cap tells everyone to not take the bait and then Jen runs in changing into the She-Hulk to stop him but before she can make it both her and Neymar are blasted into the ground and the Black Knight says that he's guessing the dragon is telling them that they fight when she wants them to a few moments later Luke is teleported out and he size asking why why couldn't Danny be picked for this he can see it now Phoenix Man and Iron Fist Heroes for higher kind of does have a ring to it but before he could say anything more American Eagle lunges in punching Luke with enough force that the man with the unbreakable skin could feel his jaw rattle up on the moon Shauna the she devil never would have fought Moon girl but now has no problem fighting her time displaced devil dinosaur back over in subterrania the once Thor turned Valkyrie Jane Foster is fighting orb but it's the next two fights that end rather quickly Hyperion goes up against shangqi but as the strongest member of the Squadron Supreme Hyperion can feel his super senses expanded he can hear more languages than he can count and as many races as there are stars all laughing crying Whispering their love to one another it is a universe teaming with life with rebirth with such this will change him it will expand his mind in ways that he never thought possible he cannot be this open-minded make it stop and that is how Shang Chi won his fight against Hyperion without even throwing a single punch the fight with red widow and Howard the Duck well there's a reason why we don't see Howard the Duck that often as the fighters dwindle in numbers the Phoenix tells black panther that he could end this and he says that he will but not in the way that she wants Phoenix laughs telling the panther the man that she knew in her time was a man who fought with glowing rocks yet when he stood amongst gods they could tell that he believed he could kill all of them if he ever needed to Black Panther tells her that wakanda is older than Atlantis despite being built upon an all powerful resource that the rest of the world covets in all her eons she should have learned the difference between arrogance and fortitude he will end this no matter what it cost him or her Phoenix laughs telling him that she has been given form and sent here because she wants him give himself to her she promises to burn the name of wakanda across the Stars black panther tells her that that is not an offer she has fought in defense of this planet in the past show him that she can do it again and he will spare her life continue this and he will show her how a panther deals with a buzzard Phoenix tells him that she admires his fortitude but does he really believe that he can tame the Phoenix many have tried and seen their planets piled into a bonfire so tell her this how does a panther deal with a buzzard when the bird is feeding on its corpse but before he can answer black panther is pulled away for his next fight against the one man who could very well best him or at the very least prove an will match America's greatest detective Nighthawk the other fight begins shortly after in the ocean where the Seas burn because down below Maya Lopez is using her ability as Ekko to copy any fighting style she sees and she's facing off against an opponent with sheer power the Submariner neyar it isn't long before Neymar has his hand around ekko's throat and the two begin to exchange punches as they plunge deeper and deeper Into the Depths below as the two crash onto the seabed Ekko lunges back with her batons manag managing to land a hit but neyar takes one snapping it in half still with the broken piece Ekko continues to fight she begins to run at him with all of her strength but Neymar lends his powers to the sharks swimming around them they quickly swim in biting and pulling keeping her in place as neyar opens up the Seas themselves he has no doubt that he will be the next to inherit the Phoenix and with it he will not just be the King of the Seven Seas but also the heavens the other fight that is happening is between Captain America and Shang Chi but cap has a plan Shang Chi says that he is unsure of this they shouldn't be fighting cap tells him that the feeling is mutual they have to plan this accordingly someone will receive the power of the Phoenix so if they could at least help pick who it is he can control this power win this fight now punch me in the face with the Phoenix shangi does just that and he begins to focus himself on ending the fight shangi Master of Kung Fu leader of the deadly hands he will punch with all the fire of his soul but he will walk instead of fly he will guard his mind like the Forbidden City he will never take another life no matter what the but that moment there's an explosion and cap opens his eyes to find himself in the white room again damn it I was losing Jane tells him that it was a good plan but she doesn't think the Phoenix likes it when it's play things try to make plans black panther says that shang's father was one of the foulest villains who ever lived he had hoped that there would be enough darkness in his son's soul for the Phoenix's liking deep down Shang Chi's deep-seated refusal to follow his father's murderous footsteps proved his undoing Jen looks over speaking of killers Neymar won his bound I'm not sure about the others but I could hear Ekko screaming in my head and I wanted to know what that slimy fish kisser did to her meanwhile outside of all of this Tony Stark Carol and the others are trying what they can to fight the Phoenix however this isn't just a fight for the heroes to overcome at least not for Thor for him it feels a bit more personal he knows the flame well he knows it cannot be reasoned with it is all boiling emotion and unbridled ego it is narcissism at its fiery Cosmic finest he is Thor Odin's son Thunder father of Asgard and he despises the Phoenix even if he cannot remember exactly why as the tournament continues inside outside Thor is striking and he can feel some connection of his own with the Phoenix Force something that he has felt time and time again but could never quite put his finger on it before a muire can find its Mark God help him it almost feels like there's some kind of love before Muir could find its Mark the Phoenix appears in her human form telling Thor I do not wish to fight today you least of all it's time you knew the truth of your existence the secret your father Odin has hidden for centuries I have come to tell everyone that you are my son but the bloody fights continue and each time they get more devastating the fight between Black Panther and Wolverine was explosive two men both enhanced with precious alloy but for black panther it's not a matter of having the biggest claws it's a matter of having the sharpest however black panther can feel his suit being overloaded the Phoenix is sending more power to him and during his time of struggle black panther calls upon his ancestors to help him keep in control and Wolverine uses that as a chance to win he pins black panther down two fiery claws on either side of Black Panther's head with a third ready to pop into his face Wolverine asks him how about we just end this here before I have to do something I'd rather not what do you say tala tala tells him I will block it the claw the one that cuts bones like butter I will block it with my teeth as black panther Smiles he shows his vibranium infused teeth and Wolverine tells him you've got to be kidding me so black panther tells him that he isn't the only one who can lace his entire body with a precious metal he swings his leg up kicking woing between the legs telling him best to leave no weak spots unshielded meanwhile outside Thor asks Phoenix what did you say and she tells him that she called him what he is it's not just the blood of the gods that flows through his veins it's the blood of the Phoenix she is his true mother her beloved Thor the Phoenix son he throws mu near shouting that she is lying Gaia Earth goddess was my birth mother and the Phoenix flies away telling him that Gaia was a lie a necessary one a reason for him to do what she and his father would never protect the Earth but believe her when she says that he would not exist if not for the Phoenix he is a child of fire and thunder her child she has come to him at last Thor tries to fight but the Phoenix tells him that the Phoenix remembers now she remembers her love for him whether she likes it or not the Phoenix is wrestling with a mother's fear she hopes a new Avatar will burn this pain away because of him the Phoenix is here for him so come and feel the fire of a mother's love but as she beats and wears Thor down Jane Foster the valkyrie flies through after losing her match telling him don't worry I've got you look like the Phoenix knocked you silly back there Thor and I know what it's like to be knocked silly after going nine rounds with the Savage Jen hey if I'm carrying you and you're carrying mire does that mean I'm still worthy Thor breaks for your of her hold in a fit of rage telling her unhand me Jane tells him that she was just fighting Jen and the whole time she was smashing things the look in her eyes really freaked her out but right now all father Odin son you have that same look in yours Thor tells her do not call me by that name back in the white room the final six combatants appear Captain America black panther neyar Sha of the shevil Red Widow and She-Hulk without delay the next bouts begin She-Hulk versus neyar Shauna versus the Red Widow and Captain America versus Black Panther as the two throw themselves at each other cap says to please tell him that they are not just fighting each other here please say that this was all just a Pastime so they could figure out this entire mess black panther grabs cap slamming him to the ground as cap asks do you think it should be you and black panther tells him I think it should be someone cap fights him off telling him that they have the strongest team of Avengers ever assembled why would they take the risk why does there have to be a Phoenix Black Panther says that he saw it on the cave wall ever since he discovered those million-year-old cave paintings Tony Stark has come face to face with the prehistoric Heroes that they represented Thor has become the Alla of Asgard Robbie has become the most powerful Ghost Rider the world has ever seen the star brand has been reborn and black panther leads the Avengers the spirits of the past are speaking to them they need a phoenix or else the Earth may not survive this age of chaos cap asks what if it's the Phoenix they don't survive and black panther says that the burning has begun and if they are not the ones holding the torch it means that they are tied to the stink meanwhile over in Moscow She-Hulk and Neymar leave destruction in their path as they both fight to claim the right to become the bearer of the Phoenix or smacks She-Hulk with a fighter jet telling her you can't handle being the Phoenix you can hardly handle being the Hulk she claps her hands together releasing a powerful blast don't care about Phoenix just care about smashing you the two struggle back and forth but as shehulk pins neyar down she rips off his arms yelling neyar can't handle being the Phoenix he can't even handle having arms as the two limbs begin to choke She-Hulk neyar tells him you have never wielded cosmic power like I have as it was in the the days of Utopia so it shall be again I am neyar the star Mariner I am but before he could finish he's knocked back into the ground creating a crater in the middle of Moscow back over at Avengers Mountain Thor struggles to break free from his chains and Jane tells everyone that Thor has completely lost his mind the all weapon won't hold him for long they need to take the vulture down before somebody dies however somebody did die or at least they felt like they did they don't think that this was supposed to to happen this way they don't think that they were the one that it wanted or the one that wanted it the most but certainly they weren't the one that it loved and as the tournament continues in the fighters battle this being started appearing before them and the Phoenix's Powers began to fade first it was with shaa and red widow next was with She-Hulk and neyar the being thought to themselves that judging by all the memories of times long past rushing through getting chosen was never about being a winner to be the Phoenix you have to suffer you have to to have fallen and they certainly did the Phoenix is drawn to emotion not strength it already has all the strength that it needs it could adapt itself to its host but it has never had a host capable of Wheeling it in so many different ways able to fight in any style with any weapon though when Neymar sensed a spike in energy he sought to take it for himself and he failed miserably finally there was cap and black panther the two stopped fighting seeing the power at leaving them the Phoenix's abilities gone but there was no Victor and the power wasn't leaving it was being taken Thor called out to the Phoenix but the Phoenix tells him that she wished they had more time she's sorry that she didn't come back sooner and if there's anything left of her after this she will find him again no it's not just her that she does this for it's for him as well and as she leaves Thor shouts that he has to know the truth and the Phoenix tells him that the truth is complicated just know that he is the only begotten child of the Phoenix a cosmic entity a being that is feared across the cosmos he is the son of the Thunderbird and as the Phoenix is made whole a blinding light begins to shine and from it a figure appears Echo her name is Maya Lopez she is an echo of all the fire and life that has come before her she is the Thunderbird of old and of tomorrow and she is the Phoenix as the tournament concludes Jean reaches out telepathically to Ekko telling her that if she can hear her she doesn't have to be the Phoenix alone she is a loner it likes loners but she can't let it isolate her from the things that make her human not if she wants to keep her soul and for the sake of everyone hopefully she does just that hopefully she can make it good luck and happy birthday Phoenix Happy rebirth day after having fought Phil Coulson and mefisto and stopped the two from altering reality and then battling against the Phoenix Force The Avengers had found themselves with a moment to breathe without having to take up arms but while going over some of the Diagnostics of the celestial in The Avengers Mountain Tony Stark begins to notice that their Mountain Man seems to be going through a serious hangover finding problems all along the way at the time of these tests gorilla man swings by and then Tony asks him if he can take a look at these readings but gorilla man just ignores him and continues on to the teleportation room once inside and out the controls gorilla man begins to deactivate the security protocols and activates the teleporter to allow access to the mountain at that moment the platform lights up and within seconds the Winter Guard appears and the Red Widow asks how many are on sight gorilla manels are five plus the Phoenix and some star kid who frankly scares the hell out of Gorilla man he has poisoned Avengers Mountain but they won't have long down on the lower level She-Hulk continues to try and focus her mind after having fought several battles recently that nearly caused her to revert to the simple-minded Hulk mentality of just smashing things but while Carol is congratulating her and staying strong Crimson Dynamo and Darkstar burst in shouting we're here to arrest the She-Hulk Carol tells the security program that they are under attack but the computer responds that the request has not been recognized error the Mountain's brain is broken Darkstar then puts Carol down telling her that Justice will be done this day in the name of the Russian Federation Crimson dynama begins to punch She-Hulk telling her you have a right to remain silent you will whether you like it a not Hulkbuster engage She-Hulk struggles to push Dynamo back but before she realizes it Dynamo's armor detaches itself from him and wraps itself around the She-Hulk it encases her in the armor rocketing her back towards the teleportation room as the Hulkbuster bounces off the walls on its arrival She-Hulk begins to rip it apart from the inside and Ursa Major says that he has eyes on the package but it looks like Dimitri's rapping is coming undone Vanguard tells Earth to engage the carbonium tasers and as the two of them tase She-Hulk and slow her down Red Widow walks up telling everyone to activate the oral dampeners she's going to use the Sonic bazooka to end this conflict Red Widow activates the ultrasonic sound waves to try and subdue She-Hulk but She-Hulk grabs the taser wires flinging Vanguard into Ursa allowing her to take down Red Widow as red widow tries to dodge the Reckless attack she tells vasto that they're losing containment do something boso floats behind her telling her that it would be his pleasure and begins to liquefy himself seeping into any opening that his synthetic skin can get into that will allow him to knock She-Hulk out as VTO finally enters she-hulk's body to take her down the rest of the winter guard moves in carrying her back to the teleportation room where gorilla man preps everything to send them back to Russia but while doing so Ursa Major Whispers to gorilla man asking what the hell is happening you said black panther would be be ready to stop us where are the Avengers and Dynamo shouts for Ursa to hurry up but red widow tells him no it's all right let the traitor stay and she stabs Ursa Major in the throat as the giant bear slumps over dead gorilla man tells her that that wasn't a part of the plan it was supposed to be me who died that was the deal but red widow tells him that whatever deal he has is with the king of the vampires gorilla man shouts that Dracula said that she'd give him what he wanted if he helped he said that she'd kill him Red Widow puts away her sword pointing a finger at gorilla man bang and then leaves him to Forever remember his betrayal for the rest of his Immortal Life back in Russia She-Hulk is tried and convicted of crimes against Russia and her people and is sentenced to reconditioning in the Red Room a week goes by and while Red Widow tries to break she-hulk's mind She-Hulk just recites the rules and articles of law to try and keep herself from slipping and losing herself Red Widow asks who is she Jennifer says Jen Jennifer something Red Widow tells her that she is a Hulk and what do hulks do She-Hulk begins to struggle mentally but finally says hoax Smash and then bursts out of the wall punching holes as she tries to escape the Red Room facility she comes to a room full of dolls and she pauses to stare when suddenly all of them spin around and begin to attack her each of them different parts of Omega Red Winter Soldier but all super Killers just like her just like the Hulk but after being recaptured Red Widow asks why isn't she going to try and murder everyone she should have been shattered into a thousand screaming pieces at this point VTO says that she is showing remarkable self-control by keeping her gamma Powers contained perhaps She-Hulk isn't as simple-minded and Savage as they would like to believe but even though she resists he is still breaking her walls down and soon her mind will be theirs after a few more moments voso says that he got word that the Avengers are here currently inside of the building Red Widow asks if she's ready can they send She-Hulk in to kill them voso says that the spider's eggs have all been laid in her mind they just need a little bit more time to hatch so Red Widow takes a pair of guns formed by VTO we may not have that sort of time we're already down one traitorous bear and perun and troba are off world moments after leaving Carol punches away through the walls and red widow opens fire hello pretty puppy as she opens fire Carol asks if she has some sort of death wish that would be the only way to explain why she's using bullets red widdow tells her yes she does make wishes for death millions of wishes including hers but those aren't bullets before Carol could even realize it the bullets shot into her are pieces of vck all at once releasing themselves to bind and bring her down but back with VTO himself he's having a hard time keeping She-Hulk contained while she tries to fight and free herself when he notices that there is a steady increase of heat coming off of her suddenly she releases a GMA Blast from her mouth melting VTO freeing herself from his control but back with Carol Danver she too manages to free herself and as she subdus the red widow she uses some of the cables connected to the Red Room to tie her up by her arms stating that she needs to relax and think about what she's done Vanguard begins to report that Dynamo is down but the giant green fist swings again shattering vanguard's shield into 100 million pieces and while shehulk begins to choke Vanguard Tony and cap stare with Tony asking you know I have a quick question question do you think she knows who she's fighting she allk screams as she begins to take down the rest of the facility and rocks Begin to Fall with Captain America radioing in that they need an immediate metac for the winter guard Ghost Rider picks up the coms I can hear you hopefully the hell charger is immediate enough for you but while She-Hulk escapes Tony scans the area and reports that he found the synthoid or what's left of him with cap asking what about Red Widow Tony shines his light and states that they found red widow's arm but up ahead in the woods Red Widow radios her contact stating that it is done or as done as she can make it but it is not without a price in addition to the payload she will need one of his agents to leave an arm for her yes a literal arm as a small price of payment the asset has been successfully deployed and will go as instructed she is theirs they have their very own winter Hulk later in Gia gorilla man sits in a bar trying to drink his Sorrows for his betrayal away when suddenly a giant red arm breaks open the door She-Hulk walks in literally not stopping for anyone or anything in her way gorilla man stays put they did it those crazy Russians actually did it shehulk grabs him by the head and as all of the other patrons of the bar surrounder She-Hulk releases another gamma irradiated blast burning everyone and leaving with the gorilla man under her arm sometimes you find yourself in a hole so deep in godforsaken you figure there's no way out that's where I live just leave me there and walk away however She-Hulk doesn't do that in fact she does the exact opposite as morning comes gorilla man continues rowing a small boat trying to catch his breath look as someone who's long made a living being in the wrong place at the wrong time listen to me when I tell you that this is the the last place that you want to be soon the small boat passes by several wrecked ships that have traveled too far into the Atlantean territory he then goes on stating that whatever it is that she is thinking it won't work there's an army of them down there an army of super strong seab breathing barbarians this is what the Red Widow programmed you to do it's what the Russians want it's what the whole surface World wants they're counting on you to go down there fist flying and shehulk struggles to try and keep her thoughts to herself and then jumps into the water and begins to swim it down towards Atlantis gorilla man sits there for a moment and then tells himself I I should just like row away and row straight to the nearest bar but at that moment several swords stab up into the boat as several more atlantans jump up attacking death to all human defilers of mother ocean gorilla man Roars grabbing the man asking who are you calling human at that moment a red hand reaches out of the water and begins to pull each Atlantean and down one by one until the sea begins to turn red with their blood as gorilla man begins to climb back onto the boat he sees shehulk surface and tells her to do a worthless gorilla one last favor show him that he was wrong about everything show him that real heroes never forget who they are that only losers like him do don't let the Red Widow win She-Hulk Dives back underwater swimming towards Atlantis with only one target needing to be put down Ney the Submariner She-Hulk swims towards the ocean floor but on the other side Red Widow is swimming down with her team getting ready to plant a warhead that will take out Atlantis and its people meanwhile back up top gorilla man is patching himself up taking a deep breath kill the gorilla Man live forever they said oh well guess forever isn't what it used to be but before long She-Hulk punches away through the middle of Atlantis standing before the great neyar himself however over this meeting the assault on Atlantis with She-Hulk leading the charge and red widow setting up a 68 Megaton gamma bomb there are layers to this more than what is seen at the surface you see on the surface of this entire event it could be seen as the Winter Guard brainwashing the She-Hulk to add to their roster to create their own world war She-Hulk where she starts a war by having the surface World blow up the atlantans and this is partly true the true purpose of she-hulk's capture was so that they could use her to instigate a fight between Atlantis and the surface world and while She-Hulk was focused on fighting neyar Red Widow would set up a bomb that would kill most of the atlanteans while slipping out after the explosion it would leave She-Hulk at the center painting her as the one who initiated the fight not Russia just like an onion there are more layers than just that in a briefing brought in by General okoya is a deeper situation at play due to she-hulk's extensive background and work with the Avengers and shield and how she has served many tours all while still having a successful law career she was made into a unique candidate one that was allowed to be captured and made to believe that she was brainwashed only to stop the winter guard's Plan before it could do any real damage prevent the world war from happening The Avengers at least She-Hulk and black panther knew that Russia was planning an attack on Atlantis as to how and when it was actually unknown knowing that shehulk would be a prime Target for Red Room reconditioning they gave her mental awareness over the past several battles and a proposal was made one to allow her to infiltrate the winter guard and learn of the planned attack and just what it would seem that She-Hulk was about to kill Neymar she changed objectives and made this plan known she made her way to the Red Widow and her team to intercept the bomb a fight ensued between her and the Winter Guard one where the Red Widow injected herself with Hulk blood taken from She-Hulk when she had been reconditioned that literally didn't last long about one punch but now they just had one final problem the looming threat of a bomb made of gamma radiation still remained She-Hulk took that explosion in she absorbed 68 megatons of gamma radiation she walked forward she was looking for an answer what to do with it she was ready to explode at any second and if she did she would would take out countless miles of the earth and leave it uninhabitable for who knows how long but Jennifer remembered something from one of her jogs back when the dead celestials were falling out of the sky she had stopped and connected with its dead body seeing something that most others might have missed there was a place within the celestial that she could Retreat to one where she could release all of the gamma in a secure location inside of the Avengers base of a giant Celestial there there was a secret chamber lucky enough for the Avengers the release also cleared out the poison that gorilla man had infected their base with and the results of the release of all of that excess gamma it reverted She-Hulk to her original look as well as allowing her to keep her full brain functionality while still being a Hulk she was classic She-Hulk once again which is why now that they are all standing in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation shehulk explains that this entire legal proceeding to def Fame has been a frivolous fraudulent and outright felony perversion of Justice not to mention a waste of her very expensive time a formal apology for the entire Russian legal system should be forthcoming but she'll settle for a complete and immediate dismissal of all criminal charges leveled against her and there you have it issues 1 through 50 of the Avengers run by Jason Aaron now I know the story moves into another one that he did called Avengers forever that WS up at all with a weird multiversal Adventure but it's so big I figured it's going to be its own video eventually anyway guys I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time right here
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 418,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, avengers endgame, avengers infinity war, the avengers, iron man, marvel, captain america, avengers 4, superhero, thor, avengers 5, avengers movie, hulk, avengers vs hulk, hulk vs avengers, avengers age of ultron, avengers end game, avengers vs justice league, avengers endgame trailer, avengers endgame trailer 2, avengers endgame trailer reaction, avengers 4 trailer, avengers endgame clips, avengers vs avengers, the avengers comic, the avengers vs, the avengers battle
Id: uMKkesq402M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 50sec (12650 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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