everytime plastic man appears in INJUSTICE

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sorry I am question how will you punish people when they break whatever rule Superman comes up with I mean I was a criminal I needed second third and fourth chances before turning my life around so what's the deal there ah you knew and you didn't even offer me any jerky hey ladies we're going to lose so hard ready as I'll ever [Music] be stop right there your prison break ends now the lock is impenetrable and the guards don't have an access key uh-huh hey look I found the [Music] key bats wants you out of here great does he have a plan he said you had one what's up boys anything good for lunch today I thought you were like the third smartest man in the world it's keeping the water out that was unexpected ideas thoughts H look I'm flattered but very married nice tattoo though okay this thing looks really really thin is it strong enough probably probably as far as I can tell my reprogramming of Superman's drones is still undetected to be safe we'll move soon she's got a point this is the bottom of The Hideout Barrel as I'm literally sitting on a [Music] barrel we'll keep the thing occupied assemble the device what are you nuts look you're a freaking guy in a suit let me help everyone needs to follow the plan hero Harley come on let's move hey pla thanks for carrying all the heavy this would be easier to put together oh let me see anywhere but a freaking battle synchronizing chain emitters powering def back in ATT take oh okay you got this PL you got this boy it's just like building blocks scary building blocks oh no screw this guys do something ow the floor is force to control my [Music] powers [Music] St that sucked primes though they had everything to lose they helped us Stand Down make the decision to finally stop this madness Earth n Superman Welcome To Earth One what are we oh okay car husbands wives and children will you you don't get off that easy so what happens now I don't [Music] know
Channel: batplas
Views: 372,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YaAWnNck6xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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