JoJo' Bizarre Adventure in Minecraft

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imagine JoJo's Bizarre Adventure but in Minecraft but it's also really scoffed at it's also it's something all right come and look so we have the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure mode I'm wearing this thing someone shoved wool on top of me that's kind of cool we also got knives knives are cooled and throw them at things here let me spawn a pig you can throw it at a pig it does like no damage also I love how they explored look I actually remember when watching the show [ __ ] deer woodchuck a bunch of knives of Jojo and a bunch of explosions with dog that was my favorite part of the show it took the same amount of time to like punch a pig that I would to throw knives of those now to get into the real cool stuff we also have the masks now if you remember from the mask from the show it stabbed people and you turn into a vampire I tried it like I've got the mask equipped if I just like I know like if there's blood on the mask like take for damage I'm not really only see any vamp I can't fly like a vampire country lasers or anything like a vampire yes it just doesn't work what if I what if I try this I combine it with blood think it's working I let's see what the blood does I can't drink it I can't eat it I'll just throw it on the ground it looks kind of pretty it's got like a weird drop thing on the item it's cool I guess so yeah there's those items don't really know what they do well probably for the main part of the mod pack are all the Stan's so we're gonna start off with the world I'm also gonna start off with turning it to day time so if we summon the world I think we just right-click with this arrow Oh other terrible sound bite but that know better the West you also get resistance 3 that's kind of cool and then you go are you not gonna go Moo dah you cannot go say your classic wine why am I so hungry what the [ __ ] you right now I'm just trying to eat some [ __ ] steak alright anyway I'm just gonna punch this so what you do uses also sprint and you punch and you can start digging and also apparently it takes a lot of hunger as you can see I remember in the show when [ __ ] do walks up to Joe Toye sauce punching them and goes hold on how do you go eat a [ __ ] pizza eles my favorite part of the show let's see if we can go mining oh there's a skeleton oh [ __ ] okay that does a lot of damage okay that's that's very strong let's go mining why don't you mine the coal hole yes my favorite part when do could punch like a boulder in [ __ ] tube but he couldn't punch some coal cause too hard but cause like way harder than Boulder sure there's a physics or so if you've watched the show a stand stops trying you know that's kind of cool and to do that you have to hold down shift and you jump oh you know my favorite part of the shot if you ever wanted to get rid of your stand get it can't get this you get this beauty you know the things you plug into your computer you play a bit of music it's kind of cool coming gamer you right click an iron block there he goes all right next one we have crazy diamond cruise board he looks absolutely fantastic me with my oh geez it's Hara Bryan all right what do you got Big Chief just got a whoosh sound effects nice download free whoosh sound effects and then let's see [Applause] that was quite loud and long and then of course we got his ability attack mode regeneration so if we come over here so I mean he fixed part of the land I guess it's alright it's better than time stop he's disabled for now I mean I mean that's kind of a cool stand let's go see what next stance we've got all right we got silver chariot Harrier do you see what you look like he looks like a thing the [ __ ] it sound like my audio just corrupted holy [ __ ] okay okay let's see what your special ability is oh I get okay so I get a speed boost that's kind of nice the [ __ ] fire fire oh yeah my favorite part of the show and if I can silver chariot you know the guy with Russia we just [ __ ] away everything on firing balls like the entire world to go up in flames that was my favorite part I'm hungry yet again I don't get why I guess yeah we don't know we got a pig to demonstrate silver chariot Mona you want to see what this pig has to offer you're [ __ ] useless you didn't even kill the pig he's still alive you suck you suck a big donkey dick alright get the [ __ ] out of here I'll use my CD to remove you okay next we got magicians red alright you better do [ __ ] better than silver chariot okay so you just send out a fire with the accuracy out dude what is this accuracy you shoot off to like it look away my crosshair before now again you eventually I will hit you I'll hit you once you go let's see what your special ability is you don't have a special ability let's see what your once so uh let's let's test this on pa pig it's not bad not bad you know it could be better a lot better so much better good bye magicians read next we have sticky fingers my favorite one of them all not really I let's see what you got Big Chief so you're just gonna throw out your fists and then you also got what you don't need to destroy BOTS how would you have a special ability you don't even have a special ability you suck you actually suck you suck a big dick get out of here CD of deletion [ __ ] me who's next Killer Queen I can't come on okay you better be [ __ ] good alright what what yeah my favorite part in [ __ ] George's bizarre adventure is when Killer Queen actually turned into a star plantain and I was my favorite part let's see what he's special give it you don't even [ __ ] Bob anything he's suck you actually saw your sort of sheets oh my god alright get out I don't want to see every end okay the Emperor okay oh he's the guy with the gun that's right alright pig wait oh my minecraft crash Wow he was just too strong for [ __ ] hold on okay okay whip back whip back so it's actually summon you saying you hit V on your keyboard and still just got my gun didn't realize how [ __ ] this gun is there we go it took four hits four hits just to cure a pick that is terrible that is garbage [ __ ] out of here I want you gone all right okay the hand nice you ready oh we teleport okay it has a bit of a cool-down I like it I like it and then what do you do sneak timer one second mean okay what happens if I my charting in ability let's do ten seconds all right [ __ ] everything in this [ __ ] mod is is just a hot garbage absolute hot garbage all right get out I want you gone as well just please I thought you said you started to be cool and then you just weren't alright start playing okay you better be you better be cool okay finally the right sound file Jesus Christ and then bail us for quite a while okay do you have a special ability time sausage let's try you against Pig okay you ready okay that just look [ __ ] on the damage alright alright I'm not too shabby so yeah you're about to bad mate and then we got echoes oh it's egg that's right you're the one that grows oh yeah okay I'm just gonna sit around and wait for you to grow all right we'll be right back [Music] all right it's been like five minutes nothing's happened [ __ ] useless piece of [ __ ] now comes the interesting things we got three different types of new mobs we got a harmony so you know but a nice strapping young lad you're gonna okay you're just gonna [ __ ] up and we also got a vampire let's see if they battle it out okay and then we also got Diavolo so we get okay oh hey May hello okay hi to you of our if I punch you okay can you are you gonna like delete time ah my favorite part in jurgis was our adventure of course of course was when d'ivoire you punched him and he just [ __ ] off that was my favorite favorite [ __ ] [ __ ] alright you know what [ __ ] sticky fingers sure why not why not come here dear valo you [ __ ] wedge it go where did you run off to hey whoa alright come on oh my god what the [ __ ] is this chat doing okay come on [ __ ] oh I can't run okay come come back you [ __ ] [ __ ] come on [Music] we got a sword [Music] how's he not dead okay okay let's try something else you know what let's try something else gonna do this okay we're gonna [ __ ] we're gonna do this a [ __ ] fill them up with absolute just bunt tons of TNT surely surely he will die okay okay all right all right take this d'Ivoire [ __ ] [ __ ] that you can't survive this huh yeah that's what I thought all right goodbye how how are you still alive how the [ __ ] are you still alive alright alright you want to want to play on a plate alright we'll try even more more TNT okay okay more TNT why don't you want to play this game you want to [ __ ] play around huh huh - think you think you're tougher than me huh something something like that you think you're tough nah no you're not tough you're not tough at all right dear valo you think you can survive this I don't think so get out of here you're gone made you are dead how how the [ __ ] you still alive you know what you know what TNT swords they won't kill you do you know what will kill you alright alright do you know what will kill you yeah yeah sound there alright you're dying mate you're gone still going going deeper going deeper yeah yeah it's nice yeah and you're gone he's gone he's dead alright let's go back up here [ __ ] me I was just going to wrap this episode you know
Channel: Elppa
Views: 2,311,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo's bizarre adventure, minecraft, jojo bizarre adventure, minecraft jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure (adapted work), jojo minecraft, steve's bizarre adventure, jojo's bizzare adventure, jojo bizarre adventure minecraft, jojo's bizarre adventure minecraft mod, jojo bizarre adventure minecraft mod, adventure, bizarre, jojos bizarre adventure reaction, jojos bizarre adventure music, jojos bizarre adventure ost, jojos bizarre adventure, Minecraft mods, minecraft funy
Id: j6eg3M_lj-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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