500 Ways to Die in Minecraft - Compilation of Parts 1-10

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[Music] part-1 ready psycho [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there are no truck by another something completely different [Music] [Music] the heavy lasers invested invite you to damage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh they're exquisite also exquisite not exquisite [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] not this time are you kidding me part two ready set go [Music] all right I'm recording just walk up and open the chest hey guys hey guys look what I found [Music] wait a minute I'm in a computer game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey Rover you just turned one minute old happy birthday stop right there criminal scum [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm surprised that legatus joined the fellowship of three I didn't realize they were open-minded enough to make co-ed institutions back I'm sure he'll be plenty of help they can teach everyone how to kill it with your weapons stuff in his hairdo all they need to do is make sure they find a decent supply of shampoo in Mordor and he'll be all sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he makes this big circle of skulls the shoots laser beams and then if you survive that he it's not doing anything [Music] [Applause] where's that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh oh yeah is that all you can do is that all you got you son of a glitch all right everyone lens calibration is complete generators are online and running above required levels can I get confirmation that the emitter is correctly aligned on the subject affirmative point of impact is within two pixels of designation excellent we are ready to begin application of electromagnetic fragmentation procedure on block 7 initiate phase 1 phase one completed all systems operating within acceptable ranges good initiate phase two [Music] phase two completed all systems remain stable alright then turn on the big green light [Music] lower chamber temperatures are overcoming sustainable level right shut it down shut it down [Music] art 3 ready set go [Music] what's your name oh my gosh another gold deposit [Music] we're surrounded we're gonna have to jump for it all right Thunder whoo let's show them what you can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me Oh looks like you're too smart for me you know though if you were smarter you did put down some torches so that none of us could spawn here oh yeah [Music] [Music] you killed it Jay thank you Hey look I made some cookies there are no berries in Minecraft [Music] what's the matter guys forget your sunscreen wait a minute that guy was in Minecraft but he was also playing Minecraft does that mean that minecraft has the game Minecraft inside it or was he remote controlling another player through his computer or was he playing a different game in Minecraft that just had realistic graphics and it looked like Minecraft because realistic graphics inside a Minecraft world would just look like Minecraft hey I'm watching this in a Minecraft world - does that mean minecraft has its own youtube inside [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right it's best as you can you can't catch me I'm really bad at this these illegally imported tin cans are gonna make me our fortune you'll never take me alive oh it's kind of cold out today hey don't tell me you're one of those so much for global warming guys Oh warming is real why is it so cold out today only idiots think it's a hoax all the scientists ever say it's real and it's backed up by a whole mess of scientific evidence that I'm going to mention but not provide any sources for shut up no you shut up no you shut up doctor iceberg off the starboard bow there are no icebergs in mind [Music] [Music] wait this is actually really nice free yeah all right hand over your wallet and no one gets hurt sorry I left my wallet in my truck wait there are no wallets in my crafty hey there weren't 50 there were only 49 exploration is fun and all but it's not pointless if you can't connect your new discovery here old discoveries to make a model of the universe in your head there's no point okay covering things if you're just gonna lose track of them immediately and I think the primary directive they give you is one of the biggest problems it ensures that the formation of a larger understanding of the world that we're given can't happen because we have to constantly don't stop watching it's not over yet [Music] part four ready set go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the barter is done I'm gonna go test it but then they slipped away with all the pootie and lost it all in a game of Marius I tell you he ain't and I share any other cruiser with us build swimmers captain block Birds a treacherous grog smurfing buggered er what is it he carry rats be up and about now oh we be Sharon anecdotes detailing the more interlocked beards a treacherous garage snarfing bugger [Music] Jonathan Swift is that you [Music] [Music] reapers are coming but creepers are coming don't worry there'll be no match for my um okay could you guys could you guys go stand over there please run run run as fast as you can you can't get me I'm regretting my career choice [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey give those back those are mine really in that case just for you I'll make sure to spend them very carefully you meanie listen kiddo you're gonna need to knock more than half a heart off me if you expect me to reconsider this acquisition [Music] huh oh right [Music] all right we've reached the Bob which wire do I cut the red wire yes sir hey can you see any gravel blocks or anvils up there nope no anvils no gravel okay thanks [Applause] don't your remodeled scallywags know there be no rising tides in Minecraft [Music] just take this ax and break the bottom piece of that chorus plan okey-dokey and wait until I'm a safe enough distance II the whole platform ow okie dokie cuz I want to see what it looks like from far away okie dokie cuz I've never got a chance to see one fall from far away okie dokie cuz I'm always close to the bottom when they fall okey dokey alright I'm far enough away to avoid I mean to see the whole plant fall down go ahead okie dokie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey there need someone to fix your robots no we're good hello there I'm here on behalf of my company to apply for coverage on our warehouse and distribution center all right what does your company produce TNT and so I said that's not why we call it that I had to spend the rest of the day sois when I came on roof I tell ya this new captain's a jump headed drug-addled coral munchkin fool hey what do you scallywags talking about over here all right you dirty cracker munching candy colored piece of poultry I hope you're better at swimming than you are it hey get back here you're not allowed to go in creative mode run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm wondering how many more times we're gonna milk this joke coming the creepers are coming don't worry he'll be no rads per bite [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how many totems have undying do you have oh I forget how many inventory [ __ ] do I have again hey I'll trade you those totems for this cookie yes yes give me the cookie part five ready say go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] quicksand but I'm not sinking [Music] hey guys hey guys I found a zebra that's making power [Music] you [Music] airship what are you talking about I don't have an air [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nighty-night twinkle boys hey guys I just saw a shooting star we're gonna witness real there is no pee in my soup there is no peed in my soup because I use beans instead of peas in the recipe [Music] [Music] hey which kind of fireworks do I use to boost again I keep forgetting thank you [Music] [Music] 20 seconds and counting t-minus 15 seconds guidance is internal 12 11 10 9 ignition sequence start [Music] you hey guys hey guys look I build my own rocket ship I'm going to part six ready set go rest in pieces Casper Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may your kith and kin remember you fondly nearly headless looks like your med kids are mine now looks like your med kids are mine now looks like your Americas are mine now looks like you're mine [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] golly gee I can't wait to catch me one of those new horses they just added [Music] [Music] run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm gonna buy a wired keyboard next time ha nice try nearly headshot [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's go gee willikers this time I'm gonna give those lily pads a wide berth yes sir [Music] looks like your med kits are mine now looks like your med kits are mine no looks like your med kits are equipped with life-saving gauze and relieving acetaminophen huh I beat the system [Music] I was expecting some sort of terrible unforeseen side effect after putting such a powerful enchantment on this big axe but I supposed that'll teach an otter mine faster than me [Music] hey guys hey guys look what I can do ahem - humming parrot squiggly squiggly squiggly lookie look at you guys I made a parrot wow that's great maybe you could use that cool trick to get us some explosives to help us mine for diamonds okay all right - humming dynamite squiggly squiggly squiggly okay then let me try /summon trinitrotoluene squiggly squiggly squiggly no um /summon TMNT squiggly squiggly squiggly dang it okay one more time - sobbing get tricked into exploding myself you keep all your cobble stone in your head it's not that hard listen the command is / shovin tnt squiggly squiggly squiggly wait no I didn't mean oh sure it works just fine when he does part 7 ready set go [Music] [Music] [Music] see that creeper went all the way around the world and landed on the other side of him that could only happen if the world was round would I have had just about enough of your stupid I voted things issue with my new flame bow in this warehouse don't go in there that's the TNT warehouse that keeps exploding no it's not [Music] imma shoot the floaty box don't shoot ha I thought there'd be a chain reaction [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to build a Turk bridge over to the other side if you see or hear a gas let me know so I can run back before it shoots me okey-dokey do you see any guests nope no guys okay [Music] hello there do you know where I might find the fellow with the alai truck I've made him some fireworks oh oh I can take him to him leave it to me oh thank you [Music] /tp that guy with you Elijah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on I mean it's surprising that I haven't had someone get killed by an iron golem after hitting a villager in one of these videos but it's not shocking enough to give me a heart attack or anything scientists have discovered that having a dice for a head increases your risk of heart attacks resulting from mild surprises by 900% [Music] okay fine [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is that the Dragonslayer armor yeah he's not hard I beat him on my first try [Music] hey don't blame me it's not my fault you can't manage your stamina is what you'll be saying when you see the deals we have here at Hughes colored glasses warrior [Music] [Music] all right we're ready to go does everyone have their pumpkins on yet I do boho why are we wearing pumpkins on our heads they keep the Enderman away is that why did pumpkin is melting my face to scare away the Enderman that's smart what is that is there supposed to be a lion no it's supposed to be a sled game-mode 0 redstone game stop right there criminal scum hey aren't you supposed to be an iron golem the IG is out to lunch so I'm covering for it ha ha ha so you're gonna stop me huh stop that or what you gonna Pelt me with snowballs I'm so scared I'm warning you hey hey snow golem what did the snow golem captain say to his squad when his Scouts told him that the enemy was approaching he said stay ah I will never know another peaceful night it's not gonna work beds don't stop the call damage they'll be sulphate it a little bit I'm gonna be just fine but you already tried this it didn't work remember just you watch I'm gonna make it this time fine whatever they're your experience points ha ha that's right well I guess I was right what [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys where did the priest say to the honey farmer I don't know I don't care Sir Topham Hatt will be cross with me that wasn't particularly clever but the execution made up for it hey there 150 there were only 49 hey you're right we need one more our aides ready set go [Music] [Music] here run run as fast as you can you can't catch me i ball really jonesing for vanilla bar [Music] their balls done ain't no spiders gonna get in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you their balls dumb ain't no mobs gonna get in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] looks like someone needs to get the Dodge out of [Music] we can't film with all these creepers around don't show worry none I'll take care of it / kill @e type equals creeper [Music] you Wow this axe didn't lose any durability part 9 ready set go [Music] [Music] swim swim swim as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm gonna need to start reading the Minecraft Wiki more [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the last time we can't afford to provide any more sick leave after what happened last month if you catch a cold [Music] [Music] hey YouTube it's your boy slow Joe comin atcha from the go Joe go channel with another slow Joe unboxing video today we're gonna break into this crate of hungry Siberian tigers that just came in from the fine folks over at tide great and remember you want to get your paws on your own crate of hungry Siberian tigers then head over to Ty crate calm / slow Joe to get 15% off your first crate okay you guys ready for this all right here goes too slow Joe [Music] hey guys hey guys how do I bring up that one screen that shows all those numbers that tell you where you are oh it's also for he means alt f4 right Ned uh sure whatever it oh okay oh it didn't work it brought out my inventory screen instead wait are you playing on a Mac or a PC I'm playing the Gameboy Color version how are you playing Minecraft on a gameboy color I'm using a mod but you can't use mods oh oh I just got it to work it was the PI button all along thanks for your help guys pi 3.14159265 three five eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six four three three eight three deuce did I ever tell you the definition of insanity insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over and over and over and over again expecting to change that's not the definition of insanity according to merriam-webster the definition of insanity is a soundness of mind or lacking of the ability to understand that prevents went from having the mental capacity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the matter guys you're getting your water wings alright just punch out the bottom piece of that cactus okie dokie and wait until I'm a safe enough distance a pers coming okey dokey cuz the creepers around here don't like it when people break down the cactuses okie dokie cuz the creepers have some kind of affinity with the cactuses okie dokie that's why they're green and prickly okey-dokey all right I'm far enough away to avoid that I mean to warn you of any creeper attacks go ahead well that was close to break down our Texas cactuses isn't the plural form of cactus the plural form of cactus is cacti Hector is in the purple form of cactus the purple form of cactus is the Santa Rita prickly pear see [Music] that doesn't sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] subscribe stay tuned for my next tutorial well show you a neat hey guys hey guys these dudes in the comment section told me what I was doing wrong when I was trying to summon explosives at one time what's this uh-huh slash cumin crime to TNT squiggly squiggly squiggly oh why didn't that work it didn't work because the geniuses in the comment section don't know what they're talking about we haven't used the word pride TNT since version one point 11 if you want a 70 80 and one point 13 you have to type /summon TNT squiggly squiggly squiggly Ted good graphics that was close oh let me try - summon TNT squiggly squiggly squiggly 10 wait don't show off [Music] yeah I'm not gonna eat a piece of TNT how dumb do they think I am spicy part 10 ready set go [Music] [Music] hey title nice job forgetting to put the border around the tail of the why I [Music] should have done this long ago [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die Hey how do I know this bug repellent won't hurt all my pet ticks when I drink it [Music] [Music] hmm hey you don't have to worry about sandy ravines anymore I got the add vid to update all the sad blocks of the world file that modified the server so that the newly generated sad blocks would automatically update one second after they were loaded oh thanks man that takes a load off my mind [Music] [Music] hey I got an extra pair of football boots if you're interested [Music] [Applause] [Music] Crouch crouch draft as low as you can you can't reach me I'm the gingerbread [Music] [Music] dad Namek [Music] okay just say this line this nine no save the words at the side the words on the side no don't say what I'm saying read the side okay why aren't you reading the side I did read the sign let's see what the side says what the sign says the side oh okay I get it now hmmm there are no trucks in mini craft don't know it's minecraft no it's not that sign has six words minecraft is just three no I think the last word on the side is bike rack no there's a unit he's makers oh no the side says bike left why would it say bitty craft why can't you just save their little trucks at my club that was close that was real close I almost said it again said what again there are no trucks in my crap it's Christmas time ready ho ho [Music] all right hand over everything in the engine Tori and no one gets hurt [Music] Dasher now dancer now Prancer and vixen on comet on Cupid on Donner and Blitzen to the top of the porch to the top of the wall no way [Music] what are you talking about I don't have it not how could you how did you okay I want to try all right I'm finished oh thanks I can't wait to try out why do infinite dirt generator there now there's no way Santa's gonna crush me with a giant [Music] [Music] yes your new hands or that would be one so no refunds [Music] okay you go to the basement I'll check out the bedrooms [Music] you guys give up oh yeah thirsty for more all right frosty are you ready to see the world [Music] okay didn't your mother ever teach you not to mind a block directly beneath your feet there could be lava under that block there can't be ice on top it would melt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a little dreidel I made it out of clay and when it's dry and ready Oh dreidel I shall play I have a little dreidel I made it out of wood I really like to spin it but splinters are not good I have a little dreidel I made in my Chanti I like my little trade ok that's made of time attention employees we are now opening our doors please prepare your protective equipment and ensure that you have left your life insurance forms with your managers thank you hey everyone look at my snowman I made a snow dragon with two heads hey guys why snowman has three uber uber [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't catch me hi hey what are you doing to my house of a Merry Christmas little girl alright whose turn is it to sit on Santa's knee next holiday sir or do you have some kind of problem with Christmas everyone celebrates Christmas idiot could being so insensitive besides Christmas is just a pagan holiday you guys might back way back in the 4th century hero just jealous because Christmas is the best no you shut up no you shut up no you [Music] rise and walk with me Porter Walton adorable to fold there but a touch of my hand there and you shall be upheld in more than this I'm afraid I have some bad news everyone we're not going to be able to provide the raises I promised this year but don't you worry things are looking good for next year [Music] hiding magma blocks under snow again or we will you know what I do to boys who do naughty things like that prepare to receive your rare bubbles would you think July thought I came up with it myself yeah it would all right no wait just a moment there let's reflect what do you want this miscreants ancestors hair from Deutsche land it is therefore my responsibility to administer his punished but not hiss at me you don't and the boy would not be a pailful Todd he has just as much French blood as German blood in you therefore we must share the task of punishing this delinquent you do just forget it ok I'm gonna punish this guy cuz I'm the most famous auntie Santi no one outside of France or Germany even cares about you guys also you have to admit the ante Santi lying was pretty unpolite oh yes it was very nice yes very nice can I use it oh sure go ahead I've got plenty more grannies just miss you a lovely kick in the pants tell me a story grandma once upon a time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's it I've had it you better open this door now or I'm gonna I'm gonna [Music] okay then here are jum so you gonna do it or just give it a second [Music] I wish for immortality war wish is my command woohoo there you didn't read his wish yes I did he wished for immortality but he didn't say who he wanted to be found immortal where are you going honey penny I'm going to tell the kid that the sky is falling may I come with you certainly no cover gobble you up oh no pray don't take me I'm much too little that I am wait a bit till the second billy goat gruff comes he's much bigger walking for us take both of you cholesterol before you take my life I have just one request I would like just one more smoke before I die very will give the man the pipe thank you now if you'll just give me a moment to take out my tinder box oh don't worry I'll watch it for you Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all the fairest of them all is the Honorable Judge Winkle tune of the third Royal Court [Music] don't you worry Shakthi spinning-wheels will pay for themselves in no time you'll see my everyone fingers for an all the spinning wheels in the kingdom destroyed gonna have to take these with me where are you going honey penny cocky-locky ducky-daddles and goosey-poosey we're gonna warn the king that the sky is falling may I come with you certainly [Music] I wish that I was immortal all right your wish is my command you are now immortal ha ha yeah wait a minute what's wrong I know how this story goes you may be immortal so now I'm gonna end up getting it tasted bedrock or trap to the bottom of the ocean or whatever so I end up as the punchline of some stupid Aesop about how people should be happy with what they have or whatever well I'm not falling for that make me bordel again robot you should don't talk back to me for my second wish I want you to take away by immortality yeah I will but first your CD I wish you to remove my immortality okay your wish is my command dodged that bullet welcome aboard I'm captain ibrahim that's omar oh hello this is Yusef and that's Kat said either what's your name Oh my name is Sinbad [Music] wait liquor but it's just me doing now unless you have any last-minute guesses I'm just gonna take your son and be on my way oil is swabbing the deck with the rest of us while running low on Russian sir the captain asked me to catch some fresh meat for the cook whoa I'll go to a big one good thanks for the save guys but you could have been a little more gentle all right listen up everyone you all better make way he's the big bad wolf is coming to town well what are you all just standing there for someone give me a soda or I'll blow all your freaking houses down where are you going honey penny cocky-locky ducky-daddles goosey-poosey turkey Lurkey parrot carrot grow a Joey bluejay Luo JW you think you had insurance I hope so but I bet it's gonna be hard to keep up with a spring um no well hey guys what's up a waste and bad yeah we ain't going through that mess again Oh calm down guys we're on dry land you don't have to worry about sinking on quicksand mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of them all the most beautiful of them all is so what unbelievable little Bell from the little merthon bum bumbum bumbum you're alive what happened someone said that we're going to execute you don't worry dear I used a magic tinderbox to summon a pack of giant dogs to viciously slaughter the king and queen so I could take over the kingdom isn't that lovely dear dear [Music] but remember dairy you must be back before the stroke of midnight oh thank you fairy godmothers thank you thank you thank you I smell the blood of an Englishman I'll grind his bones [Music] where are you going any penny we're gonna warn the king that the sky is falling oh well why don't you take the shortcut through my den oh you do that for us thank you alright cocky-locky ducky-daddles goosey-poosey turkey Lurkey parrot garrett crow a Joey bluejay Liu ji dovey Buffy Cardinal pardon 'el canary Larry swanny Johnny ostrich monstrous from ingo Ringo Phoenix Lennox and cassowary Jerry let's go see the king wait no sir hoes are tripping over my bridge it ain't me I'm sober what are you doing there I heard there with some tasty livestock on the other end of this bridge so I'm gonna go make myself some chocolate Gruffalo if you catch my drift no I'm coming to gobble you up not if I gobble you up first fee fie foe fum I smell the blood of an Englishman be alive or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make more bread ah actually I'm an American oh never mind then too much trans fat oh goody that's a nice buffet you've set up here guys guys come quick there's a Wolfie falling for that again kid shut up but guys there really is a wolf this time yeah well maybe you can convince him to fly off in his Goodyear blimp with Elvis Presley to go visit the Loch Ness monster good one crash shut up naught wasn't sorry kids but it looks like you've butt dialed 911 11 times now i'ma make me some lamb chop hey guys come help me deal with this wolf over here trustworthy Troy is that you mom-mom great news what's that dear Disney's gonna make a movie about me I love you Aladdin mommy what you're telling me she won't wake up for a century never fear my liege I shall cast a spell that will put the whole kingdom to sleep until she wakes your days of terrorizing this kingdom are over foul worm for you shall now feel the wrath of my dragon Bane arrows for freeing me from my small glass prison I shall grant you three wishes any wishes yes no matter how bizarre no matter how impossible no matter what horrible unforeseen side effects come back to bite you I can grant any gimmie a sammich uh okay all right now that you've dipped your toe in the water what do you really want that sammich was good give me another sammich okay you still have one more wish let me guess you want a savage no I had enough sandwiches give me a hoagie my intellectual property [Music] Open Sesame [Music] close Sesame [Music] I'm sorry sir we can't sue them the original Pinocchio story is in the public domain little girl where are you I'm not talking to you you're a stranger why didn't I just try that in the first place you're right I can't think of more than three that actually have fairies in them either they should call them King tail your highness we have a visitor who claims to have an urgent message for you there he will let them in and so Henny Penny was formally recognized as the kingdom's new warrior queen in what future historians would call the great chicken coop I thought the P was silent well normally it is but this time it's about a chicken so oh oh okay I get it I get it those were some funny stories but now that you're done we can begin your execution no wait I can come up with more once there was a king who who TNT warehouse kill him [Applause] [Music] oh I don't have an arrow crab you [Music] like lining shifting changing [Music] five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jake Eyes
Views: 6,349,091
Rating: 4.8510089 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Funny, Montage, Comedy
Id: Z8mFUtcHJa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 49sec (6349 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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