i Played Terraria Mastermode for 24 HOURS and this Happened

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almost a year ago i published the video playing terraria in 1.4 for 24 hours the comments of this video range anywhere between oh geez man this was a real good video hey yo this sucks played master mode you are had these kinds of comments have been the discussion in my therapy sessions and quote my therapist just do it your [ __ ] hour one began with our classic naming of the character we need to make it unique and special for such a unique play through we named it master [ __ ] then proceeded to click the random button until we landed on whatever this is the title of the new world that was master mode difficulty was i thought it was pretty fitting if i do say so myself we also make the world crimson because i wanted to get vampire knives like the little cheeseball i was spawned into the world and i already realized the power that is mastermode right in front of me was a purple slime with 120 health so the opposite direction i was heading but whilst exploring my stress was about to increase because i encountered a vulture now normally this enemy is fine but thanks to master mode i think it's a new mini boss because this literal demon spawn did 39 damage oh i'm dead now so realizing our situation we need to get some form of defense as soon as possible we travel back to the desert to mine cactus to get full cactus armor and the special thing about cactus armor is the set bonus does the damage the mob does you back to them so it's basically the no you of armor then my ancient enemies spawned again the vulture the grand miniboss of master mode we had an upgrade there was no way he could have us defeat yeah i didn't even like the left side of the map anyways so we ventured towards the right cyber map and again the grand master final miniboss of terraria the vulture and we finally slayed the beast ignore my health that is irrelevant realized there was a bit of iron at spawn so he mined that for what seemed like a tiny bit of a vein turned into a big iron which later turned into night time and considering i was having an anime battle with a goddamn vulture i'd rather not stay on the surface and started very early work on a elevator expanded to explore said caves below the first piece of good loot that we found was a chess in a little house which was a crowd in a bottle which i don't think i could ever be happier about but that happiness was soon about to be decimated by the natural world generation because in the center of our elevator was a vein of crimsonite because why wouldn't there be so we had to mine around the goddamn vein because it would not let us pass and continue our venture into the deep which we then discovered the underground mushroom biome which was actually a blessing in disguise as we found many amounts of gold heart crystals and a mace in the chest now we have a proper mayweather weapon that isn't a cactus sword along the caving journey we also found another underground house which contained a regen ring but most importantly we got gravitational potions so i had to make my way back to the surface so i decided to take the master mode way back to the surface and when i mean that i mean i blew myself up trying to mine obsidian listen all right there was a slime and he knocked me into my own bomb it was a whole thing i'm not terrible at terraria luckily when we spawned on the surface it was daytime so we set up a temporary house basically just putting three crafting stations in a chest and headed into the sky to search for some better wood island one contained a balloon all right that's pretty good loot the next island also contained a balloon the next island surely we don't get a god damn it luckily the next island didn't contain a balloon and the fourth and final island we got to explore because the potion effect ran out and tamed the fletching wings so i thought it was worth the literal amount of balloons we got to carry the up house hour two we spent half an hour making our house in the most traditional fashion i mean our name is master [ __ ] and we need a mastercard to live in obviously the loot is stored in the balls just like piers morning pears not sword on the balls if you do have pain in your balls please see the medical professional immediately after crafting our fantastical house we headed back into the mines to gain even more loot we did find a dead man's chest and luckily i don't have the mental capacity of a cactus so we disarm the tramps before opening the chest and apparently you can get lucky horseshoes from the underground i thought was pretty cool despite the facts that we already had wings which made the whole item pointless as we continued throughout the mine we found gold and gold and golly gosh we found more gold please at the end of the hour we reached hell along a swanky minecart drive we also tried to pick up a hellforge really early because i thought i was being the big smart but it turns out i was actually being the big dumb because you cannot mine a hellforge yet so we headed back to the surface to end the hour hour three we went through all of our loot that we ended up obtaining and then realized we almost had max health we just needed three more hearts we also found an apple i thought this was pretty cool because my name is apple backwards hence the profile picture we also made a full set of golden armor so we actually have some form of proper defense and would prepared ourselves for the first two bosses to continue our preparation for the first boss that being the eye of cthulhu we went back into the caves to try and finish off our heart crystals we were only able to find two hearts before almost dying and headed to the right side of the map to try and get a better weapon that's right we're heading to the crimson and my main man is back the one the only then whilst in my house just big chilling old mate big eye decided to rock up and end the party early but of course we would have killed it first try but we ran out of um out of boards so when the morning arrived so did the armsmith and hence we bought as many boards as we possibly could and then flattened the left side of the house until night fell we also made a few potions and a little side note if you didn't know in master mode potion boss and debuffs are way longer than they normally are which is good and a bad thing for obvious reasons anyway time for big eye this time we came prepared and bim bam bomb we defeated him we killed him two other times just because we wanted to get money and so at the end of the night we had enough money to buy the mini shark to finish off the hour hour four we headed back into a crimson hole and started building the arena to battle big brain which when completed we needed to gather two more heart crystals which i hear you say what two more half crystals but you only need one more that is quite true comment section but we also need to create a heart lantern to make the battle against brain a little easier whilst in the cave we actually got a little lucky and ended up obtaining three heart crystals instead of two so we headed home to finish preparations for versing the brain completely forgetting something but alas we remembered what it was halfway through the fight against the brain and then it was too late so we tried to battle the brain again this time doing a tiny bit more preparation first thing we needed was a grappling hook which we got from the worst place ever we also became toad from mario don't ask me why that's preparation it just is right before the battle a goblin army appeared which was honestly pretty straightforward and actually wasn't the hardest then after all the interruptions i re-re-remembered what we needed that's right i needed alcohol but more importantly i needed molotov cocktails now there is no way we could look god damn it hour five had us returned to the crimson because that last fight allowed us to obtain a lot of tissue and crimsonite from all the ores that were killed the drop rates are extremely buffed in mastermind so we'll actually able to contain the full crimsonite armor and pickaxe and so i got to thinking how would i beat the brain what am i missing oh i know i spent an almost literal hour making a bridge from the dungeon to my house i dub the long platform after creating long platform i to create a bloody spine to actually spawn the brain of cthulhu without smashing the orbs henceforth we dug a path to one that was underneath our house to the right of our elevator along the way we discovered an underground desert temple all right i hope for a desert a bottle even a flying carpet would do whatever you do do not give me the pharah god damn it we reached the crimson altar after that disappointing array and crafted the bloody spine and then henceforth we summoned the boss the brain of cthulhu and thanks to long platform we rarely got hit and absolutely decimated the boss hour six we went to the jungle to explore and quickly get some easy woot along our adventure we found the goblin tinkerer who died in like 15 seconds we did not benefit from him at all i also want to mention the jungle and master mode in a previous video i mentioned something which i think is very accurate rolling if they didn't change the jungle they're just like nah jungles are [ __ ] as it is bro if you do not believe me i believe this is a perfectly good supporting argument so after a while of looting we headed back to our house and crafted the spector boots that we've been missing all this time so after that and a few other items we headed back to the jungle craft a small little arena to battle old mate big ben after a tiny bit we make the perfect arena to battle big b the boss itself was actually relatively easy until a little mechanic which activates when big b gets to a certain amount of hp it basically gave big b big muscles because our mini shark did 1 damage to the bee when it was around one to two thousand health after about ten minutes we finally defeated big b and big b well he was big dead arriving home i was expected to be paraded by all the npcs for such a grand achievement but no a blood moon had to occur and be like ah i exist blakuya was only about two minutes long because daytime was just about to approach which during the day time we continued our elevator because at night time it was time to battle old mate skelly belly you see skelly belly is truly a boss that deserves the title master mode this boss has 11 000 hp and if you do not defeat the hands the head has a lot of defense making the mini shark only do one or two damage but the moment you take down the hands the head shoots out tracking skulls that will absolutely decimate your health luckily because i am a god among men we defeated the boss the first time in our seven i kind of forgot to record for about 20 minutes so here's a bit of a cool drawing of what happened we got a water bottle amongst other items from the dungeon then we went down to hell and got enough hellstone to make molten armor pick and sword to create the night's edge thank you for watching my amazing presentation we continue the journey to prepare for the wall of flesh by harvesting the meteor that recently crashed into our world then actually properly going down into hell to create a hell platform it was going to be a long one speaking of long the length of our pc house was increasing hour eight we continued to build the bridge that went into hell and created potion preparation for the wall of flesh this was it the wall of flesh the last boss until hard mode this boss we died in hour nine we decided to increase the size of the hell bridge and then also explore more towards the right side of hell to try and get some more loot that we can sell to make some money but at the same time try and search for a guide voodoo demon along our journey we found a baby shadow chest mimic so old mate ronald joined us on our journey we headed to the surface to do some fishing but we could actually get some hardwood ores nice and easily when we do get into the difficulty unfortunately the only fish that we did get was bass we went back to hell to try and explore and actually find a guide voodoo doll because they're exceptionally rare and then we finally found one so we headed home to prepare for the final fight potions are ready guide voodoo doll in hand water bottom meteor armor equipped we headed down into hell ran to the very left hand side of the map where we finally finished our bridge and we dropped the voodoo doll into the lava the war flesh spawned and we shot the war flesh running dodging lasers trying not to get eaten and consumed by the nomi worms it tried to gain on us with one final rush with its laser cannon shooting constantly we were firing the water bolts and the war flesh was defeated our game entered hard mode with that i realized a goddamn crimson sport basically next to our house why does this game forsaken me get the pain just not in there every goddamn normal mode enemy decided to go hey i'm stronger now not only do their health increase but so does their damage so basically your run-of-the-mill green slime has become a mini boss but of course we headed towards the crimson to do our classic traditional route of let me smash those god damn altars and begin the cycle of mining the oars our 10 began as we continued the trend of mining the hard mode all beginning the mining sequence of us getting ochrinium we then gained a full set of adamantite armor after about half an hour of mining the hard mode ores then we started to get ready to get the weapon we would use against the first boss of hard mode so we headed directly for hell to farm souls of light the reason why we were in the hell biome and we could actually obtain the souls hell was unironically the easiest biome that we could actually live in this should show you how god damn hard hard mode master mode actually was after a short while of farming mobs we finally got 15 souls that we could craft key of light which we put in the chest to verse the hallowed mimic now my monkey brain decided i use mini shark to defeat master mode mimic it would be easy yes apparently i was extremely long because not only does the master mode chest have eleven thousand health points but my mini shark does one to two damage per board and i was using silver boards so we took about 15 to 20 minutes versus the hallowed mimic but alas i thought maybe just maybe we could actually beat it it was so low but monkey brain decided to make a guest appearance yet again because i got double hit and got obliterated by the mimic when it was about 1 000 hp left i hate this game however we went back down into hell this time farming the souls of knight to try and get 10 of them instead of actually crafting a key we had to get a new weapon that was the onyx master and to kois i'm about to [ __ ] some [ __ ] up we then went back to farming souls of light get another hallowed mimic now the first halo mimic we fought against me was way easier might i add but dropped this goddamn crystallized butt plug looking ass so it was soul farming yet again the second time we got the bow so finally we got the boss killing weapon and then to finish off the hour we made the adamantite mask to increase our range damage hour 12 started off by farming wyvens and harpies solves and potentially a giant happy feather which obviously we didn't actually get yeah next we went to the hallowed biome to farm unicorns and pixies so we could craft howard arrows so we could face the destroyer with a lot more ease we also killed the war flesh yet again to try and get the ranger emblem to increase our range damage not only did we get the emblem but we also got the master mode mount the goat and let's just say goat do be going burr after that i felt confident i was ready to take on big old mechanical worm the destroyer just spoilers by the way we were not prepared at all not only was i not prepared for that boss but i was not prepared for these goddamn mobs to start spawning whilst actually battling it like what is this [ __ ] so of course we lost our first battle we then headed towards the jungle to start our future plans for an arena against old mate plant aren't also making a low-key life fruit farm to help us in our future battles after farming souls and potions we were prepared to first the good old mecca worm again and guess what happened we died we were quite close but i then realized what we were missing we were missing better wings i still had goddamn fletching wings free hard mode i just want to congratulating you on making it halfway through we have reached hour 13 so give yourself a pat on the back because i sure did our 13 we went straight to the sky islands to farm harpies in the hopes that we would get the giant happy feather of course wyven after wyvern spawned in and with each wyvern spawned my brain became dumber and dumber with each death i increasingly grew angrier to each wyven then finally after like half an hour 100 feathers and a raging hate boner for wyverns we got the giant harpy feather so throughout the day we got all potion materials needed for the big fight which after all that struggle death pure suffering and a goddamn restraining order for wyverns we defeated the first boss in hard mode the destroyer our 14 our monkey brain came back yet again uninvited i forgot to hit recording for about 10 to 20 minutes don't worry you did not miss out on mutt it was basically just killing sharks for shark fins to make the mega shark we spent most of the hour trying to gain souls and fishing items for potions to go up against skelly belly prime he then went to battle him and of course skelly belly prime wasn't too happy that we killed his little brother first go so he decided to take out his rage by employing greatest enemy of all time a regular possessed armor did way too much damage for its own good what an absolute [ __ ] ass [ __ ] it was then day time so we did the potion and soul grind yet again to prepare for our rematch against skellybelly prime we also went to the jungle to continue the life fruit farm and the arena building which as it paid off because we got one whole life route to add to our arsenal the night time fell was time for me to take revenge on all mate skelly belly and also watch the tracks the fight which had me switching between crystal boards and i call boards and we finally struck down the mechanical skelly belly hour 15 we decided to farm some more crystals for boars in preparation for the twins and we found the queen jelly though we decided to go up against the queen slime since we had not done it yet we also found out that the queen slime could actually exit the howard biome without becoming enraged so we just went oh come here come here to our big long ass platform which made the fight basically the easiest thing on the goddamn planet speaking of slimes we also decided to go up against the king slime because i realized we had not done that yet so i summoned him but apparently he has this special mechanic where he will pull a dad on you and not actually show up so yes again we had to craft another spawner but this time he actually did show up unlike my uh real dad we then briefly went to the jungle to try and get more life route which we got a cheeky two more to add to our arsenal and a death to top it all off continued for the rest of the day we farmed fishing for potion materials until night time came we could finally face their last mechanical boss the twins twin battle was slightly challenging only because i had to dodge those little green fireballs that spasmatis admitted from his eye as soon as he went into his second phase the fight became the easiest out of the three mechanical bosses from the twins dying we crafted the pickaxe axe mechanical minecart and a full set of hallowed ranged armor and we headed off to the jungle to farm cora form but i forgot i'll make spelunky so we had to head back home real quick we also decided to craft the excalibur a cheeky melee weapon just in case any monsters in the jungle decided to get close for the remainder of the hour we went through the jungle mining chloroform gaining heart fruits and trying to get the all mate turtle shells to actually drop and we even found the entrance to the jungle temple we began hour 16 by actually heading home after our long trip mining horror form and then i actually remembered we could craft the true excalibur with said coral form that we might earlier yet we could not craft the true knight's edge quite yet as we were missing two souls of might really terrarium you gotta make me miss out by two we got our last turtle shell needed for a full set of turtle armor and then we headed back and continue our work on creating the arena to first plant when turned nighttime we had to battle the destroyer yet again and gain the literal two souls we needed to craft the night's edge luckily we did beat it and we got a new pet from the master mode item list which we named guiltana guilta is a worm that likes to spiral around me constantly not thinking about anyone or anything because guilta does not care about your problems karen finally with the two souls we obtained we were able to craft the true knight's edge and we finish off the hour by heading back to the jungle in our 17 we continued to create the battle arena against plant then remembered about an item that will help us speed up the process this item is known as a calming candle which is basically the opposite of the water candle and actually reduces enemy spawns whilst creating the arena a pirate invasion occurred i thought the invasion was going to be easy but i had to use my cheesy methods and just stay in my house to destroy the flying dutchman upon the death of the pirate invasion we actually obtained the black spot a master mode mount which was a flying pirate ship that was supposed to go really fast but because of a recent patch it is actually halved in the speed that it was so i think i'll stick with goat for the time being the rest of the hour we headed back to the jungle arena to work on it we also put down sunflowers decreased mob spawns and also a potion of calming how painful these monsters were i literally had to go fishing in a sky island to decrease these mob spawning because they were so annoying hour 18 we headed into the underground crimson to attain enough icore to craft a piss book luckily along the way we got a mimic to drop the philosopher's stone which we created the charm of myths later on we headed back through the jungle to obtain the rest of the life routes to max out our hp to 500 but we only ended up getting enough for 485 which i was still pretty satisfied with we headed back to home to get ready to fight planned but realized it was a full moon which then spawned in the monster the werewolf which we needed desperately two reasons one he dropped the bandage and two he dropped the moon charm if you know what they're used for you're a big boy and you deserve a gold star we actually were able to obtain the bandage but not the moon charm luckily the bandage was the last item we needed to craft the egg charm so we could craft the egg's shield then finally after hours of crafting the arena and dying to those stupid hornets why do they we went up against the plant with a finished box you were prepared we had a combination of the piss book and choroform boards and the mega shot to attack plant but when plant enters his second phase a plant has a new ability lots of miniature plants come out from every point the plant exists so we had to switch from the coral form boards to the ico boards to keep up that debuff without switching weapons and focusing on dodging the plant's attacks but also so the bullets wouldn't target the miniature plant i also believe that the miniature plants regenerate but don't quote me on that and in the end we were able to defeat plants first try thank you ladies and gentlemen please type how many times i said plant in the comments below hour 19 began as we entered the wizard dungeon which was without e as ever he also happened to pick up a titan guava which you wouldn't believe the amount of goddamn star cloaks i actually obtained throughout this playthrough we only cleared out a small amount of the dungeon because i wanted to start a solar eclipse as soon as possible so we headed back home as soon as we obtained the tablet we cleared up our inventory and luckily it was still night time but almost daytime we were able to activate the solar eclipse as soon as it turned daytime let's just say fun was the last word in my vocabulary to describe this event if you did not know the torah eclipse lasts one whole day also known as 15 goddamn minutes and we only got one mothron to spawn i was thinking hey maybe it will at least drop one broken it didn't drop any broken hero sword then we headed back to the jungle dungeon when it turned night time along the way we found the empress of light spawner so my monkey brain came back and went yeah we are we didn't really last too long so after that little waste of time we resumed our mission we headed towards the wizard dungeon we finally explored through the whole dungeon this time anik found the boss room which we then began setting up for the boss fight but halfway through a pirate evasion occurred and then i thought surely by starting a solar eclipse it would actually cancel out the pirate invasion though by some stroke of luck mothron did spawn and said mothron not dropped one not two but three of its drops that's right it dropped the eye of cthulhu the wings but most importantly the broken hero sword so as soon as we got said item we headed straight home and were able to finally craft the terra blade the emotion i would describe is big happy we also were able to obtain a desert key during the solar eclipse so after the pirate invasion and solar eclipse we made our way towards the dungeon to obtain the white tigery boy we actually didn't name him throughout this entire playthrough so our comment section do your thing hour 20 we went back towards the dungeon to summon and fight the golem which surprisingly we killed the first time we also decided to verse the boss again because we didn't get the pixel the first time and unfortunately we did not get it the second so as three being the magic number we got it on the third time and proceeded to head home to craft some beetle armor now for the rest of the hour i'm actually going to be blending it with our 21 which we tried to gain some end game accessories first of all we need to get the flesh knuckles but for some strange reason terraria rng was like because it took us a whole goddamn hour get this one accessory the amount of life sucky figgy suck me off rods bro that i actually obtained is absurd and finally after a literal death threats for crimson mimics we actually obtained the flesh knuckles we combined it with the paladin shield from the dungeon craft the hero shield hour 22 began and i just realized it decided to copy our 21 because we tried to get the ninja climbing gear which we needed two items from the enemy type known as bone league and it took another goddamn hour for us to drop his tabby and black belt i thought that drops was supposed to be massively increased in master mode but oh geez i forgot the part where it said it doesn't affect elpa hour 23 and 24 is another murder hour because it took us that goddamn long to receive the rest of the items potions and materials needed to face the winner event we killed the lunar cultists with supreme ease but the word ease was completely decimated from my vocabulary as we took on the solar pillar the amount of times i died could fill up the graveyard the size of the planet these goddamn meatballs do not mess around but finally after struggle after struggle we defeated the solar pillar obtaining the solar eruption which we then began to take on the nebula pillar not quite as hard as the solar pillar but hard nonetheless because of these goddamn ways of teleporting pieces of [ __ ] alas we defeated the pillar we then went on to the vortex pillar again relatively hard but not hard as the previous two we defeated that with relative ease and then there was only one pillar remaining the stardust pillar that was the easiest pillar we defeated it with basically not even breaking a single sweat and then that's it end game of terraria the literal minutes were counting down until 24 hours of footage were achieved i was stressing this was the only chance the only chance to defeat the true final boss of terraria my destiny to complete the game [Music] [Music] well that was fun so yeah if you couldn't tell we couldn't actually uh defeat old mate moonlord of the 24 hours if this video hits like i don't know 50 000 likes we'll do a live stream while we actually try and defeat it in master mode i want a proper ending and then maybe i'll chuck the video on the second channel or something subscribe to the second channel subscribe to vods this was actually all streamed on my discord so if you want to be a part of stuff like this and help me out a lot because you guys did join my discord smash like subscribe i've said everything follow my everything bro smash like if you want another 24 hour tell me what to do and comment bye
Channel: Elppa
Views: 717,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria master mode, terraria 1.4 master mode, terraria lets play, terraria 1.4 master mode lets play, terraria update, terraria journey's end, terraria let’s play, terraria journeys end, terraria playthrough, terraria funny moments, terraria gameplay, terraria master mode lets play, terraria master mode gameplay, lets play terraria master mode, terraria 24 hours, lets play terraria 1.4 master mode, terraria 1.4 journey's end, elppa
Id: PE0ahVE2ZiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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