Joining an SMP as an undercover Speedrunner...

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okay so i had this sick idea what if i hopped on one of these players minecraft servers who is relatively new by the way and i just speed read it as fast as possible to see their reactions i think that'd be hilarious i want to see the look on their face is when i beat the game in under 30 minutes like okay come on look at our options here we've got completely vanilla survival server oh what else we got new minecraft roleplay server like the dream smp undertale minecraft server like look like you see this this can be so funny i'm so excited for this i want to see how this goes all right so obviously it's not going to be as easy as just walking into a server and just being able to pull it off right so the first thing i gotta note is that obviously people are gonna be playing the latest version whenever it comes to just you know an smp right so things don't bug out which means i gotta play the dreaded version of minecraft 1.16.5 and if any speeder knows this version there's a really good reason why you don't play it so for any speed run in 1.16 we're going to be speeding the version at 1.16.1 which basically anyone with a compton braincell will know why we speed on this version very very well so basically when we're dealing with bastions we only got to deal with these pickles and these piglets are free all you do is you just right click these dudes with gold or you just toss them in the air and then you just walk on and move on with it because these guys are distracted staring at your income for like six seconds but in this version in this version guess who we have piglet brews these guys suck they don't care about your life and they just do a lot of damage and they're just not gonna stop anything until you're dead that's not gonna be fun to deal with and like if bastions weren't already bad enough the piglet pearl rates and string rates are absolutely atrocious like i'm lucky if i leave that thing with at least 12 pearls they're they're actually so brutal but like hey the bastion routes are basically the exact same so if i've already mastered those then i should be able to just handle any of these it's just i gotta avoid pedaling boots now and just trade a lot more cold it shouldn't be too bad right i hate this version all right i think i brought the version down let's go find a server so this went on for a while now don't get me wrong running was very very easy but the problem came when a lot of times people on the server would just leave or the seat itself just sucked and i couldn't even run it at all some servers were just so unbearably laggy that i could not even play it i think this one right here i couldn't even use a lava bucket to make another portal so that was unfortunate this right here was probably my closest attempt to a really really good speed run oh like that's freaking sick man too bad it's not an 8 i i've got to go back to the nether for this because a stupid version is so bad of the poor rates man but finally i found a server alright so i found this person who literally just put the ip in the forum so i'm gonna see if it's online and i'll try to give it a shot all right so i was able to get in the server i did join like a little bit beforehand because um you know i had to but the owner's like not very experienced but there we go we're in i promise i didn't look at anything beforehand i'm totally going into this blind so um uh i don't really have a plan here i think i'm just gonna hop into this forest and gather some wood and then maybe i'll just find a good spot to dig down we'll see okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna grab some red mushrooms here and i think i also saw some brown like right behind me yeah and then i think there's stainless right there i'm gonna get that too we're gonna have a lot of food going into this which is good let's just go get these uh let's go get these brown mushrooms over here this is really slow the stone axe and it's gonna be dandelions all right let's go all right i think i'm just gonna head over and get some gravel and there's a creeper never mind okay there's something i left here i'm gonna get that instead i don't really think it's another option oh first track blends um yeah we're gonna send the dig here i don't know what else we're really gonna do so for the best i guess oh okay well right there i promise i didn't see it beforehand i promise okay we just conveniently got the side all right you gotta trust me you gotta trust me i was like what four five that's five okay uh there's a furnace all right let's go some other stuff i gotta really don't plan for this so i don't see if this works there we go there's our water flowing down right there and i can easily just go back up and get what i want so let's get our iron i think i want to get a bit more wood so i think i'm going to do that let's go make let's go make ourselves a bucket for water yeah i'm like really low right now in the wood i definitely got gotta go back and get that okay uh what server closed uh okay what the hell is going on can i get back in uh okay well it looks like i'm not getting it back in so i'm gonna wait a bit and see if i can get back pretty soon okay finally we're back in took so long there's a different group of people now which kind of sucks but like whatever i guess it's fine we can still get the reactions from these guys okay so we're just gonna get some more wood and then we're just gonna send the dig right here we're gonna see what happens let's get our stuff i'm making some steel we can't but we don't have an iron pickaxe so i want to hopefully get out on the way down that'd be really cool our sea level looks absolutely terrible i don't know if we're running into anything here uh i hear water flows maybe oh there we go okay there's a cave that's cool i don't know where i'm going here though i think i'm just gonna keep digging actually no i hear lava um okay let's see if this is fake or not it sounds pretty real i'm just gonna take this direction hopefully you'll find something yeah it's okay it's definitely oh okay okay okay we're we're fine we're fine we're okay we're okay let's just make our portal right here it'll be fine so we're going to turn it pretty fast i'd say we're at like around like what probably like the um four or five minute mark ish i'm not sure i don't have my timer up because i'm lazy god this bucket sucks the server okay [Music] and there we go i just need iron i want to see if there is iron anywhere in this lake uh oh there's literally a cave right here okay that should be pretty easy then all right let's go get some iron all right there we go i'm gonna get two actually wait no there's one more i could get it i get one more first shield i think it should be pretty sure they're pretty good for fortress first five right here for just first but we're just gonna head off to the nether alright and there we go um i don't know how fast we're in but like nether is nether whatever and there oh my god really really okay nice nice spawn man i'm just gonna go smelt this but i don't know where the hell i'm going here our sea level is atrocious but there are entities uh hmm yeah i don't know what to do here i think i'm just gonna micro lens i think micro lensing is probably the play there's three that direction i guess we're going that direction i don't know we're just gonna hope for the best i'll just get myself a case yeah this is gonna be hell let's make an iron pick we're gonna be digging for a while i bet this sucks i even play this i think i do i just i just haven't had a surfer so i'm just gonna send it okay there is a mob spotter my e-counter's like looking a lot higher i don't know if this is a fortress or a bastion though i hope it's a bastion i think i'd rather have a grassland or fortress here i hear piglens where are they hello okay let's turn this up okay so like there definitely is something oh there's an opening oh okay um yeah that's sick okay so sand valley oh okay it's a treasure bastion all right that's good i did say i'd rather have a bastion i don't know how i'm getting to it we're just going this way we're going to go this way in a round i guess i think the best way here is to just probably like probably like approach it from the top i think that's probably going to be our best bet here um high skeletons oh that's gonna be annoying uh please go away oh okay damn i kind of did them pretty badly there let's get this guy's well bang all right let's just just let's just dig in i think that's probably going to be we're going to do this i don't remember like the y level for whatever but we're going to see and all right there we go uh it's going to be the loot room i did practice lou oh my god okay that scared me i practiced this though i practiced this um loot room route it's gonna be pretty dangerous but i think i've got it down so i'm just gonna boat here i'm gonna try to get these two dudes in the boat why is it glitching stop glitching please stop where's the other guy there's always two there we go there we go oh my god okay okay hopefully there's not one more dude down there i'm kind of scared there might be uh yeah okay yeah there is i'm just gonna pull up in love with this guy okay um so thankfully there's no piglets oh my god oh my god leave me alone please this piglet is gonna be absolute okay come here thanks i'm gonna love you to death okay let's see what we can get from these chests here two blocks of gold okay diamond armor i'd like to see that i'd love to see that nether i didn't get we're stacked um okay uh oh my god hi please leave me alone you're so annoying i just keep getting these barbecues all over my face i just want to mine my gold blocks just let me get my gold god i hate this mob actually worst mob in the game you can't convince me otherwise i literally just got all these dudes up in my face all i want to get is my gold blocks okay well uh last one please thank you there we go 12. okay um yeah all right i gotta go to the top now there's a piglet here the crossbow i don't want to do with you take this goal take this goal let's get distracted idiot all right we're going up we're going up this is going to be like the most dangerous part leave me alone please i hate pickling brutes you good okay this version is so brutal [Music] um yeah i'm not i'm not ready to go traveling pickles it's gonna be so annoying you're mad on a mission what can i say what can i say uh oh god so all right so i think i'm just gonna go over here there's two dudes okay see you later i wanna see if i can this guy maybe oh okay that works that's an easy way to take care of them all right um so now i gotta head up to the ramparts if you guys don't know the ram parts basically they're just filled with roots so i've got prepared for this i have like my own little like baby road that i'm gonna be taking here so i gotta go around to the back and i just gotta pull it up a lot until we reach the gold area so yeah that's gonna be fun all right here we are i think this should be the gold right there there it is all right so i'm kind of doing like a really really bad version of the ninja bear right here let's not break that oh my god it's everywhere how many pins i'm gonna get trading here like maybe like three max i don't no there's one there's a brew i don't really want to deal with a brute um yeah this is really awkward i wanna see if we get the dudes from the other band pardon maybe there's one is that it is it just that one guy come here oh okay there we go please get in come on you're so stupid you're so stupid please it's right there you're actually so stupid what i gotta do okay now are we getting in dude there there's the gold please accept it i have so much i don't know what to do okay there we go finally that's literally like the only piggling okay whatever [Music] oh oh well that works okay uh hi get in oh my god wait we got like everywhere we got the whole squad pulling up sweet um they're still gonna be mad at me piglet boots don't trade unfortunately so i think we're gonna try to just get as much oil as possible because again this version is terrible it's terrible with pearl right so i don't know if i'm even getting like over a stack here so i think i'm just gonna wipe out the whole thing there we go last gold i think i hear piglets i want to see if they get some yeah there's one okay well one extra pig trading is kind of huge for us because you have like literally two so hopefully i can get these guys in okay that guy's distracted uh there's is that another way i can't see please be another okay this one dude's coming down come here come here all right all right get in there you go please don't know wall there we go thank you is there another oh yeah there is okay hi hi sir please stop looking at the uh the thing there we go please get in come here come here thank you okay we've got two extra piglets trading that is like that is unfortunately twice the speed it's really slow but hey whatever let's see what uh let's see what trades we've got here nine pearls oh my god that's actually like quite a favorite wait a minute wait a minute i got an idea i got an idea check this out check this out ready ready smithing table all right check this out bang that the right sword right so i've been sat here for like a literal decade i just want to leave this stupid bastion i like no string though i remember two beds whatever i've got the pearls i got my fires i've got like everything i think the pledge is gonna get like i think she's gonna string the library i just wanna leave all right where am i going um i think i'm just going to head this direction i don't really know like what quadrant nice boat by the way good one viro you're very good at this what the okay i don't know what that was it's fine uh okay we're going positive acts here yeah we're pretty like we're pretty like close in the region think yeah we're just gonna this way there's a spawner on my pie chart obviously so i don't know where i'm going here it's a bastion really okay well frick i've got to go negative z now it should be like right through here that's so stupid though i was like spawn of the pie chart this could be huge faded whatever i guess uh hopefully there's no there's no anything you want to go through this okay we're good all right uh whatever man i'm just gonna go okay we've gone like quite a ways this direction i really really hope there's still a spawner but it might still be the same oh wait no it's gone oh what is that is that a fortress why isn't a spawner then okay um i think it is right let me see yeah okay well that's definitely a fortress all right well let's get our fire s i'm gonna purl there i have enough i don't need like all my pearls obviously here we go oh someone joined the game rex uh okay rex23711 welcome to the server x i guess okay well this rex guy is sending me really really hateful messages so um i'm not a fan of that i'm gonna censor that out if you're wondering what he's messaging to me uh so yeah we found the good part and there's the blaze spawn all right sick this is actually so cool i love this and just stress you these dudes let's go um all right so blend chords are absolutely atrocious here i can't blaze but obviously because i'm banging on like uh a library string let's throw some stuff out okay uh i want to make a gold pick so we can clear this stuff out and that's not my axe i don't have an axe all right um yeah so i'm just going to keep closing these guys i'm going to see what happens and uh yeah let me just pick up the raw thank you there we go all right my god that person was stacked wait what are you not gonna give me single rod here very funny nice rates man these rays have been like absolutely rolling me throughout this whole thing okay i want to go for one more i want to go for a seven because i'm safe he's a hacker oh well that explains alex you know his way of messaging that's really cool um yeah okay there's a seventh rod hopefully he doesn't catch up to me i really oh my god okay i really would hate to run into this guy eighth raw that's cool all right i'm gonna go to my blind corners i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let these guys bow their own fight it'll be fine look at this language gosh these dudes are all up just having like a live conversation here man i'm just trying to speed on minecraft i don't want to deal with this okay um so i'm just gonna bow down here against my blind cords jesus christ these two i mean this is pretty hyrule but i'm just going to send it either way it doesn't really matter all right there we go and this side all right i'm probably like wha maybe like 20 minutes maybe a bit over that into the run whatever um wow okay they're having like live convos these chords suck i like the y level though okay we're we're in ocean right so shipwreck there's a lot of turtles please work server thank you my crafting's really good as well all right what's the first angle uh 129.8 that one broke i think all right um hopefully it's close i really hope it's close i don't have to deal with like eye breaking and stuff so this is 128.5 that's good right that's like under a thousand all right well sweet please let me get my vote thank you i love this server this server is amazing yeah it was it was wrong it is not a little under a thousand i'm bad at this destination why am i glitch please i just want to finish give me in thank you all right yeah it's right here that's what i thought it's literally daytime it's been so long i'm bad at this decimation let's just go find the stronghold get my eye and never mind it broke i'm stupid okay well i'm guessing it should be this chunk here if it's not this chunk then like whatever man i'm tired i just want to finish just let me finish the game please i'm so tired okay i missed the chunk well okay it's fine it's gonna be right up here i'm in the next four four if it's not here then like i'm probably gonna go back up to the surface i really don't hope i have to because that's gonna make so much effort but ah we're at like what 35 minutes now and okay thank god it's right here all right i just got to go find the portal room actually i have a library too right i need string okay yeah we gotta find string thanks for the pearl i appreciate that don't open that menu um yeah let's go try to find a courtroom i guess oh library okay okay let's get our string all right so that should be enough for what i think four beds i think i'm comfortable with four beds here we're not gonna be one cycling of course because you've seen how bad the server lag so yeah it's gonna be a pretty slow end fight but i think it'll be fine whatever what what let me back in oh my god i'm so close to finishing don't tell me the server crashed really [Music] i'm like so mentally taxed right now it's been like what two hours or so okay there we go we're finally back in there's like different people this time around though i don't think like the uh the hacker or whatever is still on yeah um offshore cake i saw the owner on like the list i just left whatever i haven't found the portal room i've been in this stronghold for like five minutes it's like a terrible stronghold i should be in the end by now i should be done with the game by now yeah so like i don't know why the owner actually gave me a helper for like no reason at all like i feel like he probably just gives it to everyone i'm not sure i'm still trying to focus on finding a porno room this is just garbage oh my god finally it's been so long i remember how to craft okay 10 eyes of enemy there we go ah i have no idea how long it's been taking me to find this stupid portal room it's finally time i think i'm at like 20 i'm at 20 whatever minutes it's like i don't know if it's even 30 pace yo okay please i entered the end i went to the end hello hello offshore cake please react harder for the video uh okay please i just want to follow this i need a crossbow okay um god i can't aim there we go it might be perching here please tell me it's perching it looks like it looks like a spiraling i think i might be going for an east west here oh my god please please please please it's going up it's going up okay i can't get this crystal screw this crystal uh oh my god that's bad okay so i like never done this before so like hopefully i don't mess this up i've only seen like the really really early speeders do this okay here we go oh pickaxe where here we go it flew off is it going it's going it's going okay here's my strat here's my strat we're gonna shoot him we're gonna shoot him let's get in okay so where's my sword okay so i know that dragons have like 200 health i got like okay well that works that works okay so like basically dragons fly off after like 50 health oh my god wait oh my god it's going again i'm not ready that was so fast holy crap okay um two three four five six wow um let's go go away oh my god oh my god that took so many attempts that took so many attempts i'm finally happy with this it's probably like that's probably like 30 minutes or whatever oh my god mr offshore cake i beat the dragon okay i should probably tell him then you give me some sword um i'm just gonna tell him i'm just gonna go full eager here just fully ego we just killed the dragon we just kill the dragon we take pride in this let's go what's he gonna say if i don't get a good enough reaction for this i'm gonna be really frustrated no one cares that i'm a helper i just kill the dragon in like under 30 or whatever minutes ah i did all that for like you're a helper yeah gosh this is so stupid do i look like i asked buddy i just killed the dragon in like 30 minutes come on he wants food now he wants food now oh my god i'll just give him my food i don't need this for the run anyway i'm basically out of the server yeah i'm just gonna tell them i'm gonna be like yo i'm not gonna do this anymore what do i say um oh my god i can't believe i did all that for this i'm just going to tell them i'm just going to tell them you better react harder buddy i'm going like way in the ego zone here uh 30 minutes there should we go give me my content come on what's he gonna say there's a zombie here get out nice nice nice oh yeah yeah yeah it's it's only nice that's about the time it takes me to get to the other funny joke funny joke man i'm already falling asleep whatever i'm just out but yeah guys thanks so much for watching i really appreciate you if you stuck around for this long i do stream a lot on my twitch and i'm going to be speedrunning a lot of 1.16.1 random seed glitchless for the world record right now my pb is currently a sub 15 with uh 14 minute 44 seconds i'm top 40 on the board and i'm gonna be gunning for the world record so if you want to catch me there then feel free to go but anyways if you also also want to subscribe then you can catch more content like this i'm trying to be more active on youtube so you know hopefully that works out and yeah thank you guys love you all and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Fyroah
Views: 11,833
Rating: 4.8941035 out of 5
Id: 0ZAmdiIowtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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