Finding the NEW 1.17 Crystals (#1)

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welcome to my new survival minecraft series echocraft we are playing on the new 1.17 update and things are crazy just wait until you see iron i'm trying to change the way minecraft let's play videos are made and you guys seem to like it so please enjoy this video okay [Music] if you haven't seen my videos before i like to have a goal to work towards and today is no different i want to find an amethyst geode and make a starter amethyst crystal farm so me and my friends siv beppo and dylan did just that first stone achievement let's go i saw beppo oh there you go over here i just made two pickaxes i'm really good at this game hey sometimes you need to pick x sometimes you just gotta send it yeah just go all in are you how are you guys doing fantastic i got peppa's wooden tools yeah i feel like everybody's gonna kill all the animals really quickly so let's just be the first people to kill the animals okay i'll get a furnace going real quick so we can get some food all right sweet cool owen has the new 1.17 texture oh i haven't seen that yet iron whoa dude some people don't like it i kind of think it's cool oh there's a beehive i'm gonna get a piece of honey okay now do i know how to make a campfire is the question don't you mean like some songs or something bugs and sticks i think i don't know how close was i oh i was so classic [Music] episode honey let's go see how much food do you guys have because i say we just get some food then we just go adventuring i think so that sounds good okay i got four cooked pork chops and one cooked steak no oh i think somebody's racing you there no no no no no no no no no no no you guys are going the wrong way yeah there's two shipwrecks oh no no no maddy's right there i got i gotta put him i got not oh no no this is my shipwreck he didn't get the good chest let's go i mean i feel kind of bad stealing who is who already has full iron armor what agriculture thank you sir i'm feeling pretty ready to go caving we might not have enough food but what that's so i'm weird into the depths oh ravine okay i found her oh i'm sorry i don't know what it's called uh what is it called um i'll find out i just tried to make a thicker coal like what is oh the shield doesn't even block walking dude let's go there's another vein right there oh my gosh we're so good at this game yeah we're so good dying dude look at this gold yeah the gold nuggets proper nuggets i forgot about this yeah it looks so cool especially when you break it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna cook up some iron bucket you do it with copper right yeah i think so i think you need amethyst as well this is so cool oh my gosh i love this diamond oh no no no psyching me out those freaking me oh yeah dude laugh is whoa look at look at that i got one regular lapis and one deep slate because it spawned right on the edge diamonds this time for real it's not that much stuff i promise oh there's a uh spawner over here oh for real oh oh i may have picked you name tag oh saddle let's go there are so many ores okay i'm gonna start smelting up some i definitely have enough for a full suit i think definitely i think yeah okay do you have some furnaces set up over here oh my word oh man amethyst things do you guys whoa look at that oh definitely lost me too it's all right though we can be lost together [Music] okay yeah so is there a limit for the mob cap oh guys spawner and amethyst crystal place i'll try to find my way back and then i'll leave you here it's this way just gonna mark it with cobblestone yeah sure i'm at the furnaces now officially back follow me if you would like oh oh i st quick distraction follow me oh wait wait wait wait backtrack backtrack crap i might be lost no no cobblestone we we're safe follow the cobblestone wait wait wait wait wait wack track back sorry i'm such a good tour guide guys then we gotta do a little swimming can we mine it with an ice pick oh yeah you can amethyst shards so yeah the shards are what's used to make the blocks themselves aren't there certain node ones that they grow from oh yeah like this thing dude let's go hey how's it going so what's this white stuff called oh and where's the spawner oh dude it's it's right back up here right here i haven't even looted it nice oh got a music disc disc i'll snag that apple also uh look at this this is like the coolest block i've ever seen whoa you could even set up like a a bit of a um tiny little farm probably be the most pathetic farm ever because there's only like two things that we can't even move but you know oh four nodes five nodes oh wait are the nodes spreading yeah wait i can see so many there are so many there it's growing a crystal dude we can totally capitalize on these amethyst crystals like if nobody else [Applause] i need two more blocks of calcite anybody got some calcite handy look at that oh we have the farm finished except for those two i need food now so how are the carrots coming let's make golden carrots because we got i mean we don't have a ton of gold but we have enough [Music] oh another bottle of honey does honey give you uh oh it does oh you know what we should sell telescopes that's actually a good idea so how do you make them again do you need iron two copper and an amethyst crystal oh for real that's it really [Music] uh turns out nobody bought the telescope so i made seven for no reason we also killed a lot of salmon for food oh i got a salmon head and formed some sort of group of salmon heads it's pretty amazing okay boys he has converted quad still not sure what happened place a bucket of salmon in here is just the salmon place find out yeah yeah test it out let's see the salmon dude he's still alive what but we did want to make a little progress on the base before the episode ends so we wanted an enchanting tape which means we needed leather so we decided to go to the nether and trade with piglens instead of the usual cow method and at some points it was a little sketch guys oh freak i hear blaze i hear blood did you guys get the pedestal i got it okay perfect uh yeah let's just trade that because then we might get enough leather i mean if we're lucky you can have the gold because i'm going to be risking my life here okay okay have you guys seen a brute yet yeah i thought about one oh i think i see your stuff oh there's a piglet with your salmon head on it oh wait he just replaced the salmon head with the iron helmet no yes they don't realize that salmon heads are better for your protection oh leather let's go nine leather okay so we need 45 right i got ender pearls yes let's go oh yeah dylan uh there's your armor dude 24 leather we're halfway there we're halfway there oh we have 36 leathers sweet okay i'll take this back i'm going to follow you right okay um not entirely sure i remember either but you know yeah there are so many old men oh oh no [Music] oh my gosh i ran out of sprint and i blocked clutch to save my life oh my gosh that was so close i don't know where to go i'm with you guys the salmon squad oh i'm out of food we're stuck in the nether guys it was all going so well up until the last like two minutes oh [Music] i'm totally gonna die this is the way to our portal oh here it is oh there's a zombie yeah it's down there oh there's another one coming through i'm gonna die i have i have one and a half hearts guys oh there's another one coming there's another one beppo what's up honey i'm going through okay yeah oh he dropped a carrot oh i'm falling through two please don't make me take fall damage still falling wait oh there we go lights disappeared on this that's weird what happened to all the little crystal things are they gone what a string on them who plays that's probably a glitch that's probably a prank who's been here someone did that oh someone's invisible here i just saw particles i'm pretty sure yeah yeah yeah they're literally right here what's the policy on pvp here free game oh i just saw it right over here over here i got them trapped [Music] no no no no i think so i i blocked it no they escaped [Music] so they just stole on amethyst oh no they the water oh no [Music] [Music] get out of here dude the funny thing is i was at one and a half hearts the whole time and he could have one shot me he stole our crystals wait did you get crystals from he's got an axolotl in a bucket what i saw that was awesome yes steal that i can't pick up all the stuff down here there's a saddle yeah they're going to come back through here i know the funny thing is i legit had to go irl to like my family's house so i inadvertently stole his stuff but if you do want to see them preparing the whole entire first day just to pull off that prank check out this video right here and if you want to see siv's video check out this one right here he's so close to 10k guys he's gonna do a 10k q a and i kind of want to see that
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 309,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, rek, Minecraft Hardcore, Vitality, Echocraft, Boatclutch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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