Minecraft 1.16 Speedrun in 12:12 (Personal Best)

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[Music] i would like to correct i would like to congratulate aluminum for the first several times such a funny fashion weird to succeed yeah dude it's so clean because it's like all waist bomb dude like waist fashions are looks so satisfying because the terrain's usually like clear yeah oh my god already in another scene we're already in a new one okay okay this is just funny wait did you post this anywhere at the moment oh yeah i should probably post on the discord wait i'm not in your discard why am i anonymous why does it say it's not randomly generated evil i don't know why the seeds are ass i i feel like they're just saying right i was not okay that's kind of gross that's one sixteen five it is kind of gross but yeah i mean it doesn't matter because i haven't no bastions exist anyway i mean i mean it goes to show that the server owner does not know anything about speed what do you expect they saw a dream do a manhunt oh he's doing one 16.5 and that's the latest version yep put it on i mean dream doesn't one sixteen point five wine earthquakes 16.1 oh dude that imagine if the server was on one point sixteen point one that then that would be sick yeah a little bit scissors are you a hunter uh-huh please have a lava you're just gonna meet him in the end um i'm trying to i want to kill the dragon before but like i haven't seen a bastion i've played the surf like three hours i've i haven't even tried the era because zynock said it wasn't possible so so what happens if you um all right sub two first run after new pb sub two enter let's go now the thing is like you can pick up uh what is you can pick up like fashion entities but like once you do you're already too close for it to make a difference what do you mean you're too close i get like because the render distance is so low you have to be so close for the oh like noticeably higher yeah um illumina i just want to inform you that you are not streaming and we can therefore not see this up together i thought i was sharing what the frick i think it stopped when you went to look for the logs and [ __ ] i thought i restarted it oh my gosh oh i don't even gravel what the [ __ ] [Music] i didn't get travel because there was a room portal it's like okay it'll have a chat why are you sleeping he's setting his spawn i got another fashion yeah of course he does oh no you might watch that's another bridge are you going to pull a rain x and pb twice and then oh well i guess i might that's not right it's another bridge i literally turned the corner and i see a fortress and a bed oh my gosh dude that's listening good to entry yeah with the sub 2 entry and sister i want to open a ticket i have a small suspicion about a current player that is um ever since a woman i got a pb is my pick on a break i thought i was mining through a short wall where am i there you go so you have like two and a half stacks of another rack what do you mean free blocks who needs tnt just get a pickaxe i thought no another trap no i don't know what he just means and no pets okay yeah beds are allowed by the way i shouldn't come at all i mean it's delay dude there's like no rules at all like you can break spawners you can use beds it's so scummy it is but i haven't come across anybody who's used him yet you know it should just be the rule of the land this is just the exact same run as the last time what the [ __ ] scouting route that's real i already have practice for this kind of scene because i just did it sure [Music] so nice i think we should open up a ticket with marcus yeah no this is just let's take a time we're going to six flags [ __ ] exactly i'm not disagreeing with that we're going to open it we're going to go to six flags without you [ __ ] what do you want to do so i take me to six flags i'm in the nether i'm in the fortress five yo all my stuff 5 30. i got a bashing at some 20 minutes i'm talking just stop really sure it's stables [ __ ] my life triple chest that's triple who cares it's 116.5 do you know what the are you [ __ ] me it's zero emeralds you know what the difficulty of the server is easy okay okay what am i doing it's uneasy so don't sweat it oh really stop getting seeds okay was like i don't want a pb with f3 i got again no f3 right away do you follow oh get in get in i forgot about you i forgot about you ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [ __ ] forgot that they were a thing they're brutes yeah yeah i'm not used to them so beat balloon 7 45 blind ocean spawn no shot can i pace pal ooh even though you're not really okay monument sizzler what monument ew this is good ocean dude where's my other [ __ ] water bottles [ __ ] yo i got zero pills let's go yeah i i love this vision all right pages actually is that exposed i see the stronghold i see the stronghold i see the stronghold no shot really does not like having a pb with f3 huh no i mean i've used f3 oh well what the [ __ ] man all right what's your pace to let me know nine minutes and during stronghold of course the portal room's not exposed again i believe i have the silverfish i see the portal room i'm gonna see 9 30. yo i'm nervous thought that was a perch oh my gosh please dragon i hate you vegas not perching okay dragons perching let's go let's go [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh i think that's unprecedented oh my what the hell let's go let's go let's freaking go that's inspirational that is so inspirational hateful is asking if you can make it public on stream we what if you can make it public on stream can you say yeah sure i don't care i don't freaking care dude i don't freaking care oh i just won the game nice he just died probably ops no forest fox what what the [ __ ] yeah so wait isn't that wait doesn't that be too little but it's close for sure dude what the [ __ ] is up today one of those days you're cheating you're just cheating everyone's cheating i'm cheating dude i got baked a bit that was literally the next one my guy what the hell dude like gigi holy [ __ ] cg but [ __ ] you that was sub 11 pace right yes i entered something i entered the end that could have been the first 10x i could have been i could have been sober could have been it sad
Channel: Illuminother
Views: 47,537
Rating: 4.9853411 out of 5
Id: B63y_V_Pi8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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