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so i'm sure you guys have seen this really really fun challenge likes to go around on youtube right and that's basically the uh the 10 second one minute one hour challenge so basically you just you know like if you want to build the house you build the house in 10 seconds and then you build that same house in like one minute and then you build the same house in like an hour so i want to take that into speedrunning where i scout a c which basically means i just go into creative or spectator and then i look at structures and pre-plan my route and then i rerun it right afterwards so i'm going to be doing 10 minutes to a minute and then to 10 seconds and i'm only going to be doing three of them because the runs themselves are actually pretty long and i'm not going to be doing an hour because what am i going to be doing for an hour like i could stare at this mountain for like 30 minutes after i get the route like there's not really much happening after 10 minutes so i'm going to be capping my max of 10 minutes and then it's going to get progressively harder and harder all right so i'm going to be starting off with the 10 minute challenge where i have to go scout the seat in under 10 minutes uh which you know i've done this a lot before in tournaments so i'm pretty used to this uh standard setup but 10 minutes is still pretty pretty difficult depending on how difficult the seat is all right so timer starts in three two one and go all right this spawn we have a village and an ocean over there okay there's two villages okay um hmm i'll take a look at these villages but i'm kind of like inclined to look at that ocean over there because i could get a buried treasure so generally okay this one has two blacksmiths okay well i think that was better so generally the rule when starting off scouting a seed is literally just locate every structure possible so bury treasure even like desert pyramid that's terrible shipwreck that's terrible fairy treasure that's terrible hopefully we might be able to get an entrance from one of these villages right oh my god okay if this has six obsidian i can just enter right here oh my god oh my god okay that is that is that is good that is very very good okay um well we're definitely going to this village um the problem is this village has no food so i think we have to get some props here basically two sub 2 30ish entry right off the bat here that's really really good and we can get some bed along the beds along the way all right so now i've got to go route this nether and then other is generally like the desire of how i'm writing the scene here so there's this bug where basically in each quadrant either like positive positive or negative negative or whatever um i can only locate the closest structure in that quadrant so that's kind of stupid so positive positive is a far bastion negative negative is a far fortress hopefully there's something closer that's terrible uh that's also terrible okay um this this is a fortress i know that so hopefully this has something close at least okay that's a close fortress so i think i'm gonna have to be going fortress first because the fortress is really really close so it's like here and then i have to go positive x negative z for the fortress which looks absolutely terrible okay so i'm probably going to boat down here and get like a ton of logs and then oh no it's negative z oh that's even worse okay where is the fork is first of all i want to see where the fortress is before i actually like make my route towards it uh so it's here um right so it's really really open to rain where's my portal my portal's here so i'm gonna probably have to like i have to go down here i'm gonna have to boat down here i mean and then bridge over this large gap and then how do i get there this terrain sucks yeah we're going to pause pause so i have to go this way for like another decade so that's cool oh my god okay so it's there and then there so i gotta go like this under here probably over this basalt oh my goodness this is terrible oh my gosh oh my gosh it's a little treasure in a basalt yeah that's cool i like to check the chest just in case i um don't worry about your scene but it looks like we're really resetting obsidian so that's good all right so i've got like this route planned i just have to figure out how to um get in the stronghold and the stronghold is probably the most annoying part by far it's 1700 away 1700 away that's like 400 from max all right so here's my plan here right i'm gonna go to these chords like like roughly 200 100 or whatever send it through this k where there's lava and then i can like if i have enough gold i can um i can dig up here so like right here this is so much to remember but i can take a staircase up and i should run into this and then i go through here and then i go through here and there's an opening okay and i think like roughly here like roughly here is where the stronghold is so i'm gonna try testing out the blind travel [Music] wait what i actually landed the portal room first try i swear to god i haven't seen this beforehand okay that makes my life so much easier thank you game i appreciate that so i've got 10 seconds left i don't really think there's anything else i got to do right i've got like the whole seat rounded that was a lot harder than i thought it was this is a really difficult suit but there you go all right let's go rerun the seed i don't know if i'm ready for this this is like definitely one of the more difficult ones for sure i actually don't even think i got the blaze bar did i wait i never got the blade spawner i i don't know the blaze spawner is we're just gonna wing it i guess all right so right off the bat there's the blacksmith one and then yeah this village is like pretty like if it weren't for the blacksmiths this village would actually be like pretty bad i want to check if there's even bread in here oh that kind of helps um please grab it thank you let's get our stuff in here this these chests are so good man there's more food okay why is it wearing food then there's actually a lot of food in this village we need a lot of wood so i'm gonna front load like as much as i can here all right i think i think that's like well over enough wood maybe i made a little bit more but i think i think over a stack should be fine god that's a good chest okay let's go to another spawn up here it's like a boat put the boat down this way all right i'm gonna make slabs i think slab is the player just because i need like i still need a lot of wood hopefully i don't fall off here that'd be really embarrassing we're kind of like we're doing like a little baby speaker i can totally go faster but like i'm a bit nervous here take up like these coordinates and then i gotta go like a really long hike for the fortress so that's gonna be a bit annoying let's get in the fortress i still have no idea where this blaze spawner is it's gonna be stupid i hear blaze right here could be straight unless oh no okay let's go sweet um i think it blazed but actually right because like yeah i got a lot of beds in the village so i'm probably gonna rely on string here which i'm totally okay with there's no way we don't like there's no way we don't logos that badly i hope not at least i just remembered i only need five but i got sick because that blaze is annoying but yeah we're out here all right we're gonna speed bridge here here we go kind of exaggerated a little bit it wasn't as bad as i thought like it only took like a little over a minute to get here i would say it's not bad there's a bastion all right don't do that god i'm kind of scared yeah you do that you did that okay the good thing about this is that like piglets are really stupid okay and we got lucky the man keep rng that's actually really solid um all right you can go away [Applause] don't shoot oh all right we're good it's here right yeah i know this is my stuff sick [Music] that's like a lot of the piglet starts at the bottom there that's unfortunate um yeah i mean i don't really need to like get gold all right i've got enough i'm out yeah nice obsidian there buddy i don't really think i need more pearls yeah i don't even need the gold either but like whatever i'm getting i guess see like the great thing about this is that it's a three already right don't do that that's stupid so like i can actually like i can i can still use like one about i want to use a pearl for the end i want to use two proceedings i can use like two more pearls which is really really solid i could probably use a pearl here so i have to deal with that yeah very smart and then stick things this way there you go i mean like it's not the best pace i would like to i kind of would have liked to be a little bit faster but like to be fair this is an atrocious nether so um way whoops um that's not what i wanted to do i probably should pay more attention to that okay well i need to trade with some piglets here if any can just spawn real quick that'd be really nice please hi i'm cole take thank you oh god i'm so stupid okay there's one i've seen one last why are you okay all right there we go there we go that was a lot better than i thought okay so 175 125 it's like roughly here i mean it's like something maybe like sub 15 sub 16 hopefully i end up like what i want all right 13 minute blind travel it could have been faster if i was smart but i'm not there we go all right bang bang bang bang bang let's get back for pearls okay i mean like i didn't even check i don't know how to film the eyes i didn't even check the end okay i mean it's kind of a good thing i got a pearl there wasn't necessary though thanks for the pearls by the way and all right here we go [Music] ah that's mine it's fine it's like it's probably like sub 17 idt for some reason my indian time is like totally messed right now but yeah that might have actually been like the slowest end fight in history oh my god oh my gosh i don't know if i'm really happy with that i want to do better let's move on to the one minute challenge now this time around i only have one minute to rot the seed and this is gonna probably be the biggest difficulty gap in the video by far so one minute is literally like a middle ground between like 10 minutes and 10 seconds it's gonna be like stressful for sure but i still have like time to do stuff so we'll see um this looks good so far all right time starts now ocean cool uh shipwreck right there all right so that makes my life like so much easier thank you game is there an entry close it looks like no um but i can take like right here what are these coordinates um oh that's so awkward okay we're gonna be digging at 105 150 105 150 that's easy to remember okay 105 150. um hi so paul's bastion magnetic fortress getting closer okay um we can go here so positive positive fashion is 200 200 i think i go here they're gonna have my blind capital coordinates okay oh my gosh this is far i've got 17 seconds though um that's good 1971. okay so it's negative negative negative negative um over world run oh my gosh okay that was kind of waste of time but i think i've got this planned out all right let's give it a shot now i have no idea what terrain i'm gonna be walking into here in terms of the nether so i could be having to dig through like a whole wall to get to the bastion which i'm not excited for all right off to the shipwreck i think it's over here i don't know it's over there i'm very smart i'll get a boat i didn't even check the ship either so for all i know i could be getting like four iron and like two bread in here all right god oh it's actually really really good okay sick i didn't have to be worried all right so i think i was like here i have to dig down at so um let's go i guess i missed it i don't know my directions i have diamonds though that's cool all right here it is um this is so awkward all right sub 4 it's okay i guess all right my memory is getting like jogged but i think the bastion was positive positive so i gotta go back this way thank you all right i was right at this positive positive the problem is i've not got to get to it that's cool here it is i believe it's toggling stables and it's a triple chest so i'll try to hire all here but chances are we have to go for gas [Music] [Music] all right please hyrule i don't want to go to gaps there's so much effort whatever man it's still sad okay i wanna use the rest of that on tools and building parrots sir was it negative x i think it was negative x yeah i have to go like a negative negative for my blind corners just stupid bad how did i hit that guy yeah i got the force on the chart so the fortress is definitely this way i have good memory don't worry that was a pearl shot i see the blaze spawner wait that's actually so easy to get to let's go jesus christ that is way too many beds [Music] [Music] please come down thank you okay so now i gotta head this way for like a million years that's fun and exciting all right i only want to throw one more pearl and then i kind of can't anymore so i want to be like 150 like i think like 600 so 600 by 8 is like um i don't know my math it's something i think this is perfect all right so i think it was like roughly around here yeah wait why am i digging at 10 10. i didn't even realize i was digging like this no one i missed it wasn't actually down this way wow okay that's convenient that's a zero eye so good um yeah it's probably gonna make a 21 minute run unfortunately maybe sub 20. actually i think it was like a pretty good perch we could sub 20 this which obviously i don't really care about but it's a cool milestone i guess did i look at a guy since when no way yeah good one buddy he keeps teleporting all right man oh my god dude this guy all right hopefully i can catch this [Music] another slow end fight i kind of lost i want to enderman though i think that was like not very well played either but to be honest it was a pretty challenging scene let's move on to the final challenge the 10 second scout so now comes the dreaded 10 second scouting challenge which i am absolutely doomed for so i'm just gonna be slash locating structures and nothing else so i don't know anything about the seed i'm just gonna be looking at coordinates but if the overall sucks and the nether sucks then like i'm not gonna know at all let's at least try to give it a good shot time starts now okay um so it's negative positive they're the same corner it's really good okay um okay next neck pause neck pause i didn't see i didn't see a bastion um that was so stupid that's a 10 minute scout for you it's literally just spamming the commands man like whatever works i guess let's give it a shot wait a minute i think the blind travel coordinates are like dead on with a fortress coordinates am i not wrong because i think the force paused and neg and i remember the um the stronghold courts being like the exact same too i guess we'll see um so i don't know anything about this overworld which is uh the whole point of like the 10 second scouting right so it looks like i have to go in here and like i don't know anything about the terrain of the nether either and i don't even have a bastion so i'm gonna have to microlight to see if there's one that i couldn't locate but the route here looks like i'm gonna have to do a random dig down which is like absolutely one of my pet peeves i absolutely hate random dig down it's a stupid strat it works but obviously it's uh as it says in the name it's a random dig down i need one gravel and one iron that's it that's all i ask in this cave please this game is such a troll man i think i'm actually just gonna have to do flynn this year because i can't get enough for a flint to steal everything what a bad seed so far all right let's go down here just kidding there's mobs we're going down here instead oh i wonder if i can pull this off all right ready uh frick okay so there is a bastard on my thing it's over there okay cool all right i love if the hogland could just spawn right now i'm lagging i love a hug could just spawn right now i can just get pork chops off the bat like that'd be really really cool my frame rate's negative zero right now this is awesome thank you you can also come here okay it looks like it's housing or no it's staples stables is cool as well it's double triple oh it's oh wow it's uh i thought i thought it was triple triple but no it's double triple i was right the first time we're gonna go for the triple chest here i'm gonna try to snag this chest first of all though who's the angry dude okay let's get on this side all right i've definitely got everything here we're so out you know i'm kind of sad that i entered this nether super late because like this is actually really cool nether so was um negative z i think oh hi okay well you're cool and awesome maybe it was um negative z my memories are really bad again it's fine we can't afford to go this way that stuff hi um so the spawner did load in promise i don't see the fortress still so i'm just going to purl this way hop for the best again all right there's the blaze spawner and i think the blind corners are like actually literally right here so we could get a pretty fast run not gonna lie i'm gonna make a fishing rod here what the hell i'm gonna try to make an attempt to blind travel into the stronghold so we're gonna go like right here these blaze rates suck i've been here for like a little decade come on thank you i don't know it took so long all right are we in the stronghold we're not in the stronghold it was like um it's like literally like right over here though i think it was like um 1288 1288 right like the chords are the exact same that's how i remember um i could go in there but i'm lazy and also i don't want to risk missing it okay well yeah there it is easy clap all right it looks like here's starter and that is something i absolutely don't want to deal with see you later dude the stronghold's so deadly why are there so many mobs everywhere oh my god you're so funny oh my god you're so funny man all right man i've been here for how long i've actually went balls deep into this trophy and i haven't found a thing i'm using my law where are that okay man i've been like balls deep into like every single room where is this portal like okay there's libraries there's library here it is how did i get there still here and then up here oh my god is this thing dude i went through here the reason i turned back is because i saw this thing and i thought it ended oh my goodness dude what a stupid way and run you
Channel: Fyroah
Views: 2,878
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Id: TS0peDZnGj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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