Join us for Virtual Healing Rally!

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oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it go [Music] hi and welcome to another vhr we're so excited to have you guys here we know that the power of god is going to be meeting you all right where you are have your expectations out there place your hope in god because we know that god's expectation your expectation is god's invitation to move miraculously and supernaturally in your life do me a favor leave us a comment down below let us know where you're watching from what you're expecting to see god do because we know we're excited here the staff is excited pastor mark and pastor janet have been prayed up they're stirred up we are so excited to see how god's going to be ministering to you all tonight and just so you know we have 87 hours of free teaching just for you wlc forward slash be healed 87 hours of free teaching where pastor mark teaches line upon line and breaks down the promise of god where healing is concerned because it's going to be by faith that you keep what you so miraculously receive tonight we know that the holy spirit is going to visit you we expect tumors to disappear we expect headaches to go we expect pain discomfort anything that you can imagine where you are having physical challenges mental challenges the power of god is going to meet you tonight so again that's wlc forward slash be healed we also have pass to mark's devotional 365 days of healing it's a devotional for every day that you can use to feed and nurture your faith where the healing power of god is concerned just come on over to our website wc forward slash store and you can avail yourself of that as well so let us know in the comments where you're watching from what you're expecting to see god do have your expectation up your expectation is god's invitation and without further ado we are going to turn you over to pastor mark good evening we're uh glad thrilled that you've joined us tonight welcome to our january here we are in 2021 already our january healing uh virtual virtual healing rally vhr we're glad you're with us um we're we're enjoying these and uh god really dealt with this months ago that if uh in the days of the apostle paul acts the 19th chapter verses 11 and 12 it says that how god wrought special miracles through the hands of paul so that from his body were brought to the sick handkerchiefs are aprons and the disease is departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them well we know that that took place back there and i don't know i kind of think that maybe if paul were alive in our day that god wouldn't necessarily have to use clothes he probably would he probably might but at the same time i wouldn't be surprised if paul were living in our day if god wouldn't be sending healing through the means of the internet through the platforms that we've got through through uh the websites and and through um youtube and whatever else people log in on and so uh we're just god sent his word and healed them and i believe one way he sends it is through the means that we have available to us so so we've been looking forward to the service tonight to the virtual healing rally um we've been doing this for a number of months now and every month we have people contacting us saying that they've been healed in their bodies that god's done things for them people have been we've had some very uh strong cases of healing of people that uh have been attacked with the coronavirus uh in a whole different part of the nation power god's come on them and they've been healed uh one particular case somebody was uh i think almost the whole family was sick with the virus and the one that was the sickest power god hit him and they're healed so we've got all kinds of testimonies and there'll be more tonight and so i know just as you already heard as you can tell a difference in your physical condition as symptoms start to disappear as disease starts to leave your bodies as tumors start to leave as pain starts to go as you can tell that something's happening sometimes before you see the actual manifestation of it you can tell the power and presence of god's coming on your body then that will affect the healing and a cure in your body from the top of your head to the souls of your feet so as that takes place if you just would uh send us a note just send us a comment put something in there let us know what's going on and we have folks that are watching responding when necessary and believing god with you for a total restoration of health in your body and so uh so anyway let's pray and we'll just jump right in father in the name of jesus thank you so much thank you for the the privilege to be able to minister your word and let the holy ghost move holy spirit we look to you tonight to not only give us words to say but uh we desire spiritual gifts we desire the utterance gifts we desire the the uh revelation gifts we desire the power gifts we desire all what we call nine gifts of the spirit as they operate as as the father wills and so we ask you for that in the name of jesus we desire the best gifts and father we thank you now for all those that are that are um joining in with us for ears to hear minds to understand hearts to comprehend spirits to believe and results to be made we thank you for that in the name of jesus not only here in in oklahoma tulsa but across the nation and anywhere other places around the world thank you that as the psalmist said and he sent his word and healed them and he delivered them from their destruction so father we thank you for sending forth your word tonight and as the word goes forth bodies will be healed minds will be made right memories will be restored mighty things will be done because it's not by might not by power but by my spirit saith the lord by the holy ghost so we look to you and we thank you in jesus name amen well again we're glad you joined in with us tonight um and we're expecting great things we're expecting uh you to be healed in your body and there'll be probably times i i've got some things stirring already but there will be times when when we'll probably call some things out by the spirit of god in the scriptures it's called word of knowledge it's not a gift of knowledge because it's not just general knowledge of everything it's a word of knowledge which is just basically one word out of the knowledge of god which is something that he's dealing with there is this wonderful sovereign side to god god doesn't sovereignly steal sovereignly kill sovereignly destroy that's not what the sovereignty of god is sovereignty of god is when god loves us so much that sometimes he'll just reach out by his mercy and grace and do something for us that technically we're not even believing for i don't know about you i've gotten a few freebies in my life where god's done some things i wasn't expecting it caught me off guard but i've always been thankful that he's uh just reached out and done something so we're counting on that those of you that are watching listening we're expecting you to not only get what you're trusting god for receive what you're believing god for we're expecting some what i like to call freebies to take place we've had friends over the years that have been in services here in our church that have come in very extreme pain and and really they were just not really expecting anything to happen they're just glad to be in church and i know one in particular all of a sudden they they basically after the service said i got healed in that service i wasn't planning i wasn't believing i wasn't expecting god just gave me a freebie so as we move along here uh don't be surprised at anything god does because if god does it it's good so anyway um as we said the the psalmist said he said verse 107 psalm i believe it is verse 20 he said he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction so no matter what god does no matter how he works um we never want to bypass the word it's god said in the 16th chapter of mark's gospel said to his disciples go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature he that believes and is baptized shall be saved he that believes not shall be damned these signs shall follow them to believe didn't say follow the apostles or the prophets or the evangelists he said these signs will follow them that believe he said in my name they'll take authority over devils they'll speak with new tongues they'll take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick mark mark the 16th chapter they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover next verse says and they whenever we're preaching the word i love that didn't just say they went everywhere healing the sick said they went everywhere preaching the word the lord working together with them confirming his word with signs following what we need to do is give give god something to work with give god something to work with if you go back to the fourth chapter of matthew's gospel said jesus went round about their cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every manner of sickness and every manner of disease among the people the method methodology the method to his ministry i almost don't like to call it a method but it really was it was a progression of his ministry he didn't just tip talking down the pathway healing people okay there were times he walked up and delivered a healing to somebody like the man at the pool of bethesda uh in in john's gospel but really what he normally did john the fourth chapter john chapter 4 verse 23 john chapter 9 verse 35 both places said he went round about their cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every manner of sickness and every manner of disease among the people you notice in there it didn't just say he went around healing people he went around teaching preaching healing teaching preaching healing teaching see the progression if you follow that when did the healing take place well you know when jesus passed by no one did the healing the healing took place after the teaching and preaching well when did the teaching and preaching take place after he got people healed he'd start to teach him well i'm sure he did but when did the healing take place after the teaching and preaching when did the teaching and preaching take place before the healing it's the progression of jesus ministry so if we want to get his results we need to follow his progression a lot of times we're just going place to place trying to get healed well what we should be doing is going place to place to hear the word of god and let god confirm his word with signs following so anyway the importance of god's word i want to go back and start out in the old testament isaiah 53 this was seven approximately 700 years before jesus took on flesh to dwell him among us almost about 700 years before he came to dwell among us we just finished celebrating christmas so so before the season when he took on flesh to dwell among us 700 years earlier the prophet isaiah has a vision in this vision god shows him jesus the redeemer and the price he would pay all right now you notice it says isaiah 53 verse 1 he asks a question who has believed who has believed our report that's question who's believed our report i tell you if we want to get god's blessings in our lives we need to believe what he says okay we need to we need to make a decision god said it and that settles it we need to make a decision a lot of times we say god said it i believe it that settles it but technically god said it and that settles it if i believe it i'll get it but it says in isaiah 53 1 who has believed our report who has believed not everybody's going to believe god's report it's a decision it's a choice you and i have to choose to believe the word of god you're going to have everything talking to you there are a lot of voices out there the the voice of sickness the voice of disease the voice of covet the voice of destruction the voice of fear there's all kinds of voices that are going to talk to your mind and talk to your body and you're going to have to decide which one am i going to believe when my body's screaming with pain when my mind's going squirrely on me when i'm hearing all kinds of bad reports on the news and news feeds and all that i got to decide ahead of time if i'm going to hear those things i've got to go into this knowing there is an ultimate truth in my life i have the highest truth in my life the highest truth is not what they say whoever they is the highest truth in my life is what did god say what did god say and i'll tell you there are times when you might have uh god saying one thing in your situation maybe some saying something else a lot of times people say well i want you to believe with me that i'll get a good report from the medical community well my question is what are you going to do if you don't get a good report what are you going to do if you go to a doctor and he says you got this this this and this and this is the prognosis this is the diagnosis what are you going to do that's when you've got to make a decision isaiah didn't say who's going to believe for a good report he said who's going to believe our report there's got to be a time when you rise up and and pull yourself up by your bootstraps and just say i have just made a choice to believe what god says you know if god says i'm healed then i must be healed because the bible says let god be true and every man a liar he's not a man that he should lie he's not the son of man that he should repent he said it he'll do it he spoke it he'll make it good we've got to make a decision god's witness god's testimony god's word is the highest authority in my life and if we'll get to where we believe that no matter what it looks like or feels like or seems like or sounds like no matter what that is god said it and i believe it that's all there is to it and that's what isaiah is talking about he didn't say he didn't say who's believed for a good report we see people all the time i'm believing for a good report but i went to the doctor and they gave me a bad report okay well you know that can happen the question is not what kind of report does somebody give you the question is which report are you going to believe so he says here who has believed our report now if you follow on the next part of verse 1 who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed now i don't know exactly what all he means there but my guess is you in any given situation if somebody starts bearing their arms revealing their arms we'd say if somebody starts rolling up their sleeves they're probably either going to go to work or they're going to go to fight okay often times well here he says who's believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed my take on this is who's god going to roll up his sleeves for who's god going to go to bat for who's god who's who's god going to go to battle for who's god going to stand up for well he just does it for everybody he loves no he does it for those that will believe what he says if i'll take him at his word and believe what he says he'll roll up his sleeves and he'll get on my side my side he he'll rebuke the devourer for my sake he'll send forth he'll send his word and heal me so anyway but it starts out with believing his report but that really doesn't do us any good if we don't know what his report is people say well yeah for years uh prayed with people all over the world and they'll say well you know what what do you need well i'm believing god well okay great but what do you believe in well i'm believing god well okay what do you believe and well i'm believing his word well there's 66 books of that a lot of verses which ones are you standing on see if we need healing in our body we want something solid to put our spiritual feed on if we need healing in our body we got we've got to be able to say i believe god it doesn't do you any good to say i believe what pastor mark says or i believe what pastor janet says that's great but you can't get victory over something by believing what we say you're going to get victory over something by believing what god says believing somebody's words is great that's okay but your faith in somebody is not going to be near as important as your faith in god who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed so it's got to start out i've got to know what his report is once i am enlightened on what god says and once i'm informed of what his report is then i can make a quality intelligent decision of whether i believe it or not you know people say well i believe in god great but what part of god are you believing well i believe his word great but what part of his word are you believing well you know i just believe it all if you if you have just a general faith you're probably just going to get general results you got to you got to lock your faith onto something specific you know if if you know uh somebody came up to you and said do you you if you believe mark that's me somebody came up on the street said do you believe billy mark uh uh you might say well i you know yeah i guess i don't know i'm trying to i hope so i'm i'll to give it my best probably if somebody said do you believe mark probably the first thing you'd say was i don't know what did he say when it comes to god we think it's this strange mystical thing yes i'm believing god the way to believe god is to believe what god says that's just it so what did he say let's read on down a little further verse 1 who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed now just for the sake of time let's just jump down to verse 4. surely absolutely of a truth no doubt about it surely he mean let's talk about jesus think about this 700 years before the redeemer comes to earth seven year 700 years excuse me before the word becomes flesh and dwells among us okay surely he's looking down the road 700 years he's seeing he's seeing not only jesus coming he's seeing the redeemer paying a price and he's seeing what that price is purchasing for us surely he's born our griefs and carried our sorrows most translations more accurately and we again it's a matter of time we just go through the scriptures and show this to you even more effectively but it says surely he's born our griefs a more literal translation would be surely he bore our sickness and he carried our pains he bore my grief yeah it's wonderful it's wonderful to not have to live with grief okay it's wonderful to not have to live with sorrow he did bear that but even alongside that surely he's born our griefs or he surely he has borne our sickness and carried our pains i love i often use the saying he bore my griefs carried my sorrows he bore my sickness he carried my pain what he bore i need not bear what he carried i don't have to carry he didn't carry my sickness and my pain to help me with it he did it not as a helper he did it as a substitute surely as a substitute he bore my sickness surely as a substitute he bore my pains if he took my pains then i don't have to bear my pains if he took my sickness i'm not required to carry my sickness he didn't carry my sickness to be able to help me to bear it he carried my sickness as a substitute to do that so i wouldn't have to carry it any anytime sickness or disease covet cancer tumors you name it anytime a sickness or disease comes knocking on my door tries to present itself to me tries to come on my body i have a legal right to say this is not mine it's easy to say oh what is this what's coming on me what am i go how bad is this going to get but legally i have the authority and the right to say whatever this is it's not mine this doesn't belong to me i resist in the name of jesus i'm not taking this this can't be mine because the bible said jesus already took mine mine's been taken mine's been carried this doesn't belong to me may belong to somebody but it doesn't belong to me because surely it says here surely he bore my sickness and he carried my pains mine have already been paid for they were laid on jesus he died on the cross they buried his body he went into the depths of hell to pay for me every mistake i made and when he's raised from the dead there's no sickness or disease on his body he took mine for me and he laid it down in hell for me so forth to come on me it has to come out of hell and i made a decision i'm not i'm not willingly taken anything from hell i've been redeemed from that i've been bought purchased and paid for now surely he bore our griefs our sickness and he carried our sorrows or our pains yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted now verse 5. okay but now this again 700 years before the birth of jesus or when he took on flesh to dwell among us but he was wounded for our transgressions he was wounded i mean he you you read what he went through on the cross he was beaten he was he was whipped of course for our sickness and pain but he was he was beaten they spat upon him they put a crown of thorns on his head um he was bruised he was a mass of bruises from his head to his toe he paid a horrible price when he went to the cross why did he do that he was wounded for our transgressions see i i deserved all that but he took my place everything that came on him really legally belonged to me but he stepped in and took my place he took my jail sentence he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities he wasn't it wasn't for him he didn't die for his own mistakes he never made one he didn't die for his own transgressions he didn't heaven he didn't die for his own iniquities he didn't have any he was the sinless spotless lamb of god and god took our iniquities and took our transgressions and through through the wounds and the bruises god took what was supposed to be on us he laid it on jesus he became the lamb of god that took away the sins of the world he became our divine substitute so when he was wounded it was for my transgressions when he was bruised it was for my iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him jesus was crowned with a crown of thorns so i could be crowned with glory and honor he was chastised so so i could have peace the peace of god is a part of what belongs to me not just because i'm a nice person the peace of god belongs to me day and night peace belongs to me in the middle of any storm that comes along peace belongs to me because jesus was chastised so i could have peace now follow along verse five he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed now again with time we could go back and prove when he says by stripes we are healed he's not talking to spiritual healing he's not talking about marriage healing he's not talking about financial healing he's talking about physical healing okay and with the stripes we are with the stripes we are with the stripes and i want us to notice that and with his stripes he bore at least 39 stripes with a with a whip tore his body apart and with the stripes why he was wounded to pay for my transgressions he was bruised to pay for my iniquities he was chastised to pay for me to be able to have peace and he bore stripes so i could be healed no matter what tries to come on me jesus in one of those stripes he bore my sickness my disease whatever's trying to get on my body was paid for back then it's already bought and paid for it's a done deal it's a purchase thing so now that's isaiah 53 fast forward to matthew mark luke and john now we're down here to jesus coming to us the word make taking on flesh and dwelling among us the hebrew says a body thou has prepared me so we fast forward 700 years down here and then we go through 30 years of jesus preparation three and a half years of ministry and then he goes to the cross and what happens now his disciples take this that we just heard from isaiah and they describe it they talk about how he's beaten they talk about how they he was beaten with what we call a cat of nine tails a a whip with nine different stripes on it with pieces of glass and metal and wood on the ends of those and they'd whip it and tear and they tore his skin all apart on his body that by every stripe healing was purchased for humanity now we see the crown of thorns on his head we see we see him beaten spat upon we see him slapping and we isaiah told us what would be accomplished matthew mark luke and john show us what it would look like they showed us what it would look like there's a movie out called the passion of the christ some folks can't even watch it because even hollywood can't really describe how what a price jesus paid for us when he went to the cross so we've got isaiah telling us what would be paid for we've got the gospels telling us what it would look like then you go into paul's writings and he would tell us what jesus purchased between when he took his last breath on the cross and when he was raised from the dead what happened during those three days paul will preach to us redemption what did it look like when they laid his body in the tomb and he's raised from the dead on the third day well what happened during those three days he didn't just lay there absent from the body present with the lord for a christian he didn't just lay there when they buried his body the body without the spirit is dead when they laid his body in that tomb his spirit man had to go somewhere where'd it go it went where i deserved to go because he took my place and yours so anyway so we got these three facets isaiah said this is what's going to be accomplished on the cross the gospel writers say this is what it's going to look like this is how horrible it will be when he pays the price and then paul's writings tell us what it looked like from his last breath on this earth until his first breath coming back from the dead tells us what it was like we've got these three pictures so let's look at this though okay isaiah says 700 years earlier this is what it's going to this one's going to be purchased the gospel writers say this what's going to look like this is what it will look like when he pays for me horrible death he paid the price he didn't do anything wrong i did he took my place but now notice notice this when we look at isaiah 53 says the last part of verse 5 says and with the stripes we we are healed with the stripes we are healed now words it that way because isaiah is looking 700 years down the road to to jesus walk on this earth uh up to the cross up to his death up to his crucifixion he's looking at all that and he's looking down the road 700 plus years and he says with his stripes we are healed with his stripes we are healed with his stripes we are healed okay so we're looking down the road at what he's going to do and a lot of us in our christian walk that's where we've lived i know god's gonna heal me i believe god's going to heal me i believe god's going to heal well that's great but that's old testament that's great but that's not redemption that's great but that's not a purchased possession that's that's great but that's not the fulfillment of what jesus did fast forward a little more go another that's roughly 700 years let's go another 75 years let's go down to first peter 2 24. isaiah was looking ahead the gospels was looking at what he did now we get down the road another 75 years and peter is looking back and he says in first peter chapter 2 verse 24 it says um uh it says who his own self bear our sins okay we believe that any christian knows that any denominational christian knows that any born-again christian knows that any blood-bought redeemer knows that any christian believes that whose own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree you ask anybody what did jesus do he paid for my sins and most people stopped there whose own self bear now now isn't interesting isaiah said he's going to do this the gospel writers tell us what it looks like but we get down here to the to uh first peter 2 24 now what's he doing he's he's having us he's pointing us backward and if you'll notice when he points us backward uh our language changes our wording changes isaiah said with the stripes we are healed you get down to first peter who it says um who his own self all by himself nobody helped him he had no assistance he died alone the father had to turn his back on him because he became my sin so god had he said my god my god why have you forsaken me he the father had to turn his face away because he became the sin of humanity the father had to turn his face away imagine that anyway whose own self bear past tense whose own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree we'd say on the cross that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness looking at this this is this is the truth for every christian every everybody believes he took my sins so i being dead to my sins can live unto rightness with god jesus made me right with god you tell that to any christian and christians going to go absolutely right he took my sins he paid for my sins he paid the price for my sins i don't have to do it he took my place that i being dead to those sins i can now live under rightness with god i am right with god not because of what i did but because of what jesus did i accepted him as my savior and i became a new creature in christ but what we don't want to do is stop there because he continued that sentence whose own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes now remember what isaiah said with his stripes we are peter said by whose stripes you were isaiah is pointing us up to the cross peter's pointing us back to the cross under the old testament it was a promise under the new testament it's a fact now think about that most christians say well you know i just don't know if it's god's will to heal me or not that's not the que the question is not is it god's will to heal me the question is is he honest or not i mean let's be honest about it the question is not is it god's will to heal me the question is not will he do it the question the question is not will he do it the question is did he do it old testament said he will new testament said he did either he did or he didn't and he did now think about that he paid for my sickness as much as he paid for my sins it cost the blood of jesus to get me healed as much as it did to get me saved now people say well yeah but salvation is more important well of course it is but it's more important but but god did not require you and i to choose when you receive jesus you get the entire package of what he paid for whose own self bear my sins in his own body on the tree that i being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes i was i was by whose stripes i was healed but notice the language changes by his stripes we are to by his stripes you were i'm what god what god's wanting me to believe is not i can be healed i might be healed i would be healed i should be healed it could it could take place what god's wanting me to do is connect with him and believe what he says and rise up and go i'm not going to be healed i've already been healed god's not going to heal me in fact technically god's really technically he's already done everything he's going to do about healing for my body when he paid for my sickness he paid for my sin he paid for my sickness price already been paid in that case take this another step when it comes to salvation we didn't i can't i don't know if anybody's ever done this and gotten any results with salvation it's not well you know if god wants to be saved he'll just save me if god wants to be saved he'll just save me no you had to receive you had to do something it's it's a package it's a freedom it's a it's a purchase it's a blood that was shed it's redemption it was paid for salvation's a bit available but yet the bible said whosoever will let him come hymn's got to come okay you you got you had to do something to be saved it just didn't just happen just because you're a nice person didn't happen just because your family was saved it's an individual choice salvation was purchased but i i had to do something to receive that same sentence and with the stripes ye were healed by stripes she were healed if i had to do something to get saved i'm probably going to have to do something to get healed okay it doesn't mean i've got to do a thousand and one good deeds it means i've got to i've got to take hold of that and that's what i want to finish up with this evening is as far as the scriptures are concerned i got healed the same time i got saved i got healed jesus healed me same time he paid for my sins when he was wounded for my transgressions he bore stripes for my healing it doesn't just happen it's not just sit back and wait and see what god might do it's looking back at what god already did in christ and then reaching out and going he paid for my sins so i receive him as my savior he paid for my sickness so i received him as my healer i heard a story years ago about a man goodness he was way up in years and uh there was a fellow that was talking to him and talked about praying about something he was dealing with and this older gentleman from a particular denominational church stopped for a minute and he said well he said yeah i can do that he said but honestly he said i don't know and he was healthy as a horse all of a sudden he said i don't know honestly he said i haven't prayed for myself and oh probably i don't know 50 60 years i have not prayed a prayer for myself for healing in however many years this other minister said what do you mean by that he said they gave an altar call at our church one time and they said you all have received jesus as your savior now it's time to receive him as your healer and we're going to give an invitation what we call an altar call for people that want to receive jesus as their healer to come forward we're going to pray with them this man said i saw it in the scriptures he paid for my sin and i received him as my savior he paid for my sickness i just need to receive him as my healer he said i walked up there i said jesus i receive you as my healer i take you as my healer you are my healer he said far as i was concerned that did it he said you know i've never had to pray a prayer for myself since then every time sickness tries to hit my body all i have to do is just lean back and go oh father i thank you that whatever whatever is trying to get on me jesus paid for it two 2000 years ago and i am healed i took jesus as my healer at the altar in that particular denominational church and he's my healer now don't care what it looks like feels like he's my healer so anyway first peter 2 24 tells us how to do this jesus said therefore i say unto you what things whoever you desire what if you desire healing that's a thing what things whoever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and ye shall have them see for me to have them first i got to pray pray and believe i received i had to receive jesus as my savior before i could be saved i need to receive him as my healer before i get healed i can't wait till i feel the healing and then say oh jesus now you're my healer i need to take him as my healer and believe that's a done deal before i'm going to see healing take place in my body so we're going to i'm going to lead you in a prayer right now father in the name of jesus i thank you so much jesus was wounded for my transgressions bruised for my iniquities chastised so i could have peace and with his stripes you said back then i am healed but new testament said by whose stripes i was i just make a decision to believe jesus is my healer as much as he is my savior he paid for my healing as much as he did for my salvation it cost the blood of jesus as much for me to get healed as it did for me to get saved jesus i receive you now as my healer and you'll be my healer from now until i take my last breath and check it out and go to heaven jesus you are my healer i declare it i believe it i receive it and i call you that and i thank you father in jesus name amen amen amen amen praise god now there are different ways the word i mean i'm convinced people are being healed while we're ministering the word he sent his word and healed if you're if you're sensing a change in your physical condition clarity in your mind whatever now is a good time to make a comment send that information in let somebody know about we want to know what's going on out there but at the same time there's people being healed there's another side to this there's this wonderful wonderful mercy sovereign side of god where he can reach out and do some things in delivering his healing virtue there's some things he can do like that without he doesn't have to have a board meeting with the church to see if it's all right it's in the scripture first i'm sorry first corinthians chapter 12 talks about what we call gifts of the spirit and said these all operate as he wills this is his deal this is his uh he he activates he initiates these things so father i just sense there's some things you want to do there's some things you want to reach out there's some people watching online they're they're watching and and we can't get to them and they can't get to us but you can sure get to them you can get to them you sent your word but through the power of your word by the holy ghost i thank you for it dear father glory to god father i i don't know i don't know i don't know anything about these things i just sometimes know symptoms and i do know father there's somebody out there there's some kind of a there's some kind of an infection that's gotten in the blood there's something in the blood this is not a minor condition this is a this is a major issue there's something that's gotten into the blood and it's a it's a it's a serious something it's a serious sickness in their body and in the name of jesus power god's cert it's going surcharging through their system and affecting a healing and a cure throughout their blood throughout their circulatory system i curse that infection whatever it is i curse it from the very roots and i command it to cease and desist and wither and die in the in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and lord i uh there's somebody out there there's somebody out there that um there's something wrong with the sciatic nerve and it's uh it it's it's come and gone it's it gets better and then all of a sudden it'll get bad again and it'll it'll be good for quite a while and all sudden one little something and it gets bad again and it causes pain down down one of your legs it goes yeah thank you lord it goes the pain goes clear down one of your legs and but that sciatic nerve it's a painful thing and you've gotten better you've actually taken the healing a couple times but that thing keeps coming back now in the name of jesus i curse that condition i command that sciatic nerve to be totally well and to be that healing to take place through the nerves in your body all the way down into your feet legs wherever it goes to in jesus name there's somebody else your right shoulder um it's not just painful it's not just it hurts when you lift your arm there's in your right shoulder you hit a place there where the only way i can describe it is like somebody's sticking a hot knife in your shoulder and it goes right down into the joint in there and it's very painful and it's beginning to limit your mobility in that right arm [Music] and and actually the pain the pain goes down it starts going down actually down toward the elbow at times it goes down into the elbow but it starts up in that shoulder i guess in the joint somewhere being healed right now in jesus name carpal tunnel in your left hand carpal tunnel in your left wrist there's a problem in there i don't know anything about surgery if you need it if you've had it i don't know but you've been having difficulty specifically in that left hand the left wrist and you're being healed right now in jesus name somebody else now i know there's respiratory issues with with covet i understand there are respiratory issues with that and i don't know if it's connected with that i don't know if it's something totally different i don't know but i do know that you've been coughing up blood and i it seems like this has just started recently that you'll start coughing have what i'd call a coughing spasm but you'll find yourself coughing up blood i don't know what it is but in jesus name the power of god's going down into your respiratory system infecting a healing and a cure all the way through your lungs your bronchial tubes everything related their power god's surging through there in fact i wouldn't be surprised of you right now and it doesn't matter if you don't but i wouldn't be surprised if you could feel a warmth going down into your lungs right now way down into the very lower part of your lungs in jesus name now somebody else you've had a lifetime of food allergies you've had a lifetime of certain food allergies you have to be very cautious i know people have uh peanut allergies i know they have different allergies like that don't know if that's what it is but i do know you've had a a lifetime seems like it's a young person seems like it's a young person you've had really a lifetime of food allergies now i'm not telling you to go eat something crazy i'm just telling you right now you're going to see a mark difference next time you get around a food maybe accidentally that you've been known to be allergic to you're going to notice it doesn't do anything wrong power god's going into your body affecting a healing and a cure from the top of your head to the soles of your feet now somebody else you've had a you had a car accident um and it was it was not a extremely severe but it was severe enough that it caused a lot of issues in your body and i don't think it's just in the neck but you had a car accident that has left you with some real painful issues in your skeletal system it may be in the neck i don't know but i do know the pain is going into other parts of your skeletal system and you've been you've been actually saying god am i going to have to live the rest of my life with this one little mishap one little accident i get in a in a car accident one little accident and i've i have dealt with this and dealt with this and dealt with this you've been asking him god am i am i going to spend the rest of my life with this the answer is no no because he took your infirmities and he bear your sicknesses price has already been paid by his stripes you were healed now just reach out and take hold of that you had to take hold of jesus to be saved take hold of jesus now to be healed don't sit back say i'm waiting for a feeling i'm waiting for a feeling i'm waiting for a feeling reach out and take the healing once you take the healing take it by faith it'll start to show up in your physical body [Music] hallelujah glory to god now father there's some some other things there somebody's having a uh there's a there's a pain um the only way i know to describe it is a it's a a dull ache behind one of the eyes there's something behind one of the eyes and it's it's not a sharp pain but it's a dull ache it kind of comes and goes but it's been coming more and more often there's something back there and it's trying to strike fear into the life of that particular individual now i don't know what that is and i'm not telling you to get it looked at i'm not telling you not to get it looked at i'm just telling you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth whatever is causing that i curse it not command it to cease and desist with or die disappear dissipate and leave your body in jesus name i command that to go there's a there's a there's a case of uh uh endometriosis endometriosis i can't even tell what it is right now i'm drawing a total blank i what i do know is whatever that is it's painful and in jesus name i curse that condition in your body and i command it to cease and desist and disappear dissipate and stop existing i command that to leave your body and be well in the name of jesus christ of nazareth now i thank you lord there's a restoration there's restoration of joints and bodies and i say restoration because there are joints that have been there's been a deterioration it's been an arthritic condition there's been some the beginning stages of some deterioration and i thank you lord for a miracle working power of the lord jesus to flow through joints in the body and those joints to not only for the pain to go away but for the joints actually to begin recreated lord if you if you made them you can recreate them and i command those joints to be well in jesus name there's an arthritic condition it's going up and down somebody's back it's an arthritic condition and the pain has been getting worse and worse and worse and worse and the fears tried to strike you you you run into situations and that pain shows up and the devil starts talking your mind saying this never going away this is never in fact this not only is this not going to go away you're going to end up in a wheelchair you've had you've seen visions of yourself i would say maybe imaginations would be a better call you've had imagine imaginations of yourself in the future being in a wheelchair because of that thing going getting worse and worse and worse until it locks you into a chair and you cannot get up and get around it's not going to happen believe me believe the word who's believed our report hallelujah glory to god oh father i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you lord for that that that person they've been waking up at night with a a uh a pounding in their chest waking up at night i don't know what happens during the day but they've been waking up at night with a pounding in their chest i mean it not only it isn't they wake up and starts pounding they wake up with the pounding wakes them up and then fear tries to strike in fact i take authority over that and i take authority over the fear devil you're a liar in the name of jesus fear has torment but we've been delivered from all that i take authority over that fear and i call your body well in jesus name hallelujah glory to god yeah those hips both of them oh both of them both of them hurt both of them egg it's not going to get worse it's going to get better every morning when you get up say it's getting better every morning when you wake up it's getting better when you go to bed at night it's getting better when you walk through the day it's getting better you make your statement in the name of jesus make a declaration of what you believe hallelujah now what i'm going to do i'm going to do two different things first of all i want to pray there's a there's an outpouring of the coronavirus i want to pray for everybody too and i know there's people out there you what you're watching and you've not only been quarantined but you've got symptoms in your body in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i take authority over that foul thing i take authority over that foul disease i command that virus to cease and desist disappear dissipate stop existing and leave your body in the name of jesus be healed now in jesus name i curse that covet i curse that coronavirus i curse the virus i command it to leave your body if that's you just put your hands on your own chest area and command the symptoms to leave your body in jesus name and watch him affect a healing and a cure supernaturally in jesus name you're not going to end up on a ventilator you're not going to end up dying you're not leaving this planet early in jesus name you'll not die but you'll live and declare the works of the lord hallelujah glory to god and now just a mass prayer you say well you didn't call out what i had well apparently i don't need to i'm going to pray a mass prayer if that's you you need healing in your body just put your hands on yourself on if you can put your hands where the pain is do that if it's if it's on your knee if it's on your leg if it's on your shoulder if it's on your lungs put your hands on yourself father in the name of jesus i actually exercise authority in that name i take authority over sickness disease and i ask you we ask you the team here asks you we've got our faith together we ask you lord to stretch forth your hand to heal then the signs and wonders may be done in the name of your holy child jesus i thank you for healing folks from the top of their head to the soles of their feet i curse every foul symptom of distress and deficiency i command disease to depart and leave their bodies and healing to flow forth in jesus name and you said when you pray believe you receive it so we take hold of it now and we call it done and we'll watch it come to pass in the name of jesus amen amen amen glory to god praise god if you had something happen you can sense the presence of god on your body you can feel symptoms already partially or totally dissolving and disappearing comment let us know let us know what's going on we got some okay great great hallelujah hallelujah somebody said the last bit of their covet symptoms started to leave just as we started praying alleluia not getting worse getting better somebody had eye pain behind the eye and said this spirit is totally gone well that's just two out of a whole bunch somebody goes well what about me well what about you you're taking it you're taking it jesus did it he bought it he purchased it he paid for it all he wants you to do reach out and take your healing just just like you reached out and took your salvation glory to god hallelujah well father in the name of jesus we lay hands on these cloths another way you minister we ask you to saturate these clothes with your healing anointing like you did in acts 19 through the hands of paul paul didn't do it you did it you wrought special miracles through the hands of paul we lay hands on these claws dear father we ask you to saturate them with your healing virtue let your healing virtue flow and we thank you in the wonderful name of jesus christ of nazareth thank you for it dear father now if you would like a prayer cloth if you don't know what that is read acts chapter 19 verses 11 and 12. it's not a not a magic cloth it's not some mystical thing it's just that god's anointing is so real he can saturate a piece of cloth you can send the cloth to somebody stick it in your back pocket put it in your wallet put it in your pillowcase wear it around and let the anointing of god that's flowing in here tonight go into that cloth go into your body and heal you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet if you'd like one just um uh write in to us just send in your email information let us know uh i believe the emails on the screen if you said i'd like a prayer cloth write to us let us know we're not going to charge anything for it we'll put an envelope we'll ship it out to you we just want to get the healing virtue of jesus to you every every way possible so um don't forget i think we've already mentioned it um [Music] february 19th next month next month february the february the 19th friday night will be our february virtual healing rally be sure and join in if you know people that are sick have them tune in you know the power of god will go out and it'll help people it's not if god will do it it's if we'll receive it so february the 19th seven o'clock tulsa time we'll have our next virtual healing rally if you want a prayer cloth just let us know we'll send one out to you and don't forget we have a prayer conference this is friday night sunday morning 10 o'clock uh and then for the rest of the week sunday monday tuesday wednesday 7 p.m monday tuesday wednesday 10 30 a.m uh we'll be live in the house here uh we'll be socially distanced we'll do everything we need to do in the natural standpoint and then with the anointing of god to keep you healthy if you can come if you can't log on everything will be live streaming and uh come and join in and pray with us we're go we're launching the year out with four days of prayer morning and night and we're going to pray the presence and power of god down if there's anything we need right now coast to coast in our nation it's a wonderful move of god it's the reign of the holy ghost an outpouring of the spirit and we're going to be praying for that so we uh we're so glad you logged on with us glad you tuned in we appreciate you wherever you may be coast to coast around the world any nation you're in um let us know i don't know how many times i i've known of people go to bed at night wake up the next morning pain symptoms all gone go to bed two or three nights in a row third morning wake up all the symptoms are gone if it doesn't go instantly it doesn't mean you didn't get anything no if it doesn't go instantly that's when you just boldly say i got my healing i got my healing i'm as healed as i am saved i know i'm saved so i know i'm healed healing virtue of jesus is working in my body it's driving out every symptom of distress and deficiency i'm well so let us know email in give us a comment email and let us know what god's doing for you it's we love hearing good reports so anyway glad you tuned in with us tonight um have a great weekend uh if you're in this local area you don't have a church we'd be glad to be your church if you do have a church be faithful there uh if you're at home and can't go anywhere and you don't have something to watch log on to woc and uh we'll be live streaming at ten o'clock sunday morning and again at one o'clock in the afternoon and five o'clock in the evening i believe and uh you one of those bound to work for you let let us let the holy ghost minister into your life we love you we appreciate you we're praying for you the blessing of god all over you jesus name amen thank you so much for joining us tonight we know the power of god moved and was present right where you were and we want to hear about it so if you can leave us a testimony at woc tulsa forward slash testimony let us know what you got healed of let us know what you got delivered from we would love to hear that also february 19th is when our next virtual healing rally is going to be same time same place 7 p.m on friday we look forward to seeing you then thanks everybody
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: healing, divine healing, mark 11:22-25, mark brazee, janet brazee, Pastor Janet Brazee, Pastor Mark Brazee
Id: kV1hHfW1V7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 11sec (3851 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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