FEED ON THE WORD - Pastor Mark Brazee

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[Music] good to see everyone this morning those of you online good to see you well good to be seen by you hallelujah good to be in church i was just thinking a couple yeah go ahead that's i'm grateful got a friend that's in another nation missionary and and um um bottom line is he he sent me some pictures from his church uh actually um just this week and um got a church of probably four or five thousand people but he sent me some pictures and he showed me the road on the way to the church which this was the only car on the road and then sent pictures from the church and there were probably 50 chairs and about 10 people there mostly staffed because they're not allowed to have church in this particular nation and i'm just grateful for our nation i'm grateful for our governor and i'm grateful for our mayor i'm grateful that we still have freedom hallelujah glory to god i appreciate that i appreciate the freedom we have hallelujah glory to god well let's open our bibles i'm excited hallelujah let's thank god for the word let's open our bibles let's open our bibles to let's go to psalm 1 verse 1. the first psalm i'm gonna i'll probably get ahead of myself on this but you know i've kind of said all along uh i really believe my personal opinion i'm gonna stick with it i really believe that everything we're facing the world's a little crazy right now you know not just us not just america the world's a little crazy right now there's so much going on and uh you know and and there's everything's more divided than i've ever seen it it's not you can kind of blend in the middle and find out a way to kind of walk arm-in-arm you know lock elbows whatever man it's either now you're this party or this party you're either this candidate or you're this candidate you know and and like somebody said you either wear a mask you don't wear a mask you either get a vaccine you don't get a vaccine it just seems like whatever opinion people have they want to fight the one that has the other opinion and folks are stressed people are crazy stressed out there right now and they're taking it out on everybody and you know i try to drive cautiously because there's some folks out there a little get a little ragey on the on the highways and i don't want to give him any reason to my wife says i have to quit driving like i'm still in detroit the the the only thing that'll settle this the world's not going to get better you know don't don't let you know well it's just if we get through this it's going to get better and although paul said to timothy the last day days will be dangerous perilous rough times it's not going to get any better out there i've said this i keep finding myself praying about this the the nation and don't get upset at me about this but i keep finding myself saying the nation hasn't seen its worst days but the church hasn't seen her worst days but the church hasn't seen her best days so what's the answer to that stay in the church keep your feet planted in the good soil but i really believe the only thing that will cure anything that we worldwide are facing right now whether it's pandemic whether it's economic whether it's political whether it's racial whatever it is i believe the only thing that'll straighten any of that out is a move of god i think we're past being able to fix it by politics protests petitions economics i believe we're past that i believe i believe the one thing the only thing that'll really straighten much of anything out in any way form or fashion is the move of god now i can really expect that because i'm of the persuasion that before jesus comes there will come a harvest of souls produced by an outpouring of the rain the presence of god and the church is going to pray that in we're going to run in the rain bring in a harvest leave here and then the ones that are left can take it from there but so that now that's you know whether it's nationally globally whatever you know i i really believe the only thing that will make a major difference is a move of god and we've got a history of that we've got we've got the the revival in western kentucky with james mcgrady uh back in what was around 1800 something like no 8 1780 something like that and then you've got the major move of god in new york city with jeremiah landfire and it shook the whole east coast million people saved as a result you got the welsh revival there every time there's a move of god their revivals over in the uk where where uh there was such a move of god that they had to shut the prisons down the the jail's down because there weren't anybody in there they shut down the the houses of prostitution they shut down the bars because everybody was in church the police couldn't find anything to do they didn't defund him thank you but the police weren't they they couldn't find anything to do because people were all in church so they started forming gospel quartets and going around to sing in churches now i know a few police and i'm not sure that'd be a great idea to have them singing in church but but uh anyway you know you can see where a move of god will change a community okay it'll change you know righteousness will exalt a nation so but let's just swing this back around to even to individual things okay uh wha what about you know i in life we're getting to where it's more and more vitally important that we're in the right place at the right time doing the right things and getting the right results it's very vital that we know the will of god it's vital that we tap into that last week actually we talked about elijah and how he laid down sat down under the tree prayed to die he was discouraged he ran out of vision didn't know what to do with his life and god sent him 180 miles on a trip to a cave to hear from heaven and it wasn't it wasn't the earthquake it wasn't the fire and it wasn't the wind it was a still small voice okay it's a voice of stillness and he got the he got the will and plan of god and he went out and really accomplished the last third which was the most important third of his ministry before he got in a chariot of fire and took off so anyway we can see back there and you know the bottom line is you know elijah like we said last week elijah had to go he went 40 days in the strength of the food the angel gave him those two meals went 40 days in the strength of that food traveled 180 miles now today that's like well i don't know if i want to go that far or not he traveled 180 miles without a highway or a car okay so in other words he wanted to hear from heaven so bad that he invested whatever time it he needed to invest to do that all right so he did and it paid off well you know bottom line thank god we don't have to drive 180 miles to get to get insight from heaven but just as much as a move of god i believe will change nations there's something i'm so convinced for our lives i'm very convinced it's the time we have our spiritual antennas up and be tuned in i believe it's vitally important that we be watchers on the walls for our nation for our government for our fight for everything that goes on around us we need to be watchers on the wall we don't need to cruise through life and you know what will be will be no we need to find out what's about to be and then get on our face before god and and i believe we're heading into a real outpouring of prayer but now um answers we're looking for individually uh you know let's let's pull us into reality any any answer you and i need uh god knows he's he's not only in the past he's in the present he's not only the president he's in the future god knows that god knows everything about us okay he knows everything about us okay so what we need to know is what god needs us to know about his plan for our lives whatever and god knows everything about us and um he lives in us so we shouldn't have to travel 180 i heard somebody say one time you can go to you need to go to israel need to go to jerusalem god talks to people there i thought i'm going to save myself a flight because i know god i don't mean that to be wrong but i know god talks to folks here because he deals with me all the time okay so anyway so god who knows all the answers to all my questions there isn't anything he doesn't know okay and he lives on the inside of me so with god living on the inside of me what i need to know is where are the answers to my life where the where the answers to the things i'm looking for where the answers to my situations my problems my needs my wants my desires where's the answer to all that i don't have to go out here and i don't have to go to a meeting and have a prophet try to call me out and give me an answer that's not the new testament prophet's calling he's not a guiding gift the prophet new testament prophet is a confirming gift he might tell me something by the holy ghost that might confirm what's already inside of me but it shouldn't guide my life god's will should not come from a prophet's voice an email or a telephone call those things might confirm something but what i need to know is i need to know what's in me have you found i've finished it yeah psalm 1 verse 1 yet have you found that yet all right now we see here the psalmist writing this i'm going to read it in the king james and then we're going to switch over to another translation he starts out says blessed now i don't know about you but if i can get that to qualify for me and for me to qualify for that i want to figure out how to do it blessed is the man or woman that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly or stands in the way of sinners or sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight's in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water he'll bring forth his fruit and his season um his leaf also shall not wither whatever he does shall prosper i love that now let's just read this out of the amplified blessed happy fortunate prosperous and enviable it amplifies that is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly see isn't it isn't interesting god's trying to help us with where we get our counsel you ever stop thinking about our lives our lives are a and the result of choices our lives are always a result of choices okay a result of choices we we like to think well my luck well my life is what it is because of my environment i grew up with well you know that's a good excuse that's not right my life is a result of of my genetics you know i got it from grandma and you know and i got it five generations whatever well it's a good excuse it's just not right our lives are not a result of our of our uh genetics okay you can find two you can find identical twins okay and you can go down the road a generation you'll find one that starts a corporation the other one goes to jail well it's not genetics it's not environment they both had the same thing so apparently apparently where we go in life's up to choices it's up to us we are a result of our choices and where we start choosing today is where we start ending up isn't that what god said deuteronomy 30 verse 19 he said i call heaven and earth to record this day that i've set before you blessing and cursing life and death and i'm going to flip a coin see which one you get i just wake up and see which mood i'm in no no i call heaven and earth the record this day that i've set before you blessing and cursing life and death isn't interesting even god said god said choose ye therefore life that both thou and thy seed might live so i heard somebody say one time god made it so easy he said he said blessing and cursing out there gave us a choice and then he's so nice he even told us which one to choose choose ye therefore life that both thou and thy seed might live so bottom line our life is a it's going to be a series of choices it's a series of choices and choices are usually made up by um counsel we get most of our choices you know they're coming from some kind of a council our choices are either coming from the devil or from god they're coming from the flesh or the spirit they're coming from friends or enemies and sometimes friends don't give good counsel i can look at high school and realize i probably gave some bad counsel to some friends but anyway but you can look back and see through all this that everything starts everything starts out as a choice and choices always are a result of some kind of counsel we're getting input from somewhere to be able to make the choices we make and those choices determine our future and our existence if you don't like what you got start making some different choices okay usually not too late to at least fix a few things but now notice what he says here blessed is the man that walks not after the council of the ungodly stands in the way of sinners or sits in the seat of the scornful but his delights in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night he'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water brings forth his fruit and his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper okay now he says in bringing this out of the amplified blessed happy fortunate prosperous and enviable is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly following their advice their plans and their purposes nor stands in submissive and uh inactive in the path where sinners walk nor sits down to relax and rest where the scornful and the mockers gather but his delight and desires are in the law of the lord and in his law the precepts the instructions the teachings of god he habitually meditates ponders and studies by day and by night and he'll be like a tree firmly planted intended by the streams of water ready to bring forth its fruit in its season his leaf also shall not fade or wither and everything he does shall prosper and come to maturity now now i don't know about you i like that last verse it could be like a tree planted by rivers of water i read some time years ago that said basically that the rivers of water was the name of an irrigation system so no matter how dry the country got you've always got roots right there on the edge of the irrigation system so no matter how dry things are out there you're always watered your leaf's never going to wither you know i don't know about you we've seen summers where you know if certain trees didn't get watered a lot i mean all of a sudden their leaves start withering the leaves fall off way before they should why because they didn't get enough moisture said you'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water you will bring forth your fruit in your season you're always going to be fruitful i don't care what the world says i don't care what the economy says i don't care what politics say i don't what you will always bring forth your fruit in your season your leaf will never wither and everything you do will prosper everything you start out with with will come to maturity now he said if god could say this unto the old think what we've got available under the new okay so but it's not you notice it starts off blessed enviable all that is the man or person that uh walks not in the counsel of the ungodly everything starts right here everything starts with where am i getting my counsel where do i get my counsel i'll follow it if i can find it okay my mama didn't raise them more i know if i can get good counsel i'll find it it's just i've got to find where the council is and the average christians just say well i just don't know what to do i just don't know what to do but my bible says that he's working in me both willing to do of his good pleasure i am not unwise i'm not unwise but i'm understanding what the will of the lord is i mean i can either agree with god or argue with him with that being the case look over at proverbs the 20th chapter and verse 5. proverbs 20 verse 5. this has been a key scripture for me for years i know over proverbs 20 verse 29 i think it is 27 or 29 says uh spirit of man is the candle of the lord searching all the inward parts of the belly uh that's a great one but this one right here for me has helped so many times because he says he right here in proverbs 20th chapter in the fifth verse he says counsel in the what council in the heart of man is like deep waters but a man of understanding will draw it out we've got we got a choice we're either going to be a person of understanding or we're not if we're a person of understanding we know two things we know council's in my heart number one number two i'm gonna have to draw it out you know everything i need counsel from the most high god god knows my answers but yet he lives in me and if god lives in me and knows all the answers then where are the answers to the things i need in life they're living down on the inside the answer to anything you're looking for what do i do with my life where do i go with my life should i do this should i do that should i invest in this should i invest in that should i not all the answers god in the on the inside he knows everything and he'll tell us anything we need to know then thank god we don't have to ride 180 miles to get to a cave to hear from that we know the answers to life the answers to our questions are all on the inside but now he says here council in the heart of man it's like deep waters years ago i was in uh excuse me i was in india and it was right at the end of uh i was there for four weeks i was there with a group of other ministers and we were there for a month and uh we were there at the very end right toward the end of monsoon season i've never been around monsoon before but i found out what it's like and it was around the very end of monsoon season and and uh one afternoon i just went out for a walk we were in this little compound in the middle of nowhere and i went out for a walk and i walked down this whole road and down into what would call a subdivision and and right in the middle of that here's this great big old well about this high and i noticed with that well as i walked over to see what it was um uh the cover the the whole cover that cover that thing the whole top layer of that well that water was just this thick layer of green algae and i thought i don't think so i'm gonna go get a bottle of water somewhere and um but but there's all this water and i know here's all this this horrible green algae across the top has just been raining for weeks etc but i knew that if people needed to they could dip down and go past the algae stuff and probably down in the bottom of that well there's going to be some good water but you have to understand if you want good water you can't scrape it off the top you're going to have to pull it out of the bottom counsel in the heart of man is just on the surface what happens is a lot of us if it comes easy we'll take it if i have to invest anything i just haven't got the time or the energy it just doesn't happen that way if you want the answers to what you're looking for it's going to be counseling the heart of man's in it's it's where deep waters deep waters and well what about that i guess you just can't get it no amount of understanding will draw it out if you look that up in the strong's concordance the essence seems to be he'll lower a bucket down in and pull it out i've got to do something to get the council elijah had to do something to get his counsel paul had to do things to get his counsel this is a scriptural thing council's always available but it isn't just automatic most the time council is in the heart of man it's like deep waters but a man of understanding somebody that's got you know the the dots are connecting a man or woman of understanding realizes i got to do something i've got i need some counsel i'm not going to ask for a show of hands but i would dare say there's two or three of us in here that probably could use some counsel i don't know about you there's some things i'm working my way through right now getting direction on certain things probably any i will ask anybody else are you are you kind of searching for some things you know find out what to do with different facets of your life well that's a majority what are you going to do about that well you know i'm waiting for god to talk but he's not talking well maybe he's not talking but he's leading yeah i'm waiting for god to lead well what if he's leading and you're not following because you're not tuned into his frequency counsel in the heart of man is like deep waters but a man of understanding is going to lower the bucket down in and pull it out i want to talk about some things this morning on how to put your bucket down there how can you how how can we draw this out there there's no reason for a born-again blood bot especially holy ghost-filled believer to be without direction okay now i know we hit those those places at times but if we don't watch it we end up you know well well i'll tell you it's you know it's just it's it's either god you know god isn't talking unto me or is just the devil you know anybody remember flip wilson most of you don't that's right you didn't miss anything the devil made me do it you know people blame god they blame friends they blame family and but bottom line is the answers we're looking for god's placed him on the inside when he chose to live on the inside of us god who knows everything greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world well let's just look at some things that we can see in the scriptures that are going to make it what what can i do to draw this out what activity can i get involved in what things can i do to tap into i can just sit here by the campfire singing kumbaya waiting for jesus to come by and give me an answer it's probably not going to happen when he said if you're a person of understanding you need to draw that out how do you draw it out well let's start out number one let's go over to let's go to the 119th psalm 119 song and uh how about the 105th verse now this is kind of a no-brainer here what's what's if i need direction if i need counsel if i need counsel you know i mean there are counselors they're people that do counseling they're trained counselors i remember the the the counselor in my high school he and his wife pastored the at that time the only charismatic church in the city area he was in the school system he was a counselor great guy okay i went to see him one time you know and he tried to help me but but i was running from my direction in life so i wasn't getting much help but now he says here if i'm gonna if i'm gonna reach down and pull counsel out of the inside of me i don't have to go to some other city or some other place or some prophet's mind no i don't have to go those directions i've got council councils walking on the inside of me okay now he says here thy word thy word thy word what is it thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path the starting place the starting place to tap it into counsel is to feed on god's word now i know that's a real simple thing because it's real simple there's no replacement for the word of god okay if the only word you get is what you see on the screen on sunday morning you need to get a little more involved okay all right uh you know and and i know they've got the you know the daily devotional things that give you a scripture day those are great but you need to go beyond that sometimes because that scripture may not be where god's given you your answer okay so what we need to do is we need to let the holy ghost guide us as we feed on the word of god but we need to feed on the word of god okay doesn't mean you have to read you know 25 chapters a day or something like that holy ghost might take you to one verse and keep you on that for three days until you get out of that what he's got in that okay so anyway he said talking back here he says thy word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path in life i've got a i've got this major flashlight okay the thing about a flashlight is you got to turn this thing on going through the dark you need you know if you don't want to stub your toe somewhere you want to turn the flashlight on but the flashlight it'll go just so far and then it's dark again but isn't it interesting if you'll take a step the flashlight go the light goes if you'll keep walking it'll keep moving ahead but if you stop it stops thy word is a lamp to my feet and it's a light to my path in other words god's word is such a light that it'll show me where i'm going if i'll feed on the word it'll give me directions let's look at another verse here let's go to the 130th verse i believe is what we're looking for here okay yeah 130th verse the entrance of thy words giveth light it goes it gives understanding didn't he say a man of understanding will draw it out the entrance of thy words giveth light it gives understanding to the simple all right so the word of god it gives light it'll give me light to walk in the entrance of his word gives light now you notice well let's let's go to the 133rd verse let's go one more while we're here oh now this is even better he said order my steps in thy word order order my steps in thy word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me well that's good good verse too but anyway he says order my steps in the word so his words will lamp to my feet light to my path the entrance of his word gives light order my steps in the word you'll notice all through this 119th psalm god's given us direction about the power of his word to get my feet in the right place going the right direction getting the right results doing the right thing the power of his word to do that and people say well yeah but you know that was written a couple thousand years ago that's really really not talking about where i am it will amaze you if you'll get in there what the holy ghost can do with what's in the word of god to give you direction for your life ah years ago a number of years ago now i uh i was i i knew god was dealing with me to do something i just got my life right with god in 1972 by 1974 i'd gotten filled with the holy ghost i was in working in real estate at the time and uh i i had this sense that i didn't i didn't know how to be led by the spirit of god i'd never heard anything about that but i had this sense that god was trying to lead me somewhere where i could get some training okay i felt like i was supposed to help people in life but i couldn't help people when i was the one needed all the help so i'm i'm looking for answers and i'm praying about this i prayed i fasted i fasted and then i prayed i prayed then i even fasted okay i i got absolutely nothing god what do i do what do i get nothing i went looking at bible schools i went i took a drive to chicago and went to moody bible institute had a friend that was there looked that over and knew that wasn't it i went to check with every pentecostal bible school i know of in america got their packets i'd look at the packet couldn't even open it i admitted i picked it up i thought i don't know what that is but that's not it i'm looking for direction for my life and um uh somebody had put my parents on kenneth e hagin's mailing list we didn't know who he was somebody put us on his mailing list put my mom on i believe and you know i i went there to the house one day and i get this little little tiny three-fold brochure about a new school starting up brother hagin's starting out a training school for ministers the minute i picked it up something went off on the inside of me i thought that's where i need to go that's where i need to go well so i had this witness on the inside but i looked at the dates and i got it a week late school's already been going a week okay and so i thought well i'll go next year i'll just wait i'll work another year in real estate make some more money i'll go next year and i showed it to my dad and he said why don't you go this year you're miserable doing what you're doing i said yeah i know he said why don't you go this year i said well i can't it's already started he said what do you mean i said well it's already started i can't go he said did they tell you that and i said well no but here's the dates he said but did they tell you you can't go and i said well no he said why don't you let them tell you that i said well i i don't i don't think they say there's no such word as can't let them tell you so i went got number one got on the phone talked to the secretary she got off the phone for a minute came back she said you're accepted if you can get here in a week i never filled out an application for rhema i'm not even sure i'm a graduate they accepted me over the phone if i can get there in a week i said well now i got an issue because now i'm accepted i just don't know if i need to go now i'm in confusion now now you know it's either put up or shut up it's like okay you've been whining about a school to go to you know what to do you're accepted supernaturally accepted over the phone what are you going to do about that well i don't know if i want to go now so now i'm confused and then i went back to faster than praying but i got to do it quick because i only got a week so so uh so i'm i'm i'm in one of the offices at the real estate company i'm in there and i and i'm just sitting there and i'm just don't know what to do and i didn't know that verse the entrance of his word gives light i didn't know that thy word is a lamp to my feet light to my path i didn't know that but god proved it out to me i'd been praying i'd been waiting for god to talk i've been waiting for him to say something to me i'd been waiting for the word of the lord to come forth he can do that but he doesn't usually do it that way so so when all else failed i opened my bible none of you are like that i know but i sat there and i just started reading my bible start reading my bible and i'm reading over in matthew's gospel and i get to this verse goodness for the 29th chapter i i i've got this 24th chapter i'd have to look it up again it's been a long time but i got i'm reading along and i read this verse and as i'm reading the word the bible i'm reading this verse it says no man it's forsaken fathers mothers sisters brothers lands homes for my sake in the gospel but he'll receive a hundred fold in this life with persecution and everlasting life to come the funniest thing i read that verse which has nothing to do with my life nothing to do with me moving to tulsa oklahoma nothing to do with bible school nothing to do with bible schools they didn't have them back then nothing to do with anything except the holy ghost took that verse and i couldn't get away from that verse and i sat reading that for about 10 15 minutes and all of a sudden i knew exactly what was going on the reason i was hesitant about going was because uh i'd always had a plan to work in business with my dad he's half owner of the company i'm working for him my sister and brother-in-law live about an hour and a half away uh and and was able to go see them on a consistent basis i've got fathers mothers sisters brothers lands i'm about to invest i've got some extra money i've had some good sales there are some places for sale i was about to start buying property there was a place on the lake i was going to buy split it down the middle turn it into a to a duplex move into half let it pay for itself today it'd be worth probably 300 400 000 you know but i was going to buy this i had a plan fathers mothers sisters brothers lands homes and all of a sudden no man is forsaken all that and i thought i know what the problem is i'm not ready to forsake anything the only issue i had was not should i or shouldn't i already knew that the issue was am i ready to or am i not ready to am i ready to forsake everything launching out to go to tulsa oklahoma to some new bible school run by a guy i've never heard of before am i ready to do all that launch out into faith looking for a city god am i ready to do all that leaping out into the unknown when known here is really good at the time am i ready to make that kind of a leap when i read that it was like something went off in me and said there's your answer right there your problem is not should i or shouldn't i the problem is will your won't you the entrance of his word gives light it's a lamp to my feet like it was like reading that verse is like somebody turned a flashlight on in my life and i remember sitting there i said okay god i'll go i'll go i went and i just sold my car i got i went got a ticket one-way ticket to move the one-way ticket to move to tulsa called a friend i had down here as an oru grad and had an apartment and i said can i come crash on your couch for a while i'm coming to tulsa make a long story short i came i got in school two weeks late had no clue didn't know anything i was as clueless as you could get i packed i started packing to leave more than once i thought i'm in the wrong place i i have just totally missed it but i'd get ready to pack to move and something would go off on the inside no man is forsaken no man is forsaken well i was 1974 and i can look down the road and i can see over the years since then that i can say that god has restored multiplied my father's mothers sisters brothers lands homes everything i look at out there i believe as a result of one bible verse i got more now today than i ever thought i'd have been more places than ever thought i'd go got more good things happening than ever dreamed of and i believe it's all a result of taking one verse the holy ghost says if you're willing to pay the price i will multiply it back to you and he has been so faithful to do that since 1974 i was young and not middle-aged now and i've never seen the righteous forsaken or seed begging for bread i've seen god come through off one verse you need any direction in your life you know yeah yeah counsel in the heart of man's like deep waters but a man of understanding i drew the will of god out by reading my bible now i know that's a real simple truth but it's a simple truth when you need direction don't go looking for somebody that can tell you what it is go to the one that knows what it is god will deal with you through his word okay let's hurry up and go to part two okay not only reading the word but look over at uh how about well let's look back there same thing psalm 1 verse 1. all right blessed is the man that walks not after the council of the ungodly stands in the way of sinners sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he in his law does he then islam does he meditate so not only read the word but digest the word okay now i don't know a lot about farming but i do have this vague recollection uh goodness i was we're on a farm until i was what six maybe something like that and and uh my dad had some cattle out there and you know they'd go eat but then they go lay down the field they just they if they'd eat and hours later they're still sitting there chewing i guess they got multiple stomachs i don't know but anyway they'd eat it and then they'd bring it back up and chew it and i thought if christians would just be that smart well i read that yeah but have you been chewing on it have you been chewing okay his deli now says back there blessed is the man that walks not after the council of the ungodly stands in the way of sinners sits in the seat of the scornful but his delights in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night meditate you can read it before you go to work in the morning but you can chew on it all day long you can sometimes you can take one verse see i didn't know about that but i know really just prior to this time when i packed up to come here to tulsa to move prior to that time i just launched out to work in the real estate field i didn't know anything about real estate i didn't know sales i didn't know financing i didn't know real estate i just had a license okay i read the book got a license and became a legal real estate agent and you know i uh problem was i didn't know how to do anything i wasn't making any money was not making any money okay i finally did have somebody help me with it put together one uh house sale sold the house got a commission check i think like 350 or something like that total that's not going to take you too far especially even back then and i uh you know i remember i said you know god i i i i i need help i i this job's not working this is before i was ready to go to bible school this job's not working i i got to have some money i need money i need to eat i need fuel in my tank i need money i need and this job's not working apparently i need to quit this job and go get one that's more working by the hour or salary or something like that this gives me a lot of freedom to do other things i was doing you know some home bible studies with youth and all that but i said god i need to do something here i need to do something different i need you to meet my needs and so again i went back to fasting and praying okay and i'd prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and nothing's happening one day again sat down in the office opened my bible i did one of those charismatic things close your eyes and see where it opens and i've always been glad it didn't open to leviticus with animal sacrifices and the blood of bulls and goats and it fell open to philippians the fourth judge fell open there had to be an angel helping me with that because it opened to the book of philippians usually your bible will open to where you spend the most time but i wouldn't spend any time in it anywhere so it could have fallen open anywhere came to philippians the 4th chapter and i read the 19th verse and it said and my god shall supply all your need according i mean i'm looking for help i'm looking for help the first thing god's got to get in me determined is the will of god faith begins where the will of god is known i got to know what the will of god is i don't know if he wants to meet my need or if he wants me sick poor and sorry i don't know what the will of god is first thing he's going to do is answer that question philippians 4 19 my god shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus all of a sudden i got the will of god determined he wouldn't have said he'd do it if he didn't want to do it he wouldn't have said he'd do it if he couldn't do it okay now i got that verse and that's an easy one i read it a couple times i got it memorized now i'm driving around the countryside looking for houses and lands to list i'm driving around by myself that verse that verse would not leave me alone i thought about that meditate means to think about to read to study uh to mutter or talk out loud to yourself as a christian you ought to be talking to yourself all the time you got to be talking the word you ought to be saying my god supplies all my need no weapon formed against me is going to prosper cove has not come near my dwelling i am the redeemed of the lord no weapon is ever going to it may come but it will not prosper hallelujah but anyway i i i'm a sheep i know his voice i'll not follow the voice of a stranger he's working in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure and so on so anyway i didn't know what meditate was but i'd i'd go day after day with that verse that verse just rolling on the inside of me i'd think about it and then i'd quote it didn't know you weren't supposed to didn't know you were supposed to my god shall supply all my need according the first time i read it out loud i said i wish i could believe that god forgave me for it but anyway so this is going around and round and round and round and round and it just doesn't go away i didn't know it was meditating didn't know what meditating was didn't know i was meditating but it just kept rolling on the inside until i vividly remember one particular day it was just like something dropped i almost could physically feel it something dropped on the inside of me and what i knew up here it got down here let these sayings sink down into your ears luke 9 44. it got on the inside of me and when it got down in here all of a sudden i heard myself say my god supplies all my need i'd been saying it before but all of a sudden i said it with some force behind it my god shall supply my need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus now things didn't turn around in the first day or two or three but over the next weeks all of a sudden everything began to turn around i began to get listings i began to get sales i began to have money in the bank i was taking whole paychecks commission checks endorsing the bank dropping them in the offering plate of church i'm telling you money it was closings were coming my direction from every direction coming from everywhere but it all started out with feeding on the word and then meditating on the word until it got off the page of the bible up in here to my gray matter and then dropped down on the inside sometimes you've got to stay with it for a while until it stays with you it got on the ins it got on the inside of me that was 1974. we're a couple years down the road wow but you know to this day the easiest the easiest scripture for me to believe my god supplies all my need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus that that just got on the inside of me and i and of course i i keep it refreshed on a consistent basis we've been through in that amount of time we've been through a couple minor recessions a big recession we've been through all kinds of things in the nation and through all the middle of that i've never seen i've never seen i've never suffered lack anywhere because no matter what was going on god always supplied all of our needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus it just once it got on the inside it got there to stay never left never went away again you want to refresh it now and then but it got on the inside so you know number one feeding on the word of god read the word of god read the well i can't find anything that applies to my situation let the holy ghost guide you he'll interpret the bible for your situation for you meditate on the word mutter it think about it dwell on it talk out loud to yourself think about it some more don't just read it and then close it up and forget about it the rest of the day read a little bit take it the rest of the day with you and every now and then stop and chew on it just be as smart as an old cow just take a few minutes and chew on that for a while until it gets digestible then the third thing third thing is feed on the word meditate on the word and then the third thing is pray praying in the holy ghost now we can stand this for weeks praying particularly praying in other tongues praying in the holy ghost because what you're needing is the answer to a mystery and you pray in other tongues you're speaking out mysteries praying praying in the holy ghost praying in other tongues something about that when we need direction you know you're not going to go any further than your word level so you do what you what you need to do reading feeding okay digesting but then you just step out and begin just i mean double up on your prayer time okay the bible says over in first corinthians uh believes chapter 14 verse 14 um that we know that that when we pray in other tongues we edify ourselves we know we speak mysteries we know when we pray in other tongues we we understand when we're praying in the spirit it's our spirit by the holy spirit is praying and what happens you begin praying in other tongues it's your mouth hooking up with the holy ghost on the inside and he that that gives an element of option for him to start having you pray things out that you don't understand well what's it going to help me if it comes in tongues well god by the holy ghost can get that interpreted for you you know uh goodness years ago we knew actually in 1981 we were on a four month trip to uh philippine islands and in the middle of that really actually toward the end of that god's really supernaturally dealt with us to when we went back home from that trip to base our ministry here in the states and to begin traveling to europe and he said don't go anywhere else till i tell you to we didn't have any contacts in europe we didn't know anybody in europe we didn't know anything about europe all we knew was our call our call at that point god dealt with us he said begin to travel to the continent of europe and don't go anywhere else till i tell you well we uh we got back home we began praying supernaturally god opened doors up to us first of all to sweden then to vienna then over into um czechoslovakia and germany and in austria and switzerland and and gord just i mean george began to open up down finally down into italy and spain and and uh ukraine on and on and on and god over really god opened almost the whole continent to us we could have spent the rest of our lives just traveling the continent of europe and so god opened that up for us well we're traveling we're doing meetings you know we're doing uh conferences and churches we're doing camp meetings and i mean we're staying really busy we're taking sometimes up to eight trips a year overseas that's a lot of traveling over there and we're doing all this and and uh but all of a sudden all of a sudden we knew what we were doing we knew it was right but it wasn't quite right okay let's see if i can explain that we knew it was right but it wasn't all the right there was more there was something else we needed to be doing i said lord we're we can't stand any busier we we can't we can't stand we're as busy as we can stay right now i can't be staying busier well i knew that wasn't it and i said lord i don't know what to do and this stayed there for months it just rolled on the inside somehow somehow it just seemed like there was more anybody know what i'm talking about seemed like there's more i needed to be doing are we i should say we there's more we needed to be doing we're already traveling we're doing meetings all over europe we're going back and forth as often as we possibly can when we get home we jump in the car or most by then in planes and and did meetings all over the country we're doing about 350 some services a year uh yearly staying really busy but i said god there's something there's something something something i don't know what that is there's something something and i prayed and i listened and i fed on the word and finally god just dealt with me one day said go away for three days and pray go away for three days and pray really don't go away for three days and fast and pray and i said okay so i just went away went all by myself you know just went away took some water went away and spent three days spent three days praying just prayed prayed prayed prayed not 24 7 but just you know rest for a while meditate think about things for a while and then pray in other tongues for a while pray in the holy ghost just pray pray pray pray pray say what did you know did you have any great surges of the holy ghost no most time it was dry as a bone i mean dry dry okay but i'm praying i'm doing all i know i'm praying i'm speaking out mysteries i'm praying in the holy ghost and it doesn't make any sense to me i don't there's something something more we need to be doing well i went back home after three days my lovely wife's waiting for me back there she said what did you get i said hungry if i got anything else i don't know it didn't get anything else but i did pray i knew i'd invested my time i did pray well funny thing is payday doesn't come every friday but payday comes i it didn't come through right away but within the next couple weeks all of a sudden i mean i'm not even thinking about it it's not coming from up here all of a sudden it rolls up on the inside all of a sudden i knew what we needed to do put in a nutshell we needed to travel the continent of europe and raise up a network of ministers training schools in every possible language zone we could put one in i said lord i don't know how to do that well i've never known how to do anything he told me to do never had the n no how never had the money never had the wisdom never had anything if it didn't come from god it didn't come i said well we don't know how to how do you start a school where do you start a school where do you get students what do you use for a curriculum what do you do for translators i don't speak anything but english and i'm working on that god what do you do and he didn't really give us a lot of answers he gave us the 10 subjects we needed gave us the first two cities to go to and uh gone supernaturally it was before before all was said and done we had as many as 23 ministers training schools throughout three continents everywhere god paid all the bills god sent all the speakers he sent all the instructors he said he sent me god sent everything in but i look back and all that happened because i didn't know what to do and i decided to lock myself away and go pray for a few days see sometimes we're looking for some big flashy answer when it just comes in those still small voices it didn't come as a big you know blinding vision and i'd welcome that it just came as this inward knowing still what'd we call it last week a voice of stillness it came as a voice of stillness i said i think i i think told told pastor dan i said i think we're supposed to go to europe and start a network of bible men not bible schools ministers training schools we said how do we do that so we don't know don't have the slightest idea new two cities we thought well we'll go to this because they'll be easy every people know us there prayed about it and it rolls up on the inside wrong wrong gave us two cities we'd hardly ever even been to i thought oh let's just make this really impossible let's go places nobody knows us nobody knows us we don't know the cities we don't know the churches we don't know the people we don't know the missionaries we don't know anybody in these places and i'm telling you god opened the doors up and away we went did that uh that started in 1900 1992 and those schools went for years years graduates all over three continents right now graduates over three continents out there but the holy ghost did all that so anyway well we've gone long enough yeah we've gone long enough on this but but uh fourth part be a worshiper be a worshiper you do those things read the word feed on the word meditate pray in the holy ghost and be a worshiper you will find the will of god men of understanding will draw it out praise god let's stand to our feet father we thank you in the wonderful name of jesus thank you for the power of your word thank you for the holy ghost who knows everything we ever need to know but oftentimes on a need to know basis and i thank you lord as we're not just hearers of the word only but doers thereof will be blessed in our deeds and we thank you for in jesus name father amen amen amen well we're going to finish up today this is the fifth sunday and oftentimes on the fifth sunday when we have a fifth sunday we um we um oops dead battery anybody got a real bible thanks jess thank you okay these batteries never go out in these every time we have a fifth sunday we endeavor to have communion sunday it's really good we would know from the scriptures paul said as often as you do this he didn't give us a sense schedule to have communion he said as often as you do this you do show the lord's death till he comes so there's no set schedule i've had friends that have had communion every week i've got i've had friends that you know i've had friends that have had multiple services and the early morning service the end of the early morning service would be a communion service if people want communion they'd go they'd go early so everybody should have gotten a a communion set when you came in is there anybody that didn't get one hold your hand up if you didn't get the the cup and the cup comes with the wafer with it i see a couple hands we'll pass one out to you this is when we really take the time to celebrate redemption we celebrate redemption okay we know we're going way back to you know the passover lamb in in egypt when god delivered three million egyptians it was all because of a passover lamb that laid down its life and shed its blood and god brought forth three million people thanks andy i'll need one thank you god brought forth three million people brought him forth with silver and gold there was not one feeble person among their tribes he got him out free he brought him out happy he brought him out health and he brought them all blessed that's that passover lamb did that's a picture of redemption so anyway so so um when we receive communion what we're doing is we're celebrating redemption we're celebrating what god did for us through jesus christ okay and um this is a good reminder this is what we do is we look back as often as you do this you do show the lord's death that's death burial resurrection until he comes every time we receive communion we're celebrating the fact he came the first time and we're prophesying he's coming back again okay and you know and this ought to be when we're celebrating redemption not only are we thanking god for the new covenant for the new birth for being made the righteousness of god in christ but at the same time we're thanking god because the passover lamb's body was not only broken the bloodshed but its body was broken and they ate part they did partake of that so just as jesus his blood was shed for our redemption for our forgiveness of sins in the new birth but his body was broken so we could have healing in our bodies so when we receive communion like this this ought to be a time when we celebrate and rejoice not only are we set free spiritually but god set us free physically these should could be and should be some of the the greatest um healing services i know i had a friend number of years ago came to a communion service he said i'm i'm coming to a communion service he told me later said i decided i'm coming he said i had a sickness and he said i had to get better fast and he said um excuse me for just a minute take all the help i can get thank you i'm just trying to get that wafer out of there there it is okay uh he said i'm going to church i'm going to go receive communion i need healing in my body to do up to be able to do my job and i got to have a fast i'm coming church for communion in the middle of the communion service got an instant healing went back to work the next day we're celebrating what jesus did for us okay but it's a good time good time for us to clear the pipes out good time for us to close our eyes and say lord do i have anything against anybody do i have any ill will or animosity toward anybody is there anybody i'm wishing bad things for i hope they get what they got coming is there anybody are we holding any ill will toward anyone and fire now now is a good time to let it go well they did me wrong well do you ever do anybody wrong yeah but look at all the wrong they did well i'm glad god didn't hold my wrong against me you know i'm glad he didn't say you did a bunch of bad stuff well if he forgave me of all the bad stuff i did least we can do is forgive everybody else for any bad thing they did okay we shouldn't be we shouldn't be trying to get the sliver out of somebody else's eye when we've got a log in our home so anyway i'm going to read the scripture here first corinthians 11 chapter paul says for i receive from the lord that which i also delivered unto you that the lord jesus on the same night in which he's betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke the bread and said take heed this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me father i thank you jesus body was broken he bore stripes so we could have healing in ours he bore a crown of thorns on his head so our mind could be free i thank you dear father that jesus before he went and was nailed to the cross and had his blood shed for re my deliverance from all my sins i thank you before he did that he let his body be broken willingly let his body be broken so mine could be made whole so father right now in the name of jesus as we receive this i thank you that by partaking of the symbol of the broken body of jesus we're partaking of the power of the lord jesus to put healing and health into ours we thank you in jesus name amen [Music] this is in the same manner he also took the cup after he had sup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood just doing this to you as often as she drink in my remembrance of me for as often as you as ye eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he comes so what we're going to do is the symbol of the broken body is how we receive healing into ours the symbol of the shed blood of jesus is when we celebrate he shed his blood precious sinless spotless blood he shed his blood to make me a new creature in christ celebrate redemption glory to god father in the name of jesus i thank you so much i thank you his body was broken jesus body was broken his blood was shed his blood was shed so i could become a new creature in christ no past just a future i could lose a sin nature and be made the righteousness of god in christ i thank you dear father for the price that's already been paid and so father in the name of jesus i thank you right now as i partake of this i loose anybody that i've had animosity against i let anybody go that's hurt me i let him go i drop it i i forgive him and i'm gonna just do my best to forget it so i'm not gonna carry it around i lose him from that jesus name so father i thank you that because of that wonderful blood sinless spotless blood that was shed i've been made the righteousness of god in christ so right now as i partake of this you said every time we do this we do show the lord's death till he comes jesus is coming back and we're celebrating that now in jesus name amen well i think we ought to raise a hand and just give him thanks thank you father for the price you paid thank you for the price jesus paid thank you father hallelujah he took my place became what i was so i could be as he is glory to god hallelujah [Music] thank you for it dear father and i thank you now as we have the healing virtue of the lord jesus flowing into our beings from the top of our head to the soles of our feet thank you for the blessing of redemption the blessing of the death burial and resurrection of jesus it's flowing through my being and i thank you in jesus name amen amen amen well one more time let's give him thanks hallelujah [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 367
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2-LoLEx-MUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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