IT SHALL NOT PROSPER! - Pastor Mark Brazee

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hallelujah glory to god amen amen good to see everybody this morning good to be in church hallelujah as i've said before we've got uh actually we got a a a a picture texted to us a few days ago from pastor paul chase in manila you know he and shoddy went back over there on a three-month trip from the states back over to manila to their church and got a church of i don't know he's never said but been there enough times i would say probably a church of maybe four thousand five thousand something like that i don't know but sent us pictures and here's the auditorium with about uh 30 chairs and about 10 people and that's all they can do he's they've been there for two months they've been able to have three services before the church got shut down again and he he told me about three nations that he's working in and uh in three of three nations of the nations he's working in the church is shut down and i've read that and i thought makes you more makes you grateful that we have the freedom we have and we're going to pray and we're going to maintain and keep the freedom we've got hallelujah why because we're the church hallelujah glory to god praise god um let's see uh let me change here i'll be right back with you how about in let's look at proverbs the fourth chapter and we'll go to the 20th verse proverbs chapter 4 verse 20. um you know i mean reality is if you listen or any news read any news get any news things a little crazy out there right now you know we we've got numerous friends that are quarantined we've got numerous friends that are that have been attacked with the cove virus we've got friends that actually a couple that have uh passed on gone to the other side the past couple weeks and it's a real thing out there and um you know we're living in a really wild time in it you know and the bottom line is is uh if we think if we think the government's going to fix this we're sadly mistaken if we think medical science is going to fix this we're sadly mistaken because it's gone from covered 19 to cover delta to covet lambda to covet which i think came out of peru to covet mu or something i think that came out of south africa they're going to fight as long as they got greek letters the devil's going to find ways to keep getting variants of this thing and the by if we're looking for if we're looking for the world to fix the problem it's not going to work the only entity on earth that has any power to do anything about this is the church hallelujah and the church does have dominion we do have authority we just got to figure out what to do and and uh you know the bottom line is um you think about this we we're we are in people are in decision mode right now um be honest about it decisions being made everywhere okay people say what do you think i don't you know what are you doing that's my business okay i don't mean that wrong but the bottom line is you got to be led by the holy ghost you can't live off somebody else's faith you can't live off somebody else's unbelief you can't live by somebody else's convictions you know we're at a place right now is it mask or don't mask get shot or don't get i mean get a shot whatever get a shot or don't get a shot get two shots get two shots and a booster and another booster another booster we don't know we don't know if we're looking to the world to fix this thing the world's not gonna fix it they're not going to fix it too many people are making too much money to get this thing fixed too quickly somebody says make what makes you think that because the love of money is the root of all evil okay and i'm not going to get political about this don't misunderstand me what i'm saying is people having to make choices right now it's mask or don't mask it's get get a shot or don't get a shot get two shots get maybe three shots get um uh and then if you do woodshot you're gonna get you're gonna get the astrazeneca you're gonna get the johnson you're gonna get the moderna you're going to get the pfizer you're going to get you know you which which one you're going to get you know and then and then there's which which one you know people are saying which shot are people getting and and you know and then well if they don't get a shot what they're going to do well some people are going a different route they're they're doing uh zinc and and vitamin d and and hydrochloroquine and ivermectin and people are going all these different directions and at least as of today we do have that choice okay where it's going in the future i don't know but at least as of today most all of us do have a choice and all that bottom line is people go which one do i do which one do i do and that's the conver it doesn't matter where you sit in a restaurant people are talking about that you see you go to a church people are talking about that you sit with friends people are talking about that is the communication of the entire world right now people having to make all kinds of decisions and and the bottom line is um you know you have to make the decision then you got to live with the con with the consequences so it pays to be led by the holy ghost pays to be led by the spirit of god now i'm going to just cover a few things here um you know for some of you may remember this for years excuse me for years we would uh would come in in the in the fall sometime and we'd have a uh a a flu shot here uh service anybody remember that i got three hands okay four hands five i'll take six okay we'd come in we we we'd come in maybe a wednesday night or maybe a sunday night you know maybe a sunday morning i don't recall right now but we'd have a flu shot service they you know they'd go on the news and they'd say you know official flu season opens today i thought how do they know that i know i know they can tell when when deer season opens and they know they know when when you know they know when hunting season opens they're fishing they get all this but how do they know flu season opens i i never did get that figured out but anyway they'd announced that i thought well if they're going to announce flu season opens we're going to announce attack on flu season okay so so uh this week uh earlier this week it just rose up in me uh to to come in this morning and deal with this and have a holy ghost flu shot spiritual flu shot i'm not opposed to any of the others you do what you feel comfortable with in your heart okay um and whatever you do believe god say well i'm afraid of it well if you're in fear that's the problem believe god say well you know if i get if i get the shot then it won't hurt me i don't know what's in it i don't know doesn't make any difference if you if you're in a situation with that go whatever you do do it in faith just go in in faith okay don't let fear dominate your life okay so anyway i gotta get moving here so uh we're gonna we're gonna go with a uh a holy ghost spiritual bible flu shot a covet shock all right i'm not saying as far as do or don't on the other ones that's your call but i am saying this one this one you ought to be taken all the time anyway what you do with the other ones is up to you what this one is going to make the difference this might mean the difference between sick and health might make a difference between life and death might might make all kinds of difference this one you got the other ones that you know i mean if you read any kind of the news you know you find out there's all kinds of things breaking through these things where you know people have had this that and the other thing and they still got sick and all that well i got one that works i got a i got a bible all right i've got a word of god so have you found proverbs 4 20 yet all right proverbs 4 20 where uh proverbs okay book of wisdom wisdom has riches and honor in one hand length of days in the other he says in here that i get the right translation here he says my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for their life to those that find them and health to all their flesh keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids look uh right before you i'll stop right there just for the sake of time he starts out here this has been one of my favorite settings for a long time okay this is god's medicine now notice here he says my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they my words the subject is the word of god the subject is the power of the never underestimate the power of the word of god okay now i know i know we had some folks kind of they kind of uh um gave us an opinion a year or so ago uh why weren't we having services and just having a laying out of hands at every service well you know bottom line is i'll say this nicely i've been doing this for almost about 45 years i don't know much but i know more than i did 45 years ago but one thing i have noticed is sometimes if you just by laying out of hands and just maybe through spiritual gifts you can get some folks healed but i've noticed if you don't put some word in them it's going to come back on them in a couple weeks anyway bible said prove all things hold fast that which is good hold fast that which thou hast king james okay if you get it you better hang on to it i've watched over the years i've watched so many people get healings and miracles and i've seen so many of them where six weeks later the same things come back on them i've discovered over a period of time you can get something to some people but you got to teach them how to hang on to it nothing over nothing takes the place of the word of god okay so we're this you know this is not we're not just going to teach a little bit and have a laying out of hand surface that wouldn't be bad but i want to put something into you that's going to last forever and ever okay it's going to it's going to push right on through and i'll tell you now notice here he said um my son attended my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they my words my words subject is the word god's word god's word if the only words you get is what you see on the screen on sunday morning you need to step your pace up a little bit okay if the only words you get is the daily you know a paragraph of devotional that you get that's great but you need to step it up a little bit okay that'll that'll do for that does good until the going gets tough that does good until there's something bad coming at you and you better have something to hang on to it with so anyway he says for they my words are now notice he says their life first first of all their life abundant life there's nothing that will produce abundant life anymore in your life than what the word of god can do well i'm waiting now i'm waiting for somebody to call me out in a meeting well if they do great but if they don't you don't have to have that and i've seen people get called out get nothing i've seen people get called out come up prayed for fall out lay there for an hour go home get absolutely nothing it's not what you feel it's what you take my son attended my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them my keep them them them keep them in the midst of thine heart for they are they my words are life their life first of all there's nothing that's going to give us abundant life any better any quicker any more sure any longer lasting than the word of god well it's just a book no it's not it's alive it's quick it's alive it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword it'll divide us under soul and spirit joints tomorrow it's a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart it's alive we had jesus the living word now we have the written word and god watches over both to perform them god's not a man that he should lie the son of man that he should repent he said and he'll do it he spoke and he'll make it good and we've got to get back to a great confidence in the word of god okay uh they're great praise and worship's wonderful we got it wonderful and great praise and worship is great because it's got the word in it not just because it excites us it's great because it's got the word it it contains the word and sometimes you get through praise and worship it'll affect you spirit soul and body all right but anyway my words are life to those that find them now in the king james it says health health in other words we've got something that'll keep us healthy yeah but what about if we get to you know kova what's the last one in the greek alphabet omega what if we get to kova dobega well i've got something bigger than omega i've got the alpha and the omega all right so so you know you know the bottom line is my words are are like now notice he says my words are light and i notice he says my life my words are life to those that find them he didn't say those that carry them have them in your ipad have them in your watch have them carry it even have a real bible bro paper okay didn't say he said my words didn't say my words are life to those that carry them around he said my words are life to those that find them one translation said grasp them you only grasp if you spend some time in it okay and you can study revelation until jesus comes and you'll be ready for him to come but it doesn't mean you get health in your body you got to feed on what you need and right now we have to understand now what we need to be feeding on is health healing and medicine we got to feed on we got to feed on what we need on we got to go after it he said my son attended my my words my words my words incline thine air into my sayings okay let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of that what are we saying here he says my words are life to those that find them health king james says health in other words if you're healthy it'll keep you healthy you don't have to be afraid that the code is going to get on you well i was around somebody that didn't have a mask on you don't have to be afraid i was around somebody that had it you don't have to be afraid as around somebody they're passing it around you don't have to be afraid my words are life to those that find them in health i got health working in me see we ought not to be afraid of what's on them getting on us we have to be confident what's on us is getting on them john g lake man he he he was working in the middle of the bubonic plague in south africa and when he went he had some medical background so he was going to work these people were dying with the bloody froth coming out of their mouth they were they couldn't find they couldn't even put people in blankets they'd wrap them up and put them in a mass grave and take the blanket for the next person they were dying so quickly and john lake was there he went to work and they said whatever you do dr lake called him doctor whatever you do don't get near that bloody froth because that's where that's where the concentration of bubonic plague germs are don't get any of that on you no no don't go crazy with this okay all right stick with me now he had a confidence in this he had developed this in his life so don't go trying to say well they did this so i think i'll do this no no be led by the holy ghost now but he he said gentlemen watch this he went over and then a person had just died and had this bloody froth coming out of their mouth he wiped it on his hand which is certain sure really quick death he went over to a microscope he put his hand under the microscope he said gentlemen look at this and they started looking through that microscope and they said they could see those little bubonic plague germs swimming around every time one of them touched his hand it would die they said they're dying when they touch you they're you're not dying when they touch you they're dying when they touch you said gentlemen that is the life of god for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death he went through the whole bubonic plague without ever get why he did not have a fear of it you have to understand this whole thing we're dealing with worldwide right now is fear driven it's fear driven if the devil can get you into fear he's got the door open to slap something on you do not take the fear if you don't take the fear you don't take the stuff how do i how do i how do i not take the fear fear he's not giving me a fears of spirit if you can rebuke a spirit you can reboot sometimes you just need to go fear i'll rebuke you in the name of jesus you follow thing you're not getting on me i refuse to be afraid i've been delivered from all my fears i'm trying to get to my message here okay he said my words are life to those that find them and now king james says health many translations say health another translation i've had for years said healing my words are not only life to those that find them in health to now notice this he said health to oh wait a minute wait a minute hell to what oh how many is all it's all health to all their flesh all if it's all your flesh then god's got a cure for whatever tries to ail you they didn't have coveted back then but god knew back then i'm giving you something that will be health and healing to all your flesh and god's not a man that he should lie if he couldn't do it he shouldn't have said it if he didn't plan to back it up he wouldn't have put it in his book yeah but you just don't know what dr whatever is saying it doesn't make any difference i'm not i'm not you know i'm not going that direction what i'm saying is i don't care what all the medical community's saying i'm not blowing that off i'm saying i got a bigger confidence i've got the word of almighty god written by the holy ghost i've got it in my book i've got it in my head and i've got it in my heart and i've got it in my mouth and it's going to keep working okay somebody says well yeah yeah but now what if i what if that what if the symptoms hit me what if my taste is gone and my smell is gone what if the what if my energy's gone what if the symptoms of all what if they've all hit me well now notice he said my words are life to those that find them health healing and one trend i've got a translation of king james in the margin it says medicine i got medicine i got medicine i have god's medicine i've got a book of god's medicine now you know you there's a lot of things you can study you can study the book of revelation you there's a lot you can study and it'll benefit you but take the medicine that you need okay you study prosperity all the time you're going to get prosperous you study revelation all the time you'll be ready for the return but if you need healing and health and medicine in your body feed on what god says you know you could go to the doctor the doctor could take a diagnosis do a swab say you got covered and give you some medicine i don't know what they give you but if he did you know you could take it home put it on the shelf and go i got a cure i got a cure i gotta care it's right there on the shed it's not gonna do it's not gonna do any good if you don't take it god's word is life to those that find them health healing and medicine to what all our flesh we have a cure what whatever kind of bible you're carrying we got a cure for whatever ails you we got a covert cure right here it'll keep you healthy it'll be health to you it'll be healing to you it'll be medicine to you you have something about it if a doctor you went to a doctor thank god for doctors god i know a lot a lot of born-again doctors thank god for doctors but if you went to the doctor and the doctor ran the test and said you got such and such and here you take this this medication and take it morning noon and night okay take it with food take it with water take it with nothing i don't care if you take it morning noon and night and it's going to be it's a 10 day prescription take it every day for 10 days three times a day for 10 days and that'll drive out whether it's an antibiotic whatever it is it'll drive out whatever ails you you know it doesn't do any it wouldn't do you any good if you didn't take it when we have a book that's life to us health healing and medicine medicine won't be medicine to all our flesh if we don't apply it to our flesh so he says my words our life to those that find them health healing and medicine to all their flesh so okay now now if i if i decide to i can either take this when i get hit or i can take it four i get hit or i can take it and not get hit well which one's it going to be according to your faith so be it done unto you i guess okay you know i mean last august pastor janet and i both got hit with covet both of us did she got it and and we just we share everything she got over it in two or three days and i laid on the couch for a week and a half uh you know is it just whatever the deal you know say oh you got hit with it we did but it didn't scare us we just believed god that it all went away all right so it's like it's a whole you know what if i get hit well the bottom line is doesn't matter what comes along it's what you do about it if something tries to how are you going to deal with that number one don't get into fear over it do not let fear dominate your life stay in faith over things now he says my words are life to those that find them health healing medicine to all their flesh medicine to all their flesh medicine to all their flesh medicine to all their flesh i have medicine for all my flesh it's right there i'm not saying don't use doctors i'm not saying don't use medicine i'm not saying don't take this shot that shot any other shot i'm not i'm not saying any of that i'm saying what we do have is something that is a guarantee god said it be medicine to all your flesh didn't he so my the best thing i can do is is uh find out what he said how do i take my medicine some medicines you know you some medicines you you get a an injection some you get a uh you you take pills some you take it's liquid some you take there's different kinds of medicine some of you you know you get you get those things where people maybe with asthma or something they have inhalers and there's all different ways to take medicine let's let god tell us how to take his medicine okay god how do we do this you gave us the medicine how do we take it how do we do this my son attended my words now he's talking about the talking about the power of his word everybody say his word the power of his word god's word works god's word works for me it always works for me it always works for me god never fails he's never lied he's not a man that he should lie let god be true and every man a liar god's true his words true okay now he said uh he said uh my son attended my words incline thine ear under my sayings let them let them not depart well how do we take this number one my son attend to my words attend go into this thing with a great belief that god's word is true well that's a god everybody knows that yeah but a lot of times we don't act like it god's true god's word is the highest truth it's the highest truth there is okay again uh romans 3 4 uh let god be true and every man a liar every symptom is a liar but jonah called you know he was in the belly of a whale he called it a lying vanity he didn't say the symptoms weren't there he called that thing a lie because he'd gotten his life right with god so he called that whale a lying vanity sometimes you've got to look at symptoms on your body point to yourself in the mirror and go that symptom is a lying vanity i refuse to i refuse to dwell on that but he said he said my son attend to my words make a decision that no matter what comes along god's word is the ultimate truth you don't get any higher truth it god's word does not contain truth god's word is truth thy word john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth o lord thy word is truth you never get any higher any more powerful truth you never find anything else god said i will confirm with signs following they went everywhere preaching the word the lord working together with him confirming his word with science following we put the word out it gives god something to confirm so anyway so so he says uh attend to my words isaiah 53 1 he says over there he says who's believed our report isn't interesting he didn't say well my report always works he said who's believed our report isaiah 53 1 the redemption chapter in the old testament isaiah 53 1 he says he says who's believed our report isn't interesting god has to look around to see who will believe it i don't know about you i decided a long time ago if god's got a report that's mine that's my highest belief system i may have a lot of other things that talk to me you'll have symptoms that hit your body you'll have symptoms that hit your bank account you'll have symptoms that hit your emotions your will you'll have things that will hit your they'll hit they'll hit your mind but if you start out with going god's word's true who who who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed who's god going to who's he going to roll up his sleeves for i know about you i like it when god rolls up his sleeves for me that means he's either going to fight or he's going to work but either way i like it when god does that for me when he rolls up his sleeves who's believed our report and to whom is the arm to whom is the arm of the lord reveal god's god doesn't roll up his sleeve for everybody he'd like to but not everybody gives him the chance it starts out with saying it starts out with saying i like what paul said on the end of the book of acts when he was on that ship about to sink been in a storm for two weeks throwing everything overboard except the prisoners and they're going next and paul stood up one day and he said we're forcers be of good cheer you know in the middle of a storm you need somebody that'll stand up and have a good testimony in the minute paul stood up and he said wherefore sirs be of good cheer for i believe god what do you believe well i just believe god well what do you believe paul well i don't know i just believe god i just you know i just believe god yeah but what do you believe well i believe god sometimes we do that well i just believe god yeah but what part of god are you believing well i believe what he said well what did he said oh well i don't know but i'll i've read i got a bible no wherefore sir is be of good cheer for i believe god that it shall be even as it was told me i believe god no weapon formed against me you got to have something to fight with no weapon formed against me is going to prosper since god before me who can be against me then all these things i'm more than a conqueror through him that love me i'm redeemed from the curse of the law christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law being made a curse for me for it's written curses every man that hangeth i am redeemed from covet every every variation of that thing i'm redeemed from if it tries to get on my body i can call the liar because jesus already took my sickness and my pain surely he bore my sickness and carried my pain yet i did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace was upon him and with his stripes i'm healed hallelujah we've got to be bold about this does it mean you're never going to get attacked i don't know does it mean you're going to you're never going to have a battle probably not does it mean what it does mean is you got something to fight back with people tell you how bad it can get how bad it will get how bad everything's going to get and you stand up and say no weapon it may be formed but it'll not prosper it will not prosper well who do you think you are i am a child of the most high god i believe his word wherefore serves be of good cheer for i believe god that it shall be even as it was told me this thing's got to start out number one we got to make a decision let god be true and every man liar if god says something i have chosen to believe is i don't care i don't care what it looks like seems like sounds like feels like tastes like i don't care i have to make a decision if i'm going to line up every problem and then the word of god i got to make a decision don't wait until you get hit and then make a decision make a decision before anything tries to hit you i am a faith people i believe it i say it i declare it i get it i'm telling you what i'm taking no weapon it may be formed it's not going to prosper it will not prosper it's not going to take me out it's not going to mess up my life not going to leave me with long-term ill no if i get hit with something i'm telling you one thing right ahead of time i have a more sure word of prophecy every devil in hell's been defeated and the one that whipped him is living in me the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world if if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwells in you he that raised up christ and the dead will also quicken make alive and heal your mortal body by the spirit that dwelleth in you start out with that determination i'm not going to be afraid every time i go to walmart yeah but there's people in there without masks i'm not going to let their mask affect me whether you wear them or not that's up to you what i'm saying is don't go don't live your life in fear oh man i've seen people yell at folks in stores are they people getting at fistfights they don't have road rage anymore they got maul rage costco rage walmart rage if people get all kinds of mad and it's not with the stress level on people over this crazy disease is bonkers over there don't let it get to you why because greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world tries to come near me it's going to hit an invisible shield and it's going to bounce off because it is not coming near my dwelling well what if somebody comes by and coughs and sneezes on you well then confidence needs all they want jesus walked up to a leper and laid hands on him the most communicable disease on the earth at the time he didn't say oh i might get it he's going to go night i'm going to get that he's going to get what i got we got to get this working on the inside of us we're not infallible but we're christians we're the church we're the ones the world can't fix this the government can't fix this the medical community can't fix this faunchi can't fix this china can't fix this i i appreciate the word to come from hell i don't care what city it came out of this thing was designed in hell to try to that's like somebody said i think the devil's doing this to show it it's what it's going to what it's a little bit of what it's going to look like when the church leaves something takes over the world but as long as we're here we're a restraining force it may get bad but it's not getting bad on us yeah but i know people who did get mad at i'm not going to live by what did or didn't happen to somebody else i'm going to live by what my faith says about me i don't get what others believe i get what i declare this is not going after somebody else i'm not criticizing anybody i've got really some acquaintances some at one time we're good friends that have had funerals i know they've gone well they're you know they're in heaven it's a good place not blaming them for anything i don't know i i don't know i don't know i don't know where they were at i don't know what they thought believed and said none of my department i am my department i'd love to just be i told you to be able to stand up say i'm going to carry everybody in here but i can't all i can do is tell you what works and let you decide what you're going to do about it if a shot's a decision so is the word okay now where was i well that's just part one let me let me quickly finish this okay my son attend to my words make a decision god's words the highest truth in your life oh symptoms hit my body yeah but what's truth yeah you know i started coughing yeah but what's truth what's true that's when you need to back up and go devil i'm telling you truth truth truth says by i was healed two thousand years ago i'm not i forbid this on my body take a stand now well i did that and it still came on me anyway well it take take a take a back a second stand say well it may hit but it's not gonna prosper don't don't beat yourself up don't get under condemnation don't say well i just don't i guess i don't got any faith don't beat yourself up like that don't do that to yourself it's not what hits you it's where you end up where's the end result something hits you well make a decision it may have hit me but it ain't stayin why i'm in charge of this body my son attended my words incline that ear under my sayings in other words if spend more time hearing the word than you do here in the news feeds you against news feeds mostly you opinionated slightly trying to find a place to close here before i dig myself in any deeper pastor janet i watched the other night we were watching some some youtube video stuff we were watching dr lester sumrall preaching on what smith wigglesworth said about the last days okay this man this man knew smith wigglesworth very personally spent a lot like two years with him a lot and uh but he was he was preaching this was from a number of years ago we found it on youtube pulled it up we watched it and he said first time he's a long story but anyway god supernaturally gave him connection with smith wigglesworth wigglesworth was 85 dr sumrall was about 25. he went to see him he said man he said he said i'd been in england so long and he said he said i got england all over me said i had my charlie chaplin hat i think he called it and he said a long blue coat and i had an umbrella over my arm and i had a bag over my shoulder with my bible in it he said i had my morning newspaper under my arm he said and he said i got to wigglesworth's home for the first time and he said i knocked he'd asked me to come i knocked on the door he said he opened the door looked at me and he goes what's that not hi glad you're here he just said what's that he said what he said under your arm what is that he said well why it's the morning newspaper he said throw it away i don't want that in my house now think about this people griped today about the news media this was 1939 it's always been the same personality he said i don't want that thing in my house why get a little truth when you can get all truth he said i don't want those lies in my house throw that thing away he said i threw it in the bushes and went inside and he said we sat down and he read the bible to me for 30 minutes then we prayed for 30 minutes and then we read for another 30 and he prayed for another 30. i thought he stayed with truth my son attended my words inclined this ear unto my sayings i'm not telling you not to listen to the news i'm not telling you to you know throw out your tv or your i'm not saying that what i'm saying is make sure you give god equal time give god equal time if you're gonna if you're gonna listen to all the bad stuff then take time to listen to the good stuff don't don't take don't take three hours to listen to the news feeds and then five minutes to read what god says i'm telling you this will work you're going to live in what you hear the most luke the fifth chapter place was filled with scribes pharisees and doctors of the law and the power of the lord was present to heal them and not one of them got healed two chapters later people came from all the region round about to here to hear jesus and to be healed by him of their infirmities and in in and they were they were healed every one sixth chapter of uh luke's gospel 17th verse okay and they're all healed one two fifth chapter power of the lord was there and nobody got healed the sixth chap uh seventh chapter they were the power of the lord was present to heal them sixth chapter verse 17. power of the lord was pre was there and the next chapter says that the people came from all the region round about to hear and to be healed by him with their infirmities and they all got healed why did nobody get healed that everybody got healed depends on what they heard the first bunch wouldn't take time to hear him the second bunch came to hear him climb thine ear unto my sayings make sure your ears are getting more of what god says than what the devil says well so-and-so got this and so and so got that and so and so said this and that's fine i'm not you know not arguing it may be what they actually are experiencing but make sure what you've got is make sure you're feeding more into your ears that's the gateway to your spirit your eyes and your ears are the gateway to your spirit make sure you're getting more in your ears than you are from god than you are from somewhere else okay they're not jumping off on somebody else i'm just telling you god's word works it's health to all our flesh health healing and how do i take my medicine number one i make a decision to believe what he said is true number two i make a decision to make sure i hear more of him than i hear of everything else number three let them not depart from thine eyes when peter got out there on the water he's got a miracle going but he took his eyes off the word and got it on the water as long as you've got your eyes on the word you'll rise above the water long as you've got your eyes on the word you'll rise above god told numbers 21 israel they were die they're dropping like flies bitten by serpents god said make a serpent put it upon a pole and tell them whoever looks at it will live amplified says with a uh whoever looks at the snake attentively expectantly with a steady and an absorbing gaze didn't just say who takes a quick look because thing you know life's busy so put the snake up there on that pole and tell them whoever looks at that attentively expectantly with a steady and an absorbing gaze and when they did that they were healed everyone make sure number one you make a decision who you're going to believe what you're going to believe number two makes the decision on what you're going to feed on what you're going to listen to and then make sure you keep your eyes on the answer instead of on the problem you do that then he said guard your heart with all diligence all diligence how do you do that walk in love walk in love don't go criticizing people condemning people don't yell at the government scream at everybody else just guard your heart guard your heart because out of it flow the issues of life we've gone long enough we got to stand hallelujah okay what we're going to do is we're going to we're not going to have a laying on hand service and i don't have a box of needles here we're not going to come around and you can be glad you would be in pain but i if anybody that wants to have just put your hand on your own self and just say dear father in the name of jesus i believe your word i attend your word i incline my ears to your sayings they do not depart from my eyes their life to me health healing and medicine no weapon formed against me is going to prosper since god before me who could be against me greater see this in me than he that's in the world for you see i've been healed i was healed two thousand years ago by jesus stripes i was healed not can be not will be not might be i was healed i am the healed of the lord and i'm walking that way and i'm talking that way and i boldly declare i refuse anything else other than the will and plan of god which is healing and health in my body and i thank you for it dear father that that that is my holy ghost it's my holy ghost flu shot i've just been inoculated by the word of god in jesus name amen amen well let's lift our hands and give him thanks hallelujah
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 328
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9ZYNAcj5ozc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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