Prayer Con 21 | Monday PM

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seated glory to god thank you thank you thank you man i appreciate these this music praise worship team glory hallelujah glory to god you know prayer so it's so important so vital i don't believe there's anything that we could be doing any more important right now than praying i don't think there is you stop thinking about it if you go back just in our nation alone you know i mean you know you go to europe now and they got they got buildings that are older than our nation is they got cities and towns and buildings and all that you know we're pretty new we're the new kid on the block and in our in our history here in america you know i mean we had by the time we were about 50 years old this thing looked like it was going to crash and burn i mean we got started in this this experiment called freedom and democracy didn't look like it's going to work but we fooled all of them here we are 270 some years down the road and we're we're flying high we're moving strong and i tell you no matter what's coming along here it's going to go away there may be a dark cloud out there but it's it's it didn't come to didn't come stay it came to pass there's some bad stuff coming i know there's some dark stuff stuff coming in i'm i don't want to focus on that but we do have to understand reality is it's time for the church to rise up be strong time for the church to be who the church is you know you didn't you we wouldn't need faith if we didn't need faith we wouldn't need authority if we didn't need authority you know it's prosperity is great when you're prosperous but prosperity really works when it looks like things are going south okay healing and health's a wonderful thing until you get to where your body starts needing that and then i'll tell you what that's when it's really important that you know who you believe in you know what you believe makes a difference there may be some stuff coming you know bottom line if you've been around more than six or eight weeks you know there's been already been some stuff coming you know uh almost a year ago now you know pastor janet and i came back we went the 17th of february of 2020 uh on a one week trip over to italy and we left the 24th to come home and our way back home somebody said good thing you left italy when you did if you stayed one more week you'd have gotten locked in they're about to shut that place down there's a virus over there didn't think anything of it had no clue it was gonna go global okay but the bottom line is there's a name called coven but we got a name that's bigger than that name that's above every name but the power of prayer prayer has always been the beginning of god's answer to no matter what's whatever's going on you know you go back and and uh by and i'm going to fly through this because we don't want to take a lot of time on this particular facet but uh you know back in in in by 1799 1800 back there our nation was in trouble man we we were about to crash and burn our nation was not going to make it but a bunch of people got praying up in new england and all of a sudden things started moving revival started to break out in new england then it just went down south to western kentucky which was uh it was a crazy place if people were in trouble they'd run to western kentucky because the law was afraid to go in i mean it was wild and it was what they really called the wild west and there was a there was a a pastor there named james mcgrady and he just got people praying they started heard they were praying in new england well let's do it if it'll work in new england the gospel is not for a particular group of people go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature if it's not for everybody it's not the gospel so he got people praying and they got to pray and you know once a month and they started praying uh monday every every monday and then and then they got a bunch of people together and said well let's all get together and take communion and they got together and 11 000 people showed up and that was the first camp meeting that so many people had to stay outside and they camped outside and that's where the term camp meeting started was in western kentucky and a revival broke out but it broke out of prayer so then by the time you get 50 years later by the time you get to 1850 we're in a mess again and a guy named uh jeremiah lamphier he he borrows or rents the upper room in the in the uh dutch reform church in new york new york you know god can move in new york he can move in new york he will move in new york dave wilkerson in 1986 had a vision saw a a pandemic coming to new york city that would shut down the government shut down the city shut down the churches shut down the restaurants shut everything down he saw that in 1986. he said but and then it'll go across the country but he said but then when it's over there's a move of god that's going to break out of that and it's going to sweep across the nation it's going to go all the way it will be a worldwide revival what we're heading into it's not local it's glocal i love that term we've moved past local to local you know we don't we haven't got time to think about just local little little spots here you know in there no we need to be thinking local local and global anyway dave wilkerson said he saw that well he was sure right on the first part pandemic hit shut the city down shut the government down shut the restaurants down shut the churches down and he said but once that got passed and it went across the nation which it did that he said then after that there's a move of god that's going to sweep the land and it's going to go globally hallelujah i believe that so here we are back in uh 1850 in new york in the dutch reform church new york city uh uh jeremiah landfire went up there started to start a prayer meeting went up there prayed for an hour half hour nobody showed up after the it was going to be an hour long the you know the end of the second half hour about four people showed up but he just did it the next week six people showed up did it the next week 14 people showed up this thing went on until it went they had at one point they had over 100 prayer meetings just in the city of new york alone every day from 12 to 1 they shut down all the businesses in new york because the the business owners all agreed to let their employees go to the prayer meetings how'd you like to see that again hallelujah and a prayer meeting swept the nation and they say it they they basically took an educated guess that somewhere around a million people were born again as a result of that prayer meeting that started move of god in 1800 started out of prayer 1850 it started out a prayer in fact it was so strong it got a full momentum just before the civil war and many people attribute the end of the civil war not to an agreement between north and south but to a move of god of prayer that started bringing in all the men of the north and the south they found themselves in prayer meetings got born again got praying pray prayed that war out so then that's 1850 by 1900 of course you got brother seymour you know in in los angeles got to move in los angeles too and that's funny the places we're looking at right now they're talking about the epicenters for all this other stuff that's where god's moved the most he said i'm the lord i change not so anyway so here we are you know brother seymour and ended up in azusa street the thing that started in topeka went down south and then it went out to california got to azusa street exploded and shook the world still shaking the world today so then we get to 1950 we've been through two wars you know we're in a mess again all of a sudden people start praying here comes a healing revival shakes the nation but here we are 20 20. well we're a couple years late on this one it's been every 50 years we we kind of were dragging our feet on this but every time you see a move of prayer you see a move of the spirit of god every time you see a move of the spirit of god you see it preceded by a move of prayer i don't think there's anything we could be doing right now any more important than getting together and having corporate prayer any any kind of prayer is good every kind of prayer is good but corporate prayer you know in and i'm not going to try to prove this out i just from looking through the scriptures and through history it looks to me like um many things individually can be taken care of with individual prayer you know you can pray the prayer of faith and get your own body healed you can pray the prayer of faith you can get your your needs met but you know so individual situations a lot of times can be fixed by individual prayer but i see more of a momentum of uh if you get if you get corporate prayer you're going to get some corporate results you know 120 people prayed on for 10 days and then suddenly there came a sound from heaven when the day of pentecost was fully come all right you see peter thrown into prison acts the 12th chapter but the church went to earn instant and earnest prayer and the angels went and busted him out so you can go all the way through every move of god we've seen took place as a result of corporate prayer so what we're doing i believe what we're doing is valuable somebody goes how many of us is it going to take i don't know but i think we got if god could start a move that shaped the world and with 120 people in an upper room think what he could do in a place like this you know i don't think we have to do it alone there's people praying all over the country right now but we're sure bringing our supply so anyway um um yeah i think we ought to just tune up for a few minutes i don't know about you i like to just go i like to go into a prayer meeting just just stir it up on the inside you can stand we ought to stand i know you just sat down but let's stand and let's just tune up let's just pray in the holy ghost but beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost father we thank you what a privilege to pray building up ourselves on our most holy faith praying in the holy ghost [Music] oh ominous and they're ominous and there's ominous and they are ominous ominous oh melanda gadis decay oh so close so close so close so close oh so close so close so close so close so close it's close oh it's so close it's close yes yes my my but at the same time there's glorious the fire of god the fire of god is answered with glorious and the glorious church will rise up the glorious church will rise up and shine the glorious church will mount up with wings as eagles and we'll fly again we'll rise from the dust and ashes and we'll demon de brugget scalistica very probably huh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord glory to god praise god praise god praise god hallelujah well we're stirred up let's go ahead and sit down see where we go um boy you know you get over here get to pray and there's a lot of directions you can go a lot of directions here's something about it jesus prayer we think about jesus as you know really the three particular areas of his ministry um matthew 4 23 matthew 9 35 both places said jesus went round about their cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every manner of sickness and every manner of disease among the people we think of the three facets of jesus ministry or what we call the progression of his ministry teach preach heal teach preach heal teach preach when did the healing take place after the teaching and preaching when did the teaching and preaching take place before the healing when the church learns that that we're going to get a lot more people healed we get in reverse most of the time but if you go back through and follow the ministry of jesus back up a step before that and before he went teaching preaching and healing he went up the mount praying praying praying it was praying and then teach preach heal praying and then jesus ministry i think was more marked by prayer than anything else then you got the apostle paul what'd he do he traveled the nations and planted churches i understand that but you know he he says so many times since i heard of your faith in the lord jesus and love unto all the saints i cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers it looks to me like the major part of his ministry was his prayer ministry everything else came out of re uh of as a result of that and so prayer so vital so important and so what we're doing today is so important i uh let let's let's look over if you got your bible with you and you should have i thought we're going to pray yeah yeah we're going to start out with the word okay now thank god for the word just keep coming back around to that if you want to stay stable in prayer be a person of the word if you want to be stable in prayer be a person of the word hallelujah hallelujah well i don't need the word today i'm just going to pray uh-uh no the more you need to pray the more you need the word giving you focus and balance in the prayer life well the bible doesn't talk about certain things of prayer no but there's something about the bible you feed on the word of god it'll hold you steady it'll build a it'll build a ramp around you it'll put boundaries on your life bumpers and boundaries and and i don't know about you and prayer i've bounced off those bumpers a couple times and you know doing some praying you get out there well i don't know about this but then you get back in and the word always pulls you back in always pulls you back in so anyway now uh let's look over what did i say did i say where well i guess that would help wouldn't it how about if we go back to second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14. second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14. and uh i'm going to do my best not to talk very long because i'm stirred to pray we've been in um we uh started out yesterday morning and really spent quite a bit of time talking about over in uh first timothy 2 1 where paul wrote and he said i exhort therefore the first of all first of all when he says first of all i think he meant you know i think you know i think he meant first of all first of all you don't have to study that in the greek or hebrew or anything else if he says first of all it's going to work it's going to be the same thing in any language i exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercession giving of thanks be made for all men but especially now kings and those that are in authority so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life and all king james says godliness and honesty another one says in all freedom of religion and high moral standards you know i mean i look at that and go okay you know god didn't he didn't mess up when he didn't i wish i wouldn't have said that you know i wish you know i just wish i i got it wasn't it really didn't come out like i wanted it to i don't think god has that issue no when he says that that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty freedom of religion high moral standards he put the two of those things together and to me if god said in there i exhort there first of all supplications prayers intercession giving of thanks be made for all men kings and those in authority that we the church may lead a quiet and peaceable life i'll tell you what if we don't have a quiet and peaceable life huh huh i don't know about you but it hasn't looked real quiet and peaceable the last year but it'll get back there but is it interesting he says that we the church may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness could could you look at our could you back up look at our nation go oh we're such a godly place really i'm not even going to go there tonight it's not worth taking the time and honesty oh yes everybody's honest just watch the news nobody would ever lie and read the internet if it's on the internet surely it's true they wouldn't put anything dishonest on the internet would they you're getting quiet on me now but anyway yeah but you don't know what i've been reading on the internet maybe i do hallelujah i'm not going there but now not because i'm spending time on it let's just put it that way now uh he starts out saying i exhort therefore the first of all supplications prayers intercession giving of thanks be made for all men we ought to be praying for everybody you ever notice if you're praying for people it's hard to criticize them uh you know it's kind of a guideline if you're criticizing you're probably not praying if you're praying you're not criticizing those things just don't they just you know what's the brother hagin used to say givers never kick and kickers never give you know you can always tell you can tell by people's actions what they are or are not doing i know that doesn't apply to you but for other folks out there you know i exhort there first of all he said you know he said he noticed he said first of all i think he i think he said first of all because he meant first of all and i think he meant first of all because if we're going to get the results we want to get which are freedom of religion and high moral standards godliness and honesty i think sometimes what we've got to do is we have to clean the pipes out first okay we got to clean the pipes out there sometimes there's so much sewage in the pipes that we wonder why we're getting sewage out of them thank you there's many out there somewhere where are you there you are but now i exhort forth i'm going somewhere with it i exhort therefore the first of all supplications prayers intercession giving of thanks be made for all men especially for kings and for those that are in authority yeah but i don't like those in authority you know he i noticed he didn't ask for my opinion i noticed he didn't say do it if you like him if you don't like him just do well you know you probably got good reason he didn't say anything about whether you like him or not he didn't say anything about whether you agree with him or not he didn't say if you have the same theology theory ideology idiocy it doesn't matter what you got he didn't say anything about that he just said first of all supplications prayers intercession and giving of thanks be made for all men all men now especially now for kings and for those that are in authority we have an assignment we have a mandate from god to pray for leadership and the way we go in the near future here i think it's really important that we do what god's asked to you know he didn't even ask us to he exhorted us to i think that's bigger than asking i think it's kind of a mandate okay now why would he tell us to do that so we can have a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty freedom of religion high moral standards god wouldn't have told us to do that so he could do that if he wouldn't do that if we did that and don't ask me to say that again i knew i'd get some trouble from the front row over here i won't say where but but anyway um so many directions to go here all right second chronicles 7 14. let's go back there all right now we we've said at some point i think it was maybe last night corporate prayer corporate prayer is a necessity it's not just oh let's do this it's a necessity and corporate prayer and as we've said you know sometimes we we have a habit of going to any prayer meeting with our prayer list well you know i'm i'm i'm on a group of people on a prayer chain and uh i got my prayer list i'm gonna bring well bring it but stick it in your purse or somewhere a bible whatever because what happens if you don't watch it we all come with our agenda and the holy ghost is saying the father needs something done here the father needs the church to raise a voice the father needs to hear from heaven the father's waiting for somebody to ask him he have not because she asked not asking you shall receive that your joy may be false so anyway when we talk about corporate prayer what that's basically saying is at least at least launching out we're gonna we we're gonna focus on one thing we're gonna i mean last uh yesterday morning we prayed but we focused on praying for kings and those that are in authority now for at that point we jump in we start praying and from that point then we just we kind of branch out to whatever the holy ghost seems to be taking us to and i i just noticed if we if we do that being led by the holy ghost there comes a voice up before heaven we may be praying about 500 different things but it comes up as one unity idea before god the holy ghost knows what he's doing so anyway um so being a corporate prayer meeting um we need to have what what are we going to focus on tonight well you know i know it's easy to go well man let's just pray justice like we did tune up man let's just pray let's just pray that's good except sometimes it's a it's a it's like a scatter shot just lean back fire and see who gets hit you know sometimes it's like that and and what we need to do is instead of saying i'm just going to fire away and see you know which wall it lands on i'm going to focus on something and so we're going to focus on something i'm going to take this first uh tonight 2nd chronicles 7 14 where um god he appeared to to to uh solomon in a in in a night vision a dream whatever and he got talking to him and basically you know they built this wonderful temple and done all this good stuff and he says but but if you get yourselves in a mess can you imagine humans getting themselves in a mess but if you get yourselves in a mess i'll tell you what i'm gonna i don't care how much of a mess you get yourself in i don't care how much you know people say well god can't fix this we got ourselves into it we got ourselves in anything we ever got into i've had people say i couldn't be saved man i got myself in this mess well we all got ourselves in that mess that's why we had to be saved so anyway he says no he says but now if you get in in a mess he said if my people if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then i'll hear from heaven i'll forgive their sins and i'll heal their land god says you do four things i'll do three okay if my people called by my name number one humble themselves number two pray number three seek my face number four turn from their wicked ways you do that then i will hear i will forgive and i'll heal so what we're looking for um and this is just the one thing just just the last thing this afternoon the one thing i kept getting is i'll heal their land i'll heal their land i don't know about you i am honestly i have been off and on for months and months and months not all the time that'd be just overwhelming but for months i've been off and on grieved there's just this just this sometimes strong but most of the time just kind of a quiet grieving done on the inside maybe some of you've had that maybe you haven't i don't know but you know it's it's it's not an overwhelming grief like you can't function in life but there's always this something down there i've been grieving over our nation i've been grieving i am a i am a card-carrying patriotic flag-waven patriot i love this land i love this land if you don't love this land i got some places i could take you to and i'll guarantee you when you got back you'd get down kiss the ground and say i love this land we've been to over 50 nations pastor janet i've been to over 50 nations we're grateful for all of them been to a bunch of them but i'll tell you what i can't think of too many that we didn't get back home and go oh man it's good to be back on our worst day on our worst day mistakes yeah we've made plenty of mistakes we are not we are not the example of perfection in the world we've made lots of mistakes we've done a lot of bad things i'm not arguing about that but you find me one nation that hasn't it just doesn't happen that way why because nations are made up of humans and humans make mistakes okay and then you get humans that get over mixed up into politics you get humans in politics and you got some mega mistakes so anyway um i uh that that phrase i'll heal their land sometimes we get to a place that we can't fix it okay there's a part i won't even go there but there's a particular location in america that um things started getting a little better a number of months ago and some of the leadership you know started going you know uh public on how this didn't fix this and this didn't fix this we fixed this i'm going ooh i think i'd back up i don't like lightening myself herod took all the glory and he got eaten up with worms you don't want to take glory for what god's done he said well we did it i thought well who ready for you praise you praise you praise you no no we had a lot of stuff going and you notice in there he said i will heal their land our nation's at a place right now and we don't have to go into all this this is not a bad news meeting but we don't have to go into this but i mean just as of today there's craziness going on in our country a lot of craziness we we are a divided nation 12th chapter of the book of matthew said a house divided against itself is not going to stand not going to happen the devil's done everything he could to get our nation divided because he can't conquer us from the outside so he's going to try to conquer us from the inside the only way to do that is to get us divided we have been we have been in the last year we have been divided politically oh my word politically politically divided and it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse and worse i'm not listening to any of that mess on tv or on the radio uh i turned it on for a few minutes when i was driving today and i sat there and i thought dear lord jesus what a train wreck we got going here and you got you turned to one station and they're there going off on everybody on this side you turned another one they're going off on everybody on this side and i thought we're just divided down the middle say who's right and who's wrong everybody's wrong everybody's wrong did i say that again i'm the only one's right and if you believe that i got a bridge i want to sell you over in london but anyway no no it's not like we'll pick which team's right everybody's wrong everybody's wrong the minute we get out of love the minute we get out of everybody's wrong so we're we're divided we're divided um politically well but remember what we said i got to make i got to watch it we'll we'll go a long time here but remember what we said um i don't know somewhere in the last 24 hours said about the fact that back in uh um october of 19 or i'm sorry 2007 we're praying we're praying for the nation we had 30 days of praying for the nation it was coming up on elections but god did not deal with us with us to pray about the elections okay somebody said why i don't know you know i don't know sometimes he doesn't tell you why just tells you what we weren't praying we didn't get together and have you know 30 days of praying for the elections we had 30 days praying for the nation that's what we did in the middle of that the holy ghost spoke up and one night we were praying and the holy ghost spoke up and said there are three spirits that have been unleashed upon america again to try to destroy her and you're going to have to do something about it now i knew he didn't mean me i got to do something about it what he meant was you the church are going to have to do something about this okay so you know so that was that was in 2007. it happened with brother hagin in 1979 it happened with brother hagin in the in in 1970 these things keep getting unleashed on america but we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers if we'll start realizing my problems are not people my problems devils that are pushing people and if i get to that place i'm going to get so aggravated at people and start taking out my aggression in prayer praying for my leaders so they don't yield to those devils but but that being the case think about that those three spirits that was october 2007 and i knew by the holy ghost there's three spirits that have been unleashed upon america again to try to destroy her two 2007. that's that's uh 13 how many years ago now 14 14 years wow already and um here are 14 years later and and i knew i knew by the holy ghost that those three spirits you know they don't you don't have to get like some kind of a hebrew name for them or something but what happens is every spirit will try to manifest after its own kind and through its own personality and influence people's lives and get people to act like them deaf spirits what do you think a deaf spirit might do are you listening what do you think an unclean spirit might do okay so anyway you'll find there's different kinds of spirits and what they do is these different spirits they start manifesting they've got to have flesh to work through they'll take any kind of flesh but they want humans because humans have a voice they'll go into dogs they'll go into pigs they'll go into but if they get into people they have expression because we're the only ones that can talk my wife says our dog talks i don't know but anyway but um anyway so so um these three spirits and and so excuse me i knew by the holy ghost i knew these three spirits would be one of them was political this is 13 or 14 years ago one was a political spirit well you sure see what they do i didn't say government government's good political politics is bad you have to have governments you have to have some kind of a system or you end up with anarchy government's good politics are evil okay i knew one was a political spirit i knew one was a financial spirit and i knew another one was a racial spirit i knew that 13 14 years ago well here we are and so we a lot of us pray we did a lot of praying i believe i believe we sidestepped a lot of things there was still some problems but i believe we sidestepped a lot of things here we are 14 years later and i i haven't had the same word from heaven but i got the same knowing i think we sidestepped some of those things in for 14 years but there's something else now there's an invasion again what we bypassed with politics 14 years ago is come back with a you know you know with a with a rampage and so we got the political thing my goodness if you don't know that you haven't been paying attention anything the politics are horrible in our nation right now well this is that polaris so now but the thing is i know but i got this knowing in my knower that there's not just three spirits this time there's four what are what are they well i'm not going to go into that okay but i know there's four spirits and they've been unleashed upon our nation and they're throwing everything they got to try to destroy our nation because we have a call on us we're not the only ones we have a call on us to be involved in taking the gospel to every nation every tongue every kindred and every tribe and if we get all wrapped up in ourselves and fighting each other and arguing with each other and trying to kill each other and burn each other and burn all the cities down and defund the police and get lawlessness and anarchy and and uh you know all this stuff if we do all that stuff the gospel going to the nations of the world is going to slow down a lot because we've been at the forefront of doing that for over 200 years that this year something about this is not all about just getting people mad at each other this is about one thing harvest it's about one thing this is souls this is harvest this is a move of god this is a revival this is an outpouring of the supernatural this whole thing we're looking at don't don't look at this as a personal attack this is something that's trying to not just slow our nation down but stop it there is something going after the heart and soul of our nation right now and it's not just because the devil doesn't like you he doesn't but he's probably not going to waste much time with you it's not what it is the devil it isn't that he just doesn't like you the devil's going after why what's he going after he's going after a nation that was forged and formed for freedom of religion to be able to send our manpower send our money send miracles to the nations of the world and we did it for years and what's he done he's tried to get us so infected with our own importance that we want to see how big we can get on the inside instead of how big we can get on the outside i'll start preaching missions here if i don't watch it we ought to measure success by how many we send not how many we hold i'm going to meddle a little bit now god's not impressed with how big we are on the inside but he's pleased with how big we'll get on the outside yeah well you can't go places right now i know that but there are places you can go i'm looking for some but anyway anyway i'm trying to get to something here so what we're looking at is that last part where he says i'll heal their land i will heal their land i know about you when i say when god says i'll heal their land if he'd say that under the old he'll sure do it unto the new. god will do it god go oh yeah but you just have you seen how big and how bad it is yeah but have you seen how big and bad my god is he's fried bigger fish than we're looking at right now he dealt with nebuchadnezzar he dealt with babylon he dealt with the the the roman empire he's dealt with all this stuff this is not like god's going oh man i don't know what to do now oh do you know how much this is going to cost to do you know do you know do you know how many angels i'm going to have to have our accountant figured it up what you go back to revelation says we have god has angels in heaven ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands and thousands of thousands and so of course matt sends me this note figures it all up in the accounting department and he says if you figured that out it's like 8 700 angels per person on the earth today i'm going to keep them all busy i guarantee you but now what we're looking for here let's just real quickly run through this he says he st he ends up saying i will heal their land but he starts out saying if my people. see this is not well god you know we're looking for god to do it no god's looking for us to do something if my people and he ends up saying i'll heal their land god's holding us accountable i uh it shook me to the core years ago when i saw brother hagin's book on the art of intercession the chapter on praying interceding for your nation when jesus appeared to him talk to him about the power of intercession about praying for your nation and um talk to him about the the the importance of praying for your nation that there's going to be stuff that's lodged logged and lodged against your nation but you are going to have to do something about it but the church is going to have to do so he said i'm holding the church accountable well the president i'm not he said i'm not holding the president accountable i'm not holding congress accountable i'm not holding the supreme court accountable i'm holding the church accountable the supreme court they've got they've got national authority we've got spiritual authority congress has natural authority we have spiritual authority the government has natural authority but then there's this entity out here called the church and we've got an authority out of heaven jesus said matthew 8 28 18. he said all power is given unto me both in heaven and in earth go ye therefore he said i got all power heaven all power all power all power heaven and earth and then he turned and delegated that to his disciples and so he had it and he gave it to us we have all power god's waiting for us to do something so now what does he say here he starts out saying if my people he's holding the church accountable that's why we're praying that's why we're praying he holds he's holding the church accountable he's not he's not going to go say oh i'll tell you the world if the world would just act right you know we'd straighten this out how can you expect the world to act right when the world can't act right the church has the authority we've got the dominion we've got the authority i'll i'll go to another little store here then i'm going to try to close this down another little story when when and again now i talk a lot about brother hagin because he was my spiritual daddy for for 30 years i was around him for 30 years time i knew more about his stories than anybody else's it doesn't you know i'm not into like human idolatry or anything like that but i learned so many things and i was so thankful that in 30 years time he wouldn't give me any opinions he wouldn't give me any doctrines all he'd give me was bible and there were times i'd get so aggravated i'd ask him a question he'd go i don't know i go yeah you do know dude just you know well i don't know he just didn't walk away and i thought he just didn't like me he just doesn't like me or something about me that just aggravates him he doesn't like it and finally after about 30 years that i finally figured out what he's doing was saying find it yourself you're not going to have me around forever you got a bible you got the holy ghost go get it figured out yourself so i did it now but said all that say this in this one if you read i believe in visions these he had not i think nine major visitations that jesus appeared to him and taught him doctrinal truths with the bible that he taught to us and changed our lives okay and uh but one of them he's talking about how jesus was teaching him about believers authority oh man there's two things you and i have got to get to know to to not just survive but to win in the days to come two things we've got to know how to be led by the spirit of god and the believer's authority i know that shares i know my name those are two things we've got we've got to get down on the inside of us how to be led and how to act in our authority but now he was in this visitation this vision jesus is teaching him about the believer's authority and he's hearing things he's never heard before i don't know about you i didn't hear the believer's authority in the church i grew up in i don't think i heard anything in the church i grew up in i'm not sure but but um said in this visitation jesus was teaching him some things about the believer's authority and he said all of a sudden this little like creature ran out from one side jumped in between he and jesus and started jumping up and down screeching and making all kinds of noise and bri and just producing this cloud of something and he said all i could see was this little imp between jesus and me i couldn't hear i could watch jesus and see he was saying something but i couldn't tell what he was saying because all the racket this little thing was making and i kept thinking jesus why don't you do something jesus why don't you jesus why don't jesus would you do something this is important i got to get this jesus do something finally he said i got so frustrated i said that little imp thing i said you follow spirit in the name of jesus i command you to shut up now thing just shut up drop down to the ground start just laying there whimpering like a puppy he said not only not only shut up but get out of here in the name of jesus that thing said he said well i don't want to but if you tell me i have to i do well well dude get out of here said that thing just left and he looked at jesus like he finally said why don't you do something about that jesus made a statement changed my life jesus said to him no he said if you if you hadn't done something about that i couldn't have done something about that he said ah man i think i heard you wrong i thought you said you couldn't he said that's what i said if you hadn't done something about that i couldn't some i could not have done something about that oh jesus surely you're no i misunderstood you i thought you said if i hadn't you couldn't he said that's exactly what i said he said jesus i don't care if you're standing here in a vision talking to me i've never heard that before and if you don't give me at least three scriptures in the new testament my covenant if you don't give me at least three i'm not going to take it jesus he said jesus get mad no he smiled and said i'll do you one better i'll give you four but he took them through the scriptures uh fourth chapter of the book of ephesians i think it's verse 27. james chapter 4 verse 7. in first peter chapter five i think verse seven and eight three places matthew 28 18 mark chapter 16 verse 15. and he went on and on through all these verses where he said resist the devil he'll flee from jesus is that right now resist the devil he'll flee from you you resist he flees from you neither give place to the devil who's the one that gives him place or doesn't give him place you your your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour whom resists steadfast in the faith he's looking for people to devour and the ones he devour can devour the ones that don't resist him but he went through all these verses and showed him over there when jesus said when i was raised from the dead i had the keys of death hell and the grave and i i gave them to the church you're the ones that have the authority if you don't do something i can't do something that being the case it's up to the church if my people didn't mean to get stuck there so long if my people if my people with my people oh yes brother but we're all just the children of god no if my people call by my name not called by muhammad not called by buddha not called by confucius not called by no my people called by my name if they'll humble themselves oh oh now he's meddling if my people called my mind do you notice how this starts out it's not just well if you just pray you get something well we're praying we're going to get something no he gave us a progression here if my people which are called by my name number one humble themselves humble themselves you know the you know the worst achilles heel that we've got in the body of christ is in the prayer department you know the greatest achilles heel in the prayer department is spiritual pride i've been watching this for 45 years i you know the bible said watch and pray i've done a whole lot of both kept my mouth shut and watched but i'll tell you what what happens is sometimes we get to thinking we're the sixth ministry gift apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher prayer but the prayer is more important than everybody else because if we don't watch it we get this little prideful attitude in us because we get in the presence of god we know more than anybody else everybody ha you know somebody asked an older minister one time most humble guy i've ever met in my life somebody asked him one time said what's the greatest battle you have in life he just without without thinking he just said pride i thought no no you don't have trouble with pride the rest of us do but you don't have trouble with pride i know you don't have trouble no he said the worst the battle i have in life is why because the devil's going to do anything in his in his power to get us over into spiritual pride because if we don't humble ourselves we don't get exalted in due time everybody's getting quiet on me now stick with me spiritual prizes it's a stinky sneaky subtle thing and most of the time if we're in spiritual pride we're the only ones that don't know it well i would do such a thing anyway i got to get going we got to pray anyway if my people which are called by my name number one humble themselves we have to get to the point we realize god's smarter than we are and get to the place we don't know everything we don't understand everything we try to interpret we're probably going to misinterpret it we're going to interpret it wrong we have to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt us in due time and so the first thing my people call by my name will humble themselves we ought to just wake up every morning and have a humbling service dear god forgive me for for letting my head get to the place i can't get it through the door forgive me dear forgive me dear lord for thinking i'm just the hottest thing since sliced bread forgive me dear lord you know i heard somebody say one time about brother hagin well he he did pretty good walking in the light he had as i said last night or sometime i tell you would god one of us any of us had one percent of the light he had to walk in okay now my people called by my name humble themselves and now now we get humbled so now we're in a place to pray it's interesting he said you need to humble yourself before you pray because if you don't humble yourself your prayers aren't going to go where they need to go humble ourselves my people call by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face seek my face you know it's important it's important it's as important to be a worshiper as it is to be a prayer it's i'll say it again it's as important to be a worshiper a praiser and a worshiper as it is to be a prayer well i'm just not into all that praise and worship stuff i just want to pray why not just bump over to the highest kind of prayer and start out there praise and worship so anyway my people call by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face you know if we're not seeking his face it's easy to seek his hand god i need this and i need this and i need this but are we seeking his face are we willing to set everything else aside and say god i want to pray effectively i'm going to humble myself i'm going to myself i'm going to pray i'm going to see i'm going to be seeking your face i'm going to be in your throne room to the i'm going to be in your throne room on a regular basis seek my face and yeah [Laughter] maybe maybe we should leave this next one alone and turn from their wicked ways wow well surely you can't be talking to the church the church is so sanctified yeah well ours is i don't know about all the other ones but turn from our wicked ways do you realize do you realize how much how much ground we've lost in the past 60 years that it and god's holding the church accountable we've we've we've aborted 65 million babies in america we've we've voted in gay rights gay marriage gay we've all this other stuff we've we've allowed all this in and and and then but then and then and if you're if you're if you even say anything about it you're intolerant i love people i'm not out to i'm not out to criticize anybody but there's things without holiness you're not going to see god we want a move of god are we willing to address some issues that might make a difference okay so anyway my people call by my name humble themselves pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then then i'll hear from heaven i'll forgive their sins and i'll heal their land if we'll do what he asked us to do then we'll get what he said we'll get i want god to heal our land so let's pray let's just take some time to pray now let's take some time to pray hallelujah we need to pray for a move of holiness we need to pray for a move of repentance in our nation we need to pray for a move of holiness in our nation i'm not criticizing anybody not getting on anybody's case the only perfect ones up there praying for the rest of us but what i'm saying is if we don't watch it we get so numb to the way things are we think that's normal behavior instead of trying to help people we excuse things i don't know about you without holiness no man is going to see god i want to see god i want to see god move i want to see him do things it means i'm going to have to judge myself on a regular basis means i'm going to have to check out myself concerning spiritual pride means i'm going to have to seek his face turn from wicked ways hallelujah you're all looking at me funny it's time to pray let's stand to our feet thank you dear father oh my oh my oh my oh my house cleaning house cleaning house cleaning house cleaning i know oh oh lord i'm honest oh my yeah yeah yeah it's got about a niece decay it's thomas the canada good day i know it's the love of god that leads us to repentance but dear lord i do know i do know there are some things that have got to be preached there are some things that have got to be preached venus dombre [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm get out the brooms get out the brooms get out the brooms get out the brooms oh there's a house cleaning about to happen a house cleaning is about to take place there's a house cleaning oh i know lord you'll never you'll never expose you'll never expose somebody that's trying to do right you'll never expose somebody that's doing their best to do right you'll never expose somebody whose heart's done right not bad but but the hypocrite the hypocrite stole the veterina there comes some exposing there comes some exposing escalante then we don't scholastic historians rolling back the rugs rolling back the rugs gonna roll back the rugs rolling back the rugs east canada menonde anybody service desk adam open it open it open it open it open it open it open and open it on the very stangonia together envy opero engrossipa angrataba ambregaetico ongolistica [Music] desperate desperate desperate desperate desperate desperate desperate oh my oh my i'm concerning our nation concerning our nation oh my my mind we will we will rise up out of the dust and ashes we will mount up with wings as eagles and we will fly again and avedo but look we got to quit focusing we got to quit majoring on the minors we got to get our focus back we got to get our focus back we got to get our focus back my my mind and now all the fussing and the fighting and the fuming and the arguing and going after each other brother against brother we got to start focusing on the big things we got to start focusing on the big things my my my we need to let the love of god rule and reign in our lives we need to let the love of god rule and reign in our lives east commander marvin brigade marvelous marvelous marvelous marvelous marvelous yamanagara we humble ourselves we humble ourselves we your people called by your name we humble ourselves and we pray and we seek your face and we turn from our wicked ways but you said if we do that you'd hear from heaven you'd forgive our sins and you'd heal our land and sweegamos said [Music] [Music] oh we want freedom of religion and high moral standards we want godliness and honesty we want back we want back what we lost we want back what we lost we want our stuff back we want our stuff back mine and easter case to god we want our money maya today the lord i know oh we're asking you lord give us another chance give us another chance give us another chance lord give us another chance give america another chance oh you've done it before every 50 years you gave us a fresh chance we're asking for it again give us another chance give oh i get that i get that i get that i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know but what i do know aha what i do know what i do know what i do know his holy ghost churches will thrive in the days ahead holy ghost churches will thrive in the days ahead holy ghost churches will thrive i don't know anything else but i do know holy ghost churches will thrive in the days to come holy ghost churches ho churches of the spirit churches of the spirit can't be a church of the spirit if you're not a church of the word but oh holy ghost churches will thrive in the days ahead in estonia oh there's a dark cloud my my mind there's a there's a there's a wall there's a wall like we have here in oklahoma there's a those we see those wall clouds coming there's a wall cloud there's a it's not a wall cloud it's covering a whole segment it's a whole section in a bone there's a there's a there's a dark cloud there's a dark cloud and it's moving oh oh it's been moving slowly but it's picking up momentum there's a dark cloud there's a dark cloud i'm an east decay now i don't know lord i can misinterpret so if i misinterpret lord you forgive me i don't want to interpret lest i misinterpret but it seems like that dark cloud it seems like that dark cloud it's over there on the eastern seaboard it's on the eastern seaboard there's something over there something over there something over there is [Music] [Music] over there in the east on the eastern seaboard on on the eastern seaboard i don't know beyond that i don't know i don't know i don't know and i could be misreading that oh lord i could be forgive me if i am but it just looks like it just looks like it looks like something something something something something something dark cloud dark cloud dark cloud dark cloud [Music] dark cloud ah dark cloud dark days oh something's coming and it's going to be having some dark ways my my my soul bodesh decay no vedanta belize the case to go hombregate but you said you said you could heal our land you said you could heal our land it's not up to the devil it's not even really up to you it's up to the church it's up to the church if we'll do what we know to do then you'll do what you said you'd do you'd heal our land you'd heal our land i don't know lord i don't know i don't know my my my still got that grieving down on the inside don't want to try to figure it out don't want to try to figure it out but still got that grieving going on the inside oh my my my what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean [Music] yeah well okay we'll do that we'll do that we'll do that i don't know which night but we'll do that [Music] yeah we'll do that easter bolgolo [Music] yeah and we'll do that too and we'll do that i know lord i i don't know much lord i just times like this i feel like i know so little just feel like i know so little so little so little so little grateful for what we do know but but i i do i do have i do lord i have a sense i do have a sense yeah we we got robbed of that but it's time to get get it restored time to get it restored that's we got to get that restored restored you've restored it's going to take that it's going to take that it's going to take that it's going to take that ital oh and i know lord i know i know lord what what is it going to take what's it going to take what's it going to take what's it going to take for the church to wake what's it going to take for the church to awake lord i remember i remember i remember somebody asked that one minister said what's it going to take for america to get to her knees and he said you don't want to know i don't know what that means don't know what he meant i wasn't there what's it going to take what's it going to take lord what's it going to take lord we live in our own little bubbles my my my we're so wrapped up in ourselves we're such a consumer egotistical group of people we've been so blessed for so many years but now there's a dark time coming what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do what you're going to do now what you're going to do now what you're going to do now what you're going to do now adam undergradistica [Music] yeah i know that i know that is there any way to change that is there any way to change that lord we're the we're the as jo as paul said uh over there to the thessalonians we're we're a restraining force we're a restraining force but have we lost our force to restrain lord forgive us forgive us forgive us forgive us for getting taken our eye off the ball forgive us for taking our eye off the ball oh my my there's so much yet to do so much yet we need to see of you so many healings and miracles and wonders and signs so much of your power we need the one that's so divine in video we need the miracles not for entertainment notoriety we need the miracles dear father for the lost oh stretch forth your hand to heal stretch forth your hand to heal now lord behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word by by stretching forth thine hand to heal and the science signs and wonders may be done in the name of thy holy child jesus oh my oh my yeah yeah decisions decisions decisions decisions decisions are being made decisions are being made decisions are being made decisions are being made no no no not just in this house but across the across the nation throughout the body yeah so many so many so many so many thinking they're okay thinking they're okay one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world rocking back and forth rocking back and forth rocking back and forth rocking back and forth and and folks think god's forgiveness means god's approval no no no his forgiveness doesn't mean his approval [Music] oh my god to have got to have a move got to have a move got to have a move got to have a move got to have a move oh progressive mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy [Music] you never leave yourself without a witness you never leave yourself without a witness lord we're calling we're asking pour out your mercy on our nation pour out your mercy on our nation oh show us your mercy show us your mercy show us your mercy show us your mercy oh my my i i got that i got that i got that i got that i don't get it but i got it oh my gosh [Music] um humble ourselves humble ourselves humble ourselves humble ourselves humble ourselves and pray seek your face yeah oh my you got a plan you got a plan you got a plan for our land yeah i i you got we got a plan for our land i get that when we get past all this and we will we will i don't know i don't know how long how deep how wide how bad i don't know i don't know how long how deep how wide how bad i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm not even asking i don't know and i don't want to know but i do know i do know you've told us already for a couple years you said the day will come we'll rise out of the dust and ashes we'll mount up with wings as eagles and we'll fly again no no don't write america off don't care what you see don't care what you don't see don't care what we watch don't care what we don't watch do not write america off america is not done america's not done america is not done we've not yet begun to run yeah pad of escanastica yeah but then then then i don't understand all that i don't understand all that but somehow in the middle of that like paul was in a storm in the middle of a storm he got everybody in an island healed no no no there may be a storm coming but it's going to be the impetus it's going to be the catalyst for a mighty move of god no we don't need to be thinking when it's over we'll run up and fly no it's not no no no we need to be moving while it's still working running the rain running the storm is decay but in the middle of that what is that what is that what is that yeah yeah i don't i don't i don't understand you know sometimes we get here praying and we we lose track of time and space but it's like a it's like this giant it's like this giant uh like this uh uh i don't even know what to call it it's a strip of land we call it the heartland it's like this giant heartland yeah i don't know who's in that i don't know how far it goes east and wide but it's going north and south through the heartland through the heartland explosion explosion of churches explosion of holy ghost churches explosion of of antioch churches explosion lord there's something i don't know what's going east and west i don't know what's i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know but there's there's this this is there's this mighty strip of land through the middle of our country we call it the heartland lord that's been coming up so often in prayer heartland the heartland the heartland the heartland the heartland yeah buckle up here we go buckle up here we go my yeah schools schools small schools small schools small schools yeah we've seen how that works small schools small schools yeah my my my my training leaders out and launching them training leaders up launching them out in a news decay and churches so many churches starting so fast they'll start them in a field they'll start them in a in a barn they'll they'll start them in a silo they're going to start churches start churches all over churches churches churches churches churches churches churches and then churches will begin churches and then churches will begin churches that will begin churches decay circuit riders circuit riders escalades decay my my mind one person pastor and ten churches and even grace no now it's not time to throw in the towel and let go now is the time to rise up and say let's go pardista castiga individual [Music] oh yeah yeah i know mundo good days to come yeah yeah will you not revive us oh lord will you not will you not revive us will you not revive us will you not revive us again yeah my my mind yeah yeah yeah oh a revival of the spectacular revival of the spectacular oh my my where the men where are the miracles of branham where the miracles of alan where are the miracles of coal where the miracles of of uh osborne where are the miracles of of uh roberts where the were the miracles where the miracles of yeah uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah hang on they're coming our way it's not far off it's happening in our day [Music] video [Music] oh my oh my oh my yeah just about the time the devil would think i won then he's going to find out the church has just begun ah rising up with power and might running in his glory ha break it and books will be written about that last day's story eric don grace milan the goddess decay oh but that's not only the thing oh my my give us another chance lord i ask you i'm asking you give us another chance give us another chance we had such a good momentum going we had such a good momentum going but we backed off we we we the the church we backed off the nations are calling the harvest is crying and we got manpower we got money we got miracles give us another chance may we raise up churches all over america and may there be hundreds of millions of dollars raised up to bring in the harvest yes harvest to come so we thank you for it dear father in the monaviez gnostic in the name in the name and the name and the name and the name and the name [Music] in the name oh oh it's not good it's great it's not good it's great we're right on time we're not late huh yes god give us a mighty move of prayer you give it to us we'll go everywhere halle pasta let's stand to our feet and give him thanks king [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's going to be great it's going to be great it's going to be great yes and solo both sides got nasty [Music] oh my okay okay okay okay we're at the halfway point we're at the halfway point we just crossed the line tonight a good one [Music] hallelujah put your prayer boots on the next couple days and then buckle up [Laughter] yeah what do you mean by that i mean hang on we're going places in prayer now i'm not talking visions and dreams if you have that wonderful but we're going to take some territory we're going to take some territory i believe this i believe this this meeting i believe this meeting is a mandate of god i believe it's a it's a mandate of god which means if we'll just follow him he'll get done what he wants to get done i'm i'm stirred i'm really really really stirred you know i mean honestly i did turn the radio on a couple times today listen to a little hoopla in there [Music] but i got better things to listen to my phone's full of brother hagin my phone's full of john osteen you know so you need to be you need to be aware of what's going on i am i feed on the word i feed on the holy ghost if i need to know anything he can tell me but i'll tell you why don't we do a fast of bad news for a couple days how about that turn off talk radio non-talk radio hallelujah let's just let's just fast bad news about that i don't know about you i don't like going to the prayer meeting and have to shake off all the clutter and it's out there somebody do you not care what's going on why do you think we're praying we care so much we're investing our time i'm telling you we got two days left morning and night for two days [Music] do you know how much territory we can cover in two days [Music] hallelujah you got anything babe nothing glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah well i'm just i'm just about tempted just turn everybody loose until you go home and come back tomorrow morning 10 30 come back loaded for bear if you don't know what that means just bible says let him that's ignorant be ignorant still but let's come back ready to go
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 708
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qbg_xILX4hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 57sec (4557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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