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[Music] good evening welcome to uh wednesday night live here wlc uh we're glad you're online um welcome we're gonna have a we got a great service planned here um uh we uh you know we we try to pray and say okay what direction do we need to go on this sometimes we'll do a subject for three or four weeks kind of a series and sometimes we go you know different uh a different subject week by week and and uh i i was just kind of praying uh what do we what direction do we go this week and i got really stirred um actually we're going to already be meeting with with joab fisher he and his wife amanda they're they're international missionaries and we're going to be already meeting with him this morning and i got just real stirred i thought i think i i think i got i think we need to see if he's got the evening free if he could join me and and we'll have a we'll have an interview or whatever direction we go so anyway so we're going to pray and get started father we thank you so much for the holy ghost thank you for your word thank you for your spirit thank you for the service tonight and lord as we've prayed and we're already trusting you for make it make us a blessing dear father give us a supernatural utterance words to speak speak into people's lives and we we thank you for it in jesus name father amen amen so joab well good to have you here so good to be here so what an honor this is this is good we're just talking um you know so every now and then you get a reality pill and i just took a couple of them just before we started the broadcast here um you know uh we've known uh joab of course who you and amanda we've known for what couple of years now i think three years three years but we we knew joab for a long time and i know you know we'll get around to the progression of where he's been in the last however many years but uh you know but at the same time we not only know him and we've known him from just about day one but we you know i've known his parents and uh i said you know i know your parents from uh from longmont they were in the church i worked in long new creation church back then it was bethel temple new creation church back in the mid 70's and uh um and i said you know i know you i know both your parents from from new creation church back there and he said yeah yeah and i said yeah i know him from the church he he said yeah he said he said my mom was in children's church and my dad was in youth oh man yeah yeah so it's been a while so anyway so uh we know his parents from way back then and and uh what year did did they head to uh philippines yes it was 2001 2001 when i was 11 11 years old another reality pill okay yeah uh move to so kind of give us give us a little background day your parents not now we could stand any one of these subjects for quite a while but uh so you've got one brother two sisters yes and when your parents moved to the philippines yeah how many children did they have at the time we they had uh four kids so i was the oldest and i have a brother and two sisters and my youngest sister was four at the time so they took four kids yeah and packed up and they didn't say well lord when we get our kids raised we'll we'll obey you and we'll get our kids raised we'll go to the mission field um you know but but that's a lot to ask for kids you know they they won't turn out normal if we take them to the mission field and i think you all four of you cut you turned out really well we were with our parents too because while our parents went through the mata yeah you guys had the mata for kids so all four of us kids went through dematta for kids and encountered the spirit of god at a young age so when we were moving overseas we were all with our parents because we understood why it's amazing there's no such thing as a junior holy spirit it's the same spirit my parents encountered we encountered yeah it's been been imparted with us ever since so you're on board the whole time oh yeah you didn't go kicking and screaming you didn't wonder why we got to go do this oh yeah all four of you were on board with your parents d'amato for kids was that when i was back in that garage area yes on the back side of the office building back when that was [Music] hoop outside the garage we'd go play in pretty retro yeah there were a lot of kids that went through that oh yeah that are all over the world right oh my goodness yep absolutely pretty neat oh yeah so you went to the philippines for one year uh yes then then then all of a sudden you you moved out to what came next i felt uh my parents felt called to move to hong kong china and start a new work there and i remember um my dad was a builder so he we had pretty big homes in the states and uh he always says so we moved from a 5 500 square foot home with a swimming pool hot tub everything you could want as a kid four acres of grass and we moved into a 500 square foot home in manila philippines and all four of us kids slept in random places in the on the floor and then when we moved to hong kong we moved we upgraded to a 700 square foot house and we all four of us kids got to share one bedroom nine foot by seven foot but we got we're excited because we had our own bedroom now you walk in bunk bed bunk bed dresser but you know i can't explain it but even as a child there was something this level fulfillment when you're in the will of god of joy manifested and you're not living for yourself no and we were more fulfilled there than i remember having all this stuff interesting yeah and you know the difference oh yeah absolutely so yeah yeah people we get trapped so much in in material things or thinking that the kids are gonna miss out on stuff and i i have nothing but gratefulness when i think back of my life what a privilege first of all pastor mark and janet you guys you're my spiritual parents so from a young age things were instilled into me that bared seed and grew up and bear fruit and i just think back how much has been poured into me and like pastor phillips said there's never a wrong time to give honor where honors do so thank you guys for running your race and like where you've stood you're helping us go even farther i believe we'll be able to take it to next generations and that's how it should be yeah connecting in the generations and uh so i i've i've seen so like growing up we would hang out with other missionary kids you know and and i would always ask like hey so what do you guys want to do when you grow up you know and uh i began to take notice like and mentally take a pull so how many missionary kids and pastors kids wanted to serve god and it was less than half and the other half would say things like well i'll tell you one thing when i grow up and graduate i want to do anything but ministry very bitter and uh i begin to ask myself like why how can that happen like how can someone that's uh serving god and like like where you where you are have such a bitter heart towards god and ministry you know and then why do i not have that better heart and my brother and two sisters and even today my brother and sisters are serving the lord in hong kong and fully committed to him and there's other missionary kids that have chosen the right path and followed and then there's some missionary kids and some pastors kids that fall way on the deep end and go crazy and so like what's what's the difference yeah and what what makes a missionary family be sustained in the long run and there's several families that we know right now where literally uh their kids there's there's such issues contention going on that is keeping them from even going back overseas just within the family and uh i look back and i think there's a few things i've learned is number one is um i really my wife and i said talk to each other what what do we want to raise our kids because we have five kids if you don't know we have five kids aged seven and younger seven down to one say that again we have five kids age seven seven six four two and one years old yeah and uh we we travel and minister all over the world we live in china uh and now we're working in iraq um and so to have that many little kids and travel like we do in minister you have to think a certain way because we'll go to churches and minister and people come up to us and tell us that they felt called to the mission field and all this stuff but then they had kids and then the kids went to school and one thing after another and they never ended up going and i thought man what a privilege i had growing up on the mission field literally it was a gift my parents gave me they gave me a front row seat to watch parents walk the life of faith say that again i got i got a front row seat to watch parents live a life of faith and surrender and i remember a studying like okay god i want to i want to take what i've learned growing up and apply it to my kids yeah because i want to think legacy and generations and gen my kids as kids as kids to live in the blessing of the lord not even not just one blessing not just financially but the blessing meaning free from uh the bondage of the world and the kingdom of darkness living in the kingdom of light and manifesting the kingdom of god my kids and their kids and their kids and their cousins like how is that going to happen and uh and i was like okay where are some scriptures about child raising you know because i want i want to see in the word you know right and uh i began studying and i was like there's it's harder to find like oh this is how you raise a child you know do this this and this and this and uh i remember i was reading the gospels and i thought my wife and i talked amanda and we were like um we want to model the way we raise our kids the way jesus fathered his disciples and so i began to study that like wow this is really cool like this is kind of how my parents did it with us like what did jesus he did teach about raising kids and he modeled it and with his disciples that's good so you think about it he what did he do he took them everywhere with him and he literally lived the life of faith right in front of their eyes and he took them for three and a half years and manifested love everywhere he went and and you notice the disciples weren't perfect and they had a lot to learn and stuff and still jesus is so cool because not only did he live in front of them and manifest manifest love he then put his disciples in uncomfortable situations where they had to walk by faith so when he sent the 72 out to go kick out demons and preach the good news and they went out i'm sure they're a little nervous because they've only seen jesus doing this and now they're on their own like two by two and they came back to jesus so excited like wow even the demons obeyed us and they went out and i just picture my kids when if if i put them in situations where they have to walk by their faith they're going to learn things that they can only learn growing their relationship with god and i remember when my dad did that with us so when i was uh 13 my brother was 12. we started smuggling bibles in china i remember several times a week i mean what is that yeah explain a little bit yeah folks may not understand the repercussions of what that yeah so the we were in hong kong where it's free and open and we would take several times a week load up our backpacks full of bibles go across the border into mainland china uh go to a safe house unload the bibles deliver them to chinese believers and it got to the point where we did it so many times that our the organization we worked with asked me as a 13 year old and my 12 year old brother to start leading all their adult teams that were coming in because every day we'd have teams from all over the world australia new zealand the us so these teams of adults come in and then they're like oh yeah here's your team leaders this 13 and 12 year old gonna lead you with illegal contraband into a communist nation and they would be like okay we knew exactly the route to take what to do if you're caught how to respond if you're interrogated how to pack your bags a certain way and we would do that in the mornings then come home and do school and we thought that was normal so your your priorities shift you know as a kid and but it really manifested when i was 15 and my dad sent me my brother by ourselves with the team to north china beijing and we had a bag uh wasn't tons of weight it was very heavy bags full of bibles for our entire team and we get there we give them to the chinese believers a van drives away and then they say one of the chinese believers wants to meet you guys so we say okay we go to our hotel room and we hear knock and in walks in this 91 year old chinese man and his 90 year old wife and they sit down i didn't know who these people were and they began to share their life testimony and come to find out this this is alan ewen who is one of the patriarchs of the early underground church of china in 1950s when communism took over he was one of three pastors that refused to register to the communist party and they labeled him a counter-revolutionary gave him a lifetime sentence to prison 21 years in north labor camp in china while his wife raised six children during the mao revolution where 60 million people starved of starvation and so now we're hearing all this i'm thinking wow this guy's like a legend yes and he was sharing how he would share jesus at the prison they had to build their prison by hand uh in north china where it's below freezing 40 degrees and people froze to death he never got sick once 21 years he would get guards saved and they'd have to move him because he kept getting too many people saved anyway a long story he got released because u.s government intervened and his he had become famous that everyone would say if alan ewan can stay faithful so can we because at any time he could recant his faith and be released and so i'm thinking man this is amazing then he finishes and someone raises their hand and says why are you here like you didn't have to come and share all this and risk your security and he said god's word is the only thing that can save china and whenever i hear the foreigners bringing us god's word i have to come thank them myself and when he said that like it so hit me as a 15 year old and then he walked he stands up and walks over to me and my brother and he starts speaking to us because we're like the youngest squirts on the team and i'm like i didn't know what to say and he's asking what we're doing and i give him a business card from my dad's ministry like oh here this is what we do in hong kong and and he was like looking at it and he looks up at me and says thank you for laying your life down for the chinese people and i remember in that moment i had some kind of spiritual deposit where i felt like i thought to myself well first i don't feel like i've done that much for god especially compared to you but i want to spend the rest of my life serving the the persecuted church and helping people like you and lay my life down and you don't tell me you go through something like that as a teenager and it doesn't impact you and so that seed has grown into what it is today that combined with as a kid getting encounters with the holy spirit at like kids domada and holy spirit meetings because the holy spirit's the spirit of truth and he reveals himself to you as a kid and so um those two things altered my priority and i saw yeah okay i can see why other kids struggle yeah because parents don't uh they don't involve their kids in ministry and i thought how can you get a heart from ministry if you're not doing the ministry you don't you do it by doing it you get the heart you know because you're serving the people yeah and uh so then okay like oh man yeah i want to i want to do that with my kids i'm talking with amanda about this and we went through a season was really difficult a number of years ago whereas kind of also a come to jesus moment for myself again and my wife where we're doing ministry we've done it for years and it got to a point where you just you know you feel like you have a target on your back and everything you're doing is failing and uh it's hard in the family and then and with the kids and the ministry we just want to quit like if we were living overseas doing stuff everything was hard and i remember it got to a point where i thought we almost became a statistic a missionary statistic where another missionary only makes it in disney many years and then they quit because they're burnt out and all this stuff sure happens all the time all the time and we had all the reasons to quit you know we're just having my pregnant with her third baby the finances aren't very good you know you name it and i remember going alone and i read in luke 5 where jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray and i remember thinking jesus was god in the flesh and he thought it's so important to withdraw and pray to god and say why does god praying to god i think like that sometimes yeah and he he valued that so much and how arrogant of me to think i can wing it in the ministry because there's this like idea that when you go into the ministry this honeymoon stage that you're going to be safe protected everything's going to work out but i've found it seems to me when you go in the ministry a target gets on your back satan wants to take it out he would stick he cut it off he wants to steal the word so he comes into the family because he can break the family unit then he can break the ministry so he comes in to steal the word make it about me um and then it's just the end from there so in that in those moments i thought okay i'm gonna do something something in me like snapped something broken me and i remember feeling this this thing rise up in me to fight for covenant yeah the covenant with my wife and god began to teach me he said you didn't make a covenant with your ministry you made a covenant with me and with her and you need you go after that and so in that time i felt okay i'm gonna do whatever it takes to get this right i don't know what to do but i know i need to be with my father and so this was a miracle for me to get up early because i'm a night owl yeah so the kids would get up at seven so i would get up at five and two hours every single morning i would be go just i would take a walk outside the house and be alone with a father and commune with him and and pray over my wife and inner see over her and over our kids and over our family to the point of crying and i i began not in a crying in a bad way but to the point of understanding true intercession to where i give up my right to my own life i i want to become jesus to my family i want to deny myself to be jesus to my wife to my kids and then aggressively have dominion over my family so satan can't come in and begin to take authority over things and within a few months everything began to change and i thought after that i'm never going back never going back we're in hong kong at this point we're in hong kong still serving uh but something shifted when i went from a prayer to an all in prayer and how can we parent even not just in ministry and parenting in general uh jesus example that he lived the lifestyle right in front of his disciples he lived a life of faith and yet he was drew to pray to have that intimacy with the father and intimacy is not automatic doesn't just happen and having kids that turn out great doesn't happen no there are things that must happen and i find a lot of families in ministry especially missionaries when i'm familiar with they almost get this you can get to this place or the devil will deceive you to get your identity in this work you're doing and you almost get a little high from doing it you're doing you feel important because you're doing this and then you begin doing things for all the wrong reasons and and this whole time satan's just coming in and chipping at your family um to the point where i've learned okay no i need to become jesus first to my family my wife and my kids and then manifest him outside the home at the same time because my my my wife she doesn't belong to me my kids don't belong to me my life isn't even mine it belongs to the lord and how can i become lord like becoming intimate with you not so i can just get from you but how i can become like you and changing my motive so i was pure and holy um and there's such a strength in that and then then i can be jesus in front of my boys and my kids um and then uh put them in those places where they have to walk by faith yeah yeah well you've had to demonstrate it to you yes you've walked it out you've seen how it works for you your brother your two sisters uh your parents lived that demonstrated it yeah and it's proved out yeah you know i mean we talked about it earlier today there's so many places where people people are afraid god can't take care of their kids so they're afraid to obey god they're afraid to step out they're afraid to you know they they put all these things well i'll i'll go obey god when my kids are growing but what was it amanda said by the time your kids are grown then you get grandkids oh yeah and so yeah if you thought you couldn't leave your kids then you bring grandkids into it and yeah and i've just watched people all over the world yeah that that would they just almost in tears tell you about a call of god on their life yeah and um a guy came up to me once in uh oh i couldn't even tell you where it was somewhere in the states and he came up to me and he said after service i just we started a school in iceland uh a demota school and i was i just mentioned it that night he came up after he said i'm called to iceland got probably in his 60s wow i'm called to iceland and i said um why are you here he goes well i've never gone i said you're called you know you're called but you'd never gone he said yeah no it just never worked out mm-hmm and i thought you know the devil threw at it threw stuff in his path and today's gonna come he'll stand before the lord and and he's gonna the question is what'd you do with the call yeah yeah yeah but you've had the example you grew up with the example there's never anything that stood between your parents in obangat they went to the philippines they went to to hong kong yeah they sent uh you and your brother uh into mainland china and then you got married to amanda how many years ago now uh eight years eight years ago and 29 years almost nine years almost nine you better keep that straight you'll get in trouble yeah september is our ninth year don't forget that yep yeah um and and then then you guys you packed up moved to mainland china yes and you took your kids with you and and you know now of course you you came back to the states um about a year ago and you're um it's not a matter what am i going to do with my life you know you know your call yeah back over there but you're not letting any grass grow under your feet you know it was a few months ago you took was it your two-year-old yes yes you took your two-year-old by yourself you went to to iraq to iran iraq yeah you took your two-year-old and went to iraq how many people do that how many people how many people would confidently take their two-year-old and go to minister in iraq yeah right but you did yeah and what's he going to remember when he grows up that's two years old man i went to iraq you know i went to hard places right yeah i know yeah i still remember when my dad took me to north korea in 07 and uh most people think he was crazy to do that north korea north korea yeah but you're setting your foot so here's the thing i've learned why do you have a heart for certain people is because you go there and as much as if you feel a call on your life to step out and do something you know just taking a small trip can literally be life-changing yeah god will impart things into your heart change your life forever yeah and uh we should never be afraid of the call of god in our life you know people say oh i'm afraid god will call me to africa well the only reason we're afraid of the call is because we think that we know better what's better for our own life and our kids than god almighty yeah and my my father loves my kids more than i love my kids i've learned that and have like okay god you love my kids more than i do don't ever let your kids stop you from walking the life of faith because then every day is a good day it can be super hard in the natural every day is a good day yeah uh every day is a day full of joy in the holy spirit when you're when you know there's a call in your life and you're not doing it every day is not a good day because there's that you're trying to do your own thing and build your own house on the sand yeah yeah and uh so and while you're in the states here you put your five children yeah in a big suv oh yeah okay and you guys pile in there and um i mean through this whole through this whole coven thing yes you guys have been um for those of you that are in the church you know you'll recognize you'll recognize job and amanda because they're if they're in town they're on the front row right over in front of me over here front and center if they're not if they're not there they're out somewhere and i mean god's open doors for them all over the nation when it's been a real hard time for itinerants to be able to travel to be able to get meetings to go to churches these guys are always gone there's a favor on them and they believe god and not only do they go uh but job doesn't say okay to amanda you know you stay here with the kids i'm gonna travel make it easier you know i'm easier to go by my you take the whole tribe you take everybody with you so yeah and go to churches all over the nation yeah oh yeah it's god's while you know wherever we're at anyone's at god calls you to minister in this land in america god's had his hand on this nation and he wants to revive it to be strong again yeah and i'm privileged to uh we're privileged and honored to to share experiences we've had to help help the church in this prophecy you shared by lester simrall that there's missionaries back in the states literally to help america in this season yeah what an honor um a friend of mine was in that service and i asked him about it he said yep may not have a word for word but said dr sumrall up in either oregon or washington somewhere up there yeah said he was in a service of course years ago he's been gone for quite a while said he stood up and he said he said he said god's going to bring his missionaries back from the four corners of the globe to bring a move of god back to america that's a high calling yeah you know especially when your heart's in another nation when you've got a call to other nations china or the unreached nations of the world all of a sudden america is kind of an unreached nation in some capacities right and to be able to set that aside and let god bring you back for a season to help bring the move of god back and yeah you know this is what we're talking about here it's yeah what what you know his parents have done what he and his wife have done and their kids will do you know if jesus doesn't come in the next 20 30 years if we got it wrong you know here comes another generation you're not going to want to get in their way but um yeah but the bottom line is if you're around um for revive 21 um god really really for probably six seven months before that god really really stirred our hearts um this is intentional here god really stirred our hearts that you only go so long lester sumrall i from what i heard he said your first 20 years you'll learn your first 20 years of ministry you'll learn your second 20 years of ministry you'll do the third 20 years of your ministry you'll impart and all of a sudden we're looking at a lot of my friends i'll see one probably tomorrow i haven't seen him in years about my age and i've got so many friends and i'm watching this and i'm thinking we're all hitting our third 20 years and if we don't watch it we want to keep pushing and doing what everybody what we've always done and and i believe god's wanting this thing's a relay race i think god's wanting us to pass the baton on yeah and just stand back and help it doesn't mean we don't minister but uh we're gonna have to leave some room for this next generation to take this thing and run with it they'll go further than we ever did and um you know man we had pastor phillip we had um uh we had marcus tankard we had luke lober uh you guys were here um uh um um we had uh pablo ruiz um we had a whole bunch of people that are the next generation yeah and um the hand of god's on this this this bunch is going to take it further than my generation ever did or the generation before me um we're about to step into something and it's going to be it's going to be right here in america yeah and so um you know what you guys have already proved out what you've done is amazing but you haven't seen anything yet i mean it's you know you just got your feet wet now yeah amen oh yes yeah or yeah and it's it's important for our generation to hang around people that have 40 years of ministry experience i've seen that as a warning to my my generation young people don't don't try to do it yourself or only hang around people our age yeah you need you need the the long tusks as you call it you have to have a long test in your life because they help keep you you know on the right path and a state of humility in that too yeah what we're what we're stepping into i believe is a multi i believe i'm convinced a multi multi-cultural and a multi-generational move of god i think we all need each other every generation brings a spice with it yeah in a in a seasoning you know you got seasoning if you're older you got you got fervency and fire and energy when you're younger you mix that two together and uh you know you look at the nation we got covid we've got we've got afghanistan we've got the southern border we've got so many things that are bothering people but yet you get you get a bunch of people to lock arms and say well we're just going to go after a move of god yeah because the move of god is the only thing that'll that'll offset all this other craziness going on in the world system yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's what we're all doing that's so good yeah i love it you guys have proved it out and of course now and we won't go but a couple more minutes but uh you know now you've been back for what only a year and a half yeah from china and um still got a place over there yeah you know want to go back ready to go back but um there's only certain things you can do and uh meanwhile there's other unreached nations in the world so so you guys are you're getting ready to pack up and go other places yeah absolutely so absolutely is there anywhere you can you can specifically say where you're going to be going do you oh yes uh in the in the meantime there's been an open door in the middle east and we've been going to iraq and what a strategic time to start going now yes there's an influx but you know i just read in the bible jesus said go and if you don't know what to do just read the bible and if that feeling seems good to go just go and then let the holy spirit okay now show me the details yeah and so that's that's the kind of motive we've taken we're more on the aggressive side to actually do be going and be told not to go than to not go and have the holy spirit wanting us to go but we're just sit plopping down i find it's a lot easier to steer the moving moving truck isn't that the truth yeah yeah hard it's hard to turn it when it's sitting still yes absolutely you're never sorry you go places and meet people and do things uh but yeah it's pretty boring life if you kind of live it for yourself that's a mouthful right now absolutely it's it's um you know uh was that i i remember my grandparents had some little little sparkly plaques on the walls they had a big old farmhouse i think they bought them from somebody was going door-to-door selling them and they had the plaque i remember seeing it as a kid that said only one life will soon be passed only what's done for christ will last wow and i remember reading that you know man pretty wild only one life will soon be passed only what's done for christ will last and uh you know that's uh that's what it's about so good you know you don't get to the other side and jesus isn't gonna say how much money did you make how many houses did you have he's not opposed to those things yeah but he's not going to say he's going to say i had a plan for you what'd you do with it yeah i had a lane for you did you stay in it okay so every one of you have a something to bring we're we're created for something that we add to the body yeah um and i challenge i challenge everyone watching like don't live halfway for god it's so much better to go all in sell out go the go all the way give what god's imparted into you because he put his spirit in us and and your kids will be okay yeah yeah what else is there yeah what else is there yes i mean you know when you take your life on a line called eternity it's a little dot right here yeah eternity both directions one little dot what are you going to do with it okay what do you do with that dot yeah are you going to make a difference the only way it's not it's not how much you do it's how obedient you are yeah it's not well i did this this this this and then i did this well that's great but how obedient were you how did you how how much did you stick with the plan of god for your life and if everybody did that think what the church would be doing amazing um you want to yes pray for anybody out there pray for us for some folks just help yourself absolutely you're the heavenly father i just thank you for everyone watching and father ask you just to invade their hearts with your spirit spirit of truth to reveal your calling and like a fire in their hearts so and the joy of the calling that it's not hard your burden is your burden is easy your yoke is light and uh and so father if there's any of us that are living halfway lives or kind of halfway in or you know there's something that you know we're supposed to be we know we're supposed to be doing father i just ask you to reveal that right now uh and challenge us to go farther in you in the name of jesus amen amen amen amen amen thank you joy yes we were talking in the back room before the service tonight and i said listen you know there's a hundred directions we could go but you know if you find a vein don't wait for for me to fire questions or something if you find a vein go with it you know i wish we had um two or three more sessions to go with this because um there's there's a generation i'm watching this and um we've we've had a big influx in the past like months of of young people from uh 18 to something like that we've had a i've been watching this and i'm thinking this these are these are laborers man these are harvesters yeah yeah these are people that you know they they haven't been tainted by uh materialism um i've been watching them and there's there's a quality on this group that they're just they're coming from everywhere and this is just our church i think i think church-wide the body of christ i think we're seeing a generation that are just ready to run if we'll just empower them yes yes and so that's what we're going to do we're going to find ways to empower them come on that's so good so we might have to do this again yes if we catch you when you're not out of the country in iraq or somewhere um but we love you guys uh you're so valuable um i appreciate what you're doing love your kids i was in a parking lot i think a walmart parking lot or something and i'm trying to find a parking space and all of a sudden i looked and and i see i see four blonde heads and i couldn't see who was out in front and i thought i don't even have to look to see also i don't have to look to see who's out front i see those four little blonde heads and i think that was before your little girl came along yes i think so i thought i know who those kids are i can tell by the time tell by the color of their hair and it was your four boys i never did see if it was you or amanda i don't know who was leading yeah it was me it was it you needed to stay we don't blend in in asian countries [Laughter] might as well stand out right and uh so anyway um we believe in you guys you can count on the fact that we'll be praying for you back here we'll have your backs and uh wherever god takes you uh we're proud of you for launching out like this and uh thank you i pray god will just let you uh be a be a landmark uh cornerstone for lots and lots of next generation next-gen yes people that'll just say if they can do it i can do it if they can do it with four kids five kids they can do it with five kids i can do it with two things five i can do it but you know if i can if they can do it with this with seven of them i can do it as a single person yeah right you know yeah people say well i'm single well you know you may get over there and find your we know i've got to find a place to stop this but we've got a we've got a friend session two got a friend that went obey god single obeyed god went to another nation um he wanted to get married but just obey god went to another nation and at the same time god sent somebody else from america yeah to the same place and they just decided i'm gonna put obey and god first they met there got married and they've been in the ministry together ever since yeah you know so it's like it's like you you know your your supply your need is supplied in the will of god right so i got to get off this we'll be here all night long we may just do this again sometime yes sir maybe we'll bring in pastor phillip and oh yeah bring luke and megan in on a zoom call or something and uh incredible it'd be a good time so anyway thank you for joining in um let's go ahead we're gonna we're gonna receive our wednesday night tithes and offerings um this is what it's all about the mission of the church is missions the mission of the church is missions you know um oswald j smith said nobody nobody should have the privilege of hearing the gospel twice before everybody's heard it at least once you know we're we're getting over and you know i haven't pushed a lot of this the past year and a half we've been just biding our time but you know for pastor janet myself you cut us we bleed missions this is what it's all about this is our the church's assignment and people well don't put content i'm not putting condemnation on anybody i'm just telling you the uh uh you get you get involved in god's business he'll get involved in your business it's just the way it works you guys have proved it out so good and he's taking care of you financially yes you guys haven't suffered through covenant you haven't suffered financially i've been been trying to keep an eye on things and you know god's been blessing you guys yes and he'll continue to watch because you're in god's business yes and you're in faith in obedience and i got to get stopped so on the screen there the different ways you can give we appreciate your giving uh you're giving to tithes you're giving to offerings you're giving toward paying off this building you're given toward missions um you can't all give god i challenge you i i dare you i dare you to challenge god say god i'm going to out-give you for the next 60 days i'm going to out-give you i'm gonna i'm going to i challenge you i dare you to try that and and god will be no man's debtor you know and i'm preaching to the choir because you're the givenest bunch of people i've ever seen but always remember any time you're given you don't give just to get but always remember every time you give you're putting seed in the ground and as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest so anyway father in jesus name i thank you right now for for everybody watching whether it's live right now or whether they log in at a later time and watch it i thank you father that what's been covered the the spirit of faith to touch the world that's i pray it'll get on on people and in them and they'll dream about it they'll think about it and more and more people will obey god in in as a church we'll help to launch people and and i thank you for that father and i thank you as they give it it will be given back as surely as there's a god in heaven and there's a bible on earth it'll be given back good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and i thank you for in jesus name father amen amen amen amen glory to god well we're sure glad you logged in tonight uh or whenever you're logging on to this glad you tuned in with us uh in whatever platform um for those of you that join us at at the noon prayer monday tuesday wednesday and thursday at our noon prayer we will be out of pocket tomorrow we've got a we've got a good friend checked out went to heaven we're going to go to his homegoing celebration service uh just outside atlanta uh tomorrow so we're going to be out of pocket but back in on monday um so uh but we'll of course for church we'll be back for the weekend we'll be back friday night but uh anyway we love you appreciate you thank you so much for being a part of what's going on here uh your supply is valuable just obey god whatever he tells you to do just obey god we love you have a great evening and we will see you sunday
Channel: WOCTulsa
Views: 195
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wwE8F-uK6iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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