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or online you can share this service with your family and friends help us share the good news about jesus christ all right living word well let's get into some of our announcements our stella's kitchen was open last sunday and it was a great time to just be together and also honor our pastor remember stella's kitchen is open sundays after service to purchase some yummy food and it's also open on midweek service to offer you refreshments women's discipleship is coming up on july 17th at 10 30 a.m come on women and join us for an awesome time of fellowship the word and some great worship we wanted to also let you know that we are having lwcc families a dinner and movie here at the church tickets will be sold on our website and we will have more information soon for you to purchase those but we wanted to give you a heads up knowing that this would be taking place on july 30th more information coming soon our james digital bible studies will be taking place still during the week and if you need information you can always go to we to sign up there our live youth is still taking place fridays at 8pm so join them here on fridays remember we have in-person and online services thursdays at 7 30 p.m and sundays at 10 30 a.m you can also watch all the services online join us on faith life living word we've been posting updates about events on there and we keep everybody in the loop about what's going on it's a great platform for those that don't like social media and just want to stay connected with their church and also just for those that want to know what's taking place with their church so join us there on faith life tightly is our giving platform and that is for you to give your tithes an offering if you have any trouble please let us know remember you can get the mobile app or give on our website or you can textgive or just simply give using the envelope whatever is best for you living word and remember if you ever need to contact us during the week outside of service you can always join us on facebook youtube instagram and we are remember we're always there to pray with you and to keep in touch remember that our lwcc podcast is on our website and it's also on apple podcast these sermons are there to help you during the week and just to refresh in your spirit all right lwcc well we love you and we appreciate your time here and we pray that you always put jesus first god bless [Music] [Music] good evening church can we stand this evening amen can we give him a shout of praise hallelujah join me in prayer dear heavenly father lord we give you honor we give you praise lord for everything you've done everything you're doing and everything you will be doing in our lives father god thank you lord for allowing us to be here this evening lord i pray that your holy spirit would move ah lord your word says that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and we believe that you are here holy spirit and so there is liberty in this house amen come on give him praise in jesus name amen [Music] mm-hmm [Music] don't be afraid sounds like the weight has been lifted races [Music] [Music] [Music] oh freedom [Music] come back [Music] waiting for [Music] there is freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] she will fall trains [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] is set me free [Music] [Music] so wandering into the night wanting a place but i just can't win the fight me [Music] [Music] [Music] i thank god no choice but to believe like now you ain't welcome here [Music] is he changed my name [Music] i thank god i [Music] am i am free [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i thank god [Music] if you did it for me [Music] get up get up get up get up get up [Applause] get up get up [Music] the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy [Music] get up get up get up get up get up get up get up [Music] because he healed my heart thank god [Music] [Music] [Music] me in water [Music] [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] the holy spirit rain down on me [Music] [Music] pour out [Music] lord out your way [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] pour out your presents have it our face [Music] [Applause] as we cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] can it be bread [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] to do [Applause] [Music] cover is [Music] revival [Music] let heaven [Music] again [Music] so [Music] [Music] i shout to [Music] trying to explain i this will have to do i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you [Music] i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you [Music] i just wanna thank you i'm so grateful you sang till i found my song you can't steal my heart [Music] lost my friends [Music] i just wanna thank you [Music] and not just want to thank you i just want to thank you i'm so and i grateful wanna thank you and i just wanna thank you and i just wanna thank you i'm so i'm so grateful [Music] for churches thank him right now your words give him praise a man who's worthy lord we thank you we thank you we thank you hallelujah standing in the promise surrounded by your you have overwhelmed us [Music] hallelujah i'm standing in the promise surrounded by your goodness don't just get started surrounded by a good name [Music] i just wanna thank you [Music] and i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you [Music] i'm so grateful and i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you i just wanna thank you i'm so grateful we just want to thank you we just want to thank you so much we just want to thank you we just wanna thank you we're so grateful [Music] so [Music] we say this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break [Music] but they don't know you like me [Music] there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never [Music] change [Music] [Applause] [Music] impossible [Music] foreign we know that hope is still [Music] there is power in your name so much power in your name [Music] from the impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you are the way [Applause] break the [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] [Applause] [Music] that we [Music] hallelujah come on let's give them some praise tonight oh come on man it's thursday night and you're in the house of god can we give him a good shot of praise tonight amen amen if you go ahead and have your seat in the presence of the lord this evening amen you may want to uh those who are watching us on live stream youtube venmeo and the other uh formats welcome amen this evening we're going to get ready and prepare an offering for the lord amen can you give the lord some praise tonight hallelujah if you have your bibles turn in the book of matthew chapter 6 and also i want to mention that you can go on to the link in if you want to pay online you could text also as well they'll put that information up for those of you at home the tithely app and then you could go to the website and there's a link there on giving as well that will walk you through it and then you could also text the word give g-i-v-e to 833-940-1404 amen and it will allow you to go into the format so you could uh text give and it will give you a dollar amount and then you could do it in that form as well amen matthew chapter 6 verse 19. amen it reads this it says do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and still but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also amen how many know that we can get caught up in toys we could get caught up in in in our passions and and anything that that could you know your hobby or any of these of these uh hobbies or so uh it's so easy to get caught up you want to get the latest you want to upgrade amen you you know you you want iphone 24 already amen and you know all these you know and what happens is that we we start to focus on the temporal here jesus in in the beatitudes is speaking to the people and he's telling them look if you lay up treasures for yourself here on earth they're perishable they easily come easily go he says but when you lay up yourselves treasures in heaven there's nothing that can destroy it moths cannot get to it thieves cannot steal it and the idea of this concept is is that to teach us that is as being a giver being a tither is that we're storing up treasures in heaven amen that we have we have i i hate to use the word account but we have an account in heaven where god takes note of how we give and i think what's important to note is is that the attitude in which we do so corinthians tells us that god loves a cheerful giver and that whenever we give we don't give out of necessity where we say well you know what i can't afford it this week but i can give it you know i could give a little down payment toward my tithe and we started con conniving in and making little deals how many here come on let's be honest how many here have ever given jesus and i owe you right and then you realize man what did i do and god starts to show you how he opens doors for you and how he he he makes a way where there is no way amen and then and then we feel the conviction of the holy spirit and say lord why did i not trust you in the first place and i think the whole idea is where god is trying to lead us to a place of obedience where we say you know lord i want to trust you sometimes i'll be honest with you sometimes it's not easy trusting sometimes you you you see what you have and you see what you need to give and you see what's left over and what's left over is looking back at you and say don't get rid of me don't do it this time you can't afford to do it but when god starts to trust you and with the finances that he gives you and he starts to to just open doors for you amen so let's continue to be faithful in our giving and see the hand of god move if you need an envelope raise your hand the ushers will get one to you and please when you make sure that you're filling out the envelope that you put all the information that it asks of you and please know that after the transaction is completed your information is shredded and destroyed amen amen i want to read this real quickly uh that i found that and i i wanted to share it tonight it says tithing isn't something you can do because you can afford to do it it is something you do to honor god is an act of obedience trust faith and confidence in him why is this important it is important because giving your tithe into the good ground of your local church is necessary to keep the windows of heaven open for your finances when we honor god when we sow into the house of god this is where god has planted you this is your church amen you don't tie to to a tv station or to a tv evangelist this is where god has placed you this is where the storehouse that god has put you into and we honor god by we say lord we give back to you what belongs to you and the 90 that you have amen god will stretch it amen how many here can say you know what god is taking me out of debt amen and how many here will want to testify say you know what my blessing is coming amen so let's pray tonight for this offering we're going to pray that god bless the giver that and you know what if you're in a situation right now where your finances are so tight trust god even you know trust him and say you know lord i i'm stepping out and i'm going to put my faith in you amen and like pastor down he said you don't pay on thursday and check your mailbox on friday and then you know hey it might we don't know amen but we're going to pray and believe god and be faithful amen so let's pray heavenly father we thank you for this evening lord father for those who have tuned in to to to be part of the service tonight on on our on our channel father for those here in attendance lord god we pray a blessing over them lord bless the giver as they give and trust in you father god let us store up our treasures in heaven lord where no thief can come against it lord father we pray for the giver as they give and those who are unable to give lord we ask a blessing over them that they may give at another time we're mindful of your presence we give you honor we give you glory and tonight god your people say [Music] no things are possible [Music] when we believe all chains are breakable when we receive your way [Music] if you said it we believe [Music] we believe [Music] all things are possible when we believe more chains are breakable when we receive your way you keep your promises [Music] we believe it [Music] you'll finish what you started [Music] everyone [Music] come on if you said it we believe it we believe [Music] is [Music] you'll finish what you started but you have never failed you [Music] praise amen [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] hallelujah come on we can do better than that let's give the lord a big hand come on [Applause] amen you can go ahead and take your seed savin those watching we're glad you tuned in tonight amen and i got the privilege tonight of sharing the word and if you're taking notes the title is set apart how many know god has set us apart because sometimes we come to church we get saved and we think that's all there is like all right now i just came to church to get off drugs i came to church to just get away from that madness and and that's the way it starts when i got saved i just went to church to get off dope to raise a family but god had a different purpose he set me apart him and so we're going to talk about that tonight and the scripture i'm going to use is found in psalms chapter 4 verse 3 and it says but know that the lord had set apart him that is godly for himself that means that god set you apart for him not for your spouse not for the person you think you're going to hook up with god set you apart for himself so let's go ahead and pray before we get into the word father we thank you lord for everything you're doing here tonight in our church and in us as individuals father continue god to open our mind to understand god that there is a purpose for every one of us here that is here tonight and even those watching in our live stream father we give this service over to you god we come against distractions that would try to hinder your word from taking root and lord we're careful to give you the glory the honor and the praise lord let me step aside and allow you to flow through me tonight lord we love you and we praise you and everyone said amen and amen set apart because sometimes we come to church or sometimes you come into our program and you say man i just came here because the parole officer brought me here i came here to do this or do that no no god god orchestrated everything to get you where you're at tonight and if you don't understand you're set apart what's going to happen is you're going to become frustrated and when you become frustrated then you look at everything from a different perspective because when we first got saved amen and they told you you're called by god you were excited you said yes amen what can i do how can i serve but after a while when you don't understand your set of heart you start saying well i'm not going to volunteer no more because they just want to use me up how many ever said that don't raise their hand we don't want to find you out come on now see the problem that god created you to solve on earth is your purpose and so when we look at the word set apart it means to assign or mark for a specific purpose in other words god's got an assignment for you god's got a purpose for you that nobody else can do but yourself amen and and when you start thinking like that and start understanding like that you're not going to want to waste time because you're going to want to fulfill the purpose and assignment that god's called you to do and there might be some of you here in the sanctuary tonight that you're frustrated maybe in your marriage maybe as a single parent maybe maybe as there as an individual because you don't understand what god has called you to do and we're going to address that tonight and i pray that when we walk out of here we're going to walk out knowing and understanding god you separated me for a specific purpose amen the bible was filled with examples of those that discovered and embraced their assignment you look at the life of moses moses saw problems for who the israelites you look at aaron he solved problems for who for moses you you look at jonathan jonathan was assigned to who david remember he said man i'm your armored bear he gave him everything from him to to him jonah was assigned to the ninevites even though he didn't like it he still did what god called them to do he knew his assignment but he did it with the wrong attitude and had doing your assignment with the wrong attitude you're still going to be frustrated because after jonah did what god called him to do he was still complaining amen look at your neighbor and tell him you got to stop complaining ruth was assigned to naomi she told uh uh naomi uh or was assigned to will she said wherever you go i'm gonna go amen and we have to do that when we understand that we're assigned to somebody or to someone or or for a specific purpose we have to let certain things go so we can reach the purpose or the assignment that god has for our lives how many have asked questions like why am i here how many never say that why am i here i don't know why i'm here man i keep leaving the home i i keep bouncing i keep going to different churches and coming back here to the same place and how many have said why me right why me how many says is there really is there really a god god why was i born i'm a mess up and i'll always be a mess up and sometimes we do that and it's an excellent question and we deserve the answer and the answer is clear when we understand that the manufacturer is god and the product is you and the manual is the bible then we're going to understand that god created us for a specific purpose amen and so you have to understand a manufacturer it's like a car when they create a car they know every specific thing on that car they know how fast it can go within 30 seconds they they know man you can run it to a certain temperature and they know everything about that car so if god is our manufacturer then god knows what he needs to instill in us for us to fulfill our purpose but a lot of times we don't like what god wants for us i mean no we don't have a choice tell your neighbor you don't have a choice we don't have a choice that's why when you leave you come back because you're miserable now because you don't want to surrender you leave and you're more miserable so you come back and yet you do the same thing again quiet in here huh revelations 4 11 says you were created to bring pleasure to god that's why we're created how do we bring pleasure to god when we when we fulfill what he's called us to do and a lot of times like the scripture says we've been set apart for a specific purpose and a reason and like we just read in psalms so the lord has set them apart that is godly in other words that has character in other words that follow him in other words that surrender to him because you can't be set apart if you're not surrendering it's getting quiet in here huh let me move on it's too early for you guys to start mad dog give me amen see it's important you recognize your purpose it's important you recognize uh your assignment it's important that you embrace it you have to embrace it in other words when when you understand god's called you hold on to that and take care of that and if you embrace it then you're gonna say well i there's certain things i can't do because that will disqualify me from doing what god has called me to do it's important that you're willing to be mentored amen for your purpose i think that's missing nowadays people coming under a specific leader to be mentored and a lot of people don't want to be mentored because they don't like being told what to do see your mentor don't need to know what you know you need to know what he knows too many times people want to get disciple but you want to tell your leader the way you want to be disciple instead of just being quiet sitting under them and learning from them that's a missing art nowadays your mentor is not your cheerleader he's your coach when you make a mistake yeah he's going to encourage but he's not going to keep encouraging you if you're making the same mistake over he's your coach he's going to come in and say hey you're going to have to stop it or else that's it you're off the team but then too many people nowadays they want a mentor to be the cheerleader he sees things you cannot see and that's why he comes and he'll warn you because he sees the danger that you're going to walk into see your function is different from others your assignment is always there to someone with a problem when god gives us an assignment there's there's problems that we're able to go into and god allows through his wisdom allows us to to fix those problems problems are the gates to your significance meaning when you solve a problem now all of a sudden you become important to that person when's the last time you solved the problem i'm not saying created a problem solve the problem see problems birth opportunity to reveal your uniqueness tell your neighbor you're unique and those no he's not flirting with you if you're sitting next to the opposite sex how many no problems birth new relationships because when you go into people hey i need you to pray for this i'm going through this you pray with them you agree with them then all of a sudden there's a bond that is there because god intervened and now you're you're building new relationships let me give you a free 99 real quick if you're a good leader you'll fix more problems than you create if you're a good leader you fix more problems than you create see most people never discover that they have a purpose they want to come to church they give everything they're sold out but then they become comfortable i'm just going to go to church i want to get goosebumps i want to make an altar call i want to go home and live my life no when you understand god is the manufacturer he didn't create you just to be comfortable to live your life he created us because we have something inside of us that can help others and and a lot of times you say man i i went throughout yeah but god is gonna turn it around and he's going to use your pain to bring healing to others because you know what they've been through you know exactly where they're at no one can discover your assignment for you let me say that again no one can discover your assignment for you you have to discover it for yourself too many times we just want to make an altercon think god is going to zap us and then okay now i know what i'm called to do let me give you five reasons many people never discover their assignments number one they don't know they have an assignment i mean it sounds funny but a lot of people know i got i just got saved you know i i was just going to come to church i got up drugs i i stopped partying i i stopped going to the club you didn't stop going to club they threw you out of all the clubs hey man god just shut doors for you amen and and they don't know they got in this i don't know but in our church how many know we preach vision our pastor talks about vision our pastor sends out uh to start churches and so we understand we got a purpose but there's some people that do not know they have an assignment how many know ignorance is devastating let me say it again ignorance is devastating and all ignorance means is a lack of knowledge or information that's all ignorance means people you may say well i know i'm called but if you don't have the knowledge of god's word you're ignorant no i didn't cuss at you i just said ignorance it means lack of knowledge or information see the word of god tells us everything we need to know there shouldn't be ignorant christians if we know our word and we know our god we know who the manufacturer is i mean we shouldn't have lack of knowledge we we understand we're called and so but a lot of times when you know you're called right away i'm called let me preach that's not how it starts if you know that you have an assignment the way you begin to develop it and discover it is you volunteer to whatever need is in the church see that some people know that's like a catch-22 no you got to volunteer that's where it starts because every ministry that you don't want to do that's where god shapes your attitudes that's where god begins to develop your motives why are you doing what you're doing are you doing here you volunteer just because one day you want to preach or you volunteer because you love people and you know that you're working in the nursery people are in the church they're getting blessed but you're taking care of the children for they can hear a word from god but if you have the wrong attitude you're in there and god is dealing with you why are you here oh because they made me come here and when you know you want you you work the nursery or you're ushering what do you do i'm gonna call in sick today i'm not feeling good you know you're feeling good you just don't want to do the ministry that you volunteered for you see in first samuel chapter 9 and chapter 10 saul knew little about his his assignment until he came into the presence of samuel the prophet when he and his servant could not locate the donkeys for his father the servant brought an offering to the man of god explains that in first chapter samuel chapter 9 and chapter 10 they lost two donkeys and the father sent him i need you to go find the the donkeys so all he was doing what was he doing he was serving his father his father told him hey go find the donkeys see he he began to understand what he was called for because he was being a servant wherever he was at and then in the process it brought him before the man of god and the man of god unlocked his destiny to him he didn't he all he thought is i'm just looking for two donkeys that's it some of you are laughing because you're thinking of two donkeys that's not what i meant amen see your destiny is often unlocked in the presence of a man or woman of god men with men women with women get that straight amen some of you have to erase your notes now amen and first samuel 9 6 he says but the servant replied look in this town there's a man of god and he is highly respected and everything he says comes true let's go there now perhaps he will tell us what way to take and then in verse 15 of chapter 9 it says now the lord told samuel tomorrow at this time i will send a man to you and you shall anoint him commander over my people israel that he may save my people from the hand of the philistines then in chapter 10 samuel anoints saul and gives them instructions in verse 2 of chapter 10 he says you will find two men by rachel's tomb they will say to you the donkeys you are looking for were found and your dad is worried about you verses three and four says then you shall go to the terrapin three men will greet you and give you two loaves of bread verse five and six go to the hill of god where the philistine garrison is and it will happen when you come to the city that you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with a string with stringed instruments a tambourine a flute of heart before them and they will be prophesying then the spirit of the lord will come upon you and you will prophesied with them and be turned into another man see it wasn't until he went to the man of god the man of god uh anointed him the man of god gave him instruction and and when he gave him instruction and then when the when the holy spirit came upon him because in the old testament the holy spirit will come upon them to do the specific tasks that god gave it to them not it didn't stay with them then once they did the task it would leave so here the bible says that he turned into another man how many know that when we understand our assignment it's going to change amen the way we look amen it's going to change our purpose and and so once saul understood his purpose amen he was a changed man meaning that god when nobody else wanted me when everybody else said i would amount to nothing you died on the cross for me you gave me purpose you gave me destiny not only that you gave me something that nobody else can do that should change you you're not that full from the world no more you're not that psycho girlfriend no more hello somebody now you're a woman of god now you're a man of god and when you understand your purpose the people don't have you're not going to struggle with giving up certain things because you're going to man god you trust me now with everything you have and nobody else trust me before then you're going to start letting things go because you're going to say man i want to fulfill what god has for my life see that was his connection to the prophet the prophet was the link to his destiny and so number one was people don't know so tell your neighbor now you know no i'm not wrapping that song now you know now you know number two another reason why people don't fulfill their destiny or their purpose or their assignment they are impatient impatient how many know what a patient means if it doesn't happen quickly then they quit or they go somewhere else you come to the church and you become impatient you want leadership you know man don't you know i'm i'm glad god's man of the hour god's woman a man you know and then when they don't give you ministry because god's still working on your character all of a sudden you get mad and you want to leave you become impatient you have a standard when you first get saved and you're single oh no they got to be doing the work for god they got to be working like this they got to be like this you got to be like that you got to be like this then after a while you become impatient and now your standard drops all they got to do is smile at me you become impatient same thing with the call of god and you hear our pastor say it over and over and over it takes about 20 years to build somebody good and here's a lot of times we want to go past there and you've only been saved three months you're going on emotions and god is saying that's good i like that fire but if you don't build character that fire is going to burn everything up it's like a fire because when a fire is beautiful when you use it on the stove and you know how to cook right but if you light a fire in the forest it tears everything up you know what character does character keeps that fire contained now you won't do things you're not supposed to do because you know you're called of god you know god is working on your character now i can't do that no more because there's people that are watching me there there's people that that are looking at me so i can't do anything that that's going to mess them up impatient elijah was a very powerful man and he had a lot of patience in first kings chapter 18 verse 41 through 45 we we know the story of mount carmel the victory he had and when he went against all the other prophets he prayed there was no rain and then he started to pray when there was rain back and and his disciple was there any time go look there's nothing well go look god's gonna there's nothing and he sent him seven times that tells me he was patient he was waiting for god's hand to move and on the seventh time his servant came back he said i i see a cloud as small as a hand and elijah said that's it how patient are you for the things of god how patient are you i know people lose their patience when they get hungry right they become hangry you heard that phrase right they're angry at everything they're snapping at everybody right just give me some food see elijah had tenacity what tenacity means that he was holding on tightly and you're not easily pulled away where are the men of god and the women of god that have tenacity that say it doesn't matter what i go through it doesn't matter what i face i'm still going to hold on to what god has called me to the purpose to the destiny to the assignment that god has given me i don't understand what it is yet but i'm going little by little and i'm not going to give up tenacity some of you had tenacity man when when when you were at that club when people told you no they didn't want to dance you didn't care you went in the dance floor dance by yourself right when the connection was so far away you had tenacity you didn't give up right away you stole the bike you stole the car you did whatever you had to do to get there you had tenacity and now we get saved and we say oh i don't have tenacity i'm not patient enough when the connection told you wait two hours you waited two hours right you were patient you have patience because when you come to church you can be arguing then when you get here all of a sudden you see the pastor and you're like hi how you god bless you you have patience you know how to control it see another thing elijah had was persistence he kept going back you're gonna need persistence to and the definition of persistent means lasting for a long time or it's difficult to get rid of you persistence we need to be persistent for the things of god yes i got to get up in the morning again to pray yes i got to read my bible i'm going to stay persistent some of you were persistent when you went after that person then after you got him you're like how do i get out of this another thing he had was determination a firm or unwavering adherence to one's purpose he was he was very patient and he was patient because he had tenacity had persistence he had determination all that put together means he had an unwillingness to quit too many times nowadays christians are tapping out for the little things oh they hurt my feelings oh when he preached he was talking about no nobody's talking about the holy spirit is zeroing in on you tonight that's why you feel like that that's why everywhere i look you put your head down you know i'm not talking about you that's the holy spirit i ain't got time to think about you and think oh i'm going to preach this message for you no we get our messages together the holy spirit does what he needs to do amen so here he had an unwillingness to quit that's why he kept sending his servant back seven times go ahead god said he's going to come through i'm going to wait until god moves he doesn't push doors open too many times where we're impatient and we want to push doors open well if you don't give me ministry i'm going to stop tithing right on something you're impatient the bible says in revelations that the doors that god opens no man can shut so that tells me that when it's god's timing he'll open the right doors but then we make excuses while that leader just don't like me it has nothing to do with that that leader may be seen right through you and he knows that you put a front when you come here and he's trying to deal with your character but you don't want to mentor so you don't want to come under them you want to do what you want to do and you may say i'm a grown man it's me and god when's the last time we said that right it's me and god only god can judge me right nowhere in the bible nowhere in the bible and you heard me say it before only on tupac cd doesn't say that it's nowhere in the bible number three they're unwilling to change because when god allows us for our purpose there has to be change for us to get there from point one all the ways to the finished product god is going to be working with us our whole lives but you got to change and and too many people don't want to leave their place of comfort i'm too comfortable here i don't want to leave my place of comfort in order to complete what god has for my life maybe he has you in a place right now where you just got to learn to humble yourself you got to kill that pride and you're not willing to change i'm not going to change it's my spouse that's not me it takes two it takes two and you heard me say before you can win every battle and still lose the war just because you want to make the point that you're right unwilling to change god may be calling some use the full-time ministry but you're unwilling to change you don't want to volunteer god i'll go when they call me just just and god says no i called you to the nursery because there's some things inside of you that i got to deal with i got to deal with your motive god knows your motive behind the motive that's crazy he knows what you're already thinking of doing he knows your plan b plan c plan d he knows all of that and he needs to put you in places where he can chip that away where you can say i ain't got no other plans god but you some of us got all these plans if this doesn't work out i'm leaving you said that all the time and you keep coming back apparently you don't have no plans that's why you keep coming back the scriptures are filled with so many illustrations of people who moved towards their assignment ruth left moab and experienced her relationship with boaz in bethlehem until it wasn't until she left that she experienced that abraham in the beginning was the lord said leave all your relatives he left his family to pursue the call of god and the bible says if you read the story that he didn't know where he was going but he left everything let me know that's faith it says in hebrews 11 8 by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for inheritance obeyed and went out not knowing where he went in other words saying god i'm just following you god i know you said i got a purpose god you gave me a promise and i know that you got to chip away at things in my life for me to become that person you want me to become and the first place the lord sent him to was what a famine god why would you say i'm called i'm going to be the father of all fathers and then you send me to where there's a famine and then when he goes into the town there in the family tells his sister i mean his wife say you're my sister because you're so beautiful they'll kill me because they want you that tells me uh uh that that that he was selfish selfish but god was saying i got to put you in places for i could chip away those areas for you can become the person that i want you to be so you may be in a place right now where god is trying to chip away areas in your life you may be in a famine you may be in a battle you may be in a struggle and god is saying all you got to do to get out of there is to surrender to me and when you surrender it to me i'm able to step in but there's certain things you got to let go tell your neighbor you got to let go number four they are unwilling to fight for their purpose how many know the enemy is not just going to let you fulfill your purpose he's like oh that's good you're called go ahead serve god he's going to fight you with everything he has and in that process of fighting god's gonna show you how much uh that true and and that you can rely on him for every difficulty you face because in battle people die in battle our flesh dies spiritually some people they fight with the lord more not to fulfill their purpose then they fight to fulfill their purpose no god i don't want to do that no god i need security for my family i'm not going to go to a city and got to say no your your security is in me when you're secure in me i'll provide everything you need and wherever i send you i'll give you what you need at the time you need it too many of us want it before we get there david never picked up a sword until he chopped off goliath's head and remember he wasn't even a soldier he just was just following the lord he was fighting for his purpose he was fighting for his purpose and when he seen the giant all what was david doing he was following his father's instructions take bread and take this stuff here to your brothers i haven't heard from them and if you read the story it says david had a sheep and he left them with somebody that shows you david was responsible in the little things and then when he went to his brothers his brothers got mad what are you doing here how many remember that story he heard the giant he was just being faithful in the little when he heard the giant he went in there and he said he went to saul saul and tried to put his uniform on and david said this thing tried so david was there and you figured not never been to war with a little slingshot and a fanny pack with three rocks i didn't say a pipe now some of you has come back amen and imagine the soldiers looking at him who is this guy if it was nowadays to be wearing skinny jeans have his hair slick everybody from the old school man look at that no god was trying to show the nations that it doesn't matter how you look but if you're willing to fulfill your purpose i'm able to use you and he never picked up a sword until he cut off goliath's head he didn't say god give me the sword first no and after he picked up the sword allah all of a sudden the holy spirit showed him how to use it because he cut off his head with one swing and after that he was the greatest warrior around you have to be willing to fight for your purpose see obedience requires warfare obedience requires warfare obedience does not require understanding because you're not going to understand everything god tells you to do so many times with god give me a sign he's not going to give you a sign where's your faith that you just got to be obedient and obedience doesn't require understanding okay let's go i'm doing it because you're obedient hey i need you to go over here and clean it why just be obedient hey i need you to volunteer why because you got a purpose on your life and and that's where god is going to begin to ship away at things in your life to make you that man of god that woman of god that's going to get you to your destiny see battle was a normal battle was normal in the life of the achiever a lot of people want to avoid confrontation your purpose will always require confrontation always you have an enemy david had goliath daniel had the lions esther had hammond you have an enemy your enemy is anybody that is trying to sidetrack you or get you to slow down from achieving your purpose champions do warfare says that in hebrews 11 33-38 says these people all trusted god as a result one battles over through ruled their people well and received what god had promised them says they were kept from harm in a den of lions in a fiery furnace some through their faith escaped dead by the sword some were made strong again after they had been weak or sick others were given great power in battle they made the whole armies turn and run away and some women through faith received their loved ones back again from death but others trusted god and were beaten to death preferring to die rather than turn from god and be free trusting that they also would rise to a better life afterwards champions you will never be happy or satisfied until you are in the center of your purpose and my last point they become obsessed with their weakness people don't fulfill the purpose because they become obsessed with the weakness in other words you keep looking at all your problems how many know we all got problems i got problems you got problems we all got problems we just referred to prefer to look at the good things not the bad things because we know as we keep doing what god's called us to do he's going to take care of everything else too many people are looking at oh but you don't understand god i still struggle with this because you're looking at your weakness instead of your purpose god rebuked jeremiah for that in jeremiah chapter one four through seven i'm gonna read out the amplified bible it says now the word of the lord came to me saying before i formed you in the womb i knew you and approved you as my chosen instrument and before you were born i concentrated you to myself as my own i have appointed you as a prophet to the nations and i said lord god behold i do not know how to speak from only a young man but the lord said to me don't say i am only a young man because every word i send you you shall go on whatever i command you you shall speak jeremiah was looking at his weakness and too many times just as men or women or young people you look at your weakness and god is saying i don't care about your weakness all i'm worried about is if you're obedient and if you're going forward and if you're surrendering to me because when you surrender to me i can work on those weaknesses jeremiah felt like a child and god instructed him not to discuss his weakness don't talk like that don't say you're a mess up don't say that you're always going to mess everything up speak life into yourself man i am called by god i am chosen i am separated for a specific purpose speak life into yourself too many times we don't want to do that when jesus wanted to create a great miracle he always gave a small instruction small instruction your assignment may have small beginnings but little things matter to god little things when you do the simple the supernatural occurs jesus understood this principle in luke 16 10 he says if you are faithful in the little things you will be faithful in large ones but if you're dishonest in the little things you won't be honest with greater responsibilities great miracles don't require great instructions great miracles required obeyed instructions you look at the door small hinges hold that door up small things never despise small beginnings this talks about that in zechariah 4 10. see many will never achieve their assignment because they want their beginning to be spectacular oh god i want something great and god is saying no no no no just be faithful in the little just surrender to me one thing at a time see when you do the simple the supernatural occurs as everyone stands small beginnings will always have great endings jesus understood this principle he was born in the stable his beginning was in a small town in bethlehem it didn't matter to him because he knew his purpose he knew his destiny he was aware of the greatness of his destination don't despise and feel insignificant in your small acts of obedience they are giving birth to your purpose every time you're faithful in the little it's giving birth to your purpose to get you to your next step in matthew 14 13-21 jesus told the disciples bring them here to me he's talking about the little boy who had the five loaves and two fishes a simple command bring that to me and he did one of the greatest miracles that was there feeding over 5 000 people great miracles do not require great instructions great miracles required obey instructions now let me close with this what small instructions is the lord giving to you today maybe it's let that conniving go maybe it's hey i did call you with the purpose embrace it remember your small acts of obedience are giving birth to your assignment i don't know where you're at today but i know i know god is calling our church to do great things but it starts with little acts of obedience that's all he requires maybe for some of you he's telling you stop running every time you get close to being faithful in the little you mess up on purpose because you're afraid of what god wants you to do and i know there's a lot of you here like that maybe you're here and you're saying man god i i don't want that all i want to do is come to church get goosebumps and make an altar call and god says i didn't create you for that i created you for something greater maybe he's telling someone you let go of plan b plan c plan d maybe some of you has made a mistake and he said man don't worry about the mistake don't worry about your past look at your future start now be real with me let me i know where you're at just come and say man this is what i need and god says man i'm able to restore you back into the place where you need to be i know what failure is i failed and god picked me up and placed me back into the place where he wants me to be so i know what it is to feel when you mess up and you're saying man god i there's no good here god man god i'm all no god's love and mercy and grace is here for you so wherever you're at right now those watching are those here i want to open up these altars and you say you know what i just need prayer because i i need to learn to be faithful in the little and if that's you these altars are open come i know there's a lot of people here that are running from the call of god god is calling you out tonight saying son daughter he's saying kapo come up because there is something great that only you can do when are you going to stop fighting god when are you going to start saying god here it is everything i give to you don't be afraid of the greatness that god's called you to some of you are going to go to the four corners of this world and you're afraid of that god is saying don't be afraid just surrender to me so we're going to pray those watching we're going to pray for you too we're going to ask god that you just learn to give everything to him and you understand your purpose that that man god i just want to surrender everything to you those that don't want to be included come up we're going to pray as our worship team begins to minister father we ask you right now god lord you know where everyone is at god i pray right now god your grace your mercy your love god the call of god will burn in the hearts those watching my god those here at the altars those struggling to come up god i pray right now an outpouring of the holy spirit like never before my god you called us you chose us my god [Music] you set us apart for a specific purpose [Music] just stay where you're at talk to the lord in your own words we're going to go around and pray for you as our worship team ministers in music [Music] my own [Music] if you my songs [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] sure lord take control i trust you [Music] everything [Music] [Music] i i surrendered [Music] i swear [Music] everything forever everything in [Music] is forever [Music] sure [Music] i surrendered [Music] [Music] [Music] i give you [Music] my life is yours is my life is yours completely [Music] [Music] their own [Music] and then church before we dismiss this evening we want to wish uh carlos a happy birthday senior happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday happy birthday [Music] have a good good night you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 182
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: adTIKWTPgrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 3sec (7083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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