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foreign [Music] cast daily informative fostering community for the greater good thank you We Stand United and now a recorded message from ambassador amutai of the Water cast this galaxy ah Galaxy is dying War famine Darkness and Hate around every corner is a blade and every shadow a rogue how can one live in such turbulent times War seems to be the default interaction for so many species now what can those who seek peace do famine is all that's left in the wake of barbarity what can a person do if they refuse to kill another just to feed themselves Darkness Darkness is all that Waits at the end of War at the end of famine at the end of hate but what can be done if one refuses to spread hatred Darkness a war where does one even begin with us for we have seen the and refused to surrender we sing in the face of depravity born in spite of War and we will never turn anyone away our cities are filled with those who have sought peace those who have decided enough misery those backwards animals driven only by murder and Theft a tragedy who can even guess how much they have destroyed how many races they have consumed for such is a tragedy of the lost to be unlimented are poets right of them when they can find fragments of their cultures [Music] we are doomed sometimes to fail actually in the face of the yeehee the ever devouring that's here in its we have seen their Primal Frenzy [Music] their own way they are worse than the bigel the Yi he consume all things leaving less than dust behind tragedy upon tragedy and then the Guerra the homo sapiens the humans few can know the pain we feel when we look at the humans for our species shares so many similarities [Music] two arms two legs two lungs two eyes but our hearts our minds the difference after our successful first contact with Humanity none of us imagined such a Darkness could live in Immortal heart we traded with Humanity we saved human children by the Thousand we helped so many we changed a few bigoted beliefs we work together for a greater existence for a greater good ah help saw a dozen human worlds freed from the Yoke freed from servitude in response Butchery damnation murder first the post-human Marines landed in a single night they slaughtered thousands of our Noble fire casts they detonated charges that leveled The Landing Zone used to deliver life-saving supplies they use their secret weapons to mine murder the non-violent water casts did they think that we wouldn't be willing to Simply negotiate the response of the slave masters was to draw forth more pain and Dread into a Galaxy overflowing with both the strong should use their strength to defend the weak they should never use the strength to crush innocence or to extort for a moment what all Races could do if we just work together billions of humans save from pointless death and the Embrace of diseases that we have long cured billions more saved from the Orcs as the combined strength of the Imperium and tal raise a United full work instead countless thousands of our Creed have been lost to the brainwashed and forces of a world no human has ever seen I weep for the humans of times I wonder if on some quiet Rim World a human City lives a quiet unremarked light [Music] I like to think that they know nothing of war or strife and that one day I will get to meet them together myself and their leaders will walk down pedal strong streets in summer we will Feast we will laugh we will joke so often this dream becomes a nightmare the streets caught black with the blood of Innocence the rulers are crucified tortured and even burned as Heretics finally before I wake a steel super soldier levels of fire blackened cannon at me and I wake the scent of blood in my mind our brave water casts Trot across the ruined worlds to negotiate peace with the Imperium how odd the negotiations worked however all of the worlds in history couldn't bring the dead back but our negotiations ensured no more wasted lives and that surely counts for something remember however that a crude Hound must bite for it's in its nature to do so [Music] that I do Harvest some respect for the Imperials as they are what to call themselves for it is rare to find our Noble fire casts tested in the ways of War but we could be so much more so many of our cities have former members of the Imperium in them they remember their days before us with pain [Music] a pain shed by all those who now live with us they tell us of the pain the misery the fear we wage war against these things against pain against misery against fear we do so because there is no other choice for us our proud and Noble fire casts hold the brand against the shade of fear they shoulder the rights of guarding our worlds and they do so with tenacity and with the best technology we can create [Music] our astute inquisitive and forward-thinking Earth casts way too quiet war on pain they have cured more diseases that I can list they work tirelessly to save every single life they possibly can because every life is worth saving and misery a tough though to fight must I've mentioned my fellow Water cast members here we seek to do two things we seek to listen and learn we bring a friendly ear in a gentle touch to those who need a friend for to defeat misery one must wage a war not by oneself to be alone is to be miserable and none are ever alone with us unless of course you are a member of the air casts I envy our skilled Pilots those winged Heroes who Patrol our skies who face the void of space with a smirk and a daring heart and they can help you too we all can for our civilization came from the sands of time and decided that no one should be thirsty again our way of life is built on four pillars generosity decency empathy and a shared desire to work together no more famine in a galaxy of plenty no more hates in a galaxy of perfect startled Beauty no more war no more nameless lost souls take a hand and walk with us as friends and allies for our children for our future and for our galaxy and for the great job good [Music] guys [Applause] [Music] I never mentioned the rulers [Applause] Angela told us about the Ethereal it's a lot none of the cats know the truth they have no idea over Rock [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 85,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4xb-OR1s8DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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