TZEENTCH - Changing of the Guardsman

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You can't escape your fate.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tzeentchianin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 03 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] Calibus it seems so long since I left and it seems so strange that I'm coming back I left here a guardsman and they're telling me I'm a hero there's a parade waiting for me that seems so damned strange I left 26 years ago but it seems Everything Has Changed I certainly know I have I don't know who couldn't [Music] I'm told that all of us aboard this ship will be met officially by the new planetary Governor we'll be met by him and his army of Clarks counselors and officials that's truly strange life in the guard gets you used to people acting a certain way smiling faces and friendly words aren't exactly the go-to for most 200 year old generals or their captains or their soldiers to be honest I can tell the people crammed in here with me feel the same I've spent the last 20 years flying from Warzone to warzone being dropped by mass transit haulers onto worlds whose names I don't know the others here are probably the same as me I don't know any of them we might all be from the same world but that doesn't make us brothers that doesn't really mean much I've not sat with them in trenches eating gruel out of cans I've not been blinded by artillery beside them but I know for a fact we'll all have to pretend we understand each other even though we don't [Music] what's strangest though is the fact my brother and his wife will be there I haven't seen them since I left obviously I know what he'll say he'll say tireless I cannot believe they let you come back home my reference is t662 it is my duty to haul these crates we are maintained by the Kelly boss fabricator server to designation media harvested from arbitrator pen 5.6.4 Alpha Beta we serve the god emperor of mankind we serve Humanity we are proof of the omniscience Divinity blessed be the machine God blessings upon the motive Force blessings unto the great Turner of all Wheels tireless I cannot believe this [Music] he'll be a stranger to me as will his wife and my nephews and nieces I'll hug him and I I'll say I missed him and I did I might even get a chance to spend some time alone with him we'll maybe get to laugh and joke about that time we almost got caught by the arbitrators they would have locked us up for stealing that food damn we were lucky but our mother was hungry we were good kids not Rebels or criminals to be frank that's why I joined the guard I was worried they might find a way to arrest me for theft figured it was the best way to get off world my brother will say the same thing again that thing he always says he thinks a person's life is a set path I'm not so sure about that it's tough to believe there's a plan when you've seen the things I've seen [Music] it's tough to think there's a reason for all the friends that I've lost even though I know they joined up to serve a greater purpose they joined to serve their families to keep their homes safe I never really understood that to start off with I was out of place but I understand now how can I not understand when I'm in a ship that's in high orbit above my home that's what you need Something to Believe In I'll pray in the Chapels offer gifts at the shrines but there won't be a shrine for the person who deserves one there won't be a shrine to my mother there won't be shrines for the poor people who have starved but for the soldiers who haven't earned their image being shown off on Vox casts on huge screens but I'll do what I have to do that's my duty and as my brother always says you can't escape your fate [Music] [Music] my reference is tireless it is [Music] kidnapped from arbitrator then two two seven two three innocent we serve the god emperor of mankind [Music] [Music] would you like to hear a tale of how I was kidnapped by an arbites Peacekeeper how I was beaten broken starved and tortured after three years of indoctrination I was sent off world never to return [Music] indoctrination my favorite word and I have many words [Music] indoctrination [Music] it was indoctrination that was given to me alongside rat Eaton flak armor and a barely functioning lasagna it was indoctrination that saw me and 235 000 others butcher a peaceful alien Empire an Empire of cultures faiths lovers and art it was The Barking hellish sergeants who ordered us forth under threat of execution it was the preening arrogant gold-toothed generals who sipped their wines while we young ones burned libraries burned paintings and removed from the universe an entire race it was Sergeant for rain who pinned on blackened armor and medal what was the medal for detonating a charge that had been set beneath a street in the street thousands of Innocents mere peaceful protesters whose only crimes were knowledge and existence amongst blackened bones and broken bodies I found the book each of those aliens clutched to their chests a book containing their Galactic truth of course it wasn't the truth but in reading that book I realized the Imperial truth was just another story indoctrination had told me that the emperor loved me saw me and saved me that I waged war in his name and that he had died for me but that book that barely readable bundle of linen taught me the first truth it was then that I swore I would return home one day and take Sergeant for rain with me for that first truth was that all faith is a lie all indoctrination just another mask another mask to be ripped from reality and cast into the Flames that burn in the forges of change for the god emperor is a lie and that is my second favorite word deceit I do not bring falsehood for my brothers and I bring the truth we bear the truth the word of Our Lord for as all exists all must fade and as all must fade it must also change I pledged I would not return home until I had changed and here I am calipers it may have taken 70 standard years to get here but the Winds of the warp drove the ship of my fate home Sergeant for rain is with me too his fleshless face screams out as my brothers and I approach I hear those screams I hear him pleading begging for me to not go home for he had once told me I would never come back he had spat in my face and told me I would die a wretch on some piss water backwards world and yet here I am I hear the planetary Governor Whispering into his secret Vox unit asking about the fleet that just emerged in high orbit my fleet I wonder will Cali boss be the staging grounds for parades of their returning son will I get to shake friendly hands and hear softly spoken words of welcome or as so many have will Cali boss's people plug their ears and scream desperate to not hear the word desperate to live in the filth-smeared ignorance of their deceitful Imperial lie desperate to worship at the altar of the largest deception in Galactic history they will try to resist us they always do but you cannot Escape your fate fate is all there is we all sail a course charted long before our species even left the water the grand conductor never ceased every human who looks up at the stars and wonders what is out there already belongs to us as Cali boss now belongs to me as Cali boss will never belong to me as calibos was always going to belong to me and always did as I was bound in Chains so shall this world be bound I will choke the ignorance from its bones with time it will bear the word the word of all truths all the lies and loves you can't escape your fate mine was set long long ago when I was a human weak and fearful my name was tylus was back when I was deaf to the truth a truth the truth of Our Lord of change with the book of logar in one hand and my blade in the other I will preach the word upon all worlds be they human worlds or not all will come to Hawk the Lament of the great changer all will Hark and weep for time is not the I sees all for Reigns Phantom voice Whispers in my ear turn back don't make me watch please please he begs fears what he will see but where he and I will go our eyes won't be necessary I took his eyes many decades ago and then I took the eyes of the other captains then the generals as their ranks grew blind I grew only more perceptive I have a trillion eyes each seeing a trillion colors those Visions burn all they touch and tell me the truth you cannot Escape your fate I see the warp churning aching to birth Horrors beyond comprehension for ten thousand years Lord God's prayer has resounded through all of creation [Music] Every Soul dances to that tune the song My Father sang never stopped [Music] every world is turned by its insatiable melodies with time even the most devout slave of the god Emperor will come to learn will come to witness all will come to Bear the word [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 68,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P5kz_mb5YWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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