Steve-O Tells Insane Stories While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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3/3 for dirty dicks aggressive brand name. Lock it in, boys.

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/TRUE_BIT 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

This honestly was so genuine, uplifting, and happy. Did I just get motivation from Steve-O in a chicken wing video...?

👍︎︎ 199 👤︎︎ u/ubzmps 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/Conman1357 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Steve-O: "Dude you're an impressive talent, I'm impressed by you!"

Sean: "ok... Thanks Steve-O.."

I assume this was a star-struck moment? I'd have been more excited by that lol

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Loved this one! Steve-O is such a genuine dude, I'm glad to see him doing well after dealing with addiction. If you haven't already I highly recommend listening to the podcast he did with Joe Rogan, he dives more into that motley crue story and talks about a lot of other really cool stuff.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/RCJHGBR9989 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Glad Sean got recognition. Dude is a fantastic host.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/YearOfTheChipmunk 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sean was right. Top five all time, for sure. The last wing and ending elevated this one.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/Buck53 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wonder if the new last sauce is hot. No extreme reactions to it from my recollection.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/its_a_simulation 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies

Come on Johnny Knoxville...

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/DirtFueler 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
I threw out my [ __ ] bodies tell me that didn't gravely [ __ ] up but I'm going to just do this because that's who is your a showman thank you I am hey what's going on everybody for first week beast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot one it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today by popular demand I'm joined by Steve oh you're no one from jackass and wild boys you can catch them on the stand-up stage and oh yeah he has a YouTube channel where you still doing it steve-o saying casual 4 million subs no big deal steve-o welcome to the show thank you for having me an honor to be here you have an incredible pain tolerance but how are you with hot food specific I can't stand eating anything without hot sauce for the most part but when we get into the zone of [ __ ] up hot which we do right but I'm going to play balls as much as until like one my but when I feel the it's time to stop I'm not going to beat myself up if I do don't be a superhero right it's ok and we're just happy that you're at the table and maybe if I do decline to go to the next hot sauce maybe I can still take the next salacious ill-advised question let me let me just burn bridges and [ __ ] [ __ ] up for the interview [Music] I came here starving I have not had my girlfriend made me avocado toast this morning here we are at par 5 in the afternoon have an 8 and [ __ ] and then they're already on there oh yeah you don't have to add more unless you wanna tell you I love this [ __ ] you know the doctors say don't [ __ ] with the hot dozen I do yeah right off the bag like I have like an acid reflux thing and then just for balance is none other than one so I want to start by taking it back to the University of Miami I love it because college is very much ground zero for the watch this hold my beer behavior that you ended up building a career right aha if camera phones were around back then what would be some of the things on your highlight reel well then I'm sure I would have footage of the time when I broke my skull you know that said it kills me I threw myself off a balcony at the University of Miami I landed on my face on the concrete below I broke my cheekbone and I broke seventy ten stitches in my chin a concussion and a broken wrist all in one fall and I laid there face down with a pool of blood growing around my head was a king party on campus everyone's like wow he's dead I mean I wasn't even twitching a finger and my buddy and I had the lead in my pocket I said if she's not dead he's kind of made that Reed so they came in like pulled it out of my pocket I going through my pod gone through the dead guy's pockets to take his weed it's a sketchy you seen if you're just back go down right the next morning I broke out of the hospital I been living his apartment called my buddies at the university i said hey swing through the ER can break me out of here and I broke out in my gown with my blood hanging out and I went back to the spot where I landed in the blood on the concrete and tried to Pat a beer and my sinuses would just fill with blood and then I'd go through like Hocking up a liddie and just spit blood ladies into the bowl of applesauce which I couldn't eat the fact that you're here today Steve oh now I know the house [ __ ] can I survive that so between jackass the movies wild boys I have a million questions about beanbag shotguns and stapling your hops to stuff whatever you want man whatever you want do you remember the first time you ever got arrested doing a stuff I guess the first time I got arrested around a stunt was when I was charged formally with a felony for obscenity in Louisiana for stapling my nutsack to my leg what do you think the closest you've ever been to dying on camera I'm so confident that it would be a scuba-diving I just like didn't pay attention when I they taught me how to scuba dive I don't even know what country are we were in but I was told the Sharks were at the bottom that's something about it when always the bottom and then someone was up I felt some grab my sins and they're like well and then when we got up top the guy said you [ __ ] you almost died and I almost died trying to save you you [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't you know like something about scuba diving that I just don't understand and then what was the most savage off camera prank that was ever Bob yeah what a great question that is there was the one that was actually on camera but a little known about because it lived on a and an obscure DVD that I put up on myself I filmed myself ejaculating onto the computer keyboard and desk of the most germaphobic producer of Jackass back in the early days and TV shows and then I wanted to go in there and film him to type in away okay so yeah but my blabbermouth I had told too many people so I found out about and really forensic Lee claimed everything so when I went to film him I found him giving me the most hilarious lecture if ever you know tear up and you're on your way back to Florida when reality finally said something man there's a lot of stuff I could have a deal where I was too busy jacking off on Scott's - gasps have a condiment disorder so I'm just I'm going to add the Valentina when you jump off of a 35 foot overpass from the bed of a moving truck what happens beforehand is there physics is there math are there sketches or is it more just a grip it falls to the wall right whatever happens happens mentality there is no practice in that one because that it was pretty illegal you went up on foot and scattered the bridge realizing that really you had to meet that window you couldn't beat it earlier late because you would hit pylons you know I mean it was important to get the timing right normally in a situation like that when it's a difficult thing a dangerous thing one two three go is my tool you know one two three go and count that and I have never backed out of a one two three go in my life oh no all right let's switch gears and talk about stand up for a wink what man do you remember the last time you had to kick out a heckler I've had pretty good run I'm not having to do that let me hate having to do that yeah I think about heckling is that it kind of conjures up just the word heckling conjures up the image is somebody witty somebody challenging the comic like in a way that's kind of confrontational and then it's the onus on the comic to be witty and shut them down but that one just brilliant sort of burned that change them and quiets them but that's not the experience you know it's just some drunk guy screaming 90% of the time it's just drunk people that and there's no making sense with them with that said I can be pretty mean and I like it there have been times when when I when I totally lost my cool get the [ __ ] out come out you know and in there particularly with like the video and with the cellphones it's so insidious in New Zealand I went off on a cataract shut her up and up they wrote a [ __ ] article about what a dick I was in New Zealand and it's like this you know here I was worried about one leg days because I could someone can approach the video of my show how many people are going to see that on this person's face what a handful but then I write the story about you everybody know I google search on the latest news let's see about what a dick you know yells in a poor girl oh [Music] you had your own sauce how about that yeah I'm like doing less dunking now all right so we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that Graham and what we do is we do a deep dive and our guest Instagram we pull interesting pictures I don't need more context so I'll show a picture and then you just tell me the bigger story that's I'm good you got it all right last hop please first and foremost what's going on in this picture okay that was in st. Louis two years ago at a summer concert festival I performed my famous double back meaning I dropped my dick involves back and forth violently until jumping up in the air and classroom my thighs together catching the back burger and then pull down my ass my boxer shorts revealing the mangina to 15,000 people I had to pixelate dick involves protruding from my rear for Instagram strict guideline policy right but snapchat let that one slide undercover clown with Justin Bieber it wasn't actually planned and when we were out in clown makeup filming it in Venice he's pranking people and do all his crazy [ __ ] and lo and behold that's Justin Bieber just plain blamed a walking and I went I'm German and say yo G what's that man and he goes Steve oh man recognized you right away and like wow like hey dude so we started skateboarding in the Venice skate park together she signed a release form to be in my video put it out and then like maybe a week later he was uh all over the news for making some kind of racist joke in an age-old video that had surfaced there's all this negative publicity and the very people who paid me asked me to make the video private because Justin Bieber was like radioactive so yeah so all the money they gave me which it hurt nothing I have one more for ya this is an adorable picture nine years old the team was called the Kendall Broncos what's great about this isn't that picture but that I was wearing that same uniform shoulder pads and everything when I went in to get my passport photo taken for my Canadian citizenship card this is so incredible because like always as a child I was just uncomfortable in my own skin which is pretty par for the course for alcoholics and stuff that's why you know and like I just felt that in my football uniform that I was more I am mounted to more I always had my announcement my in my costume that made me feel there I wanted to grow my little Mullis because I was like a head meddler you know and I had as my identity and then it was like skateboarding and then it was pot jumping ah but always like I had to have that like identity you're in a phase you were in a you're out of phase perpetually enough fame has never just comfortable to be me and my own skin well you look like you're comfortable in your skin I've made a lot of progress in that area and I appreciate you saying so this one's dirty dick an aggressive brand name ok dirty dick how about that I once recorded a rap song called down with STDs good sounds like a good a dirty dick surmising that I recorded it on a night when I was smoking so much PCP that I actually blacked out came to discovered that I had destroyed the studio and the studio was the studio of famed gangster rap actually named Fame of MLP he don't [ __ ] with that guy you know break his ship no but I would so [ __ ] up that night on PCP recording down with STDs that I lost a $20,000 Rolex man and for all I know I [ __ ] man way to give it away one sec let me to be unprofessional here for a sec do it do it oh Knoxville Cheyenne trim oh yeah you should yeah I need yeah hey man um I can't really talk right now because I'm doing this thing called hot ones where I eat like originally hot [ __ ] while answering salacious ill-advised questions oh my good night getting harder than Portland important cement just think of it is right and so I just figure that answer on speakerphone to show off I just got a call from the captain okay well you do your thing sounds like you're busy and yeah it didn't always I'm unavailable for Hammer sure man I can't wait to tell your funny stories okay buddy all right all right thanks right captain the captain captain them so as we've talked about already we're eating vegan wings you've been very vocal about being an animal advocate over the last five years right so I want to talk about the time that you scaled a hundred foot crane 50 150 foot crane over here on sunset right you're protesting SeaWorld right and I remember it being pandemonium I remember thy merchants Evo I remember it had very much sort of like a standoff not only was it emergency vehicles then and they'll just backtrack looking back at how dumb could I have been right I mean I went to go protest SeaWorld add a random construction site nowhere near SeaWorld I mean right out of the gate we're talking stupid 150 feet up in there nobody can see your stupid [ __ ] toy whale the high you know like pointless now I'm climbing up and not people called 911 I got the [ __ ] whale inflated shortly thereafter there weren't just emergency responders there were specifically as the police report says 80 firefighters 18 cops a helicopter and a SWAT team I had these these artillery shells that you know you light them in the tube and they shoot up in the sky make a big display but when I do is I just tape them to the crane itself so they did not have the opportunity to travel anywhere so that when I lit them arm's length away from my body there's a full blast designed to make a display in the sky is an arm's length away from you know ib2 animal hundred feet up in theirs to show that I'm Marley and I used my inflatable whale as a shield to protect me from the blast the problem was last occurred while the police helicopter was circling around me and added to a million striking criminal charges five in total God they threw the goddamn book and I deserved it I remember reading the reports at the time and you are facing something like four and a half years or sayings like that no you never end up like my friend I never had sex but were you worried probation jail time like any of that wasn't worried about at all what it was is the restitution once you start adding up 80 [ __ ] firefighters 18 cops and plus I was on the crane for good our half I mean [ __ ] helicopter sir car you got a sink a restitution to the City of California everybody guest like kid that's going to be 200 grand easy you know you guys I can pay that back my dad was like wow that was done but knock show me who's like hey bud you know that's going to be an expensive one hope you got a good lawyer and I honestly don't know I do know why didn't just come down as soon as the first cop showed up because I had promised that I think I had promised I was going to light fireworks really high in the air I had to keep my word yeah yeah let anybody down and you do this the same thing every interview did you get you here so there's nothing that surprises me you know but I do feel it you know I'm human it's really [ __ ] rock the boat on this one well trying to keep it off the ledge to have that smart that's smart yeah I [ __ ] up over here okay all right here we go let's talk about YouTube because I think that in a lot of ways jackass is sort of low-budget do-it-yourself extremeness literally paved away for a lot of what you see on YouTube right now but I want to talk about the stunts and the pranks specifically because it's such a crowded competitive and congested space on YouTube right do you think that YouTube is pushing that sort of art forward or is it taking a step back do you ever think about it I think what made jag as successful is that the spirit of it was very positive I mean granted yeah we were in destructive self-harm very mean to each other so we never targeted innocent bystanders right never were mean-spirited to anybody outside of us that is what's lost on a lot of YouTube pranksters you see a lot of mean-spirited pranks going on and it goes by its wildly popular and successful and it's upsetting for me to see that at the same time YouTube really exploded between the second jackass movie and the third and by the time the third jackass movie came around we were scouring YouTube for ideas right yeah so I mean again it's a in in step forwards that backwards there's so much going on that you can't just make one claim about what YouTube is good or bad for I threw out my [ __ ] body's Tommy Dunn didn't gravely [ __ ] up but I'm going to just do this because that's who is you're a showman Thank You IRA Schulman [Music] getting through Megadeth sauce I like that it's good name so growing up I know that you idolized rock stars specifically of the 80s hair metal era so what I've done is I've pulled up some icons from the genre I just want to show them to you and then just get your snap reaction to them that's all right I love it a man Tommy Lee t-bone bless his heart I mean good dude I could through the whole story about how I met my lead crew when I was a little kid they were in my town I was 13 I called every Hotel in the Yellow Pages asking for a room by the name of their manager got through and was lucky enough this brother of the manager answered and was impressed by my initiative and put me on the list for backstage passes so there wasn't that much crazy that happened backstage that night necessarily didn't have anything pressing to ask or discuss with them but by the virtue of the fact that I was standing next to these guys through my own sheer perseverance and initiative it just empowers me man I was like [ __ ] I made this happen here I am with Molly [ __ ] crew I think that I took that attitude largely through the rest of my life you know with me like like I can [ __ ] do anything were you a Sebastian Bach guy of course he's notorious for getting roped into a terrible contract by Jon Bon Jovi I think Jon Jon Bon Jovi should be more [ __ ] accountable for being a [ __ ] dickwad [ __ ] screwing people over business-wise you hear about his relationship with Richie Sambora but I understand the Jon Bon Jovi really [ __ ] over Sebastian Bach he just skates around like it's in half [ __ ] Jon Bon Jovi they're already on there so it's funny that you say that it's tradition around here to put a little dab on the last wing this is our hat once off they've called the last down you don't have you don't have to take more than a little bit you don't have to if you don't want it you don't have I'm not going to do a dab I'm going to compromise with the Schmeer Schmeer you had people Schmeer Schmeer Schmeer is a relatively popular right workaround and I think it's fair all right you don't know what's coming out of that bottle you rather can fool them right see if I would say this on a reaction level you're very chill I know that you came in here with that my dad taught me one motto in life mm-hmm always under-promise and over-deliver you you know here we are at the end of our episode mm-hmm kind of feel sorry for the poor guy who had to edit it so much gold steve-o as we discussed today your man who has long had Hollywood dreams and through Simon with sharks and jumping off of buildings and putting hooks through your face you've been able to realize those dreams you really are a living example of how you can do anything you want in this world and that's coming from a guy who eats chicken wings on YouTube holy [ __ ] I'm like where the [ __ ] is the teleprompter this guy's good there your impressive talent I'm impressed by you okay thank you I like this in my new motto in life it doesn't really matter what you want it just matters how badly you want it well yeah what if you wanna be an NBA players nothing happens you know of course there's limitations but whatever you want to [ __ ] do get off your ass and start [ __ ] doing it and then when the ships there if you're ready for it you'll be on it and you're gonna sail and then solve it and that's all you need to know and you know what also people need to know why that you made it through let you heard the board that you came in and dominated the vegan chicken ride and now there's just one thing left to do this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life and I'm living my life in a way where I can look myself in the mirror and and believe like I'm a good person and and I have a relationship with the universe a lot of people like to call it God you know and by the virtue of that fact I can look in the mirror and see great hair wrinkles I'm cool is it man you know I'm cool with it dude I'm in a good place that I actually battled the [ __ ] heat consciously thinking man I don't want this [ __ ] distraction [ __ ] watering down my episode like let me too quickly Gaston the interview let me too quickly and try not to let my speech be overly affected hello world Sean Evans coming at you to say thank you for watching if you liked what you saw please subscribe we're hovering around the 3000th rank YouTube channel in the world it has been a childhood dream of mine to be somewhere in the mid twos we're so close help make an adult bald man's dreams come true please please please jk jk no pressure but if you do subscribe I appreciate it
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 24,207,047
Rating: 4.946734 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), steve-o, stevo, steve o, steveo, sean evans, hot ones, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, hot sauce, jackass, blair's mega death sauce, wildboyz, johnny knoxville, food challenge
Id: ePN1J_c4ulw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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