James Franco and Bryan Cranston Bond Over Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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my God you're sweating that was odd that 357 hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by Brian Cranston and James Franco together they star in y him which is going to be in theaters December 23rd guys welcome to the show thank you good to be here and Brian I think you might have a bit of a competitive Advantage because the New Mexico Roots it's not just about breaking bad is it it's about the hot chilies right you like the hot chilies H chilies down there the green chilies Chile as they would say James how are you with hot food uh I'm terrible with that's the fun the most important thing is what's the prize whoever out oh a 30 second plug we really extend for you on this show great you ready to get it started sure all right so this first one is sriracha Sriracha not a big deal why him it tells a holiday Tale As Old As Time you have a father and you have a boyfriend and they're in conflict over somebody that they love for very different reasons and there are some people who are great at appealing to dads and there are some people like me who make horrible First Impressions do you guys have any advice for how to win over over the scary dad yeah don't try it's just not going to work I mean I've been there before and I never understood why the dads didn't like me the mothers would right you bring them some flowers or something you there's nothing you could bring the dad that would make him go okay come here he's not going to like you there's nothing you can do so don't try if you back off a little bit he understands that you allow that space between you as opposed to you trying to reach in when that's the worst thing you could do it's good advice from the man over here uh if you're a movie star you probably don't even have to win over Dad's though they might feel like they have to win over you I'm trying to think like he can just grab him by the that's all that's what he can do he's a movie star just go up and grab him by the that's what he can do we all know that now easy this one is the hot one sauce you're on the hot one show okay this is this is your own shows this is it all this is it it's the hot one there are a lot of theories why men grow facial hair and over the courses of your guys career you've run the gamut from sexy stubble to full-blown pirate beard so what I want to do is show you some iconic facial hair moments in your guys career maybe you guys can trade grooming Secrets beard pet peeves the mustaches that you miss the Beards that you couldn't stand I just want to get snap reaction you ready we've had uh our fair share of facial hair I know what was it like to have the most famous goatee in the world well it's badass is what it is it really is and there's you know there's a a certain as far as facial hair when I first started Walter White I wanted it what I called an impotent mustache okay which was thin and nothing past the corners of the of the mouth okay anytime facial hair drops past the corners of the mouth you start getting badass the Heisenberg notice Brian always has great facial when he's sporting his beard this is like the 127 Hours era and then we have like a 2016 sort of era yeah which do you remember more fondly I'm not I just mustaches I don't know I I mean they're both for uh rolls the first one was actually for my thesis film um I played a poet named Hart Crane who had a stash and then this is for my 70s look I don't know I I I'll sport it but I don't have to I like this this is the elegantly disheveled look yeah as you can see Brian grows a much better beard than I can that's about the extent of my beard growth so what go crazy what's not it's not growing in the midle it doesn't go in the middle it's just I don't know so you've got the beatnick kind of chin beard I don't know if it's like my my grandmother has a has Swedish uh no she's Swedish I don't know if that so her beard is blonde the game changes quite a bit as we go to pain 100% not in its construct just in its violence in the violence the violence factor is called pain all right okay so you know James too bad so far I'm waiting for it to kick in does it kick in I think it will but maybe you just missed it James maybe you just missed it no problem we like to talk food on first we feast and James I know you used to work the night shift at a McDonald's drive-thru and the social media age has really pulled back the curtain on what that's like but what are your Fondest Memories of that time when you were working the McDonald's drive-thru the night shift it was an adventure you know um I I was a young actor I do different accents and practice different accents on people uh I got a oh it's hot I got a couple dates uh you got dates oh yeah that's not an easy pull from the drive-thru I know and that and for whatever reason at the time we had to wear like purple McDonald's hats it was it's it was hard to get a date with that thing on but uh I I uh I managed to do it I remember I took a a young lady to uh Titanic that I met yeah and we went back to McDonald's parking lot and made out in the car and then Brian you have some bizarre kitchen experience as well your job at a Daytona Beach Restaurant actually got you wrapped up in a murder investigation got a little Troublesome yeah there was a I worked at a Polynesian restaurant while I was traveling around the country and um got job as a waiter and uh there was a guy at this the chef at this restaurant name Peter Wong you okay going away Peter Wong was a miserable human being just an awful despicable hated everyone kind of guy and everyone hated him so the waiters would sit around and talk about how we' how would you kill Peter Wong so I said I think I'd slice him up in a walk and stir fry him and make Mugo Guy Peter so the end of the season comes my brother and I hop on our motorcycles and we take off we're going to be gone for three four five months about the time we left something happened to Peter he disappeared the cops came into the restaurant and said is there anybody here who ever talked about hurting Peter Wong and they're like yeah kind of all of us but anybody who's not here anymore the Cranston boys where are they they've took they've taken on their motorcycle when did they leave uh a week ago that's just around the time he disappeared they put out an APB on us to look for us on our motorcycles we probably in the Carolinas by then or further north and because Peter Wong who always carried a huge stash of of of cash just to compensate for his you know he a horrible person um anyway a hooker picked him up at a at a dog track in in Daytona and brought allured him home some other guy clubbed him on the head they shoved him in the trunk of a car and that's where he's dead he was dead and they were looking for us because we were talking about how we thead how we were going yeah like I was 20 21 and yeah and they never did catch [Music] [Music] me and this one is Mad Dog 357 how are you doing James Brian is obviously just cool as a cucumber Mad Dog [Music] 357 is the key like not get on your lips there's no real workaround in this game just got SW fast maybe oh man all right this is a part that we do in every show where we do explain that gam we do a deep dive on our guest's Instagram we pull up interesting pictures that is hot and because James uploads at a rate that's like a hundred times you Brian what we've done is we've pulled up just a couple of james' pictures and what I want to do is show you Brian and you try to fill in the blanks you tell me what's going on in these pictures and then James you can tell Brian to what extent he has the story right does that sound good mhm sound like it's going to be embarrassing I don't think so right off the bat this one that's awesome you know that's funny because I recognize that from the movie that's actually not photosho that's his actual body really got a got a trunk like that huh James yep hard on that a item or what is this I I I didn't make that I didn't uh Photoshop that I didn't put those two images together I just found it that's a salt and pepper shaker is that what it is Boom what's going on there what's going on here is that you yeah wow you just got shot or something right what no I'm playing you oh that's you you y oh wow that's awesome yeah oh now I get it wow when did you do that that is um my Emmy nominated uh web series U making a scene and we mash up um different TV shows we don't and we don't choose what gets mashed up my God you're sweating know that was hot that 357 so uh we have like a wheel the fans pick what shows we're going to recreate and then we have a wheel and um the wheel decides what shows are going to be mashed up so Breaking Bad got matched up with sex in the city oh is that right I got see it I got one more for you you know what's going on here no I don't want to know what's going on Seth is that Seth I couldn't even tell but there's love there man yeah well obviously you haven't seen our Recreation of the um Kanye and Kim video um bound to so we recreated shot for shot and he played Kim and I played Kanye and are you guys did you guys find each other are you a couple now after that yeah yeah never never going [Music] back we have one more I need more milk we have one more James taking out an entire glass of milk already Brian how you doing I'm okay there was a period a time when that mad dog just kind of went that's what it does grabbed me and pulled me forward and was like woo but now you've recovered now I'm okay all right so this one is Blair's Mega Death sauce with liquid rage you're probably wondering why is he grabbing the bottle why is he shaking it up like that and the reason is because it's sort of a tradition around here to put a little extra dab on the last Wing you don't have to if you don't want to I put like a little dab that's aggressive you don't have to if you don't want to I'll just put it in the middle of the table have to want well okay I will why not I'll put a little bit extra on go for it a dab well it's slow it's not coming up like that that's good that's good oh that's it that's good just a little just a little dab in a scrape that's no big deal oh man there we go that's such a typical boy always watching okay there we there you go all right boys oh my God and you're doing it right with us right you're like right along with you all right and so are you immune to this now so I've now done it like 42 times so it's just I know it's Groundhog Day I'm just as blasted out just in as much pain as you guys are it's just this is my existence this is my life I just sold maybe that I'm working on it all bite the part that's not wor it's you know do all right ready all [Music] right so let's get that we're focusing on James on this one CU I know you're dying I got it down fast I think my stomach's going to like Rebel but I got it down fast I think we do a C+ job here on hot ones but that doesn't matter because Dave Skylark gives the hottest interviews in the entire game well Dave Skylar's from the uh the interview that was uh sad because we were going to use that guy we we could have had a whole run with you know inter done three movies by yeah whole thing too bad I guess it's just we can't bring it back you can't bring it back nobody wants us to bring that back we used the character I interviewed um um Nicki Minaj and Iggy aelia for the bmas yeah it was I mean it was great I think you could actually bring that character back there's no reason you can't yeah it's ballsy it's ballsy and it's good and we need interviewers if this is all we got need better it was dir of interviewers yes look at you guys clearing the board heroic Brave how do you feel alive I feel even closer to Brian after going through that the floor is now yours this camera that camera or that camera 30 seconds let the people know what you have going on in your life oh this is what we win come on Brian has a new book I can't wait to read it he didn't give me a copy yet oh God I keep hearing about this yeah I have a book I have a book out called uh a life in parts and it's about all the parts that we play in our real lives father a son a husband and a brother and all the parts that that I've played on on film and television is coming out I got some movies coming out um next year I did a movie called The Masterpiece with my brother which is the about the making of um a really good bad movie called the room have you seen the room it's supposed to be the worst movie ever made yeah yeah and Brian actually plays himself in the in the movie James has a habit of roping friends in all right let's get out of here all right kind of like when you um bit me in the balls what yeah
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 13,646,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), hot ones, hot wing challenge, hot wings, sean evans, hot sauce, interview, spicy, spicy wings, james franco, bryan cranston, brian cranston, why him, actors, why him?, spiciest, chili, peppers, blair's megadeath sauce with liquid rage, food challenge, hot sauce challenge, shawn evans, movie
Id: BB1B-VrPij0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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