John Thomas - Dead People in Dreams

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another question that we get asked a lot when it comes to dream interpretation is what do we do with dead people in our dream now I'm not talking about zombies what I'm talking about is somebody that you know is passed away and yet they're in your dream maybe it's your grandma your friend or mentor that you had but in the dream you're thinking wait a second they're dead what are they doing in my dream there's a few different things that could be going on with that one of the things is that God could be using that person as a metaphor what did they mean to you what were they to you if you have a dream and one of the common most common ones is grandparents and dreams where you have a dream where your grandparent is in your dream and your grandparents have passed away and they're interacting with you in the dream often now not a hundred percent of the time but often what that's saying is that the message of the dream is revealing something in your generational line now look at the dream was it positive was it negative that's going to help you out a lot so that's the metaphor of your generational line because they're in your generational line and that's what they could mean in your dream sometimes it's actually representing that person it's something that was specific about that person that God is using that person to communicate or because of your relationship with that person that they would be able to speak into you something or you would receive something that was said in a particular way and so God brings them into your dreams so that you see them giving you that message because of the way that you'll receive it when they give it to you there's something there and there's something about spiritual encounters that we don't understand when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration he has this experience where Elijah and Moses show up on the Mount of Transfiguration and begin to talk to him about his future they begin to talk to him about what's going to be happening as he goes to ruslan now here's the problem with that Moses was dead Moses had been dead for a very long time and it doesn't say in the Bible that God brought back an angel and made him look like Moses has said that Moses and Angel and and Elijah excuse me were speaking with Jesus on the mountain so there's something that God can do to bring people that have passed on because if they're with him why couldn't he have them bring messages and it actually be them now this is an area that we want to be very careful with because we shouldn't be seeking after this the Bible is very clear and warning us about not seeking after contacting dead people our goal is not to contact dead people our goal is to go after Jesus but if Jesus decides that he wants to do that then that's his choice and he is more than able to do that and so there are dreams where God will bring a dead person back and and caused them to give you a message or say something but there's another aspect to this as well I had a lady that I'd spent some time with she was part of the church that I pastored who had lost her mom and her mom was a very special person in her life they had a very close relationship she loved loved loved her mother she loved her mother so much that she could not let go she couldn't grieve the loss she couldn't let go of her mom and so she began to have dreams where her mom would show up in her dreams all the time and it was her unprocessed grief because she hadn't let go she kept on bringing her mind these were what we call soul dreams where you cause yourself to dream where she would cause herself to dream about her mom because she wasn't able to let go and it was a clue that she needed healing in that area and so take a look is there unprocessed grief related to that person is there something that we need let go of is there an area of our heart that that God would heal what what's going on again you you discern the dream by the context of the dream and all the other elements you pay attention to that and there's one other and this is when there's a dream and it's coming from the demonic realm when it's dark it's black and white or it's dem colored and someone comes in sometimes the enemy will use a demonic spirit to pretend to be someone that's passed away to deceive us and and to cause us to think that we're getting messages from that person see if God sends someone that has passed away they will bring a message from God not from themselves they'll bring a message from God so if they're just bringing a message from themselves and it's not fulfilling the purposes of the kingdom of God that might be a deceiving spirit so again when it comes to this realm our whole goal is to spend time in relationship with Jesus and we ask him Jesus who what was this my mom or my grandmother or my friend or whoever it was my husband my spouse was in my dream what is this about what are you saying to me and if we constantly turn it back to Jesus and turn it back to relationship with him and getting closer to him we'll be safe because he's safe but if we're just making it about supernatural experiences and it's not all about Jesus then we've got to be super careful because it'll be easy to be deceived so if you have a dead person show up in your dream that might be a clue and if it actually is a zombie that shows up in your dream maybe you're watching the wrong TV shows kind of a joke but not really I've had a lot of people that have had those kinds of dreams and it really is that so bless you guys
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 86,971
Rating: 4.7805686 out of 5
Keywords: dream interpretation, Dream elements, christian, biblical dream interpretation, Dead people
Id: QrXgYRlx0RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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