Revival Weekend: Sunday PM | John Kilpatrick | April 2019

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god bless you thank you you may be seated thank you whoa man you guys don't fool around I saw pastor's wife jumping around like a 19 year old girl thank you Lord I believe you are too so good to be here tonight and thank you Pastor for the invitation to come back again this is my fourth fifth year I think coming back and with Isaiah so good to meet you man you're the real deal I can tell [Music] [Applause] I'll say this you're another Steve Hill it's who you are I can tell just by talking to him before the service tonight that's who he is he's another Steve Hill we're gonna hear from Isaiah he meant well I would like to recognize Jody and Lenore Morin they're here tonight were they at it they're sitting out there stand up guys so good to have you all there the pastor's also here in over on the east side and I know there's a lot of other people here that I see that I know but I don't have time to recognize everybody thank you guys so much boy what worship Jessica my goodness awesome awesome worship team what's your name man huh Sam Sam I thought as we won't settle I thought that's what's your name if you will I want you to stand with me we'll take a moment to stand and get ready to read the word of the Lord [Music] [Music] thank you I'm good I appreciate that thank you very much I'm gonna speak tonight on again on the eyes of your understanding is that okay with you I was gonna preach this in my church just on one message and whenever I got it to preach it it opened up to me it became really became a revelation and so I've only preached it a couple of times outside my church since then but I preached this morning and then I want to preach again tonight in Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 21 Jeremiah said now hear this o foolish people without understanding please say those two words with me again without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears and hear not now the Apostle Paul before he became Apostle Paul was saw he was a Pharisee he was a rabbi and he really believed that he was doing God a service by prosecuted persecuting and prosecuting the Messianic Jews that had received the Messiah he really believed it and he really believed that God was gonna bless him and reward him for it but on the road to Damascus the Lord put him on the ground and he was leading a band of men and he was blinded by the Lord and the Lord spoke to him and as soon as the Lord spoke to Saul he immediately called Jesus Lord his eyes were immediately open but he was blinded sometimes the Lord has to blind us to open our eyes his eyes look blinded and you remember that the Lord told Ananias to go pray for him and to mentor him Ananias went to Saul mentored him prayed for him and something like scales fell off of his eyes but seemingly from different places in the scripture and what we read about him historically he had eye situations as the rest of his life as a reminder whenever God removed those scales from his eyes now when God removed the scale from his eyes he immediately had the eyes of his understanding opened saw was mentored by Ananias went back and after he began to grow in God and begin to be used by the Holy Spirit he went to Ephesus to start a church he started the church at Ephesus and he realized whenever he birthed that church that he had birthed a blind church he understood that his eyes had been opened but the people that he started the church with had not had their eyes opened yet and he couldn't communicate with them he couldn't communicate with them on the level that he wanted to communicate with him home so that's why he praised this prayer he said see he said I cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him and then here's the key verse the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know three things the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints is and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us were do believe according to the workings of his mighty power I'm not going to talk about the three things I only want to focus on the eyes of your understanding being enlightened he said I'm praying for you because you're blind you can't see what I see I'm not able to lead you because you only you don't have your enlightenment yet God has not given you the enlightenment of your understanding you're on a certain level here and God's brought me up to this level here it doesn't mean I'm better than you are but I'm not able to communicate with you now it's interesting as I begin to preach on the eyes of your understanding really interesting how that I begin to see it all over the Bible I went to King's and saw something that shocked me I saw something about Solomon and Solomon was was a king david's son that took over the throne after King David died the Bible said in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night and said ask what I shall give you and Solomon said well you showed unto your servant David my father great mercy according as he walked before the in truth and in righteousness and in the uprightness of heart with thee and you have kept him for this great kindness and you've given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now Lord my god thou has made thy servant King instead of David my father and I am but a little child I don't know how to go out and I don't know how to come in and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which you have chosen a great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude but look what he said he didn't ask for wisdom he didn't ask for riches look what he asked for give me understanding many people believe that he asks God for wisdom but he asks God to open up the eyes of his understanding and God did and it may be that understanding may be the prerequisite for great wisdom it may be the seedbed for wisdom to rest on and then I began to see it all through the scriptures I won't take time to go there but if you get my product outside as I talked about opening the eyes of your understanding there's eight parts out there we cover it thoroughly everything is covered thoroughly so I'm gonna let you be seated and I want to start right in tonight where I left off this morning understanding I didn't know that understanding had eyes whenever I started preaching on this I had no idea that understanding had eyes but it does who knew and I come to find out that understanding means the level of truth that you're standing under that's what understanding means it means the level of truth that you're standing under there can be eight people or ten people on a Pew one personal not Pew may have twenty six percent understanding another person right posada may have 51 percent understanding another one may have 14 percent understanding but all of us I daresay all of us could certainly use God increasing our understanding and when he increases our understanding our life is going to change now I'd like to remind you of where we're living we're not living in the 17th century we're not living in the 12th century we're not living in the nineteenth century anymore we're now in the second millennium the church age is now beginning to come to a close the tribulation is trying to start it's just not time part yet all the major signs that the Lord promised will be coming to pass in the last days we're now seeing I'm coming to pass with such rapidity it's hard to keep up with them but in order for us to be the people of God in these last days that God wants us to be we must have the eyes of our understanding open and when he opens them your whole world is going to open up it's going to be an exponential increase of Revelation that God is going to give in these last days you'll be amazed how fast it'll come you'll be amazed how thorough it will be and you'll be amazed at the results that you'll get as soon as God opens up your eyes of understanding I told you this this morning and I'm just going to cover it again real quickly just to be very brief but in the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned before they sinned they were the highest order of Homo Sapien they had no deficiencies they had no learning disabilities they had no inferiority they had no lack of confidence they could talk to God face to face no problem they were his son at one point in the Bible the Bible called Adam God's son not his only begotten son but in one place in Luke the Bible called Adam God's son he was the beginning Adam and Eve was the beginning of God's family and they were the highest order of Homo Sapien they never learned anything they knew everything by revelation if he looked at his face it was chiseled with character it was chiseled with intelligence you look in his eyes they were guiltless blameless he knew everything so it was Eve also when they yielded to the temptation of Satan and they fell sin came in but not only to sin come in to Adam and Eve but it came in to all of creation they fell into sin death set in it affected the birds it affected the mammals it affected the beasts of the earth it affected the soil it affected the staler heavens it affected everything but one thing that I want to say and I want you to remember what I'm going to say I think everybody can remember all of that and we understand that but the one thing I want to say that I want you to remember is that when everything fell our time zone fell we now live in a fallen time zone and with Adam and Eve everything was like that when they fail man now had to earn his living by the sweat of his brow it's gonna take time everything's gonna be a process we now live in a fallen time zone as a preacher of the gospel I've got to always remember when I stand up to preach the gospel never to preach to people like I'm living in a fallen time zone and I'm living under time constraints because the Bible that I preach does not preach that because when Jesus came he showed us a better way now as I told you this morning again let me reiterate it in the days of Elijah when he was here he told Elijah watch me son watch me do what I do and Elijah was right on this case followed him was right there on his heels and Elijah said if you see me when I go you'll get a double portion of what I possess the mantle will come upon you the angel was sent picked him up like a taxi took him up up up it almost disappeared he remembered oh my goodness I forgot to drop my mantle he dropped it Elijah went over picked up his mantle because he had watched everything that Elijah did he went over and smote the Jordan with Elijah's mantle and the Jordan parted Elijah was a student of a master and he got the same results as the master now when Jesus came Jesus came into our fallen time zone he came into our world full of people walking around in darkness their spirit and darkness didn't know anything about faith he couldn't even recognize the Son of God when he came to the earth born in a manger did not know or understand the time of their visitation in darkness everything was in darkness when Jesus came he said to the disciples and I'm on a paraphrase watch me boys you've got three and a half years with me watch me most preachers preach on the week of his passion most preachers preach about him being tried falsely tried and false convicted being whipped being crucified being laid in a tomb coming back out of the tomb on the third day that is the crux of the message of the gospel but I want you to know there's more when Jesus was here on the earth he told the disciples I'm gonna be here three and a half years watch me just like Elijah watched Elijah watch me let me show you how to operate you are in a fallen time zone you are in darkness you do not understand Who I am you do not understand where I've come from you don't understand the power that's available to me you don't understand that I can give you access to something that will change your life and it will be accessed through faith it will not be accessed through works it will be accessed through faith it'll be accessed through my blood that I'm going to shed for you I'm going to open up and give you access to a dimension that you don't have to wait on things to happen they can happen instantaneously come on give God praise I told you this morning and I'll just go through it again real quickly I'm just trying to do this for the benefit of those who wasn't here there's a big difference in operating in levels and operating and dimensions from the beginning the first communication was a telegraph that was known as modern day technology back then to get from the Telegraph machine to the telecommunications like we have today with satellites and iPhones it took over a hundred years of going through levels of discovery of technology it took over a hundred years transportation going from the Model T the Model A all the way up to the modern day cars and vehicles so are they fuel-injected engines disc brakes you know just top-notch top performing cars it went from Model A's Model T's it took over a hundred years of going through levels of technology to get to where we are because we live in a fallen time zone when it comes to air travel the Wright brothers until the Space Shuttle hundred years over a hundred years levels of technology so whenever Jesus came Jesus was saying to the disciples he said I almost show you how to access dimensions of the Spirit now I'm not using terminology like I'm not trying to get you to believe in a new-age concept or I'm saying that healing belongs to Jesus I'm saying that the power of the Holy Spirit belongs to Jesus but I'm just trying to use the word dimensions to capture your imagination tonight for a little bit and to help you understand we're not bound to levels anymore now that Jesus has come on the scene he opened up a dimension and showed us how demons were he showed us how that demons can throw kids into the fire and try to drown him in the water and Jesus show study has power over demons he showed us that dimension thank god he's got power over that dimension but then he also opened up other dimensions and he said listen let me show you who I am so he went to the wedding at Cana Galilee they ran out of wine Jesus told the disciples go fill the waterpots with water they filled him with water it came back up just h2o in the water pods he took the ladle began to dip it out into the cups it immediately was wine they saw it change from water to wine he let them have hands-on experience the Lord didn't do it himself he said fill the waterpots now you take the water pots take the ladle go dip it out when they dipped it out it turned into wine here's what I'm trying to say to you if God could just get us to put our hands on and to try just give it a try and just see what God can do don't be afraid of looking bad don't be afraid of looking like something inferior just drowning and let God use you in these last days he'll all put up your eyes of understanding and it turned into the best wine and the governor said oh you saved the best one to last Jesus taught a long time and then after he taught people were tired he told the disciples he said guys I can't send these people home like this the disciples immediately spoke up speaking from their perspective of a fallen time zone and a darkened mind they said you want us to go into town and buy some bread two hundred pennyworth of bread see they were talking about levels if we go into town it's gonna take a while to get there when we buy it it's gonna take a while to get back when we get back it's gonna take a while to prepare the bread Jesus said no y'all watch me now let me show you a different dimension so he took the bread the Bible said he lifted it up and He blessed it he didn't pray over it he didn't speak to it he didn't prophesy over it he blessed it when God wants to multiply something he'll bless it he won't pray over it he'll bless it he lifted it up he blessed it he gave it to the disciples said have him sat down in teams of 50 s hundreds and he said now you take this after I blessed it you go feed him the Lord did the miracle he let them take the bread let him take the fish they went and began to tear the bread off and every time they tore a piece of bread off another piece appeared it would not diminish that's a dimension that Jesus has come to show us can I tell you something we're living in a time right now where we need God to multiply our incomes we need God to multiply our money we need God to multiply our hills we need God to multiply all kind of things let's start blessing things to see what God will do it's a dimension in this fallen time zone the Lord introduced faith to us and he said now this is what will break the time constraints where you live in the natural realm faith is going to break these time constraints you're trapped in a time constraint you're trapped in a vortex of a time constraint it's all because of the curse and so the Lord was saying to the disciples and to others you can operate as you need to because you're viewing everything from a fallen perspective so he said I've got something for you I want you to be born again and when you're born again I'm going to open up your eyes of understanding and when your eyes of understanding or open you'll go back and be a lot like a Adam was before the fall in the garden you'll know things you'll be able to figure things out you'll be like saying you'll be like Solomon you'll just know things I don't know about you but I'm tired groping in the dark I'm tired of having to wait I'm tired of people saying in the by and by I know there's something better I won't open her eyes amen [Applause] so faith is the entrance into the room where God is and that's a place called eternity so he came to introduce these dimensions to us now this morning I'm gonna I'm gonna start right here where I left off this morning I want to talk about different dimensions that maybe you don't think of I just talked to you about healing I just talked to you about multiplying the bread multiplying the wine he told Mary and Martha you don't have to wait until the resurrection 2000 years from now I am the resurrection I'm the resurrection then but I'm also the resurrection now you don't have to wait doctors will tell you if I do surgery on you you'll be fine in three months but the Lord's saying I can do something for you right now right now I can do something for you and I'm believing God right now I've got to have some knee replacements and I'm in pain as I preach to you and I'm believing God write down I've held off having surgery I'm believing God to replace my knees how many of you will say God miracle [Music] but I want to show you something else the Apostle Paul said I knew a man above fourteen years ago whether in the body I can't tell or what the other body I can't tell God knows such a one was caught up in the third heaven that's where God lives and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I can't tell God knows how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words in other words Paul said this man was caught up and he heard conversations in the dimension pathetic if I would tell you that conversation Paul was saying it would blow your mind it's a dimension that this man was caught up and I knew this man and he hurt things he said it's not even lawful for a person to even utter and he said of such a one will I glory yet not of myself I will not glory but in my infirmities though I would desire to glory I shall not be a fool but I will say the truth but now I forbear lest any man should think of me above that which he sees me to be or that he heareth of me so now I want to venture into something that I think is really really important to talk about I don't want to leave here tonight without covering this with you because this is something that I think we miss out on so many times there's things that we believe about ourself that's absolutely not true but we swallowed it a long time ago when we were vulnerable and gullible and we swallowed that and we believe it to this day like it was a hundred percent true and it was really only a percentage true there's things that we've been taught that is absolutely era there's things that we believe about God that's absolutely era and the way that God will deal with us and I'm gonna prove it to you from the scriptures but the way that God will deal with us is he chooses a dimension to speak to us and lately I've been seeing that God is using this dimension more and more upon the people of God in these last days let me show you what I'm talking about the Lord had now been Chris resurrected Apostle Paul is in full-swing in his ministry Peter and the Apostles they're now being used by God a lot of these guys were raised up under Jewish traditions and Jewish beliefs and when they came in contact with Christ they begin to understand when God opened up their eyes of understanding my god I've been dead wrong how could I have been so long let me show you something listen to this this is so interesting so now the Holy Spirit's being poured out the 120 in the upper room had been touched by God speaking in tongues and God's moving in powerful ways well now even some of the Jewish people lay people out there that's not in the hierarchy you know like apostles and all that now they're beginning to receive the Holy Spirit how home prayer meetings and there was such a man by the name of Cornelius and he was a friend of Israel and the Bible said that Cornelius had family members and they had heard about the holy spirit so the Bible says on the Mara as they went on their journey and drew nigh to the city Peter went up to the housetop to pray about the sixth hour Peter went up to the housetop to pray now he's at a man's house of Simon the Tanner the Bible said when he went up to the rooftop to pray he became very hungry and would have eaten but while they made ready he fell into a trance now what is a trance what's the difference between a trance and a dream a dream happens when you're on your bed asleep a trance happens when you're a white and your eyes are wide open and the Bible said he fell into a trance he saw heaven open and a certain vessel descending upon him just coming right down upon him where he couldn't resist it God's putting this vessel right down in his face as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners another was sewed at the four corners to keep whatever's in that sheet from falling out and he led it down to the earth wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth wild beasts creeping things fowls of the air and a voice came to him and said rise Peter kill and eat and I want you to listen to this Peter argued with a Holy One of Israel Peter is arguing with the Holy One of Israel the Almighty God why because he believes he's right in God's wrong now let me just stay there for a minute he believes he's right and he believes that God is wrong and Peter said no I'm not so Lord I've never eaten anything that's common or unclean come on Jesus give it back to him now and the boys speak to him again the second time everybody say the second time and he said to Peter what God has cleansed don't you call common now this was done three times listen to me you can believe things the way you were raised and believe it to be the gospel truth and it can be a damnable lie you can believe things about yourself that you believe is absolutely true because you were told the details and people that you loved and respected told you the details but it may be a damnable lie and you've been living restrained and contained by that all of your life and the Bible says that God had to speak to Peter three times and say hey big boy you listen to me I'm not listening you listen to me and watch what happened this was done three times and the vessel was received back up into heaven again I think that's a wait now wait don't get your feelings hurt and the Bible said while Peter doubted himself what the vision which is saying should mean the men had come from corneas his house and they were at the door at Simon Tanner's house and they stood before the gate and they called and asked where the Simon Peter was there and they had to look around for Peter because he's up on the roof and he'd been in a trance and they said it's Peter here Simon Peter here and Peter thought on the vision and the spirit said unto him there's men down there at the door and they're seeking you arise go down there go with them doubt nothing because I've seen them in other words I've shown you something and now it's time for you to prove to me you believe what I told you I have opened your understanding are you gonna go back and close your understanding are you gonna operate in an open understanding and he said arise now get down and go with him and don't doubt for I've since them Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius and he said I'm the one you see what's the cause why have you come here they said well Cornelius a Centurion a just man one that fears God of good rapport among all the nations of the Jews was warned from God by a holy angel to send for you in this house and we're to hear your words then he called him in and put him up in lodges 'dom and when the day came Peter walked I went away with them and he took certain brethren with him from Joppa and they accompanied to all of them and they entered into Caesarea and Cornelius was standing there waiting on them and he called together his kin people and his friends and as Peter was coming in Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped Peter now here's a man that God just showed him this sheet and Peter just called these people and cleaned but now here's this man with the right spirit humbling himself and worshiping Peter don't you know that made Peter feel like a dog Peter said shut up I myself am a man stand up and he talked with him and he went in and found many that were come together he said unto them you know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or to come under one another's nation but God has shown me now see he had his eyes of understanding open how do we know he had his eyes of understanding open he didn't receive it at first but God was persistent and God said I'm gonna open your eyes what do you want me open your eyes or nods because I want to use you Peter I want you to be the cornerstone of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ you've got to get over this prejudice I want to open up your eyes of understanding how many people are listening to me tonight that God wants to use you but you're too prejudiced you're too prejudiced about this you're too prejudiced you've got your mind made up and God's saying no I want to open your mind somebody help me preach tonight [Applause] so the Bible said I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feareth righteousness is accepted and here's what he said so you Jintao's want to be baptized yes he said well I don't see any reason to forbid it take him out boys and baptize them but God had to tap in to the dimension of dreams and visions to change a man's mind listen to me just for a minute I have never in my life seen such division in America I have never seen in my life such hatred and rancor between Democrats and Republicans and I'm not taking either side because I'm not a Democrat or Republican I am an independent Holy Ghost filled revivalists I'm not a Democrat a Republican so I can speak like this but I've never seen such division I've never seen such hatred I've even had people come to me and say to me I love coming to your church and I've got a blessing that I speak every week over our tithes and offerings and I say because President Trump has been a friend to Israel and he's been a friend to Jerusalem and he's been a friend to the unborn I say god I ask you to bless America and even bless President Trump for being a friend to the unborn and Israel and I've had people get all upset about that and say we're not going to come back well that's alright I'm not a truck person but give honor to whom honor is due for heaven's sakes [Music] there's such division you can't even say his name they want you to say say president well don't tell me what to say to my own cotton-picking Church I'll say what I want to say but watch this I've heard people say brother Kilpatrick Americans in a place where we're so stuck we'll never get out of it well just a minute here sister Nancy and brother Chuck I'm talking bout sister Nancy Pelosi and I'm talking about brother Chuck Schumer they hate the president and I think the president hates all of them and the government is come to a screeching halt and people said it's never going to change all God's got to do is give one dream did you hear what I said all God's gonna do all God's gonna do is give sister Nancy a trance put her in the trance and when she comes out of that trance I guarantee you she'll go to the White House and sleep oh let's work together God has been speaking to me [Applause] brother Chuck where to say president trunk man Nancy's coming over we want to talk to you I had a trance this morning right after breakfast and I heard the Holy Ghost say to me he's about to do something in America you say but I don't believe that brother Kilpatrick well let me ask you one thing are you willing to ask God to open up their eyes of understanding and show them nothing is impossible stand to your feet for a minute lift your voice praise him round [Applause] come on lazy lucky Allah be praised [Applause] be seated y'all say brother Kilpatrick that'll never happen you know what Ananias said when the Lord told him go over there I've got one named Saul and he's blind I want you to go very mentor him and open up his eyes you know what N and I said oh my god I heard about Chuck Schumer I'm praying I'm a Republican he ain't going over to I got a problem with that Lord Lord said you get over there if God could open up Saul's eyes and in a split second half Saul saying Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord what can God do in 2019 [Applause] and let me tell you something else revival has always broken out in the nations of the earth that had great revivals and great national awakenings the conditions were always almost identical to what they are right now don't be upset don't be worried about it everything's rocking right along on schedule but what more did you go to wake up and the Holy Ghost is going to be falling in Washington [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh-huh well be seated I got to get this thing done whoa I'd go poison I'll feel good all over more than anywhere else well talk to you about dreams and visions for a moment while I'm talking about it because the Bible said in the last days your sons and your daughters will see visions your old men will dream dreams I want you all to know every one of you here and watching by live streaming on still seeing visions I'm not dreaming dreams dreams are received during sleep with your eyes closed visions are received during waking hours and you look past reality into another dimension in job I'll have it on the screen for you I want you to look at this I'm going to spend the rest of my time here tonight God speak it's once yay twice yet man per Siva that not here this the Bible said in your waking hours God is speaking but you're not even aware that he's speaking you're consumed with things you're consumed with trouble you're consumed with family issues you consumed with health issues you can sing with financial issues you consumed with friends that's turned their backs on you the Bible said God speak it's once J twice yet man perceives it not but at nighttime in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men and slum brings upon their bed he will open the ears of men and seal their instruction that they met with that he may withdraw men from his purpose and hide pride from man he keeps back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword so now listen to this listen carefully I'm going to take my time and walk through this because I want you to remember it God is saying that I want you to know I've been very faithful and I've been trying to speak to you I have remained a repeated attempts to convey my thoughts to you about a variety of things that concerns me and things that are on my heart about the things that are about to come upon the earth God saying and I've been trying to talk to you about it he also has made repeated attempts to speak to us while we're awake and conscious but many times if not most times the distractions are too many to understand what he's trying to communicate so the Bible said deep sleep verse 15 says in a dream in the night when deep sleep falls upon me and that is REM sleep that's when you see it on television the eyes are fluttering you have gone into a deep sleep that's the deepest sleep that's when the body is renewing itself deep sleep when deep sleep falls upon men it says in some rings upon their bed he also mentions slumber slumber is not deep sleep slumber is a lighter sleep slumber is where we're a tad restless we've just either gone into REM sleep or just emerging from REM sleep but slumbering z-- means we're a little bit restless we're not completely deeply asleep and we're not awake but we still can hear God speaking to us slumber is where you have not yet entered into that deep sleep or you are just emerging from it so slumber sleep it's where you remember most of your dreams you don't remember a lot of your REM sleep dreams but you do remember your your slumber sleep slumber sleep it's when God wants to give you a message and if he wants to give you something really that he's gonna seal in you so that you won't lose it he'll give it to you in REM sleep but if he wants you to remember it and to share it he'll usually give it to you in a slumber sleep pilots wife when Pilate was sitting down on his judgment seat his wife sent unto him and she said honey have nothing to do with this just man I've suffered many things today in a dream because of him that slumbers sleep God spoke to her in the early morning waking hours and they say that the Jews believe that in the waking hours when you dream is always from God the second purpose of a dream is for God to open ears not only does God won't open up your eyes of understanding but he wants you to open up your ears in the Bible many times when God would speak some said it thundered the reason why they said it thundered is because their ears had not been opened eyes to see Jeremiah said having eyes but they see not having ears but they hear not it said in dreams God will open the ears and he'll sill instruction when you're in your dreams he will bypass the shell that surrounds our heart that makes us dull of hearing he'll bypass the bunkers that we have built around ourselves to fortify ourself in life so that we can fill out we're strong and protected and we built all these sandbag bunkers trying to keep the Holy Spirit out trying to keep preachers out and trying to keep people away from them so we don't be foolish don't talk to me I'm okay leave me alone but the Bible said dreams opens your ears while you sleep and God seals instruction in your ears while you sleep and you don't even know it the Bible commentator Adam Clarke made this statement he said a dream is what God uses to open our understanding it is a dimension the Holy Spirit causes us to enter into that opens and prise open our stubborn misunderstanding arts God seals information beneath our conscious level beneath our conscious Minds all the way down into the depth of our understanding so verse 16 says this he opens the ears of men and seals their understanding when I looked up that word seals their instruction it is the Hebrew word mo car that means is pronounced mo SAR si WR it means instruction or admonition and if God can't speak to you while you're awake God will put you in a deep sleep or he'll put you in a slumber sleep and God is going to speak to you and he's going to seal some instruction in you and you'll be without excuse but admonition means the following it means an act of warning God will warn you in a dream it is notifying you of a fault that the Lord sees and if you don't deal with that fault it may cost you your soul it may cost you your marriage it's something you're just getting involved in like playing in pornography it's something you're just getting involved in you're dabbling in it and then asleep the Holy Spirit the Hebrew where most are God's giving you instruction he's speaking to you while you're asleep and you don't even hear him and you don't even know it but he's speaking and you're getting it and when you wait you know you feel different it means an act of warning notifying you of a fault that he sees in you it is a counsel that he's giving you he's speaking to you while you're on your bed asleep and he's giving you our warning and counsel against wrong practices that you're dabbling in it means nine things most are does it means to caution you to advise you to exhort you to instruct you to direct to remind to recall to urge you to duty and to do something about what he's speaking to you about and to imprint he's putting an imprint on that you can't run from no matter where you run you take that imprint with you so God resorts to dimensions of dreams to bypass our pride no what does that mean he said that he may withdraw men from his purpose and hide pride from man let me tell you what pride does pride cloaks you it's like you how these defenses and pride is such a strong fortress and it cloaks you and conceals your sinful intentions you want to sin you want to hold a grudge you want to do something that you know you shouldn't be doing and you have some evil purposes that you've strayed and something has happened and you have some evil purposes so we hide behind pride and say I'm ok everything's ok I don't need prayer leave me alone everything's fine and so you fall prey to self-deception but the Bible says that dreams when God gives you a dream it strips away prides defenses and invades areas of hidden intentions sinful plans and complex structures of iniquity that are just forming in your life so dreams plead with your heart to abandon those plans and those evil ways and do what's right what's this when you're asleep prides strong it's protecting you while you're asleep what the Holy Spirit does whenever you dream is he comes and mashes those down he just comes right over and he does his thing he speaks to you and he imprinted in you God has spoken and he knocked that pride down and whenever he gets through speaking pride jumps right back up like the palm tree after hurricane and the pride comes right back up and when the pride comes right back up you still think you're protected but the Holy Spirit overruled it in the night and got through to you anyway watch this dreams have the ability to take those protected intents and thoughts of your heart and cause you to see them and be startled by them so that you'll abandon them I know beyond any doubt whatsoever as I stand here I know that I know that I know I'm talking to somebody and the devil a spirited Jezebel is trying to pull you down and the spirit of Jezebel is trying to destroy your ministry trying to set you up for fall trying to set you up for great humiliation and trying to take you out of your place of authority that God is trying to bring you into and God has been speaking to you while you're in a deep sleep and it might not be dreams that you see in Technicolor and it might not be actions that you see with your eyes and a dream but when you wake up you feel differently you know God has touched you and spoken to you somehow come on say man dreams are a dimension it's a dimension that God accesses when he can't reach you any other way he'll access you through a dream what is a dream a dream is a blinking red light like you see at a railroad track a meaning meaning meaning and when you wake up in the morning when you went to bed that night you felt like everything was under control when you wake up the next morning there's a blinking around didn't mean anything and you know God has warned you about something let me give you some good counsel listen to it Daniel and the three Hebrew children Bible says that God gave them knowledge and skill and all learning and wisdom and Daniel had understanding see that see the word understanding what are we asking God to open up open up our understanding what what said Daniel and the three Hebrew children apart when the nation was going to hell in a handbasket what set Daniel apart and the three Hebrew children God had opened up his eyes of understanding and he could interpret dreams he had understanding in all visions and dreams Daniel 2 says Daniel answered in the presence of the king he said a secret which the king has demanded cannot the wise men the astrologers and your musicians and soothsayers showed unto the king he said there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets and makes known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the last days he said your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed is this King the thoughts that came into your mind upon your bed what should come to pass Hereafter and he that revealeth secrets makes known to you what shall come to pass but as for me this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any other living person but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king that you might know that the thoughts of the heart and the King answered unto Daniel instead of a truth it is that your God is a out of God's and a Lord of kings and revealer of Secrets seeing that you could reveal the secret God opened up his eyes of understanding let me say one final thing before I move off of this you're going to see in the days to come remember what I'm telling you you will see in the days to come God is about to raise up key people astute young men and astute young women that's acumen they have an acumen a spiritual acumen like you can't begin to imagine and God's gonna put them around the president no matter who the president may be even if the president doesn't want them around them God's gonna raise up men and women young men and young women with great acute wisdom and understanding and they're gonna be able to go to the to the president and they're gonna be able to go to the leaders of Congress and tell them things before they come to pass and they will be acutely accurate that's what God is about to do it's not gonna be no more of this mamby-pamby trying to beat the air and you don't even know what you're swinging at God's gonna raise up people and put them up there that's gonna say that's ants the Lord God Almighty and this is the word of the Lord and God's will open up their eyes of understanding and when they tell the President and when they tell the political leaders and religious leaders they're gonna know God has spoken to this young man and God has spoken to this young woman [Applause] let me show you how God accesses the dreams and visions I'm not gonna be much longer it says when they were come to the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother they fell down and worshiped Jesus and when they had when they had opened their treasures they presented to Jesus gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh after they presented that to him the Lord warned them in a dream that night and said to the wise men don't go back and tell Herod nothing depart to your own coasts another way don't go back the way you came God accessed a dimension called dreams to protect those three wise men to keep them from being killed and to protect the Christ child so that Herod couldn't find him how did God do it he did it through a dream Joseph when the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together she was found with child the Holy Ghost Joseph her husband being a just man not willing to make a public example of her was thinking about putting her away privately while he thought on these things the Lord appeared to him in a dream access the dimension of a dream to speak to him he didn't talk to him in his waking hours he waited until he was asleep because he was a moral man and he had a woman in his possession that was pregnant he felt the shame of that and he felt the shame of it for her too he didn't know what to do so God chose to access him through a dream and settle it just like that and the Bible said he appeared to him in a dream saying arise take the gun they said to him Joseph thou son of David don't be afraid to take unto you Mary for that which is conceived in her as the Holy Ghost now when Jesus was born and he was a young child the this they were departed behold the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream said arise now take the child and his mother flee into Egypt stay there until I bring you word Herod is gonna seek this young child to destroy it when he arose he took the young child and his mother by night they departed into Egypt and there were there until the death of Herod but it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord the prophet out of Egypt have I called my son verse 19 said when Herod was dead just like the angel promised angel came back to him in his dream and said Joseph arise take the young child and his mother and now go into the Land of Israel for those that are dead that sought the young child's life the dimension of dreams that's what God said in the last days and I want you to get prepared for this you've heard it all your life but get prepared for God to begin to open up your understanding about dreams and visions because now is the time then look what it says God uses the dimension of dreams and visions and they're going to become almost common to give you direction warning and for God to guide you exactly where he wants you to go and for you to do what he wants you to do and to be with who he wants you to be and get accomplished what he wants you to get accomplished and he's going to use that and he access the dimension of dreams to do it don't be surprised if you don't hear other people start talking about oh my god I'm having dreams and don't be surprised if you don't start having dreams consequential dreams not hot dog dreams amen let me close let me close y'all with me I'm gonna read this to you I've got to read both of these for it to make sense you remember the Lord said to the disciples he said guys I want you to he saw can't send the people away he said don't faint so the cyclist okay we'll take 200 we'll go get some bread he said no just take an assessment of what you've got bring it here he blessed it and he fed everybody well that was the five thousand you remember that I'm not gonna read that part to you I could but I'm not gonna read that part to you okay now this is in mark the feeding of the 5,000 is in mark 6 the feeding of the 4,000 is in mark 8 2 chapters over now let me ask you this question how much can you forget in two chapters so in those days the Bible said the multitude being very great and having nothing to eat Jesus called his disciples on him and some of them I have compassion on the multitude because they've now been with me three days Jesus is my kind of man he preached the three-day sermon they men and he said they have nothing to eat ice and if I send him away fasting to their own houses they will faint by the way for divers of them came from far disciples said look at this look at this look at this look at this he just spent five thousand and they were there with him and they asked him the same question you want us to go buy something look look look look what the disciple said from whence can a man satisfy all these thousands of people were bred here in the wilderness it's like Jesus is standing there like duh duh now watch this he commanded the people to sit down on the ground they had seven loaves there they gave thanks to break it he gave disciples set before him and they set before the people he had a few small fish also and so he blessed he commanded them set before them and they did eat and were filled and they took up the broken meat that was left seven baskets same situation he fed five thousand two chapters later I don't want to send him away I'm afraid they'll faint disciple said it's just terrible the Lord said let me walk you through this again and so the Bible says they took up seven basket folds and when they are eaten four thousand people had eaten now watch this I'm closing straightway Jesus entered into a disciple with those intend to ship with those same disciples and the Pharisees came forth and began to question him seeking of him a sign from heaven tempting him he sighed deeply don't you imagine Jesus side a few times when he was here on the earth like he sighed deeply in his spirit and he says why does this generation seek after a sign verily I say unto you there shall no sign be given unto this generation he left them entered into the ship again and departed to the other side now the disciples had forgotten to take bread neither had they anymore on the ship but one loaf he charged them saying take heed beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod they reasoned among themselves that he was saying it's because we have no bread and when Jesus knew it he said unto them why reason you because you have no bread perceive ye not yet neither do you yet understand has your heart become so hardened that you can't understand what I'm trying to show you how to access guys there watch this he said you have eyes and see not and you have ears that hear not and why can't you remember here's the question I want to ask you after God's done so much for us and we just got over a major victory and the devil hits us again we forget what he just did ten days ago it's time to give God things but what he's done let's slip our minds and the next time the devil comes around we can say Oh big boy you better not fool with me because God's gonna top the bass greater this time that he did the last time you better back off Satan now here's what he said I'm closing with this he said you have eyes and you see not you have ears and you hear or not and don't you remember he said now when I broke the five loaves among the five thousand how many basketballs did y'all take up he's giving him a pop quiz be sure to pay close attention and he said how many did you take up they said twelve and when the seven among the four thousand how many baskets full of fragments did you take out and they said seven and here's how Jesus ended it up well how then is it that you don't understand how is it that you don't understand here's what I'm asking God to do I feel like the Lord's give me a revelation on this I really do and I'm asking the Lord to help me to become highly developed in dimensions of the Spirit and I'm asking God to open up my eyes of understanding open up my eyes of understanding so that I can get highly developed in the areas of the dimensions that he tried to teach the disciples and here's what he said I wanna remind you one more time before us to them he said this he said the very works that I did now see what he was saying was he wasn't saying I'm doing these things that no child wish y'all could do him he's saying I'm showing you how to access this dimension and the very works that I do you can do also an even greater because going to the father well you know what I hadn't even sinned those works yet much less greater but here's what I'm saying is I'm asking the Lord to open up my eyes even if I have to fast for it and I'm asking God to help me to beget highly-developed in my eyes of understanding to access those dimensions that are still there and so we've never lived the daylight we're living right now so many things are happening the book of Daniel's being fulfilled other prophetic books are being fulfilled so many things are happening we've never stood mankind has never stood where we're standing tonight he said that the eyes of your understanding may be open in other words I'm asking God to increase the truth through revelation that I've walked him and I've staggered in and stumbled in I'm asking him to increase the eyes of my understanding I never knew that understanding had eyes so that I may operate under a level of understanding that I've never operated in before because I'm gonna tell you something you know as well as I do that now we're facing things that a little patty cake prayer is not gonna get it done we've got things to do god bless you thank you come on up after John know how much we appreciate the word of the Lord tonight hallelujah now let's give the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord praise in this house hallelujah [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah I want you to lift your hands and I just want to release that spirit of understanding tonight I just want to release dreams visions in the name of Jesus I want to stand behind this word tonight and I want to cause it to rise up and live in this place so in the name of Jesus may your sleep be filled with revelation understanding may there be dreams that move you change you and open up your world in the name of Jesus may you have dreams that looses the spirit of revival over your family over your house over your neighborhood over your workplace may we may we dream together the call of God upon this house they has not yet even been revealed that the things of God the things that God desires to do has not yet entered into the heart of man we haven't even thought of it yet but it's somewhere in the dream realm and if we can dream it by the Spirit of God then we can see and we can experience it that it will be a divine reality in this world Lord I pray in the name of Jesus for the release of the revelation that has been released already let it go deep into our hearts let it not be just a good word let it not just be another message but let it be oh god something that is activated by faith and that tonight we will begin to experience what we have just heard because God it will make us different hallelujah I believe Pastor John has opened something up in here tonight I really do believe that I believe that he's opened something up in our hearts tonight this dimension that he is speaking I was so powerful I don't want you to be afraid of a church and I don't want you to pass it off to somebody else so that's somebody else dream the dreams let that be somebody else's gift I'm telling you you need this we need this we need this in our lives because where we're headed we're gonna need the accurate the accurate word of the Lord accurate direction no more wandering around in the shadows trying to hope we're going in the right direction trying to believe we're going in the right direction we need this because I believe it is the church's moment in our finest hour to see the greatest productivity and effectiveness we have ever had in the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I just I just want to release clarity tonight don't want to release clarity [Music] we've been tapping around like the like the blind man just trying to feel our way through this thing but I'm telling you clarity is an inheritance of the children of God clarity we need it just lift your hands father I release clarity lower we're wasting way too much time just trying to figure out what to do but lord I decree clarity in the name of Jesus clarity in this place clarity over your people Lord I pray that we would have a clarity in this church like we have never had that we will have a clarity of revival that we will have a clarity of what it means to really impact a region Road I pray that I would that we would see so clearly wrote that we would be able to walk through the most difficult situations be able to press through the most difficult situations but we do it in faith and we see amazing results I speak effectiveness over your people and I and I break now in the name of Jesus mind I need spirits that calls us O God to be unable to be clear I break the fall off your people now in the name of Jesus I break it off in the name of Jesus no more foggy days no more foggy praying no more Oh God but I decree now that there's a strong spirit of clarity what to do to save our marriages what to do to save our children what do to save our money what to do to save Oh God a reason in the city and the nation got a loo stood in this room in the name of Jesus and I thank you Lord that darkness is broken off your people and the light has come and revelations be released and there is a spirit of understanding Oh God in this place and I give you praise and I thank you for it father in the name of Jesus if he received that say yes come on let's give the Lord praise in the house yes hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah no more darkness no more darkness in the name of Jesus yes hallelujah hallelujah you got something babe hallelujah it has been a crazy amazing weekend Thank You Isaiah but listen thank you for coming and being with us this weekend Isaiah would you come a close in prayer yes I'm believing as Pastor John release that what he said we will never be the same amen our understanding would never be the same that you are being elevated into a dimension you've never been in before in the name of Jesus yes amen come on let's pray in the Holy Ghost as we close father we ask you in the name of Jesus God that you've done a deep work in us God and Lord we rebuke every demonic I sign it Bible says as the seed is planted the enemy comes immediately so God we come before the enemy shows up and we say we refuse to leave this place to shame even saying a minute ago no going back then father we receive another one-night stand [Music] he's through there with me but there will be something of a substance i rebuked seduced stills the word and I say card that the seed that was planted [Music] she's [Music] fruit [Music] that don't water and take care of the seed and it does not grow there are others that the Bible says that the cares the pleasures and the richness of life choke out the seed pranam to known you the greatest hindrance of revival is apathy as normal and is our schedules father I pray that we will not allow the cares and the pleasures of life to choke out what you've done father we come against every enemy of revival that would hinder the seed of the word that is broken out this weekend and father we say we refuse to be the status quo Church that America has settled for but God we are the Lion of the tribe of Judah and rising all that you other side father your says that others will get choked out God others will not have deep roots caught that will be shallow and they will receive the word with joy but never grow deep father I pray that we would not be shallow Christians but as we leave this place there is only two ingredients to watering your word that is prayer and that is the Word of God and lord I pray as we leave this weekend there would be a holy addition to your word there would be a holy addition of prayer that God we would have holy wooden saws from your word we would have holy withdraws rare and then God we would get our lives back in alignment father we ask once again for the word tonight God open up her eyes open up our understanding as we leave this place God I ask that there would be fruit and fruit remains God tomorrow I don't want to wake up the same person god father I want to wake up a new person god I bless every person I release every person here power come on let's give a mighty shout tonight god bless you guys thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering two six two three two nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Fresh Start Church
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Id: g1qXo-TlpIY
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Length: 81min 29sec (4889 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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