The Glory - John Kilpatrick

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah roaring asunder with a new future to tell for the try season is over there is a clown beginning to [Music] to the sky - right for your heart Jesus her [Music] now we receive the spirit we receive we receive [Music] every scene Saro [Music] lot of now to [Music] we receive [Music] we receive it say you see [Music] [Music] we receive it [Music] [Music] and with great anticipation read away the promise to come because every word that you have spoken will come to pass Oh show me now let it be [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see ya you're a corners 1 points this morning to clear this out in the dry season oh god we see even if it's just a cloud the size of a man's hand we receive it God will be speaking in faith God we see [Music] the flood is our the way flood is our the way we received a God we will be satisfied with this rain drops we want the flood and the Holy Spirit we receive see [Music] we received see see let's lift up a shout to the Lord we receive your rain Lord [Music] we welcome you whole God is doing something across America friends these are days of an awakening a man these are days of revival God will not leave this generation without a witness I believe that he is pouring out his spirit ass he said Amen I want everyone to stand we are going to welcome the man of God who God has brought here I'm so thankful for the friendship the spiritual leadership that Pastor John Kilpatrick offers and his heart for the move of God and revival to touch this nation the investment that he has made in this local assembly and we dearly esteem and appreciate you and love you I want us to celebrate pastor Kilpatrick just before I turn it to him I am gonna ask 100% every person that's watching online and every person in this sanctuary at some level to do something in a love offering and to bless we've got to keep sending him across the nation every week he's Criss crossing America and we want to be a part of sowing in to revival in America and so I don't want you to do anything you can't do but everyone can do something at some level you can help us believe God for a Great Awakening in America now I want us to welcome pastor as he comes to break the word of God to us [Music] just remain standing if you will we're going to pray president has called for National Day of Prayer today and I want to say God bless President Trump for doing that Wow when was the last time what was the last time you remember a president calling this nation to prayer you know his wife his baptized with the Holy Spirit that she was saving a baptized with the Holy Spirit of a number of years ago but I remember Paula white went up and met with President Trump our with Donald Trump years ago at his office in Manhattan and this has been years ago and after she left that meeting she led him to the Lord and after she left that meeting she called a pastor friend of mine in New Jersey brother de Mol oh and she told brother de molas she said back this is years ago she said brother Desmoulins she said I want to tell you I just left the next president are with the future president United States she said I led him to the Lord and she said the Lord spoke to me and told me he'd be our president one day so you know in spite of all of his weaknesses and despite of all of his shortcomings like we all have God put that man in office our responsibility is to pray we've gonna pray right now for we're gonna pray right now for the people in Texas and Louisiana we're gonna pray also from the way I understood it whenever he made this Proclamation he wants this to be a day of prayer not only for Texas and Louisiana but for America to come together if we've ever needed to come together we need to come together now so for the next few minutes I want everybody to participate I want every mouth moving I want you to lift your voice I don't want no silent Sunday morning prayer I want Sunday night prayer hey man come on this everybody prank I'm gonna lift your boy it's Jesus lift your voice just begin to pray for America no more robust Autorama no no no my on de barranco aromatherapy and the aroma by under par oscillatory brrrr Miranda for ah ba ba ba Lord in the powerful name of Jesus let your glory come upon the United States of America Lord when you come upon those in Texas in Louisiana lord I pray for your divine hand to touch those and are so desperate father we ask in the name of Jesus that America would come together but rancor and the bitterness would disappear Lord let America come together among ourselves and repent and call upon the name of the Lord for revival we ask you Jesus blessed President Trump for calling this National Day of Prayer bless him Lord bless this nation and bless our people in Jesus mighty name amen and amen and amen and amen you may be seated thank you today I want to talk to you about the glory of God and it's not but 1030 in Alabama but I'll try to keep my mind on 11:30 in Jacksonville I just had mark Biltz with me just three weeks ago right before the solar eclipse he came to our church he and I have been friends for a long time and I called him and asked him if he'd come down and talk about the solar eclipse coming up and he did how many of you know Mark Biltz you know the name Mark Biltz he did excellent that day I'm telling you it was powerful he talked about how there was a solar eclipse before Jonah went in and dealt with Nineveh he talked about how that there were solar eclipses there was a solar eclipse before the beginning of world world one he talked about all the different times that there's been solar eclipses and the track that they took and what happened in the aftermath of the solar eclipse it didn't happen on the day the Eclipse but shortly thereafter and I have that it's right here is called the heavens declares by Mark Biltz we taped him at our church there a church of his presence at bay of the Holy Spirit so if you would like to get a DVD of it this is a DVD you'd like to get this DVD I'm going to tell you do yourself a favor it's awesome he gave information that I'd never heard he's brilliant and he's a Jew and he really knows his astronomy and I'm gonna tell you something if you get this you'll want to pass it on to somebody else and let them hear it too right before we had him right before the solar eclipse I just got through preaching a message recently on the the great wonder in heaven which is Revelation 12 the Bible says that Jesus in the book of Revelation Jesus is speaking in red it's in red in Revelation they said Behold there's a great wonder in heaven the Bible never says that about anything else in the scriptures and this was not something that's going to take place yesterday or historically but it was a prophetic word and he said there was a great wonder in heaven and he said the radiant woman clothed with the Sun and the moon at her feet and it talks about how she had 12 stars in her crown and for this time first time ever in history it's become close to happening a number of times especially back in the days of Adam but this has never happened before and September the 23rd the day after Rosh Hashanah it's going to happen on September the 23rd first time in history and the Bible says it was great wonder in heaven and he told what was going to happen and it's never happened before it'll only happen that time and it says it's a great wonder so I'm real suspicious be honest with you tell you the truth I'm real suspicious of this Feast of Trumpets this Rosh Hashanah all the the Jubilees are culminating there's been 40 G believe since the time of Christ 120 since the days of Adam there was a we just celebrated the 50th anniversary of Israel getting Jerusalem back which had to be a Jubilee because Jubilee all the property goes back to the rightful owner 50 years before that in 1917 there was the signing of the Belfour declaration that was the beginning of Israel getting their nation back next year it'll be 70 years and most Bible theologians all agree that a generation is 70 years next year may the 14th Israel will be a nation for 70 years so you've got all the culminations of the Jubilees you've got the the radiant woman you've got the feasts coming up you know Jesus was killed on Passover the feast of Passover Feast of Unleavened bread his body wouldn't decompose feast of firstfruits he became the firstfruits and then the slip he was resurrected on pentecost on the feast of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out trumpets begins to fall feast the other ones it was spring feast the follow feast is started with trumpets and the Bible says ironically that the Lord will come back with the sound of the trumpet atonement the feast of atonement fits perfectly the seven-year tribulation period and Tabernacles fits directly with the millennial reign of Christ for a thousand years so it all tells a story everything tells a story I just got through preaching on a great wonder in heaven we preached it on Friday night it took about an hour and a half to cover it all but it's also a DVD we've got a lot of graphics in there we've got a lot of constellations to stuff in there and I think you'd really enjoy that this morning I'm preaching on the glory of God I believe you'll really enjoy this it's an eye-opener I think for people that don't know much about the glory and then I preached this message some time ago and I just I really feel led talk to you about this because it deals with Leviathan Leviathan is the spirit that fights the prophetic Leviathan is the king of the children of pride a Leviathan spirit I forget how many's in here Tony there's five of them on The Reluctant dragon is called The Reluctant dragon this the spirit of Leviathan man i Priestess of ministers conference up in indianapolis and it really was powerful i'd really like to encourage you to pick it up if you don't know anything about Leviathan it will open your eyes have been tonight the Lord willing I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna preach on tonight I'm gonna hold it I'm gonna let you come back and I'll tell you then I just don't I'm like Donald Trump I don't tell you everything that you know I want you to take your Bibles and stand with me please thank you Tony this handsome guy right here has been traveling me for 20 years that's Tony shy of her right there 20 years that's something I want you to look with me we're together on the screen I always like to stand for the reading of the text I want you to look with me at Exodus 33 and 18 in the King James Version if you'd like to turn there I'd be happy for you to take time and turn believably on the screen and then we're gonna go to huh Baca and it will also be on the screen hi back a 2-14 cut me down just a little bit just to tear them I just feel like I'm a little bit loud thank you that's good right there hey man perfection amen Exodus 33 and 18 and he said I beseech thee show me your glory ibaka says this and this is interesting but the earth shall be filled with the knowledge not it didn't say be filled with the glory said the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and that means before the coming of Christ it'll be filled with the glory now today I want to take my time if I may I don't want to feel like I'm rushed I won't keep you too long I promise you but I need to get this preached and I want you to hear it the glory of God it is so important I don't say this braggadocious Lee I don't say this to draw attention to self but I can say to you that I have experienced the glory of the Lord like many people have but I have experienced the glory of the Lord when I experienced that the first time I didn't know what it was it was the most therapeutic comforting peaceful thing that I have ever experienced and I'll tell you about that in just a moment you may be seated now there's several things that I want to say right up front number one is I want to say that I'm not putting anything above the shared blood of Jesus Christ you understand that I'm not putting anything above the ministry and the person of the Holy Spirit because I have nothing but the deepest most holy respect for the blood and for the person of the Holy Spirit and of course for God the Father and I'm not talking about anything extra biblical here but I don't want to I don't want you to think I'm putting emphasis on something above the Holy Spirit are above the blood but this is nothing extra biblical it's just something that I want you to understand and hear so that when you hear the name or the word glory from now and you can begin to put the pieces together so nothing is greater than the shed blood and nothing takes away our takes the place of the ministry and the person of the Holy Spirit but I'm also not going to diminish the function of the glory of God I asked the Lord recently I said Lord why all this interest now and while this excitement about the glory of God and the Lord said back to me he said didn't I say in my word that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former well ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you we're in the days of the latter house I'm expecting to see a level of the glory of God and like the world has ever seen get ready get ready get ready the glory of God is about to be manifests come on give God [Applause] now let me say this it closely and I want you to listen to me what I'm gonna say so don't misunderstand me but the Holy Spirit is a person the glory of God is not a person the glory of God is not a place the glory of God is an atmosphere or an environment let me say that again now one everybody sink their teeth into it the glory the Holy Spirit is a person but the glory of God is not a person the glory of God is not a place the glory of God is an environment God is everywhere he's omnipresent but he does not manifest his presence everywhere now could I say that again God is omnipresent that mean he's everywhere at one time but he doesn't manifest his presence everywhere the Ark of God that represented the glory of God only dwelt in Israel among the Jews although God dwelt over the whole earth the heathen nations and the other nations even though God was omnipresent where they all were God didn't manifest his presence there like he did among the Jews and he manifested his presence through the ark that was the first glimpse that we got of the glory of God the glory of God usually manifests itself in two areas one where he's worshipped in spirit and truth and two where he's continuously honored and revered God will sometime reveal his glory in two different facets he'll reveal his glory in the Shekinah and the Shekinah usually is his manifest presence to humans through physical manifestations such as fire clouds or light his Chabad the Chabad glory which is his weighty presence means his presence is felt it's a weighty presence that you feel but it's not seen Shekinah means it's seen either in fire clouds or light but the Chabad of God the weighty presence of God is experienced and it's a weighty presence it's felt more than seen those of us that experience brownsville we experience the Chabad of God we experienced his presence it would usually come during worship and Lindell Cooley was our worship leader and the glory of God would usually manifest in the services through worship and it didn't have to be deep deep worship but it would come in many times you could feel the presence of God come in and it felt like heat on your body and that's when he would begin to show up and there'd be healings the glory of God usually comes when there's waiting upon the Lord are many times during the time of preaching at times the glory of God feels comforting much like the comfort of the Holy Spirit at times mostly it's felt as a weighty presence I remember on Father's Day of 95 when the glory of God came into Brownsville peoples called Brownsville a lot of things they've called it the Brownsville revival and the pensacola outpouring the father's day outpouring but i was there from the get-go and let me just tell you what happened real quickly there won't take me three or four minutes but let me say what happened there was a weighty presence of the lord that came into the church that none of us had ever experienced before we had all felt the anointing before we had all functioned under the anointing but we we had talked about the glory but nobody ever experienced the glory so when it came it was new the thing that brought people to Brownsville from all over the world with no advertisement was the glory was the manifest weighty presence of the Lord people started coming they experienced that weighty presence your eyelids would drop many times you'd just be sitting there totally totally totally relaxed totally conscious but just totally weighty under the weighty presence of the Holy Spirit people experienced that and the word travelled around the earth quick because people had never experienced that before they really didn't know what it was I didn't even know what it was but I'm gonna tell you something whenever before revival broke out I just got through preaching a series a 10 part series on the glory of God ironically I just got through preaching on the glory of God ten parts whenever I got through preaching on the glory of God that morning on father's day when the presence of God came in when the glory of God came into Brownsville and nobody touched me and I I went down into the floor and I was down for four hours my church had never seen me in the floor before and I was there as their pastor at that time thirteen years my church had never seen me on the floor and I don't give courtesy falls for anybody but now if the Lord's on me it's real you know when you see John Kilpatrick on the floor you said that's real but anyway I went down on the floor and I was down for four hours and when I hit the floor I could hear everything crystal clear my hearing was totally clear but before I hit the floor my eyelids dropped and I felt that glory come on me and I hit the floor and when I hit the floor and I was laying there it felt like I weighed hundreds and hundreds of pounds it was like I was just being pressed to the floor but it wasn't phobic it wasn't scary at all not at all I couldn't open my eyes my tongue wouldn't even move in my head and that wasn't scary either I was so peaceful and so relaxed that I lay there and I couldn't even say to the Lord I couldn't move my tongue and say to the Lord Lord what is this I had to think it what is this you know and the Lord's got a sense of humor and he said well son this is what you just got through preaching on ten Parts I preached on it but here's what I learned I learned that until you experience something you can preach on it with great authority but you don't even know what you're talking about until you experience it and I think that Pentecostals many years have talked about the glory we talked about different things but we've never experienced it and so when I experienced the glory it was so new to me but whenever I was laying there I remember I could hear everything and I was down for four hours like I said when I built brownsville and we dedicated it in January of 1991 but whenever we built it we were three years in the construction financing and you know the raising of the money and all and the plans architectural but I was under such stress after I built the church that I had stress clicked in the joints of my my shoulders my elbows and my hips I had such stress and Advil or nothing would touch you so whenever I was on the platform that morning and I said Lord what is this and he said well son this is my glory I I was so shocked because I had preached on it but yet I was so shocked to be experiencing it and then I lay there and all these things I've been preaching started coming back to my mind I thought oh my god yes yes yes now I understand because I'm experiencing it but one of the things I experienced was it felt like somebody took and stretched my arms out like that and they felt like they became that much longer than what they are and it felt like my bones separated and I could feel the fluid dripping out of my shoulders not literally fluid it wasn't literally food but it felt like fluid dripped out and God was draining the stress out of me and from that day till this one I've never had another feeling of stress in my body from that day to this one but I was laying there on the floor and I could feel it literally dripping out of me and I thought God somebody's gonna think I've had an accident up here on the stage you know I was up there worried about what people's gonna think about me but the Holy Spirit says no no and all that stress out of you but anyway it was the manifest weighty presence of the Lord so the anointing is not the glory under the anointing that's where you operate and that's where you function that's where you do is under the glory is under the anointing when under the anointing you are in operation the anointing is flowing through you you're preaching under the anointing you're prophesying under the anointing you're laying hands on the sick and the anointing you're ministering in the anointing you're laying hands on people in the anointing Bible says that Jesus said who touched me and when all denied Peters and those at wimps had mastered the multitude Thrones and presses you and you say who touched me Jesus said well somebody touched me before I believe that virtue is gone out of me so the anointing left Jesus in winter that one more the issue of blood he was functioning under the anointing so when we're in the anointing God's working through us but when the glory comes the glory is not the anointing when the glory comes it's God now who is giving you a realm of rest it's where you don't do anything the glory comes it's where you don't do anything you don't need to touch anybody you don't need to prophesy people are refreshed everybody's sitting there they're waiting in the presence of the Lord is the glory of God's just flooding them it's therapeutic you're not functioning under the anointing you're resting in the glory and God desires in this day especially to manifest his glory to his people it's only in the glory that you are renewed when we are in the glory we realize that there's no longer any need to operate in faith are in the anointing because now we're just sitting there receiving in the glory of the Lord so the times that you move on to the norming then there's times that you rest you work under the anointing you rest on the glory and you must learn the difference between the two I want you to listen to me carefully Satan has done a masterful job at getting people busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy you know we get people in how the service we get them out we get them in we get them out I know some churches that held three four or five services on Sunday morning people come in they have to get them out something cleared the parking lot out get everybody in and there's nothing wrong with that of course you've got to get people and get them out but there's no time for the glory of God to come and therapeutically minister to people are you listening to me there's no time for altar time to sit in the presence of Lord during praise and worship and the glory come in that weighty presence comes there's no time to be refreshed and renewed in the glory of the Lord people are threadbare people are weary and the Bible said in the last days that one of the tactics of the Antichrist would be to wear out the saints of the Most High I don't know if you know this or not but everywhere I go people are tired they're threadbare they're worn out we need a revival of the glory of God to come and give us a resurgence of the peace and the rest in the Holy Ghost somebody shot Amen well you know what when I first started traveling when a revival broke out and I start traveling and I I take that series out preached on the glory of God those ten parts and I'd hold it up and start talking about the glory and the glory got to where it come every time I started talking about the product when people got on the glory and we couldn't even continue on with the service I had to leave that series at home because every time I started talking about the glory it would come don't be surprised this morning hallelujah ha ha ba ba ba sapa don't be surprised this more if when we start talking about the glory let the peace of God and the rest of God and the weighty presence of the Lord begins to come in this house come on give him praise everybody look yes Lord send your glory there's been a lot of things that we've read in the Bible that we really didn't know what we was reading for example let me give you a good a good illustration Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died three sets of 40 s 40 80 120 God divided his life up into three sets of 40 s the Bible says Moses the servant of the Lord died in the land of Moab how did he die heart attack no stroke no how did he die according to the word of the Lord God had to give him a command to die why I'll tell you in just a minute God then buried him in the valley of my web over against Beth pure but no man knows of his Sepulcher to this day Moses is 120 years old when he died his eyes was not dim his natural forces had not abated why listen to me everybody listens to me the last 40 years of his life when he led Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness as soon as they got in the wilderness the glory appeared and his body soaked in all that glory and it took him all that long time and God had to give him the command to die because if he hadn't he just kept on living now hear me y'all need to hear me if God hadn't had given him the word and commanded him to die die Moses the last 40 years of his life when he led the children of Israel through the wilderness they had the pillar of fire by night the pillar of cloud by day Moses Joshua Aaron all of them were in the presence of the Lord the children of Israel were under the presence of the Lord and listen to this when they came out of Egyptian bondage many children were born when they came out of Egyptian bondage because many of those women out of two and a half million people many of those women were pregnant so as soon as they got out in the wilderness they had these babies gave birth in the wilderness to these babies and when these babies got up four or five years old all they had ever known was the wilderness and the glory all they had ever known was a pillar of fire by night pillar of cloud by day those kids were used to at nighttime when the Sun went down there's a pillar of fire up there and it's the glory of the Lord in the daytime it was a pillar of cloud all those kids had ever known all their whole life by the time they got ready to go into the Promised Land all they had ever known was the glory of God they didn't want the manna to dry up they didn't want that rock to go away they didn't want the glory of God to go away God said I'm gonna give you a good landing City good land they said that's okay but don't take your glory from us I tell you we have not known the glory of God if we had we would be in the glory of God more than what we are what Moses was 120 Bible says I wasn't dim he didn't wear glasses and he didn't need viagra I'll leave that right where it is here's 120 years old the Lord so calm I have to give you the word to die in the glory you're covered with such a mantle of supernatural immunity to sickness and things wearing out and the wilderness Israel's clothes wouldn't even wear out in the glory now listen to me carefully I want you to hear this this is very important in the glory as long as you're in the glory of the Lord you can't die as long as you're in the glory of the Lord things don't wear out look at this scripture Moses called all Israel to him he's getting ready to die now and he said unto all of Israel he said now you've seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt under Pharaoh and all the servants and all this land the great temptation which your eyes have seen the signs and those great miracles yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear into this day he said and I have led you 40 years in the wilderness your clothes have not waxed old why listen the clothes wouldn't wear out because the glory was on the threads I got to come down here to make sure you're getting this he said and the shoe on your feet has not waxed old why because the glory and the glory things don't wear out listen to this when God came to Moses the first time and started talking in the bush what did the Bible say the bush wouldn't be burned up why because in the glory there's no destruction you listening to me that's why I'm telling you in the church were in the church today the body of Christ today I don't think we really understand how important the glory is that the Lord wants to lower to become that important to us it's like the Lord has me out here on the cutting edge right now and I don't say that braggadocious Lee but it's like the Lord has me out here on the cutting edge and I'm talking about the glory and I'm getting people's attention talking about the glory and it's like it hasn't fully happened yet and it's not really fully involved yet but the Lord's telling me to tell the church the glory is coming I want you to be educated about it when it comes you won't be surprised Oh God let the glory of God come upon the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days listen to this in the beginning when God engineered man and made him God engineered man engineered his skeleton engineered his soul the network of his thought processes God engineered the way his bones move God engineered the way the blood pumps all the organs of the body and when God made man and put him in the garden he was always naked what was he clothed with the glory and there's no telling how long Adam and Eve what was God totally naked totally naked never had any inferiority never had anything about them that they felt shame but as soon as they ate of the fruit the forbidden fruit that the Lord told them not to eat of sin came in and the glory lifted off of them that weighty presence that that comfort that weightiness of the presence of the Lord that God engineered us to wear his glory we were made by the hand of God to be clothed with the glory of God and when that lifted off of mankind ever since that time mankind has been reaching trying to bring back that weighty feeling he's reached for money he's reached for investments he's reached for sex alcohol drugs trying to get that feeling back it only comes back by being rightly related to God Almighty and through the blood of Christ the reason why people are so uncomfortable today and they're so miserable today and they're searching is because they're missing the glory yes you're born again by the Holy Spirit yes your sins are washed away by the blood but the thing that we have bypassed is the Ministry of God's presence the glory of the Lord our forefathers understood the glory our foremothers understood the glory those that's gone before us they used to say preach until the glory comes and in those brush harbors and those ten meetings and those old church Tabernacles and early America the preacher would preach especially on Sunday night and when they'd preach and the glory of God would fill the place they'd stop preaching and people would come to the front set in the floor sit on the altars and just sit there sometime for hours at a time just basking in the glory of God they understood the glory today the modern day Church does not understand the glory we understand preaching we understand worship we understand buildings we understand fellowship we understand suppers we understand all that stuff but we don't know what the glories about we need to start planning on coming to church and being willing to spend a little bit of time until the glory of God comes and refreshes us and invigorates us again they then wait upon the Lord shall renew their drink they show maritime huh lift your hands I feel it in here right now my god stand up just a minute to lift your boys come on everybody Wow Wow at em I promise uh no no um I under come on lift your voice [Applause] but Laura Monday hey underhall about your day come on worship Him I feel the rest of the Lord coming in this place today look man feel that I said fuel and rest rest weighty presence of the glory you may be seated by Rondo Roberto Bader on a Honda horribie hey and Oh ha ha ha ha Amanda hobo son on Aleman durable kuttappa Mei Shi de la la basura baba give me just another minute come on I need you to help me come on I can go on but I need you to help me here Keter baba coorporate with the presence of the Lord come on whoa ha ha ha ha ha ha ba ba ba ba ba ba [Music] who feel that feel that feel that that's the glory my god that's the glory send your glory Lord Liu ji mama Honda Obama Sutra book a little boy on tape well I'm sorry staying with me one more time we got to get into this I feel this oh come on one more time here Lily Lily under horrible baba under Barack Obama by Andrew bah-bah-bah yeah yes yes Lord [Music] man all of my hunger over yonder Laboy Hyundai shuttle bus a cut above a Bosch man I know what you're feeling friend I can feel that I can feel it come on church come on help me I'm not worried about preaching I'm worried about you getting in his presence come on I'll finish in a minute but let's get in his presence say Lord Sun Allah ba-ba-ba-ba-ba SATA Papa may we need the glories we need the glory we need the glory we need the glory all of us a toughie you be seated [Music] man I can see in the atmosphere in this building the presence of the Lord is thickening in this room I can see it it's okay just let the Lord touch you you might be sitting here and you might say brother Kilpatrick I don't understand this well don't you think it's time we experience something we don't understand I mean we'd go through things all the time I'm saying how my TV works I don't understand how my phone works but I think it's good that sometime we come to church and we don't understand but you say Lord I know this is you I receive what you're doing let's look at Adam for just a minute how long was Adam with the Lord and Eve before they send and made it forbidden fruit we don't know but you know what the Bible says after he ate it forbidden fruit which is the fruit of the good knowledge of the tree of good and evil tree of the knowledge of good and evil death set in right then and that's when the glory lifted off of them and they started reaching big leaves and the Lord said who told you is naked they were clothed God engineered man to be clothed with a glory no shame no embarrassment no intimidation no inferiority we're framed and engineered by God to be clothed with the glory when Adam and Eve sinned here's what happened they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil into the devil immediately tried to maneuver them over to the Tree of Life here's what the Lord said he said now lest they eat also of the tree of life and live forever God had to drive them from the garden if they would have ate in that damned condition that fallen condition of the tree of life it meant that they would have been forever in that damned condition was not the ability to die so it's God's grace that were able to die it's his mercy that we're able to die if they would have aided that tree when the Bible says God when angels there were flaming swords and then the Bible says God drove man from the garden you know why he drove him from the garden there's one answer because God came down every day and visited with Adam and Eve and when God came down his glory would come man would soak up all that glory and the Bible says that Methuselah lived to be 969 years but no Adam lived to be 930 years old why did he live so long because he met with God every day and soaked in that glory you took a fish out of water he don't die immediately it take him a while you dig up a tree out of the ground toss it over to the side it won't die immediately it may take it a week or two today when you take a man out of the presence of God like Adam was in the presence of God and the Lord's not there anymore it took him nine hundred thirty years to die that's why God had to give the word - no - Moses times up had to give the command for him to doctors just kept on living because they have soaked up so much of God's presence as glory things can't die in the glory how do I know that you remember the Lord said to Elijah hey he said I won't send a taxicab after you I'm gonna send poober after you Bible says that an angel came up in a chariot and there was some kind of a vortex some kind of supernatural war Tech and they said it sucked Elijah up in that chariot and as he took off he had promised Allah she said I'll leave you my mantle and as they were going up up almost disappeared he leaned over and dropped that mantle down to Elijah on the earth but could I tell you something Elijah has been up there for a couple of three thousand years his mind is still working his heart still beating his bones his teeth his eyes and everything are still functioning why because he's in the glory he can't die think about it he can't die and I believe you'll come back one day as one of the two witnesses in the book of Revelation because it's appointed unto man wants to die and you'll come back during the tribulation and be one of those witnesses killed in the streets of Jerusalem and the whole world will see it and they'll rejoice whenever these witnesses are killed but they don't know they're gonna be resurrected in three days but Elijah is still in heaven in the presence of the glory and it can't die he's in his natural body but he can't die think about this just for a minute when Jesus was here it was such a shock to the disciples because all only way the disciples had ever known Jesus was under the anointing that's the only way they ever knew him I want you to put scripture on the screen for me about Jesus it said it came to pass after eight days after these sayings he took Peter John and James and went up into a mountain to pray and as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was altered and his raiment was white and glittering and look what it says in the next verse and behold there talked with him two men which were Moses and Elijah now let me just stop right there which two men experienced the glory of God Moses God had to give him the command to die and Elijah still in his natural body look at the next verse who appeared in glory these two guys appeared with Christ in glory they didn't appear in heaven with him they appeared on the earth in an atmosphere of glory and spake of his deceased which he should accomplish at Jerusalem but Peter when they that were with him were heavy with sleep let me just stop right there what happens when the glory comes you're totally awake but it looks like you're sleep what happened to me so many times at Brownsville y'all remember me a lot of times on the platform I couldn't keep my head up couldn't keep my eyelids up and I was laying over on the seat beside me on the platform so many times people thought I was sleeping I was totally wide-awake I just couldn't I didn't have the strength to keep my eyes up and keep my head up it said in Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep and when they were awake they saw his glory in the two minutes - they're with him now look this way just for a minute the only way these disciples had ever known Christ was him operating and functioning in the anointing this is the first time they saw him in the glory and his raiment remember what Moses said he said your feet your shoes wouldn't wear out and your garments wouldn't wear out one of the things that the Bible says about Jesus when he was in the glory said his robe blistered glistening blistered it meant that the glory has the ability to get in your fabric of your clothes and shine and radiate could I tell you one other thing you remember Moses after he met with the Lord they came down from the mountain the Bible says he had to wear a veil over his face why because of the glory of God that was so strong in his face his face was manifesting the glory of God in his face he had to wear a veil over his face to hide his face because people couldn't even look at him he had soaked up enough of the glory of God by being with the Lord that it was showing in his face now listen to this a human is the only one that God ever made that has a countenance an elephant don't have a countenance a rhinoceros don't have a countenance a horse doesn't have a countenance only a human being has a countenance what does accountant's mean it means this many square inches right here this many square inches where your countenance will manifest what you're going through and what you're experiencing if you're worried your countenance is sad if you're happy your countenance is glad if your being touched by the Lord you're glowing with the glory of the Lord shut up on the bus on top can you shout Amen bless while the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah I'm gonna close here just few minutes while the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah arise shine for thy light is calm and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee and shall be what shall be seen upon thee let me tell you what I believe I can't prove this but I believe this I believe before the coming of the Lord somewhere in the nations of the earth maybe multiple places but I believe somewhere in the nations of the earth there's going to be places that's going to be so open and so seeking the glory of the Lord that the glory of the Lord will start manifesting and he's going to start manifesting as light and the Bible says the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee and shall be seen upon thee I believe kids will be riding down the road in the back seat the car say daddy look what is that and they'll slam on brakes and look at it look like the churches on fire but it's not burning it'll be the glory of the or burning in the house of God and how come on give God pray I believe they'll be churches glowing just glowing with the glory of God give me Isaiah for Aaron right quick I'm gonna bring this to a close in just a minute look at Isaiah chapter 4 y'all give me just two more minutes that was pitiful y'all give me a few more minutes it's Labor Day you out there wrists and I'm Labor and praise God I want you to look at this passage of Scripture you know today we hear a lot of talk you take that off the screen cuz people looking at screen instead of me listen to this we hear a lot of talk about terrorism Isis presidents prime ministers kings and queens wringing their hands Pope wringing their hands Isis oh my god Oh what we're going to do oh lord have mercy what we'll do what we're going to do oh my goodness they're infiltrating they're killing their beheading I think I may have an answer look at this when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the myths there out by the spirit about spirit of burning and the Lord will create upon every dwelling place the mountain Zion upon her sim is a cloud of smoke by day and shining a flaming fire by night for upon all the glory shall be for defense you know what I believe you know what's gonna keep people in church services in these last days the Glory's gonna be so strong the terrorists can't get in there I said the glory of God will be so strong in places that wants it and believes in it and will welcome it the glory of God will be so strong it's gonna be a defense it'll be a built-in defense you won't have to have armed guards and terms you won't have to help us you're sitting around with a pistol in there saw our pistol in there bill you'll have the glory of God there that'll keep them out and I tell you that people of God will be refreshed and renewed and invigorated in these last days by the presence of the glory of God what I wanna I'm jumped ahead of a bunch of things but I'm gonna cover this real quick and then we're gonna pray but I'm gonna read you some scriptures before I quit and it's a good amount of scriptures but I want to give you scriptures in the Bible about the glory let me just give them to you quickly I cut some of this other stuff short so I'd have time to give them to you and Exodus Moses and Aaron said the children of Israel that evening you shall know that the Lord has brought you out from the land of Egypt and in the morning you shall see the glory of the Lord now let's just stop right there just for a minute they just now they hadn't seen the glory yet remember what you remember what Moses said to God he said Lord he said I'm not going unless your glory your presence goes with us remember that now go back to verse 6 it says at evening you'll know that the Lord has brought you up out of the land of Egypt but now in the morning he said you're gonna see the glory of the Lord for the first time look at the next passage of Scripture it came to pass as their inspector the whole congregation the children of Israel they look toward the wilderness and oh my goodness behold the glory of the Lord appeared for the first time and the cloud bastard first shot they got of his the first glimpse they got of his glory could be seen he came to pass his air inspection of the whole congregation of children Israel they looked toward the wilderness and behold the glory the Lord appeared in the cloud and it came to pass it evening the quails came up and covered the camp and in the morning the dew lay round about the hosts Exodus chapter 40 then a cloud covered the tent the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud abode on the tent and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and when the cloud was taken up from open the tabernacle the children Israel went on their way on their journey but if the cloud was not taken up they didn't journey till it was taken up the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day the fire on it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journey they had a manifest sighting of the glory if it was nighttime they could see it if there's daytime they could see it they could see the every body and presence of the glory of the Lord with them what did Moses say I'm not going unless you go with us I'm not going unless your presence goes with us in Leviticus Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation he came out and blessed the people and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people fire came out from before the Lord and consumed upon the altar of the burnt offering and the fat which when all the people saw they shouted to fell on their faces numbers they said to one another let us make a captain Israel did and let us return to Egypt Moses near and film their faces before all the Assembly and they cried out to God but the congregation bade stone Moses and Aaron with stones and the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle before all the children Israel so the glory protected Moses and Aaron from the children of Israel stoning them the glory protected them in Exodus after 14 verses 19 and 20 the angel of the Lord which went before the camp of Israel removed and went behind them and the pillar of the cloud went before their face and stood behind them and it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel and it was a cloud and darkness to them but he gave light by night to Israel so that the one came not near the other all night long it came to pass that in the morning watch the Lord looked under the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and through the cloud and troubled the host of the Egyptians verse 27 says Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea and the sea returned to its strength when the morning appeared in the Egyptians fled against it the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea how did he do it were the power of the glory look at first Kings it came to pass when the priests came out of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the Lord so that the priests could not stand to Minister because of the cloud for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord look at songs o God thou art my god early will I seek thee my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where there's no water to see thy power and my glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary Isaiah said the post of the door moved and the voice of him that cried in the house was filled with smoke smoke is also a sign of the glory not fire nor sacrifice but smoke of God's presence like a fog it shall blossom abundantly the Bible says in Isaiah and rejoice even with joy and singing the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it the excellency of Carmel and Sharon they shall see the glory of the Lord in the excellency of our God Isaiah 60 arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee for behold darkness shall cover the earth gross darkness the people but the Lord shall rise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee Ezekiel our rose and went forth in the plain and behold the glory of the Lord stood there Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord stand there and the glow the Lord and the glory which I saw by the river Chebar I fell on my face Ezekiel also said the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub and stood over the threshold of the house and the house was filled with the cloud and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord's glory Ezekiel also said in verse 2 and behold the glory of God the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east his voice was like the noise of many waters and the earth shined with his glory ezekiel then brought me the way of the north gate before the house and i looked and behold the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord and I fell upon my face let's go to the New Testament quickly I've left out so many I can't read them all the Bible says Jesus was transfigured before them his face did shine like Moses face shone his face his countenance shine as the Sun and his raiment was white as the light while he yet spake a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice came out of the cloud which said this is my son in whom I'm well pleased Luke they were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field look at this at the birth of Christ keeping watch over their flocks this is the pronouncement by Gabriel about the birth of Jesus and lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them even announcing Christ's birth and they were so afraid why were they afraid never knew anything like that before never seen anything shine like that never seen anything brilliant like that before it's the glory look at this an acts about Stephen this is in Acts chapter 7 verse 2 he's just starting to preach this is Stephen his first deacon he said men and brethren and fathers hearken the glory of God appeared unto our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in cherĂ¡n look we're in chapter 7 verse 2 this is Stephen the first deacon he standing there talking about the glory of the Lord and he didn't realize before that chapter was over they was going to be killing him with stones and he was gonna see the glory of the Lord that was seven verse to look at chapter 7 verse 55 he being full of the Holy Ghost lift up steadfastly in heaven and the Bible said he saw the glory he was talking about it in verse 2 but they started stoning him and by the time the chapter was over he saw the glory of God and he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father look at Psalm 73 $24.00 guide me without counsel and afterward received me into glory what's jesus called he's called the king of glory look at Paul this is interesting with Paul maybe you never saw this before as he journeyed he came near to Damascus and suddenly there shine round about Paul saw a light from heaven that was the glory light shining that's the manifestation of the glory he knew as a Jew about the glory he had studied about it now Paul is telling his own story after he had that experience so now in chapter 22 of Acts it said it came to pass as I made my journey I was come nigh to Damascus about noon and suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me and when I could not see for the glory of that light he said it was the glory for the glory of that light he said we saw we've always read that a bright light blinded Saul and scales come over his eyes and we just thought it was a bright light but now we're understanding it was the glory he said I could not see for the glory of that light and look at this this is my last scripture of Romans therefore we were buried with him by baptism unto death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life so listen to this in closing when you see the glory you always hear these adjectives cloud fire smoke bright brightness light shone shine white these are just a few of the adjectives to describe the glory of the Lord now listen to the scripture one more time I'm gonna let you go when I give you the scripture Haggai chapter 2 verse 9 the glory this is a prophecy the glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former sit the Lord of Hosts in this place notice what he says in this place I'll give peace oh look what he says one worth that the glory of the latter house of Israel will be greater than the former man they were some great things happen to Israel the ark Lord fighting for him Shekinah the blood sprinkled on the art mercy seat and the Shekinah glory of God exploded but the Lord said in the last days he said that the glory of the ladder will be greater it will exceed that of anything that Israel or the church has ever known God said in this place I'll give peace I release peace in the name of Jesus Christ matter of fact I released the glory of the Lord over evangelist in leaned over the sanctuary over this campus the entire campus I released the glory of the Lord to be here that will drive away hurricanes I speak in the name of Jesus protection for Jacksonville I speak in the name of Jesus such a release of the glory of the Lord that nothing shall come now your dwelling and that the Lord shall keep you in perfect and abundant peace those of you that are here today and you're troubled about many things those of you here today you're weighted down with the cares of this life I speak right now that the glory of the Lord began to form I remember one night at Brownsville I thought that service was over I mean I thought the revival is over we came out there Lindell sang and there was nothing in the house there was no anointing there was no presence there whatsoever Steve got up to preach and it was like we had never been in revival and I thought to myself my God my god I guess it's over and just that quick just like turning on a dime that service turned it was raining outside the crowd wasn't all that good but I found out one thing many times God will show up and manifest himself when he takes her buddy by surprise crowds not that good seems like the service is a dead service things will turn just like that and I looked on the top of the church and it looked like somebody been smoking in the church it a little like you know some people have been smoking and the smoke had gathered up in the top of that church is built like a big teepee and I loved and it started swirling on the top of the church and I looked and it started falling from the top of the church it just came on out in the church like that and just form like a heavy fog and just started falling on the congregation and the first news you know everybody was laying a flat of their face in the sanctuary the glory of the Lord did fill the house Oh Lord let your glory feel evangelist simply of God let your glory Lord fill in the homes of those hearing this message today father we desire your glory we covet your glory and we ask your glory to come now in Jesus mighty name everybody said amen amen I don't know my son don't let's stand together everyone slip your hands up everyone all across this sanctuary everyone online come on lift your hands hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in this place you will give peace the glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former we welcome your presses we welcome the manifestation of your glory hi Lila Holly Lou Holly [Music] show me show me your glory just cry that up show me [Music] jeez [Music] make that your prayer referred to teaching we've heard the preacher diminished make it your common prayer [Music] Oh long to say in your prayers is [Music] to say [Music] Oh [Music] to say [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh show me [Music]
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 62,608
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: LEc0Ev3fSqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 19sec (4939 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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