7 Steps to the Anointing: Brownsville Revival- Pastor John Kilpatrick. 9-15-1996

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sigma verse one more time [Music] don't get satisfied or used to what the Lord is doing if you think this is all there is what we have now this is not it not all of it because God is calling us to be radically sometimes there's gonna be a line it's gonna be a live drawn and we're gonna have to make a deeper commitment to the coming years because the the Bible says that she would be without spot Lord create your fire [Music] one Christian Lord [Music] Oh she drops a comet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] - bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spear the hard we bow before you we say bring the two-edged sword and further Devine - with this world as a part Lord [Music] in your sight [Music] [Music] like one or two things is about to happen and both of them are great I still I got a sneaking feeling like one or two things is about to happen if both of us break either either God is going to perpetuate this revival and it's going to keep going deeper and deeper and higher and higher and longer and longer or either the clouds are about to split and Jesus is about to come [Applause] matter of fact let's go ahead through this now get everything broke loose dick get the shofar hey man brother Mike come on up here read that scripture again bring it to our people today hallelujah how many of you believe Jesus is about to come just to take just a moment no one should listen to something friend God's given us two of the most remarkable Jewish men in the midst in the Messianic yeah in the Messianic Jewish world today God's given us two of the most powerful Messianic Jewish men evangelists to be here with us in this revival and this is God listen friend everything that's happened here there wasn't no there wasn't us we didn't sit down and draw out of schematic for this revival it was all stumbled on God just sent these men he sovereignly called him he's in this place powerfully for some reason and he sent us these two powerful Jewish men and I didn't know dick could blow the shofar but he can manufacturing blow up better needed the other ones I've heard blow it and mike has a and of course dick is an able teacher of the word naval preacher of the word mike is such a tremendous man of God but he read this to us Friday night in a three hundred and thirty third service that we had and then dick sounded the shofar this morning I just feel in my spirit that we're so close to either God doing I'm talking about phenomenal mind-blowing things in this revival are either his coming is just it's approaching so quickly now his coming is so quick we're coming up now before you can turn around and get it to be Christmas and then before you turn around good it'll be Easter again before you turn around gonna be Labor Day again the years are clicking off every week we turn around there's another week knocked down and revival the weeks are flying by and God's sending in the souls and God sitting in the preachers and they're being mildly touched they're going back out across America the world and wherever they're going now they're beginning to preach for souls are beginning to fish for men I believe there's a last day harvest going on right now for them that's remarkable this before pastor says what he said I was standing there on the platform hearing myself say these words to all of you as my wife and I are in the process of selling our house in Maryland and relocating to be here and as I'll be with you here regularly through the you know from here on God willing and I heard myself saying these words to you that that speaking for my wife and I if this does not get deeper and more radical will all be deeply disappointed deeply did listen I cry my eyes out here just the same as you do each night I'm blown away I get on my face and thank God he's allowing me to be part of I tell the brothers all the time I hug them I said thank God he's allowing us to be part of this that's my heart but but listen we're still scratching the surface in terms of what God's ready to do we're listen if the crowds don't grow all over the place if the conviction doesn't get heavier if it doesn't hit the streets if we don't equip Labor's is sent around the world we've missed it this is the beginning and and when I was asked to read the scripture I didn't read from verse 1 I just read verse 3 Jeremiah 33:3 but I was just quickened to go back and read the context the first couple of verses just listen to this I believe this is prophetic for us while Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard the word of the Lord came to him a second time this is what the Lord says he who made the earth the Lord who formed it and established it the Lord as his name just as we sang this is my father's world then verse 3 call to me I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know and what I believe the spirits saying is this is still confined it's spreading around America the fires spreading tons of people hundreds of thousands of people are being touched all over and God saying it's still confined that it's about ready to burst it's about ready to burst and the Spirit says call to me take this as a personal word from God to you William Carey said expect great things from god the father of modern missions expect great things from God attempt great things for God right now right understand this in the last six years one third of all church growth in the history of the world has taken place in the last six years to understand that do you understand things are happening now every day that have never happend before 16,000 new church is being planted every week 78,000 estimated conversions around the world every day and this is almost all spirit filled Holy Ghost signs and wonders gospel it still can find we're still at the early stages it's still getting ready to burst as stevis is what's going to happen when all the physical miracles start taking place where you going to put the people what's gonna happen when it spills out on the courtyards what's going to happen when it hits the bingo halls in the striptease places what's gonna happen when it hits the bars what's gonna happen when it hits Capitol Hill [Applause] great and monie things which you do not know in good southern terms god is fixing to do something radical so if the shofar class comes let it be a wake-up call for those that are still slumbering in the old ways let it be a wake-up call to the day the season that we're in let it be a wake-up call I'm gonna believe you gon I'm gonna believe you God I'm gonna pray like I never pray that I'm gonna cry out like I never cried out I'm gonna seek your face until every last kingdom of darkness falls and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and Messiah call to me take this home take it home put it under your pillow put on your walls put it in front of your car call to me and I will answer you don't let me god moody says when he stands before God the first amazing thing is gonna be the most wonderful thing the greatest wonder he's gonna see the face of Jesus he said the next most amazing thing will be that I use the power of prayer so little oh man let's go for it let's go for it every time I see God moving in here it just encourages my heart to believe for the impossible to believe for the impossible let's go for it friends listen Lee don't look to what man can do don't look to it man can you look to what God can do so as the shofar blast comes let the cry go up the cry that's going to go up when we see the Lord return with that very same shofar blast let the cry and let God take you up into his glory and bring you into the realm where all things are possible to him who believes thank you Jesus before we sound the shofar I just want to share something for just a moment the other evening it was there three hundred and thirty-third service here brother Mike read from Jeremiah chapter 33 and verse three but the Lord spoke to me about Ezekiel 33 and I believe in him then what brother Lindell said just a moment ago in Ezekiel 33 verse 3 if when he seeth the sword come upon the land he blow the trumpet and warn the people that whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his head he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him but he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul there's a great warning going across this nation I heard this morning there was a sword that was ready to fall the sword is falling brother and it's the sword of the anointing and it's going to divide from north to south east and west and if the sound of the trouble we want to begin to shout this morning we want to break those strongholds because the sword Paul I walked over to Steve just a moment ago and I just kept feeling something about spirit and I didn't want to say it but the spear the Lord just keeps speaking of our heart that there's a sword the sword of the word of god the lord sword is coming into our midst but there's gonna be a division and there's gonna be a strong division because there's too many people that still have too much junk that they're holding on to and for God to move in this world like he wants to move the stuff's gotta go and there's a place of decision coming as the sword begins to fall a place of decision that you decide on in out because this mamby-pamby pansy christianity we've known is coming to an end and it's gonna make some people let me explain something's gonna make some people mad it's gonna offend your heart it's gonna offend your spirit because all the people you thought were so radical and you thought I don't know if I'm quite there that's gonna be demanded of us because the sword is falling and the Lord said are you for me or are you against me too to come against these powers of hell in this nation and for a viable to come things have got to go and I just say to you Holy Spirit whatever you need to do with me Lord just cut it off I don't want it show me Lord here all to me and I'll hear your word Lord hallelujah I want you to listen whatever he sounds is shofar I want you to lift up your hands I want you lift up your voices and I want you to let the devil know that everything he's put on you is broken off in the name of Jesus come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Russian facility the wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen folks I'm on preach in just a minute but we're not in too big of a hurry not to praise the Lord just take a few minutes and just keep loving on him and loving on him come on yes I love you Jesus holy holy Lord holy Lord [Music] swimming [Music] [Music] to Jesus thank you Jesus that was a word from God [Music] I will bless Lee [Music] my soul [Music] in the chorister of my [Music] I will bless to [Music] it's within me I will bless some [Music] [Music] be glorified Lord Jesus be glorified [Music] sale or a bundle or tofu [Music] I will bless the Lord [Music] hallelujah I don't take your Bibles just keep standing please and honor of the word we're going to preach this morning till we get through y'all stay with me alleluiah I'm gonna go back and recap just a little bit of last week's because I've got a good run on I've only covered two points I've got seven points that means they got five to go so I'm gonna have to rush but I want to get it all in this morning because next week I've got another message that I want to bring to you the powerful message shoes don't miss next Sunday and don't miss next week of the revival amen I believe Steve Hills preaching better and better and better all the time man was anointing on that man exodus chapter 25 i know that this is a little bit different from some of those for some of the those of you that is not really used to the old testament and some of you this new converts this may be a little bit difficult if you doesn't stand it first but as you listen holy spirit will take it and he'll show you the truth of it and you'll understand it as we go along amen Exodus chapter number 25 and verse 1 the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart you shall take my offering and this is the offering which you shall take of them gold and silver and brass I want you to receive blue purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats hair RAM skins dyed red and badger skins and Shyam wood all for the light spices for the anointing oil and for sweet incense onyx stones and stones to be set if awed and in the breastplate and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them according to all that I show thee after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall you make it and then it goes on down and it begins to tell what God wanted them to make him and on everything in that Tabernacle worship there were dimensions specific dimensions given to Moses the size of the rods the length album the length of every piece of wood how they were to be overlaid with what everything was measured the altar was measured the ark was measured the box was measured everything everything was measured but one thing and I'll tell you about that in just a few minutes you may be seated what we're doing is we're talking about a journey into the anointing of the Holy Ghost and I'm gonna have to really go through this quickly because I don't want to get bogged down in material that I've already covered but I'd like to ask please there's a little moving in and out as possible and we are going to be going well into probably about one o'clock so I want to go and let you know that I will try to stop by one o'clock no matter where I am but don't please don't have any moving in and out because it's so distracting if you must leave please go ahead and leave now and let's don't have any distractions and in the end the preaching of the word we're talking about a journey into the anointing of the Holy Ghost and I want to tell you that you will receive an anointing when you get to where God is amen if you go where God is if you go where God dwells and your heart is right there is a seven step process that will guarantee you the anointing in the seven step process it is a picture and a pattern that God gave to Moses to reveal to Moses so that the children of Israel could be in the loop of how God thinks how God sees how God does and what God will do and what God will not do so God began to give the material to Moses that he expects it to go into swelling place and I just give these real quick don't try to take notes because you won't have time he talked about gold and the gold represents his divinity talked about silver and the silver represents his Redemption the brass usually talks about his suffering he said there's going to be blue purple scarlet and fine linen which is white and then there's going to be goats hair the blue is usually symbolic of Jesus the Son of God he came from heaven the color blue purple represents the king and his royalty scarlet represents the suffering Savior even you remember whenever the spies were let down off of a scarlet robe through Rahab the prostitute the harlot in Israel's early days as Joshua begin to come in and get ready for the walls of Jericho to fall she let them down on a scarlet robe and that scarlet is our way of escape the scarlet the suffering Savior is our escape from sin the fine line the fine linen speaks of Jesus the perfect and the pure man the goats hair speaks of Jesus the Prophet and if you look we talked about purple we talked about scarlet and blue and white and it's our it's ironic that there's four colors there and there's also four Gospels the Bible says that Matthew in writing presented Jesus as king he presented Jesus as purple and Luke presented Jesus as the perfect sinless man the humanity of Christ he talked about him in the whiteness the fine linen and Mark presented Jesus as the suffering Savior he presented Jesus as the Scarlet and then John represented Jesus and introduced him as the Son sent from heaven and he talked about Jesus the color blue the Rams hides dyed red is symbolic whenever Abraham turned around and saw that there was a substitute called in the thicket for his son Isaac he took Isaac off the altar and there was around there and he slew the RAM and that Rams skin dyed red took Israel's mind back to Abraham as that skin was dyed red representing the shed blood of that realm and Jesus is to be the sacrificial sacrifice taking the place of any human so the badger skins also are like porpoise skins they are very plain they're not exotic like a raccoon hide or a raccoon skin you know fur leopard skins and other things like that nothing that would attract a badger skin is very plain very Bazo and if you looked at the tabernacle from outside you would see a tent a big tent in the wilderness when it wasn't all that big but it's a big tent in the wilderness and it was badger skins all the way out and in part of that it was open air it was called the courtyard and then as you begin to move past the courtyard into the holy place it was overlaid with those skins and then the different colors again were represented and then after you passed that you went into the holy place the most holy place rather and that's where the Ark of the Covenant was that's where the priests went in the high priest went in once a year and offered the the blood for the sacrifice as a sacrifice for the people's sins now I want to just tell you this real quick it's interesting that as you notice there was only one gate that Tabernacle in the wilderness had those badger skins all the way around on the outside those badger skins were very plain and looking at the things of God from outside there's nothing attractive about the things of God matter of fact turned with me real quick to Matthew chapter 13 I want to show you something there while we're talking about this Matthew chapter number 13 I want to show you something interesting I feel Bible here talks about I'll have to lay my finger on they can't see it right at the moment about the man bought the field treasure buried in the field you see that handy verse 45 verse 44 the Bible says again the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field the which when a man has found he hide it and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has and buys the field look at this now verse 44 he talks about a treasure hid in a field hid in a field so this man when he's found that treasure he he hides and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has and buys the field I want to tell you something we're talking about the things of God here folks and in talking about the things of God when you look at those badger skins outside you just look at the things of God you see those old dry badger skins there's nothing about the things of God to the world that looks attractive matter of fact people wonder you know what in the world are they stand out in lying far outside that church why do they do that what what's in there you know there's a bunch of fanaticism they make their judgments without even coming and to look at it it looks so drab you know how could they sit through that sermon how could they sit through all that singing I don't see what they see that's that's the badger skins see on the outside that the world drives by by the thousands daily it looks over this way and other churches and they think ah you know they just invented for the money in there just this and that the other all that old religious stuff I don't care about that it's bad your skins to the world the Bible says that the god of this world is blinded the mind of unbelievers they're blinded they can't see what we see you've got to be in Christ to see the things of God you've got to be in Christ you got to come in and see and boy once you come in oh it's wonderful it but you see the Bible says that this man found the treasure and he found it hidden in a field in the Bible said he went he hid it and he went and sold all that he had he sold out to buy that field I want to tell you this real quick and I've said this before in years past but I want you to listen carefully friends there's a lot of things in church that the grieves mean do you get hurt in church you know you can get eat up and spit out in church I've got hurt so many times there's been so many times I've been up behind the pulpit preaching with a broken heart bleeding there's been times that I've I've even contemplated when I first got the ministry in my first church I saw such a lack of fruit of the Spirit and Christians lives that I found myself one day out in front of the railroad depot I pulled my car up there and a man had promised me a job at the railroad if I'd ever wanted a job at the railroad he said you can go up quick and after about a year or so pastoring I saw such a lack of fruit and Pete and Christians lives and I thought my god if this is all there is in church you know man I'm bailing out I'm not gonna put my family through this and I don't have to go through this man these people run in my days and I pulled up outside that railroad depot but the Holy Spirit reminded me whenever I left my secular job and put my helm that car handled I said Lord I'll never turn and I'll never go back to the things of the world earn my living by I'm in the ministry and I'll stay there come hell or high water thick or thin and I said that in a minute and I want to tell you something about the things of God when you look at them it looks so drought but it looks like boy you know that's so dangerous you know people how can you trust yourself to people well you can get hurt in church but I like what this parable said in Jesus gave it said that a man found a treasure but he went and sold all that he had to get the field in order to get the treasure you got to take the field and the fields got barbed wire fence fence dough fence post is messed up in ran shackle D and there's paper there's trash there's beer cans there's thorns there's cockle burrows there's all kinds of trash on that field but that man knows that in order for him to get that treasure you in that field he's got to take the field along with it and I want to tell you something about the things of God if you're gonna get what God's got for you you've got to take all the imperfect saints you got to take all the hurt all the letdown all the pain that comes with going to church you see you're gonna get hurt in church friend I just wanna go ahead and tell you that now but uh when you come in there may be hypocrites but the Lord is in the church there may be a bunch of backsliders in the church there may be a bunch of vipers there may be even people that that will crucify you but I want to tell you something God has chosen to manifest himself through his church on the earth no the church is not perfect but friend I have seen the treasure in the field and believe me it's worth it amen and so we talked about that and Jesus is the only gate and it's interesting that he's the only gate now the outside as you look around there's only one entrance to come into that Tabernacle worship there's only one that's on the eastern side is called a gate it's also interesting to notice that as you go into the outer courtyard there's two things there there's an altar there where the blood is shed for the sacrificed animals you look at that altar and there's just cait's blood dried red blood everywhere so matter of fact so much it's almost turned black just cait's blood everywhere of those sacrifices and I'll talk about that in just a moment but then if you notice you leave past the the altar and then you leave the Laver with the water in it and then you walk into an area you leave the courtyard where the sunlight lights up everything you understand y'all listening follow me closely outside the sunlight lights up everything in the natural sunlight lights it up but then the Badger skins are also over the area that encompasses the holy place and the most holy place you've got that area that's covered over the tent covers over that and as you walk in the sunlight no longer lights that area as you walk in there you see a table of shewbread twelve loaves of frankincense sprinkled all over it and then you walk past that table of shewbread and you see the golden lampstand and the golden lampstand has oil coming up in that lamp stand that lights the inside there so outside you have sunlight inside you have the lamp stand that gives light and I'll talk about that in a few minutes and then as you leave there you go past the shewbread and then you go past the lamp stand then you get to the veil and as you leave the veil the high priest goes in once a year and as you leave that veil then as the bread is applied the glory comes down the glory lights that it represents body soul and spirit but it didn't interesting that the outside has a gate and as you go into the holy place it has a door and then as you go to the most holy place it has a veil and the interesting thing about it is according to a tradition you know what the Jews call the gate they call the gate the way you know what the Jews call the door going into the holy place they called it the truth and you know what they call the veil that went into the most holy place you got it jesus said I am way the truth and the light and for people to see that in the wilderness and to have that as a pattern God told Moses he said I want you to make this as a pattern and I want you to put it out there and every time the Jews would come into that outer courtyard walk through that gate they saw the colors they saw the gate only one game and God's trying to get a message through these people my son is the way and then my son is the sacrifice being shared and then as they went right on down the journey God's trying to get a message through to them and they had that in the wilderness all those years but the word and the revelation never sunk in you know what surprises me about this move of God here that we have is so wonderful but seemingly a lot of this stuff has never sunk into a lot of people and it worries me it concerns me that I see people that's here and they come through these doors but they never get it they think they want to come in here and shake under the power fall on the floor of a friend it's not about shaking and it's not about falling it's about being reintroduced to the King of Kings and it's about picking up with anointing to do the works of God in the earth first friend I'm going to tell you something there's yokes out there today that psychology won't break and the talking people won't break and that a pill won't break there's your top there today that only the anointing of the Holy Ghost will break those shows well I love this I'm gonna just take just a few minutes here then I got to run on but let me just talk to you a little bit about that altar where that blood is you see Jesus I love him so much lemony gonna love Jesus with me this morning do you love him any the most remarkable man you see the Bible calls him the son of man and the son of God two different terms son of man son of God and he's the most remarkable figure he's wonderful he is so holy and he is so majestic and so regal when he came there was no coming us about him and people missed him but when John got to heaven he said he saw me fell to Steve his one dead he saw him in his glorified elevated state at the right hand of the Father now I want to tell you something this morning folks there's a lot of folks that serves gods of all kinds what I'm so happy to know this morning that I stand here in this church and I serve the only risen God he is Jehovah and his son's name is Yeshua Jesus and he is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world and when you walk past that gate and you get out on that courtyard and you see all those colors as you come to the gate it's there it says he's my son there's the scarlet he's the suffering Savior there's the purple he's the king of kings of the Lord of lords there's the blue he's the son of man come down from the Father above there's the white he is the sinless son of God so jesus is the son of man and he's also called the son of God but as you walk past the game the first thing that catches your eye when you all passed that gate you can't miss it the first thing that you see is caked shared that red blood some of it old and some of it fresh there it is and the Lord's trying to get the message across right off the bat this is my son and I'm going to give him he's going to give his life as a propitiation for your sins he's going to be your substitute he is the ram caught in the thicket and he's going to be slain he's going to shed his blood and his blood is going to give you access into my presence where my glory is and where my anointing can rest upon you so the first statement is he's my son and he's going to shed his blood for you and I want to just tell you this real quick and I'll cover it again that I covered last week just for a few minutes and I'm not bound to o'clock this morning bless God I'm gonna go here right now and look at it one last time and I'm gonna take it off because I'm gonna preach till I get through hey hi friend let me tell you something why not why not those ribs will hold so you leave Church amen and this is my only shot you know I'd go off I went off last Sunday and I preached in Jacksonville last week in Georgia I just preached till I got through and I said when I go home I'm gonna preach till I get through those people stay with me I know you'll stay with me to want you someone appreciate get through and so if anybody leaves I know you don't love me okay so they that you saw that you saw the blood that was shed there and I don't want just to talk to you for a few minutes about Jesus in his blood you see one of the reasons why worship is so important in these days is because Jesus is worthy of all of our worship he is the Lord and He is the king he is worthy of our worship you know I told you last week in real quick and about Genesis 1 and 1 in Genesis 1 and 2 some think there's a gap between there I don't know I'm not a theologian but you know it doesn't make you wonder because the Bible says that in Isaiah chapter 14 and talked about that the devil made those he made those statements about I will I will I will and he wanted the place where God set in the recesses of the north and he said I can do a better job I'm gonna take over I will be like the Most High and so there was an insurrection against God in heaven and God kept the devil out and a third of his angels a matter of fact some of those angels were so wicked that they even came into the daughters of men and God had to buy on some of those angels fallen angels into chains Peter said in the law Abbess until the last day judgment but Satan still has about a third of the angels that fell from heaven that God had created to worship Him Satan still has about a third of those and so the devil will do army and then we read about in Revelation chapter 12 where it said that Michael and his angels Ward and the dragon in his angels ward so Michael Ward against Satan in the book of Revelation and their angels and those two great powers fought they got to understand that Lucifer used to be an archangel also you see Michael was an archangel he's the Archangel that usually does the fighting for Israel he's God's warring angel Gabriel was an archangel and he's the proclaimer of God's News and he's the announcer of God usually and it appears that Lucifer the fallen Archangel was in charge somehow because he was created with tablets and pipes on the inside of him it appears that he had something to do with music and maybe worship and that's why worship has always been so important to Lucifer because evidently as he was leading in heaven the worship toward God and he heard all these praises and all these adulation Xand all these words going being sung to the Lord he was jealous of that and he wanted that worship as a matter of fact whenever Jesus was here on the earth the Bible says that the devil went down and took Jesus up picked him up and took him up on the pinnacle of the temple and he said look out yonder and see all those kingdoms he said if you'll just bow down and worship Me Satan is so covetous for worship he wants worship so bad he said if you'll just bow down and worship me I'll give you the kingdoms of the world and Jesus went through every trial and temptation that Adam went through and he passed every one of them where Adam failed where Eve fell Jesus passed them hallelujah the thing that I love about this as you see evidently God had cast the devil to the ground because whenever you find out him in the book of Genesis in the early part God told us that don't touch this tree and then of course as you know the devil got into the the serpent and the serpent used to walk as a beast of the field and so the serpent went down and began to talk to Adam and he was trying to seduce Adam and Satan was in the Serpent and the Satan was on the earth then he was cast out to the earth then even in the first part of Genesis I believe that happened possibly in Ezekiel 28 are maybe even Isaiah 14 but for surely Ezekiel 28 where the Bible says that God cast him to the ground and so when Adam is placed here God doesn't protect Adam from the influence of evil now Adam is created perfect and he's sinless but he's created with a will and so as God put Adam in that garden he put him there as a free moral agent with the powers of choice and God never segregated Adam away from the lure and the seductiveness of temptation and I want to tell you something else many of you worry about a lot of these new converts and you say oh but what's gonna happen these converts listen the same power of Christ that's able to keep you is able to keep these new converts and God never creates a hothouse plant God never made the church to be a hothouse plant to be kept in a greenhouse to get all this tender loving care to be nurtured in a certain environment God saves this friend and puts us out in the world and the coldest of the most wicked and the most evil environments but there's a seed in us thank God as we get into the world of God and the power of God and the glory of the Holy Ghost that seed will grow under any circumstances and God is not going to keep you and segregates you from temptation and the Bible said that as the as the devil came and tempted Adam and Adam succumb Bible says he wasn't deceived the woman was deceived but Adam wasn't to see the reason he'd been into the fruit was that she might be safe to childbearing he loved her he's a picture of Christ going after the church that was in a fallen condition he was not deceived but the woman was and he bit into that forbidden fruit so that he might maintain her level he might come into her and she might be saved through childbearing and it's not the kind of salvation that we know off through the blood of the Lamb so the devil whenever the devil came up and tempted at them and I just want to give you this real quick I don't have time to labor here but whenever the devil came up and tempted out I want you to notice something friend this is so powerful the devil saw what God had invested in Adam Adam was so powerful you can't imagine how powerful man used to be looking out over the city this is here this morning we can't imagine as humans that's now been restored by the blood of Christ and we're growing in our mind is being renewed we can't imagine how it was before man fell he didn't have to be educated God just brought the animals to him he said that's hippopotamus and he gave them their biological zoological names the plants the animals he knew biology knew zoology knew everything he even had the power to stand flat-footed on the earth and he could speak to the firmament birds that flew in the firmament he could speak to him if anything got out of line he was in charge as a matter of fact if you want to look at it technically I believe that Adam was in charge of the universe we know it in our sphere he was in charge of it so when the devil lurking about saw the kind of power that Adam had the devil thought aha so as a fallen stripped archangel and I talked about as the soldier will stand before general are before a major or colonel and he stands there at attention and they strip him of all of his medals they strip him of all of his stripes or his stripping of his reign they leave him with his uniform but they strip everything off God stripped everything off the devil and cast him to the ground and the devil was here on the earth stripped but he was covetous of what he saw that God had invested in Adam and God invested great power and great Authority and Adam so when the devil seduced Eve and Adam fell because of her Adam gave to the devil on a silver platter his Adamic anointing and his Adamic authority so where the devil was once cast to the ground now man not only had power over the but he had power in the atmosphere the firmament the heavens that's why the Bible says today that the devil is the ruler of the powers and the principalities and rulers of darkness in the heavenlies how did he get up into the heavenlies because he stole in the Dany Adamic authority he stole Adams authority I want to tell you something Jesus came to this earth sent to the city of Bethlehem from the from the womb a Barry and he was born on this earth in the manger and that child when he came to this earth angel capable proclaimed peace on earth peace on earth goodwill to men God said I got good news for you i affair you have found favor I have sent you goodwill I have sent you the second Adam we're the first Adam fails this one is coming is not gonna fail you are sent to another atom and that Adam cook that Adam came to this earth friend and he lived a godly holy life he never failed he never had sex patience with anybody he never told a lie he never failed his father he walked under obedience he said what I hear I speak what I see I do I have not come to do the will of my self but I've come to do the will of my father and then Jesus went to Gethsemane and he who he took that cup in his head mistaken and he said God if it's possible let this thing pass for me but if not our brother please you then please myself and he drank it to the last drop all the dregs of it and that cook led him to be taken and will his beard to be pulled out spit in his face blindfolded slapped and His garment stripped off of him and hung across and he was sinless and I remember reading in the Bible where the Bible said that you made a number of statements on the cross and he said Father forgive them for the know what they do and he told the thief he said today you should be with me in paradise he said woman behold your son he said son behold Your Mother John behold your mama and then one of the things he said right before he died he made another statement right before he died but this is one right before and he said by God my god why have you forsaken me from the time he came from his mother's womb he knew that anointing of the Holy Ghost the presence of the Holy Ghost he was a man the son of man anointed even though he was a son of God he came in walked in an anointing and as he hung on Calvary the Holy Ghost stayed with him until God took him sins of the world on his shoulders but also the Holy Spirit left him for another reason because now when he said why have you forsaken me didn't say why does it feel like you forsake him he said no he said my God why have you forsaken me and then the Bible says shortly after that he said it is finished and he dropped his head but I'm gonna tell you what happened whenever the Holy Ghost lifted off a him friend it wasn't the Son of God that went down into the underworld it was that last atom that went down and well he went down there is that last atom perfect the one that never sinned and he walked up to the devil that had stole Adams anointing in Adams authority and the Steinem walked up to the first Adam and said hand him over give him here I've come back away from you what you stole from my man Adam now I want to share this with you real quick and I know I've got to move on I don't get bogged down but then the Holy Ghost was waiting on Jesus whenever he was dead and in the tomb the Holy Ghost was waiting on him because the Bible said the same spirit that raised up Christ from the dead with that last sediment taken away the keys of death and hail away from the devil that stole Adams authority he let him keep his office but he took away his authority as far as the church is concerned and the believers our concern and the Holy Ghost was waiting right there and whenever it came time after Jesus had defeated the devil the Bible said he spoiled and made show of them openly spoke powers and principalities and made a show of them openly and the Bible says that the Lord resurrected him the Holy Ghost was there to raised Jesus from the dead now after you walk past that altar Jesus conquered so much for us let me just say one more thing before we move on somebody might say well brother Kilpatrick why didn't Jesus leave the devil and let him have his office maintain his office because the Lord is gonna let us stay in that same environment while we're here on the earth to teach us how to win see the devil has been defamed and he's been defeated by Christ on Calvary for the church but now the Lord wants you to take the victory that the Lord has given you and he wants you to conquer and he wants you to triumph in the victory that Jesus has won for you now listen to me very carefully friends do you think for a minute that I'd go off and leave my little old boys John Michael and Scott do you think I'd leave them somewhere even out there where I live do you think I leave Brenda and John Michael and Scott and my little grandsons and my daughter off you think I'd leave them out there and me take off if I knew there was something lurking out there in woods it's gonna destroy them you think I'd leave them know Jesus went out in the Mount of Olives with the disciples and he started going up gradually and he left them he said I tell you what he said wherever you go he said you'll cast out Devils in my name he said you preach the gospel in all the world and he said you're gonna lay hands on the sick and they shall recover et cetera et cetera he felt so secure about the victory that he had won that whenever he left he felt like he left the church equipped with anything to make them more than conquerors for that old evil devil that was left here on the earth and Jesus left here with a clear mind and said they'll be all right but I only tell you something else too real quick before I move on this is something I didn't tell you last week Jesus stripped the devil but he also when he saved us he gave us a rank higher than Adam had in the beginning you know why I say that because Adam was never seated with Christ in heavenly places and Adam never had the name of Jesus and Adam never had the blood of Jesus now we've got a much better covenant the Bible says and we've got the name of Jesus we got the blood of Jesus and we're seated with Christ in the heavenly places so Jesus feels real secure about leaving us down here friend let me tell you something he said nothing by any means shall harm you is that what he said so those of you that's afraid of the devil stop being a friend of the devil God's left you equipped to be more than conquerors through him that loved you and gave his life for you amen all right number three let me go on number three hallelujah when you go past the altar what's the next thing you run into the labor what's the labor the labor contains water and it's where they would wash go with me real quick to Exodus chapter number 30 Exodus chapter number 30 and I want you to look at verse 17 how many of y'all's worried this morning how many I was worried about the devil this morning somebody said brother Kilpatrick the other night you cut up that voodoo doll on Friday night up down the platform I got a letter I opened up a lot of the other day so I wrote me a letter said oh I'm so concerned about you brother kill passion my heart never skipped a beat friend because you know Jesus did when he left this earth that there's gonna be food all circulating around against his people but Jesus wouldn't left me and if he felt like a voodoo doll could overcome me he would have left me he said I won't stay out here with old John because somebody's gonna put a voodoo doll on him and put a curse on him a friend would tell you something they know you do doll they know devil they know demon gonna be able to hurt the people of God amen can you say Amen I'm gonna tell you this mornin I ain't worried about the devil I'm not worried about temptation I've got word about trials I'm not worried about fiery darts for the devil why because jesus said I believe you some armor I'm gonna leave you some armor and I'm gonna leave your name I'm gonna leave you the blood and I'm gonna leave you my work in good shade son I'll see you at 2:00 hour [Applause] amen I'm not worried about it for him don't you be worried about it let them bring another voodoo doll and I'll cut it up too man if there's any witches in here this morning I want to tell you something else the glory of God's are strong in here you can't circulate nothing around here anyway let it be known that this is all flim ins to any kind of powers of darkness principalities and rulers and witches and warlocks this is holy ground this is holy ground [Applause] oh yeah chapter 30 the kid verse 17 it said Lord spake unto Moses and said you shall make a labor of brass and his foot also a breast to wash with all and you shall put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar and you shall put water therein and Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet there at and when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation they shall wash with water that they die not look at that they shall wash with water that they die not do you see that if you don't mind underlining that just sort of make a little pencil circle around it or underline that look at it it says they shall wash with water that they die not or when they come near to the altar to minister to burnt offerings made by fire into the Lord so shall they wash their hands and their feet that they die not and it shall be a statute forever to them even to him and this seed throughout all generations now what does this labor represent this labor represents glorious clean water and what is the word the Bible says that the word washes us with water amen so after you come through the gate which is Jesus and it shows you the fourfold Ministry of Christ and then after you come to the altar where you see Jesus as the sacrifice and the lamb slain from the foundations of the world next you come to something very important friend let me tell you something many of you talk about the blood the blood the blood but you don't pay any attention to the labor I want to tell you you better start paying attention to the Word of God the blood is powerful but you also need the word can you say man word is powerful it is sharper than any two-edged sword and unless we clean our lives with the words you'll die God may have done a great work in you whenever you got saved God may have broken drug addiction off of you he may have broken pornography off for you and all kinds of things off of you but I want to tell you unless you get in the word after the blood and after your salvation experience unless you go to that Laver and wash in that word and get that word in you and let God wash you continually you'll die how many of you knows if you don't feed off the word of God you'll die and you know the tragic thing is today so many people that call themselves Christians and churches are dead and they don't know it and there's nothing no more dead than a charismatic or a Pentecostal that's supposed to have all the gospel and the full gospel and they still talk about the blood but they've neglected the word when they clap their hands there's no anointing when they preach there's no punch and they testify there's no salt in their tongue and whenever they sing in worship it's done out of the head and out of the heart you're dead why because you've neglected the labor with the words I wanna tell you something else this is the only piece of furniture in all of God's Tabernacle in the wilderness that had no dimensions the altar was measured the sticks were measured said what they would be over covered with everything was measured but this Laver what does that mean you can have as much of the Word of God as you want as much as you can consume what I'm going to tell you the more of the Word of God you get the more it grows the more the Word of God you get the more compounds itself and one thing that you learn leads to other truths and it's inexhaustible you never exhaust the Word of God so there was no dimension for this Laver and that word I want to give you some scriptures real quick friend I'm not talking about staying on the milk either how many of yous read in the Bible worth about what Paul talked about the milk of the word he talked about the meat of the word how many of you knows you need to graduate after a while from the milk of the word to the meat of the word let me ask you this this morning just just to give me a hand a show of hands how many of you love the Word of God now am I talking about respect to the Bible and give it a prominent place in your house but how many of you love to feed from the word ago let me see your hand and there's a difference between the milk of the word and the meat of the word I want to give you two scriptures real quick go to Deuteronomy 1 just give you these real real quick don't have time to spend there we go Deuteronomy chapter number 32 look at Deuteronomy 32 and verse 13 look at verse 12 it said the Lord alone did lead him this is in Deuteronomy the Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him he made him to ride high on the high places of the earth that he might eat the increase of the fields and he made him to suck honey out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock sea that he made him to suck honey out of the rock now you want an explanation for that go to job go to job quickly everybody go to job chapter 29 job 29 look at this I love this passage of Scripture may this be true in your life and in mine job chapter 29 and verse 6 when I washed my steps with butter woo the rock poured me out rivers of oil you see that I'm gonna give you a chance to look at it when I washed my steps with butter the rock which is the Lord in His Word the rock poured me out what rivers of oil you know what all represents the anointing the power of the Holy Spirit now let me explain that versity in job it says when I wash my steps with butter and you know what that means when I washed my steps with butter what did I tell you a while ago the milk is referred to as two things or the word is referred to as two things what meat and milk you know what a handler of milk does if you want to get cream and butter out of milk you take that milk and you turn it how many have you ever had an old home churn you know how you used to churn mama used to make me set that churn I'd wrap my legs around it and I take that stopper thing you know with that cross in the bottom of it go up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down you know what I'm doing I'm taking that milk and totally disseminating that milk tearing that milk apart and getting everything I can I'm enriching that milk until I'm getting butter out of it you know what joke said read it look at it again when I wash my steps with what with butter when I wash my steps with butter and the rock poured me out rivers of oil when you wash your steps with butter it's somebody that loves the word and you've enriched your steps you've gotten off the milk and you've enriched your steps you see the Bible says thy word is a what a light unto my path and a lamp under my want feet thy word and he said when I washed my steps wash my steps with butter when you get highly-qualified in the word when you get highly seasoned in the word and you take the milk that God gives you he gives you first his word and milk form and you it's palatable you drink it it's easiest you drink it but after you get the milk easy God after a while I want you to work that milk tear that milk apart churn nut milk on the inside of you stir up that milk on the inside he start that pure of mind churn that milk on the inside of you and the first years you know thy word is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet he said when I wash my steps with butter you want to live over the life of victory friend get in the word go that Labour and get enough of that water out of that Labour and wash your hands and wash your feet get washed in the Word of God and after a while God will just glide you along the path of life on the slippery path of butter amen it'll take the it'll take the effort how many of you believes you can walk in victory Jesus walked in butter a matter of fact I won't get into that you got will to just for second the Bible says this that when Jesus came it says whenever he wanted to know the difference between right and wrong you ever read that whenever he wanted to know the difference choose between right and wrong it said he ate butter and honey butter and honey I don't have time to go further into that let's go on here's what job said job said I have esteemed the words of thy mouth more than my necessary food after you're washed in the blood you've got to get founded in the wordfriends you've got to get established in God's Word you've got to know it is written you've got to know what God says why God says it you've got to know what God thinks you've got to know the mind of God and you learn it through the word and you churn that word that milk of the word until after a while God begins to grease your path with butter and joke said I have esteemed the words of thy mouth more than my necessary food Joel said I'm so hungry God after your word I'd rather be in your word and hear your words than my necessary food it please yes these eight and five says he who loves and keeps my word shall feel no evil let me share that with you again he who loves and keeps my word shall feel no evil Psalms 119 verse 165 says great peace house they who love thy law and nothing shall offend them did you hear that how many of you listening listen to this Psalms 119 and verse 165 great peace great peace how they who love thy law by word and nothing shall offend them people that get offended are people that are not found people that get offended or people that are not founded Peter said get established in present truths in other words before you go on and try to learn other truths get established in press of truth before you try to move on from that labor and go into that brand and that frankincense and before you try to go on into the lamp stand and the incense and the golden altar and all that stuff before you try to move on get established and churn the milk until God gives you cutter they great piece hell they that love thy law thy word and they shall not be offended now I got a hurry on let me let me just say this double fly there if you're empty of the word you're full of the world fray let me tell you something you can't be empty of the word and be empty of the world at the same time you see the more your level begins to decrease of the word the same level is the same level as the world begins to come in and take the place of what is exempted in your life there is no void there is no netherworld and in between where you're playing between two different worlds and you're neutral the more you're full of the word the less of the world you have in you but the more you neglect the word the more the world will come in and take over the place that God has in you of what should be the word so if you're empty of the word you're full of the world and if you're empty of the word you're full of the world's music if you're empty of the word you're full of the philosophies and the reasoning of the world that's why it's so hard a lot of times for people coming to this revival that's not walking in butter and their path is not full of butter it flies a lot of times when people come to this revival they can't receive what's going on it's because they're so full of the world they don't have the word in them when people come in this place and they're full of the word their spirit bears witness instantly gods in this place but the people that come in here that are impure the word and for the world it takes them some time two three four five services before they can begin to sense what God is doing I want to be one of those when something happens I can be so full of the word I can say yes Lord I see that I see what we honor in that corner Lord I see you up there in that Lord but the more you got the world and you friend the more you gonna have to struggle with this revival amen hallelujah job said when you've had your walk influenced by the wealth of the word the rock will pour you out rivers of all ooh don't you love that he said when you had your walk influenced by the wealth of the word the butter of the word he said The Rock will pour you out rivers of oil you want an anointing in your life come through the gate Jesus that's the only way he's the start no man will come into what God has for them without first coming through Jesus don't try the church don't try the pastor and don't try the word first you got to get right with Christ first they meant and then after you come through that gate then you're going to love and worship his blood and I want to tell you something else before I move off of that bread if the blood of Jesus wasn't so important why is the scriptures than the old and new Testament both full blood there's people that wants to cut off the Old Testament from the New Testament and say well that was the law I beg your pardon for him the Old Testament is full of blood glory blood bulls and goats and turtles and pigeons and all kinds of things shed their blood and God was painting a picture of his son that would hang on Calvary and shed his blood and if the blood is not important in your religion I want to ask you why did it pour forth from Jesus body in five locations if the blood isn't important and you'll never understand that Laver and you'll never want to bathe your hands and your feet in that Laver of the word until you love that blood you neglect that blood forget the Laver the word will never mean anything to you next you passed the labor this is interesting I want to stay here for a minute tonight and talk about this this morning whatever day it is you passed the labor now you leave the sunlight you leave the natural world the outside lights you walk in the door when you walk in the door you walk into the holy place and inside that holy place there's a table there of shewbread twelve loaves and the Bible says it's sprinkled with frankincense it smells great oh let me spend a little bit of time here this morning whoa there's a lot of people friend and loved this revival they smell that bread brother Kilpatrick this is what I've been longing for us Oh Gloria god I'm so glad oh brother Kilpatrick this is the greatest thing oh my lord I've never seen nothing like it gods in this place I said yeah I know he's here mm oh Jesus this is wonderful see that bread representing the word it's got that frankincense on it and it just smells up the place whoa no wonderful oh oh I love this particular pattern this is so good it's good to smell but when you break it off and you eat it it's better and if you want to move on to the lampstand where you get revelation of the Word of God you've got to be willing to undergo persecution because of the word I'm gonna say that again a lot of people says oh god show me Revelation he said I will if you can take the persecution Oh God show me your glory God's that I will if you can go through the stages but you see God brother let me tell you something about the Lord he's got ways and means and he's got stages and categories that some of these things will sling you off you say oh I want the glory don't we all but can you stand in the glory and God will see to it whether or not you can stand the glory by taking you through the successive steps and so you're getting there let's blue shewbread and there's that bread there's twelve loaves of them and it's got that frankincense only and that frankincense stands for persecution jesus said blessed are you it not offended because of persecution for me let me tell you somethin bout this revival and let me tell you something about your Christian walk yeah what Christianity is wonderful I love it I love it yeah it has a lot of trappings that I think is absolutely wonderful friend I'm gonna tell you something you'll catch the devil for serving God and you catch the devil for living the Word of God too if you don't think so you just try it for a while see you got to wash your hands and your feet that you die not what God's saying there about that labor is you've got to get into the word that you don't die because after the blood the Lord sets you free and makes you live of the things of God but the labor perpetuates your life by getting in the word so after you're perpetuated and you've gotten the word now and you love the word next you walk into that holy place and there's a table there with bread and that bread also means other things like fellowship and other things like that but I'm talking about that bread represents the Word of God also but the frankincense represents persecution and that leads me to another passage of Scripture turn to mark go there real quick mark chapter 4 mark chapter 4 I got some important things to tell you friends so I want you to stick with me here for a minute mark chapter 4 look at verse 16 mark chapter 4 verse 16 Jesus speaking here about the parables he's talk about the parable of the sower jesus said these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately they receive it with gladness look this way how many people in this place have received the word gladly Oh brother Steve that was the greatest message oh my god what a service man I tell you that I'm gonna join this church oh good good good great but then after a while we're 17 says they have no root in themselves and so endure but for a little time afterward when affliction or persecution arises why because of the words sake immediately they're offended Oh oh-ha there's your sword brother Lendl there's your source and that's where the sword comes in and it separates it separates it segregates the people that's going to be willing to take persecution and affliction because of the words say and if you can withstand that God will then lead you into the golden lampstand where you get revelation but your God's not gonna trust revelation to somebody that's not willing to suffer for his words Taylor gets them - Oh everybody wants all these great revelations but I want to tell you can't have a revelation if you can't have a persecution because you see the more of the words you get the more responsible you become before God God holds you accountable and responsible for what you know and God's not gonna give you the whole dose of what he wants you to know unless you're tested to see if you're gonna be able to have a persecution let me just give you a couple of examples real quick persecution can comes a lot of forms maybe you come this revival you set out then you say oh I love this church but I love this revival but if your pets go I just love you I want to be part of this church I want drawing copy can I join this church brother Kilpatrick sure you are no we're so glad to have you god bless you you see like right now I'm looking over this church in this place is full there's people sitting out here and you from all walks of life here from all backgrounds and you from all geographies well I want to tell you something friend everybody listen to me real close every man that's sitting in these pews and every woman and every young person sitting in these pews this morning is in this thing for yourself I can't do it for you and you can't do it for me I'm here because I want to be and you're here because you want to be but I'm going to tell you the persecution is going to come if you serve God and you cling to his word persecution and afflictions going to count but we're going to see whether or not you're gonna still be in these pews six months from now will you still be here six months from now saying to me and looking so lovingly and fondly in my eyes as you pump my hand almost off oh I just love this place well let's see how you talk six months from now because the devil's going to use some people and some people's going to start persecuting you and just as soon as you start telling people something like the Lord showed me something they're going to say you stupid idiot you one of them and it's gonna be people you love and people you need their respect and it's gonna be people you look up to and they gonna start criticizing you and then if you can get offended you were to shower how many of you make up your mind this morning to get your roots down deep well friend I'm talking about no matter what comes no matter who does what no matter who says what no matter who hurts you no matter who blesses you I met that stain for the long haul Bible said Jesus gave it again let's look at it one more time chapter 6 look at it one more time and I'm gonna move off of it chapter four rather look at verse 16 verse 17 since they have no root in themselves and they endure before time look this way I've seen people already in this revival this thing's been going on 15 months I want everybody to look this way now listen to me look at me and listen to me give me your best ear for a minute I've seen people so far in 15 months of revival that they claimed and planted themselves on a Pew but they're not here this morning where are they they're pouting they're offended they're bent out of shape with somebody maybe me because I called him down or would let him do so and so in the bad shape and they're not here but they have to understand if they're going to grow in God they have to come under leadership and they have to come under a federal headship and they have to come under recovery and God places of covering over people and you better listen to that covering if that covering is wrong God will take care of it with recovery but don't you buck up against the covering but there's some people here this morning that endured for a little while but they're not here this morning why are they will they ever come back who knows I hope so but the revival moves on I said the revival moves are go ahead the revival moves on the Church of the Living God moves on we're going on the glory still here the dump still here where are they I don't know brother Kilpatrick are you going after them as much as in me it's possible without negotiating with them and trying to get them back on any terms because I'm not gonna let a bunch of cards on the table and trying to coax people back in a revival where God says they're shallow and they're not gonna make it anyway you're with me he said the hell no rude the seed burst open and the green shoots come out and they look real promising oh they gonna make a good person on the prayer team or they gonna make a great person one day to serve on the board but after their seed burst open and that little shoot that little green thing comes out immediately there's no root goes down in no soil not established persecution comes somebody looks at them wrong somebody says something wrong so I says you can't do this somebody says you can't do that and they say I'm out of here I'll see you later you know what we say see you later we're going on Fred let me tell you something I have made up my mind here me I have made up my mind I don't care what anybody says I don't care what anybody does I don't care if 2/3 of this crowd falls off I don't care if it falls down to ten I'm going on with God [Applause] I made up my mind I'm gone oh my god look we was going on with God for this revival came and after this revivals moved on I'm still going to be going on with God whether it's here somewhere else I'm gonna go on with God why because I hope I got some roots now the next thing is the lampstand after you pass the table of showbread and you're biting that a frankincense you said oh it smells so good but you bite into this bitter if you can handle that bitterness and that persecution and that affliction you're on the way friend of the anointing because the next thing is a golden lampstand and the golden lampstand was measured and it had all coming up through it that all come up through it was lit and it was a fire that was a fire that God gave that was a revelation fire what lit by the Sun outside you see when you get inside there that's where the philosophies of men won't work when you get inside that holy place that's where the vain imaginations a man will never liked that place friend when you get to that golden lampstand that's where God gives revelation you know there's three ways to see one way to see is I look around here and I'll see that dove up there see the blue behind it I see the red circle around it I see the green leaf Inn that doves mouth I say I see how many of y'all see that I remember when I was going to school number two my kindergarten teacher mrs. huff she taught me mathematics I mean my first-grade teacher my second-grade teacher Miss Smith they taught me mathematics and they showed me on the board two plus two equals four and I didn't get it and they took a little time with him they said two plus two equals four I said oh I see you can see physically you can see mentally I saw that mathematical problem solved mathematically I saw it mentally but there's a third way you can see my pastor took me one day an upstairs Sunday School room and he began teaching me the word and the first thing he taught me was the adorable Godhead God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and as he began to teach me the adorable godhead about God three and one like water vapor and ice all h2o but all still the same three different offices I said oh I see now friend I've never seen Jesus walking on the earth you've never seen Jesus walking on the earth in that dispensation when he walks here two thousand years ago but in my spirit someone one day God used him to preach a message to me and when I was sitting out there as a boy I heard the gospel preached and you know what I said I see he's the son of God he's the profession he's my substitute he was sending us in God's enemy died for me and I said I see you know what that was revelation knowledge and just as God taught you that revelation as you get to that golden lampstand if you're willing to take the persecution and the affliction because of the word and you're willing to swallow that bitterness then God will let you walk into the place where that golden lampstand burns and God will show you revelation powerful revelation you'll begin to see the work and the character of the Holy Spirit then you'll begin to see the plot of the Word of God from Genesis all the way down to the book of Revelation then you'll begin to see a divine healing and then you'll begin to see and understand other things like the atonement remission and you'll begin to understand all kind of things and then you begin to grow you see God's not gonna let you have that if you have no root in yourself so what test you to see whether or not you have a root in yourself is that affliction in that persecution and if you'll stand there and say come hello I don't care what you say and nobody else says I'm going on with God doesn't say come on in here boy I will show you something amen come on me I'll show you something and all of a sudden you walk in there and there's that lamp burning and God says stick your head on that lamp for a minute you said Oh Lord my god but then let me hurry up I got I got a hurry the next one there's a golden altar and the golden altars where the incense is burned you know what when they put that incense on there you ever read about Nate Avenue by who at Leviticus chapter 10 where they offered strange fire strange incense my Brown was telling me this morning that the fire jumped out from the most holy place the Holy of Holies and it jumped out through the veil and just disintegrated and they davin about who the fire jumped out of the holy place into the holy place and got him for they could even walk in because they offered strange incense that golden altar they had rocks in the Middle East where they would take that incense from let me just share this with you real quick I don't know if it's true or not but I've read it read it several different places I don't know if it's true not just let's just consider for a minute where did Israel get those rocks well that incense came from where did get those rocks because they tell us that it came from the Red Sea those rocks would come from the Red Sea and deep in the wilderness will they didn't have time to mine while theirs in the wilderness and they they couldn't die but didn't have diving equipment for the wilderness and the Red Sea where'd they get them maybe they brought them with them out of Egypt I don't know but you know it may be possible when they was walking through on dry ground through the Red Sea God gave him a miracle and said y'all see them rocks laying on that boy's yep a few of them ever every man pick him up some rocks while you're walking through there could have been who knows friend God will give you some worship and some praise while you're going through some trials and some tribulations while you're going through one victory God says here's a rock because the next time you get in the hard place I want you to begin to burn this as a reminder what I brought y'all on last time amen how many of you knows we get one big tree and the next time we go through another problem God wants to remind us of the last big tree friend I want to tell you something this morning God is the god of victory of your present problem like he was your past problem David said I remember the lion and I remember the bear I've got a rock for the lion and I got a rock Philip and this old child be no difference and there was incense of one of well when you get to that golden off and that incense is put on there here's what would happen the priests would stand before that golden altar and that instance would be begin to burn and that incense represents our worship now praise as that incense is put on that altar and it begins to burn God says now I'm ready to bring you into my presence through the veil you know what as that veil was parted what would always precede that priest end to the presence of God that smoke of that praise would always precede him you know what the protocol of heaven is if the king or the Queen came in this building this morning before if I knew that was coming before they came I would teach you the protocol of how to receive the king or queen and we would stand up and the ladies would do a certain thing in the mean one to a certain thing because it would be protocol of how to receive majesty and God said if you're going to come into my presence where my glory is and where my power is the way you come in is just like out there over those doors in the foyer it says enter into his gates with and his courts with praise don't you enter bellyache him don't you enter into the courts of the Lord Billy akin and griping and grumbling and complaining about your wife and telling God all about what's wrong the Bible said enter into his gates with Thanksgiving God I'm so thankful I'm so thankful I know you I'm so thankful I can come before you oh god I love you and as that priests would begin to go in to the Holy of Holies what would always precede him would be that smoke of that worship you know what's happening in Brownsville God's not only sent revival to Brownsville friend but something else he's sent he sent a real Liberty of praise and worship which leads me to believe that as we continue to develop this praise and worship and we continue to lift our voices and put our heart in our voices and put our imagination and our voices in our heart all together and we begin to visualize the Lord and love the Lord and revere and honor and esteem him as we highly-developed that that worship one day God's going to lift that veil he's going to say come on in the last thing is number seven it would be taken through that veil smoke would precede him into the presence of Almighty holy God as he would come into that through that veil into the presence of the Holy of Holies there the glory would count now I want to close today by telling you what number seven is number seven is not the ark although it's there number seven is not the cherubims although they're there and number seven is not the blood being sprinkled by the hyssop and the high priest owned that Ark I want you to turn to Hebrews and I'll close with this hebrews chapter 10 I'll show you what it is chapter 10 and verse 19 it says having therefore look at chapter 10 verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus look at that word boldness having therefore look at it verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to enter number seven is what we're after and number seven is what we're getting is bonus you know what the anointing is it is a bonus of the Holy Ghost see when if the gate and you meet gee and you see him and then if you go in and see the altar and you understand the blood and then God lets you come and he lets you wash in the labor of your hands and your feet and you begin to highly develop the milk of the word so that it paves your path with butter and then God lets you move on into the holy place where there's a table of shewbread and God says I'm willing to be persecuted a little bit see if you got any rude and then after time of persecution and you're not flung off God didn't let you come to the lampstand where you get in revelation and you begin to grow deeper and say oh my lord my god who I never saw this I never knew you was like that my god God will show you who he is before he lets you see who he is and then as you walk past that you see you'll never be able to really worship either friend and praise like you want to until you get revelation on who he is if you try to think of who God is your praise is always going to suffer if you just try to think of the Lord walking here in sandals on the earth you can only praise him so much because you just have a certain limited revelation but once you get past that persecution and God lets you get to that golden lampstand where you begin to get revelation and who the Lord really is then praise has just begin to roll out of your mouth almost like you're vomiting them out well alright I'm God see and then you put that incense on that golden auction then the praises and the worship begins to fill the house and then he lifts that veil and as you walk in here's what you get Bible says let us enter boldly you know what characterizes the early church boldness you know what churches today are lacking bonus bonus it shows they're not at the lampstand it shows they're not at the at the golden altar it shows they had washed real good in the labor they stopped somewhere out in the courtyard and they're just talking about the blood saving them but they never came to the door there's a journey into the anointing friend and once you get there once you take the journey and once you're proven the one thing you get is this you're gonna get bonus like you never dreamed turn to Acts chapter four and I'll close with this and I promise Acts chapter four not close y'all with me chapter 4 verse 13 look at this turn acts 4:13 look at inverse-square real quick now when they saw the what say it when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had walked been with Jesus come on help me say it out they took knowledge of them to that what look at verse 29 and now Lord behold their threatenings and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness look at verse 31 and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were all assembled and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with what boldness boldness comes when the anointing comes boldness comes when the glory comes let me tell you something else about the glory of God printed about the anointing and I promise you I'll close with this promise you I give you my almost word that I close with this now listen I really I'm closing with this let me tell you something about the anointing you got to catch the morning when it's moving you can't wait remember Steve's been preaching about the eunuch you remember and the Ethiopian you remember that he's talking about how that he ran Philip he ran to catch that anointing he wanted to hear he was reading that he's the open that unit was reading and Philip ran he took advantage he seized the moment the Bible said one day God told David and Old Testament he said when you see the rustling and the moving of the mulberry trees he said it's time to move it's time to go and that rustling on the mulberry trees begins to take place you've got to go the Bible said in the New Testament that when the waters were stirred at the pool first one in got their healing when the anointing is moving you've got to be bold to break out of ranks and to break out of religion and jump in and obey God right there on the spot I believe that the time is coming where we're going to come to church and we're not gonna worry about if a song is being sung or the preachers preaching or whatever if God wants to heal and the mulberry trees beginning to rustle will stop preaching and lay hands on the sick I believe God to heal the sick Jesus was up teaching in the in the house there was many people around they didn't he looked up and there was stuff coming from the ceiling and they was cutting a hole out up there and I'm sure one of the ushers starting to run out there and get rid of them Jesus said wait a minute the anointing is moving let them cut a hole in the roof I'll kill her up bless God don't let that man down here and get his healing while the anointing is moving God give us boldness to break out of religion that whatever God wants to do we'll be bold enough say God do it I'm not worried about the songs Lord I'm not even worried about if it's in the middle of the offering I remember one time our preacher was preaching I promised that close I've been one time my pastor was preaching years ago and I do closing this honestly our pastor was preaching and it was on a Sunday night there was a woman come in with three little girls and while the pastor's preach I'm tell you folk this man you God this man knew God well I said brother Wessel knew God I'm not talking to you from a boy eyes of 14 years old I'm talking to you from the man that knew him for years he was a man of God you understand that you might not know many men of God but he was a man of God he was up preaching this woman came in the back of the church he had three little girls and right in the middle of his sermon he stopped and he said oh my he said well I've been preaching here tonight he said holy spirits just invaded the service and he said he just told me that there was a woman that just walked in back here with three little girls and he said ma'am you're that lady and he said you're on the way to Atlanta to take your kids to relatives and you're going into a sanitarium to die and you have no husband and you're on your way to go into sanitarium to die and you're going to take your little girls to a relative's house because you don't even intend to come out alive he said that's why the Holy Ghost just showed me he said you come down here right now we're and the Lord's gonna heal you just like that he said it right in the middle of sermon that woman tried to stand up and she was shaking so under the power of God because she knew that God had to tell the man that he didn't offer madam and she tried to stand up and they was put her down the aisle like this like a like an animal that she was shaking and couldn't hardly stand up in the power of God and she walked up and he said no heel she hit that floor and she was in that church my friends for years under his ministry [Applause] never took her kids anywhere to leave them never took her kids anywhere to leave them she was healed God raised her a brother but God begins to move you better be willing to move with God I feel the water stirring right now everybody stand to your feet lift your hands and we're going to talk to Jesus holy goes tomorrow worshiping worship Him worship Him church totally potable cut Oh [Music] shondo Roberto where's there's nothing waiting for you outside friend worship him inside we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you yes Jesus yes Jesus hallelujah [Music] good [Music] thank you lord I'd like for the oceans to come if you would the workers and begin to distribute these emblems for communion friends listen to me we're going to close this service pastors going to come back and and we're going to have communion together but I saw something a few minutes ago that I just borrowed that now you may look at your watch and go by my it's so late you know that's such a ridiculous thing to even think that that's once again new tradition and you think what God must be looking in from heaven and a statement like that my my it's late look at the plate so you gave me a few hours you know think about that but I saw something a few minutes ago the doors opened and about six people walked in and found their seats that was about 10 minutes ago and I turned to my
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 5,278
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WgkzXIyOl_M
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Length: 124min 37sec (7477 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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