Snake Eggs - John Kilpatrick

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we invite you in this place god come on when you just invite him in holy spear we welcome you in this place and you're welcome you Jesus we surrender [Music] you welcome and let us hope be its hands it up cuz we are here for [Music] we are here we are here for so say let your breath and letting your come from heaven feel my heart [Music] if you like cuz we are here for you and your love siga as we are here for to your heart through van singing to you our home [Music] too long [Music] come on let's shout it out [Music] now the sky [Music] going to Claire Joe hi [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we welcome you with praise on my kind of love be welcomed in this place to sing your own song to it we were communal eyes years [Music] Jesus and our finances geez we welcome you to come take control come have your way we surrender to you got we saw in the - you can listen to your heart [Music] you won designs Europe you alone are holy only you are worthy huh it's rough I fall down to get to you to kill my heart are open nothing here is here I feel you are not only our five point every voice ended up we welcome stick it out what you sing [Music] [Music] so we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] then everything that hath life and breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord hallelujah hallelujah we welcome even our praise I want everyone to stand I counted a great joy and a great privilege to have Pastor John Kilpatrick come fill this pulpit we count him as a general in the faith as a father of modern day revival and I was talking with Mike Brown when he was here two weeks ago and we were just going back over those services how the power and the glory of God would sweep into that Brownsville revival and night after night and day after day and month after month people hungry for the presence of God hungry for the touch of God I believe that's being restored amen amen there's some people that are going after God in this hour amen and tonight we have the pastor that God used so significantly and I want us to love on him and esteem him in Christ would you welcome as he comes to break the bread of life [Music] she always thank you thank you you may be seated wow this is wonderful crowd on Sunday night hi I want to talk to you just a minute before I Minister II you know pastor Cecil and his wife he cut me down a little bit guys if you want to up here I'm a little bit hot cut me down a little bit here pastor Cecil is from mobile area and you know I could see brother Cecil walking down the road in New York City and I say there's assembly God preacher right there but this church has a great heritage to have had him here all these many years and his whole family what a heritage I want to take I want to take just a minute I want to talk to you I can do this because now I'm 67 years old so I'm old enough to do it now amen brother Gary it's not far behind me though he's not far behind me but I want to just take just a minute talk to you about a little bit when when I was at Brownsville one of the things that I always loved so much about Brownsville is it was a military town it was naval the cradle of naval aviation and people that were there a lot of them were officers in the Navy and Marines and civil servants high-ranking civil servant people and whenever I went to Brownsville they had a great respect for four officers in the Navy and they knew protocol and they just was well behaved and they really respected Authority and whenever I came there in 1992 to be the pastor of Brownsville they showed that they transferred that same respect for authority to me and when I was there 20 I was there 22 years it was like it was really like a long honeymoon those people and I it was like I was made out of the dirt the Pensacola and I remember they were so good to me and my family my wife and I has never talked Church trouble in front of our kids never if we something happened and we need to talk about it we always drove home with him in the back seat we'd wait till we got home got out of the car so they couldn't hear it they never heard us talk about church problems or talk against anybody they never heard it because I didn't want them one day to grow up and hate church people in hate church and I never never talked in front of them neither did Brenda but you know Brownsville was so good to my children I remember every birthday that my children had the treasurer would mail them a check and a card for their birthday there were just little kids and I'm sorry to take the back he'd mailed him cash and a card and even mail him a hundred dollar bill and when I went to Brownsville they were six and eleven man when those kids got that hundred-dollar bill in the mail they said dad I can buy you a new car whatever you need I can take care of it but you know they'd sent him a card and they did that the whole 22 years I was there and now Church of his presence without me saying a word they mail my children my daughter-in-laws and all of my grandchildren and their wife they mail them a check every every birthday and every Christmas late they mailed in the check and I just thought it was so nice my kids grew up thinking church was the best thing in the world but I want to talk to you out of my heart just for a minute and I'm gonna preach in just a second but you know when I see people like brother Cecil and his precious wife and brother Gary and his precious wife and his family you as a congregation I don't know if you really understand the value of be under a covering like that because I'm in so many places where churches our tour of people are under canopies of coverings that they don't really trust they don't really trust the man of God but when I come here the thing that always is on my mind while I'm preaching here and after I leave is healthy healthy healthy this is a healthy Church and you're blessed and I want to say this I remember whenever I was young my pastor became my father like I told you this morning and he was he was my spiritual father and he was my mentor and he actually became like my father I was around him so much I was with him for years every day every day and he really became like my father I respected that men and loved that man so much that I used to wonder was he an angel or a man I really did I saw people do him like dirt and he kept an excellent spirit I saw people take advantage of him take money from him and never pay it back and he always had an excellent spirit I never saw him plus anybody out he never raised his voice at me although he was my mentor and he did correct me but he'd never fussed at me and there was always mercy in his voice and grace in his face and I remember as a young boy I used to think Lord if I just had some way to bless that man if I just had some way and I had no money we were very poor but I remember I came across one hundred dollar bill I was about 16 maybe it's 16 and I came across one hundred dollar bill and that hundred dollar bill to me was like a hundred thousand dollars but you know what I did and I write to Pastor and I said pastor I want you to have this oh wow he said I can't take that that's your money I said no I said listen this is not a lot of money but I said to me it's first hundred dollar bill I've ever held in my hands but I said I wanted you to have it because that's how much you mean to me and I hugged him kissed him and I told him how much I loved him you know I've thought about so many times he died in 1989 and I thought about so many times hugging him and kissing and give him $100 bill and I thought I'm so glad that I did that don't just say to your pastor own pastor appreciation we love you and we appreciate you do something special on their birthdays at Christmastime their anniversaries pastors and their wives love on them and let me tell you one other thing well I got you don't ever resent pastors children being involved in the church don't resent that that's a safety net for him that's a protection for him he's proud of that daughter up here leading that choir leading that worship I set out there and I look at her I sit out there and I look at her and I saw that little bump out there this morning and I figured you know I just figured you know but anyway I figured she's either got a tumor she's pregnant why not but anyway I saw the little bump out there and she leads worship and she does a great job how blessed is he downed be able to cup here and sit on that front row and look up here and see his daughter leading worship in this church you need to appreciate that you don't need to resent that and on top of that his sons on the keyboard his other sons up here this head of the missions Department his his family's just involved in the ministry and that's a blessing for this man it's not a curse and surpassing don't make me come over here and have to straighten you folks out no more amen but you need to appreciate that that is really a blessing for this church to have a wonderful family like that don't ever resent it my son helps me in the ministry he's my associate pastor and he also helps me in my ministry John Kilpatrick ministries and he's somebody I can trust I can take him out you know he fooled with me I take him out amen I brought him in I can take him out nobody say nothing about it but uh but he works with me and I'm real happy that my son's with me my little granddaughter plays the keyboard on Sunday mornings with the worship team and my other grandson works for the ministry and you know it's just wonderful to look around and see your seed working and helping you in the ministry so let me just say one more thing one day if you come in here and these people are not sitting here trust me you'll feel it you'll feel it you'll feel it sometime you don't know what you got until it's gone so you all need to love them I just with a pastor and he told me for his birthday the church bought him and his children a seadoo water thing what do you call this a jetski bottle my jetski church the bottom all jetski I'm not putting no ideas in your head but you know don't just say thank you and give them a hundred dollar bill make it count and let them know out of all you've done for this church pastor you've been here all this time we want to tell you how much we love you too so don't be afraid to do that amen hey man hey I want to just mention before I go before I bring the message tonight that talked this morning about Mark Biltz I'm gonna talk to mark and tell him he needs to come here to Evangel y'all really enjoy mark Biltz he's a very guy but anyway we sold out of his DVDs this morning but if you want to go back there and sign up for his DVD and mine also on the radiant woman will mail them Tuesday and you'll have them by Friday we we get them out quick we don't wait to sit on things we'll get them out quick so we'll mail them this coming Tuesday and you'll have them by next Friday so if you haven't got that yet by mark Biltz about the eclipse the solar eclipse he brought out so many things I had never thought of and never heard he's got that kind of a mind he's got that analytical type mind and it's anointed and he can go back and he can take events and associate it with an eclipse or whatever but they say that lunar eclipses usually has to do with Israel and solar eclipses have to do with the nations and you know since we had this solar eclipse the greatest tragedy this nation has ever faced happened right after that solar eclipse and also with what's going on in North Korea right now I know everybody is uneasy I'm uneasy and I know that on the 22nd for 21st and 22nd that is Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets and on the 23rd the very next morning the very next day is the radiant woman that is when everything's supposed to align in the heavens with a radiant woman in the Bible said it was a great wonder in heaven so I think that we're on the precipice I really believe that we're on the precipice right here of very important events that's about to take place and I think it's probably going to shock some people to see some of the things that's about to happen in the very near future because next year Israel will be 70 years old as a nation and 70 you know is what most scholars believe is the Bible generation and the Bible also says the generation that sees these signs come to pass showing a pass until all be fulfilled so we're right on the precipice we're right on the precipice of some very important things now cut me down to get in place if you will I feel just too loud I need to just talk and pick up my voice normally but just cut me down a little bit if you haven't seen this I want to just take just a minute and talk about this this is called four things about Israel Israel is coming land-grab Israel and the church to parallel Jerusalem and Israel the apple of God's eye there's four different messages in here and they're all powerful on Israel I think I've talked about this before by being here and I'm not sure about that but I'd really like to encourage you to get that if you haven't got it also we still have a few left to back there of the glory and if you enjoyed that this morning there's a lot more than I didn't get to cover and then tonight I'm gonna be dealing with a subject of hatching snake eggs somebody say oh my god that's what I say oh my god it's like Lord where did that come from but that's the last sermon I preached in my church last week it was so effective I felt like the Lord spoke to me to preach it here tonight is that okay hatching snake eggs that's the title the message tonight amen I want you to stand with me we're gonna look together in the scriptures we're going to look at Isaiah chapter 58 if you want to turn there with me Isaiah chapter 58 verse one cut me down a little bit more if you will I feel like I'm too loud maybe the house I'm not sure can you cut me down a little bit more can you hear me out there okay well maybe it's just me maybe God's open my hearing the Bible says in Isaiah 58 verse 1 it says cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions God is speaking to Isaiah he said show them show my people their transgression one thing transgression singular and the house of Jacob their sins he said in chapter 58 verse 1 in the New King James Version cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet tell my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins I'm going to deal today and I'll give you the scripture for it in just a minute I'm gonna deal with hatching snake eggs and this is a biblical term you know as I go along you'll be able to understand a lot better what I'm talking about you may be seated thank you we were living in a time where the Bible says that the devil is the prince and the power of the air back in the days before television and back in the days before radio back in the Frontier Days back in the days of early America there was no airwaves like that but since the discovery of radio and television and things like that needless to say they have been a great blessing but they've also been a great curse at times in certain ways I don't think that you and I can really understand how those airwaves being around us like that those radio waves TV pictures right now in this building in this room there's TV pictures in here there's religious TV pictures in this room right now and there's also pornographic TV pictures in this room at this moment I don't think we really realize how that affects us but it does the devil is the Prince and the power of the air so the air is infested with curse words four-letter words vulgarities the air is also infested with things like TBN god TV things like that but these things are around us and we're sensitive we're not only just body and soul but we're spirit and a lot of times your spirit picks up on things like that that you're not aware that you're picking up on but it can affect you and I think it does affect us more than we give credit for I believe it does affect us but with the devil being the Prince and the power of the air and the rulers of the darkness in high places you know as well as I do that it affects our minds tonight I want to speak to you for a little while on hatching snake eggs this is an unusual title but I feel like it's very appropriate for the moment if Jesus is about to come back in which I believe that he is if he's about to come back how many of you still believe that in coming to the Lord how many of you still believe in the rapture of the church I do too I preach it I believe it strongly if the Lord is about to come back it only stands to reason that we're under attack and the devil is trying to do everything he can to get us to fall out of the race and so there's going to be some mind games going on there's gonna be some mind battles going on so you're the very person I want to talk to you tonight we're just a little bit but now God spoke to Isaiah the prophet and God said to Isaiah he said cry aloud spare not he said lift up your voice like a trumpet show my people their transgression and God's people began to put two and two together and they begin to realize their prayers was not getting through and Isaiah was told by God go before the people in expose and tell them why their prayers are not getting through so first of all God said tell my people tell my people they were God's people they were covenant people yet Isaiah was told by the Lord he said explain to him exposed reveal why I'm not moving on their behalf like they want me to move on their behalf God's people were seeking the Lord daily the Bible says and I'll stay mainly in Isaiah 59 tonight they were seeking him daily they were waiting are they were wanting to know God's ways and they wanted to walk in his righteousness they wanted to approach him God said in Isaiah 58 verse 2 it said yet they seek me daily God said this he said they seek me daily you might think were the people seeking God daily well that's good isn't it and they delight to know my ways in other words they really would be delighted to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their God they asked of me the ordinances of justice they take delight in approaching God in other words they were religious about coming in and approaching the Lord but their prayers were not getting through and their fasting was in vain God said they said 958 verse 3 why have we fasted and you have not seen they said to Isaiah why have we fasted and God hasn't seen our fast why have we afflicted our souls and God has taken no notice they had to come to the conclusion that all their sacrificing praying and coming before God was not paying off and they felt like God was hiding his face from them so finally that's when the Lord intervened and said Isaiah talked to them and tell them what I tell you to tell them Isaiah chapter 59 we begin with a verse - this is where I want to stay in chapter 59 the rest of the night God said your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear so what God's basically saying here is Israel was coming before me with their mouths but their minds was far from me there was a good reason that God was responding the way God was responding his people were going through the motions they were consistently in his house consistently saying the right words consistently presenting themselves and fasting consistently presenting themselves to approach him but no results they love God the Lord was telling Isaiah they loved me with their mouth only Isaiah and I've created man I know what he's all about I can't be fooled they're coming before me with their mouth but not their mind so God commanded isaiah to cry out and to shake his people who appeared to be seeking him so diligently God said shake them into reality so look what God said to Ezekiel God said this for you son a man this is the Lord now speaking to Ezekiel he said the children of your people are talking about you beside the walls and in the doors of their houses God's telling Ezekiel he said the people my people are talking about you and they're talking about you in the walls of their houses the walls of their houses are hearing you talk about them talking about you and then the doors of the houses and they speak to one another about you Ezekiel everyone is saying to his brother please come and hear what the word is that the Lord has given to our prophet Ezekiel so they come to you as people do and they sit before you as my people they hear your words but they do not do them for with their mouths they show much love but with their hearts they pursue their own gain indeed God said listen to this this is so poetic God said indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well in the instrument they hear your words but they will not do so what calls this and I'm gonna get down to the nitty-gritty and here we go God said in chapter 59 verses 5 through 8 they hatch snake eggs and they weaves spider's webs he who eats of their eggs dies and from that which is crushed a viper breaks out of a crushed egg their wills will not become garments nor will they cover themselves with their works their works or works of iniquity and the act of violence is in their hands their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed innocent blood their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting and destruction are in their paths the way of peace they have not known and there is no justice in their ways they made themselves crooked paths whoever takes that way shall not know peace so what God was saying is these people come before me and they have all the religious trappings but their minds is not on me when they come before me I made man I made him to worship me in spirit and in truth you shall have the Lord your God with all your heart all your mind all your soul and God was saying I'm God I can read the minds they're presenting their bodies but their heart and their mind is not with me O God let it never be said about us as last day Pentecostals that we have a form of religion but our minds are not on God Oh hallelujah evil thoughts our serpent sees snake eggs it's like evil thoughts are like sperm that fertilizes the female egg evil thoughts are just like sperm that contacts the female egg and fertilizes it and God said snake eggs must be immediately destroyed look what goes on inside the mind just like looking safety here just for a minute what God's saying the Bible says in Proverbs and you know the scripture well it says as a man thinketh in his heart so it's he eat and drink saith he to thee but his heart is not with thee there it is right there here but his heart is not with thee look at this in Genesis this is so powerful what does the Bible say about the last days you remember when they came to Jesus and they said to Jesus they said what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the age and here's what Jesus said he said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days right before the coming of the Son of Man how was things right before the coming of the symantec look at it right here on the screen God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every imagination of his thoughts of his heart was only evil continually let's just stop right there for a minute God looked down at all of mankind now you think about this there was hundreds of thousands of people on the earth God looked down on the earth and he saw the antediluvian 'he's the people before the flood God being God he knows exactly he's not looking at their bodies he's not looking at just their you know he's he's interpreting he knows their thoughts and God said the antediluvian they're thought of their heart was evil continually they didn't think good things they didn't think good things about their neighbor they didn't think good things about God they constantly mold over evil things and the Bible said violence fill the earth they was thinking about how to get even with other people they was thinking about how to eliminate threats that was killing there was violence they were maiming they were getting revenge they hated each other and God looked down and he said I've had it their thoughts are only evil continually oh my god may the Lord look down upon us before his coming and may he see us with our heart and our mind stayed on him are you listening to me [Applause] and I say it's time they were worshipping God with lip service and they cried amen - everything Isaiah said they appeared to be devout lovers of the truth but their minds was full of snake eggs mine is full of snake eggs while sitting in the presence of God in other words thinking old and mulling over in their minds evil things while they're fasting while they're approaching the Lord while they're giving lip service God said their minds are full of snake eggs and while they're in my presence they're being caught God said I caught them while they're doing religious things they're actually thinking of idols they're actually thinking of the Groves their minds are like a mist full of snake eggs sitting and waiting to hatch no that's not the word hatch it's interesting hatch means to produce more of the original it means to give birth to it means to brood to concoct and secret to provide a safe habitat for eggs until they come forth Israel was fasting praying calling on God approaching God doing all the religious things but their minds were brooding and ready to hatch more evil than the last time they came before the Lord let me talk to you about evil thoughts just for a minute evil thoughts means that they're not harmless thoughts it means that they are evil thoughts and if they're not cast down immediately they can and they will poison your soul be careful that you don't allow the devil to sow an evil thought in your mind and I'm gonna talk about that more in just a few minutes but let me get there if you allow an evil thought to get in your mind and you do nothing about it then you're permitting that serpent Satan to lay eggs in your mind and the next thing you know you're sitting on the devil's eggs and you're gonna hatch them for him look at what Jesus said he said he that sews good seed is the son of man the field is the world the good seed to the children the kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked one the enemy that sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels listen what the Lord's saying here is it's the end of the age that's going to determine what you've been mulling over and hatching the good thing is the Holy Spirit's the ones sewing the good seed but the devil is the one that's been sowing the evil seed he said is therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so it shall be in the end of this age the Son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom everything that offends and then which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the kingdom of their father who has ears to hear let him hear now I want to just show you something else you might be sitting out there and you might be saying but brother Kilpatrick come on let's be honest how can you call every thought in your mind how can you call every thought you might be sitting out there asking and wondering is it possible to call every thought every wayward rogue thought is it possible to actually corral it and eliminate it the Bible says you must and I'm gonna give you the scripture I can give you several but listen to this casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity how many thoughts every thought to the obedience of Christ now listen to this I took time to look up the word elevate it says bringing into captivity every thought to the knowledge of Christ I looked up the word exalt rather every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Lord I looked up he's all and here's what I found exalt means to elevate one thought above all other thoughts now listen to that carefully to elevate to exalt means to elevate or exalt one thought above other thoughts in other words that's the one the devil puts in your mind and he demands that you think about it he demands that you give that attention he demands that you exalt that thought be consumed with that far and let other thoughts go by the wayside every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Lord the Bible says you to bring it into captivity to obedience to Christ but the Bible says are I looked up the word exalt insists to elevate above other thoughts to glorify to intensify to give priority or importance above others to give greater estimation than something else so here's what here's how you know whenever something's going on in your life that's not of the Holy Spirit the devil puts a thought in your mind or something happens and the first news you know you elevate and exalt that thought above all other thoughts that's the one that consumes your time that's the one that causes you to grow quiet that's the one that you wake up in the middle of night thinking about it's been exalted you're thinking on that thought the devil put it in there it's time right then to reach up and grab it pull it down and say no no one Satan's plants a thought in your mind he will manipulate you and things around you to keep that safe I remember I used to raise pigeons as a young man I used to raise pigeons homing pigeons and I'll race them and we'd take my pigeons up to Pine Mountain north of Columbus Georgia where I live we take him up to Pine Mountain and we turn my pigeons loose and they had a telescope up there and you could put a quarter in and I can watch my pigeons when I turned them loose they just fly off you know I had about twenty six of them really blue bars and you know and tumblers and all that stuff that was great I enjoyed raising pigeons I learned a lot but they were really really great pigeons and my brother-in-law had a car and we'd go up to the Pine Mountain would release them out you know we had a cage in the trunk would release them we had about 26 of them and we could watch them when they'd fly and you could not see 26 miles away but you could see when the pigeons would start their circling and they would start circling over the pigeon pen you can see when they start circling about 20-something miles away you could see them whenever they start circling this is getting ready to come in for landing when everyone's racing those pigeons when the hen would lay an egg I'd go in as a young man and I'd make that him get up off her eggs because I wouldn't see how many anxious sitting on points if it's one three whatever it was and when I reset my hand in there like that to get that pigeon to get up off from this she'd take that wing back back she'd pop me y'all ever had that happen you know she didn't want me fooling with her eggs let me tell you something about a thought that the devil puts in your mind that becomes a snake egg it's a thought that you're enamored with and you're sitting on it like a hen sitting on the egg and you're protecting it and somebody tries to come to you and say brother I'm concerned about you seem like you've had a personality change quack quack right you know you pop it in other words leave me alone I'm in deep thought somebody said something about you and I'll cover a lot of this stuff in just a minute but somebody said something about you and you're sitting on that snake egg the devil put it in your mind somebody said something about you and you're so consumed with what they said and you're so consumed about your pride and you're so consumed about your good name and you're so consumed about what other people thinks about you and how dare them and you're sitting on this egg and somebody comes up and tries to say let's go to church let's go to prayer meeting let me pray for you let me anoint you wet quack leave me alone you know what they're doing they're brooding they're sitting on snake eggs and that has somehow been elevated and exalted above all other thoughts that's the one you're consumed with and somebody comes and tries to get your mind off of it let me take you to the store let's go get a hamburger let's go get a coke let's go get an ice-cream let's go take a ride in the country let me get passed over here and pray for a quack-quack they don't want you talking to them about it because they're sitting on hands at here it's like they're sitting on these Devils eggs like snake eggs and they want to let that thing hatch but let me tell you something once you Center on a thought it's going to hatch and multiply into multiple thoughts you're not going to have just one problem you don't have a hundred problems that's why the Bible says take every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ pull it down immediately because if you don't it's going to produce snakes and man in this day an hour that we're living in oh my god the assault that the mind is under let me talk to you about brooding for a moment it means you coddle that thought you're coddling that thought you're protecting that thought you don't want nobody try to tell you get rid of that thought you may be thinking of another woman you may be thinking of another man you may be thinking of something that nobody knows what you're thinking but it's something that it's often itself and the Bible says take every thought into captivity not one single thought must be allowed to escape look at this casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity how many every thought to the obedience surprised every thought you know what you're one of your main jobs in your life ought to be every day to start seeing elevating itself in your thinking and whatever starts elevating itself in your thinking and whatever you're trying to sit on and you're trying to cuddle at the hunt and you're trying to coddle that feeling and you're trying to suck that pity in you need to realize you better deal with it right then because if them snakes hatch you're gonna have a whole nest of vipers let me look at the word brood for a minute brood how many times have I seen church people brooding how many times have I seen somebody in the church get their feelings hurt and their personality changes they get their feelings hurt they get offended and their personality changes and the first years you know they were once one of the most boisterous gregarious people in the congregation hallelujah when the preacher preached they were vocal Wow and when the worship would go on they'd be the ones dancing around with a handkerchief in their hand but all of a sudden something happens to them they get offended now they're not gregarious now they're not dancing with the handkerchief in their hand they move from the first row to the middle of the church to the back row to the balcony and out the back door they're gone they're brooding over something that the devil got them to exalt in their thinking and they wouldn't pull it down get over it and move on you must get over whatever the devil is tormenting you with come on give God praise you've got to get over it I looked up the word brood and the word brood means to ponder you're pondering the word brood means to cover cover the MiGs you ever seen a hen when she sits on the eggs hi she'll you ever seen that I'm a country boy hallelujah city boys Oh what's he saying what'd he say you know but country when the hen gets only makes she'll shake her booty she she's gonna cover those eggs what she's doing see she's brooding that means to cover the word brood means to protect the word brood means to worry and the word brood means to be in a state of depression you're brooding now let me talk to you about four or five types of thoughts that can be considered snake eggs and I'm not gonna take long on this but I want to talk about each one of these in detail as much as possible because I know that there's many people that's watching live streaming many people that's here that's dealing with this very thing and I believe Holy Spirit has a compassionate message for you the first one is injurious thoughts the first snake egg that I want to deal with is injurious thoughts when you have been misunderstood when you have been misrepresented when you have been misinterpreted would you have been mistreated then you get hurt and you get offended I'm gonna go through that one more time real quickly injurious thoughts it's when you get misunderstood somebody misunderstood you and they misrepresented you you were misinterpreted you were mistreated or an are being mistreated didn't you get hurt and you get offended what happens these thoughts begin to start playing and replaying and replaying and replaying and replaying and replay and replay and replaying over and over in your mind and you're sitting there brooding covering those eggs you're brooding about what's been said you're brooding about what's been done you're brooding about somebody misinterpreting you and misrepresenting you and mistreating you and you're brooding over it you can't get over it you wake up in the middle of the night and it's like your mind goes from total sleep and you wake up and all of a sudden your mind speeding at 90 to nothing and those thoughts are just bombarding you in the middle of the night two o'clock three o'clock four o'clock five o'clock in the morning it's pitch dark in your room but your mind is going crazy it's a thought that's exalting yourself above all other thoughts and you're thinking all these things and you're thinking about them in Technicolor we don't think in black and white we think in Technicolor look again at Isaiah 59 verse five it says they hatch Piper's eggs and we've spiders webs listen to me have you ever looked at a spider's web the other night I went out and I had to water my I had some grass planted some centipede grass planted and I went out that day and whenever I cut the hydro gnome with my sprinklers my slate and sprinklers I saw a spider web right there by my hydrant and it had a spider on there with a red dot on him and that's the kind of he stains you you'll say Oh that'll leave a mark amen and so I didn't fool the spider well but nothing like that I just bypassed him but I saw the web and it was so intricate it was such a network such a such a canopy that he had created in one so thin so thin thinner than your hair thinner than a follicle of hair and long one was attached to a crape myrtle and the other one was the Kratt was attached to the Zeya and he had this intricate canopy of a well but he was right in the middle of it and when the Sun hit it you can see how thin those little webs were and that spider crawled on those little inconspicuous little thin thin fibers but that night I'd let it run for several hours in that night and we're not there to cut it off and I didn't I couldn't see that Wilber in the dark and I went right in that spider somebody say old over it ago I couldn't see that spiderweb and I couldn't see that spider and I walked right into it and the web got all over me and some of the spider and I said oh Jesus I just preached this sermon I said lord I don't exalt this thing at all i cast it down right now you know but you'd be surprised how Satan can travel on the thinnest of margins you'd be surprised how the most flimsy things the devil can travel on like a spider and torment you and sting you and poison you Oh little very tiny margins and the Sun sometime it takes the Sun for you to see it that's why when you start brooding you get dark when you start brooding you get dark and get into depression start brooding darkness comes you start getting that dark look to you and you can't see them spider webs but when you get into Holy Ghost Service that's why church is so important when you come into the house of God and the Word of God is being preached and the light is being shined out you can see those web and you start pulling them down and getting free oh my god it's time to get free of everything that's tormenting us come on give God praise another thing is I've noticed whenever people start replaying that stuff over and over and over in their mind they get in this process a genesis of snakes laying eggs and their minds and being exalted these thoughts being exalted and just seem like they just it's endless you just can't you're seeing all kinds of scenarios because you've exalted that thought but you know what here's the truth of the matter if it wasn't possible to pull every thought in captivity the Bible would not tell you to do it I said if it wasn't possible to pull every thought into captivity the Bible and the Apostles would not tell you that you can do it it might not be something you want to do you might want to pop pop pop you know you might want to keep sitting on those eggs you might want to keep brooding over it but I'm telling you tonight come out of that brooding ttyn mentality come out of it in Jesus name rise up pull them web sound and get rid of them snake eggs get rid of them you said brother Kilpatrick I can't forgive well isn't that strange because the Bible says forgive seventy times seven and one day if that wasn't possible he wouldn't tell us to do it it's not a matter that you can't forgive you don't want to forgive but I like to ask you this question do you know if you don't forgive there's gonna be a hole hatching party going on of snake eggs of things that you're gonna have so many problems with you won't be able to shake a stick with them there's gonna be so many of them manual multiplying in and and and spreading in your life another thing that I really found interesting when I look this up I thought man look at this I saw a passage of scripture that really shook me pretty good snake eggs of fear many Christians are continuously letting the devil lay eggs and their minds of fear and you know what last Sunday you may have been fine January the first week of January when you came to church in 2017 you may have been fine but now in September you may be full of fear over something that's a snake egg it's a thought process it's an incubation period where you allowing the devil to take your captive without fear let me show you what I'm talking about fear brings confusion it brings anxiety and it brings torment there's far too many people that have so many fears I can't even begin to an analyze them are named them there's so many fears but this kind of snake egg that the devil lays in a person can actually be fatal because sometimes fear of failure can cause a person to give up and kill themselves you'd be surprised how many people I come across as Christians that has always been emotionally strong and stable but now all of a sudden in these last days many of them are almost suicidal and they're thinking suicidal thoughts they're thinking about entering their life fear your failure sometime gets ahold of God's people because maybe you had a father that was hard to please and now that you're an adult and your dad's gone or your mother's gone or whatever and you couldn't please nobody now it's like you you're trying to have some success but you keep sabotaging your success and you keep sabotaging that success and you keep having failure after failure after failure to the point that you're willing to throw your hands up and just say I don't know I just quit I just can't keep going through this and it's such a fear of failure that gets ahold of God's people sometime but did you know that the Bible says that fear is contagious don't you to look at something really powerful it said God speaking to Moses in Deuteronomy he said the officer shall speak further to the people and say what man is there who is fearful and faint-hearted let him go and let him return to his house in other words cut him loose from the army let him go home bless the heart of his brethren faint like his heart listen to me let's don't bypass the scripture too quick what the Lord said to Moses was tell them I want to have a powerful army in Israel but tell them when they get ready to go to battle if you got a man there that's a coward you got a man there that's full of fear send him home don't call him a wall send him home with your blessing because if he stays the fear he's got he's gonna transfer that on to other people in the army get him out of here you only want people handling a weapon that says let's go we can do this you don't want faint-hearted people working in the army because they'll affect other people that can be pushed you know a car that's in neutral you can push it forwards or backwards you've got to put your car and drive and keep going forward and never look back look at this look at the next verse of scripture the Lord so when you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you don't be afraid of them for the Lord your God is with you who brought you up from the land of Egypt so it shall be when you are on the verge of battle that the priest shall approach and speak to the people and he shall say to the people hear o Israel today you're on the verge of battle with your enemies do not let your heart faint do not be afraid do not be do not tremble or be terrified because of them for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you now listen to me I want to tell you many of God's people in these last days right before the coming of the Lord you're becoming afraid of all kinds of stuff and you're transferring that fear on your children well I'm gonna back up and say something else while I'm at it I'm gonna get paid anyway so I don't care here's what the Holy Spirit told me the other day he said you know how it is when you watch CNN and MSNBC how they're constantly battling the president how they're constantly criticizing the president and the Lord said you're sitting there and you're watching all that I cut the TV off the other day and kick the couch and if it could have been Anderson Cooper I ought to kick tail praise God you know what I'm saying but they just bashing the president the Russian conspiracy and collusion and all this kind of stuff they won't give the man a chance at least he's calling for a day of prayer I'm for him because he's calling for a day of prayer he don't need people bashing him he needs people praying for him praying for your leaders but listen to this listen to this you got people today they're sitting before the TV watching the TV and they're hating all these people that's saying all these bad things you're tuning in and you're watching that so that you can be full of hate the Lord said cut it off and start praying [Applause] shut the TV off I know some people I'm one of them when I hear people acting like that and I hear the things they're saying I want to just wring somebody's Nathe I can recently TV I'll shake the fool on of only men but what the Holy Spirit's idiocy no no no no he said you got to know that that switch cuts a tone and cuts at all cut it off don't let snake eggs be laid in your head by Anderson Cooper by Wolf Blitzer by MSNBC they're trying to lay snake eggs in your mind oh but go to the Word of God let the word of the Lord give you an incubation of good things and good thoughts you're gonna have to do that listen to me before I leave I want these words to ring in your ear cut it off so what the Lord was saying here is he said when you get ready to go to battle he said you got to realize that those that's afraid fear is contagious and you can transfer it how many mothers has transferred fears onto their sons and daughters how many mothers has made their children afraid to get out on their own because they tried to keep them too close how many mothers and fathers have engendered fear in their children where they're afraid to try their wings how many mothers and fathers have made their kids afraid to drive a car how many people have made others afraid they took the fear that consumed their life and they transferred it over their little baby the lone son their little daughter how many preachers behind pulpits have had fears and they get up behind the pulpit and they spew those fears all over their people listen there's no room for fear perfect love cast out all fear not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind fear is contagious and what God said to Moses was he said Moses tell him to go home they won't be a wall just tell them to go home enjoy your wife enjoy your children we're gonna go out we're gonna fight this battle we don't need your mouse we don't need you saying we can't do this I need people I feel that frontline of battle it says let me Adam God give us a church in these last days that's not afraid and we're fearless [Applause] snake eggs of lust I'm not gonna talk about this much snake eggs of addictions of all sorts mine's controlled by serpents thoughts old desires old lovers that you once could go to her bed anytime you pleased old lovers men that you could call home to satisfy your desires anytime you decided to mine pictures pornography it's said in these days that we're living in that over half of Christian men and the body of Christ are addicted to pornography over half of the men is addicted to pornography snakes snake eggs Isaiah said this he said in chapter 59 verse 8 the way of peace they have not known and there's no justice in their ways they have made themselves crooked past whoever takes the way that way shall not know peace the devil can lay such a web of embryos and eggs in your mind that he can take your peace completely away from you because of the thought your thinking just by the thought your thinking let me look at this one darkness and deception thoughts of darkness and deception minds ruled by snake eggs become blind and the mind becomes full of darkness and full of deception Isaiah said in chapter 59 verses 9 and 10 he said therefore justice is far from us nor does righteousness overtake us we look for light but there's darkness we look for brightness but we walk in blackness we grow for the wall like the blind and we grope as if we had no eyes we stumble at noonday as at twilight we are as dead men in desolate places that's the coldest hardest of hearts belongs to those who were once warm but now they stumble in darkness you know I've been around a long time and I've been pastoring a long time and I've seen a lot of stuff and I travel for years and I've seen a lot of stuff as I travel I talked a lot of pastors scores and scores of them thousands of them I've known people that was once so full of life so forgiving fasted sought God preached taught well missionary trips went to missions trips and built churches and they gave money and they used to be the most pleasant people that take people in church out to eat and everybody would just talk about how they so enjoyed having fellowship with them there's some how the devil laid some serpent eggs in their minds and they began to coddle those eggs and they began to exalt that thought of whatever it is above any other thoughts and they went into darkness how dark is that darkness for a person that used to be so fun living and so gregarious it's so full of life and now all of a sudden they're the person that you don't want to go to lunch with and they're the person that you don't want to hang around I don't know if you know of anybody like that but I know him by the hundreds how many people did I see in the Brownsville revival that God brought in and he saved from all kinds of stuff I remember seeing him in the baptismal pool being baptized and I remember Shane seeing I'm shaking on the power of God I remember how they glowed and I remember how their testimony was so powerful and I I've gone back and I've seen later I've gone back and I've seen YouTube videos of people when they were baptized twenty years ago and now I know where they are they're back slid cold divorce their wives left their kids and on Facebook living a homosexual lifestyle how deep is that darkness something happened they were baptized and they were glowing with the glory of God tears running down their face what happened that devil ate some snake eggs and their mind friend don't sit out there and say that can't happen to me it can happen to you it can happen to me we've got to pull these things down we'll give you one more time we'll close dual personalities Isaiah 59 and verse 11 it says we all grow we're like bears and then we moan sadly like doves we look for justice but there is none it's far from us in other words what the Bible saying here is people that have snake eggs and their minds and their coddling that thing there they're sitting on these eggs and they're brooding they can overreact they can threaten you thinking threaten here they can it can be a husband and he says to his wife leave me alone don't you know I told you not to bother me when I'm like this leave me alone and twenty minutes later come here honey I'm sorry look at it on the screen look at it on the screen growl like bears and then 20 minutes later moan like does I'm so sorry I'm so sorry you know what snake eggs does it makes you have a dual personality and people don't know what which one they're gonna run into they don't know if you're gonna be growling like a bear are you gonna be cooling like a death they don't know you know why because these thoughts has got you and when you're not thinking on those thoughts you simmer down and your system gets clear of it and you're kind and you're sweet but then all of a sudden your mind starts thinking back on those thoughts and you're mean is a bear hard to get along with slap your wife cuss a little bit what is that what is that you're Christian you're a deacon your board member you're not sure what is that growling like a bear that Devils laid some snake eggs in there and you're coddling those snake eggs and you're brooding over them I want to leave this with you in just a minute I'm gonna call forth the prayer team and I'm gonna have the prayer team come in just a minute not quite just yet but just a minute I'm gonna have them come and line up and every person under the sound of my voice that this message has touched you in some way I'm gonna have you come forward we're gonna lay hands on you and pray for you and God's going to touch you but there's some things that the Holy Spirit said to me when I came here he said tell them there are some things that they alone are gonna have to reach up there and they're gonna have to deal with that I can't do it pastor can't do it your wife candidate can your husband do you've got to do it you say I can't I can't not turn to pornography oh yes you can yes you can oh my brother pure Patrick I just can't get it up I can't forgive my plummy so bad you've got to get it off your mind you know what take that egg and sponge it like in your hand like that and let the yolk run out where it can't ever hatch on you ever again just break that egg open don't sit on it no longer don't keep warmth on it don't let that thing start cracking don't let it hatch on you reach in there right now take it out once you've been brooding over crunch it and go home tonight and get a good night's sleep Alleluia can somebody shiny man woo Lord gave me a prophetic word at the beginning of the year and I put it on my website God gave me 22 prophetic words for the body of Christ and January and I put it on the website I think we've already got over 300,000 hits on those 22 prophetic words but one of them was for a pastor and I saw a pastor's chair on the sanctuary platform and underneath his chair I saw a well a spider web but intricate spider web all up underneath his chair and the Holy Spirit said there's people that has woven a will for that pastor and he said if he's not careful he's gonna release the spider that crawl on those webs but the Holy Spirit said if he'll reach under there right now before that spiders turn loose and take and swap those webs out of there that spider will never crawl against him that's the best way to deal with a situation is before it ever has a chance to work against you pull that nest out pull that web down break the yoke of those eggs that you've been brooding over break it throw them to the ground smash them crack them open stop pull them don't ever let those snake eggs hatch against you in Jesus name everybody stand with me please come on lift up your hands and just begin to worship the Lord with it God's gonna give people deliverance here tonight I speak that in the name of Jesus Christ come on I need the prayer team up here with me real quickly if you will I want you to come and I want you to stand facing the audience let's just look to the Lord right quick if you will I want you to put that CD on for me back there hallelujah those of you that are here tonight and somehow another God has touched you God has spoken to you and you realize that you need to come forward tonight and get prayer I want you to leave where you are right now and I want you to come forward we're gonna spend the season in prayer would you do that right now come on we're gonna send the season in prayer I'm gonna lay my hands on you we're all gonna lay hands on you and pray for you come on yes shut on total are about Ianto come on church I need some Usher's down here to help distribute these people if you will we have so many people here I need some issues to help me distribute the people shut on imago cool robot son toe Bobo Biondo [Music] maaan church [Music] come on church I want you to help me break [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] but God touch your friend let him let God touch you their prayer person fight with you and somebody lay hands on you come on on a bus on door hola poco de Rivoli I know [Music] in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] yes Lord yes Lord [Music] I love you lord I love you [Music] you love you lord i love you lord prayer team I want your the way [Music] wanna make sure everybody gets brake horns [Music] [Music] Oh holy Lord holy Lord [Music] Oh yes Lord we love you Lord we love you lord help us help us [Music] we love you Lord I need I need you Lord we need you we need you Jesus [Music] yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Jesus Leon though this is good you're doing wonderful come on if you need prayer come forward don't wait we want you to come forward somebody's gonna pray for you come on let somebody lay hands on you tonight Fred [Music] [Music] your home [Music] one more yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes we love you Lord we love you we love you Lord we bless your loss we bless you Lord [Music] we love you [Music] [Music] power power power the holy God let me power in the Holy Ghost let me see your love cut up over let me know the kisses let me feel let me smell the fragrance of your wit just long he see your love yes Lord yes war just war let me know the kisses of your better let me feel your embrace let me smell the fragrance of your touch let me see [Music] cuddled up just a little bit please cut it up just a little bit I love [Music] [Music] yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord my heart my flesh my heart my pleasure over you we yearn for you Lord to love you is all I can do because my soul passion yes Lord [Music] just laws [Music] let me know [Music] [Music] smell the fragrance of your tongue [Music] you see your lovely take me away [Music] so long I love you longer [Music] - he'll let me know the kisses of your mouth sing to the Lord [Music] let me feel your embrace you smell the fragrance of your turkey [Music] let me see your lovely face [Music] even so lord [Music] your boss [Music]
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 33,245
Rating: 4.864151 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 36sec (5376 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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