God Has Marked Your Children!

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I have already marked to see they shall not be outside but they will be inside the arc of my president you have become drunk with the cares of this life and you are troubled in mind and spirit says the Lord you are troubled by the things you have come to believe will be beyond your reach but you must know that I have heard your prayers from the first thing you came to me with tears and a trembling heart about your concern I have already answered the very thing that you are Aegeus about your feet will touch many they have been chosen from long ago they will emerge at the hour of my choosing these children of yours will be almost unrecognizable to you because I will anoint them to do exploits they will know me and they will accomplish all I have laid my hand on them to do not only will they do great things but they will be in the company of those I am raising up who also will do great things they will be friends with mighty evangelists they will be friends with anointed psalmist as well as highly anointed influential Christian leaders and God sent your children and your grandchildren will meet together regularly to share amazing stories of breakthrough and answered prayers and some of their stories God said will even exceed your own stories I have declared this to be so even before you were weird they want to come even greater than you can imagine they have my name already stamped upon their forehead and shall go in and out of places where others can I go as for you you have fretted and dreamed about what kind of footprint you will leave behind God said oh but you cannot yet see what I have in store for you your previous footprint cannot compare to what God is gonna do I have already declared you're in from your beginning you are attempting to see in a dark place where my glory has not yet fully arisen upon what I'm going to do with you you're looking through a glass darkly my golden wine will arise upon you and shall be seen upon you just as with Sarah of old your last trimester is going to produce far greater that you have ever known the thing that I'm pressing in you I'm giving you the authority to tend to to care for and to bring to fruition two things that I promise you not somebody else [Applause] after a short travail you will attend to what you have been carrying that no one else could see what you knew as a sketch will all be filled in with bold lines and dramatic color and frame just for this season of your life what you once despised will be displayed as a complete work of my grace and glory the things that you had to go through that cause you tears and heartbreak and anguish and even a loss of confidence and it times a loss of faith God said what you once despised that season that you had to go through will now be on display like a piece of art on the easel and it will be a completed work of my grace and my glory your voice will be heard your halting lack of confidence will melt away I will cause your voice to carry others and your words will become beams of light for those still struggling like you one struggling for so long both between yesterday and today do not attempt to look into my glorious plans because your eye can't see and your ear can't get here it's not your mind what I have for you has appeared to you as a bucking stallion that you are able to get on and ride but when you finally mount the season that I've been preparing for you you'll find out it wasn't the horse at all that wasn't ready it was you you'll mount up with E and your letter footprint will be far greater than all the previous misunderstood you only those who have been meat will ride with me on that day that I have declared and revealed in the earth this day I have measured you I have marked you and yours and I will give you my hidden manna so that you may have the strength for the days ahead rejoice I have not only hidden you in my pavilion but I have hidden your sons and your daughters and they shall abide in the shadow of my wings more able to perform what I have promised [Music]
Channel: John Kilpatrick
Views: 142,492
Rating: 4.9506054 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic, word, john, kilpatrick, children, grandchildren
Id: _m6IIvTfYxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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