I Thought 4 Tracks Didn’t Get Stuck? #27

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gotta get the picture for the gram here this morning look at that sky over that beautiful pond of water [Music] yeah that's pretty cool oh did you get it yeah doggo just takes his picture through the window and lets no one else take their morning picture all right let's go let's go doggo pick up the speed the rain's coming tonight maureen imagine that here california had three inches yeah that's what i heard that must be a lot that must be a lot for them that's just standard that's just like a standard rainbow brick over here yeah it just sprinkled three inches good morning that thing strapped on yeah i forgot them other things yep so [Applause] he's a brisk and breezy day today look at the mud his radiator will be plugged up shortly look at that look at that big turd [Music] the real funny thing is how does he get into the machine [Music] eric you're stranded outside your machine you're gonna clean that off nope because it'll be like that in a matter of 10 minutes ooh [Music] yeah i feel sorry for the poor guy that let's clean this off yeah me too i can't see out of my windows [Music] dump some of that northern chill on there yeah okay you gotta hand me my stuff once i get up there you got a heated seat and i don't stay here and then and it's cold give this to the driver okay and then start your engine you have to load no oh my gosh [Music] you want your coffee i don't drink coffee believe it or not you want to be buried in a shallow grave so the temperatures have uh dropped massively so we're dealing with 40s and high 30s we did have a night of 27 here just a couple nights ago and i forgot to turn the kill switch on gotta get back out in the dreadful wind [Music] that's better got some beeps at least all right are we gonna need ether nope no need for ether nothing like some uh water for the morning so i do not like what i'm seeing happening right now is i got the head like as high as i can go to get the cobs but the trash actually gets caught by the stock stoppers when i'm in you know two feet of water and it builds up under the head and then i gotta watch make sure i don't jam any any rows burn up a clutch that is a wet spot well i'm on the last uh five rows of this field i'm not sad it was kind of nice to get back in the combine for a day and a half here after a little break um glad we could help out the neighbor and friend here because uh i don't i i know for a fact it would have been a massive struggle and i don't know if they would have been able to do it but they're they have a 97 70 with wheels but it would have not been pretty as you can see that what the headlands look like here it's it's a mess we got a lot of cleaning to do on our equipment here but we're dumping gonna dump off the last load and send our truck in and i think unless another neighbor calls i think that'll be it for the combine look at the size of that mud pile on the road oh my goodness he's gonna have to come down with his loader and clean up not good less than ideal eric's cleaning off the mud piles off his lights all right there goes the last of the corn all right we're back to the farm we've got uh hurricane-like winds outside but we got the 870 hooked up to the grain cart tractor i'm gonna go actually do some light duty sawfording on one of the farms that we rented this summer for next year so let's go get into the new 8r i have yet to be in there or filmed in there besides driving around the yard so i'm excited to take it out play in some mud with a brand new tractor that'll be fun all righty get to drive my new tractor that's awesome use this big salford unit here this is more of a spring tool but on our lighter ground we will uh use this in certain certain uh soil types and then also we have to get as much done as possible because it's supposed to rain another inch and a half tonight tomorrow so we're just gonna try and do anything anything is better than nothing right right what do we got here air conditioned seat massage wow this is nice hard to see out this side of the cab but that was eric he's running the uh 870 ripper looks like it's working okay i see some black skid marks so he's definitely struggling in areas but i gotta run back to the farm this thing needs to be fueled up and then we'll be out to the field with her [Applause] [Music] so this is actually a half section missing 180 out of it so it's about 200 acres and the pathway to get to the 180 is uh it's this so um you might need to do some work on that also uh some tree trimming back there and possibly up here because our equipment's a little bit uh larger than the average a little scared up in here actually with this thing [Music] yeah i don't think a 64-foot digger is gonna make it through there very well all righty one fold full let's go there we go well it's happening we're tilling looks pretty good looks really good not much residue out here studying a sign of something it's pretty wet i can see there's mud flinging already got a raise because we're spinning but the old 370 she's uh she's working pretty good on this thing and it has a separate view i don't know if it's meant to be that deep not really used to an ivt transmission i hear it shifting and banging quite a bit i don't know if that's standard operation or what but and there's water down there we got to do a bunch of ditch improvements clean some ditches i see that's evident i'm not gonna be able to do all this with the two track i'll tell you that well that's gonna have to leave how inconvenient giant rocks man them are big rocks holy cow massive yeah i wonder how massive the one that's underneath this rock pile is that's what old-timers used to do if they found a rock that was too big to move they would start a rock pile on top of it so that'll be a cool video in the future okay i've done about 60 acres with the dmi ripper here run that daylight so i'm gonna do a quick check see what's broke on it because there will be something broke on it let's start with the disc [Music] as long as one of these doesn't like completely fall off i'm not too worried about it we go through the bearings in the off season i'm not going to replace one here go i'm not gonna go through and spin them all right now but all the discs are there so just tripped on a corn stock must not have been a maywest stomper next t-bolts you guys know about these i'm sure busts at the top this is what holds the levelers on the back of the dmi that breaks at the top bolt falls down those all look good next shear bolts on the shanks uh the spring can be sprung or trip uh but sometimes you bust the shear bolt instead so let's look it would be this one up here that tends to break and you gotta look at both sides because sometimes it'll break off one side of the bolt the head or the nut but the whole bolt won't fall out oh boy yeah here's one so right here busted the busted the head off the bolt and there sits what's left of the bolt and the nut it's still in there do i just i got dirt in my eyes do i just run it that looks good [Music] okay i think we just got the one all right well i got a sledgehammer see if i don't have the other stuff and we'll we'll replace this now bust it off right at the what is that the shank where the head and the bolt is where the thread starts not that shank the bolt chain the shoulder bolt shoulder yeah okay [Music] stay tuned got my hardware all i have for tools is a sledgehammer and a three-quarter inch drive ratchet which is quite overkill but let's see if we can't do this [Music] here is what was left i'm pretty sure that's called the shoulder from the head of the bolt to where the threads start correct me if i'm wrong but all right tightening up the nut we'll be done here so i'm really glad we're looking at a different shank you know but i'm really glad that i caught that before that bolt completely fell out because then this whole shank comes back that hole gets pushed down and they always get wedged in between these two plates hence why we got a sledge hammer so much easier just to replace it prior to that happening okay back into the mud well randy pulled a doggo he's stuck he went into a slough that we moboard plowed motherboard plowed uh earlier this year where he was turning around by it i don't know i'm driving up to him and uh yeah billboard plow that's you'll sink in deep there oh my well he wasn't just turning around he was way out in there this should be fun let's see what we can do well here's the edge of the field that's the slough and there's randy's tractor get the income well after further examination he's about 80 yards from solid ground we didn't have enough rope so he's going back to get more oh this is not good he's really stuck well i'm gonna do some rounds while i wait [Music] okay that thing drove itself out we're gonna get him realigned and pull out salford now [Music] well it's out did some tillage on its way out too all right i got that field done went did another 25 acre field came home fueled up again pumped a couple tires were low i don't know how long those have been low but uh i think eric is gonna go out again he's home getting fuel i think he's going back out it is uh one in the morning rain's coming so i don't know i might take the other ripper and go out with him i don't know but we'll see well it sounds like we're going back out i'm going to go till it rains i guess again yay another all-nighter i had a parked combine away it was so windy i didn't didn't bring it in but i'm going to do that now grab a little more food because i only packed enough food for about a 14-hour day not a 24-hour day so get some more food and head back out thanks for watching i appreciate it we'll see you guys in the next video and when i get a little more sleep see you later [Music] you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 259,301
Rating: 4.9835405 out of 5
Id: dklC__mBUgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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