John Bevere: God is Preparing YOU for MORE | FULL TEACHING | Praise on TBN

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introducing vinya a new Miracle superfood from the holy land that is clinically proven to increase your blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen resulting in improved physical energy and mental alertness so order your Vineyard today at or call 800-600-3619 blood flow forever the Lord wants a walking living relationship and out of that living walking relationship that we have with him he directs our paths and so I I I believe what God does is he will show us just enough to get us walking the right direction but you know you may think okay God's calling me here and I'm here right now right you may think simple bam right there no you go through this Wilderness this desert this Crucible this attack and then all of a sudden you find yourself here so you know what it's so fun this topic that we want to talk about because John I want to Dive Right into because you have so much knowledge you have so much information I know you can just download to us and you know you can get knowledge on Google but you need wisdom you guys know what I'm talking about I mean that's what we really need is is wisdom today about how do you discover God's purpose God's calling for your life everyone has a unique calling and I think people get confused on what that is what that looks like and today it seems like everyone thinks they're calling is just to be famous right just to be on TV or you know to be you know have your own reality show or YouTube channel or whatever and I think we're missing something and so could you just unpack with us how do you discover your calling you know let's just start with that with me it's it's very interesting as a as a young boy I remember going to the Catholic church and I was scared because I felt something tugging me now that was before I really wasn't sensitive to the Lord anymore and I remember then you know as a you know a big full-on Center I mean I did what Sinners are supposed to do I send good and I remember once I got saved in my college fraternity at Purdue University that little pull towards Ministry came back but honestly Bill Ministry was the last thing I ever wanted to do because every Minister I'd ever met was weird now I have to say this and please I grew up in a town of three thousand okay so I'm a Catholic boy so my concept of ministry is either you never get married which that scared me like crazy or if you end up as a pastor there was only one Pastor in that little town that I knew and he had a very smelly house and really weird kids and I was like okay so I I resisted it and resisted it and resisted it and finally a couple events occurred with me that got my attention one was I was studying engineering and as a co-op engineer we would work at IBM for a semester and go to Purdue for a semester and we were celebrating an engineer's 38th year with IBM and there was 14 Engineers sitting around the room they're all drinking their coffee I can't drink coffee I got too much energy for that so anyway I'm just sitting there talking with them while they're drinking their coffee and this guy says I've hated every day I've walked in here for 38 years and everybody laughed in the office except me I was horrified wow and I looked at him and I said why did you do it and he said and he got a little upset with me he goes John it's a job you know you earn money so you can eat and buy clothes and I was like shut up bevere and I remember I didn't say another word in that office but I I made I made a note in my mind and in my heart 38 years from now I will not be saying what he's saying wow and I remember my senior year that was my junior year that happened my senior year I called my mom and you tried doing this with your Roman Catholic Italian mother I said Mom I'm not coming home for Thanksgiving and her first thing was what are you going to eat and I said mom don't worry about it and I fasted all my fraternity Brothers went home that Thanksgiving I fasted and I said God I got to know why you put me on this Earth and as a result of that fast God gave me glimpses of things I didn't do until I was in my 50s I have it written down doc dated um the 1981 and yet I didn't see some of the Fulfillment until I was in my 50s now that's what God always does he says shows Joseph you're going to be a great leader your brothers are going to serve you right but he hasn't shown the pit the slavery of 10 years and the dungeon of two years right you know he shows David you're going to be you know a leader but he doesn't Sean living in the wilderness for the next 14 years of your life and making pillows you're you're you know out of rocks so you know God showed me that but I had no idea the road that I was going to travel so the first thing though that I think is so important to say to everybody that's watching us is that God has called every one of us you know the old mindset is well just pastors or missionaries or worship leaders have a call of God on their life now every single human being if you are born again God is placed a call on your life and that call is to build up the church in various different ways it's good it's good so you're telling me so you're telling me that I don't have to be a pastor I don't have to be a minister I don't have to necessarily you know get a paycheck from some kind of church or you know religious institution I can be just as call by God working at a local you know college I can be used to call my God being in the military we just call by God you know selling cars at the local car dealership you know a friend of mine he's actually where my son's interning right now he um he he got saved in the early 90s and all that was preached in his church is hey the only way you can serve God is be in Ministry so he became a youth pastor and he was a youth pastor for five years and he said John I couldn't make ends meet I was having to clean houses just to survive yeah and he said finally after five years in prayer and listening to a man of God he realized wait a minute I'm not called to Ministry I'm called to the business world now today he has I think five different states in his businesses in five different states he's given over a million dollars into the kingdom another friend of mine I love this man so deeply um he was he was raised in the church and he thought the only way I can really serve God because he said John I had a passion to serve God is to go to Bible school so he did and he went for two years and then he interned in a church on on the third year he was accused of sleeping with a girl in a youth group because he was interning in the youth group of this very large church and he said John I never slept with her but the elders believed her so they threw me out and they took away all my credentials he said John three years of work completely gone and that's a lot when you're 21 years old so he said John to be honest with you I sought God like I've never sought God before and he said God speaks to me and said I didn't call you a Ministry I called you the military and he was like whoa so he went to the Air Force the Marines he went to the Army nothing he said last one's the Navy he's sitting in the recruiting office he has no idea absolutely no idea what a seal is but the guy's reading down the list and he says the word seals and when he does he goes that's it that's what I'm supposed to do the recruiter goes no no no no 90 of the guy slunk out you don't want to do this all of us have flunked out in this office he goes no that's what I'm supposed to do what neither of them knew was that he didn't know how to swim as a seal and there's a reason because he had tubes put in his ears because his ear canals were so narrow and he said John if I just got a couple drops of water in my ear I was in excruciating pain so he had to teach himself how to swim pray through the print pain every day and say God I'm believing you to heal my ears he said one day I go down two feet five feet ten feet totally nothing wow so now he's in sealed training he steps in a hole on the beach on the last week of Steel's training and tears everything from knee down to ankle his Navy SEAL physical was that weak he said if you flunk the physical you can never become a seal wow I go into that physical he said the doctor flunks me he said doc this this is what I know God has called me to do you can't do this and the doc says are you questioning me I'm an officer he said no sir and he left and one of his friends saw how dejected he was he said hey why don't you come to this Bible study a bunch of us been going to so he goes to the Bible study well he doesn't know this guy leading the Bible study is an officer above the doctor and you know what he's teaching them how to be led by the spirit and you know what he says he says you know like yesterday I had an application come across my desk the doctor denied him on the physical I felt it was wrong so I overrode it after the Bible said he found out he was the one wow so that's so crazy he's just retiring this year after 20 years he's not only a Navy SEAL he's a Navy SEAL instructor wow I remember we sat at this restaurant him telling me this story for two hours in Hawaii I was doing a conference in Hawaii and I heard that he wanted to meet me in a Navy SEAL instructor wants to meet me I'm going to that dinner and I remember calling Lisa when I got home I said Lisa I've been in the presence of a man of God for the last two hours I've had probably the most rich presence of God in a dinner I've I've probably had before wow and yet he's a Navy SEAL instructor I mean he was telling me stories of their combats for like an hour and a half like his phone turning itself on on a crossfire Ambush calling his mother who just happened to be in her prayer group they pray for the safety they should have all been dead they get the al-Qaeda they get out none of them are injured I mean stories like that you're just going okay you're called to be a military and so that's the first thing every one of us have to understand and sometimes the callings that are so important to God and so important to life are insignificant in men's eyes I mean I believe it's a great calling to be a mother yeah I believe to raising children is a great calling and and and mother sometimes can go well I'm not doing anything for God what are you talking about God has entrusted you the lives of these children you know I look at my wife Lisa knew she was called to speak and write Lisa is a New York Times bestseller she speaks to tens of thousands of women right but she looked at me and she said John I know I'm called to travel but I know I'm first of all called to raise these four Sons Where would my sons be today had my wife you know been anxious and wanted to be out in the speaking circuit my wife realizes that to be in Ministry is service it's not glamorous it's you're not you're not out there trying to build a name for yourself she was just like God I really don't want to do this I mean she she lost an eye when she was five years old to cancer she got out of the required speech course in high school she got out of the typing because of depth perception what does she do now she speaks and she types books I mean so so crazy you know and and you know what Lisa used to say to me she said I hate women I don't I I don't like women hey it bothered me Bill it really bothered me and so I come in from this meeting one day and she's got tears in her eyes and she'd been crying for two hours and she said John I said God's been in this room she said yeah he told me Lisa you don't like women do you she goes no he said Lisa I love women and she said John I've been crying I have such a passion for women now wow and so I've watched her just literally her heart break over women that's a calling that's somebody who said God I'm your girl I'll do whatever you want and God ends up having her do what she really didn't want to do the last thing on earth I ever wanted to do was to be in Ministry my plans were to go to Harvard get my MBA and then go into corporate uh management and make a lot of money marry a pretty girl take three vacations a year and tie it to my local church that's how I was going to serve God but yet the last thing I wanted to do was to be a minister yet God's like and now I look at it and I'm like ah I can't imagine doing anything else but what he's called me to do and so that's the first thing when you delight yourself in the Lord when you passionately love Jesus he will place his Desires in your heart so what I thought was would be a horrible life of ministry and I said that to God I said God if I live in a shack I got weird kids or I end up you know on Africa with nothing to eat I said I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna preach because you want me to and I love you that much when you love God that way he puts his Desires in your heart now the thing I dreaded I absolutely love doing and it's my life so that's number one that's so good so that's a long first point no I love it it's amazing so you so so you're telling me that you know you delight yourself in the Lord he will give you the desires of your heart that's interesting no no I believe that yeah he'll place his Desires in your heart in your heart he'll give you grant you the desires of your heart you you quoted it correctly but the way I heard it I want to make sure everybody's hearing it right out there I don't believe you delight yourself in the Lord and he'll give you oh I want a house I want a jet you know no you delight yourself in the Lord and his desires that he has for you he'll place in your heart so he becomes your Delight over the other things gotcha got a great audio actually yeah we do we do I love it so you're so that's how you discovered your your purpose now but let me ask you something what's changed over the years for your for your calling yeah it doesn't change it doesn't change it does change look at my friend now he's coming out of the Nay seals he's retiring and he's dealing with this question okay God what's the next step now yeah so you know I've I've watched I've watched people go through Seasons there are seasons to our callings um you know I look at me and you know I've been writing and traveling the world and preaching but now I have this desire to come in my heart to be a father to raise up sons and daughters and and and have them carry the messages that God has entrusted Elise and I so we see that shift coming now for the next several years and so taking notes me and keep talking keep talking I love it he does this with me in restaurants so good isn't it come on in Seasons it's so powerful I love that there are seasons and so what may have been God's will 10 years ago may not be as well now so that means you see God never once wants us to have formulas he said when you seek me and search for me with all of your heart that's when I'll be found by you so in other words God what we want is we want God tell me what to do step one two three I got it goodbye God I've got it now wow the Lord wants a walking living relationship and out of that living walking relationship that we have with him he directs our paths and so I I I believe what God does is he will show us just enough to get us walking the right direction but you know you may think okay God's calling me here and I'm here right now right right you may think simple bam right there no you go through this Wilderness this desert this Crucible this attack and then all of a sudden you find yourself here you couldn't even see here when you were going through this desert and Crucible over here but now all of a sudden he gets you there it's like Joseph yeah I mean you know God of course doesn't tell Joseph hey you're going to get thrown into a pit your brother's going to betray you you will serve as a slave doesn't this sound great Joseph no if you look at Joseph when he started he was a tattletale he was a bragger he didn't have character to handle the position God wanted for him and and so God says all right for you to do what I really want you to do I need to develop this character in you and you may not like how I'm going to do it but I'm going to do it and I think one of the my sons you know they'll ask Lisa and I lots of questions and my son said Dad one day he said to me what was the most important prayer most effective important prayer you ever prayed for your calling and I said I don't even have to think about it I know what it was and he said what and I said I asked God and I asked him sincerely and I meant it and I was young I said God please don't ever allow the anointing you place on my life to exceed the character that you have developed in me that's good because I don't want it destroying me and I don't want it bringing shame to your name yes good and and that's that's what frightens me and I've told my sons this I've told my family I said hey I have given God permission to take me off the Earth if I ever bring shame to him and hurt his people I don't want that I started in love with Jesus I want to end this this journey in love with Jesus you know and and his people and I want to be more in love with Jesus and more in love with his people when I end it than when I started it so good so um yeah there's seasons and we have to recognize those seasonal changes and we flow with it so very very important but you know can I can I can I dress up thing and am I going too long or no you're going just keep okay because this may take we're all loving this right price is great keep keep going man this is great I really want to impact the characters stuff because that's that's such a big deal just about you know we live in a world that everyone wants this instant success instant like you know oh I prayed and then God gave me this huge Ministries it doesn't work like that okay so let me uh you know Lisa and I we laugh a lot because people are you know you they think oh you guys became success overnight and at least it's like you have no idea what we've walked through but I remember back in when I prayed that I said God I never want your the anointing you've placed in my life to exceed the character you've developed in me so I I remember shortly after that I started going through trials like I'd never faced before I mean I got demoted three levels in my church and I didn't do anything wrong because what happened was they moved me into a position and the position didn't work out and the only position they had left with 400 employees on this church staff was three levels down and I remember I'm going through everything all the stuff's going on and I remember I'm living In Perpetual pain I'm like I'm I'm like I'm getting up in pain I'm going to work in pain I'm coming home and I just got this pain in me and one day I remember I just closed my door and I just put my head up against the door and I said God why do I hurt so bad inside yeah the Lord said because you're dying he said there's always pain and death and he said do you want to know how you're going to know when you're when you're dead I said how he said when you don't hurt anymore dead people don't hurt I said God kill me quick please and so um in that time period I was yelling at Lisa I mean I was flying off the handle at everything I mean you know she's Sicilian I'm a I'm an Italian come on she's Apache Indian she's got Arab in her we're too hot all the personality the personality tests we took the best one says we never should have gotten married okay because of how a type and you know but anyway and yet we're so we're more in love with each other today than the day we married each other but anyway that's enough but I'm yelling at Lisa Addison was nine months old I'm yelling at him I'm mad at my friends I'm mad at my pastor I'm mad at everybody yeah right so one day I'm like getting a little concerned I've never been never been at this before I've always been a happy guy right and so I was I remember I was walking out in the field and I said God I've been really angry the last six months angry at everything I said what do I cast out what do I have to come against and I remember the Lord said you can't cast out flesh son I was like okay and he said Son I've brought you into my furnace of affliction Isaiah 45 right and he said meet with my engineering background I got to make this really simple so if there's technical people watching us right now you're going to think I'm making this too simple but I'm doing this so everybody can understand it he said Son look at the gold ring on your finger and I said I looked at it and he said does it look like pure gold I said yeah he said but it's not is it now as an engineering background I knew a 14 karat gold ring was 14 Parts out of 24 Parts gold and 10 parts out of 24 Parts impurities other metals such as copper zinc nickel he said but you look at that ring it looks pure I said yeah he said you put it in a furnace what happens I said well you they heat the furnace up to 7000 degrees Fahrenheit I said the gold liquefies he said then what happens I said the impurities come to the surface he said they appear right I said yeah he said they were always in there weren't they I said yeah he said they just come to the surface I said yeah he said I've brought you in my furnace of Affliction wow and he said you keep saying where's all this anger where's all this stuff coming from yeah he said it was always there always there it was there wow he said I saw it but you didn't he said what I've done is brought you in this furnace for your sake so you can see it wow he said now if you blame your wife you blame your pastor you blame your friends he said it just goes right back in and we have to start the process all over again he said but if you say God forgive me I am an angry man would you take this out of my life he said I'll take my Ladle and that's what they do they scoop off the impurities right off the surface so the gold gets pure wow and you know it's so good so good and and and do you know do you know what happens do you know do you know gold in its pure state is soft and pliable and flexible flexible wow a 14 karat gold ring it's not I can't I can't bend that it's not soft it's hard okay the other thing about gold here in Dallas they have buildings with sheets of gold on the window it's very fine pure gold because gold in its pure state is transparent so if you look at Malachi Malachi says I'm going to send my messenger who's going to prepare the way before me and the Lord's going to come to his Temple we're his Temple not for his Temple to it he's going to come to us because before he comes for us right and he says he's going to come like a Refiner's Fire he's going to purify the sons of Levi which that's the ministers and he said but but he said when I'm done with this work he said two things are going to happen some of them are going to complain and some of them are going to fear me and he says when that happens he said the son s-u-n and read it in Malachi of righteousness is going to rise with healing in his wings wow I believe that's what he prepares us for he prepares us for that day in which we'll shine forth with his glory so the people don't see the vessel they see the treasure in the vessel because we're transformed wow so good my goodness oh so God called you God LED you yes you clearly see him doing that he put you through a Refiner's Fire so to speak where you were having to deal with your anger and other issues that came up so when did you feel in the words of Isaiah sent and how do you know who you're sent to and what to sent to do does that make sense yeah how do you know that well now let's let's talk just Ministry how did I know I was sent I tried to send myself for years and God said you send yourself you go in your Authority if I send you you go in my authority I will never forget it I was trying to birth my own Ministry I knew I was called and I I was really frustrated with the Lord I'll be honest with you I said first of all I don't want anything to do with Ministry then I accept your calling and now I'm going nowhere right I'm driving this van from my church for four years and then I'm a youth pastor for several years I'm like I'm going nowhere yeah and Jesus is coming back in 1988 right I gotta hurry up you know that's my attitude right and so I'm I'm I was you know Paul said I was the chiefess of Sinners I used to say I was the chiefess of Master Strivers so I am like striving to get God you know to move I'm like hey I'm called so you know Marilyn Hickey was coming to our church and she was like well John just go just go preach in in the Caribbean and other people say well just go find a city and start a church and I'm like okay okay okay and so I remember I had a chance to go overseas and I went overseas the Philippines and on my way back I'm reading the Gospel of Luke and it says there was a man sent by God whose name was John it was talking about John the Baptist the holy spirit said do you want to be sent by you or do you want to be sent by me wow I said I want to be sent by you he said that's a good choice he said because if you send yourself you go in your Authority he said if I send you you go in my authority good so if you look at what God uses God uses a broken and contrite heart what does broken mean when we think of broken we think the guy or the gal has gone through disaster and they're like Flubber that's not broken okay if you understand broke and look at a horse you can have a horse that's more gifted faster swifter can jump higher than any other horse in The Stables but when wartime comes less gifted horses less Swift horses will go to battle while he sits in the Stalls why one reason he's they're broken he's not what does Brokenness deal with when the writer rides this horse into the gunfire into the swords being yielded the cannon fire that horse will not change its course not even budge except that the nudge of his writer which is his master so true breaking occurs when we really come under what the Americans hate and it's called Authority you know we we in America we are a people here here's why here's why Americans are sometimes the hardest people to communicate the things of God to and and I know I'm really going to probably make some people upset but were people trying to understand Kingdom principles with a democratic mindset the kingdom of God is not a democracy yeah it's a kingdom which means that as rank order and Authority he's a real king he's not a figurehead like the lady in England he's actually a real king so if you try to relate with god with your Democratic mindset you'll be on two totally different playing fields God is is a king so the thing that had to be broken in me is first of all my submission to his direct Authority and then what had to be broken in me was my submission to his delegated authority wow because the Bible says all authority is of God now that's going to make some people really upset but the Bible says that I didn't say that now let me make this really clear the Bible says all authorities of God but the Bible does not say all authority is Godly they're unthought Godly authorities all throughout that Bible their Authority was from God their behavior was not so God in his wisdom that's beyond amazing says okay I got the perfect recipe to refine you I will put you under this leader who I know has these issues now that doesn't mean I obey that leader if he tells me to sin the Bible is very clear leader tells you to sin there is a higher authority whether we obey God or you you judge that's that's not what most Americans deal with most Americans deal with the fact they don't like the way their leaders doing it I mean if you look at Peter Peter sticks his foot in his mouth about every time he opens it right one minute you're you're the Christ the next minute get behind me Satan I mean you know you know yeah walking on water sinking right well he's true to form in the upper room now obviously Jesus leaves him in charge and he comes busting out of his study one morning and he says the 120 oh my gosh Judas is right there he's right there in the Book of Psalms yeah I think it's 22. he says and you know what it says it says somebody's supposed to replace him so look out amongst us and find all the guys here in this 120 that have been with us from the beginning that we can pray and draw lots to see who God chooses to replace Judas now you and I know that God does not choose an apostle through a lottery system right okay right and and and and and and you see the results of his Lottery system I mean foreign oh my gosh Matthias wins the lottery right and you never hear his name again the rest of the Bible right Paul was the one that said that I was one born out of Due Time Paul was God's choice to replace Jesus right but I mean if Peter would have done that today we would have had a three-way Church split yeah we would have had the anti-lottery Apostle picking group split off we would have had the apostles passed away When Jesus ascended Heaven group split off and we had the uh Lottery Apostle picking group state and yet the Bible says in the very next verse they were all with one Accord and because of that the glory of God falls on that City and here's the thing that the holy spirit said to me one day he said did you notice Peter was out of sync with me Peter wouldn't even in sync with God he wasn't telling them to sin if Peter would have said hey y'all we're going to go out and steal they would have said Peter we're out of here you you we've got to replace you right okay or something I don't know but he just wanted to pick the Apostle with a lottery system by drawing laws he's out of sync Paul was the one that God chose because that's why he was born one born out of due time but because they were one the whole city got affected this is what the Lord put in my heart one day he said how many people are going to stand before my throne and have to give an account for the people that weren't reached in their Community because they weren't one with the leader I put them under wow so I'm I'm convinced had I not learned this lesson Had I not learned it I don't believe I'd be sitting on the set right now I don't believe you ever would have read one book by John bevere and I'm going to tell you the greatest test I ever had in this was my my pastor I was this youth pastor and I had done studies this is back in the mid 1980s I'd done studies and I found out the fastest best youth group in the whole country was in Louisiana I flew there spent four days with them I prayed God said do it they were doing these party Concepts 113 parties in the city of Baton Rouge every every Friday night and the kids would all target an unsaved kid in their High School invite them to the party I went to one of the parties they had four youth Pastors in this church all four youth pastor says this is the reason why we're growing so strong and those kids were so passionate about Jesus I went to their General Wednesday night service and they were sitting there on the edge of their seats and I remember going to that party the music's blasting they got the chips out soft drinks they're having group they're they're just talking then this one guy who's the leader nobody knows he's there's a leader he starts a discussion it leads into spiritual things he gives an altar call a bunch of them got saved I saw it with my own eyes and then they bring him back to the bedroom get their their name and phone numbers and get them hooked in I'm like this is it this is it so I go back and I pray I say God should I do this and God says do it so I see my senior pastor in the parking lot I told him about he look he's like great so we spent eight months preparing Orlando Florida for this right we have the curriculum set I have trained leaders for eight months we have the houses set everything's set I'm preaching it to the whole youth group they're so fired up everybody's fired up we're going to win the city of Orlando right and I walk into a pastor's meeting I will never forget so there's 11 of us pastors sitting around and our senior pastor guys the Holy Spirit told me the direction of the church is not to have home groups so I want you all to cancel your home groups and I'm like what now I'm like I'm panicked and I'm like wait a minute wait a minute my assistant you Pastor is looking at me like his Mouse wide open this is the whole focus of our youth ministry for nine eight months okay yeah and I'm sitting there going I told him about it in the parking lot he said great uh the couple's Pastor the seniors Pastor the singles Pastor they have their care groups ours are Evangelistic ours are different Pastor you mean accept the youth group right because I told you in the parking lot we were doing he said John the holy spirit's put in my heart that we're not supposed to have home groups I said pastor we can't get kids from the high school into the schools into the church they don't want to go to a church but they'll go to a party he says John the holy spirit's put it in my heart not to have home groups in this church I said but Pastor I can't get kids from the high school remember I went to that that big church in Louisiana they are growing the fastest growing youth group in America this this we're going to win the whole city of Orlando I argued with him for 20 minutes and that pastor's meeting and he kept saying John the holy spirit's put in my heart that we're not supposed to have home groups finally I ran out of things to say Bill yeah and I shut up and I'm steaming mad I don't hear another thing the rest of the meeting right so you can tell I'm Italian I talk with my hands so anyway I'm storming out of the meeting and one of the wiser older pastors tries to stop me and I said hey leave me alone just just don't talk to me right now so I get in the car I'm driving home and these thoughts are going through my mind what does he mean the Holy Spirit told him that we're not supposed to have you I prayed and God showed me to do it he's keeping people from getting saved I mean all these thoughts are going through my mind right so I come to my house open up the front door my wife's walking right to Lisa it's walking right by the front door right I go you're not going to believe what he did and she goes who and she has this look of Terror who and what did they do I said pastor I said he just cancel the home groups the parties what we've been working on the whole vision of the youth group for eight months he just canceled them he doesn't even give me a reason she you know what Lisa says she goes well looks to me John like God's trying to teach us something and she walks out and now I'm mad at her I am so mad at her okay so she's in the bedroom and I think I don't want to be around her unbelief I go to the kitchen so I'm sitting in the kitchen I'm looking out the window and um I'm going I can't believe this is a nightmare I'm gonna wake up this is at night eight months it's been eight months of work and I'm only 25 years old or whatever I don't know 27 at the time and the Holy Spirit speaks to me and he said whose Ministry are you building mine are yours I said I'm building yours he said no you're not I said God we can't get kids out of high schools into the church they don't want to go and I go through the whole sales pitch with God that's how stupid you are when you're in Rebellion okay when you're unbroken I should say so the Lord lets me go through the whole Spiel yeah and he said son when I put you in this ministry I made you an extension of this man's arms and of his legs and he said the day you stand before me for your time period that I've put you with him you will not first of all be judged on how many Souls you won to the Lord in Orlando you'll first of all be judged on how faithful you were to the man I put you under wow now look what I'm not done I'm not done hold on hold up hold up just a sec give me one more then he said this to me he said Son you can win every single high school student in Orlando Florida to Jesus and stand before my throne and be judged and lose credit for every one of them because of your Rebellion to the man I put you under wow now I'm a Catholic boy okay I was raised Catholic member yeah I'm quaking at this point okay and the Lord said if you keep going the way you're going you're going to cause a division and the word division die means two visions and I saw in my spirit the church going this way and the youth group going this way wow bill I ran to the phone I called my senior pastor at home I said I am so sorry I am a rebellion to God I'm in Rebellion to you I want you to know I'm so sorry I I I argue with you I am canceling these home groups I said oh I love you so much and he hung up I'm like oh my gosh he has no idea what I've gone through yeah yeah so I have the phone and I have it and the Lord says this to me I hear this so clear he said how are you going to tell your leaders on Sunday and at a Vision bill right there I saw me walking in to the leadership because I had 24 leaders right that were going to be over these parties I'm dragging into the meeting and I got this heavy voice guys you know we've worked on this for eight months but our pastors canceled the home groups and I saw them all in the vision go what and they're mad and you know they're mad at they're mad at him and they saw you know they sided with me right sympathetic towards me the holy spirit said is that what you're going to do I said no sir no no no no no no no no I walked in that meeting with a skip in my step twinkle in my eye and sparking my voice I said guys I got great news and they all look at me like I said our pastor has spared us from birthing in Ishmael he has declared the direction of God for our church it's not to have home groups they all went yeah yeah and that was it that was it we never had a problem oh my gosh they followed your lead so that was the day that a level of breaking occurred in John bevere's life okay okay let me do I'm gonna stop you okay quick video you can talk all night this is so good we got John of your with us talking about discovering God's purpose speaking of that check out this video not far from the Hollywood sign is downtown Los Angeles where thousands of people live every single day who are homeless runaway Street kids families women and children pimps pushers these are the people who have become my cause my journey started at 20 years of age when my father got a little building in Downtown in L.A called Bethel Temple he was a church that nobody wanted it was filled with gangs around the neighborhood crying I'll never forget when I said yes to my dad to come and Pastor the church I got my little Nissan Sentra stick shift and I drove from Phoenix across the desert to L.A and I saw those high-rise buildings they look like giants to me they look like giants that could never be knocked down and I was humbled very quickly on my journey when I got here and inherited 18 people but that was a time where I realized that I had to go through Brokenness in order to find my cause and then one night as I was weeping for Endless hours the Lord spoke to me he said I want you to stop your crying I want you to get up and I want you to go to Echo Park God's speaking to me to go Echo Park was revealing that night because it was that night where I walked around and I saw helicopters in the park that were looking for criminals I saw young boys that begins police cars being arrested it was like God put every hurting person in One Park in one night as I cried out to God God began to speak to me he said if you will build the people then I will build the church and I said what people are you referring to God I can't get these people to come to my church to look around this park it's all you have to do don't have to look far all you have to do is look everywhere and everywhere that I looked I saw broken people in my city and that was the night where God began to change my life dramatically and begin to give me love for people that I never knew that I loved a cause that I never knew was in me a dream for people that I never knew that I could even dream for and that was the night where I thought was the worst moment of my life that was my rock bottom but one thing I realized is that God doesn't destroy people in rock bottom he recreates people in rock bottom and that was the day where the entire Vision began to change when I told God I just want to serve my city something amazing happened he said just serve me with whatever you have I said God I have nothing left I have no church I have no secretary I have no staff he said you have a desk and you have a phone move your desk in the phone outside on the sidewalk buy three bags of food and give them away to anybody who has need in your community when I move my desk on the sidewalk and had that phone there and started giving away bags of food that was the beginning of our adopted block that was the first block that we adopted actually the sidewalk next to the church and then I began to tell people of the church about the joy it is just to serve our community and then two people took a block and then four people took the other block and before long we were adopting blocks all over our neighborhood just knocking on the doors telling people hi we are neighborhood servants what can we do to serve you as we begin to see the needs of people every day that's when the ministry was born I wasn't born in a committee room wasn't born in a planning room he was born in the living rooms of people's houses and that's where we begin to see the shape of the Dream Center begin to take form when the world sees the church is not a safe place but a dangerous place I really believe that's the mark of a great church when they look at us and say wow Sunday morning they go to church but on Monday morning they're helping the homeless on Tuesday they're feeding their communities that's when the church comes alive when we become a practical component of change in our community in one day I'm not kidding you trucks showed up from TVN saying we heard about what you're doing we want to donate this equipment to the Dream Center we didn't know what to do with it we didn't have anyone that could run cameras but then Matt Crouch came along and said let me help you tell your story let's do it the right way TBN began to Rally the body of Christ began to respond and they begin to give to support the Dream Center and before long we had the resource that allowed us to do all that we do today I'll never forget when I decided to live homeless on the streets of Skid Row I lived amongst the cardboard boxes I lived in the middle of the trash cans with all the homeless people and there in 48 hours of living homeless I learned something that people that are in need don't need the perfect plan they just need for you to show up it's amazing what happens when you step out in faith and it feels Reckless and sometimes people even doubt you sometimes they even criticize you but you know that it's God's call and there's people that are crazy enough to come alongside you to believe that your risk of faith is a worthy cause it's an amazing wow I know we're unbelievable I know you I know you've spoken at the Dream Center I've had the privilege of being there too and it's just an amazing place and I remember one time someone told me when it comes to reaching the people that nobody wants if you'll reach for the people nobody wants God will give you the people everybody wants yeah yeah and it's really true because that's the Heart of Jesus just reach for the people that nobody Matt is one of the finest men I know he is he really is him and his father just their whole family is amazing yeah just what a great ministry if you're ever out in L.A you got to go stop by The Dream Center oh yeah it's unbelievable experience it'll change your life you really will yeah so it's really neat to hear his story I love it you know we're talking about discovering God's purpose for your life and and really stepping into the calling that God has for you and and I want to ask you uh John you know we're talking about you know discovering what God has for you and over and over again you said and God told me this and God told me that and the Holy Spirit told me this and Jesus spoke this to me I think there's people right now saying that sounds really great can God actually talk to me like I can have a relationship with God that sounds like a real personal thing how does that work you know when you help someone understand what that looks like and how they can have that I I remember that's what drew me um I'm I'm in college I'm in my fraternity I'm raised Catholic I never miss Mass I'd go to midnight mass drunk and then go back to the party so I wouldn't have to get up with a hangover the next morning and here I was playing varsity tennis at Purdue and I started on the Purdue Varsity tennis team and one of my fraternity Brothers was a phenomenal athlete and I'll never forget he came to my room one night with a four spiritual laws campus Crusade for Christ and he said Johnny and it really didn't it was just all going over my head because I'm Catholic I'm saved you're not even a Christian you're not Catholic you know that kind of thought but anyway he said to me he said this is what broke it and this is what God used and I believe this is what God's going to use to touch you right now but he said to me he said can you tell me about Jimmy Carter the president of the United States I said sure he's peanut farmer his wife's Roslyn he was a former governor of Alabama he said good he can you tell me about Jesus yeah Mary's his mother you know she's a virgin and he died on a cross he had 12 Apostles right he said that's good he said do you know President Carter like you know your mother I went what he said do you know President Carter like you know your mother I I said no he said what's the difference I said I know my mom I've never met him and he said to me do you know Jesus like you know your mother and I just went what and he said John God didn't create you to be religious he created you because he passionately desires an intimate relationship wow and the way the Bible talks about it I want you to listen to me really carefully the Bible talks about our relationship with God is like a husband and a wife so you can know Jesus died on the cross you can know he's the son of God you can know his mother was Mary I knew all that I knew he was raised from the dead on the third day but not have a covenant relationship with him how can that be let me give you an illustration you can have a girl dating a guy and that girl she knows that that guy is an excellent quarterback she knows that guy has a scar on his forehead from a bicycle accident when he was 12. she knows that guy is an excellent math student she's been to that guy's house she's she's met his siblings but that doesn't give her a covenant relationship with him it's not until he gets down on one knee opens up a little ring box and and says will you marry me at that point she's got a decision to make and that's what I'm asking you to do tonight we are asking you together she can ignore his proposal and continue life as is knowing about him even going to his house and meeting his siblings but that doesn't give her a covenant relationship or she she can say yes and if she says yes that means a couple months later she's gonna put on a white dress walk down an aisle of a church in front of a lot of people and she's saying something very significant by doing that she's saying goodbye to every man on the planet except for the guy waiting for she's giving her entire heart her entire life to him when Jesus died for us on the cross when he shed his blood to get us out of slavery that was him getting down on one knee and saying would you be my bride the bride of Christ now at this point we have a decision to make we can ignore his proposal or we can say yes and if we say yes that means we're going to do what that bride does we're going to give him our entire heart our entire life I believe there are people watching right now you you may have even prayed a sinner's prayer but you know you know you haven't given him your entire life that's what it truly means to become a child of God don't let anybody ever fool you don't ever take false security and just praying a coin prayer but not having your heart totally be his it's a relationship what makes my wife and my relationship so rich is I've given my entire heart and Life to her she's given me her entire heart and life that's what makes your relationship with God so rich and that's what he desires that's why he created you so if that's you right now and you'd say John truthfully I've not given my entire heart and Life to Jesus I want you to pray with Bill and I right now we're going to lead you in a prayer say this with me God in heaven thank you so much for sending Jesus forgive me for living life my way apart from you my creator but this day I give my spirit my soul my body everything I am and everything I own to you Jesus Christ today I receive you as my Lord which will make you my savior thank you for welcoming me into your family I turn away from those things you don't like I will no longer entertain those in my life I am giving myself to you and my life now shall be lived to please you in Jesus name amen amen amen praise God wow incredible praise God if you just made that decision if you just prayed that prayer a few moments ago first of all John thank you so much for sharing that what an incredible prayer and just leading those to Christ because TBN is all about taking Jesus to everyone every hour of the day all over the world and so we just want to hear about your decision to follow Christ and the next step of course is to go find a good Bible believing Church there should be lots of them located all around you praise God we have them all over America but also all over the world and so just ask around someone let you know where there's a good church I want to encourage you we'd love to hear from you here as well so just you know email us if you would let us know give us a call we'd love to hear from you about your decision and you know on behalf of Matt and Lori Crouch and the entire TBN networks I just want to say we're so glad for the decision you made that is what this is about that's why we are here it is all about Jesus all day all night that's what we believe in and so we're so grateful for the decision that you made and maybe today I just want to mention this real quick too you know we've had some incredible conversations with John and he has such a phenomenal industry and you know John I just want to just take a moment and just and just pray for those who are just hurting this I know Christ man I feel like what I just experienced in talking with you someone may be watching us thinking why this guy really is walking with him and I feel so distant I feel so disconnected and you can get connected with the Lord again it's real simple you just give God your whole heart it's not complicated and I don't want to make it complicated it's simply you're just saying Jesus I'm coming back to you I want to come back to you you never lose Christ when he's in your heart when you received him but I'll tell you what else happened is we distance ourselves because of the behaviors where we walk away from him we begin to make our lives about ourselves well you know think about it if I if I do something very offensive to Lisa yeah and I just act as if nothing happened and I keep doing that offensive yeah I may still be married to her right okay but I have severely damaged our intimacy yeah and what I desire more than anything else is I desire my wife to look at me when her head's on that pillow and share the secrets of her heart the reason I don't want to hurt Jesus the reason I don't want to commit adultery with the world yeah is because I don't ever want to lose that intimacy and that's what you cry out for that's what you were created for and that's why nothing can satisfy you not success not even a successful Ministry yeah you were created to walk with God to be intimate with him and you will never be fully satisfied until you do and so I'd love to pray with you right now just say this with me God in heaven forgive me for straying from your heart today I'm returning to you yes I know you've not abandoned me and I know I've been your child all through this but our fellowship has been hindered because of my unwise behavior my sinful Behavior I Repent of that today and I come back to you with all my heart in Jesus name father I pray in the name of Jesus for every single person that is suffering from sickness disease from infirmity in their body I speak to the Demonic forces I see demon Spirits tormenting some people right now I demand you get out of that house it's good get out of their dreams get out of their head leave that is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you in Jesus name to go now father I release we release bill and I agree that's right and we release healing power and anointing into the lives of every single person under the sound of our voice yes we love you so much in Jesus name amen amen amen at TBN our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world
Channel: TBN
Views: 174,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john bevere, john bevere bait of satan, john bevere holy spirit, john bevere wilderness, john bevere driven by eternity, john bevere fear of the lord, john bevere tongues, john bevere undercover, john bevere marriage, john bevere honor's reward, john bevere good or god, god's timing, waiting, waiting season, overcoming, purpose, destiny, god's plan, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, tbn, prayer, timing
Id: kLdoq1Kk5Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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