T.D. Jakes: What God Has Ordered Will Come to Pass | FULL SERMON | TBN

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the reason our God has withstood the test of time the reason the Bible is still the best-selling book in the world the reason that our God is called on on every continent on this Earth in one language or another is because he is the problem solver he is the mountain mover for every disease he is the Healer [Music] is usually representing a key moment in Jewish history with symbolic of the fact that we are dependent upon God to meet every need our Harvest depends on him our increase depends on him our growth depends on him our promotions depend on him our businesses depend on him the health of our children depend on him our livelihood and so we give him the glory and particularly in Israel these were robust parties huge celebration a mat the master Venter is celebrating you as well he's celebrating you he's got a plan for your life you're not an afterthought you're not an accident you're not an incident he has a plan for you so imagine the collaborative effort of God celebrating his children while they're celebrating him yeah it's much like praise and worship that we can praise until God turns around on his throne dance till God dances with you that's a celebration in Israel they had seven different kinds of Feasts and I just want to name them quickly so that you so that you might know them and remember them you have the feasts of the Passover you've got the Feast of unleavened bread you have the Feast of first fruits you've got the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost Rosh Hashanah which is the Feast of trumpets the day of atonement Yom Kippur Feast of Tabernacles all of these Feasts point to different attributes and aspects of their faith and their trust and their collaborative living with God it is no incident that the first miracle that we see Jesus do occurs at a party after John 1 1 and talk about in the beginning what's the word the word was with God the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life in the life of the light of man and the light shined in darkness and the Darkness comprehended and not now there was a man who was sent from God his name was John he was not that light but he was sent to Bear witness of that life saying there is one coming after me who's mightier than I whose shoes I'm not worthy to latch it I will indeed baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and finally at 1 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld The Wonder of his glory that only begotten of the father full of grace and truthful word was made flesh the abstract Was Made Concrete the invisible was made visible the intangible was now touchable Christ materialized matter materialized and we beheld The Wonder of his glory the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth just so that he could hang out with you they talk about that in John 1 1 and the moment they get through telling you that Jesus is God in one one by the time you turn the pace to chapter 2 he's at a party yeah amen you would think that after you got through going through all of the celebrity introduction to teach me that Jesus the word was made flescence Jesus Is God that he would go out and do some God stuff but John 2 he's at a party hey what's up he's chilling he's at a party with his disciples and the biggest problem he solves is not a withered hand it's not leprosy it's not a woman with issue of blood it said they run out of wine and all of a sudden he solves the problem by taking the mundane Waters of Cana and turning it into the blissful powerful fragrant wine of a wedding whose guest whistle Paul then they said you have saved the best wine for last how do you celebrate God oh how do you celebrate God fulfilling his promise now that we know that God can be holy and one and party into how do you celebrate God all I have to do is remember the times when I had no electricity or no running water and looked back over my life and see where God has brought me from and I celebrate God I honor him and I worship and I appreciate him and I know I didn't get here by myself I know I didn't deserve to be where I am to God be the glory for the things he done I wonder did God also celebrate Israel during these feasts in the same sort of way just like a parent celebrates the accomplishments of their children often The Giver the parent receives as much joy into giving his childhood sometimes more in Matthew 25 it talks about a very interesting story where Jesus in a parable talks about the talents that he has given out to various ones of his servants and to one he gave five and to one he gave to and to one he gave one each with the expectation that you would do something with what he gave you because that's really what life is all about doing something with what God gives you the master leaves the three servants in charge of the possessions that he has placed to their hands now bear in mind the servants are now in charge I don't want you to miss it that these people who were subservient are now in leadership that they have been moved into a position so powerful that now they're accountable to the owner himself I just want to stop a minute and praise him for that you can be a slave one minute in the master the next that that's kind of good stuff to me yeah yeah things can turn them in that's why you have to be careful how you treat people because the person you met down might end up up and the person who's up might end up down you never know how it's gonna go when he returns he Awards his servants who produce more with what he had the servant who buried his talent everything he had was taken away from him if the master Venter celebrated Israel then I believe he celebrates you he celebrates You by becoming all that he has labored for you to become he celebrates you because you have become all that he has labored for you to become when you win he wins the Bible said that God is so interested in you being fruitful that it pleases him that you bring forth much fruit so shall you be my disciples As you move beyond your crushing and fermenting God sets the table for his Royal wine tasting this celebration is a celebration for all of eternity understand that everything that God has laid out on the table he has done it without hiding it even from your haters he has done it openly and publicly and that he is not ashamed of the journey he took you through amen so sit back and take the white napkin and put it in your collar if you please and allow the very Angels themselves to pour you the first glass of success and enjoy the nectar that comes from obeying him and recognizing that he doeth all things well he that dwelleth in the secret place secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty there are some places that God will take you into that are only a celebration of your intimacy with him yes yes that only you and he alone can enjoy the inner sanctum my favorite scripture in the Bible Psalms 27 the Lord is my light and my salvation of Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be a friend when the wicked even my enemies and my fellows Came Upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and they failed throw a whole sitting Camp against me my heart shall not fear and the war should rise against me and this will I be confident one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple check this out for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his Tabernacle in the secret of his provision shilly hide me he shall set me up on a rock now shall my head be lifted above my enemies round about me and I will sing yay I will sing praises unto my God here O Lord when I cry with my voice have mercy also upon me and answer me for when thou said is seeking my face my heart said unto thee thy face Lord will I seek yes this is the hope of every believer to have that communion that coined me of that Fellowship that Covenant that closeness that intimacy where you and God and God and you and you and God and God and you and God and you and you and God and you and God Alone can enter into that place of intimacy intimacy it's well so wonderful to be in a place with him to be around somebody with whom you have nothing to hide the Bible said all things are naked before him with whom we have to do there's nothing about you that he doesn't know not just what you did but what you think what you thought what ran through your mind what you would have done what you could have done what you're capable of doing what you dreamed about what you think about all things are naked before him so there is no need to be pretentious important self-righteous spectacular impressive you can be your authentic self because he already knows who you are and what makes it even better than that you are accepted in the Beloved hey you are you you are accepted in the Beloved because your life is hid in Christ with God when you come before God you come before God in Christ in him I live in him I move in him I have my being if anybody If any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are pastor with all things are passed away and all things have become new why because of my position not my condition right my condition is a work in process but my position is complete it is finished it is total it is done it is absolute I'm already in the holies of holies I got the hook up I'm straight in the presence of God that's why when Jesus died on the cross the veil was rent from the top to the bottom so that I would have no restrictions that's why Hebrews says that I can come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find Grace to help in the time of need there is nothing restricting me from being able to access him Anytime Anyplace at any time at any moment in my life I don't have to be in a sanction where I don't have to be in a pool bit I don't have to be in a choir Stan I don't have to put on a certain outfit I don't have to wear anything special I can access him in my shower I can access him in my bathtub I can access him on my way to work I can access him because he has taken me through the process that brought me to a place that I am the wine at the table of shoe bread I am the smell of burning incense in the holies I am the part of manna I am that did not ferment [Music] amen I am the wood that he covered with gold I am I am the sheepskins that surround the Tabernacle wow I am the bowls and vows that are in the most holy place only because I am in him that's right only because I am in him only because I stood with him in the crushing he said if you suffer with me you will reign with me if you go down with me you'll come up with me if you are buried in the likeness of my depths you shall be in the likeness of my resurrection do you hear what I'm saying to you the pain only lasts for a season and then it's over if the joy lasts for a lifetime take heart my friend have hope be filled with trust God is working in you to transform and prepare you for this eternal feast and if you think we're partying over here you just wait till we get over there right maybe I'm not blessed because I've still got a mountain to bring down a valley to forge a River to cross a problem to solve a weakness to overcome maybe I'm not blessed because I've got a problem in my family or my finances or my job or my situation maybe I'm not blessed because I gained too much weight or lost too much weight or didn't do something that I had set up as a goal for me to do and then I had to remind him that I am not blessed because of what is on me I am blessed because of what is in me yes I am blessed no matter where I go I am blessed no matter what I wear I am blessed in the city I am blessed in the field I'm blessed am I going in I am blessed in my coming out I am blessed in my Uprising and I am blessed in my down setting if I don't do nothing but sit here I sit here bless if I stand here I stand Here blessed I have been blessed with these feeble lips of clay and these human hands are whole and these clay toes that are in these shoes I have been blessed to see drug dealers turn into Deacons I have been blessed to see Winos turn into choir members I have been blessed to see convicts turned into converts I have been blessed to see the power of the Gospel change deadbeat dance into responsible fathers I have been blessed to see people go back to school and get their GED and continue to get their PHD I have been blessed to see the downtrodden uplifted I have been blessed to see homeless people by their first house I have been blessed to see families reconcile and I have performed weddings for people who had divorced and walked away and decided to come back together again I have seen God do the impossible I have seen God do the amazing I have seen him do the spectacular I have seen him do the supernatural through these humble eyes and these weary feeble lips I have seen God move mountains too big for me to climb and you cannot tell me that I am not blessed because what makes me blessed is that I have access to him anytime anywhere any place that I can come before the king without ceremony ritual or routine that I need not change my garment or shade my face or go through any kind of ritual or routine that I am accepted in the Beloved and I can come into His presence and access this granted because I got it like that with God and you got it like that with God you got a relationship with God like that Jesus Took for us what we would never be able to handle on our own he took our griefs he carried ourselves he took our weaknesses he took away our excuses but the master was not content with just saving us no he wishes us to be like him yeah he desires to refine and transform us and every little step I take who every little step I take I mentioned a little bit closer yeah to being like Jesus every little step that I take I can see his nature coming out in me even when I don't want it to even when I want to stay mad even when I want to hold the grudge even when I want to get even I see little pieces of Jesus showing up in my speech because he is carnate in my own Humanity he is realized in my own personality and it is because of him that I rejoice in the crushing come on I celebrate the question we create a ecosystem of survival that's built around our dysfunction and some of us refuse to get well because we fall in love with being sick wow and they laid him by the highwayside begging and the scripture says the most amazing thing it says that he heard that Jesus was passing by and when I read it I couldn't help but get excited because it reminded me that God didn't let everything go wrong at the same time that even though the man couldn't see he could hear and Isn't it nice to know that God doesn't need anything that you lost to bless you that's right that God will use what you've got left to bless you then he'll take what is within close proximity to you and allow you to hear he heard that Jesus was passing by I don't know how he distinguished the sound of Jesus footsteps from others but some kind of way he knew that it was Jesus that was passing by and he sensed something that is never said the fierce urgency of now nobody told him that this would be the last walk Jesus Took that this would be the last chance that he would have to get an Earthly miracle from an Earthly Christ that he was on his way to Calvary and though he could not see he did not like vision [Music] there is Helen Keller what was it like to be blind she said it's not so bad to be blind she said it's far worse to have eyes and have no vision this man had the vision that if he didn't get it right now he wouldn't get it so the first thing you got to have is vision and then the second thing you've got to have is enough courage to be disruptive he wasn't worried about being politically correct fitting in being popular being accepted he wasn't worried about the tone of the pitch of his voice he was not afraid to get loud he cried out Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me oh oh oh that I might receive I don't want a car I don't want a house I don't want a donkey I don't want a goat I don't want to feel I just want you to fix the little thing that has shut down everything in my life and everybody has a little thing that shut down everything in their life and if you fix this one thing I can fix the rest of it myself all that I might receive my sight and the disciples that were with Jesus told him to shut up but when you sense urgency you can't let man shut you down he cried all the more until he did something that few in the Bible can ever say they did he cried out till God Stood Still and there's somebody right now who needs some Miracles so bad that you need to cry out until God stands still and the Bible said that Jesus Stood Still In Spite of his disciples making a decision for him without him that he was too busy and too important to have to stop and take care of the needs of the blind man Jesus Stood Still In other words The Cry of the blind arrested the sights of Jesus good god of Mercy and he arrested him to the degree that all of a sudden Jesus Stood Still and commanded that he be called watch this he made the men who who forbid him from coming have to turn around and call him isn't it funny how God will make your enemies your footstools isn't it funny how God will use the very people who didn't want you to holler anymore to commanded them that he be called he made them reverse the curse and they told him Jesus wants you now this is what I want to tell you he had to answer the call Jesus didn't come to him and they didn't go get him they just called him and that means that he had to go toward [Music] Jesus blind any time you find a business that solves a problem you're going to be successful the reason our God has withstood the test of time the reason the Bible is still the best-selling book in the world the reason that our God is called on on every continent on this Earth in one language or another is because he is the problem solver he is a Mountain Mover for every disease he is the Healer too often we think that we know the solution and we spend time and months and years and sometimes decades before we finally learned that we are not as smart as we thought we were and we don't know as much as we think we know and we don't have as much as we think that we have and finally with humility we bow our heads before his grace and submit to his Sovereign plan and understand the manifold wisdom of God that God knows everything about everything the great does not say to the master Bender excuse me but now it's the right time to act no he hangs on the vine and waits counting on the master to know when to pluck me and when to crush me and when to convert me and when to preserve me because he knows when to do what in your life there are some things that God gave me now had he given me 20 years ago I would have spoiled it right had he given it to me 10 years ago I'd have made a mess of it there are some things that God had to put on hold for such a time it's just that I would be strong enough old enough wise enough at the right season in my life to master well enough what he's given me what about you are there times in your life that you see God giving you things now that you wanted earlier but God held them back and let you stay on the vine until it was time to pull you at the right time to produce what he wanted to produce in your life because God has a clock that's not our clock his timetable is not our timetable his ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and if we just humble down and get patient enough to wait on him they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they surround up with wings like eagles they serve on and not be weary they should walk and not faint oh God teach me how to wait yeah teach me how to wait teach me how to wait even if I have to just hang there like a grape on a vine and wait teach me how to hang on and wait on you because you know just when to pluck me and you know just when to pull me and you know just when to expose me and you know how much light I can bear and oh God don't let anything shine on me that's too bright for me don't let anything shine on me that's too hot for me because the greater the light the greater the Heat often my timing and will could have destroyed me if I'd have got it any sooner it would have crushed me yes we must be grateful for even when God doesn't answer praise and even when God says No in fact I would dare to say to you that I shout more over close the doors than I do open ones because I trust God that he knows what I can handle and what I can't handle and if he says no I say thank you and if he says yes I say thank you and I've learned whatever state I'm in there with to be content because he knows what's best for me job said he knows the way that I've taken when he's tried me I shall come forth his pure gold I'm turning it over to him every problem every situation every Christ is every every situation that comes up in my life that seems insurmountable I cast my cares on him because I understand that everything God does is strategic yeah when the Bible says in the beginning what's the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the word in the in the Greek is logos and logos is more than word is thought it means that everything that God is is well thought out it's well planned he's not talking out of the top of his head he's talking out of the depths of his will and what God has ordered will come to pass and he has a strategy yeah he has a strategy he told his disciples he says they're the cult when you get to the village and he's tied up and he's waiting on you to come he knew where the cult was in another Village without going there because God is strategic and he put the right cult in the right place at the right time so that Jesus could make his entry a coat that no man had ever sat on before because God is a strategic God I gotta stop because if I get to going down this road I'm gonna fool around and get myself happy God is a strategic God he knows how hot to make it he knows how cold to make it he knows how tough to make it he knows what it takes to make your sons will break he knows what it takes to bring your daughter into submission he knows what it takes to heal your marriage he knows what it takes to bind up the wounds of your broken heart and he knows when to do what to get you where you need to be he always sees every problem before it occurs the master said we use anything to point you back to our need for him for without him I will just hang on this Vine until I die I know silly I know it's crazy I know it's ridiculous but you cannot cut love off with the Turning of a switch and though he was gone he still loved him and though he had spent his substance in riotous living and ran out the door belligerently and gone about his own will and sought himself a new family a family filled with friends and frolic and foolishness the old man knew that the friends and the Frolic and the foolishness was only built around the finances and as soon as he ran out of finances the friends and the Frolic and the foolishness would all go away and maybe just maybe if he were humble enough Maybe I'll get to see him come down that road before God closes my eyes and I never see him again and it had become his nightly routine that had become his thoughts it had overwhelmed him like it overwhelms all of us anytime we lose something that we love it's impossible to find the off switch to stop caring about what we care about and stop loving what we love and stop needing what we need until one night while he was going through what would seem like the waste of time of going through the routine of the same thing over and over and over again and looking at the bed and looking at the pajamas and looking at the plate and looking at the cup and looking out the window this time it was different because when he looked when he looked out the window he saw a form in the shadows and he knew by the gate of his walk that that was his son and he opened up the door and ran out on the front porch and something in his flesh told him to stand there and be still and be proud and make the boy grovel but something in his heart said run [Music] and when you are old there are not many things that will make you run but the sight of his son coming home would make him run the star of the story is not the Prodigal Son it is a Relentless love of the father [Music] for The Prodigal Son fluctuates and the elder brother is angry and the only one stable in the whole story is the father and the only one stable in your life is the father no matter what state you're in whether you're in the dirty stage of being in the ground or the growing stage of coming up a plant or the fruitful stage of budding and blossoming into volumes and clusters of grapes of the crushing stage of the painful regrets and miseries and vicissitudes of life I want to assure you that whatever state you're in the star of your story is never your process it's your promise of the father that I will wait for you until you find yourself and to somebody today that I'm speaking to I may not know your name your address your phone number your state of where you come from I mean I know the language you speak or what you have on right now but the father told me to tell you he's looking out the window again thank you and he's waiting on you and he'll take you back yes even if you smell like the whole pen you've been in and he'll take you back even if it means flies and gnats are all around your head and he'll take you back even if you have not been washed and the old man ran out to meet him and covered him with a robe of righteousness that made him appear clean though underneath he was filthy and sweaty and dirty and he put the ring on his finger to recognize that he was still a part of the family and just before he let him back in the house he killed the fatted calf for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and to God be the glory because the blood sealed the deal the fatted calf died that the son might live and brought him back into the house again and so may you join us in our father's house yes crushed sometimes bottled and constrained yes but he has a place for you at the table and he's waiting on you at TBN our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it God bless you [Music]
Channel: TBN
Views: 553,404
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Keywords: td jakes, God's will, god's will for my life, td jakes 2021, td jakes 2022, td jakes sermons, td jakes motivation, td jakes live streaming, td jakes motivational speech, td jakes 2021 sermons, td jakes courage, td jakes 2021 motivation, td jakes crushing, struggle, pain, tbn, crushing sermon series, crushing on tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, suffering, christian suffering, trust, trusting, matt crouch
Id: vnA2aZ0wBfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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