Nick Vujicic: Know Your Identity to Know Your Purpose (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN

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when you don't have a goal then we say well have faith well how do you get faith you read the word of god when you read the word of god you get faith now does that necessarily equate to a vision for your life no does that necessarily equate to a goal for your life no but it first gives you the fundamental foundation that you can build for that later on coming back to your value when you know who you are and you know who he is and he's in your corner greater is he who is in me than anything and he in the world that's when you become unstoppable so let's talk a little bit about your story first of all that accent you have well maybe i have the accent right you're born and raised in australia that's correct and uh and you were born to two really great loving parents um and and you were born with no arms and legs what was that like for you as a as a kid growing up you know going to school seeing other people uh who had more than me it was quite hard to believe that god loved me like everyone else and the question is why does a loving god allow us to go through suffering and if god loves me and i have faith in his power why doesn't he give me a miracle yeah and so as the arms and legs did not miraculously come i started wondering well who is this god who loves me and what's the plan that he could ever have and i had no idea that god could later on use my broken pieces and actually make something beautiful in his time he really has but when you were a kid i mean you grew up in a christian home did you pray for a miracle did you did you sort of hope that god would bring your arms and legs back i begged god i begged god i cried at night i would fall asleep crying um believing uh what the bible says and and and seeing that you know well why wouldn't god give me a miracle i mean if god gave me arms and legs right now right like right here everyone would be thinking oh that's just camera tricks but those people who do know me uh they would be like okay that's a real miracle and some people would believe and some people would still not believe that's true um and for me i just wanted people in the world to know that he's real yet there were times where i even did not know if he was real because how could he ever use me how could i ever be happy and that depression because of bullying at school actually brought me to an attempted suicide because i didn't believe that god had a hope of future all i could see was my pain all i could feel was my suffering yeah but that's when you walk by faith and not by sight but really without my my parents who love me and encourage me i definitely wouldn't be here right now so you really did get bullied a lot i mean and that's impossible for me to believe that people could be so cruel to a kid who's already gone through so much to make it harder for that guy you know you know and that's the point i bring it it's it's the the point that everyone gets bullied and teased and you can see people at school and they have arms and legs but you don't know if they're being verbally or sexually abused at home you don't know if they have an alcoholic father and so the difference only between me and everyone else is you can see my pain yeah and and if we only knew that there are many people who who've felt like giving up and and many people who could either be encouraged or discouraged by your words and actions that's where the power is to to really instill an unstoppable faith in understanding that god can use anything any bad thing in your life turn it into good and then you can be a miracle for someone else even when you don't get a miracle yourself that's right and man actually i mean one of the great things about you is you're a pretty athletic guy like i mean you skateboard you surf i mean i you you can really get around still i mean not not as quickly but i've seen you like on the stage you know you move around and you do some of these things and and and so so much of being able to do those things was you you called a life without limits just refusing that you know i'm not going to let this thing you know this setback define my life or take away the big plans that god has for me yeah my parents always said nick you don't know what you can achieve until you try it yeah and there are many times where you're like well i'm not going to try that because what if i fail what if you know this and that and i think fear actually holds us back more than having no arms and legs and our mindset and god says to renew your mind to understand that it's not by our power or by our might but by his spirit and so who knew that god can use a man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet and it's not something that i say that you know what everything is possible that's a lie i'm sorry god can do all things i i know that's the truth sure but i'm not about to you know enter into the nba or something like that and so what you're going to do with the wisdom of god and the loving people around you is is search god's perfect will for you and your destiny and for as long as god gives you that passion and fire to go for that goal you go for that especially when you're single and you don't have a wife and kids to worry about that's further responsibility and a filter through your decision making process but when i was a single young man i'm like you know what god i will do anything i will go anywhere and even when i fail i know that you're still with me and that's the mentality that my parents gave me to say you know what nick with god all things aren't possible i really feel like a big part of your testimony is not just it's not just that these things like you can surf and all of that but really it's your joy you're such a happy and joyful person and you look at so many people today who not only are totally healthy and have all the money in the world and all the success they're not happy they're not joyful and they're missing something and i think we were talking about this backstage or recently like the the not having arms and legs for you in some ways is although it's been a major setback in your life also opens the door because it reveals the glory of christ jesus inside of you that as you said this mortal coil you know it's all of us we're overall i remember one guy said we're all temporarily uh temporarily abled or something endless all of us are to lose this body and and i feel like god has done such an awesome work in your life that just being with you you can sense the holy spirit the joy the fullness of life inside of you do you find that when you hang with people you know for me it's it's really god and and and there is no greater way to share the um joy and strength of god than in your weakness for it's in your weakness that he perfects uh his strength in us and when i am weak i look weak but yet they look at my face and they see that i'm strong and they're like hey wait a second what's different about you right is it positivity no it's not positivity is it because you're a wealthy man no it's got nothing to do with money the things that this world could ever give you it's the richness of knowing that your father in heaven owns everything he'll provide for you in every way shape or form he knows the desires of your heart his grace is sufficient and we're nothing but citizens of heaven passing through serving him helping others know that that they are loved by god and that god has a plan and purpose for their life i know this is a really painful thing to talk about um but it's helpful for so many people that are watching today who struggle with depression you had mentioned it earlier just briefly but you did attempt to take your life and and um how old were you and and what sort of led to that and did you ever think when that happened that you would get out well first of all i never thought that i'd be married i feel like the fear of being alone uh is one of the greatest fears i've ever experienced and yeah i think we have though a photo of my family i do want to bring up everything right i haven't mentioned that you're married you're married two kids two boys and two girls uh identical twin girls thank you you have a huge family big family lots of handfuls of trouble but uh great great blessing from god and i never thought you know that that that would you know happen and so when i was a kid i thought i'm not going to get a job and it's when your fears go from rational fears to irrational fears meaning will i get a job to concluding fearfully i'm never going to get a job i'm never going to be happy i'm always going to be alone and so those are the no one will ever marry me and i won't have children i want to have a family and i'll warn you right sure um and so for me i i never thought i'd be independent and just a burden to to my family um and so i think really the bullying and the fear of being alone brought me to that attempted suicide uh and sort of reinforces that right like you have no value you're not lovable right we don't want you right when you don't know the truth of your value you'll then believe the lies of your value that the world say about you need to look a certain way be a certain way some guys you know they start saying the f word to be cool thinking i need big biceps my biceps are so big they fell off but i went through a depression uh for around uh four or five years between ages eight and and twelve and i never thought uh that god would would really do something beautiful with the broken pieces that i could see um and i think the four things that that i've done to get out of depression is number one uh really be thankful for what i had um i'm thankful for my little foot thankful for my parents thankful that i could go to school thankful that i could know about god yeah the second thing uh is taking one day at a time the third thing was being able to talk to people so say that again so yeah you have the first one is thankful the second one was taking it what are you taking one day at a time you tell me a little bit about that too well i mean it's so easy to get so overwhelmed and even exaggerate your fear because of the unknowns yeah um and and and to balance that out you have to sort of just take a step back and i can't think about six months from now six years from now and then and ten years from now i'm just gonna take one day at a time god gives us strength for the next day uh there's so many scriptures about that uh and that that's the wisdom of god and that's the wisdom of my parents when i ask them the bigger questions of my future they're like well look just take one day at a time god's with you and you're like yeah okay but but how's that going to work out right that's what we want we're stressed i want to know the plan what's the plan yeah and and god's like well if i give you a plan then what's what's the point of having faith yeah so he keeps us there where say okay god i'm going to trust you with all my heart so that's the second thing it's great the third thing um is to talk to somebody you know if nick vojciche never told somebody what was really going on never counsel with anybody never ask for help i wouldn't be who i am today and and i give all the glory to god uh for everything and that he's my greatest counselor but sometimes he gives you his children just to say hey how are you doing yeah yeah i'm all right no really how can i pray for you you know and and that really starts helping us refocus and and be reminded of god's promises that then instill more faith in us the last thing to do is actually go try and ask god today if you're depressed believe it or not i'm going to tell you something that will sound stupid but to actually say god even though i haven't got what i feel like i need today or want today help me to to be used that i can give somebody else what they need what what they need what they want or even just help them like where whether we go to a cancer ward in a hospital to make those kids smile or go to an orphanage or just go feed the homeless go try be a miracle for someone else that is a great medicine of the heart that my parents taught me as well such great wisdom too because if you it helps you stop dwelling on your own issues and the things you don't have and it helps you to not only see the hurts of others but feel like i've got something to be generous with my time my compassion whatever it instills purpose in fact having having the the the reconfirmation that you are not only a child of god in your value but you have a purpose that no matter what the lies of the enemy are telling you you know that god did use you to help that person and that that's you know not arguable yeah and so when you come back no i am a child of god i am wonderfully and faithfully made and it's not to say that that we need necessarily a mission or a ministry or a title to to have the purpose of god the greatest purpose of god that we have is to know him love him walk with him be with him talk to him and and live as eternal beings with our eternal father while we are still yet here um our values not determined on what we do our values knowing who we are in him and trusting in him one day at a time that's so good that reminds me of something we say in our church every single week we we do this creed that was inspired by a guy named henry now on great authors and and we say uh i'm not what i do i'm not what i have i'm not what people say about me i'm the beloved of god now of course what we do we are what we do in some ways we are what we have in some ways if you have a million bucks you're a millionaire if you have nothing you're broke if if you do good you're in some ways a good person if you do bad you're you know but at the heart of it the scriptures teaches that it all begins with grace this idea that we're loved first despite what we do what we have what others say about us and the reason i think it's so important is your story highlights what i think undergirds not only depression but addiction anxiety and that is we need friends we need family and we need the lord and the deepest human need is to connect deeply with god and with other people and um like for me if i'm if i'm connecting deeply with the lord or with my wife or with my kids or my best friends i don't have those those nagging like i don't want to wake up today you know like you would if you had depression or you know urges to sin or to do do evil or to harm others or like you said start using an f word to try and fit in it's so strange to me as a pastor as i've sat back to realize that so many of the mistakes we make that harm us is really coming from this place that says what you said i don't want to be alone i want to have value i want to be i want to have purpose in my life and and that's what i think is so great about your story is your family was able to show you look god loves you but god even has a calling for you're going to be married you're going to have children you're going to have good good lifelong friends and don't you think i mean that's that's really uh medicine for the soul isn't it it really is medicine for the soul and and really it it disarms a church as well where we we even aspire uh to to the prosperity gospel that no matter what you want god's going to give it to you and that becomes your focus instead of the basics of what you just said and i've seen the prosperity gospel actually harm continents yeah continents sure and i think that what it is is we gotta really see who we are and seeing what god really wants for us and not saying money is bad but our focus is saying i love you god help me to love my neighbor as myself those are the two commandments and that's it everything's summarized under that it's so so easy to let the good and excellent things distract us from the most important yeah or like in john 15 jesus jesus says you'll abide in me if you do what love one another like it's right there love me and the way you love me is you love others the way you love others is you love me so uh so you're 34 and you've already seen a million people and those are just the recorded ones it doesn't count people on media that you have no idea yeah we've actually pulled we've actually preached to actually over 700 million 800 million people now on tv and none of those decisions were really recorded yeah so exactly we know it's just the beginning and we are so thankful for the people who pray for us and support us and especially now in america we really feel god calling us to evangelism in america um and not just with a tent we have an eight thousand person intent that god's not given stewardship of but really awakening the body of christ that when jesus says uh my prayer is that you become one what does that look like and to really realize it's not just going to church on sundays and it's not saying well i can't pray for more than a minute a day if you just write down the ten blessings of god in your life you'll pray more than a minute i mean i sit on the toilet 20 minutes a day i can pray to the alpha and omega for 20 minutes a day if i'm sitting on the toilet for 20 minutes yeah that's right and by the grace of god that's the discipline that we do need because when we don't rely on god's strength and we don't focus on scripture it's very easy easy to get distracted with busyness and working it all out and so all that to say god has a plan for us individually but i also believe as a nation and i really believe god wants to move throughout this country yeah and god and i i believe it too i think there have been generations of people who have prayed for america and it's so great to hear from you i guess you're actually an american now aren't you i i just got my citizenship actually had to put my hand on my heart whatever but i uh i uh they didn't get my fingerprints but uh i i am now uh living in southern california and and i do have a citizenship well i and i just think that's cool but i mean there's been i know that their their generations my grandparents great grandparents who have prayed that this country would always be a country after the lord i mean it was founded on people who are coming here for religious freedom and desire to be able to to follow the lord and um so i i hope it's true as an american i i want to see the same thing happen here and we're so touched you know that you have such a heart for this country too absolutely this is this is my home i hardly go back to australia australia is always going to be in my heart and my wife's japanese mexican and so we're praying for them but we pray for all the nations in the world especially in times like this yeah well well yeah that's exactly right and especially when you talk about bullying i do feel like now is a time where a lot of grownups are bullying one another over politics both on the left and the right we have there's people that are bowling online on social media trolls and all those things that stuff is really hard too isn't it i mean you know it's actually the core of everything when we talk about whether god awakens our nation or not i believe it actually starts with the next generation and when you actually look at the world's biggest problems in my opinion everything stems back from pride someone believing that someone is more important than somebody else when you know the truth and the judeo-christian values is that not one person is more valuable or less valuable than another that's when we should actually as a country that has on our money and god we trust shouldn't our christian schools first christian forget about public schools for a second christian schools be the first schools that have no bullying yeah yeah that's you know and and every world problem you got human trafficking you got hunger you got lack of education lack of opportunity no integration for people they still kill children with disabilities in the world today today there are children being killed because they are disabled and that is the law and that's what the law says around the world in some countries that i've been to and so where do we realize that we don't have to graduate out of high school before we can make a difference we don't have to get our university get i mean everyone's always waiting you know if i can just get this if i can just get that when i get married when i get this when i get my house paid off and get a couple rental properties then i'll be happy no it's it's when you understand that god wants to use you as his light and light up the dark rooms in this room in the world and we we start in our home we start our school and that's why i'm so passionate about the next generation understanding how much god cries over seeing his own children bully each other yeah you know and it happens with pastors too i mean i was talking to a large group of pastors this last week about how much i hate how much pastors bully other pastors it happens a lot and the bigger the platform gets the more likely it is to happen and i think it's good to hold pastors accountable to to you know in a friendly way debate doctrine and things like this but the ways in which um and maybe the internet does you know does this a lot that people can tweet people can but i just feel like um yeah as a church we ought to model what it means to ascribe dignity at the very least to one another and i think that there's there's a little shift coming because everyone's starting to figure out hey wait a second what we've always done isn't now working as well as it used to be yeah if you totally separate yourself from the millennials and you can't get him into church what do you do that then forces our thinking to okay we may need an adjustment we need may need a mindset shift and i think in that little fear i think there are some shifts happening in in the leaders of of uh the evangelical branches yeah absolutely and using new technologies you know to to do uh to reach facebook live uh which we did earlier and things like that are such a great way to to reach people so um earlier you were talking about how and this was so inspiring you're talking about how so often when we want to do something for god we're almost like that person in the scripture who says like when jesus says follow me they're like okay let me go um you know i have some cattle to go check on or let me go bury my father first which by the way that in context you know this but let me go barry my father first meant let me wait until my father died so i can get my inheritance and then i'll have all this money and then i can go with you and i'll be financially secure it always seems so brutal doesn't it like let me bury my father it's like you won't let him just bury his dad but that was an expression that basically said my my father's elderly i'm the firstborn son i inherit you know basically two-thirds of the land if i have a brother or everything if i don't have a brother and so let me bury him let me wait until he's almost dead you know let me wait until i get my inheritance then i'll come follow you and um and that's that's where so many people are it's like i'm so close to doing look i just need a little more security i just need a little more money i just need to i just want to get married first i just want to get my house first or i just need to have a job in that area first and you're really big on talking about this thing called unstoppable faith and you can't live like that if you're going to live for god right amen and even when you have um success in your life um when they were doing uh the casting of the net after no fish and then he goes and says okay we're going fishing and then come back with two boats full of fish um someone tell that story for there might be people watching tonight who who haven't heard that story in the scriptures so uh there are these fishermen who who've been fishing all day and they see jesus there and a crowd's gathering and uh jesus wants to talk to everyone and so he says let's let's go out a little bit and i'm gonna talk and and jesus he speaks to the crowd many people there and then he turns around and says okay we're going fishing they're like wait a second we're going fishing like you don't understand we've been we've been fishing and there's just there's no luck today is like we're going so we go and they haven't caught anything yeah for no fit no fish all day we're going fishing and uh they cast out the net and and there's so much fish that they summon a second boat and both the boats get so much fish that both of them the scripture says we're starting to sink with all the weight in there and these guys are astonished like can you imagine if if if that happened to us we'd be like wow who are you and jesus was asked that question who are you and he says follow me and i'll make you fishes of men now imagine all that fish that's a lot of fish yeah no one said wow look how many fish and counting him and say look guys we got it's like enamored with the creator of miracles the the miracle maker the the healer the messiah they didn't care what jesus could give them or help them achieve it was following him because that's all we need and so in the good and the bad let jesus be the one that you fix your eyes on and also when you go through difficult times when peter wanted to step out of the boat and he focused on the waves and the wind and all of a sudden he became scared that's when he started sinking jesus says fix my eyes fix your eyes on me and he's always there to reach down but as long as we keep our eyes on jesus we can walk on water and i do believe in the god of miracles i really do but there's no greater miracle than you knowing that he loves you he's forgiven you of all of your sin you don't have to live in shame and guilt anymore when you turn away from the life that you've been living a life that you know don't want a longer sin anymore i want to live for you i want to know you teach me to pray show me how to live that's when redemption can come in and you can even forgive yourself of the things you've done wrong and god helps you in that that new life so what does that story then teach us about um faith what i mean what is faith really and and what are some practical things for people who you know believe god wants them to do something but it's so hard you know to take that first step and what do you say to that person you know first of all when you look at the phrase unstoppable faith um it's not that you have an unstoppable measure of faith you can put faith of a mustard seed in the one true living god and move mountains but it's the unstoppable faith because the faith that we have is the truth and when we have faith in the unstoppable god that's when you have unstoppable faith and so for me the story that you wanted me to share uh uh uh you know whatever god god does in in all our lives i don't know what anyone's praying for um but i certainly didn't think that i'd be an evangelist i certainly didn't think that i would be able to meet limbless people around the world speak to governments and and after my visit uh education systems would allow disabled people to go into school and give people opportunities um you know dream big because we have a a big god um and and seek counsel from the people around you friends and family or people that maybe are your role models that you aspire to be like in some industry or whatever your goal or career kind of looks like in your heart sure pray about it lay it down and say god this is what i request this is what i feel you've made me to do and be i'm going to do my best and i'm going to trust you in the rest and sometimes there are periods of waiting look at all the stories in the bible about waiting and testing and trials and all these things but continue to be faithful with your own relationship with god be disciplined and you'll see him speak and lead your heart through scriptures through the peace of his holy spirit and the people he surrounds you with so keep on going one day at a time and if one door shuts we know god's going to open up another door i was it was interesting i was reading a book called willpower by a psychologist named baumeister it's a secular book but he was basically able to prove that the number one um thing that'll show whether or not somebody will be successful in life whether it's in relationships or at their job or whatever the number one word was willpower that more than more than your education more than your upbringing more than like starting from a family that's well off like those things were actually very low indicators compared to the power of willpower and once i started to read that i started saying well who are the people that i know that have willpower and i'm like it's people with vision and i've always believed that faith really is that thing that gives you willpower like if you're going through a hard time and you're fighting for something that isn't actually that valuable to you like if you're in a a job you hate for example and all you're the only reason you're there is for a paycheck well paycheck's not a very big vision i mean in the end you need it but it's not something people live for so i've i i believe that faith gives us a vision for where we can be and that if we hold fast to that vision which is faith that god that's from the lord we can endure so so much like in your case i imagine that that holding onto the dream maybe someday i'll be married and have kids and have a ministry and do great things for god i mean i feel like for you that had to be a big part of you enduring the the loads of suffering that you had to face as as a kid and as an adult there are four different ways i could react to that when you reverse engineer that what you just said it's not just a vision or a goal because many people don't have goals there's nothing wrong with a paycheck but we've got to go to the simplistic goals of knowing him loving my neighbor as myself planting those seeds to have a big vision i never thought i'd be able to be a speaker never thought i'd get married but we know that as we walk with god step by step uh we say god your will not my will show me what your will is sometimes he asks us to step out in the faith and sometimes we have to wait for him to open up a door yeah it's not a case-by-case basis but really the bottom line is when you don't have a goal then we say well have faith well how do you get faith you read the word of god when you read the word of god you get faith now does that necessarily equate to a vision for your life no does that necessarily equate to a goal for your life no but it first gives you the fundamental foundation that you can build for that later on coming back to your value and i think that's the the key yeah that's the enemy's attack if i can deceive you on your value and your identity then what goals are you ever going to do that's right so i think that's the foundation that we need to lay down for the next generation and say then let's dream big when you know who you are and you know who he is and he's in your corner greater is he who is in me than anything and he in the world that's when you become unstoppable such a good word and that's exactly who jesus is when you look at the story he's always picking people that thought they had no value in god's kingdom prostitutes tax collectors fishermen blue collar workers you know and he was just saying follow me you're going to do greater things than me for i'm going to my father wow isn't that great it's amazing he uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise it doesn't make sense that a man without arms legs is very happy but we know it's because of the joy of the lord and we know that even when i don't get a miracle i can still be a miracle for little limbless kids all around the world and if i can just help one person come to heaven that's what i want that's my greatest goal when i see god face to face well done my good and faithful servant welcome home i think so often when we think of following jesus we think of it as a life upgrade in the sense of like when you get you know something better in your life and that is true it is better but we don't think of it we oftentimes think of it as consumers jesus tells us in the sermon on the mount that to follow the narrow road because wide is the way that leads to death but narrow is the way and difficult is a path that leads to life and few find it and that message is often times lost so very often i think we as people when we're following jesus we have major setbacks and we ask these questions like lord why did this happen i think sometimes that even comes from the enemy like for me i think for me for my personal story um when i was called to pastor this church that week my grandma uh died and suddenly out of nowhere my wife was told that she had an incurable lifelong illness and my son had his first major seizure which would become an ongoing issue we still have today of epilepsy and so my question is like i just entered in this thing you know that seemed like a miracle god called me to do lord why is this happening and and i find that that my story is actually not unique it's very common that people when they follow the lord start having some of these big trials big setbacks big mountains and do you see that and and i really feel like you can speak to that super well you know for me i i really want everyone to know that i'm just like everyone else and just like you many things that we've gone through are actually quite common and when we look back at the bible we can see how god sometimes prunes and and and lets some of his children go into times of questioning yet as we continue to to press in and we have other people pray for us uh and we we we we're encouraged by some people or even if not we know that in even in those silent moments god is still god and that's the bottom line and and we must believe by faith and not by sight to believe that he can't do all things and that he can bring all things together for the good for those who love him who are in uh who've been called according to his purposes isaiah 40 31 those who wait upon the law will renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like uh eagles uh we got to stop waiting for sometimes different things to change around just and we're just going to say okay god i have no idea what's going on i don't know how you're gonna use this where are you right now i have no idea what did i do like why couldn't you at least give me a warning totally uh we all go through that but really over time you see the faithfulness of god and you can look back and say wow like even people who are depressed and even thinking of suicide right now i want you to understand that that that when you get through this in this chapter of your life i always tell people just 10 years from now imagine if you actually meet somebody who's 10 years younger than you 10 years from now and you meet them and they're going through something you're going through right now what you're feeling what you're thinking and and and the distraught that you're in and you can go up to them and say hey i know you feel like there's no hope but there is hope i know you can't see anything beautiful coming out of your broken pieces but here's my story and that's where i believe pastor bobby that's the power of understanding that god has a plan for each of us and a story of a testimony of how god can truly do something beautiful in our lives when we trust in him i think that's one of the big lies of the enemy that comes along is that when we're going through hard times the lie is it'll be this way forever and it's in that then the enemy says because god has abandoned you right either god's punishing you for some sin in your past or god doesn't exist you just wrestle with whether whether or not this whole thing is just made up and these are i think the kinds of ways that the enemy attacks us in our mind and yet like as you said you look back and you're like god has been faithful he's gotten me this far and i think it's so useful to think in terms of like this is going to pass as well and god is going to work all of this for his purpose doesn't feel like it sometimes you can feel annoying to hear something like that when you're going through it you know totally you know but but you just look back and you're like god got me through this he'll get me through it again yeah and many people once they go on the other side of that mountain or on the other side of that valley they look back and and i can tell you right now and i'm sure you can tell everyone as well if we had the ability to turn back time would you have done something differently no you know for sure we have regrets for sure but at the same time even though we know we're not perfect we can see the perfect workmanship of what god was doing in our hearts and our minds during those valleys yeah we're thankful for that and i want you to know that one day uh you're gonna remember this interview with bobby schiller and nick boyd just looking at you in the camera saying you're beautiful don't give up god loves you don't give up on god and god will not give up on you i think one of the worst things one of the hardest things i don't want to say worst but hardest things about being a jesus follower is god's timing god's timing is super annoying it's like i i it feels like if he's if there's anything consistent about god's timing is that it seems like he's so often an 11th hour god i just see that over and over that so many times you think how's god going to come through on this one and then bam that last second and so many people give up before they reach that point i don't know why the lord does that but in my experience i just find that and i say that tongue-in-cheek you know i'm just joking that god's time is annoying but it does it can feel that way it's like god where are you and so often it's just right at the end there isn't it look sometimes it's right there at the end sometimes what you are praying for doesn't come true yeah that's true and the bottom line is this if anyone tells you different they're lying yeah because there are many times where god says no there are many times where we want something and and you know my dad right he died of cancer just five months ago we prayed for healing arms and legs didn't come but the beautiful thing about this is the big question that god asks everyone do you trust me i send my son jesus christ to die on the cross for your sins he raised himself from the grave i will raise you when you die our treasure is not here on earth our treasures are up there and until that day i am going to be with you says god i will carry you when you cannot walk i'll heal you along the way maybe not all the physical ailments will disappear but i will give you all the strength that you need my grace is sufficient and i'm with you and i'll never leave you that may be the very question god's asking you today have you said yes to jesus today because if you haven't until we trust god with all our heart and give him the keys to our house not just have jesus as a guest in our house because your guest in your house never opens the door when the devil comes knocking on your front door for as long as you hold the key to your house guess who's going to answer that door give jesus the key to your heart say god take all of me take my brokenness take my mind take my heart take my sins i don't want to depend on my strength and my intellect anymore i want you into my life please change me mold me and today if you don't know if if you're going to heaven or not i'm going to ask you to say a quick prayer right now just close your eyes say dear god come into my life i'm a sinner forgive me change me i don't want to sin i want to live for you i want to know you give me faith and help me to know you through scripture help me to find a church and give me friends to help me along the way god change me fill me with your holy spirit teach me to pray and show me how to live one day at a time in jesus name i pray amen i just want you to know if you said that prayer this is the beginning and and when a baby's born they don't eat a filet mignon we start with little baby steps and that's what baby steps are yeah so but find a local church and ask god to help you and he'll help you every step of the way friends we here at tbn want to thank you for partnering with us and taking the gospel of our savior jesus around the world so for your gift of support in any amount we want to send you pastor robert morris's seven words of christmas please go to seven words and thank you for being a part of this global television ministry
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 71,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick vujicic, nick vujicic testimony, nick vujicic motivational speech, nick vujicic inspirational video, nick vujicic interview, nick vujicic swimming, nick vujicic speech, nick vujicic no arms no legs no worries, nick vujicic story, nick vujicic family, no limbs nick vujicic, life without limits, life without limbs nick vujicic - never give up, identity, purpose, anxiety, depression, pray for healing, praise tbn, tbn, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 8T2B6N, bobby schuller
Id: dlYwBfo8bRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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