The Bait of Satan // John Bevere | The Belonging Co TV

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good morning church how are you it's so good to be with the family amen hey i want to say um i i wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna belabor this point but guys it really was a transforming 24 hours and i probably won't be speaking next year but i'm going to put a big plug in as uncle john can i do that you don't want to miss it it's absolutely amazing the presence of god the life transforming power that was here the guys that were ministered to just talk to any guy that came they'll tell you god just did something special in all of us and so i just want to say it's great to be here i am so grateful for our pastors pastor henry and pastor alex don't you love our pastors amen we we've known them since they were in australia and we're very good friends with him in australia and then when we came here we were so thankful to god that he sent him his missionaries to the united states because we need it in the united states amen all right so this morning i'm going to share with you i know some of you may not know me best way i can introduce myself is quickly show the people i love that's my family can you look at a picture here really quick there they are that's my wife lisa and i've been married 40 years this year i love it i told her two weeks ago i said honey i would marry you tomorrow if i had if i had the chance there's our four sons our three daughter-in-laws we're about to get the fourth daughter-in-law next month so we the quiver will be full and those are our g babies i am way too young to be grandpa so it's g daddy and g for short and then our newest grandbaby just born and we actually have another one in the cooker right now there she is i know i know okay she's got those eyes that look right into your soul all right and and she's going to be a blast to raise her name is scarlett so anyway that's my family i love them dearly and i know god loves us dearly the more i know that i love my family now this morning i'm going to share with you out of a book that i wrote that was actually published 28 years ago next month uh it's been an international bestseller it's probably pushing 2 million copies but the thing that amazes me is i really believe that it's a more relevant message today than it was 28 years ago and so i really am carrying a burden about this very thing and i really want to see our house hear it and be protected from the trap of the enemy all right and so what i want to do is i want to pray because i really believe if we ask the holy spirit that he'll change our life forever if we don't you're just going to get information and that's not what we need we need transformation so let's lift up our hands if you believe god can change your life today and let's ask him to do it through his word all right father in that in the name of jesus we come before you as a family not only all of us in this building but everybody online and lord god we just are so grateful to you that you have called us sons and daughters you could have made a servant and that would have been so much more amazing than where we were but you've actually brought us into your household so today holy spirit we are asking that you would do what you love to do the most and that is reveal jesus to us in a way like we have never known him before and as you do this may we go from glory to glory and strength to strength and from faith to faith may our lives be forever changed as a result of what you do in our midst today for i decree your kingdom has come your will shall be done in this place on earth as it is in heaven and for this we give you all the glory and the praise and the honor and the thanksgiving and it's in jesus mighty wonderful majestic holy awesome magnificent name we pray and everybody that agrees shouts come on give him praise in advance for what he's going to do amen amen you can be seated [Applause] jesus's disciples approach him in a certain time of his ministry and they asked him a question what's the atmosphere going to be like what's the climate going to be like right before you return now how many of you believe we are living in the days of the second coming of jesus christ let me see your hands if you believe that all right you got to be spiritually literally blind not to know what jesus said we would know the season not the day or the hour and so jesus started listing some of the things that would happen that you know right in the time period before he returned and what i want to really really focus in on this morning is verse 10 11 12 13 and 14. so in verse 10 jesus makes the statement remember he's talking about our day he said and then many now before we go any further i want everybody to shout the word many that word actually means most or majority then many will be offended everybody shout offended will betray one another and will hate one another now this is a progression an offended person will eventually betray and if it if a betrayal is not dealt with it can ultimately lead to hatred you say now john where do you get this from the bible says in proverbs chapter 18 verse 19 a brother offended is harder to win than a strong city now in the days of solomon who penned the book of proverbs what did strong cities have around them walls what were walls built for protection those walls would allow in those people that you believe were for you and they would keep out those people that you believed were against you this is exactly what an offended believer does except they're not physical walls that we erect they're mental walls or emotional walls second corinthians chapter 10 verses 3 4 and 5 says though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh hey listen we are in a battle ground not a playground he says for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but they are mighty in god for the pulling down of strongholds now what are those strongholds he lists them look what he says casting out down every imagination now a better rendition of that would be reasoning so point your head and say reasoning and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge points you say knowledge of god and bringing every thought point to you every thought captive to the obedience of christ so what are these strongholds or what are these walls they are thought processes or reasonings that we develop deep in our soul that are contrary to the will and nature of god now how many of you know the nature of god what is it what is his nature love right the bible doesn't say he has love the bible says he is love okay at the very essence of god is his love right are you with me and so the love of god always seeks to give to give to give but a person that's been offended says i've been hurt i don't want to get hurt again so now they seek to protect protect protect now if push comes to shove this makes you a perfect candidate for betrayal now a lot of people don't understand betrayal because they only know it in it in its extreme form like benedict arnold or judas a betrayal is when i seek my benefit or protection at the expense of what i have a relationship with and a betrayal is an ultimate abandonment of a relationship and if it's not dealt with it can ultimately lead to hatred now a lot of people don't get hatred because they associate emotions with hatred no you can hate someone and have no emotions the bible says epsilon hated ammon therefore he neither spoke good nor evil to him the definition of hatred in the new testament the greek word means this loveless it means as a vacuum with absolutely no love and so what jesus is saying is in the last days there are going to be many that are going to be offended those offenses are going to lead to possible betrayals and the betrayals if they're not dealt with are going to end up in hatred and then he goes on the next verse and he said then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many who are the many that the false prophets are going to see the many that are offended so that tells me something right there an offended heart is the breeding ground for deception now there is only one problem with deception and you know what it is it's deceiving the person who's deceived believes with all their heart they're right when in reality their own that's scary and then jesus goes on to say and because lawlessness will abound now what is the greek word for lawlessness it is the greek word anomia which simply means this you are not submitted to the authority of god when you develop thought processes that are contrary to the will and nature of god the word of god and you're now seeking to protect you now enter into lawless thinking and because lawlessness will abound now look what he says here the love of many will grow cold now how many of you would say lawlessness is abounding in our society come on talk to me i mean look what happened in buffalo next year yesterday thank you pastor henry for bringing that up that was heartbreaking okay lawlessness abounds in our society however what's really scary here is jesus is not talking about society he's talking about the church how do i know that because the greek word that he uses for love is not phileo which is an affectionate love which the world has in we have the greek word that he uses is agape agape is the love of god that jesus said the world cannot receive it is the love of god that is shed abroad in a brand new believer's heart so jesus isn't talking about society he's saying offenses are going to run rampant in the church that are going to lead to betrayals that are going to even lead to hatred and i'm going to prove you he's talking about the church because look at the next verse and he said but he who endures to the end shall be saved you do not look at an unbeliever who is lost if you endure the race you're going to get saved they haven't even begun the race he can only be talking about believers here now the person that can hurt you the deepest is the person that is closest to you why is that because our expectations are higher on them we set ourselves up for an offense by our expectation so have you ever let me ask you a question have you ever heard a christian possibly say this you know the world treats me better than most christians why is that because our expectation on the world is zero okay but our expectation on most believers is about here our expectation on our pastors about here and our expectation on our spouse is about here so if the world does this much they've been that much of a blessing but if a believer does that much they've offended me by that much see david made a statement he said it wasn't an enemy that reproached me i expect the world to treat me bad he said but it was you my brother my equal my companion we went into the house of god and heard the word of god together you're the one that's lifted up your heel against me so we set ourselves up for a greater offense by our expectations now if you want to put all offended believers in two categories we can easily do this category number one those who have been genuinely mistreated category number two those who think they've been mistreated i'm not dealing with category two they got accurate information and they discern inaccurately or they have inaccurate information i don't want to deal with that i want to deal with category number one those who have been genuinely mistreated now if you have been mistreated do you have the right to be offended yes you have the right to do anything if you want to go to hell forever and burn in a lake of fire forever you have the right because god gave you the personal right to choose but if you want to walk with god you have no right to be offended yep in time you don't know what they did to me you ever heard somebody say that you just don't know what they did to me how many of you ever heard somebody say that come on come on put your hand up you know you've heard somebody say how many of you have ever said that don't put your hand up no you don't know what you did to jesus let me say this an offended christian who cannot forgive is a person that has forgotten what they've been forgiven or never realized what they've been forgiven do i do i need to say that again an offended christian who cannot forget is a person that has forgotten or never realized what they've been truly forgiven of do you know what the whole problem is we in the church we categorize sin we have the big sins right we have adultery witchcraft we have murder we have robbing stealing right and then we have what we call weaknesses strife gossip unforgiveness weaknesses let me say this the bible says in proverbs these six things the lord hates and seven is an abomination now you know what's interesting is adultery is not in that list now i'm not justifying adultery those that practice such will not inherit the kingdom but you know what's interesting to me do you know what the number seven one is on the list that god says is an abomination sowing discord among brothers gossip so this is what i like to say treat gossip the way you treat adultery you'll probably get saved you'll probably get free treat unforgiveness the way you treat murder you'll probably get free see when the fought when when adam sinned against god the father could have looked at the son and said they betrayed us they chose the devil over us let's let them all go to hell and burn forever with the devil and let's go create another universe and create somebody who really loves us and he would have been perfectly just because i want you to listen to me what i deserved i'm not talking about you i'm talking about me what i deserved for what i did to god should have been a burning in a lake of fire forever being eaten by worms and flames that never stopped burning my flesh off that's what i deserved but yet he forgave me freely forgave me that's why i said a person who cannot forgive is the person that's forgotten what they've been forgiven of now this isn't just a lot of theory to me you know before i got saved i didn't find it too hard to forgive after i got studied i found it really easy but there was a man who i really looked up to he was probably closer to me than my natural father i deeply loved and admired him he did some things over a course of a year that were devastating it was so obvious what he did i had people coming up to me constantly going are you okay i said yeah i'm fine are you going to go to him no i don't need to i'm going on with the call of god in my life it was that obvious but here's this here's the sad thing i was too proud to admit that i was offended i saw being offended as a sign of weakness and i was too proud to say i'm weak so what happens months go by the love of god in my heart starts getting cooler and cooler and cooler and i don't recognize it because it's like the frog in the kettle but in reverse now what's really scary is i'm still preaching and people are getting saved but ministries becoming more of an occupation to me not a passion now i'm a little cynical now i'm a little critical now i'm a little jaded i remember lisa and i were driving down the highway and we had a worship set going in she's weeping you know she looks over me i got the stone cold look on my face she goes john what's wrong i said nothing nothing i i'm meditating you worship right now i'm just too proud to admit i'm offended so one day i mean months have gone by probably close to a year and i walk outside my backyard one morning one afternoon and i look up and i go god am i offended and i heard this on the inside of me yes it's the loudest i have ever before heard the voice of god i think it was audible and i remember i just dropped my hands i said i don't know what to do i just don't know what to do i've prayed i've confessed i've prayed with others i've fasted i need help i can't get out of this here's the step here's the beginning of recovery right so i'm on a four-day fast and i go to this funeral and this man's conducting this funeral and i remember i'm sitting in the back of the church because i got there a little late and about three quarters of the way through the funeral the wells broke up and and i started bawling like a baby first time i cried in over a year and i remember going i forgive you i release you i forgive you i forgive you i forgive you and i remember leaving that funeral my eyes are all red i don't want people to see me so i slipped out i left and i thought thank god it's over i saw him two weeks later and when i did i remember leaving that place and i thought how can he be so blessed he did this to me he did this to me he did this to that person he did this to that person i went home and talked about it with lisa i thought about it all afternoon i talked about it at dinner i went to bed thinking about it i got up the next morning thinking about it i took a shower and i'm thinking about it then i got scared i thought i bawled like a baby two weeks ago why am i still so tormented see jesus says in luke in matthew 18 when you don't forgive you're turned over to the tormentors until you pay the unpayable debt i'm in torment all my emotional energies and all my mental strength just can't get off of this and i remember i got scared was see there is a principle in god's word i didn't understand and that is found in acts 24 16 where paul made the statement look at this and herein do i exercise everybody shout exercise myself always to have a conscience void of offense with god and man everybody say exercise kareem can you help me buddy jump up here just there's a path right there for you buddy now kareem you work out i can see that right uh-oh are you strong okay all right now kareem i can walk up the cream and do that [Applause] did you like that cream come on if i did that to you on the street would you like that no okay good thanks for being honest thank you but you're okay he's all right but now i could do this you guys oh i need a mic stand oh let's here we go i could do this now if i do that what's going to happen i'm going to injure him there are some offenses that hit us when they do we don't like it but when they're over we're okay it's water off the duck's back there are other offenses that hit us that wound us and wounds don't heal overnight and if not properly treated those wounds will never heal cream are we still friends yes okay thanks love you buddy thanks so much as good as you and i get you oh my gosh thank you cree he's really my friend now okay he said i hope it looks as good as you when you're 16 when i'm 63. i love you buddy all right um where was i crane you just we had a moment there bro so uh i'm i'm in hawaii and i'm doing this conference this is like 30 years ago okay and um second to last day of the conference i'm playing tourist and we go to this place called hanama bay and there's a wall you got to climb to get a good picture of the bay and it's about this high and the wall is made out of big boulders with cement right and i put my right foot up on the the but it's a little crooked and when i put all my weight on i hear this in my knees and i went ah right now my wife and the assistant pastor are laughing at me in the car okay until i jump down and they realize i can't walk so they run out to help me well for the next three months i'm in a brace i'm in crutches i'm even in wheelchairs on airplanes so the assistant pastor's wife said hey look i know this physical therapist he owns a gym he's been working on a part of me that was injured he said i want him to work on you tomorrow so the next day i go to this guy's gym he's not safe his name's alex he's a big guy he's he's got me on this mat he's making me hurt and all these people are working out in his gym right and they're all around he's got me in the middle of the floor on the floor make him in my knee hurt and he says hey he goes just like this he goes hey you want to know something look all around this gym i said okay he said none of them would have gotten injured climbing that wall but you did i'm like oh my gosh i said okay why did i get injured and none of them wouldn't he said because you're out of shape you don't exercise and then i start thinking about there are people in the church their devotions to social media [Music] they listen to a pastor preach once a week they're not spending time in the word they're not praying in the spirit building themselves up and so they're easily wounded then there are people like kareem and like the guy that lived next door to me in florida who's the wwf wrestler i mean we played basketball i'd drive into him and he wouldn't move and i go flying back five feet we played street hockey together we were really close friends and he said one day please would you watch my videos and i said i'll watch them i'm thinking sitting there going i don't watch this stuff so i'm watching this video and they broke a guitar over his head then they broke a chair over his head i said is that really really he goes yeah he's like six four two forty has four percent body fat okay and and then this 400 pound sumo wrestler jumps off the ropes on top of him and he gets up like nothing happened i mean we'd all be in the hospital for six months and there are people like that in the spirit they pray they spend time in the word and you you know what the bible says about them great peace of them that love your word nothing can offend them that's the way i want to be that's the way i want to be so i get on the plane we fly to indonesia and they get another physical therapist to work in my it was really really hilarious lisa and the little my sons were really young at the time they get off the plane with all the carrion here comes the man of god in the wheelchair so and so they get another physical therapist working on money he goes mr bevere do you want to know how to get your knee healed i said yes yes tell me he said exercise every day exercise oh my gosh you and alex and then i started thinking about it when these football players blow out a need what do they do scott you're an athlete you know what they do they do they do what physical therapy was just focus what focus exercise to get your knee stronger than what it was before i got healed before i got wounded and the holy spirit spoke to me and said son that's what you need to do exercise i said how do i exercise he said read matthew 5. so i read matthew 5. read 1 2 3 4 5. get all the way down to 45th verse and that fun how god does that and all of a sudden i find out how to exercise because in verse 45 look what jesus says but i tell you listen these words are read pray for anyone who mistreats you now you know what's interesting to me not once in all the gospels does jesus say pray for your mother it's not there you won't find it i'm not supposed to pray for my mother yes you're supposed to pray for your mother but i find it very interesting that the person that jesus tells you you better pray for is the one who mistreats you and in other translations the word abuse you is used so the lord said that's how you exercise john pray for him so i got it from the table i said father bless him in jesus name next day oh yeah by the way bless him in jesus name next day lord if you can if you can bless him in jesus name and that's the way i pray for the next five weeks that's like lifting a penny on a leg curling machine okay i'm getting no better i'm getting worse so i'm on another three-day fast five weeks later the holy spirit said son read psalm 35. i love how this happens so you go to psalm 35 verse 1 through 10 makes no sense but then i get to verse 11 and verse 11 says this evil people pay me back evil for good and i think in despair i said hey that's me i did him good and he be paid me evil and i'm thinking the next verse is going to say throw them into the pit bust their jaw you know something like that and you know what the next verse said but as for me when they were sick i dressed in mourning i deprived myself of food i prayed with my head bowed low as i would pray for a friend or my brother and the holy spirit spoke to me he said you pray everything for him that you want me to do in your life or your family so i get up from the table and i and i start praying everything i wanted for me i said god i pray that he would know you the best of man can know you i pray that he would please you the best a man can praise please you i pray that he would love you as deeply as a man can love you i pray lord god that you would honor him with your presence i'm asking lord god that you would surround his family surround his family lord god with your angels protect them bring finances in for his ministry from unexpected quarters everything i could think of that i wanted i started praying can i tell you it hurt it was painful you ever hear somebody say pray what feels good oh be quiet please you pray truth and sometimes it hurts and it was it was very painful and i'm and i'm praying this way but you know what happened after two weeks god it was amazing i started getting energy i started getting excited the five minutes i would pray for him started getting i started getting happy and and i'm thinking to myself i wonder if i'm getting healed yeah and then six weeks later six weeks into this i'm out one morning in a remote place and i'm really praying for this guy and all of a sudden i scream his name and i said so and so i love you and when i said i love you it's like junk came out of my gut and i thought whoa i'm healed i am healed i am healed oh my gosh i went home told lisa about him so happy i see him two weeks later another on the inside i thought now what now my wife is so prophetic it's scary between lisa and the holy spirit i don't get away with anything and i like it so she sits me down on the couch and she goes honey you need to go to him i said i jumped up i literally jumped above the couch i said no no no no no i've prayed i've exercised i'm healed everything's good baby i don't need to go to him so she said okay so i go out and pray i said lord do i need to go to him lord said yes not that loud is the first time i said god okay and i had to figure out why and let me let me tell you how most people take that scripture you know when jesus said if somebody offends you go to them can can show you how most people you wanna help me again come here cream come on i won't hurt you i promise i just want you to no no no i just want you to know you did this you did this you did this but i forgive you that's how most people take that scripture thanks kareem friends still okay what are they doing they're using that scripture as a license to come vomit all over you and tell you how badly you treated me that's not what jesus had in mind when he said if your brother sinned against you go to him what does jesus have in mind reconciliation there's a big difference between forgiveness and reconciliation and most people don't get it they lump the two together no no no no there's a big difference how do you know the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation look at the cross when when did jesus forgive you and i when he was on the cross when he said father forgive them they don't know what they're doing he wasn't just talking about the soldiers and the same children he's talking to the next generation the next generation the next generation the next series right out of me because my sins put him on that cross so he forgave me from the cross before i ever said i'm sorry you know how many times i've heard christians say i'll forgive them when they apologize what if jesus would have waited for you and by the way in the lord's prayer pray at some time and think about it forgive me the way i have forgiven others who have sinned against me do you realize that you will be forgiven the way you forgive them do you know i can show you three times more scriptures in the gospels of someone who will not be forgiven by god who has refused to forgive then i can somebody who is murdered sure his quietness methodist church you still with me so he forgave us before we ever said i'm sorry but when were we when were we reconciled back to god when we repented and said god i'm so sorry you were right i was wrong please forgive me what led us to repentance the goodness and kindness of god so you know what jesus is saying go to your brother and create an atmosphere of goodness that's going to want to make him say i'm sorry when you do you do this and this is this but i forgive you i go excuse me so this is what the lord led me to do through lisa i bought him a gift i mean a really nice gift i'm not talking about a re-gift from christmas i'm talking a real gift and i wrapped it up brought it to his office and he opens it up and i'll never forget this i can close my eyes and still see it it's like 32 years ago he looks up his eyes and goes he's speechless because it's a really nice gift and i jumped on the opportunity i said hey i'm here to ask your forgiveness he said what i said i've been critical of you and i've been judgmental of you and i'm so wrong that's all i said he goes no you haven't been critical of me i said yes i have well it opened him up my kindness opened him up and he started sharing with me his heart and you know after about an hour conversation we came together like this and we've been like this ever since [Applause] a couple of couple days later i looked at lisa and i said babe when i first met that man he could do no no wrong in my eyes and i loved him that's immature love that's not even real love i said then i saw his faults his faults were directed to me so i didn't love him anymore so that's not real love i said but now i still see his fault but i love him with the intensity of when i first met him i said that's got to be the love of god because the love of god covers the multitude of sins so jesus makes the statement in luke 17 1 in closing he says it is impossible for offenses to not come what is jesus saying if you breathe air you will have the opportunity to be offended but what you do with the offense will determine your future either you become stronger or you become bitter but you'll never be the same now the greek word there for offense is actually an ancient greek word that wasn't even used for a fence originally it was actually originally used to describe the bait stick of a trap that hunters would use to get small animals and birds in the hunter would place the bait on the scandal on the animal would take it and the trap would close and either capture or kill the animal thereby an offense is the bait of satan to pull you the believer into his captivity i can prove this to you because paul says to timothy in second timothy i'll put the scripture up on i'm not going to read the whole thing he said those who are in opposition those who are offended with one another look at this he said they are taken first of all he says they are in a snare a snare is a trap they are in the trap of satan and they are captive to do his will see the highlighted carry out his purposes you know what's really scary you still preach you can still serve in the church but you're not releasing rivers of living water you're now releasing waters tainted with bitterness a man of god i really respect had a vision of the massive armies of hell that march against the church in the last days in the vision that god gave them as the armies got closer he noticed the demons weren't riding on the backs of horses they were riding on the backs of believers who had been offended they were captive to do his purposes i was getting ready to speak at a conference on a friday night the auditorium was packed out before i got up to speak this guy gets up looks like he just got off the construction site he's got dirt all over he's got a beard he's got holes in his jeans and holes and jeans were not popular or fashionable back then and uh i'm thinking this is this is interesting because this guy who looks like he could break me in two like kareem he's crying i'm like oh this does not look like the crying type he gets up and he said i'm 36 years old and i've been saved almost all my life he said but all my life there's been a wall between me and god he said i'd go into meetings and watch people get touched by the presence of god in worship in prayer but there's a wall he said then somebody gave me the book the beta satan which is what i've been preaching to you out of he said i read it in two i read he said they gave to me three weeks ago and i read it in two days he said i realized i held unforgiveness against my mother he said my mom gave me away when i was six months old it was actually six weeks old he said so i contacted my mom for the second time in 36 years he said mom i need i need to ask you to forgive me i've i've held unforgiveness against you for 36 years she started crying on the phone she said i've hated myself for 36 years for giving you away he forgave her she forgave herself sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself she forgave herself because jesus if you have ought against any and he includes yourself but this is where the story gets really good because now the tears are falling off this guy's beard under his shirt he looked at us and he said the wall that's been between me and god for 36 years is completely gone he said i cry like this every morning when i pray every time i get into a service and the presence of god is in the service i start crying like this do you have the right to be offended you have the right to do anything but if you want to walk with god you don't have the right to be offended i want every head bowed every eye closed heavenly father thank you for what you've given to us i'm so grateful so grateful now i'm asking you please heal hearts in here draw men and women to jesus if your head's bowed your eyes closed i've i've basically run out of time but i want to make sure i have time to pray for you i don't think i need to labor on this if you came in here and some of you maybe a lot of you didn't even know you were offended but you recognized maybe the emotional energy that you give to thinking about how you were treated maybe how you're going to get even you realize that two wrongs don't make a right listen carefully what was done to you was a sin but does the second sin make what was done to you right is the sin of unfi forgiveness justified by the first sin two wrongs have never made a right you realize as i'm speaking right now your sin of offense needs to be addressed with god and i want to give you that opportunity because god as i said will not force you to respond to him today he's hopeful he's hoping you'll respond but he gave you a free will and so i want you to really be honest you don't want to fool yourself remember deception is when you think you're right i want you to be honest if the holy spirit's bringing anything up you know why he's bringing it up to heal you not to embarrass you and it's a safe environment so i'm going to ask you as you're sitting there if you say john i didn't even realize or john i came in i knew i had an offense and you say you know what i realize i don't want to carry this offense and i want to repent of it right now and i want to ask god's forgiveness if that's you put your hand up high really quick fast wow wow wow all right if your hands in the air stand up i want to pray for you way too many people to call forward and remember it's most it's over 50 so again first service was over 50 now there's some of your sitting and you think i'm finished i'm not finished because some of you are sitting right now and you feel the tug of the holy spirit and you're not responding and i want to give you one more chance to think about it because i don't want you to miss so the first step to getting free is being is not being like john bevere was holding pride and saying yes sir yes sir thank you you guys are worth the wait don't be proud don't say hey i see being offended is a sign of weakness be honest yes ma'am you are worth the wait is there anyone else there's probably about 70 75 yes sir yes ma'am yes yes ma'am yes ma'am yes sir yes sir many more people just stood yes ma'am yes ma'am yes ma'am yes yes sir i want to make sure nobody's missed anybody else we're looking at about 80 percent of the people now stand i want to make sure nobody's missed yes sir yes ma'am yes ma'am yes sir thank you for standing you guys are worth the wait yes sir thank you for being so honest thank you for standing yes sir thank you for standing now holy spirit yes sir yes sir i i want to make sure holy spirit that i give room for you to minister these men and women some of the wounds some of the the hurts are so deep and i'm asking for a miracle i'm asking she would reach your strong hand and pull any root of bitterness any root of offense out of their hearts and i'm asking that your presence would come upon them now that you would just begin to love on them and begin to minister to them i want you to put your hands in the air as a sign of surrendering to god's will every one of you that are standing and i want you to say these words out loud please please say them out loud please please sam from your heart father in heaven forgive me i've sinned against you by refusing to forgive i realize this morning two wrongs don't make a right what was done was wrong but it doesn't justify my sin of offense so i'm coming to you now before your presence and i acknowledge my sin and i ask you you would cleanse me with the blood of jesus from my heart i i am grateful for your mercy and forgiveness and now i'm going to extend it to those that have hurt me from my heart father i want you to see those people keep your eyes closed get a picture of them it's your mom your uncle an ex a former pastor an employer a friend do you see him now i want you to say this out loud i forgive you whisper their names now under your breath say their names you owe me nothing say you owe me nothing i forgive you there's this presence right there there's the presence of the lord right there lift your hands up again spirit of the living god thank you [Music] heal your sons and daughters heal their hearts [Music] fill them with your delightful love pour it out into their hearts even right now there's his presence right there right there you're forgiven you're free now lord fill them with your presence say this with me everybody in this church jesus my life is yours fully yours you are my lord and my king i'm yours forever in jesus name right now there's people being healed in this place physically emotionally the oil now is flowing the healing power of god is flowing into men and women's bodies right now i command you to be whole i command you to be every bit whole i command your emotions to be healed for the synapse connectors the neural connectors of your brain to change to allow the love of god to flow freely through your emotions into the lives of the people you know in jesus name thank you father it's happening right now there's the presence of god there's the presence of the living god right there now i want you to just thank him just say it and mean it from your heart don't be religious say thank you so much thank him again thank him again [Music] lord thank you so much in jesus name amen i want to ask you something i want you to be honest how many of you could sense his presence put up your hands high wow it's so beautiful you can be seated let me say this um this is the book um i maybe got a chapter and a half out might have gotten two there's uh i don't know how many chapters and there's a whole 30-day devotional um the reason i'm saying this is there's so much i didn't cover i mean a senior pastor looked at me one day and he said i read this book four times a year i said come on man and he stopped me and he looked me in the eyes and said i read every january april july and october i said why he said because i want a teflon coding on my spirit the defenses fall off i want to say this we've got an app we built it's a two and a half million dollar app we have over 40 courses on there it's in 116 languages matter of fact 16 700 cities in the world there are people that have downloaded this app in a year and three months it's in 225 nations one of the courses is called the bait of satan it's six lessons 15 minutes each i walk through chapter by chapter so if you want to get a hold of that it's no cost the qr code is up there or you can go to the app store later you can go to google play later and just type in messenger x no space between the r and the x and then just look up the course the bait of satan i love you guys so very much thank you
Channel: The Belonging Co TV
Views: 90,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the belonging co, the belonging co tv, the belonging co sermons, the belonging co messages, tbco
Id: VJgA7ph200c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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