Why You're Not Experiencing All God Has For You - John Bevere | Consecrate 2022

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the word would you guys welcome John bevere good evening everybody stay standing I always love praying before I bring in the word was that not amazing I mean Lisa Lisa just I mean all I can say it was truth bombs especially the one where you're putting question marks on what I put exclamation marks and periods on wow okay I love that and that spoke to me tonight and so I just want to say it's such an honor to be married to this lady for 40 years and um you know uh I actually young man sitting next to me turning me and said you led her to the Lord on the first date I said yeah and uh she was the wildest girl on campus and she is an example that Jesus can save anybody you got that okay a sicilian a sicilian who's the wildest girl on campus Jesus can save anybody amen that's what Paul said he said I used to murder Christians and he said God save me to show a pattern that his Mercy is great enough for anyone amen and so tonight I just want to say what an honor it is to share his platform with Lisa bevere she is my wife but when she's standing up here and she's preaching like that she is a prophetess of God in my heart and I received from her anyway um I just really want to share with you a few minutes tonight of some things on my heart I don't know where we're going to go we'll just follow the holy spirit all right so let's just pray I always love praying before I bring the word of God father in Jesus name thank you for what you've already given to us Lord so so good thank you Holy Spirit I'm asking again that you would continue to speak to us you know what every person in here needs I decree your kingdom has come I decree your will shall be done in this place tonight on Earth as it is in heaven as it already has happened in the last 40 minutes and Lord we give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor for what you're going to continue to do and what you've already done and I ask it in Jesus mighty wonderful Majestic holy awesome magnificent name we pray and everybody that agrees shouts come on give him praise come on give him praise amen you can be seated hey watch this quick video our our teammates faster than a speeding bullet bending steel with his bare hands [Music] what if we are more like him than we realized think about it Superman draws his strength from the sun we draw our strength from Jesus Christ Sun Superman is not from this world as a child of God we are not of this world Superman possesses Supernatural Powers we are so naturally empowered but hold up one thing had the power to stop Superman bring in the previously Invincible down to his knees Kryptonite is it true like Superman our strength is being brought neutralizing our power and making us weak can it be Kryptonite has invaded Our Lives taken through [Music] all right now I wrote this book called killing Crypt tonight I really didn't set out to write a book about Superman or Kryptonite but I realized that there is such a parallel between Superman and us and as you see we have Supernatural Powers we're not of this world but you know I remember watching one particular Superman movie how many have you ever seen a Superman movie let me see all right so you know what I'm talking about but I remember this one where I was getting so frustrated because here is this guy that has all this power he was basically stopping a jet but then there's this guy named Lex Luthor and Lex Luthor is just like beating the crap out of Superman you remember that and I'm just getting really ticked off and I'm I'm going to tell you something that's what's happening today there are people today in the church that are getting beat up unmercifully by the enemy you know Barnet just did a stole a a um a really extensive study and what they discovered I want you to listen to me the last 20 years in the United States over 20 million I want you to listen to this number 20 million practicing Christians have become now non-practicing Christians what do I mean by that a practicing Christian is one who gathers regularly and prays regularly a non-practicing Christian is one that does not gathered regularly and does not pray regularly and so if you push him in the corner they'll say yeah I'm a Christian but here's what's really scary another 20 million have gone from practicing Christians to atheists and agnostics now we are talking over 40 million the population of the United States is 332 million we're talking more than 10 percent are you tracking with me eighty percent of our kids that are going to universities born again they say they're Believers are coming back from universities as unbelievers fifty percent of the Pastors in America today are watching pornography on a regular basis at least once a month statistics say 67 percent of the men that are attending church on a regular basis are watching pornography on a regular basis what's going on something is really really off because let me tell you something Jesus said you're going to have power he said you will have power after the spirit of God has come upon you so my question is are we really developing genuine Disciples of Jesus Christ Jesus never said go into all the world and make converts of all the nations he said go and make disciples everybody say disciples do you know what a disciple means do you even know what it means is it a guy that walks around with the guy that's doing the Chosen and and and and they you know they got these robes on and and what is a disciple do you know what the word disciple means it means a learner a pupil and he is one who Strictly adheres To The Way of the teacher so a disciple is someone that is constantly growing and learning all right now you cannot be a disciple of Jesus unless you have an authentic relationship with Jesus Paul the Apostle made a statement to the Corinthian Church that just really rivets me he made made this statement in second Corinthians 11 the 11th chapter he said you happily put up with whatever anyone tells you even if they preach a different Jesus now do you notice he didn't say a different God did you know the said give me a little bit more house lights I want to see people's faces do you notice he didn't say a different God he said a different Jesus I'll never forget I I had flown to Hawaii I was getting ready to speak at a conference great place to speak at a conference by the way and um you know it's a massive hotel and my room wasn't ready I just flown for like eight hours and I thought you know what I'm just gonna sit on one of those chairs over by that pool under an umbrella and just wait I I'd rather just do that than sit in this Lobby because I've been inside a plane for all these hours and I'll never forget I sit down in a chair and there's a woman sitting next to me and she's doing the exact same thing she said oh hello what are you here for I said I'm here for a a conference and I said what are you here for she said I'm here for a conference I said oh is it and I named the conference I was there for and she said no it's a different conference because it's such a big hotel they had many conferences going on so when she heard that I was there to speak at a Christian Conference oh my goodness she started telling me all about Jesus now it took only about a minute or two to realize that Jesus she was speaking about is not the Jesus at the right hand of God because it didn't correspond with anything that I was seeing in the scripture about the Jesus at the right hand of the father and I remember sitting there going Holy Spirit we there's a disconnect here I mean this woman really believes she's walking with Jesus she really believes it but she's telling me about somebody that is not identified in the New Testament and I said I need help right now and and so I let her go on and on and on and then the Holy Spirit gave me an idea when she was finished I said hey you see that man sitting across the pool over there right over there in that chair she said yeah she said I said that man is training to be on the United States Olympic Swim Team and I said he works out three hours every single day he's a complete vegan he doesn't even eat honey because Honey's made with bees and bees have eyes I mean man the guy is a total vegan not only that he loves pickleball he is from Fresno California and you see that girl over at the hot tub over there he is dating her and you know you know they they they're playing to get married so she was like well how do you know this this guy so well is is he at the conference with you I said no I've never met him and she looked at me like what I said no I've never met him and now she's looking at me like are you a private investigator are are you part of the government are you investigating this guy and I said that's what I believe about him I said you have just talked to me for five to seven minutes about a Jesus that this Bible doesn't even speak of and I said you told me what you really believed I said he's invisible so we can make him however we want to make him but the question is is he the real Jesus at the right hand of the father see I'm going to say this I believe these 40 million that have walked away from the faith I don't know that they ever really had true genuine faith I believe that they believed in a different Jesus everybody say a different Jesus that's exactly what the Apostle Paul said you believe anything anybody tells you on Instagram any blogger anybody on Facebook anybody on tick tock and he said even if they preach a different Jesus now I I'm just I'm just absolutely amazed that he says he doesn't say a different God little g-o-d he said a different Jesus are you saying this now the question we've got to ask is how do we really really really know that we have a relationship with the real Jesus you ever wonder about that ever wonder about that the way you know you got a relationship with the real Jesus is that you read his word and you believe his word and you obey his word see we made up this doctrine that the grace of God comes along and says well the law proved we can't live for God so we're going to keep not living for God but we got something to cover us up that's not what Grace is the grace of God came into this world teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust now what do teachers do they Empower us many people believe the grace of God in the church today in America is just a covering however God makes a statement to the Apostle Paul in second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9. he said my grace is all you need for my power everybody say my power works best in your weakness what's your weakness your human inability so what the law proved that we couldn't do Grace came along empowered us to do it that's why Jesus said under the law you were an adulterer if you jumped in bed with another woman but under the empowerment of Grace all you have to do is look at a woman because I've given you the empowerment to change from the inside are you tracking with me so in actuality the grace of God empowers us to live a much godlier life than we could have without the grace of God now why are people walking in this that's the question we've got to ask why aren't they walking in this well I find that today we preach a gospel that basically says if you pray a formula prayer that's going to make you a believer you're following me but I want to show you the way God intended it Paul the Apostle makes a statement he said a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife and the two are united as one this is a great mystery but now I want you to notice this but it is actually this is Ephesians if you could put it up for us this is actually an illustration can we have that uh first do we have it Ephesians 5 31. I want you to yeah there it is everybody say it's an illustration say it say a little louder okay so he's talking about a man leaving his father and mother being joined to his wife The Cure United as one and he said it's an illustration of the way Christ and the church are won so now Jesus is called the groom correct we're called The Bride God says over and over and over again in the Bible he says your creator is your husband so God gives us this illustration that we see every single day the union of a man and a woman who become one are you tracking with me now with that illustration in mind I want you to watch this really short video watch this that castle really so they taught you how to fold the napkins yes oh wow I actually believe it or not I know how to fold the Sydney Opera House I don't believe you no no I really do I I can totally show you I am very excited good evening oh good evening have you um done with us before Yes actually this is our favorite restaurant welcome back no babe um you sure we've never been here before that's weird really yeah no no we haven't oh hold up just one second I'm really sorry oh no problem yeah so what would you like to order yes sir so you know what I think I would like to have that salmon that sounds absolutely wonderful that's one of my favorites oh great yeah and for you ma'am oh um I will have the filet mignon and the New York strip and the eight ounce sirloin all medium rare please yes yes that is a great choice I will get those right out to you it's ordering from wait are you are you telling me that we're are we expecting yeah he'll be here soon it's a boy oh wow yeah oh my gosh babe okay this has got to be there he is now what about bonjour sorry I'm late I ordered for you oh thank you you know me so well uh I'm sorry do you do two know each other yeah he is my boyfriend from high school you your boyfriend from from high school can I ask you what your boyfriend's doing did I come at a bad time no I really don't see the problem here Justin yeah I really don't see the problem here okay who are you hi Spirit embarrassed embarrassing me I just wanted us to have one nice night at our favorite restaurant first of all I've never been to this restaurant and second what is going on hey babe sorry I'm late did I miss anything okay seriously hey you are you you take your hand off her and you just sit down it's all right Angela is this is this some kind of joke are you are you actually seeing these guys Justin I have known these guys longer than I've known you wait what are you seriously jealous right right now jealous Angela in case you forgot we're married okay and we spend the majority of our time together I I love you more than any of my other boyfriends that's why you'll always be my favorite your your favorite is is there anyone else I need to know about babe is there a problem over here okay really the waiter no Dennis all right seriously no good food will be right out oh okay Angela Angela okay these guys need to go we need to talk we're done I cannot believe this you are being so selfish selfish why do you always have to make everything about you you ruined our favorite restaurant excuse me I'm sorry yeah I've still never been to this restaurant thank you thank you thanks the salmon is delightful so did you propose to over here too okay it's a little out there but I think you get the point right all right now I want you to really think about this think about it hard how many of you would want to be married to somebody like that let me see a show of hands nobody oh man she's gorgeous she's got a good personality it looks like too all right why didn't you raise your hand let's talk this through even though she spends most of her time with him ninety percent of her time with him she loves him more than all her other boyfriends he's her favorite she still has a place in her heart for those other boyfriends now you not one of you raised your hand that you would marry someone like that what makes you think Jesus is coming back for a church like that if you believe that Jesus is coming back for a church like that you're as deceived as she is he's coming back for a church that has given herself to him the way he gave himself to her that's called Concentra consecrate now if you really look at this video we got a situation here that I believe is causing so many millions of people to walk away from church Paul the Apostle is addressing the Corinthian Church when he says you've developed a relationship with another Jesus so in other words because Jesus is invisible you can have whatever kind of relationship you want with this quote different Jesus problem is that different or knock off Jesus doesn't answer our prayers he doesn't fulfill promises he doesn't manifest his presence and so people get discouraged and walk away I mean how do you get 40 million people to leave a church if they really had a relationship with him when you look at the early church they're being crucified they're being burned at the stake they're being stretched out on racks and yet they're not leaving the faith but you've got millions more than 10 percent of the entire population walk of America walking away from Jesus well let's stop and think about this when a girl walks down an aisle with a white dress on and The Wedding March is playing she's making a pretty strong statement you know what she's saying she's saying goodbye to about 3.9 billion guys she's saying all old relationships are gone I'm not going to develop any new relationships and this is the one and only guy of the 3.9 billion guys on Earth that I'm giving my entire heart and life to well when you look at what Paul says in this Corinthian Church because I look at the Corinthian Church and it's so similar to the American Church Paul says many of you now look at this scripture many of you have not given up your old sins what is he basically saying here in in the light of what we're talking about here he's saying many of you have not given up your old boyfriends he said you have not repented everybody say repented of your impurity your sexual immorality and your eagerness for lustful Pleasures so the real core problem here with this Corinthian Church that is having all these problems that by the way Paul said many of you are weak and what does Kryptonite do it weakens Superman it was weakening the Corinthian Church he said you've not broken up with your old sins your old boyfriends now if you really look at that word repent it will make you a little nervous how many people get a little nervous when you hear the word repent be honest just put your hand up if you're really really come on be honest with me nobody's gonna come on be honest yeah why why are you nervous why do people get nervous when we talk about repentance because in the past we've heard mean-spirited legalistic preachers who don't even like people who should have been teaching math and science not the Bible they use this word to beat us up and control us right in the behavior that they want us to walk in that is not the word repentance in fact let me say this in all my years of studying I have found that repentance is one of the most beautiful words in the New Testament other than the name of Jesus so first of all let's let's address this thing repentance first of all God calls it a gift how many of you know God doesn't give us kids binding constrictive legalistic gifts correct if you look at the Greek word for repentance and by the way it is found over 50 times in the New Testament the Greek word is metanoia a and it has one simple meaning a change of mind okay now if I leave it here how many of you know you can change your mind but not necessarily be persuaded about something let me see you show hands right so I like Baker encyclopedia dictionary because they go a little deeper they said the discrete word means a change in the whole personality now I like that because repentance just isn't a change of mind it penetrates and goes deeper it goes to the core of our being it goes to the very center our heart and is when we have a complete change of heart and mind and we are fully persuaded on something are you seeing what I'm saying right all right so this is why Jesus makes the statement from the heart everybody say from the heart he doesn't say from the mind from the heart comes evil thoughts murder adultery all sexuality immorality theft and lying so if repentance is just a change of mind Jesus would have said from the mind come all these things is that right so I asked the Lord one day I said God I said truth is simple I need you to make this simple for me what is the difference between somebody who is truly repented and somebody who is not repented and he did he made it simple for me the unrepented person makes this statement deep in his deep in the core of his being he or she makes this statement or actually this is the way they think they think I choose what is good best and right for my life the repented person says I choose What God Says is good best and right for my life why because God is the one that created me and he knows what makes me and he knows what makes me correct okay let me let me give you an example when I was you know our four Sons when they were all toddlers Christmas is a work day for dads you're going to find that out okay because basically when all the presents are open now guess who builds all the toys and mom goes and Cooks the dinner and dad builds all the toys now I'm the typical dad I rip open the box I throw all the pieces on the floor I throw the box and the manual over in the corner and I start building it after about an hour an hour and a half I got the whole thing built it's finished but the problem is there's still 10 pieces on the floor and when I go flip the switch the thing doesn't work so what do I do I go find the owner the the direct uh or the manual right that the manufacturer made I bring it over I deconstruct a toy and I reconstruct it according to how he said to make it and you know what I hit the switch and it works well God is the one that created us so the unrepented person says I'm the one that chooses what is right from my life whereas the repentant person says I know that the one that made me know what is knows what is best for my life are you seeing this so if you looked at that video you'll notice let's talk this through because it's a little strange the video and it was it's strange for a reason did you notice in the video that she was just as surprised by his behavior as he was by hers come on now we got to talk to sir you got it you understand what I'm saying I mean she's the one that accused him of being selfish she's the one that accused him of being jealous she is the one that actually gets up and walks away from the table now how could this ever happen in real life because it looks so weird to you you're going wait a minute this this would never really happen but how what would make something like this happen in real life the only way this could ever happen is it the people in in her name was Angela if the people in Angela's life what I mean by the people I mean her family her her friends and her teachers never once told Angela in order to enter a marriage covenant she had to break up with all her boyfriends if nobody ever told her that she's going to be upset she said Justin I've known these guys longer than you they're part of my life so if nobody ever told her to enter a marriage covenant you had to break up with all your boyfriends she would be upset with him well when I look at the way we preach Jesus today in the United States we almost sell him like a used car salesman we say Jesus will do this Jesus will do Jesus will give you happiness he'll give you Joy he'll give you he'll give you peace will he do all that you better believe it and by the way we need to preach the goodness and kindness of God because it leads men to repentance but the way we present him is it's almost like a salesy technique of a way of improving your life we preach our 30-minute persuasion and then we say okay are you away from God do you want a relationship with Jesus just come down and pray this prayer Jesus Come into my heart I receive you as my savior forgive me of all my sins amen now you're a Christian wait a minute we never said one word about breaking up with your old boyfriends in other words we never said one word about shout it come on we never said a word about repentance so what in essence did we just do we just created a bunch of Angelas we never told them in order to enter a authentic Covenant relationship with the real Jesus you have to break up with everything that offends him still with me well if you look at the way he preached you know do you know what the first words of Jesus were in public does anybody know Matthew 4 17. Jesus began everybody say began come on shout it to preach repent of your sins and turn to God okay now you know what he's just saying right there the only way you can turn to God is to repent of your sins so the only way you can enter a marriage covenant is to break up with your old boyfriends that's that's actually what he's saying right there see the Corinthian Church the reason it's got no power you know what's amazing the early church was changing entire cities the Corinthian Church was a big church but it wasn't affecting its City and Paul said the reason you're weak you're reasoning you're not affecting your city is because you still have never broken up with your boyfriends and that's why you put up with any Jesus they preached to you you still with me okay it said he began did he continue look at Matthew 11. I'll give you a couple then Jesus began to denounce the towns where he'd done so many of his miracles because they hadn't watched this everybody say it repented of their sins and turn to God Luke 13. Jesus said you will perish too unless you repent of your sins and turn to God are you seeing a pattern here come on I asked a question now how about the guys he's trading up these 12 guys to go out and represent him right he's been doing this for like a year year and a half right before he sends him out for the first time watch the first time Jesus sends out these 12 guys to go represent him Mark six look what what happened so the disciples went out telling everyone everybody say everyone that they met to repent of their sins and turn to God how about the rich man in Hell remember the rich man in hell okay how many you know people don't have to like put on a facade when they're in Hell there's no reason to right so the rich man in hell look what he says he says no Father Abraham but if someone is sent to my five brothers from the dead then they will what and turn to God oh my goodness he knows more than a lot of people do in the church are you seeing this how about the day of Pentecost now I want you to stop and think about it thousands of people are listening to Peter and thousands of people want to get saved because they are the ones that cried out what do we do to be saved right so they bought the ticket for the conference they got the merch these are the ones that want to be there look what Peter says each of you must everybody say must notice he doesn't say I highly recommend this he said the only way you can enter a marriage covenant with Jesus is you must repent of your sins and turn to God how about the Apostle Paul he got the revelation of Grace did he do the same thing look what he said Paul said I preach first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem and throughout all of Judea and also to the Gentiles that's all of us that all must everybody say must again you see that word must repent of their sins and turn to God and prove they've changed by the good things they do still with me how about God the Father let's go straight to him acts 17 God overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times but now he commands notice he doesn't highly recommend He commands everyone everywhere that includes Nashville to repent of their sins and turn to him in other words you can't turn to him unless you repent of your sins are you seeing a pattern here what's the pattern we're seeing that there's no genuine faith without repentance the faith that exists where there is no repentance is a counterfeit faith now what happens if you try to spend a counterfeit hundred dollar bill they put you in jail correct because why it's not real so in other words what I'm what I'm saying is you don't have real Faith unless there's repentance okay the writer of Hebrews tells us what the foundation of our relationship with God is he gives six foundations that build upon each other what's the first Foundation repentance from dead Works what's the second Foundation faith in God you know what the writer's saying you don't have genuine faith unless you have repentance so what is the posture of the person that has genuinely repented what another do you know what I mean by that in other words how do they live this is what they say they say I will no longer live as the judge of what is best for me From This Moment forward I'll Embrace whatever God says even if I don't get it now the person that says well 90 of the people in the church are doing this I must be okay what is that person doing he has said I will judge if I think obedience to God is the best thing for me so I'm the one that actually is making this decision so in other words the word of God is literally if they really get honest is optional not mandatory man it's quiet here tonight are you still with me now I want to read something to you okay well let me just say this Jesus addressed this in his ministry somebody said did Jesus really preach like this yeah he did you remember the Rich Young Ruler in the Bible does anybody ever read that let me see your hands if you did put your hands up away huh okay I want to ask you a question how many of you can see the Rich Young Ruler he kind of comes up with Jesus with his arrogant attitude right he's got his Armani robon he's got his Rolex Sundial watch he just gotta he just got out of his uh Ferrari Chariot he's got his homies with him and he he kind of comes up to Jesus says what do I do to get saved how many of you can see that let me see your show of hands put your hands up really high if you see it yeah you're all wrong you know what the Bible says can I read it to you can I read it to you now as Jesus was going out in the road one came running knelt before him and cried out good teacher what do I do to inherit eternal life Jesus is literally leaving a city and the wealthiest man in the entire Community comes running slides to his needs grabs Jesus and says what do I do to get saved now would you say he had a desire to get saved but desire isn't enough it's not enough one day I'm reading this I was younger in Ministry and and the Holy Spirit said what would you have done John if the wealthiest man in Nashville on the streets came running up sliding to his knees grabbing you and say what do I do to get saved what would you have done I said I would have said pray this prayer Jesus Come into my life I receive you as my Lord but what did Jesus do he said to the man what are the Commandments I need to list the Commandment five six seven eight nine ten which I'll deal with man's relationship with one another Jesus didn't list commandment one two three and four which deal with our relationship with God he left those out well the man said I've done everything I've done all of those I have honored my mother and father I have not committed adultery I have not murdered I have not stolen I have not coveted my neighbor's Goods so not only is this guy really rich he's really a good man and you know what the Bible says Jesus looked at him and loved him do you know this is the only place in the all four gospels that Jesus looks at an individual and the Bible specifically said he looked at him and loved him I want you to stop and think of me he loved him what did he do he looked at him and said you lack something there's a boyfriend you haven't broken up with now for this guy it was his money for another person it's their gender preference for another person it's their it's the person they're having sex with for another person it's their love of Instagram he said you got a boyfriend and for you it's your money and if you don't break up with this boyfriend you can't enter a marriage covenant with me because let me tell you why because two years down the road your money's going to say go this way and the word of God's going to say go this way and you know what you're going to do you're going to go with your boyfriend and you're still going to call me Lord because I'm invisible now so in essence the reason it says Jesus loved him is because Jesus is a lot more concerned about how this guy is going to finish than how he's going to start see if I'm just praying the prayer I just want to get somebody to follow me let's say I'm a I'm a minister if I just want them I just want him in my altar call I just want I just want their butt in the seat next week can you imagine if Jesus was a pastor the next day the elders were to look at him and said we cannot believe what you've done this is like the richest guy in the whole city do you know he's not a millionaire he's a billionaire he could have underwritten our entire Outreach next year and he was excited about coming in hearing you preach I mean we've been working on this for six months I mean man he was in the second row he wanted to get saved and after you got done preaching he doesn't want to come back Jesus why did you have to go straight to the money thing come on couldn't we have dealt with that maybe a couple years down the road I mean man the guy's on a journey no Jesus said break up you can never have an authentic relationship with me if you don't break up see the church in America keeps growing and growing big why are we losing 40 million people so is it like we're cycling people through and the ones who really deny themselves as my wife just preached take up the cross and follow Jesus are the ones that are sticking do you know how many people that my wife and I have walked literally they they were in the faith but yet they're not in the faith well was it really a relationship so in essence what Jesus is saying is I don't want you to be a statistic he's looking at this guy and saying I don't want you to be one of the 40 million Americans that walk away from me one of the 40 million Americans who assume they have a relationship with me but they really don't have a covenant relationship with me because you still got all your old boyfriends and you're you just got one boyfriend he said a lot of these people got many boyfriends one boyfriend's Prejudice another boyfriend is you know my gender preference my you know I you still with me you're so quiet Listen to listen to the next statement but he was sad at this word and he went away sorrowful so he comes excited kneel's down cries out what do I get say after Jesus gets done preaching he walks away sad and sorrowful you know we want to end with a song we want to just tell everything it's going to be good for you it's going to be great for you and God said to the prophets You Preach peace peace when there is no peace You Preach Safety and Security and encouragement when there is no safety encouragement or sit or or or or safety whatever you're lying you're telling people a falsehood something that's not true my wife just said it love without truth is a lie so when you believe a lie does that save you because 40 percent of the other people believe it and forty percent of the other people are still living with their girlfriends and sleeping with their girlfriends and they're not married and they're still going to church now I don't want you to get legalistic okay so let me protect you from legalism data Pentecost remember Dave Pentecost Peter said each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God right so 3 000 people repent of their sins and turned to God there's a guy and girl they're living together they repented their sins and turned to God right but they keep living together well they haven't repented yeah they have because but but Watch What Happens three months later Peter stands up and he says hey Hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 says and now I know Hebrews 13 4 wasn't written three months later but let's just assume he he stands up and says Hebrews 13 4 says the marriage bed is unfiled and those who have sex before marriage and Those who commit adultery God will judge well that couple they're living together for the last six months they repented on the day of Pentecost he looks at her and goes whoa whoa that's what the word of God says well we made up our mind three months ago that we what repented that whatever the word of God says we're going to obey it now we're gonna see if it's relevant to the day I know 90 of the people are living together but we made up our minds whatever God says that's going to be what we embrace so either I'm moving out today or we're getting married today now they would have been accused of not being repented for those three months by the legalist people but they did and see this is the thing I'm wondering is how are we going to know what God says and truly be a disciple and truly have a relationship if we spend more time on Instagram than we do in the word I mean I spent about five minutes today on Instagram and that's probably the longest I've spent on since I can't even remember Lisa sometimes like John will you please like my post I'm like oh I'm so sorry I just I'm I've got so much going on I just I I can't I I'm sorry so now when I go on if I see her I just like like oops I gave a secret away but anyway and I I I listened to her because I always loved listening to her like today I'm sorry I saw her twice that's good and she's gorgeous too and so anyway if you're not reading the word of God how do you even know it's like it's like getting married to somebody say I'm married to you but I'm not doing anything to find out what your heart's desire is I'm not doing anything to discover anything about you so I really don't know you but I say I got a marriage relationship see you got to just look at our relationship with Jesus like you look at a man and a wife are you getting this this is why the Apostle James says you still love the world you still love the world you are an enemy of God you are an adulterer because why it's a marriage covenant it's just like it he gave himself fully for us now this is why and this is why this is the day we're living in I'll close here okay this is why Paul says to Timothy now listen to this everybody listen to this you should know this Timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult times okay how many of you know we're living the last days Come on talk to me respond where I come from it's rude not to answer a question if you're asked I don't want you to sit there and look at me I'm asking you questions okay how many Paul says Timothy in the last days the time is going to be very difficult now stop how many of you believe we're living the last times come on participate okay whoa whoa let's talk about Paul's day Paul was whipped 39 times on five different occasions for preaching the gospel their whips had bone and metal in it so that when it came across the back it ripped the flesh like a warm knife going through butter five times can you imagine when they're stringing them up and he's dangling by his feet because they want the back nice and stretched so when the whip comes across it just splits everything open can you imagine the fifth time he's getting strung up to do that three times he was beaten with rods do you know why they'd be people's rods to Broods bruise their bone I bruised a bone one time I shot a nail right in my my middle finger I had the nail gun backwards and shot it yeah that's how bad I am at that um I shot the canal right into my finger and I couldn't move my finger for six weeks couldn't move it because I bruised my bone I fell on my hockey stick bruised my ribs I could barely preach for a couple weeks they would beat those guys with rods to bruise their bones so they'd be in that kind of pain for weeks can you imagine three times once he was stoned they threw stones at him and thought he was dead and so they said dead we're done I mean he looks at our day and calls it difficult okay why is my day Paul so difficult compared to your day does anybody ever wonder okay so he says very here's the reason it's going to be difficult for people will be number one self-centered self-absorbed money hungry self-promoting unthankful crude and course they will do foolish things without thinking they'll be disobedient to their parents they'll have very loose morals and conduct this is this is from the scripture this is second Timothy chapter 3. they will be addicted to lust 67 of them watch in pornography they'll refuse to forgive they'll get they'll get mad at everybody today they're taking other people's offenses not just you did me wrong I'm not going to forgive you no you did that group of people wrong I'm not gonna forgive you I mean they're they're going to be they're going to be experts at unforgiveness they're going to be gossipers oh yeah and they're going to use Instagram they got a platform to do it they're going to be Slanders oh yeah they're going to use Instagram and they're going to use that platform to do it they will be lovers of central pleasure and vain amusements more than lovers of God okay stop stop stop stop stop didn't Paul have all that in his day weren't people money hungry and coarse and rude and addicted to loss yes they had people like that so why is Paul saying this about our day I'll tell you why because they will act this is right from the Bible okay they will act as if they serve God but they will reject the power of Grace that could make them Godly and then Paul said stay away from people like that they have depraved minds and encounter fit faith in other words they will act as if they serve God I have faith in my Lord Jesus Christ they will say but they will reject the power that could have made them like Jesus and Paul said stay away from me because they have counterfeit faith and he said these people listen will flourish but evil men and imposters will flourish so having a following being popular is flourishing but that doesn't mean you're godly you still with me the only way to enter an authentic relationship with Jesus is to break up with all those things that offend him and to give yourself to him the way he gave himself to you how did he give himself to you I want you to stop and think close your eyes close your eyes and think with me this is your creator this is the one who put the stars in the universe with his fingers and called every one of them by name this is the one who weighed every drop of water on the planet in the palm of his hand this is the one who created everything you see and you don't see he chose to leave what you can you and I can't even imagine yet and he came to this earth and he knew that he would be despised he knew that he would be shamed he knew that he would be rejected he knew that he would be punched in the face he knew that he would be spit on in his face he knew that they would pluck every one of his beard follicles out he knew that they would weave a crown of thorns that were like nails and shove them into his skull he knew that they would whip him 40 times and rip his flesh open he knew that when they were done listen Isaiah said that you wouldn't even recognize him to be a human being because he is so beaten he knew that because he told Isaiah that's what's going to happen they would be mocked he knew that he'd be put on a cross and had Nails driven into his hands this is your creator and he chose to give himself entirely to you and we think he's coming back for a bride that's still in bed with the world never he's coming back for a bride that has given herself to him the way he's gay he gave himself to her when a girl walks down that aisle she's made the decision so this is what I want to ask you with your heads bowed and your eyes closed have you given yourself to Jesus have you given yourself to him the way a bride gives herself to her husband on her wedding day only you can answer that and the Holy Spirit is helping you right now to answer it and if you ignore what he's saying in your heart if you ignore the uncomfortableness your heart will be harder and it'll be harder for you to hear the next time that's why the Bible says now if you hear his voice don't Harden your heart you know if you gave yourself to him the way a bride gives herself to the man she's marrying if you haven't and you'd say wow my eyes have been opened up to the truth I've heard the word of God tonight I'm responding I realize yeah I pray to sinner's prayer I'm even here at the conference of Craig conference hey but I haven't given my life to him the way a bride gives her life to her groom on her wedding day I'm ready to do it right now if that's you I want you to stand up immediately if you say I have not given myself to him the way a bride gives herself to her groom on that wedding day and I want to do it right now stand up immediately yes sir stand up immediately look at the people standing up this is beautiful stand up immediately don't wait and see if a lot of other people are going to stand up because if you can't stand up now here in front of these guys how you going to do it out there in the streets of Nashville come on just stand up if that's you it's not everybody but I want to give everybody a chance yeah people are standing up people are still you know what it's all right at least it took time she had to decide do I never want to date Tony again do I never want to date Peter again she had to make that decision and boy when she made it she made it let me tell you something 40 years I've never once questioned the Loyalty of her heart I've never I've traveled all over I've been Halfway Around the Globe and I've never once questioned the Loyalty of Lisa's heart because let me tell you when that when Lisa bevere gave her heart to me 40 years ago last month I've never questioned her loyalty has she made mistakes yeah I made a lot more mistakes but I'm talking about a bride right now not a groom we're not talking about living perfect we're talking about have you given everything to him have you given your life to him the way he gave you his life for you have you given your life to him the way a bride gives her life to her groom on her wedding day I'm looking at about 40 percent of people standing is there anybody else I don't want anybody missed you might be sitting and counting it saying wait wait do I really do I really want to embrace what he has to say about my sexuality do I really want to embrace what he has to say about drunkenness do I really want to embrace what he has to say about gossip do I really want to embrace what he is to say about obeying my parents and honoring my parents do I really want that's good you're counting the cost and I want you to keep doing it Jesus said if you want to if you just have a desire to save your life he didn't say you you you had to save your life he said if you have the desire to save your life you'll lose it he said but if you lose your life he didn't say if you desire to lose your life he said if you lose your life you'll gain my life see right now there's about to be a great Exchange all these people are standing right now there's about to be a great exchange they're about to get his life we got married let me tell you I got her life she got my life it's a really good deal anybody else I want to make sure nobody's missed I just feel like there's one or two there's one or two and you want to be standing right now why aren't you standing do you want do you want do you want to leave and and you're a little harder and the next time it's a little harder for you to hear if that's what you really want I respect that God respects that God will never force you to obey him never he wants you to have free will he will protect your right to be separated from him for eternity yeah you were worth the wait I'm so glad you stood up is there anyone else that's that yes there's you were worth the wait yes you were worth the wait three more stood up I'm so glad all right now listen this is what we're gonna do right now you that are standing break up break up with them boyfriends break up come on now I'm telling you break up it's over say man it's over here's the promise ring back I'm burying you right here right there where you stand break up and bury it and when you bury it I want you to move out into the Island come on down I want to pray with you and you're going to walk right in the presence of God give him a hand as they come down come on give him a hand give him a hand come on come on man I'm so proud of you first want to stand up come on when you when you break up come on down this should take that long you made the decision already hey come on man come on so proud of you so proud of you come on come on get my hand I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you and you come on give him a hand I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you yeah I'm proud of you come on I'm proud of you come on give them a hand keep coming keep coming keep coming all right all right all right keep coming there's a lot of room here in the center come into the center come into the center you got a lot of people in there okay okay now look at me look at me look at me everybody stand up and look at me why do you have the sad looks on your face I mean I've never seen a bride walking down the aisle like some of you have on the look on your face right now this is the greatest decision you've ever made If You Could See Jesus right now remember let me pray you do he has the massive smile on his face his eyes are like dancing with joy he's so happy I mean he was hopeful when you were sitting out there he was hopeful I saw that's I saw him he was hopeful he was hoping man I died for them I hope they make this decision now he's got this big old smile close your eyes I want to pray I want to pray that you see this Now open up the eyes of your heart just open up the close your physical eyes close them okay now open up the eyes of your heart open them up open them up the eyes of your heart now holy spirit I'm gonna ask master please do what you love to do give us a glimpse give us a glimpse let us see him come on now Lift Your Hands Up lift your hands up that's this outward sign of what you're doing you've done inwardly put them up put them up high high Now open up the eyes of your heart you see him see the smile it's not just a smile it's like this uh I don't even know how to describe it it's like a uh it's it's like a laughing smile is that do you see that you see that put both hands up both hands up there he is he's here holy spirit thank you he's here that's his presence right there wow manifested presence of of the Lord just came in just began to manifest on you there he is what is he doing right now those that are admiring him and with their their hearts they're opening up the eyes of their hearts he's he's manifesting himself to them there he is he's here you see his arms outstretched hey The Prodigal son's father came running before the sun ever said a word all the sun did was repent and start walking home and his dad came running that's what Jesus has just done with you there he is there's his presence right there now Lord I wash them with the blood of Jesus I cleanse them now with your word put your hands back up say this with me out loud speak to the one you're looking at in your heart say Jesus forgive me for living life my way [Music] apart from you my Creator my Lord and Master I'm so so sorry say it out loud say it out loud come on now say it to him that's it that's it that's it that's it now now say this From This Moment forward I repent and I break up with everything that offends you come on say it say it okay now say this I give you my spirit soul and body everything I have everything I am I give it to you you are now my king you're now my Lord my life is Forever Yours thank you for forgiving me thank you for changing me say this Allah thank you for changing me and thank you for welcoming me into your family okay lift your hands One Last Time holy spirit of God I'm asking you fall upon them now fill them with presence of Jesus [Music] there's his presence right there Affairs his presence right there right there foreign [Music] and I want you to say I don't want you to say religiously I want you to really thank him and I want you to say something to him from your heart don't make it religious Lord thank you so much let's everybody stand up lets everybody stand up in his presence thank you Jesus now let's give him praise all right now I want you to be honest don't don't let the first thing you do after this be it to life how many of you could sense his presence to be honest put up your hand really high put your hand up all right now let me ask you this how many of you put your hands back down how many of you have not sensed his presence like this in a long time let me see your hands how many of you have never sensed this presence like that before put up your hand be honest okay what's that what is that that's him saying you're my boy [Music] what's your name Adam that was him saying Adam you're my boy Adam when you walk out of here tonight you know what the devil's gonna say oh come on Adam you're just the same shut up you got it in that tone of voice and use the name of Jesus shut up in the name of Jesus you just watch I'm his now you're in trouble that's the way you talk to him you got it okay you got it best for the rest of you [Music] now I'm going to say this this would be a great book to go through okay because I basically touched about two chapters out of 28. and this is a I think it's like a 24 book we're reducing it to ten dollars because we want to make it available for you and and I just told our team I said just make it cheap the other thing I want to do is we have an app you guys got your phones you got your phones get your phones out this app is totally free it's a 12 million dollar app okay so that maker that made it did Lush L'Oreal Royal Caribbean and Vogue magazine and amongst many others okay and you know what's on this app 40 courses for you 40. now each of these courses most of them have they all have 15-minute lessons 10 15-minute lessons we have porn free how I shared how God delivered me from pornography at the age of 25 I was completely delivered still free today thank God okay you got it I was married and bound to porn but God Set Me Free okay we've got courses on there killing kryptonites on there the course books I don't think the book is on there but we've got other books we got eight books audiobooks we we but by by Lisa and me and and then we've got like A.W tozier's books and Bounds we've got Brother Francis they're all red we've got stuff on there I mean so much we've got audio theaters that are done in Hollywood 12 million dollar app and it's totally from no charge so get your phones up I don't care if you got a Android I don't care if you got an iPhone it'll work on both this app has been downloaded in nineteen thousand six hundred cities in the world in the last 18 months it has been downloaded in 230 nations of the world it is the number one app in the world as far as languages YouTube is number five in the world they are 44 languages behind us it is the number one okay now let me say this here's all I'm going to ask you say John doesn't cost it no we made God spoke to us that you take care of my kids I'll take care of you that's what he said so our team made the decision 12 million dollars people have given to give you this okay now here's what I want to say this is the only thing I'm going to ask I don't see a lot of phones going up you got your phones up get your phones up and put the QR code you know what to do don't take the picture just put your camera on it and you'll get the link okay here's here's what I want to say here's what I want to say listen carefully the reason I'm doing this is I know what's going to cause you to fall away you're not going to be strengthened you're not going to be discipled okay I don't want that to happen now you can go through one you can when you do it and you say I want to watch it says private or with friends if you hit friends all your all your besties come up all your contacts come up you can all go through it high five each other record at each other's progress talk about it with each other this thing is like really cool if you want to do it in Vietnamese do it in Vietnamese if you want to do it in Chinese do it in Chinese if you want to do an Urdu do an Urdu because we have 122 languages on here okay now this is what I'm going to say this is all I'm asking you my friends have birthdays I buy them a dozen golf balls they'd lose them in two months never in my entire life never have I been able to give a friend a 12 million dollar gift I can do it now all you have to do is just push the thing and say send and you just send it you sent your friend a 12 million dollar gift I hope you're understanding what you're getting here right we've got other teachers in the body of Christ on here that are so powerful on relationships we have one of the best marriage counselors in the United States talking about relationships two courses okay so why are we doing this because I'm so upset about these 40 million people that are walking away and we just thought we gotta we gotta we gotta make disciples because Jesus didn't say make conference he said make disciples you understand what I'm saying so I don't want to see you that are standing up here walking away in six months okay so we're making this as simple as possible you are basically getting a whole Library a whole bookstore it's like walking in a bookstore and say hey it's yours you got it it's all yours everything in here is yours use it and it's relevant we've got our young people to teach on here we've got our sons and daughters that teach on sexuality and all this they're young they're in their 20s and 30s but they got a message from heaven okay so we just want to help you we want to stand alongside Luke and Rebecca and help you grow because disciples change the world you got it did you get something out of this tonight you get something out of this eye all right Luke come on up buddy it's all yours
Channel: Consecrate
Views: 48,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _KIDHZZpzmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 4sec (4384 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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