Joey Trolls a Girl by Pretending to Not Speak Japanese

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you know you know i had i had a moment like that as well um i did actually you know this strip club video that just came out recently i think by the time this thing came out it's old news but uh i i did a video right the strip club and i i i did this thing and like none of them spoke english and a lot of and i was filming with caho but i was backstage with these dudes a lot of the time yeah and i had to just communicate with them in like really broken japanese and sakura wasn't there to help me and so yeah seems going well i mean you know we were there for like a whole like four or five hours filming and like so there's like six dances and like in the last 30 minutes one of the dancers and like the most american ass accent was like oh yeah i'm having fun man and i was like i've been speaking you in the shittest japanese i i told him like why didn't you [ __ ] tell me you could speak english he was like i don't know i was just having a good time he's like he's like yeah i don't know i just uh think you i think there's an issue and i was like i was like asking you all for help i'm like what the [ __ ] is happening because i didn't know what was happening yeah because they only told me like two dances and the rest of the time i didn't know what the [ __ ] was happening yeah well i was like and they were like just go go go go go gyrate instagram very nice guys such good english then he lived in like ohio for a long time this guy was like like like his body looked like a like a greek like form it was amazing he was just like yeah i just loved america the gyms were awesome yeah and i was like see like i i i used to love doing that but the opposite yeah when i was like with around with my friends and like you know of course i'd be the [ __ ] token tourist guide of japan right yeah so i'd be like taking my friends and then just some days i'm just like you know what i'm i'm going to be one of you and just not speak a word of japanese wherever i go so like i remember i was taking one of my australian friends and he was like oh i'll introduce you to my japanese friend and i'm like you have another japanese friend why are you getting me to [ __ ] talk so anyway i met this girl and you know she starts speaking in japanese and i'm just like i'm gonna see how far i can take this and i just and i was just like hey what's up and just start speaking to her in english and she's and she can't speak english or not very well right so she's like talking to me in broken english the entire day i don't speak a word of japanese to her until the very end you oh my god you're cruel that poor girl must have been like [ __ ] i don't know what to talk to i was just like mid-conversation and i'm just like yeah so that was really good and then japanese i'm like so anyway uh i can speak japanese and the look on her face like you would have thought she saw like the face of god she's just like what the [ __ ] this is like the [ __ ] video where like a celebrity will wear like a disguise and go out into the public and be like yo i was cristiano ronaldo this entire time or something like that you know no one asked i don't troll often but that was the one time i trolled and it was the best feeling in my life so i can definitely see what people troll now do you ever hear people like talking [ __ ] in japanese all the time of course uh like uh when i was doing that quite a lot yeah when i was when i was little i remember when i was little like maybe like ten nine years old and i was in a supermarket with my sister yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i haven't have i told this one yeah you have yeah yeah yeah but basically i was like picking snacks with my sister and these like [ __ ] you know little [ __ ] just like being like look at those phones and then my sister and i heard that and we just looked at each other like let's get them and then we just start speaking in perfect japanese and the kids are just like oh [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] out here this is like balled out i'm like yeah that's right get out of here get out of here i don't know why this has happened but i've walked into bars like very small bars that sit like four or five people numerous times and i'll literally like sit down and someone like like that close to me we're like oh gaijin this yeah like gaijin and i'll be like what what i know what that is i'm like i'm like why would you say that like who says that yeah you were like does this people do this in america like oh foreign is it the same in korea whenever you go to korea where whenever there is like a lot of a big group of foreigners that come in a bar or an establishment people notice them because it's the same in thailand where we have like a word for foreigners as well uh what's the word yeah do you just say it huh then like do thai people just like say it if there's like a foreigner next to them i guess so i mean that's that's how we refer to foreigners there it's just like oh you know it's right it's it's like like even like if you're a foreigner living in thailand you know the word for long because because you refer to yourself you refer you the few times i've been to korea and from what i've seen it didn't really it doesn't really seem to be that much of a reaction right sometimes they can tell when i'm checking out they can before i even say anything they can tell that i'm not from there yeah and they'll just like it's not like uh like oh my god they're just like oh okay you want a receipt i guess to be fair like english is a lot more commonly spoken in korea than it is in like a lot of asian countries right oh it is i think so i have no idea yeah like i'm pretty sure like i remember i saw this like youtube video ages ago where this like you know clearly foreign looking like child actor who is perfectly flawed in korean what they did like it was like a social experiment you know when that when that was a thing and it was like if the kid the foreign looking kid only spoke in english then will korean people like stop to help out and there was like a surprising amount of people maybe in like the big cities who spoke english i think yeah i think people in korea aren't really that surprised especially if it's in like so yeah like because i've noticed that like when i walk with my mom and i'm speaking in english nobody gives a [ __ ] they're just like oh okay they're not like oh gosh yeah i've noticed that like in japan i just like say something i remember i was on the phone and i was talking to didis yeah uh because he had gotten to the studio before me and i was telling him like i'm on my way yeah yeah everyone that walked by the double take right like it's because you it's because you're it's because you're an asian woman though so they just expect for you to be speaking in japanese right now maybe because if you were white then they wouldn't [ __ ] bat an eye yeah but because you look just like trading stocks or something if you're white on the phone sell my entire stock yeah but because because you look asian right they're just like oh wait how why is she not speaking in japanese that's [ __ ] weird let's do a double take that's probably what it is yeah because he gets the exact same thing yeah yeah i remember we went on the trip recently and like whenever because we went to some towns and cities that weren't like so big or well known for tourists like every time we'd uh every time we'd walk in we'd have to be like yo who's the most japanese person out of our group joey i guess you're the most japanese person you want to hit them with them yeah you're like jerry can you go in first i was like they can speak japanese but you're the most japanese looking person you got to go in because right after you secure the table then the clown the clown car foreign they're gonna expect four other japanese guys meanwhile foreigners just being like all right cool we got it you can't kick us out now i remember that one you secured the table and we walked in and it was like that scene in a cowboy movie where you walk into the barn the entire bar just shuts up and looks at you that was what it was like when we just walked in i i i could see the look on the guy's face because like he because there's this crucial moment if if all of you are foreign and they walk in where they're like they're like contemplating whether it's worth it to like to be like ah and yeah we came in and you could look that he was like oh yeah he has that facebook like i've made a terrible yeah literally like it was clearly like a local like uh yakitori place right yeah yeah and then like one of the only eighties yeah so there was just enough room on this one table for all of us and there was like maybe like three groups of two and they literally all just stopped eating and turned around yeah yeah i just like looked at us there's one person that can speak it shouldn't that be like okay good there's at least one person that it's not about speaking it's about like being playing the part yeah you've got to like fit what they expect yeah yeah because japanese people uh don't like something outside of their comfort zone yeah it's not it sounds like discrimination and like and racism and stuff it's not it's not that it's that they're so worried that they're not gonna be able to like help you yeah like serve you that like if you just go in with someone who kind of puts them at ease yeah it sounds so so stupid but it makes the whole process just way easier yeah and it's not that like i'm not like i don't want to go in because i'm like oh no i'm scared it's like no i just i want to make sure we can all eat and it's like it's a pain in the ass yeah just go in get it done we'll be chill yeah you know if there's two of us i don't give a [ __ ] two people they don't care yeah but like when there's a lot of you and a lot of foreigners they think okay maybe they're gonna be loud maybe they're all not gonna understand they're gonna be rowdy hokkaido yeah place where everyone was like oh yeah dude we were in like the middle of nowhere in hokkaido yeah and then like like this whole bar was clearly like a local bar because there was only like three bars in this whole yeah like 100 kilometer radius yeah and we walked in and literally the entire time people were just like eating their food like like that's out of the order every time someone walked in they'd be like hot okay [Music] they phoned the entire village to be like yo you'll never get it just came out to come check this out but then the moment i started talking to potential in japanese they were like oh yeah he was he was super chill like the guy the guy running the ball was like whatever but like it's the customers who walked in like whoa yeah this is a place where foreigners would never go to be fair like there's no reason you would ever be there as a most japanese people wouldn't have ever seen for some of those people i bet yeah we're like probably in that part of town at least it's a place most japanese people probably wouldn't go as well because it was weird it was very very it was literally like three four hours drive from like a like a town like a big town so it's pretty far out there and the detention when we paid he was like ah it's this mark uh divide by four i trust you do the calculation yeah yeah yeah clearly like a community-driven like little place right yeah yeah i mean it was cool but like yeah it was cool i was just going to say that longer to be fair for a lot of you know those japanese people they're like you know connor's probably the first white person they've seen like in the flesh influence sometimes it's flattering because you're like you're like oh maybe they're checking me out or maybe they're just staring at me because they don't know what the [ __ ] i am it's like but i can pretend like it's the first and then i'm like i must be just so attractive that they can't stop staring at me i don't think it's that no i'm sure they're looking at you like a rare animal i'm like whoa that's kind of cool it's like a shiny worm pole in pokemon it's like wow don't really want to put you in my team but wow yeah that is that is something yeah i don't know it's really i don't know sometimes it's chill sometimes it's flattering because it's fun and it's annoying it depends on the mood how tired you are exactly right you can like learn to embrace it yeah yeah yeah i i'd say like 90 percent of the time like if they don't actively like kick us out or say no or like cause any issues i don't give a [ __ ] if they stay i'm like whatever it's chill i get it i would stare too yeah like if we were in the middle of nowhere in [ __ ] wales and like some japanese people walked in i'm like whoa what are you guys doing here yeah yeah definitely are you lost yeah i'm like do you need do you need help like tokyo is that way this isn't london we're a long way from texas
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 711,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: 4Vd9tk3C3nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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