The Video That Changed Emirichu's Life

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so you would doing elementary school sorry no no tangents are over very well as long as one of us remembers where we were yeah it's okay gotta bring it back i actually stopped drawing in college you know i'm not gonna use this for work so right i'm not gonna yeah and uh but obviously the whole time secretly i really that was where my passion you missed it you missed it yeah and the moment i realized uh was actually during like a big lecture hall in my second semester of my senior year there was a professor who was giving a very passionate speech um and i remember she was like i have to commend every single one of you that's sitting here today because you're about to enter a thankless field where you get screwed over by the government you get screwed over by administration you'll get screwed over by parents and you don't get paid [ __ ] for it but you're doing it because this is your calling and what you truly want to do get me out of here i was sitting there like wait no this this wasn't this isn't my bad that's not what i signed up for [Music] most people in lecture was trying to sell you on the topic they're not just like okay you're going to hate your life you're going to regret everything like damn you must really like kids because i did like engineering because i was like at least you make mad bank yeah yeah i mean i don't like you but i would have got paid a lot and i was like okay why why elementary school teaching i honestly as you're like i got nothing else to do because my parents were like oh well i mean if you if you don't if you can't do art uh just be a teacher [Music] why is that like the next like progression oh you don't wanna do anything just teach [ __ ] kids they were like you can draw for fun on the side and i was like okay because i was like 16 and i didn't yeah yeah yeah um yeah and so after i graduated uh one of my friends gifted me a drawing tablet um as a graduation present yeah like you should draw again right and i was like okay maybe yeah i will after i graduate and then um i visited my parents in korea and they lived kind of in the middle of nowhere so i had nothing to do yeah so during that like month i was there i just drew the entire time and i was having so much fun right like i wouldn't even leave like the guest room that i was in my parents are like hello are you okay go outside you're in a foreign country and uh i ended up posting like uh some videos it was honest it was just like drawings to like songs right and i put it on youtube you're like the amv wasn't good enough so you're like i'll make it myself it's not good enough wasn't you drawing to music or was it you like your drawings edited to drawings edited to me what was the song um anyways what was the song what was the song so what was the song after uh emily what's the song dude and by the time what is the song what song is it no i'm embarrassed well i mean we're gonna find out eventually what is it emily um you know do you know uh the song it's not like i like you by static feet it was cute i thought it was cute i won that song that blew up and was everywhere on youtube yeah recommended yes yes i know the one yeah that one didn't we sing that last time we went to karaoke or was that died it's like i remember no that's not ontario okay okay yeah okay but like 2015 that was on youtube recommended plastered if you watched any anime videos i think like was it 2018. i think like 60 percent of youtubers use that as their outro yeah yeah like it was everywhere it was it's a cute song and i and i i drew to it and it did really well surprisingly and uh i think i posted like a work in progress version because i was like maybe i'll finish it and then like a wave of people were like finish it and i was like okay and so i finished it and it did super well and then i was like oh wow this is a lot of fun by super well what kind of what kind of reviews are we talking about like how many people were coming to this one video that you put out do you remember at the time yeah when i got really excite like 100k that's a law firm for a while i was in korea i was like whoa 100k that's nuts 100k for first uploads like ridiculous that is ridiculous is that like your first time using editing software as well like this is yeah and okay you know what's funny so i i'm still really bad at using editing software but i didn't even know what the [ __ ] the dimensions for a youtube video was you're like guessing that's the black part it's like 4x3 so like i've thought about like recreating it with like improved art but also like people go to that video thinking it's like a video from like 2012 and they're like 2018. yeah so uh by the time i flew back home i think i had like 10 000 subs jeez from one video from one video while i was in korea i uploaded like a bunch okay what did you do what was your please what kind of stuff did you like it was it was still like songs are just music all right basically like unmonetizable stuff yeah so just like youtube no i could monetize yeah youtube's just like copyright claiming that [ __ ] like so would you watch a lot of youtube before this or is it kind of like you can casually watch casually all right okay okay um [Music] yeah but i had a lot of fun i mean a lot of my older videos i've unlisted now just because like it embarrasses me to see the art wait did you unleash the league of legends impression one so anyways so one of my friends [Laughter] emily emily did this league of legends impression video it's so good one of my friends it's so funny now you're gonna explain one of my friends uh then informed me that i could monetize stuff on my channel you're like what yeah did you make money yeah they were like have you ever considered like monetizing your stuff and i was like you can do what now like i've just been doing this for fun well that's weird cause youtube normally like did you know you can make money yeah immediately yeah they're really really really really good in your face especially if you get like 100k views that's like just like oh do you want do you want to make money turn on the dollar sign turn it on at that point i didn't even consider the idea that i could do youtube full-time i was like well this was fun i missed like drawing i don't think anyone does right they're just like oh i can make like 10 bucks here on there that's pretty sick yeah yeah it's like pocket change yeah the first time you see that graph go to like five bucks you're like i remember the first youtube paycheck i got it was like 200 or something and i remember like running home from work and i was like i got grocery money i'm so excited um and yeah that's kind of how it happened but i didn't tell my parents uh for a while because i knew that if i told them too early they would try to discourage me right yeah you're gonna get that bang first yeah yeah yeah where i'm like i'm doing youtube yeah oh but will it make you money yes you got to slap them with the fat stacks before they even question you right yeah here's a grant yeah here you go and they were like oh okay [Music] i i was like with my parents when i first started making money because we were on vacation yeah back when i was 18 19 still and they were like you made four dollars really that's insane how did you do that like from the video like what how does that work that's so like encouraging yeah because i was definitely on emily's side i didn't tell my parents i was doing youtube until like at least a year and a half yeah my parents are just like that's that's [ __ ] about it yeah for me i was like parents i'll keep going parent trade offer i quit my job and i give myself a year and you get my love and support if i succeed i feel like it'd be different if my original like degree was something more like whoa i think that definitely helped me a lot yeah from like doctor to youtube it'd be like no no no because i think that's too much in the other direction then i think i think doctor is like why would you throw away the you put so much time into being you definitely underestimate asian parents though but i think but like they wouldn't let you not be a doctor once you are a doctor yeah yeah yeah but if you had like computer science i'd be like that's really good could be i don't really understand it though but i know what adoption is right right [Applause] come on like you know that's true if once you're a lawyer there's no way your asian parents are going to be like you can't not be a lawyer that's what i've been telling everyone like lawyers i think i think my the funniest thing i've heard about like asian parents is like considering how much they want their child to become a doctor that's exactly why they want their children to be doctors so that they can just go to their children and they don't have to be like they'll be like mate right give me a mate i am your father give me a maid right well you see my my parents knew that i was not like smart enough to have to expect too much from me right so i think for youtube they were like oh you get to like do that thing you've been doing you love to do since you were like four yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] okay sure good [ __ ] yeah go for it so like how did they react to you to be like i don't want to be a teacher anymore how did they react to you when you follow us you have to have that talk yeah well yeah because they were like when are you going to take the exam like for your credential program what are you going to do and i was like i'm not going to i'm doing youtube i have 200 000 at this point i'd like 200. oh so you told them that you were like quitting this path when you said you were doing youtube so yeah okay so i was like yeah double whammy you're like i'm quitting this i'm doing this now yeah and they were like well because they didn't really understand youtube that much so they were just like what does that mean why would they they're right yeah and they're like are you making money and i'm like yeah and they're like i mean if you didn't know you could make money when you first started making videos how can you expect like elderly parents or all their parents right yeah yeah so what kind of content were you making after the drawing amv's or whatever then because i assumed league of legends impressions and then it went into the story time right now because i was like oh this is a funny why league of legends impressions because she plays a lot of league we played a lot of things yeah we played a lot of league and then it was in college okay okay okay i think that'd be fun i did it too yeah we i i'm also in the same cringey boat of like doing it yeah yeah i was just i was just like why why are you embarrassed about conor i thought i thought like was like were you animating connor's videos that's why i was trying to like link i i saw what was your very first was your very first video about like um story time about like conventions or one of them no that was like what was the first first story that you talked about the first story was it like or was it like anime protagonist [ __ ] like 101 no i think it was like artist pet peeves right what was the one where you did like the ax someone stole your artwork or something that wasn't admired someone else's like 2018 that was a little later down the line i don't know when i when i got in touch because i never saw you had twitter and you didn't really use it at this point yeah and you had like 1 000 followers but i saw your video drawing and i was like oh i like that video so i'll follow her and then i think you followed me and then i just messaged you being like hey i want to draw can you help me i remember the i think your recent video at that time was like yuri on ice impressions god you're like grabbing your ass [Applause] that's my favorite thumbnail that's but then yeah i remember that uh we i don't know why we spoke and then i think well okay i don't know what made us like talk cause then i remember i was like oh i'm thinking about doing this video where i'd yeah league as well no i found out you played league while we were doing our first collab or something because i was like i want to draw some stuff and i wanted you to like roast me or something but you were too nice you weren't you weren't saying mean things at all oh how things are yeah emily and then yeah i think that's how we became friends and then you asked me to voice him on your videos i think and then you know the ball came from from there yeah then we played league
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 444,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: ZP9RxI72Fh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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