There are Two Types of Female YouTubers...

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did you like know about like the story time scene or did you just kind of like discover it as you did it i discovered it as i did it so then that's how i started watching like other people and i was like well the whole community and then and then i initially i wasn't gonna like get involved in the community because at the time i was like all night friends ah that's so juvenile it's like middle school that's the last time i had an online friend all right and then now most of my friends are on like i mean i think cause when you're when you don't really want to interact with circles but you become like i guess very big in a certain community yeah yeah you kind of almost expected to talk to other creators in it almost weirdly you kind of you don't mind you you always get pressured by your audience as well yeah collab with this guy especially it's everyone else if everyone else is talking with each other yeah you're the only one not talking to everyone it's kind of like i guess i should say hi yeah but it also kind of like weirdly is be like oh wow like does he think he's better than the rest of us sometimes when there's someone in the community who just doesn't interact with anyone there's like an air of mystery there yeah yeah you know what i mean he's so cool damn i wonder who he talks to man what always and then that person is secretly wishing everyone had reached out i wish they reached out to me so many times my god but like your rise was like fast i remember that when i found your videos you were getting a few hundred thousand which is a lot but i remember you know you you can get up to like 10 10 million views i remember whenever you made like an anime video it just like would not disappear from my timeline every time yeah like 4 million yeah that was crazy i think that was yeah i think that's a 2018 2019 was i think like my fastest growing period and it was insane yeah it was crazy i remember your growth was just nuts yeah was it like how what kind of growth were you seeing within that one year because that was that was that one year when you started youtube and then you just blew up immediately yeah oh my god like two million subs super fast right yeah i think so in like a year was it like daunting i think it was like two years was it yeah it was two years but a million a year is [ __ ] yeah yeah it was crazy was it was it daunting just have like this massive audience just come to you in like a year yeah so the way i always describe it which always like it like blows my mind because like when you look at the numbers it's very easy to like yeah view it as just odds it's a number yeah but then you have to consider like do you ever have that thought every time you pass a stranger on this on the street you're like this person why are you laughing because you're literally describing that meme in the party where he's like they don't know i'm gonna reach you they could have watched my videos i mean like you you pass a stranger on the street and like for a brief moment you have this understanding that they're an entire person who has lived an entire life separate from you and they have their own set of like problems and like motivations and like just all the stuff you don't know about there's [Music] of people a lot of people and emily's just like let's uh let's characterize all two million ones of my audience like what's your back story all right one down one like can you imagine how many arcs they've been through in their entire life it's like a million yeah it's still daunting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like now that you said it like that i'm like oh my god i'm i'm thinking about it and i'm like [ __ ] that's that's nice i'm scared now that's that's a lot of so much pressure you're putting on yourself though yeah yeah i don't know because i'm like now now i gotta [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm yeah i just assume my audience is like on the same level of depth as like a [ __ ] issac protagonist or something that just makes it easier to digest npc number two but like then they don't think about you that deeply they're like that ain't that deep they're just like watching i like this video yeah yeah yeah literally like i think about how you watch videos you're not like man i that's a real person with a you're like he funny funny stinky i wonder how old he is right now i wonder i wonder what he's doing i wonder what led him up to that moment now there's i have so many questions now that i know that you have this like connection with that yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's super dope but like i just never thought oh yeah like when you say like that yeah it is it is very very [ __ ] daunting um how the [ __ ] did you get past that yeah i guess like because because i grew like gradually i guess so i i got to like it i was like like increments yeah like warmed up to it you know i gotta ask because you blew up really quickly you know normally when you when you block you grow really quickly there's normally like some kind of uh sometimes your friends can be weird about it or sometimes people you kind of you didn't really speak to come and suddenly start being oh yeah how many like new facebook how was the whole process like i didn't get that many really like people from my past coming to be like hey what's up i saw you do you like i haven't gotten many of that at all really i think uh i'll try to make this brief because it was like a not so good experience i think the worst uh that's ever happened was like there was a girl that i was good friends with in high school and then in college like we just didn't talk because we went to some different schools and we just like didn't talk it just happens with your friends uh but i saw her because she cosplayed and so i saw her at like a local con this was like i think when i was during my first year of youtube right um but i saw her at a con and i came up to her and i was like hey like how are you it's been so long and i remember she looked at me and she was like i don't really have the time for this and i was like she said that yeah i'm sorry like i don't know you're busy my bad i'll just uh okay i'll just go over there i don't care how busy you are that is not the excuse you go for that you don't have the time 10 million i don't have different ways to say that better yeah and not be an [ __ ] about it like i remember like i felt really sad the whole day because i was like yeah i would be too what the [ __ ] i saw that you like unfollowed me on like instagram which it shouldn't matter but i was like what did i do i mean combined with that insult to injury it's like yo what the [ __ ] jesus apparently she did have the time for it because she had the time to like log into her instagram unfollow yeah yeah right fast forward like a year later um but since the growth was like insane yeah i have like a bigger following now and i was walking through the convention with one of my friends and suddenly he like oh my god is that emily and i was like huh and i looked over and it's that same girl and i was like i thought we weren't i thought you didn't like me like what's going on but no i did it because i was so sh yeah you should've said i don't have time for this the perfect story [Laughter] and then and then i realized because she was like oh my little cousin watches you i didn't know you had a youtube channel that's so crazy the lion the witch and the audacity yeah and i i got i got kind of annoyed because at one point she was like oh yeah like it's so crazy like how you like talk in your videos like that's not you i know you and i'm like no you don't we haven't spoken since high school and i'm now like 22. you don't know me you didn't have time for me back then yeah what makes you think you have time for me you should be like would you look at the time i don't have any for you this is not like a snoop dogg like whoo it was really bizarre and like since then i will sometimes like run into her at cons and she'll like and she'll be like oh hey like how are you and i'm like we're still doing this like i i don't think until you like give it like the heart like i don't have time for your level of like i think she's just gonna like keep pretending but i don't want her to be like oh you got a big head now because like you got it well no because she clearly had a big head to begin with yeah like back then with what she said to you yeah i mean i guess but it's too nice i don't want to emily's just like so positive i'm just like yeah i would be taking advantage of this that i think was like the the best example of like oh someone's treating me differently yeah they know i have a following yeah yeah other than that no what about like online how did you handle online like just a massive influx of suddenly like a lot of people online watching you and interacting with you oh that was kind of nerve-wracking of course yeah um i mean i don't know just but then let's do it right just deal with that didn't you blow up while you like your videos took off while you're still working though so here's the other thing um [Music] so like i think people have this a lot of people still have this idea that i am like this uber wholesome innocent bun uh who could never curse i mean i don't know who would they watch her videos how could why would they think maybe because they only watch your videos yeah your videos get like 10 million views maybe i always get like a million yeah yeah so at the beginning my videos were like extremely tame because when i was still when i was doing youtube during that first year i was still working with kids like an after school program at this like catholic school right right and i'm not catholic that's just why i was playing yeah if you started doing like so some kids like found out about my channel and then the parents know that i have a youtube channel and so i'm like well i can't i can't like curse or like say anything weird on my youtube channel because they know i work with their kids and i don't want them to mistrust me so for a while i think i think that's where that kind of started oh emily is like wholesome bean yeah she would never think a lute thought in her life and uh so then after i quit that job um then i felt more comfortable to like oh well now i can like be sort of more myself when i make videos right in every video yeah and one of the things that still bothers me a little bit about like i don't know having an online presence i i can't speak for everyone obviously but i feel like i feel like with a lot of like female creators you're put in one of two boxes you are either a innocent virginal wholesome being who must be protected yep or you're a [ __ ] gobbling [ __ ] and there's no in between you're wrong but i think it's somewhat accurate yeah it's pretty yeah yeah unfortunately yeah and like in the viewer's eyes obviously but i sometimes i feel like a lot of like female creators feel the pressure to put themselves in one or two boxes right right so it's like oh i i have to be say so i'm 25 and i don't know what an innuendo is right because if they knew that i knew they wouldn't like me anymore yeah or it's like oh no if i don't i don't know talk about dicks for the 17th time today people will forget about me what are you watching emily who is it got to the point where like i would draw fan art and if i drew like a little cleavage people would be like i thought you were i thought you were wholesome that you were wholesome and i clearly don't know that that female has a life of her own you know she's a whole lost human being you can be wholesome and draw like a titty it's fine and like it doesn't bother me that much it's like if it's kids i get it yeah yeah yeah but what like weirded me out is when it's like grown people who are like surprised that me a fellow grown person yeah knows what a dirty joke is yeah yeah
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 337,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: LlkMbe4E84Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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