Joe Rogan - The Mindset of Winners

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this Chad Johnson he always eats McDonald's he's doing yeah while he's working out right here yeah yeah dude you can do that it's all in how much you exercise now that's not please obviously he's eating healthy food on top of that yeah but if he feels like [ __ ] off and getting a Big Mac he could do that and there's no no performance benefit right no but no penalty yeah yeah you can't do it so when Floyd does that he is doing that yeah it really is eating that nonce is Chad still working out yeah just for exercise just for fun he loves it 90 miles an hour it is a comedy what does he do with the self these days so what he'll do is I mean he'll like play guys and like play guys in FIFA online he's a great follow on Twitter it's hilarious oh yeah I follow him it's like hit like a girl will post a picture and then he'll say what's wrong with the picture this will be smoking hide like amateur shades or $30.00 like you know don't put so much money into your outfit when the blinds in your house or $30.00 like he'll just nitpick little things like dude he's hilarious but his um my guesstimation is this is his comedy like remember you're saying yeah yeah he used to sleep at the arena or at least at the stadium he when he played he was obsessed with it he loved the sport he was talking about fighting Anderson Silva at one time he's crazy football player Kyle Anderson when he was in his prime I think he has martial arts skill though I'm not being surprised yeah nice little southpaw is actually he's great we find him hitting the pads or hitting the bag yeah cuz I think he has real martial arts skill like legit martial arts well that's the question is like one of these elite athletes gonna enter ever me yeah well they are but in small who's the small numbers well Jon Jones is absolutely an elite athlete but he's got a 20 inch vertical how elite he's got small calves but the fact that he has those small calves allows him to be six foot four and 205 pounds right you see he was bottom heavy he'd be 250 yeah he did a different weight which he could be he could be a heavyweight he could bulk up and go up to heavyweight but he's got like weird calf genetics his calves are tiny right the thing is you don't have to jump that much in MMA and he can hit you in the face with a flying knee right but the what he knows how to do and what he can do physically in terms of his wrestling right and his ability to close the distance of smash guys time people he's an elite athlete I think he could he could have done that his two brothers play NFL here he is there you go his Chad just barring a little but he's in blue right yeah still can't be touched he says we'll use a southpaw yeah so let's see this so he's good head movement yeah for sure I like the way he moves hands down though ridiculous see this is the duty sparring though we don't know [ __ ] about hands being that guy might be terrible yeah you know I mean the guy didn't once try to go to the body he didn't duck in you know when someone's moving their head around like that just smash their ribs you go right after us come up to the arms yeah hit those arms that's what they try to do with Floyd man yeah good luck yep good no flaws in the game no things like Longpoint one fling it's like we're talking about with Ben Askren that when a guy is a super elite wrestler yeah you think you're gonna do something but he knows you think you're gonna do something so he does it you do what you were going to do he anticipates what you're going to do he has an answer to that and then you have to regroup and he's already moving on to step three like there's too many steps that he's ahead of you can there be a guy like with him that you don't engage on the ground like you just kind of jab stay on the outside yeah for sure look Robbie Lawler almost took Ben Askren out in his last fight Ben's mental toughness and his ability to endure punishment most guys would have probably gone unconscious there yeah but style bender like a guy like style bender would be one of the worst [ __ ] nightmares for a guy like Ben Askren right he's super difficult to take down and on the feet he's not gonna do anything stupid right you're gonna move forward and try to grab a hold of Hank and yes knuckle sandwich a knuckle sandwich and he's gonna slowly chop at your legs whack yeah and you gonna feel that low calf kick whack you're gonna feel that inside your thighs [ __ ] yeah you gonna try to walk off the pain you'll switch stances cuz it starts to hurt whack he recognize you switches dances he attacks the other leg now both your legs are [ __ ] up yeah he comes down the middle with a need of the solar plexus it's just a matter of doing his game in his in style benders game his game is keep the fight standing right [ __ ] you up and then Ben Askren its grab a hold of you [ __ ] you up right raggy to the ground [ __ ] you up it's a matter of like who's better at the weak aspect of the other person's game right yeah yeah how can I take advantage yeah it's so crate and no one could be the best at everything so some like MMA math is a notoriously difficult thing to do like say say if if Jamie beats me but I beat you but you beat Jamie yeah like that happens but that's what I'm a math it's right race we always say that with like you know but it doesn't work with Lloyd see in boxing that styles make fights only goes so far with MMA it's it's because the sports more comprehensive because there's more skills there's more different things happen it's football compared to basketball may basic there's more there's more tools that can be used in here they set what's going on there's basketball the Warriors are gonna beat any team four out of seven games mmm that's just gonna happen I don't know [ __ ] about basketball or football so I'm just guessing you could be a superstar like there's no one position in football did can change the game mmm there's so much yeah I think a quarterback is overrated it took me honest before I think the most important position is offensive defensive line well I'm always amazed at Tom Brady's body how regular it is super rare to a reg super regular but they get it that whole that team gets it they like like I think Tom Brady's like 15th highest-paid quarterback in the league it's like right but if you look at a elite athletes body right I want to see a dude is built like Camaro iseman yes the UFC welterweight champion yeah that's a elite at you look at him I go oh yeah not an elite athlete looks like a UFC champion he's not only that when you hit well greatest quarterback of all time whoa in that way this guy without sure you know he looks like a Tom yeah I mean what makes that guy so special as things like sometimes you know sometimes went on yeah he's up here and I think you know he's got a lot of it up here and he works hard it's like you know sometimes the greatest our picture of him next to Camaro is my you know what it is it's like sometimes having all the natural tools is it to your detriment look at that yeah bro come on simple yeah like a leopard yeah he's ready yeah Ben has been similar too he's got a little muffins he's been aspirins got even worse pull him down and wait Ben Askren cuz doesn't want oh and he's got it like that I knew a [ __ ] he feels like he's so much better as a wrestler that everybody else is [ __ ] give me an image yeah go to his abdomen look at that I mean he's got abs he's got nicely underneath that that's from one Fc he looks even worse now yet winning yeah there he goes I mean that is not that's Tom Brady man the ideal male combat body you would think that's not what the ideal combat body looks like I'll [ __ ] [ __ ] up there's a picture of him with Camaro Oman there but he's got a shirt on yeah come on isn't letting lucky for him but like this is just some guys that like okay Francis and Gahan is a perfect example yeah some guys look like a destroyer yeah they just look like a destroyer yeah and Ghana was like six five 200 maybe more than six sometimes those guys like I think you were saying earlier about the about the juju like and it's not just in in this it's an anything's like sometimes the guys with all the natural ability they don't have the the work ethic to be the greatest because it comes so easy yeah you know it's like like we all know comics that are like so funny hanging out mm-hmm and they're okay on stage yep and it's I think it's because comedy comes so easy to them mmm they don't hit the gym yeah you know what I mean like maybe it's you need that like Jordan almost like sociopathic approach to it you know we're like if we were having this conversation earlier is like huh like do you think Jordans happy I don't think he's happy remember when he was inducted abducted abducted inducted into the Hall of Fame I thought you'd like to tell me he was an abductive in plain sight do you remember when he was ducted into the Hall of Fame and he was talking about writers he was talking [ __ ] about writers [ __ ] yeah it wasn't thanking his coaches and his teammates and it's been an amazing ride and I feel so blessed and fortunate no he's still I can [ __ ] you remember when you said that [ __ ] you 1993 your Sports Illustrated issue you said my shoes look shitty yeah well that's his furnace yes yeah some people have some people need that as a furnace like they need that that competitive drive you know and like I feel like I feel like that happens when you don't derive joy from what you do you know like you derive joy from that outcome you're obsessed with outcome you know like at least for me everything before was outcome right it was like I'm good if if I get a special I'm good if right I'm doing these things or I'm good if I kill in the 2nd i/y I was stripped of the opportunity to do those things I actually found like I loved creating more and then whatever the outcome was was extra mmm does that make sense right yeah I think it's a happier path I think so too but I don't know if it's the path to greatness as much as the path of the psychopath especially when it comes to competitive sport understand something about the best athletes they all miserable they have a [ __ ] self-loathing they and they also have an ego then they have this this anger towards the competition yeah like if you beat them but they would say that if you beat Jordan it came cool anything [ __ ] hate you for playing again yeah but it needs it right he operates on I'm not good enough and if I beat you then he was alright I was good enough I don't even know if it's that he thinks he's not good enough is that he knows he can get you don't quit [ __ ] I'm gonna get you why I need to get you he needs to because it's like he needs to confirm something maybe right I need to comfort it's constant confirmation I need to confirm and turn that great confirm confirm where it's not that he doesn't believe he's great is that he wants to confirm it constantly if there's a little shadow of a doubt he's like I'm great I'm great he's walking around I'm great and there's a little voice in his head it's going he might not be that great however when he played baseball that [ __ ] could want to prove yeah you're the hardest thing that sports hitting a baseball huh it's the hardest [ __ ] thing and he just jumped from basketball to baseball and was people act like he was trash he wasn't even that bad he hit like 250 no no no no no baseball card I'm looking at says he was 302 not that maybe what it might be for that's for another 185 out of 615 at-bats bro what's talking about it the hardest thing in sports is hitting a [ __ ] base moon the fact that he I mean there's a bunch of rumors and why he even went into baseball the first place but like that's it's that cycle right that some people say is gambling some people say you know there's there's a bunch of different things I don't want to you know put out there because I don't know but like it's one of those I think there is a balance man I think that you could I think if you truly love what you do like if you love the creative aspect and then you have high standards for yourself then you can achieve both yeah I think that achieving quotient greatness and living with misery I don't think that's worth it no I don't think that's worth it for you it's like you got one shot at this man like this this life man like you got one shot at it try to figure it the [ __ ] out and it takes time to figure the [ __ ] out but it's one of those things you can't even really explain to people but if you can I'm approaching this point in my life where like yeah I think I get it
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 2,896,830
Rating: 4.8873224 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: SNptvv_mJzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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