Joe Rogan | Dave Foley's UFO Obsession

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but now I'm more the thing I've become obsessed with lately is there's a skepticism about UFOs yeah that's why I wanted to talk to you about this because you told me that you've become obsessed with UFOs yeah oh yeah completely and it's a lever yeah totally really yeah totally believe the UFO phenomenon is real I don't know what it is but it's totally it has to be real something's happened was that because there's just way too much evidence that it is real what evidence well radar evidence that the the f-16 locked on a UFO that footage and also just uh like I know the friend of ours I don't know if she want us to say but her father was a an air traffic controller mm-hmm and he told her they said yeah every air traffic controller has seen something you know and I had another friend who his father was in a commercial pilot and she said yeah my dad said every single pilot has seen something and they've all been told not to say anything about it we have a couple of friends that say they were abducted yeah yeah the abducted one is a little easier to wrap your head around because when you're sleeping your brain is producing all sorts of endogenous psychedelic chemicals yeah almost all of these experiences happen when you're sleeping almost all these experience when these people are abducted they're taken from their beds which is when they're dreaming yeah I mean it's just like there's some real clear easy steps to follow I want to fall Occam's razor and not you not get crazy but it knocks those out but it doesn't knock out like Barney and Betty hill and all the people that are abducted will fully conscious and that and that remember it without hypnotherapy um like I'm not sure about the abduction phenomena but I don't know Barney and Betty Hill I know the story you know I don't know them yeah so I would have to know them because you know there's a lot of people that I've told like I did a show for sci-fi called Joe Rogan questions everything yeah I watch that show that cured me that show cured me of a lot of my nonsense with with conspiracies we used to talk about yes yeah that's double the time yeah yeah but I I needed to actually study it so for six months that's basically all I did I interviewed people and I like Bigfoot believers UFO believers all and the one thing that they have in common is they all seem to be kind of law and dependent upon this thing being real yeah right instead of being objective there's only one lady that I interviewed that saw Bigfoot that really seemed to be telling the truth but I think she saw bear yeah bears walk on two feet all the time they do it all the time as video footage you get to find it all the time and she was in the Pacific Northwest which is incredibly dense woods you see something you glimpse it look I was hunting once in in in Canada and Alberta and I thought I saw a wolf for like two seconds it was a squirrel okay understand no I just saw fur right I saw her and I was cuz it's really because I was looking for [ __ ] wolves cuz I was like because I know we did see one wolf it cross the roads either wolf or coyote was hard to tell because it was at dusk it was very dark out but when you're looking for something you think everything is that thing you're looking yeah so like a patient's you just thought that [ __ ] squirrel was a wolf that's funny yeah well expectation and perception are very linked yes yeah well there's also that they found that that 50% of everything you see is a product of memory yes that that when you observe something they've done FMF MRIs and that most of the activity in the brain is in the memory centers not in the visual centers interesting only about 50% of the activities in the visual center so you know crazy yeah thing is very I when I was a kid I went and saw Carl Sagan speak mm-hmm do you have tea at the University of Toronto and I was like you know 14 but he did an equation on the board of the possibility of alien life other than us in the universe and it came to the smallest I mean he spent the whole time writing on this chalkboard mm-hm it was fascinating hmm he actually came up with a number at the end and it was such a small he says there is there is something out there but they are so far away that yeah they'll that unless they can go faster than the speed of light which he said was impossible at the time yeah the 70s yeah there's no way we've seen them that's what he said so of other beings have conquered the speed of light thing then maybe we could see them yeah but that's a thing with who's that probably this skepticism in general is like that it you know like like the skeptic skeptics of the 19th century or the ones who said germs don't exist right because we can't see them and and people who said germs did exist were ridiculed and laughed out of the trade mm-hmm right and I agree with you completely just because you can't see it or it's not happening doesn't mean it can't happen and even since Sagan's day there had been no exoplanets discovered then right we now know there are literally trillions and trillions of sure planned earth-like planets yeah well they did they just speculate as to the existence of them outside of our solar system before the the real problem is that if some there's a leap and a leap a technological leap that opens the doors to massive innovation yeah that once this happens once this happens in this and then all this stuff sort of exponentially expands in terms of technological possibilities all you would need is a few hundred years and you have an unrecognizable set of technology yeah sure you know I mean we were talking about CERN I mean you know antimatter idea that they're still trying to figure out yeah that's an insane source of energy general we have never even experienced yeah you know with them with a grain of sand yeah run a city and it's that big yeah and there's also the theory the recent one that space-time itself doesn't exist so the the speed of light barrier becomes moot because that is like us it's the holographic quantum hologram their quantum holographic theory of the universe yeah Albert's book I can't remember holographic universe but it yeah I think so and but the idea that the universe is basically just a geometry that that when you look at it from a certain angle seems three-dimensional right and it folds on it folds into itself so you could and it's Ravel that's the wormhole thing well that's it's not even that is the idea that that that space-time is an illusion is and that that it doesn't really exist and that's why you know like entanglement is possible you know the idea that you know spooky action at a distance yes that yeah yeah but the reason that you know you know these you know atoms on opposite ends of the universe can be affect each other instantaneously at the same moment is because they're not really at an opposite into the universe they're really right next to each other it just seems like they're at opposite ends in universe because our ability perceive is basically based on what we have to do to stay alive on this planet who's our meager little chimp brains trying to trying to quantify all of these things that are around us all the time so we put them into this sort of three dimensional box of movement and distance and at the entire am the entire universe could be a compact thing yeah that projects itself like a hologram onto a screen I love these kind of conversations because I'm clearly too stupid to really understand what and I don't understand you two so house well we don't understand each other we're all the same yeah like I think I'd be interesting to do it get document or something about from about you apology because one thing is the assumption that their extraterrestrial is an assumption mm-hmm but the thing it intrigues me is the power of ridicule to silence yes even the most intelligent people in our community from examining something like the ridicule kept doctors from accepting germs sure because they didn't want to they didn't want to be ridiculed by their peers mm-hmm and even now you've got people that will like Michael Shermer will cling to the most absurd explanations for a phenomenon like the f-16 no radar footage what did he what was Michael Shermer I can't remember it but it was it was pretty it really went to great lengths that entailed having to basically diminish any respect you had for any of the people who reported on the events hmm I had to go and had to go into character assassination in order to to eliminate it yeah that's the best way to kill an idea he's a professional skeptic and I like Michael a lot and he's been on the podcast many times yeah we had him debate Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock about these ancient civilizations and it wasn't very good for him there's some safety moments as skeptics are believers well the problem is their instance they believe in the problem is being a skeptic itself it's stupid way to look at the world it's a jet you're actually not sure about something I don't mean you should be objective right don't be skeptical right being skeptical no but I know for sure that that's not true yeah but it serves a massive purpose for people that really don't understand things and he can explain to you and with actual science as long as the actual science is being used and it's not carry a SAS ination it's not mockery it's not it's not there's certain people that are just deep bunkers they can call themselves skeptics but they're not looking at thing like oh maybe that is effective maybe that is healthy yeah that is interesting no they don't look at it that way they're looking at it they're trying to pick it apart and that's fine if you can pick it apart but if you cannot you have to be objective about the fact that oh well this is a very interesting phenomenon and this is what we know about science is that and this is what we know about this thing and now right now we have we have a weird conundrum did Chariots of the Gods yeah did he Erich von Daniken was he was he believed 100% he's all is still in it all in I asked him the first thing I asked him I said what is Maz yeah desperately have to go pee yeah the first thing I asked him was what is the most compelling piece of evidence does the you know and he pointed to this Mayan stone plaque that's in Palenque have you ever seen it it's a book yeah it's a god one of their one of their former kings that is lying on his back and he's looks like he's moving some Jamie see if I could find that thing it's just really cool carving that they found that looks like there's a guy who is in a seat and it looks like this fire behind his back and you could say you could say that he's manipulating controls on a ship and he's you know shooting rocket into the heaven I would like to see what this the mainstream version of that is because also it could just be art you know an imagination yeah it could be that they they knew about certain things being propelled by fire there it is yeah that's it so if you see this I mean that's a big a stretch to say that guys in a spaceship I don't know what the [ __ ] that is he's sitting down like an altar kind of he could yeah but it doesn't look like he's looking through an eyepiece right what's true but what does that mean is it a telescope maybe he's just got a telescope but maybe it's just an astronomer yeah it is possible I don't think they had telescopes no I don't think a telescope was even invented to know do they even have glass at that point well I don't know if the Mayans did Wow but but that was this number one piece of evidence was like that's kind of silly I mean when we were kids in the 70s the you know Bigfoot you know and chariot to the gods and everything was so new you look at this image look at the bottom of it even the part where the flames supposed to be coming out from below him yeah where's the flame I guess the flames the [ __ ] the very very bottom but I mean I'm not even sure I buy that if you were gonna draw fire you'd do a really shitty job if that's your fire that doesn't really look like fire to me no like could be any more ornate seat right something right if that's fire like what is all the stuff around them what's all that stuff is that that look kind of mechanical though right looks like there's bolts does today I'm a fire god maybe they drew the fire god it looks like a monkey kind of a face with titties monkeys got some titties oh now I get it right yeah and then the monkey is that his teeth it's the first Hooters arms actually right it does it could be arms but that's the point is it so open to interpretation there's so much that you could see if you're looking to see but what I do see is this guy who's he's reclining and yeah when shilling and it looks like he's looking through something what's that thing hanging across him you see that thing the crosses arms yeah what the [ __ ] that is but that's here's the thing I don't think anybody knows what the [ __ ] that is but so for him to say that this was the number one most compelling I mean we're people getting high at this point oh yes I mean that could be just some guy got high in LSD or something yeah they were they were taking different kinds of plants that have lysergic acid in them so what is this obsessing what what is your your more recent obsessing about UFOs what's the origin of this it's well part of it is just the fact that that the evidence just the evidence itself says you have to take this seriously and yet no one does or very very few people do I'm even like I again that f-16 footage that even Neil deGrasse Tyson who is a great skeptic said on one of the late-night actually said well if you really want to look at the possibility of some non-human intelligence that f-16 stuff is pretty compelling what is the f-16 stuff that to the Stars Academy put out it was this comes along yeah he's crazy on the park is he oh yeah very nice guy you see he's a very nice guy and a brilliant musician yeah and he's a loon yeah [ __ ] full-on believer yeah he left blink 182 to go do this to the Stars Academy [ __ ] he's the biggest goddamn rock band on the planet okay here's something interesting about this and this was pointed out like by okay film video film by fighter jet shows an unknown object near San Diego video from 2004 was released by the US Department of Defense well the way it moves there's something about the way it moves is really weird huh one of the pilots so the immediate the object was not from this world hmm yeah and here's the things like the skeptics in order to dismiss that they have to go well friend they have to make arguments like that jet fighters are not better observers than anyone else pull up Mick Ward's take on that Mick Ward the guy who he runs deep what is it meta bunk meta bonds a debunking site and he's another one of those guys that is all in with the the conventional explanation yeah it goes way out of his way to not look at anything that could be which is the opposite of Occam's razor yes Occam's razor says you know that if you have to go to great lengths to dismiss something right that's not following Occam's razor right Occam's razor says if the jet pilot says he saw this he saw it I think he had an interesting take on it throwing one thing says there's a time during the video where the pilot shifted from 1 X 2 to X which makes the image move more because you have magnification like if you ever used magnifying glasses by nose like if you use 15 X by nose it's very difficult to hold on yeah but 6 6 you can't look at things in distance yeah but that's if you don't have about about 3 million dollars worth of stabilization equipment on your jet walked on to this object right which is why that stays in lock he had an extra oh no that was kind of interesting and when it breaks free of the lock today I saw unbelievable just take off or something like it just at one point just the object just breaks free the lock and that's almost impossible hmm I have a collect sound possible for anything that man why you know this is to do with the quality of cameras today why is this footage so shitty this is infrared footage yeah yeah I mean do you need this when you're shooting at things in the sky you can't rely on what you're looking at heat yeah can't heat signals visually it's so far it's so far it would be best game in the rabbit-hole how did debunk conspiracy theories using fact logic nemesis so what is he saying what is he saying the program that uh make that a little larger for my stupid eyes said for all he made sure you are talking about the right video there's two that are confused here we're talking about the gimbal video which is not from the Nimitz incident which is discussed here so scroll down a little bit the gimbal video is in okay yeah that's the one we're looking at it's an unknown date and location from an up from unknown pilots nope the tic-tock one pilots yeah that's 2004 okay that's David forever the media's discussed these videos tom belongs to the stars the link contains the frames what's he saying keep going keep going keep going the black shaper on the objects kind of infrared flare glare we know the shape of a very bright infrared source like the engine of a plane can be much bigger than the object itself is explained here okay so this like a flare mm-hmm explain the movie yes it doesn't explain again Occam's razor is okay so this guy this guy's saying it's look at it looks nothing like it mmm well even if it is a jet at jets not capable of breaking free from the lock right yeah and if you look at that you can see the jet his own example debunks is debunking right not be moving yeah the video need not be moving and it's also something that that this guy doing probably a few hours research has come up with something that is more credible than a trained fighter pilot who is there and visually seeing it what do you think in tracking it if you had to guess I don't know let's get crazy oh I would I think it is if it is an intelligent craft is a craft being piloted intelligently why aren't they talking to us we're [ __ ] apes why would you leave a [ __ ] plastic straws everywhere oh we cured it no more plastic straws when you're when you're a kid looking at an ant colony you didn't go listen to me ants yes you just looked at them you know there was no you know and they say why don't they go to the White House and so what I would do when you look at an ant colony oh I must speak to the Queen right you know yes not always look at ants yeah that's what the most ridiculous thing about like the old movies like the old movies it would land on the White House lawn right you know that's it yeah but Barratt - Nick whatever that thing was yeah Klaatu barata like - Nick - yeah that's the a Day the Earth Stood Still was like yeah nineteen forty or fifty fifty support [ __ ] great great music I watched it really recently because it's a little bit my stories are great he was a Crow's parable is name is John Carpenter Oh Jaycee that's right rice it was a carpenter no they don't they shoot that object out of his hand the first second he pulls it out remember he has a thing that's your cancer they shoot him they shoot him and they just shoot it out of his hand media and at the end of the movie he is he is killed and resurrected that's right right yeah they say he's taking another the robot - yeah yeah the robot yeah that robot yeah very tall yeah yeah and like he looked like you would want a robot to look in 1950 yes yes metal and [ __ ] Smith yeah krome yeah those those were the days we thought that they would communicate it wasn't there was a whole rash of them that were seen over Washington DC yeah there was a P as it was a dozens yeah dozens of UFOs tracked and admitted by the government that they were tracking them and watching them mmm but they essential and then the end there explained to us nothing nothing particularly important you know we have a mutual friend who claims I won't say her name but cheek nose and eyes I wrote her off as a lunatic when I first heard yeah well she was claimed to be abducted yeah and then I I was doing a show with her years ago and she's telling us the story we're all like aha that's pretty funny and she says and then they took a scoop out of my back and I'm like a scoop they took a scoop out of your back and she showed on her back shoulder there was a hexagonal diamond-shaped scoop out of her back a divot that it was hexagonal yeah that was clearly clearly and no scar tissue maybe she's a crazy [ __ ] no scar tissue man know how to make this yeah give myself a little punch but I have hole punch back there I worked at a bookstore at the time years ago and I went into the alien section was the world's biggest bookstore in Toronto in the name of it and of course I went to the alien section and just looked all this crap up immediately and there are other people yeah what the scope there's a lot of other people with you know abduction stories and some of them have like little pieces of something in their body I remember you talking to me about this many many years ago I was like oh no Dave's interested it was like implants you were talking about people that have alien implants in the body yeah and that's the things I to me it's just I guess the one thing that's I'm kind of obsessed with now is just the because we're comedians yes and what the power of ridicule to silence debate is unbelievably potent sure and we're part of that we're part of the machinery that was used very very consciously by the government to silence yeah any inquiry you know it was like you know feeding it you know feeding the story the right way to late-night talk show hosts mm-hmm made it so that nobody would talk about it so do you think that the government consciously fed those ideas like Johnny Carson and those folks yeah I think there's documentation of a pro you know of that they you know to to make the UFO phenomena ridiculous do you think they did that to avoid mass hysteria like if you're you're the government and you know there's nothing out there but you see these people freaking out you okay look we've looked we've used all of our military might all of our scientific power and we we don't see [ __ ] I'm not buying this but these people are freaking out this has the real potential to get out of hand and go sideways on us let's just start making fun of this yeah I don't know I think it's more likely that there's something there that they feel powerless to control do you think Kennedy was taken down into the basement of whatever and shown the alien sitting there this is what I say about aliens with when in regards to Trump if there's anybody that would [ __ ] tell us it's UFOs are real but CNN is fake yeah New York to find UFO if the government does have the evidence they are never gonna show it to Trump right that's the problem like what the [ __ ] the point being president if you can't find it yeah if I knew that to become president meant you get all the access to UFOs I'm like oh yeah okay it's like a try for that the presidents who have tried haven't gotten there no no one gets it like Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter you know said he was he had a UFO experience yeah he saw something right yeah yeah he saw it he said he saw something but it see that was back in the 70s where everybody was seeing Chet they were all talking about things as more of the zeitgeist was people were legit like after Close Encounters of the Third Kind especially people are legitimately thinking that aliens were gonna come he proposed such a possible scenario and I move it was so good yeah it wasn't anything you exploited it was gonna be but like you're gonna say here like another example to render some like like that explanation of the f-16s locked you know footage like Rendlesham forest were the the they claimed that these American soldiers in the woods out in England mistook the light a lighthouse light for a spacecraft that they were within 20 feet of a craft that they saw and took notes on different lines of yeah they were not even like right up against it and they you know wrote down notes saw like different sort of hieroglyphs on the ship itself described its you know describes the the feel of it this electrostatic feel of being around it and the official explanation was they mistook a lighthouse several miles away for this spacecraft so Occam's razor again says that's hard to believe that these trained observers and that's nothing they always try to dismiss the idea that trained observers are better observers but they are better observers sure in the age of yeah today where everyone has a high-definition camera yeah and their pod have you taken a have you taken a photograph of the moon on comes out to present Oh click the moon that's true yeah right there's no details comes out as were alone the lenses are too wide but but Occam's razor says all right they saw something but this you know because what is the likelihood that trained observers who have been on this base for years on this night would mistake a lighthouse that they've seen every night for the entire time they've been on this base for a UFO I mean what is the the likelihood that that explanation is correct I'm not aware of this door over Anderson forest yeah how do you say it bent woods in Rendlesham and re n d le SH a.m. Randall from forest yeah it was Ben woods it was tunes like a character actor on Columbo were you aware there was you have enemies oh and it's a nuclear fission and Rendlesham forest the nuclear installations are always ripe with UFOs yes yeah what year was this this was in the 80s 1980 yeah hmm interesting and it's you know and said obviously the obvious explanation is not the only thing you can accept is that these observers saw something run described it accurately is it something that had crashed if you want to say that no it came down was was landed in the forest and then it took off what do you think of the rock phone case and night before that Roswell I I think it's probably true we're you know you're all in yeah but I mean because it's interesting again because because the cover stories for are so much less believable than an alien yeah you sir would joke about it yeah that they put on the paper that they have recovered a crashed UFO and alien bodies and the next day they set up we made a mistake it was just a balloon yeah they're Mexicans they were drinking go crazy yeah believing you're right but we just invented some new stuff yeah and then 30 years later they go oh we were they were high-altitude dummies they were dropping that's right to test how they would fall and now we have lasers and invisibility cloaks well they showed up again the next day with a bunch of weather balloon scraps yeah look this is the guy holding what they don't tell you is that they flew the wreckage out to wright-patterson Air Force in two separate planes and the Truman met them there yeah yeah yes I mean like yeah the more rational two separate planes the more because they were worried that one would crash the the weather the weather balloon thing does not something weird happened I listen I want it to be an alien so bad question myself so that's my problem I want all that stuff but I again I I won't like I'll be skeptical about stuff that just seems crazy or people that you know believe you know sort of ascribe some sad metaphysical explanation for all this my my thing is just well if the pond the evidence says something happened right but doesn't tell you what happened right then you still have to believe something happened not knowing what happened isn't evidence that it didn't happen and yet you're still a flat earther yeah whoa have you looked outside it seems flat yeah
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 3,229,132
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, UFO's, aliens
Id: jmBh2xHILIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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